Descriptive Essay Topics For High School Students

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Nobody likes weekdays. They will forever be ruined by school. Even I think that.

No matter what school you go to, there is always going to be something you completely despise about it. Maybe your Algebra II teacher gives 50–question reviews as homework on the weekends, or maybe everyone in your History class is a jerk to you. There's always a reason. I bet a few of the teachers hate it too.

Walkinginto school on a Monday is probably one of the worst things I'm going to have to do approximately 432 times. Everyone sluggishly gets off of their busses, files into the school and walks too slow to their lockers, always ending up late to homeroom. Except for me, the one who has a considerably normal walking speed, who doesn't want to more content...

Most of Latin class is Ms. Fleming talking about our last quiz and how her husband left her. It's kind of sad, but it gives me an excuse to finish my Geometry homework or doodle. Sometimes, when she really isn't paying attention, I listen to music on my phone just to see the colors. I have synesthesia (also spelled synaesthesia, if you're british or want to sound fancy), and, to be specific, chromesthesia. To sum it up, when I listen to music, I "see" the colors. I only see them in my mind, but they are really vivid and change depending on the song. Sometimes it's so obvious that I can't ignore it, and sometimes the colors are dull and I can still focus on other things with the music playing. Some people are really cool and can actually see the colors as if it's a thing that exists in the space around them. It's supposedly hereditary (usually from your mother) and only around 1% of the population has it. I used to think of it as a superpower, but now I just think of it as something that happens that can confuse relatives, friends and teachers whenever I write about it in those "get to know me" first day of school hand–outs.

Once the morning bell rings and everyone is seated, Mr. Greene stands at the front of the class and waits for everyone to be quiet. After a few minutes, he finally starts talking.

"Hello, everyone! My name is Mr. Greene. You may recognize me as last year's student teacher. I came around to a few classes, took a few notes," He said, waiting

Descriptive Essay About School
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"Hooray!" I shouted, I am so excited about today. Why am I so enthusiastic you may ask, because today is the first day of summer vacation.We were on our way to the beach Every year me and my family visit the beach for a whole month. So as you can see there is much to be excited about. As we drove along I could barely wait, I could smell the fresh, salty ocean air. I asked my parents "are we there yet." They replied with one word, yes! This year in particular is extra exciting because we are going to rent a new beach house. We had arrived as I leapt up out of the car to my dismay the new beach house wasn't as great as I had anticipated.

My parents and I went for a walk around town. As I was dragged into the Pirate Museum I listened to stories of the pirates and their treasure. The stories were not at all what I had expected they surprisingly were very interesting. One story in particular was the most interesting about pirates who had supposedly buried their treasure on this very beach. When we returned home I went outside searched for more about this new found buried treasure. I felt the hot, dry rough grains of sand on my feet. As I searched I heard someone call out "hey what are you doing." As I looked up I saw the face of the kid from the beach house down the street. I replied, "I am looking for the buried treasure."The kids name was Joe and he wanted to help me on my quest. We decided that the next day we would look for clues around town.

The next day we split up and looked for clues I went to learn more from the Pirates Museum and it's workers and he asked around people town and looked for other places that might help. From my second trip at the museum, I was told much more about the pirates who sailed the deadly ocean seas. I could practically feel the windy, cold rough seas of the ocean. I learned this city used to be the hideout for the pirates, and that there was also a map hidden somewhere to lead you to the treasure. Part of the map was kept here in a secret room but the rest was yet to be found. I was overjoyed with this incredible news and ran quickly to tell Joe. If we found the rest of the map we could find the treasure. I saw my new friend Joe walking towards me, he had also

Descriptive Essay About Summer Vacation
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Through out life people go through so many hardships. Whether it be good or bad there is always something that comes out of the situation. One of the most exciting but yet scariest events would be graduation. For a lot of people, graduating from high school is a goal. It takes a lot of time and effort to achieve that goal. In the long run, it opens a lot of opportunities for people to succeed. Graduation is the end of high school, and the beginning to life. I can almost remember that day like it was yesterday, I awoke like on any other school day. It was a gorgeous May morning, the rays of sun flittered through my miniblinds blinding me as if I hadn't seen light in days. I sluggishly dragged my limp body out of more content...

