A writer should use refutation in a research paper because refutation improves the credibility of the writer`s argument. Refutation is an effective way to strengthen an argument because it shows the other side of the argument. When using refutation in a paper, a writer includes an opposing view point of his or her argument. Then, the writer must prove how the opposing viewpoint is wrong using his or her evidence. By using refutation, the reader can see that the writer has considered both sides of the argument. Also, refutation can make readers accept or lean more toward the writer`s argument. It also shows that the writer is informed on his or her
Refutation In A Writer's Argument
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Reflection About Homeless
In today's world, homelessness seems to be everywhere we go. Sometimes, homeless people even confront us to ask for money or due to their mental state. I believe that even though this can be scary or uncomfortable, we should still treat them with respect and kindness. As someone who is very curious about everything and everyone there is one thing that sticks out the most. That is homelessness. When I see a homeless person a million questions rush through my head. I think why might they be homeless, do they have a family, but there is one main question that I think. The big question that I ask myself is how do people treat them if they are approached for some reason. I have had a personal experience with having a homeless person approach my family and me.
My family took a trip to Asheville, North Carolina. While walking around downtown, I noticed many people who appeared homeless. Some were sleeping, some were begging, and one even started yelling angrily at my family, although he wasn't making much sense. He followed us for about a hundred feet, yelling the whole time. My mom and sister ignored him, but my dad got in his face and yelled at him to stop. After what seemed like several minutes, but was probably only 30 seconds or so, one of the shopkeepers ran up to my dad and the homeless man and calmed the situation down. The shopkeeper explained to us that the homeless man is well–known in the area and that he is harmless. We were also informed that the homeless man is
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English151b Reflection
In the eight weeks of my English151B class, I have improved my writing skills to write a well–organized and focused essay by avoiding run–ons, fragments, using proper verb tenses, and punctuation marks. I have learned the importance of avoiding run–ons. Until my second week of class, I was unaware that I was writing run–ons. Writing run–ons was making my writing weak and always confused the readers. I got a B grade in my narrative essay because of writing run–ons. With the passage of time, I started double checking my essays to make sure that I did not write any run–ons. Now, I have improved so much that I can identify and correct run–ons. Other than run–ons, I always used to write fragments. I always tried to break down sentences as much
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In refutation to Locke's state of nature argument, we can look towards Hobbes, Rousseau, and Mill to provide us with insightful objections. It can be claimed that first society should not have the right to self–determination but instead the right to self preserve, that property rights are social institutions and not inherent natural rights, and finally that not everyone in society is guaranteed property rights.
Firstly, Locke believed in a system of justice that was based on freedom, self–governing, and the ideology that all people are naturally good. Hobbes would explain that Locke's arguments are inherently flawed in that he doesn't recognize that we are constantly in a state of war. This natural state of humanity or state of war is...show more content...
Democracy can and never will be the answer for our society, because we would never be able to restrain the violence of human nature, ultimately leading to death and war. The only way we can peacefully preserve ourselves is to erect a common power and give our rights over to someone who can take action on behalf of the whole. This individual would be the sovereign and would govern as the unification of our rights and desires. The sovereign would have no obligations to the subject, but must uphold the subject's rights. Hobbes states in the Leviathan selection 3, "The obligation of subjects to the sovereign, is understood to last as long, and no longer, than the power lasteth, by which he is able to protect them" (Hobbes, 147). If the rights of the people are violated, the sovereign's power would become invalid. If we were to give up our right to self–governance, along with everyone else, and sign the social contract, we would be able to achieve a better and more prosperous freedom than Locke under his state of nature.
Next, under Locke's state of nature, he also places a heavy emphasis on extensive rights, including property rights. He believed that self–determination implied private property rights and that human life without property is not free. In refutation to this
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Kant's Refutations of the Proofs of the Existence of God
There are three types of proof for the existance of God:
The Ontological Proof: God is the most perfect conceivable being. Existence is moreperfect than non–existence. God by definition exists.
The Cosmological Proof: Everything contingent must have a cause. If this cause is alsocontingent, then it too must also have a cause. This chain ofcauses and effects must have a beginning – a necessary cause. Thisnecessary cause must be God.
The Physico–Theological Proof: Observations about the particular constitution of the sensible world provide proof of the existence of God.
As we saw earlier in the CPR, there are...show more content...
