Vignette Case Studies
Bipolar disorder is a chronic disorder associated with episodes of manic highs to depressive lows, characterized by high rates of relapse and recurrence. Both depressive and manic states can last weeks, or even months depending on the person and the severity of the bipolar disorder diagnosis. (2)
This first study inspected the effectiveness of a new unbiased intervention for reducing decision–making mistakes during the evaluation and diagnosis process of pediatric bipolar disorder. The study performed was random, and it was a controlled trial using a case vignette approach. The participants of this particular study were 137 mental health professionals working in different regions of the United States. Each mental health professional participating in this study had seven to eight years of more content... Both correct and incorrect diagnoses were given by the treatment group, and the incorrect diagnoses were given when the mental health professional did not pick up on the possibility of mania in the case vignette. The skin color of the patient portrayed in the case vignette did not make a difference in the mental health professional's final diagnoses/decision. In conclusion: the intellectual intervention did significantly better than the control. Looking at individual questions in the different cases of pediatric bipolar disorder could help rule out incorrect diagnoses in the future and save lots of time on both the patient's side and health professional's side as well. (1) The purpose of this study was to examine how often pediatric bipolar disorder goes misdiagnosed or undiagnosed, since it is very common for that to happen. Bipolar disorder shares many symptoms with other mental illness, and in children, it is even easier to misdiagnose these symptoms that are
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The Female Vignette
The vignette finishes with a recitation of the four girls' names being that it closes the list with the people that are being focused on. In addition, it brings humor to the chapter and to the girl's conversation. Simply, the girls' names were recited at the end of the vignette because they are a part of their neighborhood. The girls were harshly playing around by calling each other hideous and heavy, as well as making yo' mama jokes. If the author had ended the list without renaming the girls, it would have appeared that the girls were angry towards each other. After naming all the people in their neighborhood, the purpose of the conversation was leaving the attention of the reader and was brought back to the group of girls by reciting their
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Upper school English teacher Ms. L.C. says her favorite smell is that of a melting popsicle in the summer. "I love the sweet fructose of the popsicle juice," said L.C. "Especially the way it combines with the smell of the wooden stick."
Such is the level of description that makes a/the vignette what it is. As part of Latin's new–and–improved Lit Fest, last week L.C., along with fellow English teacher Ms. Barker, held a workshop to teach students more about this description–heavy style of writing.
"I wanted students to get a sense of what a vignette is and how to write one," said L.C. when asked about the goal of the seminar. "It's really a literary snapshot that draws readers in with sensory detail, which is new to a lot of kids. And it's quick, often times only capturing a 10–second window.
A lot of students aren't aware more content... also considers vignette writing a great exercise when it comes teaching students how to say a lot with few words.
"Vignettes are typically short pieces of writing," said L.C. "The workshop hopefully got students thinking about the economy of language, and how to capture a vivid moment with limited words."
After going around the room and asking students to describe their favorite sounds and smells – which included "the crack of a baseball on a bit," and L.C.'s "sweet fructose of a popsicle"– Ms. Barker projected a clip from David Lynch's "Lost Highway," which encapsulates the function of a vignette in a nutshell.
"You'll get it when you see it," Barker said in response to some confused stares.
It's the part where Pete Dayton (Balthazar Getty) sees Renee (Patricia Arquette) at the auto repair shop, and can't seem to take his eyes off of her and she steps into someone's car.
Vignette: Writing In High School
"The key is that the scene slowed things down," said Barker. "The interaction between the characters probably could have been 10 seconds long, but instead the director exploded the moment so that the viewers could feel the senses and emotions for
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Vignette Conventions
In the chapter A Rice Sandwich it has different types of moods and tones. There was also an overall theme of the whole vignette. The chapter starts as any other vignette, but changes like most other. The theme of this chapter is fitting/belonging in. An example of this is when she says "The canteen! Even the name sounds special." This shows that she is jealous of these people on how they get to stay and she doesn't, but her house isn't far away. This is where she thinks all the special kids eat. Another example is when she says one day she would ask her mom to make her a sandwich and write her a note so she could be one those kids that gets to stay in the canteen. The tone of this vignette is disappointed, because in the book
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Vignette 2:
An adult patient is a member of a religion that does not believe in receiving blood. The patient receives a colostomy and begins hemorrhaging. He is unable to voice his objections. You know of this patient's strong beliefs and that he does not want to receive blood. On the admission sheet, the area for religion is blank. He has no family. The nurses and doctors want to give blood and you do not want him to die.
