Argumentative Essay For Gay Marriage

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Imagine if you couldn't marry the person who you were in love and wanted to spend the rest of your life with because it was seen morally, socially and religiously wrong. For millions of people all around the world that's the harsh reality. Times are changing in the world that we live in today however discrimination against gay and lesbian couples is still a frequent issue with only 13 countries that fully legalise and recognise gay marriage with full equality. The most common argument for people being against gay marriage is that it's "not natural" for two people of the same sex to have a marriage. Opponents of gay marriage make out that the natural world that we live in created marriage however this is wrong as us the humans did. more content...

Everybody has the right to live the life they want to and by restricting the freedom of people who want to be married to someone who's the same sex is out of order. A topic that opponents of gay marriage find very controversial and seen as morally wrong is gay or lesbians wanting to have children. Opponents are said to think that gay married couples who want to have children will "harm the children". They argue that that children need both a mum and dad to succeed in life. Despite this, several studies have shown that there's no difference between a child's well–being from being raised by an opposite sex couple compared to a child whose been raised by a same sex couple. I find opponents that argue that same sex couples shouldn't be allowed to have children extremely frustrating. When people get married the next step for most couples is to start a family however this is seen as a controversial concept for same sex couples to do. Why shouldn't everybody be giving the right to have children and raise them into the world being the best parent they can be protecting and nurturing them? I also find it very baffling when opponents against same sex couples having children think that same sex couples aren't as good of people to be a parent to a child compared to a same sex couple. Just because you're not straight doesn't not mean that you're a bad person in anyway and that

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Pro Gay Marriage Essay

Argumentative Essay On Gay Marriage

Homosexuality can be characterized as sexual attraction towards others of one's own sex. In the United States of America, laws regarding homosexuality have evolved throughout the years. The United States is one of the free countries in the world, which other nations admire. America is nation filled with people of multicultural backgrounds and identities. Homosexuality in today's modern world is still seen by many people as intolerable and wrong. However, in today's growing society Homosexuality is beginning to become more accepted and tolerated. Issues surrounding the LGBT community have resulted in a wide range of political and social forces that have led to the acceptance and tolerance of homesexuality throughout the years. In traditional cultures, men and women marry each other and create children together. Same–sex couples were unheard off in the earlier days, because being attracted to people of one's own sex was seen as an abomination by Christian churches, which condemned homosexuality. According to statistics, approximately one in ten American women and two in one hundred American men identify as homosexual. However, in younger generations homosexuality is morally acceptable and the statistical data on people who are identifying as homosexual is increasing. In the United States, same–sex marriage is allowed and recognized in some states, such as New york, Connecticut and New Hampshire. Other states are constantly in debate whether or not gay marriage should be

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Gay Marriage Arguments

Argumentative Essay

Gay marriage was first applied for in 1970, but was rejected until 2003. This is the way it should have stayed... In 1970, Richard John Baker and James Michael McConnell applied to Hennepin County District Court clerk Gerald Nelson for a marriage license. He denied the application because both applicants were men. Baker and McConnell sued Nelson and the court sided with Nelson, as did the Minnesota and U.S. Supreme Courts because all ruled that marriage is between a man and a woman. Same–sex marriage should not be legalized in any other states and should be reconsidered in the 37 states it's currently legal in because children need a mother and father and legalizing these unions could lead to a slippery slope of more content...

Children need mothers because "Mothers excel in providing children with emotional security and in reading the physical and emotional cues of infants" (Family Research Council). If children have only men as parents, children might not be getting the care and nurturing they need– even if the men are doing the best they can. Also, no matter how good of parents gay couples are, they cannot overcome the fact that a human baby requires both a mother and father to become successful and healthy. Also, in lesbian relationships, children will yearn for their fathers as well because "A recent study of father absence on girls found that girls who grew up apart from their biological father were much more likely to experience early puberty and a teen pregnancy than girls who spent their entire childhood in an intact family" (Family Research Council). Complete families are essential to the success of America. If gay marriage continues to be legalized, this country will have more teen pregnancies resulting in more abortions which, in turn, would result in even more morality decline. In conclusion, children need mothers and fathers to propel them towards a bright future. Also, if same–sex couples are allowed to marry it could lead to the destruction of traditional marriages. Unfortunately, "Traditional marriage is already threatened with high divorce rates (between 40% and 50%), and 40.7% of babies were born to unmarried mothers in 2012. Former US Senator (R–PA) and presidential candidate Rick Santorum stated that 'Legalization of gay marriage would further undermine an institution that is essential to the well–being of children and our society. Do we need to confuse future generations of Americans even more about the role and importance of an institution that is so critical to the stability of our country?'" ( We need to set a proper example for

