Expository Essay Debate
Kefentse Myers Mathe Womeldorph Honors Literature October 20, 2017 Expository Essay Debate Football is one of the most played sports in America.Most people know what football because it is played in schools, parks and even outside homes.Football can be played on a competitive level when you reach elementary school and can continue throughout college.Even after college, if you are one of the best players you can play in the NFL and earn a lot of money.They only question is, why should you get paid to play football only when you become a professional.In this essay I will be debating on whether college athletes should get paid to play sports while they are in college. The main debaters for this debate include Joe Nocera, Andy Schwarz ,Christine Brennan and Len Elmore.Some of them feel that college students should get paid and the other debaters feel they should not.Here is what the person that wanted college students to get paid said.College sprots makes millions of dollars in revenue for their schools and television shows.Even the coaches are getting paid for coaching but without the athletes there would no games.People that play sports in college should get payed
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The Importance Of Expository Reading
Expository text is a very important form of reading material that is used to present content in different ways. Starting as early as kindergarten, children should be able to identify the main topic, ask and answer questions, and describe connections between two different pieces of information (Roehling, Hebert, Nelson, Bohaty, 2017). Teachers have problems with students reading expository text. It is sometimes more difficult to read than just regular story reading. Hebert, Bohaty, Nelson, and Brown conducted a meta–analysis on text structure instruction, concluding that it was an effective way to improve expository reading comprehension (Roehling, Hebert, Nelson, Bohaty, 2017). Different strategies were developed to help with understanding expository reading comprehension. Teachers play a big role in helping the students understand. They have to begin with clear learning objectives that outlines the skills teachers want their students to demonstrate by the end of the instruction (Roehling, Hebert, Nelson, Bohaty, 2017). Once the teacher decides on the learning objective, they can plan specific instructional strategies to help students achieve the objectives. If there is a clear goal from the teacher, things will be easier on the students. Identification strategies is a good start in recognizing the structure of an expository text. There are two possible goals of identification strategies: to recognize a single text structure or to discriminate among several possible text
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Peak Hour Essay
Stressed, left eye twitching, shouting at inanimate objects? Eighty three percent of all Canadian drivers find peak hour traffic more stressful than work. That means sitting in traffic is worse than sitting through your boss's PowerPoint presentation. Everybody has their own personal traffic nightmare, whether it's a massive backup, or perhaps, those screaming kids in the back. However, there is a way to calm your seething road rage and keep cool through the frustrating gridlock. If you find yourself in one of these situations the first thing to do in order to calm yourself down is to embrace the fact that you are stuck in a gridlock. You are going to be there for a while, you might as well have a good time. The second thing you do...show more content... Keep the vehicle at a comfortable temperature. Studies have shown that you are much more irritable when you are warm, so crank up the A/C to keep your body temperature at a comforting level. Make sure you have plenty of gas when you set out, so that you're not actually worried about running out of gas by using the air conditioner. In milder weather keep windows open to get fresh air which is soothing. Wear comfortable shoes and clothing while driving. Avoid wearing clothes which are too tight and restrictive. Keep a pair of shoes in the car for driving through traffic and make sure to change into those as soon as you start out driving. Opt for a seat cushion or back rest to further make yourself more relaxed during traffic periods throughout the day. Joe Brown, editor in chief of tech blog Gizmodo, indicates that the best thing to do during a traffic jam is to stay in the slow lane, because if you are trying to hurry, you are never going to win. So stay in the right lane, let everybody else pass you, let everybody else stress out , just take your time and make a great day of it. How you think can have a profound effect on your emotional and physical well–being. Each time you think a negative thought about yourself, your body reacts as if it were in the throes
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Expository Writing Class