Questions for Case 2:
1.What should you do? Ethically support your viewpoint.
2.What are the ethical dilemma and legal implications if he receives blood?
3.What are the legal and ethical implications if the patient is a minor and the parents refuse blood?
4.Do either the Living Wills or Durable Power of Attorney apply in this case? Explain. more content...
In the case where the patient makes their strong religious beliefs verbal to the healthcare provider they have an obligation to make certain there is no documented religious preference in their previous records or if the patient has a Living Will on file. The recent admission documentation may have been entered incorrectly or the patients religious preference many have not been transcribed. If this was my patient and he expressed his strong objections to a blood transfusion. I would have documented this and brought this to the attention of his doctor prior to the procedure. Also, I would exhaust every avenue to insure that this patient had no documents on file. The healthcare provider should feel an obligation to check all prior admission documentation available in unique situations. I believe this is incumbent that personnel make the best choice possible in sensitive cases. Also, contacting the patient's primary care physician may offer some missed documentation concerning the patient's religious preference. If no religious preference past or present has been documented. I would ethically have a problem with the blood transfusion based on my conversation with the
Vignette 2: Ethical Dilemmas
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How The Literary Devices Used In A Vignette
There are many literary devices were used in this vignette, but the one stands out the most is repetition, a lot of phrases and words are being repeated in this vignette. The one that helps me understand the lady in this vignette better is after when the lady hear her son singing the Pepsi commercial. Although, it seems that she doesn't want to go outside of her house not because she doesn't know how to speak English, but rather that she doesn't want to hear "the language that sounds like tin" (78). There were rumors about why we can't never see that lady outside of the house, however they are just rumors, the real reason is because she feels offended when listening to that language. Her reaction toward her son singing the Pepsi commercial
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Intro Vignette
It's the beginning of winter of 2015, a cold, dry Sunday morning. Few of us sit together, side by side, some in a row on the couch in the open living room. We listen closely to the television. When our shows are over, we grab some food, throw ourselves off the couches, and are officially satisfied with the day, all of us together in our tiny house. For many of us, the day is over and now sleep is near. The next day, I see my mom, my favorite person in the house, and get some breakfast from her. She's a decently sized woman who takes decent steps, as if she could come after you, at any time, and suffocate you in her arms. In her sleep clothes, she looks like a cross between a tired grandparent and a raging bull. She has more content...
I told her – and myself – that we should one day get back together, playing something she wanted. But that day never came.
Perfect Day
My mom's favorite day would be quiet, with a cool breeze, and with a nice place to relax. A place where she could escape her daily troubles. My mother loves scenery, so being around a nice sunset would make her happy. Other things she would like to see would be the ocean or if she's in a fun mood, she would like to go to Disneyland.
While she is experiencing her perfect day, she would be happy with just her and herfamily. My dad, my little sister, and as was as me. She tends to be a social butterfly so the people she would like to see are always with her. For the most part, she'd like to visit those who she cannot see anymore and those who are close to her.
But overall, she'd like to have a bit of alone time just to relax by herself. A nice evening strolling on the beach and watching the sunset. From what I have described, you can see my mom likes her peace and quiet, and enjoys to relax with those close to her. Even though we both have different perfect days, it'd be a joy to spend more time with her.
Creative Writing:
No Man is a Good Man. Get more content
Vignette Number 1 Analysis
In Vignette number one we see A story from the mother's point of view. In the first short story we see this all through the eyes of Ying Ying as a young girl in China. The vignette starts off with Ying–Ying in some nice yellow silk clothes but like any child she somehow gets them dirty in this story she chases a dragonfly around the families courtyard and got her clothes all dirty. Later in the chapter she gets lost in the sea when she falls off the boat and is in a frantic search for her family. Towards the end of the chapter Ying–Ying makes her way to themoon lady "I knew what my wish was. I darted fast as a lizard behind the stage to the other side of the moon " (page 82 line 11) But as soon as she got to the moon lady her beliefs were crushed when she saw the "A face so tired that she wearily pulled off her hair, her long gown fell from her shoulders. And as my secret wish fell from my lips, the Moon Lady looked at me and became a man" (page 82 Line 20–23) Being a kid this event could have changed or affected her. TheTheme of this section of the book is Don't let a part of your past change your future. When Ying–Ying discovers the Moon Lady is a man she creates a dark spot in her past. Since there is tis dark spot Ying–Ying doesn't refer to her past the darkness will latter dictates her in the way she parents her daughter.
