Writing has always been an important skill for me. Even though I enjoy writing, I always look forward to having my writing at perfection. With the resources I learned, I now have a better understanding for apostrophes, word usage, and essay organization. I hope what I learned from the resource will help improve and write more effectively. Not only it helps students like me to writebetter in college, but can be an important skill for jobs.
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Our handwriting is essential to our individuality. It shows how we want the world to perceive us to be. The quality of my handwriting varies because it's rarely written in the same style. My handwriting consists of cursive and print because I feel as though certain words I have trouble writing correctly. For instance, my E's, A's, F's, and S's arewriting in cursive. The different forms of lines I use consists of straight and curvy. I would consider my handwriting to be free–flowing because when I incorporate cursive letters with print, the curvy lines within the cursive letters touch, therefore, the letters are close together. Also, depending on which utensils I'm using the width and size of the content changes. With pencils, my handwriting
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Computers have done a lot of things to make my life easier but I would not like one grading my paper. There are so many important elements to writing that involve emotion that I wouldn't trust a computer to understand. Good writing should make you feel something. Artificial intelligence has come a long way but it is exactly that, artificial. I want a human to grade my papers. Another important element of writing is your audience and if you know your teacher likes writing a certain way then you should cater to that when you are writing. A computer could analyze my words and grammar which would be helpful. It may even be able to identify a style and tone. Technical elements are not the only things that matter in writing. I think that is
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I remember when I was in elementary and I used to think the writing was pointless. Especially when FCAT was coming up and we had to write an essay twice a week. As I got older I know realize writing is not stupid at all. Writing is on the same level on knowing how to read correctly and fluently. I believewriting is important because it help you express who you are as a person. Another reason why I feel writing is so important it helps you communicate and think very effectively. Writing also is needed in every job in order to complete a task. Although there are much more reasons why writing is so important. I once heard someone say, "Writing is important because it is essential to one's life. (Burns). Writing helps people communicate and think effectively. When thinking of ideas for a project it is better to write down everything. If someone try to remember everything in their brain and not write anything down then it would be a disaster waiting to happen. A brain can remember so much at a time. This is where thinking comes in at, say you have an event to plan, but your mind is full of ideas. Write all the ideas down in...show more content...
Back in the old days there were journals and books you had to write everything in. When you want to tell the whole world about you on social media, you write different posts. When people post pictures and captions along with it, they are expressing how they feel. Pictures capture memories and the caption explains what that person feeling at that very moment. Journals is another way that you can express yourself or how you feel. Journals hold on to dark secrets that no one know about someone. I also figured out that writing in journals, notebook, and memos help enhance the way you think and the way you would try to share something with Get more content

For me, writing is purely educational. I have never felt the need to sit down and write. I tried to keep a journal when I was younger, but even then I would write the date, how old I was, and what I was doing that day. Eventually, I would forget about it. For school, my english teachers would have each class spend around 20 minutes a week free writing. During those 20 minutes I ended up writing songs, that were famous at the time, down. Writing has never come easily to me, the worst part about essays weren't doing the research but figuring out how to put the research into words that flow together and make someone want to read. Writing makes me feel stressed and my ideas get all scrambled. I wish I were a stupendous writer still, I never felt the need or want to write
My relationship with reading is the opposite. I love the feeling when you find that one book where you are hooked by reading the first page. How you get to be apart of someone else's life and the books makes you forget everything that is happening. To me that is the best feeling. The first time I remember having that feeling was when I read As Long as We Both Shall Live by Lurlene McDaniel. The books where the authors are able to make the words flow together perfectly and capture your imagination....show more content...
I could never get my ideas into words, nevertheless form them into sentences. Authors who are able to write multiple award–winning books, baffle me. I can barely get myself to revise my essay drafts for school, I couldn't imagine doing months of revising to your own work.
Writing is always useful, no matter what major. Writing can be therapeutic for many people, I hope to one day be one of those Get