If only there was a class that focused on nothing but writing, and not just any style of writing, but MLA format and other writing skills. Wait there is, expository writing. Expository writing is a one semester long course, that focuses on the learning from the mistakes of an individual's works of writing and practices MLA format. The beginning the semester started off with, what I can only describe as death threats, of reasons I should leave this class. The beginning few days of class were very new to me as MLA format was being reintroduced. Overall this class was worth my time, hard work and has better prepared me for future writing. This was the only class I have experienced that had students warning me not to take it, because of the time consuming essays and difficultness of the class. I have overall found it to be a normal class, with the usual class expectations. For me the class time was spent being productive and useful. Working outside of class was only a few hours, but time consuming, like I was warned. In my opinion the warning notes were completely unnecessary,...show more content... Whether it was spelling, using proper grammar or expanding my vocabulary. I am so proud of myself for finally taking a class that is totally and fully about writing. This has made a beneficial impact on my writing and I hope it will continue to develop into well structured pieces of writing. The mini lessons about grammar use or punctuation has greatly helped me. The last time a lesson in grammar was taught to me was in elementary school, and having reminders like those really help. A lot of things are assumed that I already know, in reality it has been years since I have used or learned the rules to some structures in a sentence. That is why, I believe, language art classes should improve on giving lessons, like grammar, to help me and other students use words
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How to Analyze an Expository Essay
Expository writing, in general, is present everywhere. When you pick up a magazine or examine a newspaper article on the newsstand, you are reading a form of exposition because the author's main purpose of writing that article or essay is to inform the reader about a topic. In the classroom, many students are required to produce research papers about a specific topic, such as migration patterns of birds. The purpose of that research paper is to inform the reader, the teacher, about what are the migratory patterns of birds. Finally, at the workplace, many people are required to create business reports and memorandums to inform their supervisors and co–workers about the company's finances and progress. In order to analyze these expository...show more content... "Good" directions for a process essay should satisfy the following criteria: clear, concise, organized, and acknowledges common mistakes. Within the model essay itself, it satisfies all of these requirements. The text describes, "when you find water becoming extremely hot (or cold)," the homeowner suggests that the guest, "exit the tub promptly while using a sweeping motion with one arm to push shower curtain aside"(Frazier 303). This piece of direction is clear because it plainly informs the guest on the actual action they have to perform in order to prevent hot or cold water from burning or freezing the guest. It is also concise because it does not include any irrelevant information pertaining to avoiding burning or freezing the guest. This essay is organized because when the author listed out his or her directions, he or she listed them out in chronological order. Lastly, "How to Operate the Shower Curtain" acknowledges common mistakes, such as "REMEMBER TO KEEP SHOWER CURTAIN INSIDE TUB AT ALL TIMES!" (Frasier 303). The author is cautioning the guest to keep the shower curtain within the bath tub no matter what. The reason for determining the kind of expository essay it is to help in determining the purpose of the exposition as a whole. Next, the third step to analyzing an expository essay is to perform the
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The Horror Genre Essay
The Horror Genre The Horror Genre has been very popular ever since Etienne Robertson, the pioneer of film horror, made the first film. The film 'Phantasmagoria' was more of a theatre shadow play. It was made during the French revolution. Since then, thousands of Horror films have been made. Many developments have been used in newer films such as special effects and 3–D animation. A genre is formed when a type of film has certain elements that become essential to that type of film. These elements are sometimes called "generic conventions". Around these large genres sub–genres have evolved such as supernatural and sci–fi horror films like 'The Fly' and 'Mary Shelley's Frankenstein' In...show more content... They are dressed in a long beige coat and a hat, they smoke a lot of cigarettes and are discreet and smooth. Not all modern films have detectives but older films like 'Psycho' and 'The Shining' have them. In some films there is Pathos created for the killer because of his mental state. Sometimes the killer's are out for revenge or they are insane. In 'The Fly' the main character Seth undergoes a genetic change and loses his mind, this makes the viewer feel sorry for him. Horror films have a typical narrative structure. Like 'Psycho' and 'Jaws' they start with a scene of a killing, usually the most brutal and graphic. This sets the scene and lets us know what is to come. After the first kill the murders become more discreet. Next the title sequence comes up and then the main characters are introduced. The killer then appears when everyone has been introduced and it is usually night time, plotting another attack or on his way to fulfil it. The next part is an unsuccessful attempt to kill the next victim. The final and most gripping part is the part where the detective must try to work out who is killing and prevent the next strike. Then the killer is revealed or stopped, resolving the narrative. A common device used in most horror films is the 'Red Herring'. This is when the audience is led to believe something about someone in the film that isn't true,
