Gatsby Essay

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Time is an idea described in diverse periods and aspects, for example philosophical, psychological, physical and biological. This time flows consistently but is broken into the past, present and future. Since we only live in the present forever in preparation for our futures and dreams, when we try to live in the past it restricts our future. Throughout F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby, Gatsby wasted time and his life for a single dream, and it was his illusion of his idyllic future that made time a key dimension in his life. Fitzgerald sees life in satiric–tragic dimensions, as a contest between romantic illusion and coarse reality. The reality slowly and viciously disintegrates the illusion.

Gatsby suffers from more content...

The incarnation meaning Daisy cannot be ideally perfect any longer now that Gatsby is with her. Daisy is not pure and perfect like Gatsby thought she was in the past. From Gatsby's illusions of the past preoccupying all his beliefs, he forgets about the key dimension he exists in which is the present.

Although Gatsby was unrelenting on reliving the past, Gatsby vaguely lived for the present. This is evident when he cancels his biology by leaving home, changing his name, and leaving his heritage behind which was not done by following the past. In the past Jay Gatsby made a platonic notion of himself. What Nick said about Gatsby's spiritual theory of himself was that Gatsby "...was a son of God?" (104). From Jay Gatsby's hypothesis he makes an ideal conception of himself, of which he projects himself into the future. Eventually, Gatsby is left with the choices to "...suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder," (117) or kiss Daisy and "...his mind would never romp again like the mind of God". In Gatsby's choices he is to ascend "the ladder" to God which represents Gatsby's future, or choose Daisy and the past. Since Gatsby idealized the past could be his future, from Gatsby's kissing Daisy, he is leaving his past perfect platonic conception of himself by choosing no longer to have his mind think like the "mind of God". In conclusion, Jay Gatsby begins to make his future from his present even

Essay about Perceptions of Time in Great Gatsby
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After reading the classic novel, The Great Gatsby I was surprised as to how much I enjoyed the book. All of the characters were absolutely fantastic and the author did a great job by making me not want to put the book down. However, even though the book was enjoyable, there are some things I did not like, and some changes and recommendations I have that could make the book be even better. The personality of all of the characters were all very interesting and unique. F. Scott Fitzgerald made it easy to get inside most of the characters heads and know who they were. By the end of the book you knew them all inside and out. The mysteries Gatsby isn't so mysterious. He is just a heartbroken man stuck in the past. Tom is just an more content...

Everybody loves a good happy ending, and of course not all of the characters can have one, but some have earned it. It would make a lot more sense is daisy had left Tom to be with Gatsby, after all she didn't even get along with her husband. Tom is a horrible man and doesn't deserve to be with a girl like Daisy, so it just makes the most sense for Daisy to leave him. Also, there seemed to be a little bit of a romance going on between Nick and Jordan, and it would've been nice to see that go somewhere. This book would have to be recommended for teens and adults. The book is perfect for teens and any age older than that because it is not really a kids book. There are way too many different ideas that need to be comprehended, so a child would not be able to understand it. A teenager will do a better job grasping the content of the book, but may not understand it 100% because there are some older aged terms mentioned. Adults will understand the book so much more, and especially the elderly because they lived through this time period. So, the older the reader is, the better comprehension and respect for the book will be. The Great Gatsby is a wonderful book and can be enjoyed by almost anyone. It gives a great inside view of all of the characters, which makes it very enjoyable. There might be a couple changes needed to please the readers who like having happy

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The Great Gatsby Response Essay

Jay Gatsby lives for his dreams. His dedication to making his dreams a reality, self–made fortune and social prestige, and the unquestionable love for Daisy Buchanan result in Jay Gatsby's greatness. In F. Scott Fitzgerald's novelThe Great Gatsby, one can determine the world's view of what greatness truly is. Jay Gatsby is not born great, nor is greatness thrust upon him, but he achieved greatness. Jay Gatsby represents the American Dream: life, loyalty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Jay Gatsby dedicates his life to make his hopes and desires real. Jay Gatsby started his life out in the mid–west, as an ordinary, lower class citizen. However, Jay Gatsby did not grow more content...

