Harvard Essay Format

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1.When writing, whether you paraphrase or directly quote someone else's ideas anywhere in your paper, you must document the use of those borrowed ideas with an internal citation notation. In MLA, there are two basic features of an internal citation. What are they?

In–text citation – This is a parenthetical citation within the paper that refers the reader to a list of works cited. It commonly includes the author of the source and a page number, and punctuation separates the author's last name and the page number. Nor is the abbreviation p. (for "page") used. The period that ends the sentence appears after the closing parenthesis. 2.In MLA, if you work (include) the identity of the source into the sentence structure, where do page numbers...show more content...

In MLA, how are the works cited entries organized on the Work(s) Cited page?

пѓ Tell me how to arrange a works cited list on the page. No example required.

пЃ¶Create a new page at the end of your paper for a "Works Cited" list. Center the words "Works Cited" at the top of the page. Double space after the title and begin entering citations.

пЃ¶Entries are listed alphabetically by the last name of the author or by the first major word of the title if no author is given. If a source has more than one author, it is alphabetized by the last name of the author whose name appears first. The entries are not numbered.

пЃ¶Entries are double–spaced.

пЃ¶The first line of each entry begins at the left margin. If more than one line is needed to complete the entry, additional lines are indented five spaces or half an inch (this is called a hanging indent).

6.In MLA, if the source's identity is not worked into (written as part of) your sentence structure, how does the internal citation look the first time you create it? Use your last name and page number 123 to illustrate your answer. To correctly answer question 6, show me (don't tell me) how an internal citation looks the first time you cite it in your paper, using your name as the source and page number 123 to complete your response. You don't need to write a sentence first, just show me the

MLA Rough Draft
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HTML, or Hypertext Markup Language, is the programming language used to build the internet. It is the standard language for web programming, along with CSS and JavaScript. This open–format, text–based type code is extremely versatile, and can be used to embed additional programming languages such as JavaScript. HTML is made up of different elements called tags that dictate the structure of the webpage that are then translated by a web browser into a user–friendly form.

Yale Student Developer and Mentorship Program

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Bozho's Site

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Bandit's Hideout

A webpage for those looking to design their own, Bandit's Hideout contains useful links to help you build your own webpage using HTML, as well as links for those looking to expand into DHTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Once you've built your page, take advantage of Bandit's links to website testing tools.

Maintaining Your Website from the Colorado School of Mines

Want to improve your website, but need a place to start? The Colorado School of Mines has gathered a short but detailed list of links to help webpage owners maintain their sites, including information on basic HTML coding.

Learn More about Web Programming and Coding

Essay On HTML

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Being a software developer takes more than an education. This simple guide from the University of Chicago outlines how to become a successful software developer, even if

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Throughout the past centuries, many people and events are credited for shaping the Harvard we all know today. Beginning with Harvard's original colonial origins. Harvard was founded by Puritans with the intention of training clergy men. The college's first president was influential in the schools evolutionary process. Henry Dunster, was a man that the community at that time– trusted to educate and favor Puritanism values. Dunster however, was the first to start declining the original religious roots because he favored English Baptist Faith. Favoring another faith provoked controversy since community members both trusted and expected him to believe and teach Puritan theology. He removed himself from the position and Harvard continued with...show more content...

Josiah Quincy was known for his rough touch.Many students acted out and Quincy did not tolerate poor behavior. Despite Quincy's aggressive leadership; he did make a difference. He was the man that rediscovered the idea of VERITAS, the now famous motto, and brought it to life. He proudly displayed the new motto and could be interpreted as his stand against religion at the school. VERITAS has religious roots, but the meaning of the word is truth. A word that many students can feel they can relate to regardless of their religious background. The president that followed him was Edward Everett and he served as president from (1846–1849). He was another man who students pranked and didn't respect. However, his acts as president took part in shaping Harvard. He brought major research to the school and also encouraged academic freedom like the president before him. However, he did not like abolishing the schools religious motto prior to VERITAS. Each of these leaders changed Harvard is some way. Religious debate and change was unavoidable, because theres are all very different people. From their leadership to their opinions, they were all different. However, each time a new president appeared or the students would react; it all was helping Harvard evolve to what it is