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Essay on The Effects of Technology on Students
The Effects of Technology on Students Change is constant. Though one may not be able to see the change, one can look back through the course of a year or maybe even a few months and see the change. Technology has transformed with our culture. There are many benefits for students with the new advancements of technology. Teachers have seen many of these benefits with the influence of technology on their students. Many students find a sense of accomplishment when working with technology. Students are now more willing to write and work on computational skills (Estey). Then students find these tasks appealing and are able to achieve more. Another area that technology has impacted is the expansion of the learning...show more content... There are many things needed to create an environment more conducive to learning for each student, some of which include: Vision with support and proactive leadership from the educational system. Educators skilled in the use of technology for learning. Content standards and curriculum resources. Student–centered approaches to learning. Assessment of the effectiveness of technology for learning. Access to contemporary technologies, software, and telecommunications networks. Technical assistance for maintaining and using technology resources. Community partners who provide expertise, support, and real–life interactions. Ongoing financial support for sustained technology use. Policies and standards supporting new learning environments. (istenets.org) Physical, human, financial, and policy aspects greatly affect the success of technology use in schools. Also with the advancements of technology, students are able to communicate with their teachers outside of the classroom. Students are able to ask
questions through e–mail, alleviating confusion in the class. Through e–mail, students can receive one–on–one attention he or she may not receive in class due to hesitation that may be caused by other students in the class. Another benefit technology has on students is preparation for the workplace. Traditional
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Expository Essay Vs Persuasive Writing
Even though expository essays and persuasive essays both have research and a thesis statement, they are different in the way that expository explains while persuasive argues. The expository writer provides clarifying information about a topic while the persuasive writer presents an argument. The purpose of an expository essay is to explain to the reader your position without trying to get the reader to choose your side. In a persuasive essay you write to persuade the reader to choose an argument side. They are similar in the way on how they are structured they both require a thesis and a lot of research. A topic that could be developed using persuasive writing could be arguing why a person shouldn't litter. This topic has two sides that could
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Expository Essay Rough Draft
Expository Essay: Rough Draft Everyone can feel, just like you and I, but there's one important question that lingers through the air. Should we really be accepting of other people? To answer the question, yes! Although this does speak from opinion, it's essential to be accepting of others. It's understandable to find laboriousness when looking through others, but we need to remember the reasons why it's imperative. To start off, we're all the same! We're all people, but sometimes, we seem to overlook that part of us. We all process the same way, and I feel as if that's a good enough reason to find acceptance. Something else to remember is that we all have emotions. When we don't accept eachother for who we are, our emotions can get
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Expository Essay On Into The Wild
Into the Wild – Expository Essay An outstanding young man, helped the poor, in high school participated in cross–country, intelligent. He was healthy, he sang and performed instruments. Moreover, all that was mentioned, for Christopher, wasn't enough. He had still a need; a necessity that required discovering in a way outside the commonplace, the wonders, mysteries and obstacles that nature has with it. Thus one day, Christopher McCandless, a newly graduated college student without preambles got rid of his belongings and money in bank accounts. Without giving even a note of warning to his parents and friends, he simply disappeared from society and no one knew what happened to him. It took a lot of courage, to be willing to leave...show more content... After two rambling years comes the final and greatest adventure. The climactic battle to kill the false being within and victoriously conclude the spiritual revolution.... Ten days bring...him to the great white north. No longer poisoned by civilization he flees, and walks alone upon the land to become lost in the wild." –Jon Krakauer on 'Into the Wild'. Chris valued nature over everything. Enjoying nature, breathing deeply, forgetting all the problems and conflicts that exist in civilization, feeling the tranquility that gives its essence, the energy that nature gives to the human being, the peace that gives to the mind and much more for Chris was a complete sensation. Chris got inspired by Jack London, an American novelist, who wrote "To Build a Fire" where he quotes "Empty as the mind was of thoughts, he was keenly observant, and he noticed the changes in the creek, the curves and Bends and timber jams, and always sharply noted where I have placed his feet. " Saying how a man in pure nature does not put thoughts that are useless in the mind, as most in society do now, stagnate in thoughts without any benefit. Man in nature focuses on survival, using his experiences to survive, being aware of his surroundings. Chris McCandless wanted to experience the same thing, so he decided and went to Alaska and challenge himself. Far from society, which suffocated him so much; Far from materialism and money, which