Once I was finished, I gathered up my cap and gown and my car keys and headed out the door. All the graduates had to meet in the high school library an hour before the ceremonies started, and I promised one of my best friends Tony that we would go together. I knocked on his back door and let myself in like I always do. All of his family members were running throughout the house trying to get ready. I asked his mom where Tony was and she proceeded to tell me that he was in the bathroom getting ready. I tapped on the door and walked in. He was standing in front of the mirror with his cap and gown on. He look me straight in the eyes and said," Can you believe that we are about to graduate?" I replied," No, it really hasn't set in yet." Tony finished getting ready, and then we left for the high school. The parking lot was filled with all the other seniors' cars. Tony and I walked into the library ten minutes late like usual, and the principal had already started giving instructions. I found my place in line and then was all ears. I couldn't help but look around at all the others. Smiles were plastered on their faces as if they had heard a hilarious joke. Once the principal concluded his speech, the whole senior class paraded down the hallway to the commons in two uniform lines stopping just outside the gymnasium doors. We could hear the band warming up and playing songs. All the people that were standing around me were bubbling

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High School Graduation Essay

My whole life I have been invested in doing what I love, focusing on my true passions, as well as finding new ones. I have been very involved in my high school, and have been lucky enough to be a part of multiple clubs and activities. Without these activities, my high school experience and life would be a lot different. I have been an active drama club member, a part of 'Bottlecappers,' a club advocating anti–drug, alcohol, and bullying to younger students in my district, and many other community service opportunities. I am lucky to have the opportunity to be in these activities, as they have shaped me to be the young adult I am today.

Before I even entered high school, I obtained a love of theater and the performing arts. I have been singing and acting since I was nine, as well as on and off dancing since three. Taking classes at a local theater really introduced me to this interest of mine. When I entered highschool, an injury kept me from doing shows. But now I graduate with nine high school shows under my belt, as well as being in multiple community theater productions. Being a part of these shows made me feel a strong sense of belonging, and whether I was an ensemble or more content...

As I had mentioned earlier, I am part of an anti–drugs and alcohol club. I am extended the opportunity to speak to young students about the risks they could encounter. The feeling that those students may look up to us is very meaningful, and I feel it is a unique experience. I am lucky to have the chance to save a student's life through this club. Another community activity I enjoy doing is related to performing, but at senior citizen homes. Some of my friends and I often just like to get together with some music and go sing for them. This is a rewarding experience, as seeing the senior citizens smile, and making their day better, is truly a heartwarming experience every time I have the chance to perform for

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Sample Of Admission Essay For High School

I can't remember when I first heard about the University of Pittsburgh; I've lived in Pennsylvania my entire life so Pitt was always in the discussion when in came to colleges. I do, however, remember when I started seriously consider Pitt as somewhere I'd like to attend. In the Summer before my senior year of highschool I was working a pizza place and one of my coworkers was attending Pitt in Fall. Whenever we had shifts together all she would ever talk about was how excited she was for school to start. Being that I was still in highschool and hadn't done any of my Summer work I didn't share her sentiment While I was initially a bit annoyed by her enthusiasm eventually through osmosis I started to absorb some of the information and it all sounded pretty good. As the school year began and I started to get into the thick ofcollege visits I added Pitt to the list of schools.

I finally got the chance to visit the school in late September and I was blown away. All the things I she had told me were true. The city was beautiful; there were plenty of trees and grass and the architecture was beautiful. All the buildings throughout campus were awe inspiring, most of all the Cathedral of Learning. These buildings weren't just impressive on the outside, but on the inside as well. The first floor of the Cathedral of Learning looked like something out of a medieval castle. Our tour guide actually told us that Buzzfeed ranked the Cathedral as the number one college campus to make you Get more content

Descriptive Essay About High School

When my English teacher announced to my class one day that we had to memorize a poem and present it out loud in front everyone I froze. My heart started beating in my chest, as that familiar feeling of panic began churning in my stomach. There was no way I could've done that. I couldn't even remember what I ate for breakfast this morning let alone a whole poem. And I was terrible at public speaking. Or at least, in this school I was.