Gatsby was employed by Dan Cody doing various jobs and during that time, became close friends with one another, and each had a trust with one another (Fitzgerald 100). Cody showed Gatsby the lavish things in life, and Gatsby held a tight grip on them and made them his lifelong aspirations. Dan Cody evokes in Jay Gatsby the appreciation for wealth. "To young Gatz, resting on his oars and looking up at the railed deck, that yacht represented all the beauty and glamour in the world" (Fitzgerald 100). Jay Gatsby stares in amazement at Cody's possessions, in Gatsby eyes, being corpulent in wealth and power causes bigger and better things for one's self. The greatness of Gatsby comes through the willingness he has to make his dreams a success. Jay Gatsby's dreams are the reason for his existence, and his purpose in life. Jay Gatsby's is well known throughout New York for being wealthy and powerful. When somebody mentions Gatsby's name, everyone knows who they are talking about. Gatsby throws extravagant, factious, lavish parties for people of high social status. Gatsby has servants, gardeners, caterers, and live music. Superficiality ran through the veins of those who attend Gatsby's soiree. The men, known as the Mr. Mumble's, have girls, barely of age, hanging off their arms, husbands and wives fighting, people getting roaring drunk, men flaunting their wealth

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Jay Gatsby of The Great Gatsby Essay
"A man's dreams are an index to his greatness"–Zadok Rabinwitz

Time remains a universal continuation of the past into the present and bears a strong hold on the future. The destruction of satisfaction in history withholds the contentment of the future with an impeding sense of unalterable guilt. In The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald demonstrates "the past is forever in the present" through numerous literary and narrative techniques, suggesting that memories serve as crucial components in the development of individuals. Fitzgerald implements a first party narrative through Nick Caraway's recollection of the events of the plot in order to effectively demonstrate the scarring, yet beneficial, effects of memories on the current mindset of individuals. The story is of Nick's past, whose memories more content...

Fitzgerald reveals the detrimental impacts of living in the past, through the character James Gatz and his numerous flashbacks responsible for Gatz's development into the character of Jay Gatsby. Gatz invented the character of Gatsby, providing a fallacious back–story, in order to convince himself and hopefully Daisy that there remains a possibility of love despite their difference in economic backgrounds. Nick reveals, "So he invented just the sort of Jay Gatsby that a seventeen–year–old boy would be likely to invent, and to this (Platonic) conception he was faithful to the end" (132). Gatsby changed his past, hoping to change the outcome of his future happiness. Fitzgerald reveals Gatsby's construed misconception of himself through flashbacks in order to emphasize the effect the past has on the present.

Fitzgerald furthers this claim through flashbacks with Gatsby presenting Daisy with an ideal illusion as well. Once Gatsby attempts to change his past, Gatsby's true remembrance of Daisy becomes misconstrued in the very same way. Nick describes Gatsby's struggle with coping with the non–Platonic reality of the present as "There must have been moments even that afternoon when Daisy tumbled short of his dreams– not through her own fault, but because of the colossal vitality of his illusion" (98). Gatsby instills Daisy with an idealized perfection associated with his biased memories of the past; however this view decays away as Gatsby begins to realize that Daisy's

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1)I feel that the most crucial part to chapter six is daisy coming to Gatsby's party. This shows daisy Gatsby's life. Daisy didn't enjoy the party and soon Gatsby doesn't either.

2)Gatsby changed his name from James Gatsby when he was 17. He changed it because he was becoming someone different. It all started when he met Dan Cody.

3)Daisy did not like the party. According to nick it offended her because it was an emotion .west egg appalls daisy. Nick states that "she saw something awful in the very simplicity she failed to understand."

4)Gatsby wants too much out of daisy to soon. Nick stayed late after the party and they talked about daisy. Gatsby tells nick that he wants daisy to tell tom that she never loved him.

5)Nicks view of more content... He said that jimmy was bound to get ahead. He was happy because of all Gatsby had accomplished and said that he has a big future before him.