As soon as a person has admitted that he/she has a concept of "God", by this argument, then that person has also admitted God's existence (in the same way that admitting you have the concept of a triangle is, is to admit that a triangle has three angles). Like most of Kant's topics of discussion, it is difficult to fully grasp the entirety of what is being said. However, unlike most other cases, this time I don't think it's entirely his fault. In fact, his refutation to this deceivingly simple argument is (perhaps deceivingly) actually quite simple. Existence cannot be a predicate. In the sentence "Thomas is the teacher", the word "is" is not the predicate, but it is the word that implies existence. Therefore, the sentence "God is" does not contain a predicate. A predicate is a word that ads a quality to the concept of the thing it is applied to existence is not a quality. The cosmological argument, according to Kant, "is too well known for it to be necessary to expound it in detail here" (P570), so if you don't know it, you can join me in feeling like an idiot… However, he then goes on to quickly explain the argument. I also took the liberty of finding out where this argument came from and it seems to have started with Aristotle and also used by Aquinas. Aristotle said that the fact that there is movement could prove the existence of an "unmoved mover" (God). In other words
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Refutation of Islam being born a Religion of Violence
There are those in the world that maintain that Islam is a religion born of violence, but many scholars, including Timothy Rowe and William T. Cavanaugh, maintain that Islam was not a religion born of violence but a religion that was born into a violent culture (Rowe 2015, Cavanaugh 2013). This thesis by both scholars allows for an interpretation of Islam that looks not only at the actions of today, but also at the historical foundations of Islam from its birth in 610 CE, when Mohammad received his first revelation in a cave on Mount Hira, near the city of Mecca, in what is now Saudi Arabia (Omar 2003). There is evidence to support this view in many of the Holy Scriptures and texts of...show more content... The visitations from Gabriel which would continue for twenty years (Omar 2003). However, Muhammed's revelations were not well received by local Meccans, and after early persecutions in Mecca in 622 CE Muhammed left with his wife, Khadija, and his Uncle, Abu Talib, to travel to Medina, then known as Yathrib, where Muhammed would find success establishing the new religion (Cleveland and Bunton 1986, Miqdad 2015). This event was called the Hijra, and marked the beginning of the Muslin calendar. By 629 CE Muhammed had converted Medina to Islam, and he had begun to amass a personal army to take on Mecca. While Muhammed's attack may be viewed as violent, especially with the creation of a large army, his true purpose may be seen with The Treaty of Hudaybiyyah, which was a peace treaty signed by Mecca and Medina in 628 CE (Omar 2003). The Treaty of Hudaybiyyah was broken by the Meccan tribe of the Quraysh, who had persecuted and murdered Muslims in cold blood (Miqdad 2015). However, the city of Mecca fell to Muhammed's forces without bloodshed in 629 CE, which can be attributed to Muhammed's urgings of nonviolence towards the people of Mecca. In Muhammed's words after the fighting, he mentioned that "The Just war is always evil, but sometime you have to fight in order to avoid the kind of persecution that Mekkah [Mecca] inflicted on Muslims (Miqdad 2015)." The statement "The Just war is always
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Argumentative Essay Quotes
Cabute, Jeanette Anne H. BSIE–HE 4A
1."Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending." –Maria Robinson
Explanation: Our lives are full of ups and downs. Often we get so caught up with the downs in our lives that we fall into depression. We feel that everything in life is falling apart. You regret the choices you've made in the past and feel that you have failed in life. Understand that you cannot go back in time and undo choices you've made but that you can stop yourself from repeating the past by making smarter decisions so that you can have a better future.
Reaction: Yes, our life is full of up and downs. We also cannot change the past, but we can make better things or choices...show more content... If we try new things we're going to make a few mistakes but we are learning from that mistake. If you don't make any mistakes, you're in a rut and not trying anything new. Mistakes are part of our lives, we cannot change it, and we just have to take the risk. Nothing is impossible if we try new things and nothing will lose if you try right.
4."The heart has its reasons which reason knows not." –Blaise Pascal
Explanation: The heart, the organ capable of storing love can also reason. Its reasoning makes all the sense in the world to the heart and to the heart's owner when the owner first hears it. It's the reasoning that makes you fall in love at first sight. It's the reasoning that somehow makes it so hard to let somebody go even though you have no logical reason to want that person to stay.
Reaction: The quote means that you have to listen to your heart. Just like in love, you just only knew that you love that person but you don't know why. We fall in love in a mutual weirdness and called it love.
