A Little Learning Is A Dangerous Thing Essay

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The Danger Of A Single Story Analysis

How does the writer use language and structure to convey her opinions about The Danger of a Single Story?

In the speech, the Danger of a Single Story the writer, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie tells us the dangers of believing just one thing about a stereo type. In the speech Adichie repeats the phrase 'single story' as I think it is very important to her and by saying it repetitively she gets it to stick in peoples minds. I think the main point of the speech is to tell people the dangers of believing just one story about a country, a person or a religion etc. and to see past the stereotype we can be tricked into believing and instead see past it to see for example the person for who they are, for example, she as an eight year old girl believed a single story about their houseboy, Fide she says, 'The only thing my mother told us about him was that his family was very poor... when I didn't finish my dinner, my mother would say, "Finish your food! Don't you know? People like Fide's family have nothing." So I felt enormous pity for Fide's family. Then one Saturday we went to his village to visit, and his mother showed us a beautifully patterned basket made of dyed raffia that his brother had made. It had not occurred to me that anybody in his family could actually make something. All I had heard about them was how poor they were, so that it had become impossible for me to see them as anything else but poor.' This was her single story of Fide's family, because all her mother had told her was that they were poor she did not see past that and had no idea that anyone poor was capable of creating something so beautiful.

During the introduction she uses short direct sentences as to keep her audience engaged. Then she begins to tell us personal stories about the books she read as a child and how she started to write stories at a young age. She also makes some jokes in paragraph two such as, 'All my characters were white and blue–eyed, they played in the snow, they ate apples, and they talked a lot about the weather, how lovely it was that the sun had come out,' she makes these jokes to keep the audience entertained throughout her speech. In paragraph three she is still introducing the speech but in paragraph four she Get more content

Falling in love could be a great thing or a very dangerous thing. Love can lead up to marriage and become very important to each other. Love also leads up to Being faithful is very important in a relationship.The most important things in a relationship would be faithful, loyalty and love. Faithful builds up trust, loyalty,love and a strong relationship with their partner. You usually need all those things in a relationship not just two out of the four.Marriage is a great thing when the two love each other and will do anything for their partner and they will do everything and decide on what they will do together. But when people get married and then decide to cheat and have an affair with another person. That is not faithful or loyalty at all! When you get married you are telling your partner that you can be trusted and you will be loyal to your partner. The reason why you married your partner is because you love her at a point and decided she is the one that you want to be with her for the rest of your life. As soon as your partner finds out that you have cheated and had an affair with another person there going to have mixed emotions. When you cheat on your partner you usually just played with their emotions. Telling them stuff that you did not mean at all by lying. Their going to be devastated, upset and very angry at you. Their going to loses trust and respect for you. Usually there's no fixing the relationship and it just ends very badly. And they both

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"Being frightened is an experience you can't buy." We are a society that adores fear. We thrive off of it; creating horror movies, shows like "Fear Factor", and the media in general are only a few examples. At the same time there are people who are afraid to leave their house and are possibly restricted to a single room. So what is fear? What is the purpose of being afraid? Why is it that some people will run and scream when they see a snake while others collect and breed them for their love of these majestic reptiles?

Fear is a feeling we have all dealt with at one time or another. It is something that we first experience as children, and are conditioned to respond to in many different ways. In a controversial experiment in...show more content...

Fear can also refer to general anxiety, as in Arachnophobia "fear of spiders" or Claustrophobia "fear of closed in areas." These fears occur not automatically from a present or looming danger, but instead a perceived threat, which to some can be just as scary. As said in a German proverb, "Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is." For most people fear is a horrible and sickening feeling, which it can sometimes be debilitating.

Fear is what shows us how to be careful, because self–protection is primitive. Therefore, it is safe to suggest that we may be afraid to travel into an unlit cemetery for fear of being hurt by something unknown. What could this unknown factor be? A ghost? Perhaps, but these fears are unreasonable. Although this fear of ghosts and other things was established when we were young, the fear never goes away. For we fear being physically hurt in any manner. Fear is a natural thing; it is indeed what keeps us safe and secure. Fear is not a logical thought, but rather an irrational emotion.