5)At the end of the book nick characterizes tom and daisy as careless people. Nick said "it was all very careless and confused." he also said that "they smashed up things and creatures and retreated back into their money or their vast carelessmess or whatever it was that kept them together and let other people clean up the mess they had made."

6)Nick says that Gatsby believed in the green light. He said that it was "the orgiastic future that year by year recedes us." The green light symbolizes money and success.

FINAL– one big part of the jazz age in the great Gatsby is Gatsby's parties. The decorations and his garden were described as "several hundred feet of canvas and colored light to make a Christmas tree out of Gatsby's enormous garden." The people who attend his parties dress very fancy with silver and gold colors. The orchestra is made up of a jazz orchestra with instruments such as saxophones and trombones. To me, the whole story had a jazzy feel with many aspects of the jazz age. It is incorporated throughout the

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Gatsby Essay
The Great

The Great Gatsby Character Analysis Essay

The Great Gatsby

The novel is set in the twenties, following World War I. The economy is booming, which is crucial for the ability to convey the themes of the American Dream and post–war moods. Set in New York City, the book opens in the West Egg, a new money part of the upper class neighborhoods. The novel is told in first person by Nick Carraway, cousin of the female protagonist, Daisy Buchanan. This dynamic presents a closeness to the protagonist, and provides the reader full understandings of the messages told. By creating a neutral character who is more or less functional in the plot development, the reader gains a knowledge of the characteristics the protagonists, Jay and Daisy, truly have. Their more content...

Nick attended Yale and was involved in the Great War. However, Nick becomes restless and moves to New York to pursue the bond business. Jay Gatsby is the protagonist of The Great Gatsby. Like many others in the novel Gatsby is a young, very wealthy man. Nick Carraway neighbors Gatsby and his large mysterious mansion famous for his shindigs. Even though many people attend his parties, nobody really knows who he is or his story. Throughout the novel we learn that Gatsby was born in a rural town in North Dakota. He was not rich then, but he gained his fortune throughout the years by committing criminal activities. In the beginning of the novel Nick looks at Gatsby as a faulty man, but he later then sees that he works hard to get to where he wants to be reaching for the green light. The colors gold and yellow carry symbolism for wealth in the Great Gatsby. Even though the two colors represent wealth, they both are a little different. Gold represents richer or more lavish things, whereas yellow represents newer wealth or not as valuable. Yellow is used many times in the novel to describe certain objects. For example, many structures are described in yellow like the building on the edge of the valley of ashes or some window panes. Also, during one of Gatsby's parties, the music is described as yellow cocktail music, Gatsby's car is also yellow. Gold is used to describe people like Jordan Baker who is not as rich as many characters like

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Symbols are objects, characters, figures, or colors used to represent abstract ideas or concepts. For example, a dove is usually used to represent peace. In the novel The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Fitzgerald uses a lot of symbolism to connect the characters with each other or to other objects. Fitzgerald's use of symbolism helps advance his thematic interest in his novel of The Great Gatsby. In the Great Gatsby,F. Scott Fitzgerald uses various colors, objects, and gestures as symbols to portray the lack of moral and spiritual values of people and the different aspects of society in the 1920's. One use of symbolism Fitzgerald uses is the green light at the end of Daisy's dock. He uses it more content...

He also connects the color yellow, on Doctor T.J. Eckleburg's glasses, with the greed and wealth of the characters. Anothersymbol used in The Great Gatsby is the Valley of Ashes. The Valley of Ashes is located between West Egg and New York City, and all it is, is land with the dumping of industrial ashes all over it. It represents the moral and social decay that results from wealth, as the rich enjoy nothing but their own pleasure. It also symbolizes the poor who live among the dirty ashes and lose their strength as a result. "This is a valley of ashes–a fantastic farm where ashes grown like wheat into ridges and hills and grotesque gardens, where ashes take the forms of houses and chimneys and rising smoke and finally, with a transcendent effort, of men who move dimly and already crumbling through the powder air."(27) Looking over the valley of ashes are the eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg. "The Eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg are blue and gigantic...they look out of no face, but instead, from a pair of enormous yellow spectacles."(27) The Eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg could represent God staring down on the American society. They're just a pair of fading eyes painted on an old billboard over the valley of ashes. Fitzgerald uses the eyes to suggest symbols only mean something because of the characters put meaning in them. George Wilson makes the connection of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg's eyes symbolizing God. They could also represent the meaninglessness of the

