Informative Essay Hook
Pinkston, Anna Dr. Jeff Newberry ENGL 1101H August 26, 2017 As my ninth–grade English teacher, Mrs. Newton would say, without a good hook to start your essay, no one will ever read it. As I was taught, a hook is a crucial part in your essay because it will help grab the audience's attention so that they will continue to be invested throughout the paper. For example, the hook could be a question or a quote about the overall topic of your essay. In my junior year, we had to do a controversial essay and I used a quote from a famous tattoo artist as my hook because I did my essay over tattoos and piercings. After the hook, the introduction begins to take form and show the audience what your essay is about. The introduction is the first thing in your essay that will tell the audience what the essay is about. The introduction paragraph should be as interesting as the initial hook and keep the audience invested in the paper. It will establish the basis of the essay and should contain the thesis statement. The thesis statement is the point in your essay where you will state the topics that the essay will contain. In high school, we were taught that the thesis should contain the three points that you will elaborate upon in your three body paragraphs: the weakest point, the middle point, and the strongest point. The first body paragraph should be the weakest or simplest way to get the overall point of the essay across to the readers. This will be the foundation of all three points,
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Globalization is a historical phenomenon that has been happening for decades now, and whether it generates growth or not is a matter of whose point of view it is. The western countries, especially America and some European nations, are the ones taking full advantage of the benefits of globalization. On the other hand, some experts say that globalization is not doing much for the developing countries, or that it may be even worsening their scenarios of poverty and social inequality. But, I will get back to that later . The point is that globalization, while it was primarily triggered by the emergence of a global market and facilitated by the democratization of communication technologies, also caused cultural, social and even more content...
We are in the era of free information flow and democratization of communication tools. Through the Internet, people are able to produce content and distribute it in many different ways to infinite different people. What is really amazing is that the idea of distance lost its significance. Now, you are able to communicate from your house in the south of Brazil with friends who live in India, America or any other place in the world. Messages are overcoming huge distances because of technological improvements and the implementation of global networks. The third movement is political. Basically, it means that since globalization implies a compression of national boundaries, which were brought about by the increase of trade at the global level, the importance of both the activity of international legal institutions and treats, like the World Trade Organization, and the dialogue between political leaders of different nations has risen significantly. Also, in the globalized world we see a quite interesting phenomenon: the importance given by nations' leaders to their self–image in the international political scene. Think this way: when countries were not dependent on the businesses they had with other countries why would presidents bother to be admired by other national leaders? What we see now is a scenario where nations' leaders struggle for status among the international political elite. The last set
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This book showed the struggle between rich and poor. The two main groups of the story were the Socs and the greasers. The Socs are in the upper class while the greasers are the poor ones that dislike the Socs because they have more money, better cars, and act like they are better than the greasers. The Outsiders is a good story by S.E. Hinton that shows the struggles of growing up Hinton did a fine job with the character development, the plot, and the theme with a few flaws. The Outsiders is a book that changed the style of young adult writers because it went off from the genre that young adult writer were using during that time period. The reader sees the everyday problems that teenagers were going through, "I can't take much more content...
The fact that all three boys were still moving on without their parents showed that they had a lot of heart. The two main divisions were between the Greasers and the Socs, and this rivalry led to many conflicts in the book. Hinton illustrates the divisions and fighting in this quote, "They caught him and one of them had a lot of rings on his hand that's what had cut Johnny up so badly" (Hinton 33). Johnny was attacked by four Socs when he was playing with a football at the park. There are many times in the book where Socs attacked Greasers that were walking alone. Howard explains the divisions and violence of the gangs in this quote, "Tulsa was one of many American cities that had seen an increasing division between social classes since World War II, and the animosity between Greasers and Socs gangs illustrated the extent to which this division between social classes had permeated society" (Howard 28). The Greasers were seen as the poor outcast while the Socs were the popular one with all the money. The Socs provoke the Greasers by saying hurtful things and attacking them so both gangs feel the need to fight to prove that they are better. Hinton did a good job of portraying the violence and building up to these points and this keeps the reader interested in the book. There are many critics and parents who were outraged about the violence that takes place in the book. This quote by Hinton demonstrates the harsh violence, "I ducked and