When a fear is not validated by the presence of actual danger or a threat, or by a realistic cause, and when it is also associated with a continuing evading of the circumstances, which lead to it, it is called a phobia. Phobias occur in several forms. A phobia is a recurring, impractical, paralyzing fear of a specific

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Essay on Fear: Why Are We So Afraid?

Texting while driving can be a deadly combination. Everyone knows how dangerous texting while driving is yet many choose to ignore the risks. Not only does texting while driving put drivers at risk, it also puts anyone in the car with them at risk and even those around them in danger. Texting and driving takes the driver's attention away from the road and what is going on around them. And it only takes a split second for something to go wrong resulting in tragedy. Texting and driving is dangerous in general, but one major issue with texting and driving is that it takes the driver's hands off of the wheel. In order to drive the car safely, both of the driver's hands must be on the wheel and if the driver is texting chances are at least one, if not both of their hands are on a cellphone. "In just the 5 seconds it takes to send or read a short text message, you've already zoomed past the length of a football field"(Texting & Driving). So while the driver is not driving the car the way they should because they are holding their phone instead of the wheel, there could be cars pulling out in front of them, stop signs, stop lights, or pedestrians crossing in front of the car. This puts not only the driver at risk, but it also puts other drivers on the road and pedestrians at risk. Another issue that texting and driving brings up is that it has been shown that teens who admit to texting and driving also admit to doing other dangerous things like not wearing a seatbelt. "In 2015, 42% of high school students who drove in the past 30 days reported sending a text or email while driving"(Distracted Driving|Motor Vehicle Safety). If a teen is brave enough to text while driving, that probably means they also don't think twice about not wearing a seatbelt, which is also very dangerous. Teens are at the highest risk for being injured or even killed because of texting while driving. Texting and driving is already a risk, but it is especially risky when it is placed with other risky behaviors. Another issue that texting and driving brings up and causes is it takes not only the driver's eyes off of the road, but texting and driving also takes your mind off of the road. Not watching the road is a big enough

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The Dangers Of Texting And Driving

In the field of education, we never stop learning. There will always be a new theory, method, or practice that will be introduced to improve our knowledge. Furthermore, it 's always a good idea to look for sources and new materials that will enhance our teaching and help our students benefit from it. Having the opportunity to give myself a self–assessment, has provided me with information regarding myself. This self–assessments helped me get a cleared vision of what I know and what I need to learn. After reading, Richardson, I discovered what some of my strengths and weaknesses are. I plan on using this self–assessment to enhance my knowledge and find success in future learning. Richardson writes. "If education does become accepted as a discipline, however, it exists because of and in relationship to educational practice, the purpose of maintaining the best and allowing change to lead to improvement must always be kept in mind"(p.254) Self–Assessment is one of the first step in my PhD journey. Ultimately, I want to be prepared to learn new techniques, theories, and gain knowledge of what I know and what I will learn. As mentioned previously, we never stop learning, we just gain more knowledge.

This self–assessment gave me the opportunity to realize some of my strengths. In all honestly, I can say that I feel comfortable with see research as socially situated. As an educator it 's my job to educate and reinforced a positive learning experience for my students. I am

Of Education, We
The Field
Never Stop Learning
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Weapons and Drugs in Our Schools


The problem of weapons and drugs in schools has become a serious problem in schools throughout the United States. Almost 20% of all students in high school report that they have carried a weapon at least once, and in the past two years there have been over 80 homicides committed on school grounds. Also, teenagedrug use in America is the highest of any industrialized nation and it is only getting worse. After a decade of declining drug use, the use of all illegal drugs by teenagers has increased significantly. Sixty–one percent of seniors in high school report of having used drugs and the percentage of children using drugs by the sixth grade has tripled. "In a recent survey, 19 percent of...show more content...