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The Controversial Issue Of Gay Marriage

The controversial issue of gay marriage has recently been very much part of the centre of media speculation, due to the fact that Australian Labour Party Leader, Bill Shorten, has lately been aver strong supporter of the American legislation which legalised gay marriage throughout the United States. I strongly support Bill Shorten's sentiments. (State points)

Who are we to deny members of our community the right to marry because they are of thesame sex and their beliefs differ from ours? In the final analysis, love is love and is not dependent on gender.

The cartoon not only makes the point that voting for gay marriage will reinforce the commonly accepted belief of what marriage is, but it also incorporates a clever pun on the word 'gay'.

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Generally when people think about marriage they think about a man and a woman. In society today, the expansion of gay marriages has increased significantly but quite a few people do not agree with this community. Many think that the LGBTQ+ community is not morally correct and LGBTQ is extremely frowned upon in religions. There has been multiple news articles about the LGBTQ being threatened or getting discriminated upon. Luckily there are an abounding number of charities and organizations to help with this discrimination on the community. Since the LGBTQ is a controversial idea in the United States. Honeymaid, Nordstrom, and Campbells are working to fight the freedom for the LGBTQ+ community by creating commercials and advertising how to be themselves.

Honey Maid is one of the many brands that shows support towards the LGBTQ community. Honey Maid's commercial shows the relationship and happiness the gay community has when it comes to people accepting who they are on the inside. The video presents a gay couple starting a family and living life like any other person would. As a response to the video, a reporter said "I think any child would be lucky to have two dads like you" (Wong). Honey maid has made it clear to the world that they support the LGBTQ+ community. With more expanding companies creating commercials like Honey Maid, this organization is hoping to expand the topic and make the nation be accepting of everyone regardless of sexuality preferences. more content...

This is showing how different organizations can work and show different perspectives on the LGBTQ community. This is important to the people as a whole to understand what this dystopia actually is. So next time when the word "marriage" comes to mind, do not think it is only about a man and a woman

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Argumentative Essay On Lgbtq

Homosexuality has been a sensitive topic and risen a lot of controversial opinions when some states approved same–sex marriage laws. Although same–sex marriage is against the traditional family structure previously established, many people think it has to be dealing with a more equal and integrating focus. Therefore, they think they should be accepted into society and treated with the same opportunities and rights. As a human, the individual seeks mostly the same goal, to build a family. And this goal is set regardless of gender, age, beliefs background and other factors. Since some states have qualified homosexual people to be merited with the same benefits as others; therefore, gay, and lesbian people look forward to having kids after they marry. Leading to the outburst of debating whether same–sex parents are able to raise a good family. A person who is in the LGBT community will never stop fighting for his dream to create their own love nest even when some counterparts do not support the idea of same–sex parenting. Many psychologists, organizations, children, same–sex parents claim that children who are raised by gay or lesbian families, develop as well as those peers who are educated and grew up in a traditional family. On the other hand, some study groups, researchers, Add Health organization, and other adults report that there is high risk for children to suffer from depression, stigma, and does not behave right in the same–sex household. Which leaves people asking

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Argumentative Essay On Gay Marriage

Arguments Against Gay Marriage

never voted for same–sex marriage, that their rights should not be granted. They also argued that the LGBT community should not be allowed to redefine marriage. As a result, the backer of Prop. 8 urged the gay community to take the issue to a ballot. Instead of allegedly conspiring with the judges to rule in their favor, which goes against the will of the people. However, the proponent faced a strong opposition by various groups of people and politician. Barrack Obama, then the presidential nominee opposed the amendment terming it as discriminatory on sexual orientation basis. Although he claimed to considermarriage between opposite sex, Obama supported civil right activist that confer comparable rights and not gay marriage. Arnold Schwarzenegger who was the California governor opposed the proposition as a content of the court. He claimed to uphold the Supreme Court ruling and finds not fit to amend the constitution. He, however, said he was not in support of thesame–sex marriage. Other politicians affiliated to the democrat party, senators, assembly members also opposed the move openly and supported the anti–proposition campaigns.