I had transferred to a new middle school in the seventh grade rather than in sixth. My old elementary school went up until sixth grade, so this left me in a school filled with kids who already knew each other. And to make matters worse, I was really shy. I remembered that most of the kids in my class were really loud and outgoing. All of them already belonged to a clique of some sort and I was basically stuck as the new, and extremely quiet, girl. In elementary, I was the total opposite. I was Student Body President, and that required me to make speeches in front of the whole school every week. I used to volunteer for everything, raise my hand for every question and rushed to read every book out loud. But here, it was different. I didn't know anyone, and I wasn't too sure how to make friends because everyone seemed to already found theirs. And to my little 12–year old self, this was a disaster. Even though I had just transferred to a new school, I was familiar with this assignment. In my last school, we used to have a "Poem in My Pocket" day, where we would basically have a physical poem in our pocket and would have to recite it to anyone who asked us to. It wasn't the exact thing, but something similar to what I had to do now. The task was simply, just memorize a poem and recite to the class. The only catch was that the poem had to relate to you in some way or another. It was an easy 100. But for me, this was much more difficult than it seemed. There were so many questions running through my head. For starters, I had no clue what poem I wanted to memorize, or which one represented me. The girl sitting next to me was memorizing Edgar Allan Poe's Annabel Lee and that poem was about six stanzas long. I felt that everyone around me was doing such a difficult poem that maybe I had

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Descriptive Essay About My Class

As an eight hour school day, filled with laughter and joy as I spent time with my friends, whizzed by, I walked towards my bus. Looking around I could see everything from birds gliding in the wind, their feathers glistening in the sunlight, to spiders in the bushes, working tirelessly to spin their magnificently intricate masterpiece of a web. The trees are starting to change from a vibrant green, to a light yellow, to a deep orange, and finally, to a bloody red. The contrast of all the awe–inspiring colors will always be surreal in my eyes. Every year, I always think to myself the same question, "Why, when such beauty exists, must it go away as quickly as it came?" I soon arrived at my bus, the chipped paint giving it a marvelous more content...

"There's probably a universe where heads are shaped like rocks too!" Thomas proclaimed, a little smile on the corner of his mouth. I turned to Beth, Obviously know that she was tired of hearing about infinite universes, almost as much as she was tired about hearing what color a bus is, and said, "There are even rocks shaped like Beth's head too!" At that comment she glared at me, not with anger, but mostly with a sense of annoyance, yet there was a hint of humor in there, and I knew I did not take it too far, this time, but there is bound to be other moments of my idiocy that will get a little irritating. As we came up to mine and Thomas's bus stop, I could not help but notice how elegantly the branches from nearby trees had drooped down to create shade for us as we left the bus. It did not stay like that for long, but that was fine, it was a very inviting temperature outside, with a slight breeze that made sure you did not get uncomfortable. From my bus stop, it was about half a mile to my home, but I do not complain about that because there are so many amazingly colored trees along the way, so many beautiful combinations of all different colors, I can never help myself but to just be brimming with awe as I take my, almost, daily trek to my house. As I travel along the side of Get more content

Descriptive Essay About School Day


I finally wake up to my ear wrenching alarm clock. Gosh I hate that thing, it gets so annoying. I threw my blankets off of me to the foot of my bed with most of it on the floor. I got up and basically dragged my body to the bathroom. I turned on the shower to only find ice cold water, again since my mom keeps taking all the hot water. Once I took an ice coldshower, I wrapped a towel around my body and got out, with my dripping wet brown hair falling right in top of my shoulders. I went into my bedroom to face a 30 minute battle of trying to find what to wear for the day. After many fails I finally settled over a plain white tanktop with a florescent pink cardigan, light blue rolled up jeans and white vans.

I finally more content...

I got up to turn in my homework and heard a couple of my classmates talking about an escaped criminal loose in town. I didn't bother to care because my classmates were just a bunch a rumor stating attention seekers.

2nd, 3rd ,and 4th period came along, still nothing interesting. Lunch finally came and I went to go sit with my friends at the front of the lunchroom to wait for the long line of hungry students to die down a little before I finally got my lunch. I was normally the one to start a conversation but one of one friends started going on a rant about the criminal who escaped out of the town's prison. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Everyone all day has been going off about that to the point where it got beyond annoying.