What is Being Done:

"Zero tolerance" policies are the new theme in fighting weapons and drugs in schools. These policies behind the pressure of President Clinton have been enacted in 47 states. The idea is to encourage states to get tough on youth that threaten their own safety and the safety of others. Some of the more popular measures with these policies include installing metal detectors at school entrances, the use of armed security guards to patrol and monitor students, and the automatic removal of students who break rules regarding weapons and drugs. According to the Department of Education, school districts that have enacted these policies are showing improvements in these areas. For example, Dade county public school officials seized only 110 guns in the past year from 193 the previous year after enacting a zero tolerance policy.

What Should Be Done:

With millions of dollars being spent on measures to fight weapons and drugs in schools, little reason for optimism exists due to the track record of these methods and programs. Drugs and problems still continue to be a serious problem for our youth. For example, despite spending more than 20 million dollars on the installation of metal detectors at public schools in New York City, weapons continue to be a serious

Weapons and Drugs in Our Schools

problem. In order for us to have safe schools, we need to bridge the gap between

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Have you ever been bored? Many people have. But what most don't know is that boredom is the leading cause to destructive behavior. Drugs, alcohol, and anxiety are just a few of the side effects. Boredom can also further deter the people around you. Boredom is a dangerous thing. People these days are used to doing something 24/7. This actually can be good. The article "Why Being Bored is Bad for You" says, "People who reported being bored were likely to die younger than those who were not." Also another article: "Why Boredom is a Dangerous Thing" says, "Boredom is contagious, and leads to performance

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Why Being Boredom Is A Dangerous Thing

What I Have Learned

When I think about what counts as learning to me, I think about my life. Just being able to live in this world to me is a learning experience, because I feel that my life is full of lessons and I believe that it takes lessons to learn in life. I feel that I have learned to understand learning more and to also understand the value of learning. As I get older I can comprehend subject matters more than I could ever do before. I am learning to be more serious and I find myself not taking life for granted anymore.

I also feel that maturing counts as learning for me because growing up I was continuously being called immature. For me, maturing counts as learning because I find myself doing things I never thought I...show more content...

I feel that I have to get rid of bad habits in order to make room for better habits that I need for everyday life. I am learning better habits everyday. Even though I did bad on my first exam I feel that counted as learning for me because now I know what it takes for me to receive a high grade on any test I take.

The biggest learning experience to me so far is life itself. I feel that way because there is so much to learn in life. It takes growing up for me to learn in life. I am now beginning to understand the value of learning because a year ago I did not appreciate learning. I did not value it like I value it now. I took it for granted as if learning could just be given to me. I realize now that it has to be earned. My attitude in high school was bad because I really did not feel I was learning, so I took it for granted. In high school I felt as if the teachers were jokes and I also felt they did not care about educating me properly. I am now starting to learn the value of an education. I now look forward to learning new things everyday. I feel that I am beginning to have a passion for learning. I never thought that I would feel this way about learning because I never did appreciate it like I do now. I now actually yearn to learn; I feel that I need to learn new things. Every assignment I have done in college is teaching me something new. I think I feel this way because I am maturing and I now view learning differently than I did

What I Have Learned Essay
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"The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse." Edmund Burke described his view on power in a way that many people could agree upon. When we have more power than people, we tend to abuse our power to get ahead of or degrade others. I choose the Family Ties project because I wanted to do two things: talk with my family and learn about their experiences, either negative or positive, with power. Talking with my family, especially my grandparents, is something I love to do. This project gave me even more reasons to go see my grandparents and talk with them.

For this project, I interviewed four individuals in my family. For my grandparents' generation, I chose both my grandmother, Mary Shoudel, and my grandfather, Larry Shoudel. My...show more content...

Since my grandparents have poor handwriting, I decided to make the family tree online. I made three separate family trees. The first one was the one I made from memory. The next one was my mother's since my father knows very little about his family tree. Then the last one was my grandmother. After the family trees were done, I printed them out. I gave my family tree to my mother and had her check my work. Then my mother's family tree was given to my grandmother. Second, after looking over and discussing the family tree, I took them and created a large family tree on a poster board. In the family tree, the blue square is ego, or me. Purple circles are females and yellow triangles are males. The dots in between shapes show marriage. A slash through a shape shows that that family member is deceased. Inside the shapes are the family member 's birth name, birth date, and, if they are deceased, death date. If we do not know their birth or death date, it is left blank. In order to indicate which generation added who, the shapes are outlined in colors. The shapes outlined in green are the family members I knew from memory. Orange represents the family members my mother added. Lastly, pink represents the family members my grandmother added. To show who participated in my project, interviewee or family tree maker, a black star was placed on the bottom right of the family member's shape. After the family trees were finished, the interviewing began. The interviewing