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They also insisted the need for equality and no group or an individual should suffer social, administrative, or economic discrimination (Kenneth 24). They perceived the election as being about freedom, equality, and fairness. They based their argument on the grounds that America was founded on the principle of equal treatment, and the spirit should be maintained. They approached the issue on the proposition from a constitutional rights perspective and that members of the LGBT community had fundamental right to exercise love just like other people. They dismiss the claims that proposition 8 does not take their rights claiming that marriage is not equitable to a

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Gay Marriage The talk of legalizing gay marriage has been around for over a decade. The first act upon gay marriage was by Bill Clinton on September 21, 1996. On this date Clinton signed the Defense of Marriage Act into law saying, "a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife." The pro and con sides of this controversial topic will be showed in this essay. The basic information about gaymarriage in America and around the world along with, the supporting arguments and opposing arguments will help explain both sides. Since the talk of gay marriage has arised, public support has slowly increased over the past decade. In 2007 Americans opposed 54 percent to 37 percent. Today, the positions have reversed. Support is up to 62 percent to oppose of 32 percent. Even though the general public is starting to support, there are still demographic divides. The biggest divide lies in religion. Americans today who are unaffiliated with a religion support gay marriage by 85 percent. Tradition religions are on the opposing side. Age differences play a role in the demographic divide as well. The silent generation, 72–89 year olds, are the least supportive with 41 percent supporting (Masci). On the opposite end, millennials, 18–36 year olds, are the biggest support with 74 percent supporting. The United States of America is one of twenty other countries in the world who has legalized gay and lesbian marriage. The first to legalize was the Netherlands in 2000. Europe followed with Spain, France, and most recently Ireland. Many countries in South America have legalized gay marriage. Colombia, Brazil, and Argentina are examples. Other countries are Mexico, Canada, South Africa, and Uruguay. The fight to get same–sx marriage has been going on for over a decade. The first little spark happened on December 3, 1996. Hawaii was on track to be the first state to recognize ay and lesbian couples. Gay and lesbian couples would also have the privileges as heterosexuals. This act quickly got turned down and removed within the same day it was created. February 12, 2004 to March 11, 2004, nearly 4,000 same–sex couples in California were getting marriage licenses. These licenses started causing some disagreement in the

Argumentative Essay On Gay Marriage
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The fight for the legalization of gay marriage is not a new one. Tracing back to the 1960s, one of the first instances of protest was in New York City. Police had been raiding gay bars often, but one day the gay and lesbian people began to fight back. This caused many riots and protest throughout the country. On June 26th, 2015, in a 5 to 4 decision, the Supreme Court ruled thatsame–sex marriage is now legal in all 50 states. However, even today, same–sex marriage is not fully accepted and supported. While some argue that gay marriage is wrong, there is good reason as to why it should be legal. Marriage is a right that benefits society protected by the U.S. constitution and the acceptance and legalization of same–sex marriage decreases the suicide rates among people.

Many people argue that gay marriage is morally wrong and unnatural because of religious beliefs. The Bible states that marriage should only be between a man and a woman. In the chapter of Leviticus, God says that same–sex marriage is an abomination, a hateful sin and those who commit this sin will be punished for it. Firstly, the argument made here is strictly limited religion while legalizing gay marriage is more of a governmental concern. The constitution has already addressed this issue by separating church and state in order to make laws fair and impartial to religion. To add on, not everyone in the U.S practices Christianity, so arguing that it is morally wrong because of one religion is unfair to those who believe otherwise. Furthermore, if everyone were to be Christian and followed every single rule in the Bible, our lives would all look very different. Finally, if we are still following scripture, we see in the book of John that God commands us to love one another as God loves us. As a result, those who argue against gay marriage may not have considered all the aspects of the Bible. Marriage is a right that is clearly stated in the Constitution of the United States. More specifically in the 14 Amendment, it states that "no state shall deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law". For marriage equality, this means that a citizen of the United States will not be denied the right to marry someone of the same