After the line went down in size I went to go get her lunch. The lunch options are limited with very few appetizing choices, so I ordered my normal, chicken with a side she never ate, a roll of bread, and a

High School Descriptive Writing
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High School Graduation Day

Many people have experienced the over whelming excitement that you feel as you approach high school graduation day, and for me, that's a day that I will never forget. The amount of emotions that you feel on graduation day is unbelievable, and I have yet to experience anything else like it. I can remember feeling anxious to celebrate the big day with my friends and family, while at the same time I was panicking thinking about having to walk across the stage in front of that many people. Then, the more I thought about the reality of graduation day, I started to get curious, but nervous, about being able to start a new chapter in my life once graduation day had passed. There are several reasons why I, still more content...

As the end of the night approached us, I couldn't stop thinking about how many mixed emotions I had about starting a whole new chapter in my life. I couldn't wait to go to college, meet all new people, get a degree so that I could start my career path, but I knew that meant I had to say goodbye to my two best friends, who were moving several hours away from me. This was one of the hardest things I had ever had to do in my life. We all cried a little, and then made promises to keep in touch, and then we were off into the real world! I was very happy to be at this point in my life, but I was scared deep down inside.

When I look back on this day now, I still remember every detail as if it was yesterday. I was so proud, and happy to be able to celebrate such an amazing day with all of my friends and family. I know I will never forget how embarrassed I was walking across the stage in front of all of those people, feeling famous after taking so many pictures, making our final memories together at our graduation parties, and then being a nervous wreck when it was time to go out into the world without my best friends at my side. High school graduation day was a very emotional day for me, but it was by far the most exciting day I have ever experienced in my

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Essay about High School Graduation Day

When people start high school they're usually so excited. They can't wait to experience everything that comes with being in high school, I mean who wouldn't? Everyone says that high school is the best four years of your life. Now that I'm months away from graduating, I can't say they were my best years but I can say they were my most educational years, of course I wouldn't say that they weren't fun because they were. When I say educational, I mean I've learned so much about myself and so much about life. I learned what the words family, love, betrayal, law and life meant. All these events changed me, and I'm glad they happened because I wouldn't have learned all these lessons. My personality hasn't changed; I'm still a carefree girl, more content...

My freshmen and sophomore year, I had my first real boyfriend. I was completely and totally in love with this guy, he changed me in ways that I'm proud of and ways that I'm not proud of. I revolved my world around him, which wasn't a good idea. After almost two years of dating, we broke up and it literally shattered my world. During our relationship I became friends with his friends and I even considered one of them my best friends, so when we broke up I didn't only loose him, I lost all of them as well. It felt so awful to all of a sudden have everything, and then just lose everything in a day. A couple of weeks later, I found out that my best friend was actually dating my ex boyfriend. I couldn't believe that a person could betray someone like that, especially after everything that she and I went through together. I'm not proud of the events that happened after all of this, and I'm not proud of how I let them change me. The one thing that saved me was my family; they saved me in ways I can't even explain. They gave me hope and a new life for me that I am extremely grateful for. I've learned to be wiser when it comes to picking friends, and choosing who to put my trust in. I also became a stronger person, I don't let people walk all over me or I don't let people control my life anymore. The last event is the one that taught me the most about how hard life is, and how life isn't always fair. My junior year was spent in Tijuana,

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My High School Experience Essay