In vignette number two we see this story from Lena's perspective. Lena is a chinese immigrants daughter. In this part of the story Lena is still A
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Vignette # 4 I was wrapped in my blanket like a Butterfly in its cocoon. As soon as I began to have conscious thought of my crush, dancing, and my dreams turning into a reality my eyes opened as if I was facing Bruce Lee himself. Then I jumped out of my bed if I was running with gazelles in sub Saharan Africa. I smoothly landed into a crouched position on the ground I got straight into mydance battle stance with a stare determined like Eminem. I knew today would be a good day with the sun shining on me through my white curtains. As I noticed the dust from my desk float in front of me I copied its abrupt and jerky movements into the bathroom. I walked on my bathroom carpet more content... One side asking in a tone of low self–esteem "Does my messy hair I think is cool, crappy?" "Does my invsalign have something in it?" the other side I favored "Your dream is coming true you have to believe in True love's destiny". I said with a genuinesmile of happiness "Yeah let's, but first I need to drop my book off at my locker. Do you need to go to yours?" Her voice sounding sweet like the wind chimes in a summer breeze. "No I won't have to, let's get going" as we passed the people and walked through crowds of Eagle Rock High school students we laughed and conversed. We were talking as if we were strolling around the mall and it was a date. Everything she said I listened closely too if I were breaking into a safe. We stood against the planter one away from the dancing, my crew's boom box being blasted, and everyone talking, gossiping about the day. She had to leave because shethought she kept me from my dancing and friends. I thought she wasn't and wanted for the moment to last longer. Dancing my way into the circle of my friends I can feel Valentine's Day in my friends. I felt it was strong just like the stench of a skunk. Day continued and the true love moment like a taylor swift song I dreamed was coming to a close. The time I waited in the front of school with a couple of my friends behind me. I waited until the dean closed the gate the border between school and freedom. "Hey Phillip were going to head to the park now see
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Vignette: A Short Story
Ethical Vignette Essay
Title: Ethical Vignette
In this paper I will discuss the ethical vignette as it deals with confidentiality and ethical dilemmas that counselor's face. I will reflect on a video presentation as well as the North Carolina rules and regulation and the ACA Code of Ethics as it relates to confidentiality andethics. I will explain why confidentiality is important and what the rules says about it. This will help me and others to become a better counselor.
Ethical Vignette Summary
As I began to read and listen to the material that dealt with the Ethical vignette as it dealt with confidentiality and ethical dilemmas that counselor's will deal with in their day to day work environment. The video presentation made more content...
(1983, c. 755, s. 2; 1993, c. 514, s. 2.) ".
Next I looked at what ACA code of Ethics mandates that we do concerning these matters. In Section B.1.c counselor has to respect the rights of all clients to confidentiality and cannot share the information without client consent or without legal or ethical justification. Also in Section C.2.e and f states that the Counselors should take reasonable steps to consult with other counselors or related professionals when they have questions regarding their ethical obligations or professional practice and they must take continuing education so that they can maintain reasonable levels of awareness.
My reaction to the video at first was "This is a long video" then I began to really listen to what they were talking about and reflect on what they were saying and how it applies to me right now. I began to change my thought process on how serious this really is. Now believe me I know how important it is because I work in the field every day, but it made me want to make sure that I'm doing the right things the way that they are supposed to be done. Making sure that confidentiality
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Writing My Vignette
You made a lot of valid points that I did not think about previously as I was writing my vignette. She started suffering from the traumatic event before she arrived at the shelter not after she got there. I was thinking of me personally how if put in this situation I may not understand my feelings until after I was safe to process what happened. The loss of her home is another factor I didn't think about because to know you don't have a home to go to can cause different feelings as well. I also agree that the event most likely caused her to develop PTSD. Do you think she would have had any previous anxiety before the storm due to her husband being a police officer?