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Expository Essay : Career And Psychology
Expository Essay Remembering back we had just come out of the 1950's with straight lace kids to a world of kids who thought something was wrong with America, rock ' n roll, rebellion. Those were turbulent times for families with gangs and turf wars. Parents would lead and guide their kids into careers particularly the medical field as doctors, nurses or lawyers. In some way those were simple times back then, guiding them and being with them every step of the way, until they were in their perspective fields and, jobs. Supporting Point#1 – (subtopic 1): Career /psychology, counseling– Study.com Counseling 101 chpt.1 lesson.03 a.In the early 1960 and or before this date the nation was plagued with the hippy cultural, the sexual revolution, psychedelic lights pills, pcp, heroin, cocaine and cannabis weed ( not all at the same time some reared its heads sooner than others), and the civil rights movement. This brought about an explosion of psychologist and counseling psychiatrist. Davis, Anthony, Brown (1975) Therapeutic approaches to children in residential treatment: Changes from the mid–1950s to the mid–1970s. b.At this time in history, vocational counseling was also on the scene led by Frank Parsons which helped guide people to the right careers based on their interests and abilities. With this graduation would soon became apparent, the reality of them setting up businesses in psychiatry,
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The Digital Age Essay
The Digital Age The digital age is staring us in the face from the near future. We already see countless instances of digital technology emerging more and more in our every day lives. Cell phones are equipped with voice recognition software, and are able to take photographs and send them wirelessly across the globe, almost instantaneously. When information is captured and transmitted into a digital format, possibilities for that data become endless. Soon we will no longer be inconvenienced with reality; all of our sensory shopping experiences will be converted to digital information and will be fed to us through our computers. Digital information is in a much more malleable format. It can easily be duplicated, changed, or processed ...show more content... The information created will be able to be shared by anyone with a computer. The power base that the digital age relies on for existence, is technology. The rapid developing technology is absolutely necessary for the digital age to exist. Without super powerful microchips, and high bandwidth transfer wires, the digital age would be a figment of our imagination. Digital technology is computer based, so the millions of calculations per second, and ability to transfer large amounts of data over long distances are absolutely necessary. Without computers, the data might be collected; but there would be nothing to process and transfer the information. When new technology is invented, it is sometimes distributed to a society that might not be ready for it. Few corporations consider this and are only interested in spreading their product to the consumer as soon as possible. New technology is often flawed and taken advantage of by individuals who know how to manipulate it. This is a considerably large problem when dealing with digital technology. Digital information is not a three dimension tangible object. So it is easily tampered with and destroyed without people noticing. When the damage is finally noticed, the party responsible is usually untraceable and in a completely different area of the world to begin with. The potential value of this new technology seems almost
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Expository Writing Rough Draft On School
Kirk Zimmer Expository Writing Rough Draft Everything Wrong With School In 10 Minutes or Less! When I was twelve, I had no appreciation for school. I saw it as nothing more as a glorified daycare center with all the rules and regulations specifically designed to restrict as much fun as possible. Then one day in the ninth grade, I had a revelation: what if school was actually meant to build me up with knowledge and facts and not just waste my time? This was the foundation I needed to get me through the next four years. Whenever I was bored, I would remind myself that I 'd never have a "free" education like this again. I adapted particularly well to this system of tests, quizzes, and science labs but I could never understand the hang up some people had with it. School was basic and easy and all it seemed to require was consistency an+d proper scheduling. I looked at people who couldn 't understand US History or Geometry and I thought they were dumb. It wasn 't until much later with much more reflection that I came to conclude there 's a difference between how you score on the SATs and how smart you actually are. Education isn 't necessarily a direct line to becoming intelligent and knowledgeable; education is nothing more than an institution designed to equip people with subsets of specialized processing methodologies, algorithms, and a fair bit of esoteric trivia. Furthermore, the current educational system in place is inefficient because of its rigid nature. The current