Writing is one of the most important skills you can have in life. Being able to construct high–quality papers, among other things, is key. Not only to get a point across, but to accurately give information, or some just like to do it for fun. I write so that people can easily understand what the point is that I'm trying to get across. There are so many different forms ofwriting that people can utilize however they want to, whether it's for research purposes or for creative purposes. Being able to write well is a skill that can be utilized daily and can is very beneficial whether you have to write something for school, to write a resume and to type something up for a job. As a young child I never enjoyed writing. It was always my least favorite part of school. One of the main reasons was because of time. I always felt rushed and that I did not have enough time to come up with ideas, or recall things in my head and translate that onto paper. Creative writing was one of my favorite styles of writing as a kid but as I grew older I started to enjoy it less and less. I never liked writing poems or writing stories in school. I prefer to do research style papers because I know specifically what I need to do and what I need to read, and I can somewhat easily put the...show more content...
As a child she used to write all the time. She wrote stories and poems whenever she had free time. Although I don't write poems I still try to be like her with my writing. She and my Aunt are always willing to help me with my writing tasks so they are usually a huge help when it comes to writing big papers. They always know what words work well with each other and how sentences and paragraphs should go together. They have helped to show me how to become a better and more creative writer. I do not write nearly as well or as much as them but I still have learned so much from just reading what they write and talking to them about
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For the entirety of my life, I have been predisposed to writing papers and reading novels all in the name of a letter grade, its name being A. In fact, I have soley read and wrote in life only because it is a requirement in my education. Reading and writing is essential in everyone's life and I am extremely blessed to have had and still have helpful, intelligent, and passionate teachers to help me through one of my weaknesses in my education and life in general. Reading has always been a chore for me. This chore is present whether it involves reading something interesting or staying up to date on the pile up of book assignments I receive in high school. I've always had a negative attitude toward it. My largest struggle with reading is the lack of being able to comprehend what I am reading. Most of the times, I may read a...show more content... It is never fun to be "forced" to write a 10 or more page paper on a topic that is typically not interesting or worth the effort. As I reflect on the many papers I've had to write in life, however, I have realized that the research papers are more like practice for something more enjoyable to write, for instance: this personal essay. In fact, I have learned a lot bywriting research papers. I have learned how to present an argument, how to use punctuation, and how to not be "fluffy" and redundant in my paragraphs. From experience, I have noticed that research papers are the assignments that my teachers have been most involved with. We usually work on these types of essays in class and that allows for students like me to ask the teacher questions at my leisure. Interestingly enough, I enjoy writing papers more than I like reading books. The main reason is because I am the one that is writing the "book". I know what I find funny, amusing, and interesting. Essentially, I am the creator in my essays and can constantly alter my work whereas in a book, if I am bored with it, I am still stuck with
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Why is writing important?
Writing is important because it helps us understand other people's thoughts and emotions. For example, you personally might be against abortion, but if you read a person who has gone through abortion point–of–view on the matter and why they are for abortion, then you have the opportunity to see the world through that person's perspective, and it might help you understand their reasoning. Another person'swriting is the door to a new reality; you get to truly understand people's thoughts and learn to acknowledge their existence rather than just know of their existence. Another reason why writing is important is because it makes you feel like there are more people around the world like yourself. You might be going through

While growing up, I loved learning how to read and write. At approximately age four, my grandmother began teaching me the basics of reading and how to write the alphabet. The hours spent working with my grandmother influenced the love I have for literature. Although I have a passion for reading and writing, I feel this passion slowly fading with age. As I get older, I realize that reading does not seem as enjoyable as it used to be for me. Reading and writing has influenced my life in a thankful, a joyful, but also a slightly negative way. Certainly, I will always have joy in my heart for literacy. Reading is sentimental for me. I can think back to the countless hours sitting with my grandmother learning how to sound out letters and place them together to form words. Almost every week, she would bring me a new book to read. We would read the entire book so many times that I practically had each page memorized. My favorite set of books she brought me home was "Junie B. Jones" by Barbara Park. During my second grade year, I had read every book in the collection,...show more content... I take for granted the opportunities that are available to me through literacy each day. I feel pity for those who do not appreciate the importance of literacy. I am very thankful that my family taught me the importance of reading and writing at a very young age. It never occurred to me how important the ability to read and write is. Reading is an integral part of everyday life, and writing is an important part of communication. I never understood the importance of knowing how to recognize and write my own name until I realized that my grandfather did not know how to spell his own name. It saddens me that many people in this world do not know how to read and write. I am grateful that I am being raised in a time that the importance of literacy is stressed, and that I have the privilege to be knowledgeable in all aspects of

Writing is an amazing way to communicate, express ideas, and convince others of how the writer is feeling. For some, writing might be a requirement, fun, relaxing, a chore. Whatever it may be, writing is influential, for the writer and the reader. I have never been a fan of writing a school paper because of their structure, tediousness, and how they are graded. I love reading and writing freely without limits or judgments, but what I have discovered, is that there are always limits and judgments from readers. Nevertheless, writing is a great way to express feelings and thoughts. Two years ago, my mom was severely burned and had to be hospitalized. I was very upset about this and it caused me to have depression, anxiety, PTSD, as well as some
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In my past academic career, I have found that writing essays and papers are one of my strong points. I like writing because it allows me to write down things, and put things together that might be harder to speak then write. The most difficult thing for me about writing is having to write a paper that does not have a page limit, a topic, or relatable subject. Some of my past writing pieces I have done have actually gotten recognized by the Governor of Iowa. I once wrote a paper on Michele Bachmann in 2012, and I got a certificate and a letter from Branstead himself, signed by him and other members such as the Chair of Iowa. When I used to have free time I would go home, and write stories because I thought it was very fun to make up stories. Now that I am in highschool I don't have time to write stories, and I very much...show more content...

