Self Assessment Essay Sample

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I walked onto the stage from the left wing only to be blinded by fluorescent lights. The audience in front of me was a dim sea of indistinguishable figures waiting to judge my performance. The soft murmurs from the crowd as I walked towards the chair made my heart race and my thoughts run wild. My shaky hands held a white–knuckled grip on the neck of my guitar. I finally made my way to the seat and promptly began playing my recital piece. A minute and a half later I rushed off the stage full of disappointment and regret. I knew my performance was mediocre at best, and that I let the pressure of public performance get to me. From that moment on I made the choice to always properly prepare myself for performances, events, and even small public speaking more content...

I went on to be the president of the Las Vegas Academy guitar club, a 3–time superior score recipient at the Las Vegas Solo and ensemble competition, and second place recipient at the Brownsville national ensemble competition; second only to a group from Austin, whose teacher was on the judges panel. I was also the recipient of a Target scholarship for a presentation I did on the topic of loss prevention during a criminal justice course I took at UNLV under the instruction of Dr. Tamara Madensen. The dedication and countless hours of practice and preparation taught me that although being passionate is an important part of achieving success, it is not always enough to excel and that it is necessary to be methodical and practical when it comes to preparation and learning overall. I have since taken my guitar and music based knowledge and turned it into a job. I currently teach a variety of different students in the Las Vegas community how to play guitar, read music, and develop strong practice habits that will help them in any field they choose to pursue in the

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Self Evaluation Essay Sample


The client was cooperative during the session. The client came into the session with a positive attitude she was very compliant and egger. Her positive attitude made the session transition and flow smoothly.


Goal 1: The client will produce /l/ within consonant clusters given visual and verbal stimulus with 80% accuracy cues. Data: The client was provided with different stimuli picture cards to assist the client to produce the /l/ within consonant cluster. The client was able to produce the /l/ in isolation. The client successfully produced the first two target words which were "clock" and "floor" the client was provided with visual and verbal cues. When the client would answer incorrectly, the clinician would re– more content... Approach/Technique/Cue Used: The approach that was used throughout the session was Traditional Approach. The client was producing the /l / within consonant clusters therefore this approach strengthening and stabilizing the correct production. It gave the clinician the ability to teach the client the proper placement of the articulators.


In the first goal, the clinician would show the client one picture card at a time and ask the client "Can you tell me what this is?" The picture cards had the name of the target words which included a picture to assist the client identify the word. The clinician began the therapy by asking the client to produce the /l/ sound. The client was able to spontaneously produce the /l/ phoneme. The clinician then placed her tip of her tongue on the bumps behind her front teeth in order to produce the /l/ sound. The clinician then asked the client to repeat the same procedure. The clinician asked the client if she was able to feel the bumps that are located on the roof of her mouth. After the explanation the clinician told the client to relax and place her hands on her lap. The clinician demonstrated how the air passes around the tongue and out through the mouth using verbal and Get

Report Sample
Self Assessment
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My Self Assessment

The self–assessment test that I have completed was very interesting and kind of surprising. I felt like the test was right on point in a lot of the areas for me. I have taken this test once before and my results were pretty much the same as before. I have noticed that from now versus a year ago when I completed the test the first time that some of my weaknesses have became some of my strongest areas. I did learn that my time management skills are a strong area for me and I do believe that is because of the way that Bethel's class assignments are set up. The facilitators give you time to complete your work in an orderly fashion.

My top 5 weaknesses on the self–assessment test were; Mathematics, Understanding technology, Seeking support more content... For example; a business owner need to have good oral and written skills in order to improve their distribution between the people in and out of the corporation. This can either hurt or better your profits due to the lack of or benefit of communication. "People who can communicate well will always be at the forefront of every organization" (Bethel University, 2014, pg 10). Having solid communication helps us to better connect with people, allows the build of trust and respect, and helps with problem



Self assessment is a process in which you examine yourself in attempt to discover and learn more about yourself. Your likes, dislikes, behaviors, attitudes and habits can be found during this process. You can use the discoveries to your advantage by accepting or changing strengths and weaknesses. I plan on using this course to enhance my personal skills to become a better student and find success in earning my Bachelor of Arts degree at Ashford University in Social Science.Self Assessment is the first step in my successful future. I can remember in high school, it seemed like I was always one of the last students finished with a test. I was sometimes slower at completing a written paper or an assignment. In open more content... I have discovered some interesting things I have noticed in myself before taking this course. For example, my learning style I have noticed is the visual learning style.

With this, I prefer to see and read information to full gain comprehension. If I forget the data, or not clearly understand it the first time read, I have the option of reading it over. I do not always trust myself to absorb all information the first time around. I take a lot of notes to look at. Notes help me remember even though I may not read the again, I can refer to them in my mind after writing them down. I am not sure if just anyone reading them would get anything out of it, but at least I know what they mean. I like to take my time with material, but am not always given the allotted time to do so. I also like to keep a written list of things to do to refer to. I am comfortable with my learning style, accepted it as my very own. I am not sure if changing it this late in life is such a good idea. I have got by this far, it must work out for me. I have identified my personality style as being extroverted, one who becomes easily energized by others, and outwardly expressing thoughts as long as I am fully understanding context and material being discussed. If I have no idea what is being addressed, I am better of keeping quiet to save myself from

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Personal Self Assessment Essay

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is an important characteristic in becoming a good leader. "Emotional intelligence is the ability to manage oneself and one's relationships in mature and constructive ways" (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2009, p.137).Being a good leader entails more than just being smart; leaders need to be able to connect to their employees emotionally and empathetically. Organizations today not only look for leaders with the skills, but leaders that can emotionally connect to employees to obtain the organization's goal. "Leaders have always played a primordial emotional role. No doubt humankind's original leaders–whether tribal chieftains or shamanesses–earned their place in large part because their leadership was more content...