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in The Great Gatsby Essay

The Great Gatsby: Did Money Kill the Great? Many people claim that The Great Gatsby is the quintessential American novel. This is due to the reoccurring theme of the book of the rise and fall of the American dream. The book is very significant because of its relation to the time period in which it was written and the actual events that were taking place in the world in and around the 1920's. This period was called the "Roaring 20's" because of the economy at the time was through the roof and people were taking advantage of the overall wealth, both independently and as a whole. (Gevaert, 2) New York City was a symbol of what America has become in the 1920's: a place where anything goes, where money is made and more content...

In return, Gatsby devoted his life to getting what he needed to win Daisy. Before he joined the service, Daisy was his unattainable object that he lusted for, and through her he sought to make all of this dreams come true. After the war, Gatsby became a bootlegger. It isn't clear how he made all of his money, but it is obvious that it was through illegal dealings in organized crime. The idealism evident in Gatsby's constant aspirations helps define what Fitzgerald saw as the basis for the American character. Gatsby is a firm believer in the American Dream of self–made success. (Trask) He has, after all, created and self–promoted a whole new persona for himself and has succeeded both financially and socially. Through Nick Carraway, we see someone who holds himself in higher esteem than the other characters in the novel. Nick, could be considered different from all the other characters because he is not "rolling in dough" like the rest of them. He left the Midwest to be a stockbroker in New York but didn't get rich, yet everywhere he looks these amoral people are rolling in their wealth. All he sees are people who are immoral having the luxury of living the high life. Throughout the novel, Nick finds himself surrounded by lavish mansions, fancy cars, and an endless supply of material possessions. Nick exclaims his disdains he says, "They were careless people, Tom and DaisyВ they smashed up things and creatures and then Get

The Great Gatsby Essay examples

Personal Narrative People find Gatsby to be great but I doubt it, I'm not like any ordinary person I am a wise man with great vision like an owl looking for its prey at night. I think that there is more to this person who's called The Great Gatsby I find him as a man who is very good at deceiving people. Due to my suspicion of Gatsby I investigated further and found evidence or proof of Gatsby's fraud and unoriginal life that he created himself and fooled everyone. Gatsby is not someone that everyone has talked with or even seen and with his popularity rumours spread fast, people say that he was a German spy and studied in oxford and some believed he killed a man. During my investigation of the life Gatsby claim to have I went to his library during one of his huge parties that everyone crashes in I found interesting stuff. A person who studied in oxford must be well educated it is one of the finest if not the finest universities in the world therefore in his library I examined his books to check if they were real or not. At first I was quite shocked of what I found the books in his library were real but I checked again for anything that will help me solving this mystery right after that thought I found that Gatsby did not read any of his books he purchased, he didn't even cut the more content...

I was invited to Gatsby's funeral as I expected and mentioned before that Gatsby is not a person who is loved by alot of people, people do not care about him in the funeral only Gatsby's father, Nick, a couple of servants and I who attended, Nick had a hard time inviting people no one had emotional feeling for Gatsby. I was the only guest that came both in his parties and his funeral I was the only one who really knew who was really Gatsby, even though in all my observation of Gatsby I thought Gatsby was worthy enough to attend his

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Great Gatsby Personal Narrative Essay

The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby – Chapter 1

Read the beginning of the novel chapter 1 up to page 12 "Tom Buchanan in his riding clothes was standing with his legs apart on the front porch." How effective do you find this as an introduction to Great Gatsby. In your response you should pay close attention to voice, language and style.

The Great Gatsby was written by F Scott Fitzgerald in 1925, and is set during 1922, a period tinged with moral failure of a society obsessed with class and privilege.

Fitzgerald presents us with the conflict between the illusion and the reality of the American dream.