After that the seats were all full except the two near my desk, a guy walked past me and then backed up and smiled at me and asked," Do you mind? I don't know anybody in this class and it looks like I could get to know you." I smiled and responded with a chuckle," I don't own these desks sit wherever you like." He took a seat next to me and introduced himself (let's keep in mind that I was looking at the floor the entire time.) He waited for my response and I asked him to repeat his name. The words hit me like a breeze on a cold winter day...Jessie McDown I looked up and recognized him instantly and said," Wow! Deja Vu. He asked," Why deja vu?" I grinned and looked at him a bit offended and said," You don't remember me? To think after taking a girl to the police station you'd at least remember her face." His eyes opened wide and he examined my snarky face and said, " It's you?" really loudly he practically yelled it and everyone was staring at us. I looked at him and laughed sarcastically and responded, " Wow, what a great way to introduce yourself to the class." He snickered and gave me a annoyed face and said," Yeah I have a funny way of meeting people, don't you agree?" I looked at him for a minute or two and then lowered my head in agreement soon after class started and the teacher took his time to introduce himself, the course, and other students. The class was a bore the entire time Jessie and me were passing notes and asking each other silly questions to get to know each other. The period is almost over and by the end of the period I realized how attractive Jessie is and that shook me I couldn't think of any love interests or stupid crushes. I must stayed focused on why I came here grades and tests and big projects due at insane times. My goal is to pass high school and be valedictorian if I can be and have really good grades and have every option of colleges or universities. Jessie kicked me and said," Hey umm, do you have anywhere to eat or sit at lunch because I have a seat for you, if you'd like?" He flashed that warm smile like he once did and well I couldn't help but return the polite action. I thought about it and finally replied," Well I guess it would be nice to have a friend, I'll take you up

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Descriptive Essay About School

Panic, anxiety, lost, confused, this is what I felt as I arrived on campus. I am sixteen, a junior in high school, and this was my first day attending a college course. My expectations of what the campus, teachers, and people were like, was nothing compared to what I ended up experiencing. On Tuesday, August 24th, I began the next step towards my future. I arrived at 12:20pm, my first class was Introduction to Psychology with Professor Sample at 12:45pm. My palms were sweating, my stomach was turning, my mind was racing. This is really happening, I kept thinking to myself. Luckily, I had two common faces to embark on this journey with me. My best friend since middle school, blonde, taller, Noelle Stevens. Along with an individual I have come to know and be close with over the past year, Ocean Klein. As we were pulling into the parking lot, I noticed many differences between Central Ohio Technical College (COTC) and Licking ValleyHigh School, almost instantly. My eyes were pealed to the huge and colorful building. They were nothing like my simple high school building I attend. The very next item that drew my attention was, the way individuals were dressed. Girls looked comfortable in the heat. At licking valley high school, the dress code is very restrictive. Bottoms can be no shorter than four inches above the knee, shirts must cover shoulders and bra straps, and there are to be no holes showing skin in tops and above the knee of bottoms. On the other hand, at Central Ohio

Descriptive Essay About High School
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Milestone3: Motivation for High School Students

Milestone 3: Motivation For High School Students

With so many of life many failure attempts to succeed in life, we see those individuals that have dropped out of school and feel that their life now seems meaningless. Their determination or will power wasn't strong, and they had no one to push them forward to want to be a better person or succeed in life. Some students today feel that all they have to do is just attend school just because of their parents' wishes for them to receive a diploma. Some feel that classes are boring and frustrating and a waste of time and energy. Why do students of today feel this way? more content...

Now how can you learn if you're not interested? This is when the teacher should consider providing fun and games, praise, and love within the classrooms, making the classroom exciting and more interesting.

Before entering the classrooms, teachers should sit and study each individual student and learn their likes and dislikes. They should know what particular student need help in what particular subject. Some students need more help in other subjects than other students. This is when teachers should consider making their lesson plans focusing on subject matters that are current and relevant to high school students, implementing cooperative learning strategies with their lesson plans while students show off their talents. If students are demonstrating what they have learned in a skit, they tend to learn more positively. When providing fun and game within the classrooms, the students are excited about attending class

Motivation for High School Students Essay 1
Sharon Robinson
Walden University

because they already know something very eventful is going to take place in that particular class. Not only are they learning they are having fun while doing so. They are able to act out some of their personal talents, giving others a sense of who they really are, and what some of their greater skills may be. As acknowledge in the article "How to Motivate High School Students," "By allowing students the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge in a way that appeals to their strengths, you're giving them a chance

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Clementine stepped down the stairs of her house, wearing her crimson red dress. Evangeline was next to her wearing her baby blue dress, with the white lace collar. They had known that the party of June 26th was going to be astonishing, but not in the way they had anticipated. Everyone had been talking about this party, from the "popular kids", to the "geeks and nerds" of the school. Every year at Moanalua Lei AlahleenimHigh School, a group of seniors throw a party for all of the graduating class. This year Clementine, was in charge of planning , along with Evangeline, Cruz, Griffin, and me, Sibyl. In Hawaii, the school is known as the third best high school in the state. Students have the highest GPA's and attendance records. Of course that doesn't mean the students here don't know how to have a little fun.