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Reflection Essay

Throughout this semester I have learned many valuable resources, and tools. The big thing you taught us was how to write and argument paper. Also I have learned different tools on summarizing, how to better my skills for peer reviews, new library skills, and MLA format. Most of these I already knew, but you taught us them more in depth, and you gave mebetter understandings of them. Withwriting an argumentative paper, it's important to have all the right facts, and make sure you have reliable sources. If you don't have the right facts or reliable sources nobody will want to read your argument; because you wont have the right facts to back up your points. When writing an argumentative paper, its good to know all the facts about each side. Knowing all the facts about each side is important, because people want to read...show more content... Like summarizing, and writing an essay I knew how to do it, but going in and listening to the speaker explain it to us helped a lot. I learned more on how to use the thesaurus, and all the different skills he taught us on using key words to looks information up. MLA format is something I have always kind of needed help with. Until this semester for some reason I could never really cite my sources that well. Its something I knew how to do, but when it came time to do it my mind went blank. When you went over everything on the bored that helped me so much (also because I took notes), but only because you told us to take them. With MLA format I learned that when quoting, if its more than three lines you have to use block quote. I didn't know that till I got to this class. In summary, all these skills will be helpful for my next few college years, and when I go off to get jobs. Thank you for teaching us everything you have. From something you are supposed to teach to common sense things. You are a wonderful teacher, and I'm so glad you were my

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What I Learned In Mla Format

My overall goal for my life is simply to serve and care for other people. I selected pharmacy as my future career because I had an interest in science, and I also felt that it would give me the opportunities I desired to serve. Before I selected pharmacy, I decided that I wanted to enter the health care field during my junior year of high school when I found out that my grandmother had cancer and only a few more months to live. She had hospice nurses taking care of her at home, but my mother and I went to her house every day after work and school to help take care of her. It was difficult to ensure that she was happy and taken care of while completing all of my schoolwork at a brand new school, but I worked through it by keeping a planner and creating daily schedules for myself. In these months, I concluded that I wanted to attend professional school to become part of the health care team so that I could have the opportunity to help and love more people in tough situations like the one I was in. I chose pharmacy specifically because a pharmacist's role in health care is both extremely important and interesting. I volunteered as a pharmacy technician this past summer and I admired the relationship that the pharmacist was able to have with the patients, as well as the wide variety of patients that they had the opportunity to serve. Pharmacy also offers a variety of career options that go beyond retail and clinical, and this would allow me to be flexible in my career choice.

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Pharmacy : My Future Career

Harvard Concept

Harvard Concept (Fisher and Urgy) "Getting to Yes" (also called the Harvard concept) describes a method called principled negotiation to reach an agreement whose success is judged by three criteria: 1. It should produce a wise agreement if agreement is possible. 2. It should be efficient. 3. It should improve or at least not damage the relationship between the parties. The authors argue that their method can be used in virtually any negotiation. Issues are decided upon by their merits and the goal is a win–win situation for both sides. Below is a summary of some of the key concepts from the book. The four steps of a principled negotiation are: 1. Separate the people from the problem 2. Focus on interests, not...show more content...

Step 3: Invent Options for Mutual Gain The authors feel that a common problem with many negotiations is there are too few options to choose from. Little or no time is spent creating options. This, they feel, is a mistake. There are four steps to generating options: 1. Separate inventing from deciding. Like in any brainstorming session, don't judge the ideas people bring forward, just get them on the board. 2. Broaden the options on the table rather than look for a single answer. Remember the men at the library? The only option they saw was opening or closing the window in the room they were both sitting in. In fact, there are many options: borrow a sweater, open a window in another room, move to a different spot, etc. 3. Search for mutual gain. In a negotiation, both sides can be worse off and both sides can gain. Principled negotiations are not about "I win" and "you lose". 4. Invent ways of making the other party's decisions easy. Since a successful negotiation requires both parties to agree, make it easy for the other side to choose. This is where putting yourself in the other person's shoes can be very valuable. What might prevent "Bob" from agreeing? Can you do anything to change those things? Step 4: Insist on Using Objective

Criteria Principled negotiations are not battles of will. There is no winner and you don't need to push your position until the other

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the frequency of posttraumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) after a critical illness. The study also wanted to research influential elements or commonalities amongst the people who developed PTSD. The design of this study was a prospective co–hort study, which observed a group of people that experienced critical illness over time and then that group was assessed for signs and symptoms of a specific outcome, in this case PTSD. The sample population for the study was comprised of 52 participants that met the inclusion criteria. These 52 participants were among an initial participant pool of 209 patients. The initial participants were carefully reviewed and some were excluded from the study based on a...show more content...