The novel begins in the present tense, and is told through the eyes of Nick Carraway, the narrator and moral centre of the novel. His tale more content...

The reader receives the impression that Nick's self analysis of his own character tries to influence their opinion of him. Therefore the reader becomes inclined to question his judgements.

Nick Carraway's narration takes the reader into his confidence; he describes significant experiences in an almost voyeuristic way. Nicks narrative style uses elaborate and very mature vocabulary that gives extra depth and description to his account; drawing the reader further into the story. Additionally Nick's tone creates a sense of authority and immediacy which encourages the reader to read on.

However Nick's style is challenging; his sentences can be complex, and his vocabulary can be difficult to understand. This could be due to him being an aspiring writer and wishes to impress the reader with his written style.

Nick is a participant in the novel with his own specific characteristics therefore his narration is not a neutral affair. In reading the Great Gatsby

we need to be aware of what he is disclosing about others. The technique of extreme selectivity demands from the reader close attention, since the narrative is one view point. This perspective can greatly affect our reading of the text. The narrator can position us to like or dislike certain characters. For example Tom is "a brute of a man" and Gatsby an inspirational

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Why should high schoolers be forced to read a book that isn't interesting to them? Often times they either do not apply to real life situations or even teach anything that a teenager would understand. So, the high schooler skims through the book and does not pay attention to any detail. High school classrooms need better books that can teach history in a fun way, and add some interesting things to which students can reflect and think on. A book read inhigh school, should allow the students to think critically about the text they are reading, should include some references to history, and incorporate themes that are understandable and relatable to a high school student's life. This makes a book want to be read as well as enjoyable. more content...

He wants closure about what happened between them. Daisy confronts Gatsby about an affair she had with Tom, and he doesn't even care at this point because what they had was 'real'. She claims to love them both but she decides she wants to go back with Gatsby and not her husband. On her way back, she accidently kills a woman on the side of the road speeds off with Gatsby's car. Gatsby gets blamed for the death and the husband of the woman shoots him. No one attends Gatsby's funeral but Nick. This goes to show Gatsby really had no body in his life, and his own true love whom he did everything for, didn't love him equally. Throughout the whole book, Fitzgerald points out that Gatsby was living his American dream, but because his dream was Daisy, he was living his dream out of fantasy not reality. A novel read in high school, should allow the students to think critically and actively engage in the texts through their own interpretations. The Great Gatsby does just that by including symbolism which allows the students to think deeply and go one step further about what they are reading. Fitzgerald offers many opportunities throughout the book to teach symbolism to high school students, to which they can support on their own. In "The Great Gatsby in the Classroom: Not Just Because It's a classic" Prosser quotes Norris and says " Fitzgerald achieves both Nick's and the readers troubled repulsions in the world of Gatsby by producing Get more content

The Importance Of The Great Gatsby Essay

Throughout the novel, "The Great Gatsby," Jay Gatsby and Nick Caraway were the protagonists. However, some critics believe that Nick, not Gatsby, is the hero of the story. Beginning with helping Gatsby, Nick shows his selflessness and pureness through his actions making him a true hero. Ultimately, Nick is believed to be the hero that allowed Gatsby to achieve his American Dream, his Daisy: Nick was the one who invited Daisy to tea so Gatsby can rekindle his love with her. Not only is Nick an amazing friend, he is the only friend who truly loved Gatsby as a person and not his money. Listening to Gatsby when he encountered problems, Nick was the only comrade that helped Gatsby merely out of appreciation and kindness; he was not the type to more content...