5."When love is not madness it is not love." –Pedro CalderГіn de la Barca
Explanation: The actual quote is when love is not madness, it is not love, and it is by Pedro Calderon. Love in its self is madness. Love brings to life so many different emotions that it is like a chaos in your
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Socrates Refutation Against Thrasymachus
An Examination of Socrates' Refutation against Thrasymachus In Plato's Republic Book I, Socrates debate with Cepahlus, Polemarchus, and Thrasymachus on what justice is. Thrasymachus, the sophist, has the most complex account of justice. He states that justice is the advantage of the stronger, which Socrates vividly rejects. In this essay, I will look into Socrates' refutation against Thrasymachus, and examine how successful his refutation is. Thrasymachus first establishes that the stronger in each city, namely, the ruler, makes laws. These laws are in fact to the rulers' advantages, but they claim that the laws are advantageous to their subjects. They force the subjects to obey, and punish whoever disobeys. Therefore, justice is the advantage...show more content...
He brings up the argument that injustice is more profitable than justice and supports his argument with three points: A just person always gets less than an unjust person when a partnership ends, a just person pays more taxes and gets less refunds than an unjust person does, and a just person, when given a ruling position, always have worse interpersonal relationships because he refuses to benefit his relatives and acquaintances through his position (343d–344a). Thrasymachus then stresses: "A person of great power outdoes everyone else (344a)." That is, a strong person always wants more and tries to get what does not belong to him. The unjust act of outdoing makes those who are just and refuse to be corrupted by injustice suffer. And when this injustice is on a large scale, for example, tyranny, it will not be condemned or punished. Quite the opposite, people praise complete injustice and call those who are unjust "happy and blessed (344b)". Therefore, Thrasymachus concludes, while justice is merely what is advantageous to the stronger, injustice is what actually benefits
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Women's rights was a very popular topic midway through the 19th century, and continued to be so until there was a degree of full parity between the sexes established in contemporary social, political and economic life in the 20th century. However, there were a number of dissidents who believed that women should not be treated equally as men in the 19th century, one of the most eloquent of which was Revered John Todd in his manuscript Women's Rights. The crux of the author's argument is that God did not intend for women to be independent, and therefore they were physically constructed in a manner in which true emancipation from the influence of men is impossible. Many of Todd's points to corroborate these facts are directly challenged by Gail Hamilton in her work of literature entitled Women's Wrongs. An analysis of excerpts from both of these texts indicates that Hamilton's refutation of Todd's major points is more convincing than those actual points themselves.
Hamilton's most efficacious point of refutation directly contradicts Todd's notion about the physical limitations of women. This supposed circumscription is one of the chief reasons that the latter believes that women should not only be denied independence from men, but also be denied rights that would allow them to do so. Todd would have readers believe that it is thewoman's insufficient physical prowess and "bodily organization" that "cannot endure the pressure of continued and long labor as we can" (Todd). The
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Kant's Refutation Of Cartesian Idealism
Problems with Kant's Refutation of Cartesian Idealism
Immanuel Kant's refutation of cartesian idealism, while certainly aesthetically pleasing, and perhaps convincing at first glance, doesn't hold up well upon further inspection, particularly so, when attempting to change the minds of hard skeptics. Kant states that "In the preceding proof, one becomes aware that the game that idealism played is being turned around and against it." (B276) By this, Kant means to describe a process in which he reverses Descartes' traditional view: rather than inner sense being the root of inference for all outer objects, Kant claims that the existence of objects becomes the root for which our inner sense can be accurately determined. In fact, he says this...show more content... It isn't impossible to conceive of a world where we are insane, or somehow handicapped in our perceptions of time. From the perspective of others, they would see us, an individual, as a madman who was erroneously (but vividly) imagining a continuous medium (I.e., time) from which all events occur within sequentially, as is described by Kant in the second analogy of the transcendental logic: "If, in an appearance containing an occurrence, I call A the preceding state of the perception and B the succeeding state, then B can in apprehension only succeed A, and similarly perception A cannot succeed B, but only precede it."
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"One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them" this quote written by Aldous Huxley accurately describes the impact parents have on their children. When parents aid their transgender children in transitioning into the opposite sex they are committing child abuse; changing sex is unsafe, indecent, and permanent. Over the course of a month, I have been a slave to the library. I have read over 30 articles on transgenderism; The basis of my opinion comes from well–sifted through research. The definition of child abuse is the mistreatment of a child by physical, sexual, or emotional ill–treatment or neglect, especially by those responsible for his or her welfare. Parents of transgender kids are neglecting what they need...show more content...