Power, The More Dangerous The Abuse
The Greater
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Of Speeding

The Dangers of Speeding

I was pulled over by a police officer because I was going faster than I was supposed to in that designated area. The zone was a sixty–five mile per hour zone and I was do eighty. I have agreed to the terms that I was found guilty of this and now come to you the reader explaining why it may be dangerous to be speeding in certain areas and ultimately everywhere. During this experience I have learned that there are many consequences for not driving safe, because there is never a good reason to speed. I have learned that it is extremely dangerous to speed and that there will be consequences, even if they are minor like, obtaining a ticket, and occasionally they are major, like killing running into someone else. It does not matter what happens after, you should not be speeding ever because there is never a good...show more content...

No matter the situation there is no reason for someone to be speeding. Only in emergencies and you should have on your emergency lights to avoid trouble. Many people forget what they are doing, however that should never happen. When you are driving you should always be aware of your surroundings and you should be alert at all times and ready for anything to happen. In order to do this you need to be going at an appropriate speed and be prepared to stop for anything that may occur to you or any others while driving. I have learned in this experience that speeding is not something that you should take lightly and worry about it when you actually get caught or when something awful happens. It is not worth losing your license, money, or even someone's life. There is no excuse for speeding and it is no one's fault except your own. I am very disappointed in myself because I have been raised to follow the rules and always do the right thing no matter the consequences, and I was taught to always drive safe and do not drive faster than I need to. I never need to drive fast because nothing is more important than the lives of

Personal Essay: The Dangers
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The movie "Dangerous Minds" was directed by John N. Smith in 1995. "Dangerous Minds" was a move to encourage teachers to never give up on the students. Giving students motivation and understanding will go a long way. The students in the movie were misunderstood and rude to all of the teachers. The past teachers had given up on the students but the current teacher, Ms. Johnson, did not give up on the students. Ms. Johnson incorporated a few learning theories that turned out to be very affective. As students struggle in the classroom, the teacher will aid and support each student in their Zone of Proximal Development. The teacher is able to give each student the opportunity to build any new knowledge with what makes more sense to the student using one of the learning theories. The movie "Dangerous Minds" is a movie based on a teacher with a challenging goal. The class consists of challenging students with a history of scaring away the teachers because of feeling that the teachers do not understand them or where they come from. The students were rude, disrespectful, had negative attitudes, and were not following the rules. The students came from low income families with the concern of surviving on the streets. The newest teacher, Ms. Johnson, wanted to give them hope and wanted the students to overcome their fears. The teacher was prepared with lesson plans with no structure, yet was expected to follow the curriculum. Ms. Johnson was warned once by the principle while trying

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Frankenstein is a book written by Mary Shelley in 1818, that is revolved around a under privileged scientist named Victor Frankenstein who manages to create a unnatural human–like being. The story was written when Shelley was in her late teen age years, and was published when she was just twenty years old. Frankenstein is filled with several different elements of the Gothic and Romantic Movement of British literature, and is considered to be one of the earliest forms of science fiction. Frankenstein is a very complicated and complex story that challenges different ethics and morals on the apparent theme of dangerous knowledge. With the mysterious experiment that Dr. Victor Frankenstein conducted, Shelly causes her reader to ultimately ask...show more content...