In this story, Nick simply seems like a sidekick of Gatsby's than an actual hero. Helping Gatsby with his problems, Nick appears to be a genuinely sweet person that further advances Gatsby, the hero, to achieve his American Dream: getting Daisy. Even if all the characters in "The Great Gatsby" are deeply flawed, Gatsby is the closest character to being a hero, a tragic hero. Gatsby rise in wealth and extravagant parties were all for Daisy, his dream girl. With every advancement towards his dream, he waits and only worries for Daisy. Yet, it appears every step of the way, Gatsby is further away from Daisy and his American Dream. He knew that Daisy might not love him, but his continued hopefulness and motivation through love was what truly lead to his own self–destruction, his own tragic death. When Gatsby first met Daisy, he understood his vision of Daisy is not similar to the true her, for Daisy became a shallow rich woman who married Mr. Buchanan. Though, Gatsby continuously pretended to love her, for he did not to waste his efforts in loving her. Gatsby incessantly attempted to make his dead dream a reality which is how he followed to his own tragic heroic Get more content

The Great Gatsby Hero

Thesis Statement For The Great Gatsby

Thesis Statement: Throughout the narrative, Scott Fitzgerald uses symbols such as the Valley of Ashes, the green light and the eyes of TJ Eckleburg to indicate how greed, materialism and the loss of moral values in society contributed to the unattainability and corruption of the American Dream. Paragraph 1: The Valley of Ashes. Topic Sentence: The Valley of Ashes symbolises the consequences and corruption of materialism in America. Supporting sentences: Its occupants represents those confined in their pursuit of the American Dream meanwhile the rich enjoy their wealth and success in East and West Egg. In reality, the valley of ashes is described as a grey, desolate and filthy motor road, lodged between West Egg and the rest of New York. more content...

The green colour represents Gatsby's obsession over Daisy, who embodies his TAD as well as his devotion to love. He makes it his life goal to become prosperous and wealthy so he can impress Daisy's expensive needs and in turn win or buy back her affection. All throughout the story, he gets involved with bootlegging, crime and extravagant parties hoping Daisy will take notice. Gatsby dream eventually comes to a halt when Daisy runs over and kills Myrtle with his car and Gatsby is left to take responsibility. The green colour of the light is replaced with corruption, as Fitzgerald compares it to "a fresh, green breast of the new world" ( pg

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The Great Gatsby's Journey

After a long, confusing night of no sleep, Nick finally hears Gatsby return from Daisy's and rushes to greet him, eager to have a word; meanwhile, Michaelis attempts to comfort Wilson under the dull eyes of T.J. Eckleberg, but he does not succeed as Wilson soon departs on a grief–induced endeavor to find the owner of the yellow car. Gatsby, over–tired, needing a friend, and losing hope that Daisy will return to him, divulges to Nick the mystery of his upbringing, and the enchanting tale of how he and Daisy met and fell in love in the span of a month. After the sun has come up, and Gatsby has shared his tale with Nick, Gatsby makes the fateful decision to make use of his swimming pool before it's draining; however, before he can enjoy it, and

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In The Great Gatsby, a classic novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Nick Carraway is in love with Jordan Baker, George Wilson is in love with Myrtle Wilson and Jay Gatsby is in love with Daisy Buchanan. Regrettably, all of these women are unworthy of the love and affection bestowed upon them by these men. Throughout the course if this essay, thelove between these individuals will be analysed and the reasons why these women are unworthy will be highlighted.

Nick Carraway is initially introduced to Jordan Baker by his cousin, Daisy Buchanan, when he goes to their house for dinner. Jordan immediately presents herself as aloof, and makes Nick feel uncomfortable. This is portrayed by his statement: "– indeed, I was almost surprised more content...

She, however, takes advantage of the fact that Gatsby is willing to do anything for her, and convinces him to take responsibility for Myrtle's death, which she caused! Gatsby is so blinded by his love for her that he does not even realise that he is being manipulated. For example when questioned by Nick as to whether or not Daisy was driving when the accident causing Myrtle's death occurred, Gatsby responds by saying: "Yes... but of course I'll say I was." This lie eventually leads to his death, and Daisy does not even have the decency to attend his funeral. It can therefore be seen that Jordan, Myrtle and Daisy are not the slightest bit worthy of the love of Nick, George and Gatsby respectively. Jordan is dishonest and careless, in complete contrast to Nick's honesty and integrity, and lies to him throughout the entire relationship; Myrtle has no respect for George and never treats him kindly, and indirectly causes his death, whilst Daisy takes advantage of Gatsby's love and allows him to take responsibility for her actions, which ultimately leads to his death. 811