" Dr. Lawrence Mayer, a resident in the department of psychiatry at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and a professor of statistics and biostatistics at Arizona State University, argues that young people aren 't equipped to make these judgments for themselves"(Firger). Instead of fixing their child, parents and doctors are putting a bandaid on an injury that lies within the mind. Transgenderism was initially given the title of gender dysphoria and is now referred to as gender identity disorder or G.I.D. "...some children as young as 3, show early signs of gender dysphoria or gender identity disorder, mental health experts who work with transgender children estimate..." (Park). Although a child can present with early symptoms of gender identity disorder, there is no way to ascertain whether or not it is temporary. Eli Coleman previously chaired on a committee for the World Professional Association for Transgender Health. The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) is an international association devoted to individuals with G.I.D. The committee 's purpose was to update the treatment guidelines. He said, "It's important to acknowledge the signs of gender dysphoria especially for children"(Park). Consequently getting the right kind of help after acknowledging the child shows any symptoms is more
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Argumentative Essay On Transgender Children
Reflection On Globalization
As Nelly Stromquist states "education has become the key venue to support globalization" (xiv). Personally, I can attest to this statement because, attending the University of California, Berkeley has allowed me to expand my global horizons like never before. Globalization as defined by Manfred Steger is "the expansion and intensification of social relations and consciousness across world time and world space" (15). In essence, globalization is about expanding worldwide interconnectivity. While it is true that education and schools encourage globalization, I believe depending on the type of institution, one's access into the global world will vary due to the amount of resources. I attended View Park Preparatory CharterHigh School. This is a small charter school located in the hood of Los Angeles California, composed of a 98% African American student population. I could not have asked for a more supportive community. But, attending this school served to be a great challenge. View Park had absolutely no resources. The administrators tried their best to create a school using the bare minimum because the school was underfunded. We did not have a cafeteria, computer lab, library, play area nothing. As a result, this environment significantly impacted my ability to live in a globalized world.
The only language class that was offered was Spanish. The Spanish teachers were underqualified and poorly taught about the culture surrounding the language. Due to the fact that we did not have a computer lab or library, my access to the global world was restricted because I was not able to learn or research different cultures as effectively as I could have if I attended a private school. In addition, View Park was comprised of all black students from the same neighborhood, I was not able to learn different cultures by interacting with my peers. After high school, I attended the University of California, Berkeley. This was a huge change from what I was previously accustomed to. UC Berkeley has a 15% international student population and it also contains an array of people from all over the United States. Thus, I can have interpersonal interactions with these students and gain clarity and personal insight about their
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The Awakening: Refutation of Scholar
When a person commits suicide, her motive is not always clear. In the novel The Awakening by Kate Chopin, a woman breaks from conformity and eventually swims out to sea in order to drown. Mikaela McConnell analyzes this piece in the article "A Lost Sense of Self by Ignoring Other in THE AWAKENING byKate Chopin" from the journal The Explicator. She argues that Edna Pontellier's suicide is a result of the challenges that come with "creating and re–creating self" (McConnell 41). However, this is untrue because Edna's self–discovery happens with ease.
First, McConnell claims that Edna is unable to satisfactorily unveil her identity due to her lack of contact with others. She writes, "Self–discovery does not...show more content...