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Argumentative Essay On Gay Marriage

Gay Marriage Gay marriage has been a very controversial topic among the world for ages, thousands of years. Some may say that this "issue" has been common controversy only within the twenty first century but same sex relationships have been opinionated or faced discrimination for thousands of years, among those thousands or millions of years– love has been love; regardless of the sexes. Often times when gay marriage or gay relationships are seen or brought up by people who aren't gay or have a loving desire for someone of the same sex there are negative viewpoints, or disagreements. People state things such as, "It's biblically unjust to marry the same sex", or "You were placed on this earth to reproduce", others simply just don't agree finding it "unappealing" or "disgusting." I personally am not gay or interested in the same sex, I have been with the same for partner, amale, for a very long time now. I simply am here to stand for people who love their significant other just as much as I do. The Bible states in Genesis 1:27 – 28 " So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them. And God said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.'" that men and women were the image of God, and his image was to have them "fill the earth" and

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On Gay Marriage

Argumentative Essay On Gay Marriage

Gay marriage is an up and rising controversial issue, until seven years ago it wasn't common to come around others of the same sex married. In a span of seven years numbers raised from в…“ to over ВЅ of the homosexual community that are now married to another partner. This topic caught my attention because several of my family members including the newest member my older sister, are now considered a part of the homosexual community, and it seems as time goes on this population continues to grow. For the past thousand years,marriage has been recognized as the social union between man and woman. Same–sex marriage is the legal union between two people of the same gender. Throughout history, same sex unions have taken place around the world, but laws recognizing such marriages did not start occurring until more modern times. In most cultures across the world, homosexuality was viewed as wrong, and marriages between same–sex couples were forbidden. The issue of gay marriage has been a raging battle since the late twentieth century. The individual States are left to determine the laws that govern this situation today. Gays and other liberals feel that they have a right to join together in harmony, while the conservative groups in the United States fight this situation persistently. Gay marriage can be a touchy subject for some and the way people were brought up could ultimately affect their views and opinions. With an increased tolerance for homosexuality in today's society, the

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When a person thinks about marriage, they usually think of a man and a woman. With more and more people getting married, it is all opening the door to gay marriage. No matter whom the person is, or what sex they chose to marry they should be treated the same. If a man and man want to unite in marriage and announce their love to each other, they should be able to and it should be accept in our society. If a female and another female are inmate it is considered arousing however, if those same woman want to make a commitment to each other it is then deemed unacceptable. Why should society be able to dictate who gets to marry whom, and how they get to live their lives? A traditionalmarriage is between a man and a woman, if a gay person were to get married; someone that is opposed to it could say that they will devalue the meaning of marriage. If two females are inmate with each other people tend to think that it is arousing, however if those same to females want to have a commitment with each other it is then deemed unacceptable. In an article written by ProCon.Org they stated that, "In the Oct. 15, 1971 decision Baker v. Nelson, the Supreme Court of Minnesota found that "The institution of marriage as a union of man and woman, uniquely involving the procreation and rearing of children within a family, is as old as the book of Genesis." (ProCon.Org, 2013) a traditional marriage is supposed to be between a man and woman however, with it being the 20th century the times have changed and a marriage should be based on the love the two people share, and what gender they are. Gay couples should have the same benefits as heterosexual couples. According to an article written by Jessica Madrid, Stephen Rice, "cynical attitudes were considered to be those that leaned towards reasons involving monetary advantages, spousal benefits, increased ease of business transactions, and so forth." (Madrid & Rice, 2013) A heterosexual married couple is able to obtain certain benefits such as health care through cobra if one spouse loses a job, claiming a tax exemption for a spouse, receiving social security payments from a deceased spouse, also having certain rights when it comes to a hospital when a spouse is ill. A gay couple