Pg. 62). The letters with in the preface tell the story of Walton and his sister, and reveals that both he and his sister both put themselves in harm's way simply to be the first to gain knowledge. The novel shows that sometimes the actions you take do not necessarily give you the outcomes that you want. This is shown in chapter four when Dr. Frankenstein was first conducing his experiment and becomes extremely obsessed with the lust to create life. Dr. Frankenstein ultimately removes all of his personal relationships and isolates himself from people who care about him. "For this I had deprived myself of rest and health. I had desired it with an ardor that far exceeded moderation; but now that I had finished, the beauty of the dream vanished, and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart."(Chapter 5, pg. 42) It is clear that Dr. Frankenstein dislikes the monster he just created and notices that he does not make something that is beautiful but more on something that's is monstrous. Increasingly, Shelly makes a point by giving the reader a sort of "warning" on the aspect of wanting knowledge too much She makes the effort by making Dr. Frankenstein a example for the magnitude of gaining dangerous knowledge. "A flash of lightning illuminated the object and

Knowledge Essay
Frankenstein Dangerous
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The Dangers Of Not Following Traffic Laws

Laci Richey

Cause Number: T03513–16–05

July 1, 2016

The Dangers of Not Following Traffic Laws

Driving is one of most dangerous things you will ever do. Driving remains the number one cause of death in the United States. Drivers put themselves and others at risk every time they get behind the wheel of their vehicle. The dangers increase when drivers fail to following traffic laws such as drinking and driving, speeding or texting while driving their vehicle. Driving is not a right, it is a privilege. You must follow traffic laws and demonstrate your ability to drive safely and cautiously on the roads. It is your own responsibility to be a safe and careful driver, not only for yourself but for other drivers you share the road with. If you fail to follow traffic laws you are not only putting yourself in a dangerous situation, you are putting others in danger as well. You also take the chance of traffic fines, having your license suspended or revoked or even worse, death.

Traffic Laws: Traffic laws are designed and applied for your safety. They allow orderly and safe commutes between destinations. Traffic laws may be enforced by tickets, fines and even jail time for major violations such has driving under the influence. Road safety is important and by knowing the rules and practicing good driving skills, you help play a vital role in avoiding a crash. Speed limit laws are the most common traffic law in place. They let drivers know how fast or how slow they may drive in

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Lifelong learning

Lifelong learning is the continuous building of skills and knowledge throughout the life of an individual. The first characteristic of lifelong learning is that it encompasses both formal and non–formal/informal types of education and training. Formal learning includes the hierarchically structured school system that runs from primary school through the university and organized school–like programs created in business for technical and professional training. Whereas informal learning describes a lifelong process whereby individuals acquire attitudes, values, skills and knowledge from daily experience and the educational influences and resources in his or her environment, from family and neighbors, from work and play,...show more content...

The computer industry is a growing field that will never stay the same as it was when it started. We will always need additional learning to be able to keep our jobs or move up on the corporate ladder. We can learn about these changes by going back to school, going to workshops, or on the job training if it is available. These opportunities are tools that will help you learn more about your job. The skills that you learn at one job will help you advance in that position or get you another position with that company or another company. For example,

If you we are tired of being at that same died end job make that change and go back to school to get that additional education to pursue your dream that you have. Working a job and having a career are two different things. After spend some years in the work force I decided to further my education. I wanted a career that I can advance in and learn more.

The process of designing a lifelong learning plan begins with putting it in writing. This plan, sometimes called a learning contract, must be a dynamic process intended to provide structure in an unstructured environment – known as everyday life.

Lifelong learning exists within this world, allowing learners the freedom to enroll in formal continuing education programs or self–directed learning such as learning how to garden or play an instrument, as examples. A personal learning plan or learning contract should focus on the following four