She claims that "Self is developed by interacting with others. This becomes clear in Edna's last moments.... Their presence in Edna's final thoughts indicates human relationships at any level of intimacy unavoidably leave an imprint on self" (McConnell 43). Granted Edna lists several influential characters at this pivotal time, arbitrary details are also prevalent. Edna finds herself "thinking of the blue–grass meadow that she had traversed when a little child..." (Chopin 159). Chopin also mentions that "she heard the barking of an old dog that was chained to the sycamore tree" (160). These insignificant musings show that Edna's relationships cannot be considered important simply because she thinks of them shortly before she drowns. The people could be as minute as the "blue–grass meadow" or the "old dog." Overall, the named individuals do not necessarily possess as much power over Edna's self–awareness as McConnell suggests, so interactions with them are not the only way Edna can find success. Her identity is certainly not "unavoidably" affected by others. Additional aspects of self that Edna can control, such as her expressed personality and her obligations, are equally or more influential. Accordingly, self–discovery could not be the reason for her suicide. She has the ability to alter these aspects to make her life easier, so she would not have to resort to
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English 4 Reflection
During the last semester of my senior year of high school, I enrolled in Tupelo High School's Advanced Placement Dual Credit English IV course. Ultimately, my time in Advanced English provided me with many challenges, but also helped me recognize high points as well as my strengths. These experiences helped mold me into the writer I am today. Senior English at TupeloHigh School had a reputation of being arduous as well as mentally and, at times, physically exhausting. Within the first week of class it became evident to me that the rumors were true. This was a drastic change compared to previous English courses I enrolled in. Where many of my previous English courses taught test based writing and reading strategies, English IV was the first
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Effectiveness of Goldman's The Refutation of Medical Paternalism In his essay, The Refutation of Medical Paternalism, Alan Goldman states his argument against a strong doctor–patient role differentiation, in which the doctor may act against a patients' immediate will in order to carry treatment in the patients' best interest. Goldman frames his entire argument around the single assumption that a person's freedom to decide his future is the most important and fundamental right as he claims "the autonomous individual is the source of those other goods he enjoys, and so is not to be sacrificed for the sake of them."[1] He claims that the majority of people would agree that they are the best judges of their own self–interest...show more content...
To argue the first premise, he appeals to common knowledge that doctors hold their occupations because they are more knowledgeable in a medical context on the options for improving health and longevity. With this in mind, he then establishes that individuals who consult physicians do so in order to prolong their life and improve their well–being. By establishing these foundational premises for paternalism in a medical context, Goldman can now argue that given a patient that is determined to be acting out of line with his true values and his actions might result in harm that is severe, certain, and irreversible, it is the physician's professional to override the patients' immediate rights in order to preserve that patients' more long–term desires. But how can the physician determine whether the patient is acting in line with his true values in the case of withholding medical information from the patient? Goldman brings up a more controversial situation in which the physician effectively deceives the patient by withholding information pertaining to the patients' medical condition from the patient himself. He maintains that the right to be told the truth is not innate, and just as in the case of coercion, it must be determined whether the information might be detrimental to the patients' health directly or whether it might affect
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In a remarkable article that appeared in the Washington Post, William J. Bennett argued that recognizing same–sex marriage would be detrimental to the concept of marriage and to the nation. The only thing more remarkable than the logical fallacies relied upon in the article was the fact that the author was the former Chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities and Secretary of Education in the Reagan administration and Director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy in the George H. W. Bush administration. Bennett argues, rhetorically, that recognizing gay marriage would open the door to every other possible marriage, such as between two brothers who desire to marry and in situations where groups of individuals desire polygamous marriages. According to Bennett, if the basis of recognizing gay marriage is the notion of not denying a person's sexuality, all of those types of relationships are also entitled to legal recognition. Of course, that is a flawed argument because it presumes that proponents of gay marriage oppose any restriction on who may marry based on the single criteria of sexuality. In fact, the exact same argument was once used by opponents of interracial marriage. Proponents of gay marriage do not support incest, or polygamy, or bestiality; nor do they suggest that sexual desire is the only purpose of marriage or a justification for all marital choices. Bennett also suggests that gay marriage Get
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"Skepticism about a Refutation of Skepticism"