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You ever hear someone say they have swagger? A lot of times people's swagger is determined from their style. For example, everyone has a specific style of fashion. If you put on some cargo shorts with a tank top and slides you're probably not going to a job interview. Just like anything else, writing has different expressions. Writing is a form of communication; the person is writing to inform, persuade, describe, or tell a story. There are four main types of writing styles, expository, persuasive, descriptive, and narrative. We then choose what we want to read according to our interest in each category. Let's look at expository writing. Expository writing is usually developed around one topic and is used to describe or inform you...show more content... Its name might as well give it away. Think of a closing argument in a court case being presented to a jury. Each party's counsel is presenting a persuasive writing in the form of a speech. In this type of writing the writer uses choice words in a cohesive manner in order to "sway" or persuade the reader. You will most commonly come across this type of writing in advertisement. With that being said, persuasive writing is all around us. This type of communication may consist of the writer's opinions, but the best form also includes facts to back up his or her statements. With attempts to get consumers to purchase specific products, we see persuasive writings all around us in today's world. "The battlefield had a cold malevolent air to it, the wind howling past you in every which way, as if trying to express its own confusion at the sudden seize–fire. I, myself, was confused. One minute the bullets were raining holy hell down on us in a never–ending bombardment, and the next, nothing." An anonymous soldier gives detailed picture of a battlefield scene. Descriptive writing, often used to portray a vivid, detailed experience, person, place, or thing, is third of the writing styles. This style of writing requires strong observation skills to convey the writer's point of view. In personal stories, you tend to see a lot of descriptive writing because it's the writer's story. He or she was there and can give several small
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Reflection Of Expository Writing
Erwyn Suruy December 9, 2017 Eng 111 Reflective Essay I have been taking Expository Writing for 4 months. I have found that I need to be able to communicate myself in writing. I must relay exactly what I'm trying to put forth to others and convey the right message of understanding. I must be able to explain myself, negotiate, and work in teams. My language skills can be worked on and improved. I need to be able to pick up the language of whatever environment I'm in whether it be at work or school, or in society. Since everyone does not have the same background, learning how to write the written word is important in any environment. I have learned how to write and express myself, how to think for myself, and how to find answers to things I do not know. Most important I have learned how to believe in my writing. I was very hesitant in taking this English class, I have not taken an English class in many years. When I took the placement test for reading and English, I tested out of all categories. I was proud of myself for that feat. When I found I was going to have to take a college level English class, I avoided it at all costs. Too much pressure. However, I have learned about the Rhetorical Essay was to understand how an author writes and not focus on what the content is. Knowing the explanation of what techniques and author uses to make their point come across to the intended audience. I learned about Argumentative Research Paper is to debate both sides of an issue. The intent is to be unbiased and state the facts on either side. I learned about Public Piece with Presentation is meant to deliver an effective presentation to engage your audience. Your audience listens to not only what you are saying but your visual engagement in the topic being presented. Also, the point of the class is to be able to work with others to achieve a desired outcome or task. To know that I can work with others in a cohesive environment to draw on everyone's input and views. This will assist me in the real work of life and assist in handling many types of people and myself in communicating. I have never been a good writer; however, I have learned that communication is not the same when writing. Having a conversation about aliens
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Expository Essay On Earthquake