The investigator also found a decreased Glasgow Coma Scale rating increased the participants' risk of developing PTSD. The investigators found that a loss of consciousness either through augmented coma or spontaneous coma did not prevent PTSD. The investigators did not find that early treatment with pain medication helped prevent latter PTSD signs and symptoms. A positive correlation between PTSD and the increased frequency of benzodiazepines use was found. Scoring low on the SOC was found to be a strong indicator for PTSD, participants that scored low were found to have less family support and high external locus of control. Some of the strengths of this study are the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the investigators were able to find an appropriate and relatively large sample population with homogenous characteristics. The investigators believe strength is the time of follow–up and the predicative factor of the study over time. Strength of this study is the large amount of assessments that were utilized to evaluate the participant's psychological status and the careful evaluation of

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Harvard Trauma Case Study Essay

English composition has taught me everything I know now, from how to effectively write a thesis to grammatically fix my essay. This class fixed my writing skills to speak and write incorrect terms. English composition gave me the edge I need to take my writing skills to next level. This class has helped me understand the importance of documentation in a research skill. English composition showed me that sources either make or break your essay. The true honesty of this course was that I am glad I took it. At first, I hate this class so much, because this class required so much extra work to be done, but over time I realized that the extra work really pushes you over the edge to make your essay great. The extra work justifies your essay and molds

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English Composition Reflective Essay

The main function for health care financing is to pay for health insurance premium and reimburse health providers for services delivered. Still, there is a crucial challenge when creating health insurance plans, provide coverage for "health care needs without encouraging unnecessary spending." (Maas) Over time, health care financing has been evolving, and now consumers can acquire health insurance through government programs like Medicare, which it is for the elderly, for certain individuals with disabilities and end–stage renal disease. Therefore, any person who meets the requirements can enroll to this program. Also, there is Medicaid, which it is the program for the poor, and Children's Health Insurance Program best known as CHIP, which insure kids who come from low–income families. Nonetheless, there are several types of private insurance like self–insured plans, individual private health insurance, Medigap, and group insurance program, which it is "... a substantial number of people in the group will purchase insurance through its sponsor." (Shi, 2019, p. 224) Further, thanks to the diversity and wide range of health insurance ...show more content...

219) Consequently, moral hazard has a negative impact in health care financing since people are less likely to take care of their health when they have the ease to frequently consult a doctor and use any medical service at any time, therefore with health insurance there is an increase in health care spending, "but the value of this care is less than its cost, generating... loss." (Nyman, 2004) Additionally, since such services are reimbursed to health care providers by health care financing there is a "potential to increase health care costs." (Thoma,

Health Insurance Essay
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Hey Jessica, I agree with you, MLA was once upon a time the only style the I knew. I will be just like you always going to revisit the APA section in our library. I still hit some roadblocks but I would have to say our professor would be the best way to clear up all questions, or better yet lead you in the best direction to solve the issue.

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MLA Argumentative Essay

As a student in a beginning English class some elements may seem difficult at the beginning but with practice they become long lasting skills. Writing an argumentative is not an easy task there is a lot of elements that have to come together to create a successful essay but as many other things, it requires constant practice and effort. At the start of this course I wasn't a very good writer myself, and I can see the huge improvement this course made by looking at my first argumentative essay. I was able to identify and apply the requisites of a good argument essay. A well thought structure, reliable evidence, and a counterargument are three essential components of argumentative writing. The structure of an essay is the foundation to a good argumentative paper. Throughout this course I learned the importance of having an essay structure, before I started this class I didn't have a very clear vision of how to correctly format my essay. In my diagnostic essay, which was the first one I wrote for English 1302, had five paragraphs. That is considered a standard structure of many essays but it is more of a skeleton. Looking back at that essay I see how poor my introduction was, I did not even have a clear thesis. One only thing even close to one that I could spot was, "The "millennials," people born in the last two decades of the 20th century, are failing to reflect Rich's model for a good education." It merely addresses the topic in a simple way. It did not serve the purpose a

The Importance Of Writing An Argumentative Essay
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Attachment Style Case Study

Although there is no significant finding about the attachment style to friends, it is possible there is a slight error. A future study about the attachment style to friends is recommended is most attachment syle are usually to parents and caregiver. A limitation in the test is the administration of the test, where the participants are asked to immediately answer the test and pass in completion. A standarized procedure of administation should be followed next time. Also, since the topic is quite controversial, a private place is a must.