Writing those essays really exposed me to what it is like to write essays for college. That is one of the biggest thing I have learned in myhigh school career about writing essays, and not only did I learn from it I also got hands on experience. Getting that hands on experience in writing college essays helped me get accepted into eight colleges already before my senior year even started. My next goal is to apply Harvard, Purdue University, and the University of Notre Dame.
When it comes to completing writing assignments I, honestly usually wait until the night before to write them as I am doing right now. I am usually fast at typing papers so it doesn't take me very long to write them.I know this is a bad habit, and I need to get out of it before college. I, personally think writing papers that night before allows the material to stay fresh in your brain, so if you need to discuss it with the professor the next day you can, because it is fresh in your
Writing is important for the future for many reasons. First of all, writing is used in abundance in college. Furthermore, writing will be very beneficial for any job. Lastly, writing is an excellent form of nonverbal communication since it helps get a point across well. Writing will be important for the future because it is used a great deal in college. Most classes will require quite a bit of writing to show how much the class has learned. If someone can't write well, this person will have a higher chance of doing poorly in a class. Writing skills will show the teachers how well the class is understanding the subject. However, if the class struggles with writing, then the teachers might think that the class is confused on the subject since
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For me, this is the hard part. Starting out an essay that focuses on one topic, or something that I'm not particularly fond of. That's one thing I really dislike about English, being limited on the topic, or being assigned a topic that you have to write specifically about. Writing is somewhat boring to me, and I don't exactly know why, but starting it out feels almost impossible to me a lot of the time. Sometimes,writing is fun for me though. Once in a while when I write, I feel like I'm alone, everything drowns out, like smells and sounds. But when writing things, I prefer to try to challenge myself and continuously try to improve myself, the same with reading. Reading is honestly one of my favorite things to do. I read maybe ten or eleven
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Life is an open book, which everyone motivates to read to the end with an expectation of positive outcome. However, life is also full of challenges for everyone. One has to overcome one's own obstacles, so he/she could reach to successful. As a student in college, writing skills are really important; it helps to provide a solid foundation for one before climbing up to higher level. During the first year of college, I begin to see the importance of writing skills, I try to improve my writing skills through practice drafting, revising, and editing.
First, my writing skills getting better each day after I formed a good habit of practice drafting. In every essay, I began free–write my ideas about the topic on the sticky–notes or papers. Then, I could use them to organize and narrow the ideas into a magic machine, which will turn them into a beautiful and useful structure for the essay. In addition, drafting brings more benefits for me than I thought. Drafting helps keep me on track. As well as, drafting supports the essay more vivid. For example, drafting is an outline and a structure for the essay, I use it as a compass and a navigator, so I will not lose in the maze of my own ideas and topic. When making the draft, I could realize what I have, and I still miss for the essay, therefore, I could...show more content...
It became a good habit for me to check my own writing because no one is totally perfect for the first time. I asked my friends, teachers, and my relatives to check the papers for me. As well as, I double–check the paper when I am writing it. In addition, after I finish a paragraph, I re–read what I write, and I try to make the sentence more smoothly and correctly. For example, I record the essay and play it aloud, so others and I could catch the errors easily and correctly. As I have read in the book, "The Transition to College Writing" by Keith, the ears could catch more errors than the Get more content