Evangeline had an old soul. On a regular day basis she dressed in clothing that was older than her Grandmother, shopping at thrift stores, and dragging Clementine with her. She managed to look adorable in her old styled clothing. And her hair, oh god it's beautiful, it naturally flows down her back with tight curls. Clementine, the complete opposite of Evangeline. The fashionista between the three of us girls. Always up with the latest fashions, and adding her own flare to the clothes. Clementine's hair was always done in some sort of braid that I couldn't do to save my life. Clementine and Evangeline were so different, but got along like they weren't sisters. Clementine, skipped a grade because of her higher grade average. They acted like best friends, one year apart. I could care less about how I look. On a regular day basis I wear jeans, or sweatpants, and a plain tee. My hair always up in a bun or a regular ponytail. We had different styles, but all the same 5.0 GPA, which is why we all got accepted into one of the top high schools in the state, and were the closest of friends since the first grade. We all came the closest of friends and then in seventh grade we met Cruz and Griffin. Ever since then , there has never been a minute in the day where we are not all hanging out together. Lucky for us, we all got accepted to the same high school .

Three Months Earlier

"Evangeline we need to

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Descriptive Essay About The Party In High School

My Dream For High School

Life is the most terrifying roller coaster itself. It has its downfalls and rises. Eventually you will be able to overcome this experience and take control of life. It begins when during your childhood when you see your parents leaving as they leave you at school. As a child that has begun school, you have been expected to put in all effort and the importance of getting extraordinary grades. A few years later you are expected by everyone to have a clear understanding of your future life. There are many fantastic careers around the world, but the qualifications needed to get thouse jobs might not be as easy as imagined. Attending a great high school and college can get you the necessities for your dream job. As a middle school more content...

I believe that High Tech High School will expand my boundaries and help me understand everything I need to know about Digital/Fabrication.

I want this school to be the reason I enjoy learning about the world outside school and prepare me for the future. I had been to the hospital many times. For my own sake or for others. Every Time I would walk down one of the corridors, I would be amazed by all of the doctors and how they spent most of their lives learning to help other people. Not only doctors, but people who study the human body and the chemical systems. They are also helping other people and keeping them healthy. They study the human body and how our understanding can benefit humans in the future. I was always interested in the human body and its functions. Anyone can make a change in the life of humans and I want to make a change. As I graduate high school I want to remember the reason of why I did what I did because of High Tech High School. Every person has their own dream and it is possible for anyone to get accepted into the schools of their choice. But as a student soon to graduate middle school I have many set of skills to help me throughout high school. I have learned these skills throughout my years in school. Ever since my first day of school to this very day that will benefit me during and past my school years. For instance, I work better with others than by myself. I am an exceptional listener and my am very athletic in most sports. I

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My Journey As A High School Student Essay

At around this time four years back, I was just beginning my journey as a high school student. I had decided that I wanted to tryout for my schools ' dance team. I had previously danced with a studio by the name of Barton and Williams School of Dance, since the age of three, so I was excited to learn that I could be on a team at my school. I received all of the information that was necessary regarding the tryout dates, along with the paperwork that would be needed. We had to learn two combinations, as well as the actual tryoutdance, within three days. On the day of the judging portion of the tryouts, everyone received a number. The judges would throw us into groups of three or four by randomly choosing our numbers. We needed to perform the two combinations individually and the actual routine as a group. Once all of the groups were done, we had to wait for a good two or three hours for the results. Everyone had been so nervous. Finally, the judges entered the room and posted the list of the numbers of the people who had made the cut onto the wall. I was so excited to see my number on the list and to be able to say that I had made it. In the very beginning of the season, my team attended the National Dance Alliance camp, or NDA camp. This camp consists of nothing but dance for four days and three nights. It is located in Maryland, at Towson University, so we had to rent a bus in order to get there. About a month before camp, the team hired a guest choreographer to teach

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Students spend four years of their lives attending high school. Going through high school is mandatory as it prepares them for college and strength to face "the real world." Having part–time jobs has become the phenomenon among high school students and many students follow this trend as well. Moreover, there are some pros and cons attached with it. Though it may seem like working throughouthigh school is a bad idea, it could better prepare students for "the real world." Although some people believe that the primary duty of astudent is studying, I am of the opposite position. I strongly support the idea that high school students should work throughout high school. This is because they can earn money, become responsible and more content...