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Vignette Number One
Shot Someone The vignette, "Vignette Number One" (1925) was written by Ernest Hemingway (1899–1961), an American Nobel Prize winning author. A vignette is a brief description about an event. The vignette was told by an omniscient narrator, and took place in early 1920's Chicago at two in the morning. The speaker was telling the story in past tense and the speaker was near the scene. The main idea of this vignette is a person will judge others based on nationality. At two A.M. a cigar store was robbed by two Hungarians in Chicago at Fifteenth Street and Grand Avenue. The two policemen, Drevitts and Boyle came up to the cigar store from the Fifteenth police station; they drove a Ford. The Hungarians began to back out their wagon out of an more content...
The Fifteenth Street police of Chicago were most likely altered about the robbery. Boyle is the main character of the vignette and lied about his reasoning for shooting the two Hungarians. Although the Hungarians were thieves, they did not deserve such a harsh punishment. Boyle attempted to convince his partner that the men were crooks. Drevitts understood Boyle's excuse and agreed that the shooting was necessary. The real reason why Boyle shot the two men was because he thought they were wops, a derogatory name for Italians. He killed them because he was prejudice towards Italian people. Hemingway named the Irish policeman Boyle because it showed how he was filled with hate and pain. He was Irish and generalized all Italians by thinking they were all wops and that they did not deserve to live. Boyle thought no one would care that they were dead, all because of their religion, and his generalization about Italians. He was wrong about them being Italian, but thought because there was a robbery it had to be Italians. Something must have happened in his life to make him be filled with hatred towards a whole race. He let his previous experiences dictate the rest of his life. He was wrong about the race of the thieves but believed it must be Italians if there was a crime. The cop was aware that his reason for killing two men was unacceptable but he did it anyway
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Vignette Case Study
Case Analysis I
Robert Richardson
February 28, 2010
PAF 9120
Professor Ryan A. Smith
1. Should Maxwell stick to his guns, or attempt to compromise by using the board meeting to re–involve Mike and downplay professional services?
Most of the problems John Maxwell is encountering appear to be from a lack of "transition planning". Meetings should have occurred between himself and Reverend Mike, the staff, and the Board of Directors; collectively and separately. Reverend Mike's charismatic style of leadership and history with Serenity House resulted in an "entrenched" organizational culture. Maxwell's attempted sweeping changes, that resulted in the final confrontation with Reverend Mike was a recipe for more content...
To serve as a Board of Director, is to monitor and help facilitate the overall health of an organization. There should have been some kind of transitional planning and oversight to make it as smooth and painless as possible. This would help Serenity House to operate in the most optimal state.
(Free Management Library ––Responsibilities–ofNP–Board.pdf)
5. If you were an organizational consultant called in to assist Serenity House with this issue, which approach or steps would you take?
I would begin by addressing the two principals involved; Maxwell and Reverend Mike. They would have to meet together (regularly) and probably with me for there to be any effective, amicable transition between the two and therefore serenity House. There would have to be meetings with the staff to orient, re–educate and placate any transitional fears. A progress report should be generated for the Board of Directors quarterly meeting until such time that the board determines that the transition has sufficiently progressed beyond "concern."
The Structural Framework
The conflict in this case analysis stems from the transition from an organizational approach of charismatic leadership to one based on professionalism. The only structure the organization had ever known was Reverend Mike's "top down" approach. That is him at the top and everyone else down at the bottom with no one in between. Maxwell's professionalism approach "radicalized"
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I could relate to your vignette because I work in a daycare/preschool and there are often times we will transition from one thing to another and I always feel there is one student that needs more guiding than the rest. When you can implement smooth transitions into your classroom it doesn't waste any instruction time. I have been in classrooms before where teachers easily lost their patience when a student asked them which center they were suppose to be in. I think this teacher handled it very professionally. Good job!
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Vignette Research Paper
Vignette Essay
Application of ethical theory to a case study vignette
Choose ONE of the following four cases
Identify key stakeholders in this case. Identify and discuss main (ethical) issues of this case in relation to the stakeholders. Evaluate the case using TWO ethical theories (you must use the theories that were taught in the lectures apart from Ethical Egoism). Explain how you would act / you would have acted in this situation, and why.
Your word limit must not exceed 1,700 words. Do not forget to include your word count in Your essay.