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Proficient writing is an essential skill in all aspects of academic and professional achievement. English 101, Introduction to Composition and Rhetoric, provided the framework to good writing, teaching me composition and rhetoric fundamentals, polishing up my grammar and style, and expressing a clear message. English 102, Composition, Rhetoric, and Research, continued to build on the skills I learned in English 101, focusing on the subject matter research process and employing various rhetorical and literary devices to better express a clear message to the reader. The course also improved my critical thinking capacity, allowing me to culturally evaluate my target audience, present logically flowing arguments using appropriate language and structure, and critically reviewing my writing projects for content and expression. Every writer inherently knows there's always room to improve and I hold fast to this mindset in all academic, professional, and personal writing projects. English 102 has both challenged and inspired me to grow into a much better writer than before I began the class, providing the necessary skills to be not just a good writer, but a great writer. Most of my English 102 writing projects are rhetorical arguments, intended to persuade the reader in one direction or another. Reflecting on the many skills I honed in English 102, my predetermined use of rhetorical strategies (ethos, logos, pathos), developing a concise thesis statement, and clearly defining

Reflective Essay On English 101
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Carl Sandburg had a very distinct writing style all his own, and spent his entire life developing the way he wrote. He continuously traveled throughout his life, experiencing new things and people which shaped his view and therefore his writing style. Because of this change in writing style throughout his life, he wrote in both the Modern and Contemporary American literary time periods. Sandburg had a fascination with language which could be traced back to his time on the Illinois prairie, where metaphors and idioms were used in everyday conversation held poetry (Hacker). "He was the son of two Swedish immigrants, August and Clara Sandburg. His mother greatly encouraged reading and schooling, while his father did not see any reason for it". (Cannato) Sandburg dropped out of school while he was in eighth grade, and started to work odd jobs such as: learning the tinner's business, washing bottles in a pop–botteling works, learning the potter's skill, working as a waterboy, renting boats and selling refreshments, stacking ice for an ice company, and working at the Williams Race Track. He also spent time as a hobo traveling across America. While traveling he collected folk songs and worked where he could. "His father got him a free pass to Chicago in 1896, his trip to the city inspired him and planted the seed for his work in poetry". (Krull and Hewitt) When Sandburg returned home, he told his older sister that, "I'm going away. I'm going to be a writer. And if I can't be a

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Reflection On Eportfolio

Welcome to my eportfolio, here you will find an in–depth analysis about my WOVE experiences in English250. By creating my eportfolio I have learned my weaknesses and strengths within my written, oral, visual, and electronic communication modes. When you begin exploring my portfolio, I will be sharing with you on how I have grown within the WOVE areas this semester.

Here is a brief overview of what you can find on my eportfolio. The menu section that is located at the top of the website can be easily used to navigate my introductory, about me, WOVE, reflection, and closing pages. These pages can also be easily accessed on the contents which is located at the top right side of each page. The WOVE page has a drop–down box menu that contains my written communication, and OVE communication modes. Also, the reflection page has a drop–down box menu that contains my reflection on my written revision, reflection on OVE artifact, and Special reflection about E. The closing page will contain my final closing reflection and my about me page, will personally tell you more about myself.

My composing techniques have slightly changed since I began this course, I learned the important aspects of using a rough draft. At the beginning of this semester I would spend more time writing down my thoughts on a paper then organizing my thoughts within the rough draft. I learned that it is ineffective for me to just write down my ideas on a paper with no purpose because I tend to jumble my words. By Get more content

First of all I would like to thank you for the time and hard work you put in this semester to teach my classmates and me. This semester I learned a lot in your class such as APA style writing, how to write different format essays and Bloom's Taxonomy. In your course I not only lesrned how to become a better learner but also a better person. I still remember how nervous I was feeling the first day of class. This was my first semester attending college, which made me feel worse. Since the first day I came into your class I was expecting this course to help me improve my writting skills in English. I consider spelling to be my greatest weakness in writing because my first language is Spanish and I have a lot of trouble learning English. In this letter I will let you know what I learned and how I have met the programs standards of focus, development and clarity because I have practice APA style, writting assays and using Bloom's Toxonomy

When I was in my senior year of high school, I learned a little about writing in APA style. In your course I learned that I was making some mistakes when I thought I was using APA style the correct way. Something that I considered to be very helpful for me was getting the help from the librarian on how to use APA style using different kind of sources such as books, newspapers and vedios.The yellow sheet he gave us in his presentation was allot of help throughout the semester because I would always use it when It was time to do writing assignments. Learning how to properly use Apa style was very helpful for me becuse now I apply those skills on my assignments and I do a better job than befor. Now I feel way more comfortable and confident while writting. Before learning the proper way of using APA style I was always unsure If I was giving credit to the sources I was using. I'm planning on applying this writing skill in and out of class to have a clear and smooth writing when It gets to give credit to sources.