Write an informative process analysis about another dramatic act of nature; for example, an earthquake, tornado, tsunami, or hurricane. Maninderdeep Singh Grant MacEwan university 23 – OCT – 2017 Author Note This paper was prepared for English 111, taught by Professor Valentyna Kennedy Abstract There are a lot of disasters, but earthquake is the worst out of all. In this Research we can find out how an earthquake happens, the main reasons of why it happens and measures how a person can get out of such a situation. Earthquakes are the shock waves which happen for approximately half a minute. Taking references from books and journals it can be seen what a person should do during an earthquake and how this natural calamity can be measured and steps that government takes to find out where will this disaster show its power the next time. Expository essay on earthquake Earthquake is a Trembling or shaking alteration of earth's surface. It is a sudden brutal shaking of the earth's surface occurring naturally and cause great massacre with its strong movements in the earth's crust or action of volcano. It is naturally occurring disturbance which can be characterize as an abnormal violent and involuntary contraction or series of contractions of the ground.it originate anytime inside the earth's crust and push a bulk of rock to slip rapidly. A huge amount of energy gets released and travel through rocks and waves, which cause tremors and trembling of
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Expository Writing Class Analysis
I am in the middle of the quarter and my teacher Ms. Kline asked the class to write a blog post about our progress, our feelings toward the classwork and homework, and our opinions on the class so far. The class that I am giving my opinions, feelings, and progress on is Expository Writing Semester one. Further more, let us get into details shall we. What have you enjoyed the most from this class? I enjoyed the ability to free–write and getting credit. It is better to free– write for me because it is my opinion, my idea, and my experience. Which makes it easier not to get writers block because I can write about anything that comes to my mind. As well as express what's going through my head that I want to get out. Being able to write
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Essay on Dyslexia
Some of us in the world may have problems with reading, spelling, and other academics. You might not know why they cannot read or spell as well as you can because they have a disorder. This disorder is called dyslexia. People with dyslexia struggle with: listening, reading, writing, spelling, and even handwriting. However, having dyslexia doesn't mean that they are not intelligent. Some of the greatest minds in the world have or had dyslexia. One of the most fascinating reasons for dyslexia is the dominate ear. Even though they may be different doesn't mean that they are stupid. (Hotz, Sollier) Dyslexia is a learning disorder that is linked with problems of reading, writing, and spelling. (Britannica Company) One in five...show more content... Children that read well can process word in four hundred milliseconds, but children with dyslexia take five hundred milliseconds or more. This makes them not read as well as others and as fast as other can. (Hotz) People with dyslexia are slow, but that doesn't mean that they are not intelligent. I think that people with this disorder have the most creative and outgoing minds in the world. People with dyslexia may have intelligent levels over one hundred. Brilliant mind come with brilliant ideas. Athletes, writers, actors, and even characters have or had dyslexia. Here are some of the brilliant minds you may know: Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, Mozart, John Lennon, Tom Cruise, Magic Johnson, and Walt Disney. All of these dyslexics have come to be some of the greatest minds and just look were that put them. Don't put people with dyslexia down encourage then to go on because some day they could do great things for are world. (Sollier) This disorder is linked to genetics of the humans' sixth chromosome. This genetic link runs in families. It may come for both or one side of the family. Test for dyslexia could lead to the gene. Scientist were working to find a test that could lead to a drug to get rid of the problem, but they found that only phonetics can help the student. (Talan) Dyslexics have problems with sounds out letters which makes it harder to read and
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The Beauty of the black Widow Gordon Grice is fascinated, maybe obsessed with the black widow. He begins provocatively " I hunt black widows. I capture it. I have found them in discarded wheels and tires and under railroads tires. I have found them in house foundations and cellars...I have found them I hospitals and in the den of the rattlesnake.... (176) In this quote Grice start with first person in place and with the repetition of "I" so that the reader can get the attention into it. Grice's purpose in the " Black widow" essay is to inform the audience about the widow's life style. He shows inspiration, fascination, respect and love for widows. He furthers his purpose by using rhetorical strategies throughout his text....show more content... Here in this quote he is informing the audience that widows are black pearls for him. He feels inspiration, fascination, respect and love for widows that he compares them to such expensive precious and exquisite jewels. He also shows the audience that we should feel the same for widows that instead of been afraid ad kill widows, we should take care of them, gave them love as if they were humans. In this
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