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Essay on Lifelong Learning

Reflection Paper On Drug Abuse

Over the course of this semester, I have learned more about drug use and its branching effect than I have in any of my other classes. We have covered this topic with a holistic approach, centered not only on physical health, but the whole individual and their community. This has changed and evolved my perception of the uses of drugs and drug abuse. Although this is often a heavy subject, I have truly enjoyed this class and thankful for this opportunity. Growing up I never really understood drug abuse or even why people would do illicit drugs in the first place. I was a Safety Kid in Elementary school. I was a D.A.R.E. award recipient in Middle school. I was heavily involved in T.A.D.D. and planning Red Ribbon Week at my High school. So, I was very much aware of the dangers of drugs and how to say "no." These education and awareness programs worked for me. Thus, it was kind of difficult to see why they did not for others and to sympathize. Now in retrospect, I understand that these programs were not effective because of multiple reasons. They were short lasting, underfunded and pretty narrow minded. However, I think the most important reason is that they never really showed or talked about the personal and mental effects and those behind it from the beginning. I now understand that substance abuse and drug addiction are often symptoms of other underlying issues. That the reasoning behind it is quite complex and different for everyone. Some can stem from personal choices, pain and curiosity. Others come from the need to escape a situation or illness completely out of their control. Also in our society, we have a culture of wanting a quick fix and instant gratification. That in this case is often reinforced by drug companies. However, all of these reasoning have one thing in common: stress. In our previous class, AHS 410, we talked about how damaging stress is and the importants of having stress management and coping strategies. Unfortunately, mental health in our society is quite taboo. Thus, we are not taught how to take care of ourselves. People tend to turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms then, like self–medicating, heavy alcohol use or hard drug use as a way to deal with the stress. It alters the

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Road Rage: Causes and Solutions Essay

Road rage is a major problem in the United States, anger causes stress, fear , and accidents to our roadways everyday. In this essay we will define road rage, look at the causes and effects, and come up with solutions on how to avoid an altercation with an aggressive driver who has road rage. Road rage doesn't always involve two drivers, sometimes it deals with a driver and a pedestrian. We need to learn to deal with theanger, and prevent violence toward others on the road. Road rage affects every driver, whether you're involved directly or indirectly. Instead of getting angry because of things that are beyond the other drivers control, for example, their age, their driving ability, or the lack of generaltraffic knowledge. Patience...show more content...

When we get into our vehicles, we need to always assume some form of risk of possibly running into another driver who has road rage. Taking early precautions, and allowing ourselves to be composed mentally, is the best way of avoiding any contact with these drivers. Learning how to spot the warning signs before it happens may be the key to save your life, or the life of a loved one. What is the definition of road rage? Road rage or aggressive driving can be defined as the type of behavior one exhibits behind the wheel in which angry drivers lose their temper, and engage in risk–taking behavior. The signs of road rage: Mentally condemning other drivers, giving them a "dirty look" to show your disapproval, denying them entry into your lane, preventing another driver from passing, tailgating to intimidate another driver to speed up or to simply get out of the way, honking or yelling at another driver, using your car, by making sudden, threatening maneuvers, carrying a weapon in your car incase you decide to use it in a driving incident, preventing another driver from passing because you're mad, and finally using you gun to shoot at another car.

Zaidi 3 I've listed below, a few examples of the different levels of road rage we may encounter on our roadways. It's best to familiarize ourselves with this list of behaviors, so that we don't emulate

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Is Science Dangerous?

In his commentary "Is science dangerous?", Lewis Wolpert attempts to answer the age–old question of whether knowledge (and therefore science, as the source of knowledge), poses a risk to society. In order to do so, he makes a crucial differentiation between pure science as knowledge that enhances our understanding of the world, and technology, which is the application of scientific research (Wolpert 281). If we agree that pure science is void of morality, then the real question becomes: does the development of new technology, particularly in the field of genetics, pose a risk to society? If so, whose job is it to protect the people? This analysis seeks to answer those questions. Wolpert asserts that scientists have neither the rights nor the skills necessary to make moral decisions regarding the ethics of the use of new technologies (281). This may be true, but in whose hands do we then leave the decision? The government's? Wolpert seems to think so, and uses two contrasting examples to illustrate his point. He compares the failure of the German eugenicists in their responsibility to society to the apparent success of the Allied scientists working on the Manhattan Project in meeting theirs (281). What about the American and Canadian eugenics movement? Even if "scientists completely failed to give an assessment of the reliability of their ideas..." (281), it was our own governments who failed us by determining that it was ethical to violate the basic human rights of thousands

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Technology Is Harmful

Too Much Technology

Technology has taken a huge toll of importance in the lives of people now–a–days. However, a question arises. Is all of the technology that is being brought into our lives really more helpful or harmful? I feel that people are building too much of a dependence on technology and that it is harming society more than it is helping it. There are many negative effects of computer technology in our lives and what the dangers of having them in our lives are. The government stores many files of personal information about people all over the country in databases (Computers). This worries people about the criminals who might try to steal their personal information and use it...show more content...