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Many people in the United States have been refused the right to marry for many years, especially homosexuals. Gay marriage is important because, everyone has the right to pursuit of happiness; according to the Decleration of Independence. Homosexuals have been shunned for their lifestyle choices because of others religious beliefs and morals. After several years of riots and debates, Gaymarriage was finally legalized on June 26, 2015. Same–Sex marriage should remain legal because, it offers many advantages to same–sex marriage such as legal benefits, stability for children, and the right to equality. To begin, Gay Marriage has many legal benefits like traditional marriage does. There are many perks to being married such as Taxes, Estate planning, medical benefits and much more. For example, A spouse gets very sick and cannot make decisions for themselves; this means that their spouse or next of kin makes the desicion for them; but the spouse has no say if unmarried. Financial state can also become a problem if partners are more content... In the fourteenth amendment it reads, "...No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States." According to the article written by Kellard, Homosexuals are law obeying, tax–paying citizenz and deserve the same rights and legal protections as well as all other people of the United States. Some may argue that it is against their religious beliefs, and although that may be true our country is not founded on religion; and congress must make decisions that better the economy and obey the constitution. Some may put religion first, but it is only fair to everyone if all citizens have equal Get

Gay Marriage
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People are born homosexual. If you are homosexual you cannot get married. That idea is ridiculous. On June 26, 2015, the US Supreme Court ruled that the US Constitution guarantees the right for same–sex couples to marry. Marriage is defined as a sacred bond of love between two people. Gay people also feel love therefore, they should be allowed the same rights as everyone else in this country.Homosexuality is an accepted lifestyle nowadays with a proven biological causation. The only thing that should matter in marriage is love and denying them this is a violation of religious freedom.

According to studies done by Simon LeVey, being gay is a biological cause, not a choice made when one is very young. It is also an accepted more content...

The number one reason that heterosexuals marry is not to establish legal status, allow joint filing of taxes, or protect each other in medical decision–making. They marry because it is the ultimate expression of a person's love for another. Marriage is a commitment that says "I love you so much that I want to live the rest of my life with you. I want to share the ups and downs, forsake all others, and be together until death do us part." Should it matter that the couple doesn't fit into what society is used to? What matters is that they love each other. Some people talk about living wills and other legal contracts that can give homosexuals essentially the same rights as a married couple. If that is the case, why don't all heterosexual couples use these legal maneuvers instead of marriage? Just maybe there's something more to it. This whole act denies them their right to show affection and denies them religious freedom.

The main reason for denying marriage to gay couples is that all major religions consider homosexuality a sin, however, the First Amendment of the Constitution clearly states that a person's religious views or lack thereof must be protected. Marriage by the state is a secular activity, the government cannot start making laws just because a religion says they should. What's next, should we make taking the Lord's name in vain a criminal activity because Christians consider it a breaking of a commandment? No! There are at

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Argument Supporting Gay Marriage Essay

Argumentative Essay On Same Sex Marriage

Same sex marriage Same sex marriage is a global issue and it has been witnessed in many countries which have responded differently about the issue. Same sex marriage is also referred to as gay marriage and it involves people of the same gender or sex getting married. The marriage can occur either in a religious setting or even a secular ceremony. Marriage equality is another term that is used hand in hand with same–sex marriage and it means that opposite sex and same–sex marriage can be regarded as equal and they are legal. The whole issue can be said to consist of lesbianism, gays, bisexuality, intersex and transgender. This social issue started emerging towards the end of the last century, i.e. 20th century, and since then it has become a topic under discussion due to different views and opinions from different people. Various countries have advocated for this idea of same–sex marriages and they have even gone to the extent of changing the constitution in favor this issue. An example of such a country is Ireland which went ahead and changed their constitution to allow same sex marriages in 2015. In countries such as Australia, the issue is still under debate and no conclusion has been made. Same sex marriages have been viewed to have arguments which are meant to support and others to oppose it. The recent surveys conducted have shown that the main reasons against gay marriage are that marriage is meant for a man and a woman only and not same–sex marriage.

