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Road Rage: Causes and Solutions Essay

Road rage is a major problem in the United States, anger causes stress, fear , and accidents to our roadways everyday. In this essay we will define road rage, look at the causes and effects, and come up with solutions on how to avoid an altercation with an aggressive driver who has road rage. Road rage doesn't always involve two drivers, sometimes it deals with a driver and a pedestrian. We need to learn to deal with theanger, and prevent violence toward others on the road. Road rage affects every driver, whether you're involved directly or indirectly. Instead of getting angry because of things that are beyond the other drivers control, for example, their age, their driving ability, or the lack of generaltraffic knowledge. Patience...show more content...

When we get into our vehicles, we need to always assume some form of risk of possibly running into another driver who has road rage. Taking early precautions, and allowing ourselves to be composed mentally, is the best way of avoiding any contact with these drivers. Learning how to spot the warning signs before it happens may be the key to save your life, or the life of a loved one. What is the definition of road rage? Road rage or aggressive driving can be defined as the type of behavior one exhibits behind the wheel in which angry drivers lose their temper, and engage in risk–taking behavior. The signs of road rage: Mentally condemning other drivers, giving them a "dirty look" to show your disapproval, denying them entry into your lane, preventing another driver from passing, tailgating to intimidate another driver to speed up or to simply get out of the way, honking or yelling at another driver, using your car, by making sudden, threatening maneuvers, carrying a weapon in your car incase you decide to use it in a driving incident, preventing another driver from passing because you're mad, and finally using you gun to shoot at another car.


Zaidi 3 I've listed below, a few examples of the different levels of road rage we may encounter on our roadways. It's best to familiarize ourselves with this list of behaviors, so that we don't emulate

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