It is also easier to bully via electronics than physically not only because stature and built do not matter when it comes to cyber bullying, but that most adolescents have their own personal computers and their parents are not constantly watching over them to prevent it from happening (School Violence, 2008). Cyber bullying leaves people in emotional, as well as, physical turmoil. This will cause emotional turmoil even though the messages can be deleted from the source does not mean that the intent of the messages doesn't stick. Even if a person deletes all the harmful evidence of what is said a person may never forget what is said in them. Most adolescents use the internet at least once a day. And most use it at home too so there really is no escape from the harm of cyber bullying unless you withdraw from using electronics altogether. Cyber bullying can cause such severe emotional pain it can lead to physical pain as well. Some people who are awfully cyber bullied begin to feel as though they are so worthless they will harm themselves or in some extreme cases kill themselves:

In the case of Tyler Clementi, 18, he killed himself by jumping off of the George Washington Bridge in New York. His college roommate secretly recorded him engaging in sexual activity with another person and tried to stream it over the web. His roommate then proceeded to tweet about the

English 10 01/9/2012
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Mary Shelley's Frankenstein has become a classic in modern literature. Her tale is full of moral lessons that encompass a wide variety of subjects but one of the most prevalent is the theme of knowledge and its pursuit. Frankenstein, Walton, and the Monster all have an appetite for acquiring knowledge and actively pursue their perspective interests, but it soon turns to the obsessive and proves to be dangerous. Each of the character's desires demonstrates to be detrimental to them when no boundaries are established. Through the use of consequences, Shelley's Frankenstein shows that the relentless and obsessive pursuit of knowledge can lead to dangerous and disastrous situations.

The primary example for the search of knowledge that quickly turned obsessive is VictorFrankenstein. His profound interest for the pursuit of knowledge and the production of life quickly becomes obsessive, thinking of nothing but "the cause and generation of life" (Shelley 31). His primary virtue, his love for learning, quickly became obsessive. Frankenstein ignores his family and friends, and "seemed to have lost all soul or sensation but for this one pursuit" (Shelley 33), becoming oppressed by his obsession, and failing to care for himself. His intense need to learn and expose all the secrets of nature drive him beyond all reason, clouding his judgment and compelling him forward even when his "human nature turned with loathing from" what he was attempting to do and create (Shelley 33).

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Moral Lessons in Mary Shelley
s Frankenstein

Why Do It

Alexis Helmin Bullying is a dangerous problem that exists in society today. Many teens have experienced it. Unfortunately there are lots of different ways to bully a victim. Cyber bullying, is a popular way to attack a victim online. Physical bullying, is another form that is commonly used. Whatever the type, the outcome can be devastating. People are cyber bullied all the time. It's how the people who see, do, and experience it that matters. More specifically the people who see bullying happening are the bystanders and upstanders. Upstanders are the people who see bullying and do something about it. Bystanders are the ones who see bullying and don't do anything about it, they often silent or join in. With such a big audience it could be harder to stand up to the bully then. Thats one reason the bully does it online. They can also stay anonymous and can form a clique of people and bystanders. It is easier to...show more content...

It can be dangerous for the bully, victim, and the people around them. Although physical bullying is more commonly thought of as beating someone up. It can be just as harmful using words. "Words can hurt too" is a quote from an expert. It is used to remind people that what they say can hurt someone just as much as a slap across the face. Naturally when someone starts a fight, they get consequences such as detention, suspension, and they can get expelled. If parents or teachers don't do something about it immediately, it could get worse the bully might think that they have more power on their victim. Physical bullying can be biased on different things, someone might bully because of weight, gender, religion or beliefs, and wealth. Over 3.2 million students are victims of physical bullying each year. About 160,000 teens stay home from school if fear of bullies. That is a true fact. Most victims grades drop and some end up dropping out of school. Along with other causes such

Why Bullying Is Bad
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