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Same–sex marriage good, or same–sex marriage bad? Marriage, also called matrimony or wedlock, is a socially or ritually recognized union between spouses that establishes rights and obligations between them, between them and their children, and between them and their in–laws. For thousands of years, law and custom enforced the subordination of wives to husbands. But as the women's–rights movement gained strength in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries, wives slowly began to insist on being regarded as their husbands' equals, rather than their property. The movement to obtain civil marriage rights and benefits for same–sex couples in the United States began in the 1970s. On June twenty–sixth, 2015 same sex–marriage became legal. Now,same–sex marriage rejects the natural law created by God. This, along with many other reasons is why same–sex marriage should not be legalized because, God created men and women and by this he established the first coherence of marriage, traditionally marriage has been between a man and more content... Some may argue otherwise. Others say gay marriage should be legalized because it will decrease the divorce rate. Allowing gays to get married will decrease rates because less couples will get divorced due to incompatibility. However, incompatibility is the inability of two people to live together harmoniously. Gay couples are still likely to get divorced due to incompatibility just like heterosexual couples. Any couple that gets married would be wise to expect that there will be some degree of incompatibility. Compatibility does not hinge on some personal inventory of traits. Compatibility is not something people have. It is something they make. It is a process, one that people will need to negotiate as they go along. It is a disposition, an attitude,and a willingness to work. Some couples just do not have the negotiating skills to make their marriages work. All couples have a chance of

Argumentative Essay
Gay Marriage
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Same–sex marriage has been a subject that is widely discussed throughout generations, many are for it, and many are against the thought of it. It should be allowed because there are many economic benefits that could come along with allowing all types of marriage. Many ideas of why homosexual marriage is morally wrong are discussed and put to the ultimate test as to why it is actually right. Obama is a perfect example of what the government should strive to be, but are not. Obama puts aside all personal beliefs and tries to be equal to everyone, and truly see the sides to everybody. Many people have reasons as to why they are against this type ofmarriage, the downfall to all of their reasoning is that it is personal, and that shouldn't more content...

New York City gained 259 million dollars from license fees and spendings related to weddings. Maine, Maryland, and Washington will gain 166 million estimated if legalized over three years.

The picture shows how selfish people today really are. He states he is going to save his marriage the wrong way, instead of doing good for his marriage. People should stop putting personal opinions into deciding the rights of others. The second photo shows that the government is no better than the people who vote when they are against and biased towards these couples.

Same–sex marriage was successfully named as legal on June 25, 2015. The fight to get this decision was a long and hard process. Even though it was legalized people still have to contradict thoughts on this. A lot of people have problems with this but voted based on their personal opinions, and not the best interest of the everybody and everything. Obama led a true example of being equal and fair. There are many reasons why people believe that same–sex couples are wrong, but aren't right due to lack of factual evidence, and being biased. The economy will have a major incline in money, revolving quite a few problems. Most people do not understand that these couples are more affected than some may think, in ways of family and

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Why Is Gay Marriage Morally Wrong

"Gay People can't do this. Women shouldn't be able to that. But touch my semiautomatic rifle and you're attacking my rights."– Remi Kanazi Why should someones rights to marry be based on a person religious beliefs or their own opinion on family values. Gay Marriage: If they like they should be able to put a ring on it.

Same sex couples should be allowed to publicly celebrate their relationship in the same way as heterosexual couples. The Human Rights Campaign Foundation states that many same sex couples want the right to legally marry and honor their relationship in the greatest way our society has to offer...". Also same couples should have access to the same benefits enjoyed by heterosexual married couples. Many benefits are more content...