In "The Refutation of Skepticism", Jonathan Vogel establishes an "Inference to the Best Explanation" (hereafter, "IBE") as a means to refute skepticism about the external world. In this refutation, Vogel acknowledges that skepticism about IBE still remains a possibility, but that this kind of skepticism would be rather outlandish in character and thus could be ignored. This paper shall both establish and evaluate Vogel's reasoning as to why he confidently dismisses any skepticism pertaining to his IBE, and furthermore will illuminate some points as to why Vogel may have mischaracterized potential threats to his method, leaving his refutation of skepticism vulnerable to doubt that is not as...show more content... So how is this supposed to serve as a successful refutation of skepticism? To make sense of this, it should first be understood exactly how IBE qualifies its requirement for simplicity, and also what Vogel understands both mundane propositions and skeptical arguments to be comprised of. The assumption that the world works in ways that are simple, implied from the principle of induction, is construed by Vogel to mean that the better explanation would be the belief involving the fewest complexities and least number of parts to argue. Vogel is under the impression that skeptical arguments involve much more complexity in order to make them parallel the ordinary beliefs they aim to compete with, and cites the example that for ordinary properties such as shape and location that could be involved in a mundane proposition, the skeptic would have to invoke a much more elaborate explanation for why we are experiencing pseudo–shapes and pseudo–locations. This leaves the skeptical argument at a major disadvantage when assessed by IBE's requirement for simplicity, allowing for the mundane proposition to be deemed the better explanation because of its capability to explain things "as they are" instead of "why they appear to be as they are but really are
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English Reflection
My high school and middle school experience might have been different from others. My experience contained less writing and more vocabulary and story elements in books and film. I predicted that English 101 would have more lessons of grammar and strategies to increase length of writing assignments. For what I have experienced in this class, grammar and spelling is taught through writing assignments by having the student learn from his/her mistakes after each assignment. Although I was not prepared for the amount of writing this class assigned. The assignment I was most prepared for was the Refutation essay. I believe I have done a better job because of some tips my friend gave me about the outline process. The assignment I was least prepared for was the advertisement analysis essay. I have always been terrible with "reading between the lines" for photographs and videos. Although the concept of that made the advertisement assignment the most difficult, the most difficult concept of this class was reaching the minimum length required for the essay. This was difficult because of my limited experience in writing a four–page paper. To help write my essay, my friend gave me a tip she learned from her teacher in Denver. She told me to break the outlines body paragraphs into general questions to answer. After answering the questions, put them together and alter them to flow. This strategy increased the length of my rough drafts to be longer than needed. This also made my papers more
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The Separation and Balance of Powers in the UK Constitution
"By the latter part of the 20th century the independence of the judges had come under increasing threat from interference by the executive. Recent reforms have, however, served to redress this position and ensure that a proper division of personnel and functions between these two arms of the state is restored.
Discuss this statement in the context of the Separation/ Balance of Powers in the UK constitution."
French political thinker Montesquieu argued during the Enlightenment that in a democratic state the three branches of government; the legislative, the executive, and the judiciary should not overlap in personnel or function....show more content...
An entirely independent judiciary may perhaps be a myth, as the executive limit their autonomy through the Lord Chancellor's power, the appointment process, and even their own personal biases. The Lord Chancellor, mentioned as the "living refutation of the doctrine of separation of powers (Hartley 179)" is a member of the upper house of legislature, normally a member of Cabinet, as well as a senior judge. He is often a career politician and his powers fuse all three branches of government. For example, the present Chancellor, Gordon Brown, is a Scottish Labour Party politician. Some argue that the Lord Chancellor acts as representative for the other branches of government in the Judiciary, and not only promotes governmental cooperation, but in fact is a sentinel of judicial independence (Turpin 56). However, is it possible for the party affiliate spokesman of government whose role is the furtherance of party agenda to be neutral? As judges may be members of the House of Lords, they themselves are entwined with the legislative process. The integrity of the judiciary is especially tried over issues of heightened political controversy.
The executive branch of government can furthermore influence the Lord Chancellor who wields the significant power of dismissal of the
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Gay Marriage: Refutation Researched Argument
Kandace O'Guinn
Dr.Desilver Cohen
ENC 1101 Section 26
November 14, 2012
The American dream is one of freedom and equality. It's supposed to be branded in the hearts of every United States citizen however, when it comes to homosexuals, citizens of the United States wake up and the dream is demolished. Gay sex marriage is the most conflicting issue in the contemporary social world. Marriage is an association of persons through which we perceive the reflection of a particular culture. It is basically a private matter and a fundamental human right. People should have the right to decide with whom they marry, not the state. If two persons are closed to each other regardless of their gender, they...show more content...
Refutation Researched Argument
Colson however disagrees with this, Colson states in "Societal Suicide" that marriage is the traditional building block of human society, intended both to unite couples and bring children into the world. He goes on to say, "Tragically, the sexual revolution led to the decoupling of marriage and procreation; same sex marriage would pull them completely apart, leading to an explosive increase in family collapse, out of wedlock births, and crimes." Colson shares how he was a first hand witness to what he calls, "the disastrous consequences of family breakdown in the lives of thousands of delinquents." Colson uses shocking statistics and studies to show the impact of family breakdown on youth. Among these statistics, Colson lists that: "Boys who grow up without fathers are twice as likely as other boys to end up in prison. Sixty percent of rapists and seventy two percent of adolescent murderers never knew or lived with their fathers. Girls raised without a father in the home are five times more likely to become mothers while still adolescents" (Colson and Morse). He continues to mention additional studies which illustrate the link between children who come from broken homes and the development of behavioral problems and poor academic performance throughout the child's lifetime. While the evidence
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