The essay will be marked using the following criteria:
Identification of stakeholders and issues
Outlining of main features of ethical theories and application more content... He passes his design on to the managing director, who likes it. The managing director usually trusts that his employees work within copyright rules and therefore does not ask Tom any questions regarding the photo. The designs the company has produced find the supermarket's approval and shortly afterwards clothes with the new print designs are going on sale in all their large stores across the country. Did Tom do the right thing?
Case 3
Dr Victoria Patel is a non–executive board director at SuperSoftware, a FTSE 250 company. The company had been struggling for some time to retain its market share. As a result, SuperSoftware hired a new CEO called Richard Smart, with the aim to turn the company's fortune around. Victoria is a member of the company's nomination committee and as such was responsible, together with the other committee members, for the
hiring of the new CEO. What impressed her and her fellow board directors was not only the experience Richard brought from his previous work roles but also his qualifications, which include a computer science degree from Harvard University and an MBA from the University of Chicago.
One year on, SuperSoftware's board directors are very happy with Richard Smart's work. Following the Get more content
Vignette #1 Talk Most of us in the family have different ways of talking to others. Kwabe, the youngest out of 8, is annoying but sometimes gets his points across. The second youngest is serena, around people she doesn't really know or wants to be mean to, she puts on a baby voice, around people she doesn't like she talks with a deep voice. At home she is just irritating, and she is always sassy. Oyema and I are pretty much the same, we don't want to talk at all, well at school. It's like right after we scramble outside of school we just talk and talk and talk. Sharese and Tiera, two of our older sisters, they are raggedy smart alecks, especially sharese. Tiera is just plane weird, but both of them curse so much it's amazing how many more content...
I admire someone who is brave and strong, who is caring and loyal, who is uplifting and motivational, I admire my mom. She is never afraid to go out there and be bold. She is the one who fixes things or tries to help out. My mom always tells us to work hard and try our best. Whenever we asked why she would always say, "Well, if we you to be succeful you have to earn it, I never had anyone to tell me that I needed to work hard or try, and I just want the best for you." This is how I know she cares and really wants us to be happy. It reminds me that not everybody has someone to tell you to work hard or to try. I want to be the person she is, I don't want to be afraid or noncaring. I remember I said I didn't want to play basketball anymore because I was really bad at it since most of the time I had a cast on. I said, "I hate basketball, I don't want to play anyomore." "You don't hate it, you're just cofused. You need to make sure you are practicing and paying attention so you can play well." She is just so uplifting and caring, whenever we are in the car she teaches us how to drive correctly and all the rules to driving. I can always tell she cares, even when she is upset, because she is just trying to tell us to do the right thing, which is always Get
Personal Narrative: Vignette
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Use peer feedback!! It will be the death of you if you don't use peer feedback effectively! We were given peer feedback on 3 of our essays–the Hobbit essay, our name vignette, and the Twelfth Night soliloquy essay. If I were to rank my– self from 1–5 on effective feedback usage, I would give myself a 4 because when I receive peer feedback, I evaluate it and see whether the change would be effective, and it usually is. On the times I didn't use the peer feedback, it would be because of one of two reasons: (a.) the change would not enhance my essay whatsoever, or (b.) I'm too stubborn to realize that the change would be for the better. What I mean when I say stubborn is that I tried really hard on something and I'm disappointed to see more content... Next thing you need to know–strive for improvement! It won't hurt to push yourself! This year, my thesis statements have been more concise and I am able to write more sophisticatedly. In my Hobbit essay, my analysis was super great and I'm really proud of that, but some sentences were phrased awkwardly, and I cringed as I read through it, seeing that there was so much I could've changed. This problem was less prominent in the thematic essay, but my analysis was not well–developed or thorough. If I were to redo one essay, it would most definitely be that one. As for my name vignette, I see growth in my creative/descriptive writing skills. However, I didn't exactly have a theme nor did I use fragments like Sandra Cisneros, the author of House on Mango Street, uses. However, I pushed myself to come up with lots of FOS and poetic elements so the vignette flowed nicely. The problem with me is that I'm a lot more critical and analytical than I am creative so when it comes time to write creative pieces such as the name vignette, I genuinely struggle with what to say. The point at which I see my writing skills reaching a higher level is my soliloquy essay, for multiple reasons. First, I'm super proud Get
Peer Feedback: Vignette, And Twelfth Night
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I chose this vignette because I knew about Adam and how he participates in many things that are intended to benefit the community, but I never understood why. I thought that maybe his parents might have told him to do these things, but I was wrong. I was very influenced by the Humans of New York website. After reading some of those stories, I realized that the most important part of a person is the reason or moment that changed their way of thinking. Their past experiences explain why they are the person that you know, and their present selves reflect the past.