A study published on Apr. 13, 2009 in Social Science Quarterly found that laws permitting same sexmarriage or civil unions have no adverse effect on marriage, divorce, and abortion rates, or even the percent of children born out of wedlock. And also gay marriage legalization is correlated with lower divorce rates, while the ban on gay marriages are correlated with higher divorce rates. Studies shown that Massachusetts, which became the first state to legalize gay marriage in 2004, had the lowest divorce rate in the country in 2008. Its divorce rate declined 21% between 2003 and 2008. Alaska, which altered its constitution to prohibit gay marriage in 1998, saw a 17.2% increase in its divorce rate. The seven states with the highest divorce rates between 2003 and 2008 all had constitutional prohibitions to gay marriage. If the reason for marriage is strictly reproduction, infertile couples would not be allowed to marry. Ability to create offspring has never been a qualification for marriage. George Washington, often referred to as "the Father of Our Country," did not have children with his wife Martha Custis. Also there are plenty of children in foster homes waiting to be adopted by couples it should not matter if they couple is gay. As long as the couple is financially sound and has a good household environment there should be no problem with adopting kids. It shouldn't matter if a child has 2 mothers or 2 fathers a family

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on Gay marriage

Gay Marriage

1. Introduction A. Many people today talk about the sanctity of marriage. This belief is part of the reason why many people believe that gay marriage should not be legalized in America. To these people I pose the question, is marriage really all that sacred in this country and would letting anyone who wants to enter into same sex marriage make it not so? In my opinion, people like Britney Spears and anyone else who will jump into a Las Vegas 3–day wedding, are the people who are destroying the sanctity of marriage. B. Legalizing gay marriage in America is important because it is as much a part of discrimination as slavery was. The only difference in this battle is that religion has gotten involved as a main more content... Almost all of the explanations of homosexuality concur that it is indeed not a choice. Sexual desire is derived from attraction, and one's propensities in that department are not a choice. If it were, then anyone would be able to make a conscious decision regarding whom he or she wanted to be attracted to. Consequently, attraction would be unnecessary when choosing a sexual partner since it would be feasible to change one's sexual desires as he or she sees fit. If homosexuality were a choice, then heterosexuality would also be a choice. In that case (theoretically), anyone would potentially be bisexual, depending on whom he or she decides to be attracted to at the time. Do any heterosexual people "choose" whom they are attracted to? Should society assume that a man who is only attracted to slim, blonde women would potentially be just as sexually attracted to a husky brunette (depending on a conscious decision he makes)? Therein lies the problem. Logically speaking, homosexuality (and heterosexuality) is without a doubt not a choice. There are a few instances of homosexuals "converting" to heterosexuality, but these claims are poorly documented, do not have any scientific foundation, and are likely to be motivated by a desperate resistance to social and/or religious stigma. In 1973, the American Psychological Association decided that homosexuality could not be cured, and it was removed from its list of mental disorders. The World Health Organization also

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Gay Marriage Speech Essay

Argumentative Essay On Gay Marriage

In today's society, there are many conflicting issues with LGBT relationships. In contrast, there are many positive qualities associated with a multi–parent home. Everyone should have a choice to decide on whom they would like to share their life with. Gay marriage should be legal and a non–punishable offense because it can prevent teenage suicides, more children will be adopted, and people will not feel like second–class citizens.

If humanity were to accept gay marriage, it would lower and prevent some teen suicides. Most teens are deciding and revealing their true colors in middle and high school. "The number of suicide attempts among high school students decreased in states where same–sex marriage was legal. The findings more content...

"The hostility and homophobia common among their peers and family members create a need for an array of specialized services, including sex education designed for the needs of gay youth, mental health counseling and safe spaces for the youths to congregate" (Kelly). If the world would accept that anyone can love anybody, then schools could help prepare the kids. Also, families and other children would see that is not a complicated thing to be a part of the LGBT community.

LGBT couples are also not even allowed to adopt children out of foster care systems. "There are over 670,000 children that have spent time in U.S. foster care systems" ("Foster Care"). All people should get to experience having children. All children will bring so much joy and happiness to people. "45 percent of lesbians and 36 percent of gays desire to have children" (Bernheim 46). Therefore, if LGBT couples were allowed to have children from all states, then that would definitely drop the number of foster care children.

Heterosexual society views that children with same–sex parents are predestined to become part of the LGBT community. "Children raised in same–sex households are proven to be more open–minded about different lifestyles and relationships than children who are raised in traditional opposite–sex households" ("LGBT Adoption Advantages"). As a result, same–sex couples children do not have to follow the same path as their parents.

If LGBT couples adopted, their kids would be able to see Get more content

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