Throughout the semester we practice literature by writing several essays such as diagnostic, narrative, current event and common exit essay. In all these four essays the two that I found to be the hardest ones was the narrative and the current even. I consider the narrative

Reflection Of APA Style Writing
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Rhetorical Analysis For Harvard

For HARVARD STYLE: Harvard does not have specified format of punctuations and capitalization compared with other styles. In Harvard have two ways in assessing information first is through direct quotations and the other one is through paraphrasing.

Direct quotations – it is a word–for–word copying of information and it is a direct quote by inserting inverted commas (") or ('). Even though direct quotations are allowed never overdo it instead attempt to paraphrase the borrowed article. It is also important to note that by using direct quotation you should quote the exact word of the author counting all spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and errors. To let the reader that you know that you acknowledge an error, quote the author by placing

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Online education, while offering clear advantages such as supporting a self–paced learning experience by allowing learning on an on–demand basis rather than a strict class schedule, also has significant drawbacks. Students in an online only course may struggle with structure and content without hands–on instruction, which can help motivate students who otherwise may be distracted or have difficulty working independently. The traditional structure of classroom education is effective, but also comes with a set of obstacles, particularly for nontraditional students. The best way to bridge this gap is hybrid education, which combines technology and personal interaction to support efficiency and self–paced learning while keeping students...show more content...

In order to fully understand the benefits of the hybrid educational model, it is necessary to discuss some of the benefits and flaws of both online and offline education, as successful hybrid education should combine best practices from both disciplines to create a more effective learning environment.

Classroom instruction benefits from time–tested success and is still the dominant educational model, but comes with some negatives, particularly in the digital age. One issue that students in traditional classrooms face is attrition due to boredom and lack of relevancy in education. Some education experts believe that the educational system needs to evolve from a traditional style to a more interactive experience. Derek Bok, former Harvard president, believes that education needs to "move from 'a teacher–oriented system featuring lectures delivered to passive audiences' to a 'learner–centered process in which students become more actively involved in their own education'" in order to reach modern students (qtd. in Friedman and Friedman). While not explicitly stated, online or hybrid education could be used to solve this problem, since the student is forced to take an integral role in managing their own learning. Another significant issue in traditional higher education is retention rate. It is possible that online

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Citation and Harvard Referencing Format

TOPIC : ________________________________ 1.0 INTRODUCTION What's Known? Not known? What's new? Thesis Statement :

____________________________________________________ 2.0 BODY PARAGRAPH: ______________________________________________________________

2.1 supporting details, statistics, concrete examples (eg. names of places/buildings/events, etc.)? 2.2 2.3 Concluding sentence : Therefore,

____________________________________________________ ...show more content...

List from A–Z, using Harvard Referencing format (see Taylor's library website)Note: All references listed in the actual essay must be found in this Reference List. List from A–Z, using Harvard Referencing format (see Taylor's library website)Note: All references listed in the actual essay must be found in this Reference List. List from A–Z, using Harvard Referencing format (see Taylor's library website)Note: All references listed in the actual essay must be found in this Reference List. List from A–Z, using Harvard Referencing format (see Taylor's library website)Note: All references listed in the actual essay must be found in this Reference List. List from A–Z, using Harvard Referencing format (see Taylor's library website)Note: All references listed in the actual essay must be found in this Reference List. List from A–Z, using Harvard Referencing format (see Taylor's library website)Note: All references listed in the actual essay must be found in this Reference List. List from A–Z, using Harvard Referencing format (see Taylor's library website)Note: All references listed in the actual essay must be found in this Reference List. List from A–Z, using Harvard Referencing format (see Taylor's library website)Note: All references listed in the actual essay must be found in this Reference List. List from A–Z, using Harvard Referencing

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