The Great Gatsby Literary Essay
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Living in the past kills the future. When people start to focus on the past they begin to think about trying to rewrite it but in reality it never will repeat. F. Scott Fitzgerald, in his novel, The Great Gatsby, suggests that the unalterable nature of the past prevents people from rewriting their own history. To Gatsby, it seems perfectly reasonable to expect Daisy to tell Tom that she never loved him, and then pick up where they left off, five years prior. "Can't repeat the past? Why of course you can! (110)". Gatsby's determination leads him to believe that everything can go back to where Daisy and he left off. As he talks, Nick begins understanding that Gatsby wants to recover more than just Daisy. He lived an incomplete life since he lost her, and he somehow feels that if he could just go back and do it all again the right way, he would find the missing pieces. In fact, that belief laid the foundation for his whole life for the past five years, driving him to amass a great fortune in whatever manner he could; more content... But one problem continues to get in the way–people change throughout life. "He talked a lot about the past; I gathered that he wanted to recover something, some idea of himself perhaps, that had gone into loving Daisy. His past had confused and disordered since then, but if he could once return to a certain starting place and go over it all slowly, he could find out what that thing was"(110). Gatsby obsessed with trying to recreate his idealized life with his new found wealth and status, always focused on ways to win Daisy to him. With Daisy, Gatsby feels secure and complete. Without her in his life, Gatsby feels that his life no longer contains purpose and that he lost a significant part of himself. Although Gatsby desperately focuses on making his life the same as five years earlier, he does not take into account that people change and do not stay the

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Essay On The Past In The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby is, to this day, one of the most iconic and well–written books. F. Scott Fitzgerald is the author of this glamorous, ritzy story. The storyline of The Great Gatsby took place in the 1920s of early America. It is primarily about the drama in the lives of some of America's most wealthy families living in New York. All of which are trying to live and embody everything it means to achieve the American Dream, much like what many of the U.S. experiences today. The Great Gatsby is one of the most recognizable books of our time due to its extravagant setting, its memorable characters, and, of course, its wonderful author. Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald (known as F. Scott Fitzgerald, named after the man who wrote the star spangled banner) more content...

The decaying of moral and social values seen in greed, materialism, and gross excess of the time period is what led to this degradation of the American Dream. This can be most clearly seen in the symbols used in the story by Fitzgerald. One of which includes The Valley of the Ashes and the billboard of the eyes above it. This was meant as a warning from Fitzgerald to show where America may end up if it keeps up all this. The eyes of TJ Eckleburg were meant to portray the eyes of god (Williams 1). They were always watching and always reminding us to remember what's important. It is clear that the author really just wanted to show that going after one's dream is a great thing, but he reminds the reader not to lose who they really are in the Get

The Great Gatsby Setting Essay
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The written task is an eulogy speech given by Nick Carraway for Jay Gatsby's funeral. It is based on novel for Part 3 "The Great Gatsby". It talks about Nick's journey with Gatsby, explaining his feelings towards Gatsby, and how it changes as he spends more time with him. It explores the character of Gatsby, explaining the social upper class at the time. Nick is also explored as an ambivalent character with conflicting view about Gatsby. In this case, he looks at the good side of Gatsby, since it is a solemn event where people who knew Gatsby such as his father, servants, and guests remember Gatsby's life, and therefore he needs to portray Gatsby as a great man to those who have come to pay respects.

The speech characterises Gatsby using Nick's personal experiences with him. For example, he talks about how Gatsby waited to make sure that Daisy was safe. This put Gatsby in a positive light, more content...

Eulogy for Jay Gatsby

They say he killed a man. They say he was a German spy. There was so much talk about Gatsby, yet only a handful ever met him or knew him personally. I had the privilege of meeting this fine gentleman, and in remembrance of his life, allow me to share a few words on my thoughts and experiences with Mr Gatsby.