To me, Writing has always been a great way to express my ideas, and remember past events. I like all types of writing. Some of my favorites include narratives, and persuasive writing. I enjoy writing narratives because they give me a freedom to voice my ideas in words, and allowing me to be creative. I also like persuasive writing because the writing just seems fun to me, and I also like persuading people. The most difficult type of writing would have to be narrative writing. Even though it is one of my favorites, it is still very challenging. Narrative writing requires you to create a story and make sure it all fits. When it is fictional, you must use a lot of creativity, and when it is non–fiction, you must be able to research the facts to
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When in high school you probably wrote papers, and you probably thought "hey I am pretty good at this.", but I can bet you had a teacher in high school who would warn you that your work will never be good enough for college. Especially if you keep writing the way you do. You probably got warnings from every teacher that college is going to be hard, and that you will spend countless nights working on projects due the next day. But I want you to know none of it is true. If you work hard on your homework everyday you will do just fine.
College writing is exactly the same as any writing you did before. You are going to have to sit down, plan what you are going to write, and then start writing. You might turn in your firstpaper and get an F, but...show more content...
Now these are not things you necessarily need to do but I suggest you do them just so you know your end paper will be readable and tolerable. The first thing I would suggest you to do on your own when writing is to find somewhere comfortable and quiet. You want to be able to find a space where you can work and will not get distracted. I would suggest either going to the library, or studying in a locked room. The reason I suggest working in these type of environments is to keep yourself away from distractions. These areas are quiet but also secluded, not to often will you have people coming up to your table to talk to you at the library, everyone there is going to be doing their own thing and will not have time to bother you while you write. The second thing I suggest when writing for college is to write about things you enjoy, now I know not every paper you write is going to include your hobbies, but just make your writing experience enjoyable. No matter what you need to enjoy what you are writing about. You are the writer, therefore you have the power to write about whatever you want. Your reader is going to read whatever you put on the paper so make sure it is something you actually
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When I was younger, I've always had a creative mind when it came to free writing, but reading had influenced my writing. When reading fictional stories this had developed my imagination immensely because of how creative authors can be with their stories and I've always thought outside the box. The role of reading and writing has become a huge impact in my life. The importance in my education is to have knowledge in what you write and read as you get older these two areas tend to have more complex skills divided up into different sections. Reading is an important role for me because throughout the years of reading I have become more understanding of the outside world and my imagination has reached far from an extent. Reading is also important
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Writing is a part of our everyday lives and will be part of your future career. How will you be using writing and the skills learned in this course within your chosen field and profession? People don't believe that writing is part of their everyday life, as the same thought has been applied to mathematics. When taking a writing course, it's more evident that writing is an essential part of life. I was one that never really thought of writing as a skill I need for my career. I've been learning the importance of writing in my English class. I've found it not to be so easy for me as I struggled with it growing up. But I feel that I'm applying myself right now to learn as much as I can to be able to utilize this skill in my profession. Writing is an essential part of my career, massage therapist, because it is important to be able to write reports if needed all depending on each client. More so if a client has suffered some type of injury during working hours or a car accident or an accident at a store due to slipping on the floor. And well, I'm not so sure why else. All I know is that it it's important to keep everything on record and document what I find it wrong with the client. Being able to identify the ligament, muscles or bones that are the problem and write out a treatment plan of what I must do and what the...show more content...
Networking is a key to have a successful business, there are a few diverse ways to network within the massage industry. The number one network is word of mouth, nothing better than clients saying wonderful things and saying to the person, you must see this therapist, she is amazing and will help you like she has me. Another fantastic way to network is social media, it has become huge in this century, so many use social media, why not advertise in the way most people Get more content

Writing is important Is writing important ? My answer would be yes, it is important. I believe that spelling is important, the reason is show how professional you are as a person to be able to communicate with other people correctly without any misinterpretation. I have collected sources to address my reason why and will be using my personal opinion on it.
One source from a video called "why is important" from the uploader CNMonline asked people with careers. They asked teachers, engineers, medical doctors, ect. if writing is important and they all said yes. In the video the they talk about how important spelling and grammar is in the real world. The elementary school teacher says that spelling is important because she uses it to talk to
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I do not think of myself as a very good writer. I feel that my writing is always scrambled, and doesn't quite flow like it should. I do like to write however, if the subject interests me. I would much rather write about a topic that I know a lot about, and care about. If I was to write a paper about dragons, it most likely would not be written very well because I don't care about that subject. I like to write because it is something that I think can be fun. It also is a great way to express yourself in words. A memorablewriting assignment would be the DAR paper that I wrote in fifth grade. DAR stands for Daughters of the American Revolution. DAR is a history writing competition. You write about an assigned topic or time period and you make up a story that later gets judged. One of the reasons that this specific writing assignment was so memorable to me is because I think that it was one of the best papers that I...show more content...
My writing never seems to go together like it should. To me almost all of my writing seems weak. I always think that there is a lot more that I could have fixed. My writing would be so much better if I knew what exactly it is that I want to change and how to change it. One of the main reasons that I think my writing assignments aren't very good is because they aren't very creative. Even though I think that my weaknesses outweigh my strengths I do have some strengths. Some of these would be that I can easily follow the rubric and can usually get a good grade on my papers. I also think that I am pretty good at the grammar and spelling part of writing assignments. One of my goals this year is to become a more confident writer. If I could think that I am a good writer, it will probably show in my writing pieces. I would also like to work on showing voice in my papers. Some of the goals that I have as a writer in my life would be to learn to like my writing, and to become a better
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