The biographical text I read also had quite an impact on me. I realized that everybody can be successful, they just need to be given the opportunities. I feel that I am constantly being given these opportunities, but take them for granted when there are other people out there who don't ever get opportunities, but are very skilled, talented, and valuable to the world. I realize that the lives of these people can more content...
Adam on the outside seems really happy and caring, but on the inside he and his family have gone through a lot. His story makes me more aware about the people and world around. I participate in things like Model United Nations, but I never really take any action that is going to have a definite impact on the community around me. Sometimes I take many of the things and privileges I have for granted and think that I have larger problems. My family is fortunate enough to be able to send me to a private school, give me a home, feed me everyday, and buy me things I want. However, I never take thetime to think about how there are other children who are even younger than me who cannot even dream of having the opportunity and privilege that I have. After listening to Adam's story I realize how selfish I am and how I take all these things for granted when there are younger children out there who are desperate for some of the privileges that I consider to be
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How To Write A Vignette Essay
CHOOSE TWO out of the five Vignettes to write about.
Please review the following vignettes. Use your text and class notes as a reference to determine what theoretical approach can assist you in providing an explanation to the reasons why the following individuals have the coping mechanisms and behavior that they do. Identify all the major issues with each scenario. Define the interventions that can assist in each case. Are there any identifiable strengths with each case? Lastly point out any ethical issue s and standards that apply and what legal mandates need to be considered.
Vignette # 1 Janet, a 42–year–old accountant, presents for therapy on the advice of her husband. Janet states that for the past more content...
Mary appears to be overwhelmed and complains that she only takes care of her grandchild and is not involved in any "social events". Jenny is in the 5th grade and is reading at a 2nd grade level. Jenny seems to be performing at a lower level then the rest of her classmates. Jenny often becomes withdrawn when asked about school and says she feels "dumb".
Vignetter # 3
Jane and John are two 25 year old individuals who live together with two children, Nancy; 4 years old, and David; 2 years old. Jane denies using drugs during her pregnancy, however, she does admit to using drugs, e.g. marijuana, methamphetamine, and cocaine, prior to her pregnancy. Both proudly reveal they do not drink alcohol. John and Jane state that they very rarely use methamphetamine, 4 to 5 times a month, and that they are very sure they are not addicted. Both state they have not used methamphetamine in three months. Jane and John have no family support as they are both former foster youth and have been part of the Department and Children and Family Services. Currently, they run the risk of being evicted from their current apartment. John recently lost his job due to lay offs. Jane works for full time for minimum wage with WalMart. Jane has expressed concerns because her son, David, struggles with crawling and has not started walking. Jane states that he tends to
Vignette essay
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Vignette #1:
Initially my reaction to this vignette was fear. I was fearful for Tran and that he might be suffering emotionally and mentally from having to see the pictures of the Vietnam War and World War II on Mr. O'Leary's walls every day. The key issues in this vignette are personal and professional problems with the items displayed on Mr. O'Leary's walls. Personal because I would not find these images appropriate to keep around children or be used for decoration and professional because they are images that could have a very serious negative impact on Tran's life. My course of action would be to either have Tran see a counselor or have a counseling session with him myself, depending on what the agency determines, and evaluate if these images are in any way negatively effecting Tran. I would also speak with Mr. O'Leary and recommend taking down the photos for the time being after explaining the sensitivity of Tran's situation. more content...
The personal issues with this vignette is that I do not want for anyone to die or be hurt and the professional issue regarding this vignette is determining whether or not a client's confidentiality needs to be broken. I would determine whether to break confidentiality or not by using the same strategy used to evaluate if a client is suicidal or not. I would start by finding out how serious my client was about committing murder by: discovering if he has a gun, finding out how much thought he has put into this, finding out if he has a plan for committing the crime. I would then discuss the repercussions of committing murder and try to reason with my client. I would then inform my supervisor if the threat seemed legitimate and inform the appropriate legal authorities. Additional actions to support growth would be studying warning signs and red flags that could easily be overlooked when a client is not as verbal as this one about their ideas to commit
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Example Of A Vignette Case Study