Automotive Body Repairer

Auto body repairers Are highly skilled craftspeople who repair damaged automobile and truck bodies, restores body metal to the original contours, and replaces non–repairable body parts.
I chose automotive body repairer for my report because I like to deal with cars and I enjoy performing hands–on activities. I like the hands–on and mechanical operation of this career. Automotive body repairer is in the Industrial and Engineering Iowa pathway.
The National Employment and Outlook of this career is currently stable. However the employment rate is expected to rise with the amount of automobiles that are lighter weight and more content...
Many different art classes are need to be taken throughout high school as well as an automotive body repair class during your junior and senior years of high school. Also, other classes that pertain to theelectronics of automobiles, like basic automotive technology and basic electronics. The changes in the industry have made it necessary for a person in this occupation to become skilled in the use of fiberglass plastic, aluminum welding, and other water–based materials.
In this career, a body worker can do a wide range of things to the body of an automobile. Automobile body repairers are skilled craft workers who repair vehicle parts damaged by collision, rust, or other causes. They pull dents and make them smooth again, they replace parts and panels that cannot be restored back to its original look, and also smooth out creases and other various rough areas. Also, they do a lot of custom work on the vehicles. They have the ability to do custom paint jobs and install custom parts. After they have fixed an area, they will sand that area and paint it the color of the rest of the body. This career requires climbing, balancing, lifting, walking, and stooping. They often work with tools such as drills, riveters, hammers, welders, files, screwdrivers, and sanders. Automotive body repairers must buy their own tools, but their employers will usually furnish power tools. Many workers have thousands of
The Holocaust was the murder and persecution of approximately 6 million Jews and many others by the Nazi regime and its collaborators. The Nazis came to power in Germany in January of 1933. The Nazis thought that the "inferior" Jews were a threat to the "racially superior" German racial community. The death camps were operated from 1941 to 1945, and many people lost their lives or were forced to work in concentration camps during these years. The story leading up to the Holocaust, how the terrible event affected people's lives, and how it came to and end are all topics that make this historic event worth learning about. Hatred towards the Jews didn't start with the Holocaust. There is evidence that hostility towards the Jews as far more content...
While in prison, he wrote "Mein Kamf" (Which means "My Struggle"). "Mein Kamf" was a memoir and propaganda tract in which he predicted "the extermination of the Jewish Race in Germany" after a general European war. About ten years after he was released from prison, Hitler arose from obscurity to power after taking advantage of the weaknesses of his enemies. On January 20 of 1933, he was named chancellor of Germany. When President Paul von Hindenburg died in 1934, Adolf appointed himself as Germany's ruler. At first, the Nazis were only killing political opponents like Communists and/or Social Democrats, for which their harshest persecution was used. Many of the first prisoners sent to Dachau (The first official concentration camp opened near Munich in March of 1933) were communists. By July, the concentration camps run by the Germans held around 27,000 people in what they called "protective custody." The Nazis had huge rallies and acts of symbolism such as burning of books by Jews. During the years of 1933 to 1939, the hundreds of thousands of Jews who were able to leave Germany got out quickly, but many were left behind, and they lived their lives in a constant state of uncertainty and fear. During the fall of 1939, Hitler started the so–called Euthanasia Program. The Euthanasia Program allowed Nazi officials to select around 70,000 German citizens institutionalized for mental illnesses or disabilities. These Germans were to be gassed to death. After prominent German
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How Betrayal Led to Downfall in Julius Caesar
In the play, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, William Shakespeare shows how friends often betray each other. Julius Caesar is about to be crowned king of Rome, when some well–known Romans decide that it is not a good idea for this to happen. They form a conspiracy and kill Caesar. Brutus, an honorable Roman and a very good friend of Caesar's, betrays Caesar by killing him for the good of Rome. Antony, Caesar'sbest friend and another honorable Roman, betrays Brutus by turning against the conspirators. Cassius, a respected Roman, and Brutus betray each other by arguing and destroying their friendship. All this betraying lead to many deaths in the more content...
In his soliloquy, Antony praised Caesar's great personality but at the same time, he would keep saying positive things about Brutus. An example is when he says, "He was my friend, faithful and just to me; / But Brutus says he was ambitious, / And Brutus is anhonorable man." (3.2.85–87). The way in which he spoke and by telling the citizens the context of Caesar's will, turned the mob against Brutus and the rest of the conspirators. The anger possessed by the countrymen can be shown when a plebeian says, "Most noble Caesar! We'll revenge his death!" (2.2.244). This betrayal by Antony caused Brutus to break off their friendship. Cassius was also driven out of Rome with Brutus and instead of working together to win back their reputation, they began arguing with each other and destroyed their friendship. Temporarily they argued about how they would attempt to put together an army, they argued about military strategy, and they argued about other common things that should not interfere between two friends. By not cooperating with each other when they needed to, they could not succeed in making a comeback and they both committed suicides. All these instances of betrayal could have been avoided and therefore would not have led to the downfalls of certain characters. Had Caesar lived, maybe everybody would have gotten along and Rome could Get more content

In David Dunning's article "We Are All Confident Idiots," the argument is made that many people trust their own misconceptions when discussing topics they may have never heard before. Dunning equates this to the average person's overconfidence in himself or herself, and natural tendency to attempt to make information they already possess relate to this new situation. Dunning refers to a rather substantial amount of evidence in his article, which ultimately adds to the credibility of the piece. He cites various studies conducted on the topics he discusses, and different theories that have been adopted. In the opening of the article, he refers to Jimmy Kimmel's television show where random people are questioned about fictional topics to see if they will feign knowledge of the subject. Through his exceptional use of outside information, Dunning argues that people regularly overestimate their knowledge of various topics, and that those who claim to understand the most, commonly are actually the least knowledgeable. I believe that Dunning's argument has merit, and that people do in fact often overestimate their own intellects. Throughout the article, Dunning demonstrates his mastery of language in order to further his argument. He develops his statements by utilizing language that gives his words more merit. For example, "Instead, the incompetent are often blessed with an inappropriate confidence, buoyed by something that feels to them like knowledge" (Dunning). This statement
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Feminism is for everyone explains the emotional encounters of the struggles and challenges faced by the feminist movement. The experiences of the feminist movement helped shaped a strong case that the inclusion of men is required within the movement. One main goal of the feminist movement is to end all forms of sexism, sexist exploitations, and oppression (Hook). The key argument that Hook makes throughout her novel is that feminism is about creating a world free of sexism. The only way to make this possible is by having both males and females fight to end sexist causes.
The patriarchal society is based on powers in relationships–whether that power is men over women, bosses over their workers and even parents over their children. Relationships