They don't use their money in a productive way. Some students waste their money in drugs and cigarettes. Another advantage is that students can become responsible. Jobs make young people more responsible, and teach them the value of money and work. It makes them learn how to manage their time wisely and make them more organized. It prepares them for the future life, but also some less than desirable ones, like having too many responsibilities, spending most of their free time at work and not with friends or family. Some people think that it spoils the student academic career. They spend more time at work and they don't get time to do their homework and assignments. Sometimes they have to skip classes to get enough sleep. They can't concentrate on study because of the job. Those kinds of students will soon realize that the paycheck they receive at that point in time may feel nice, but it is not something they can live off of.

Finally, students can gain experience by working throughout high school. This brings them opportunity to learn how to budget their money, which is a vital part of being independent. Students can gain more experiences and polish their skills while working. These skills can help them in future in finding perfect job for them. For example, if you enjoy teaching, working part–time as a tutor may help you improve your teaching skills and gain experiences.

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Essay about Working Throughout High School

Especially not here in New Jersey. I pull on my jet black jacket and say farewell to my thin, ill, and frail mother and with my head and shoulders low, I start my journey to Leven Academy.DonВґt be afraid she had said, You'll be fine. My friend's words repeated in my head as if someone poured glue on my ears and stuck the words on. A new school. A new reputation. Nothing to be afraid of. Right? Wrong. ВЁAlexis!ВЁ my dad interrupts my dreary thoughts. My bed squeaks as I sit up and sigh. ВЁWhat dad?!ВЁ The depressing thought leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. ВЁTime for school!ВЁ he calls back. Right. ItВґs Monday. Also known as the worst day of my life, or as my parents like to call it, the first day of my sophomore year. Usually i'm excited for the first day of school, but not this time. Not here at my new house. Not at my new school. Not in my new town. The air is brisk and thin when I step out the door, my knees shivering as the bone–chilling wind hits my wobbly legs. I look up to see the gray sky hiding the sun from the sky. What a lovely day I mutter sarcastically to no one in particular. I look down at the cracked sidewalk and adjust my backpack straps and continue to walk to school. When I reach the school entrance, there are so many students that I HAVE to lift my head to avoid getting run into by the hundred of teenagers. After 4th period is over I head to my locker for lunch. Now everyone has made mistakes in their life, but this mistake will haunt me until the

Descriptive Essay About My New School
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A new school, A new beginning. No acquaintances, No friends, having to restart my life. While suffering with anxiety of what may lie ahead. Enduring fear of being rejected.

As a 9–year old girl, I still had a mindset that still needed friends who could influence me positively. I found it difficult for me to make any new friends or truly be myself around anyone. The need for belonging served as my only objective. Class after class, they all turned into disappointments. Losing hope, I first stepped into his class, realizing everything would change.

As I approached the classroom door, A tall figure with short dark brown hair and eyes as blue as an ocean greeted me. He also had a thin figure with great posture. With a charming smile, laid–back presence like a carefree surfer. He always had a welcoming smile, no matter who approached him or entered his classroom. Whenever he wears suits, he would match a distinctive tie, more unique each time. Showing that he never wanted to be average. Looking at his appearance and his affectionate demeanor, something told me maybe he could be the answers that I needed. His classroom, one of the largest, was filled with a collection of different instruments varying from flutes to drums. I did not know where to begin or what to discover first. As one of my first music teachers/ vocal coaches, with the goal of inspiring young kids to look more into the beauty of music. As time continued to go on, he became that oneperson who never gave up

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Descriptive Essay About A New School

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