I've only known Gatsby for a few months, and so I'll start with my first impression. It was summer, and many people came to enjoy his premises. He held huge parties at his mansion every Saturday.1 They were the most opulent and ostentatious parties, typical of the West Egg. All sorts of people came, from the city or just across the lake, looking to mingle and join the wealthy. They basked in Gatsby's display of wealth, enjoying the alcohol, the music, and the atmosphere. They enjoyed so much of his parties, yet they never got to meet

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Eulogy Speech In The Great Gatsby

New Money

In the novel, The Great Gatsby, Gatsby is seen as a mysterious character that's not called great or bad. The Great Gatsby takes place in the 1920's during the "roaring twenties" or called as the "Jazz Age", a period ending the Great Depression and an era where jazz and dancing become trendy. Gatsby does not seem to be fit to be called "great", instead he is fit for being called a determined man. Some may not call Gatsby "great" because of his lies and some will call him "great" because he is a man who is determined to get Daisy back from Tom or because Gatsby is a nice man who does not have much ignorance like Tom. An example why Gatsby do not deserve to be called a "great" man is because he is a liar and a "great" man does more content...

On chapter 5, after Nick hearing a backstory on Gatsby, Nick arrives home and Gatsby waits for him to arrive and waits for Nick to give Gatsby an approval for help on being reunited with Daisy. After Nick agrees to Gatsby plans, Gatsby get excited and then in return for Nicks consideration. Later in the chapter, once Daisy and Gatsby are once reunited they get into their own world and forget about Nick. Once Gatsby get what he wants, he forgets all about Nick. Another example would be on page 120, Gatsby asks Nick a favor once again to come have tea with Daisy upon her request, but for what? When Gatsby needed Nick it usually had to do with something serious. Of course it was the day Daisy planned to confess to Tom that Daisy was planning to leave Tom. Later in the book, Gatsby get excited to tell Tom how Daisy never loved Tom. Although Nick have always been third wheel, Gatsby is seen as a very determined man to be reunited with his only love; Daisy. Gatsby figures out ways to be together with his love no matter what. Throughout readingThe Great Gatsby, Jay Gatz was somewhat a great man at some parts but it was mainly because Gatz was the only character in the book who sounded decent and kind compared to Tom and Daisy. But looking at the overall picture, Gatsby is not a "great" man because he does not really have a goal for something Get more content

Great Gatsby Great

The story The Great Gatsby written by F. Scott Fitzgerald takes you through the life of the protagonist of the novel, Jay Gatsby, who is shot to death in the end. Who was really the reason for Gatsby's death? There are many of reasons that lead up to Gatsby's death and several people who are considered to have caused it. Although George Wilson physically killed him, Tom Buchanan, Daisy Buchanan andJay Gatsby himself all take part in the death. Tom's anger, Daisy's carelessness, and Gatsby's idea of the American Dream all contribute to his death in the end. According to Nick, Tom Buchanan is a "sturdy, straw–haired man of thirty with a rather hard mouth and a supercilious manner" (13). Tom shows careless and arrogance multiple more content...

Daisy, who is another careless character in this book is can be blamed for three things, hitting Myrtle with Gatsby's car, not confessing to it and allowing her affair with Gatsby to start up and continue. Daisy not only hit myrtle with Gatsby's car but also didn't decide to stop, "Daisy stepped on it" (151). She had no intentions of swerving before the hit or slowing down and stopping after it. This shows her jealousy towards Tom's affair with Myrtle, along with that she didn't take responsibility and selfishly did not confess to what she had done and how it could affect others. Secondly, she subconsciously leads Gatsby on into thinking that he really did have her back all to himself when realistically she was not sure what she was going to do. While talking to Jordan "She realized at last what she was doing – and as though she had never, all along, intended doing anything at all." (175). Her affair with Gatsby was risky and turned into nothing but damage in the end. Lastly, Daisy says to Gatsby "I did love him once – but I loved you too" (140) referring to Tom. She shows her carelessness over her marriage seeing as she had an affair with Gatsby and didn't think to put a stop to it. If Daisy had not had the affair with him, there would be no reason for Tom to want revenge on Gatsby in the first place, therefore Gatsby would've have been blamed. Finally, Gatsby himself

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The Great Death of the Great Gatsby

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