Emotional intelligence also entails me understanding strengths and weaknesses are when it comes to dealing with individuals and becoming an effective leader. If I do not take the time to do this, I can get trapped in trivial issues and forget what is important and eventually forget my emotional intelligence. This can hurt my work relationships and I will no longer enjoy my job.

Effective social skills are another aspect of emotional intelligence that I must acquire. Obtaining effective and efficient social skills will enable me to build long lasting relationships within my personal and professional lives. Building strong relationships will lead to establishing trust. Trust is one of the most significant aspects of emotional intelligence. When trust is absent, much time and exertion is spent on issues that are unproductive. Productivity will also decline when an employee does not feel he or she can trust his or her leader. In addition, when an employee does not trust his or her leader, he or she will be less creative and will not want to express his or her ideas. "The greater a leader's skill at transmitting emotions, the more forcefully the emotions will spread. Such transmission does not depend on theatrics, of course, since people place close attention to a leader, even subtle expressions of emotion can have great impact" (Goleman, et. al, 2002, para. 3). As Get

Self-Assessment of Emotional Intelligence Essay
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I have found that self–assessment of my knowledge and personal skills will keep me on the right path in order to achieve my development needs. I have to aspire to achieving the skills and knowledge I identify that I require. Monitoring this is important, as it will be the difference in achieving skills and not being competent. Taking any opportunity to learn, or build on my current skills is essential in progression. I need to take advantage of technology that may help me in accomplishing and achieving goals and skills. Recognising that I have potential to do and be anything if I put my mind and effort to it, it will help me reach my aspirations. This is where setting goals comes in to affect. As I set goals and apply my success and more content...

Knowing what the best way for me to learn will assist me in making plans to achieve skills and knowledge. There are three styles that adults use to learn Visuallearning, auditory learning and kinaesthetic learning. I have found that I have some tendencies to use all three learning styles but majority of the time I am a visual learner. I try to take a mental picture of things I see or highlight a lot when learning. What is good about this learning technique is that I can usually do things after a demonstration is shown or after ive read instructions. It allows me to become a quick learner. I understand that I need to continue to learn and develop skills, as the competition is growing everyday. Once I've identified the skills and knowledge I need, I can plan so that I have reading material that will help me gain them. I need to ensure that I am constantly learning, because technology is used in almost every organisation, and is easily accessible I need to take advantage of it. I can read and study pictures, diagrams, handouts by both the organisation and outside sources. Because I am a visual learner, I found that I fall into the category of "Global" Simultaneous hemispheric style. I like to look at things holistically which is great because it means I know everything is interrelated and that skills can be built upon other skills. This will ensure that I am up to date with factors or trends that I need to be aware of that will benefit the organisation and Get more content

Personal Self Assessment

I believe it is important for any student who wants to do their best in a class to take a moment to evaluate their own work to determine the rate their writing is progressing and how they can continue to advance their writing. When I looked through my own work I asked myself "what have I learned this semester?" and "what do I still need to learn in order to improve my writing?". Answering both these questions will help me with my last step of my self–evaluation, developing a plan to learn new skills.

During this semester, I have strengthened my writing by trying new writing techniques, learning about purpose, and finding new ways of combating writers block. My first essay in this class was less focused then the essays I wrote later more content...

I have struggled with writer's block with often. In the past, I've learned to take breaks while writing to help alleviate symptoms of writers block; however, during the semester I have learned to carry a pad of paper with me so that I can write down idea's while they are fresh in my mind. Writing down my thoughts has helped me avoid writers block because I have a list of thoughts about the subject before I have even started writing. When I struggle less to write it improves my essay's by decreasing my stress, this can be seen in my writing. I was afflicted with writer's block while trying to write both my compare and contrast essay and my description essay, this caused me a lot of stress and caused my essay to suffer. On the other hand, when I wrote my classify and divide essay I did not have to deal with writer's block. As a result the stress level was greatly decreased and the improvement is substantial.

Although my writing has made some good progress during the course of this semester, I still some things I need to learn in order to keep improving my writing. Grammar, writing in an active voice, and building my rewrite skills are three examples of skills I need to build upon to continue to improve me writing.

Even though my grammar has improved during the progression of this class, I still have a lot to learn before my knowledge of grammar can contribute to my writing. I have never had an aptitude for

Essay on Writing Self-Evaluation
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Self Assessment: What Is Self-Assessment?


What is self– assessment?

According to Boud (1995), all assessment including self–assessment comprises two main elements: making decisions about the standards of performance expected and then making judgments about the quality of the performance in relation to these standards. When self–assessment is introduced, it should ideally involve students in both of these aspects.

Andrade and Du (2007) provide a helpful definition of self–assessment that focuses on the formative learning that it can promote: Self–assessment is a process of formative assessment during which students reflect on and evaluate the quality of their work and their learning, judge the degree to which they reflect explicitly stated goals or criteria, identify strengths and weaknesses in more content...

Peer assessment

Students individually assess each other's contribution using a predetermined list of criteria. Grading is based on a predetermined process, but most commonly, it is an average of the marks awarded by members of the group.


Agreed marking criteria means there can be little confusion about assignment outcomes and expectations. Encourages student involvement and responsibility. Encourages students to reflect on their role and contribution to the process of the group work. Focuses on the development of student's judgment skills. Students are involved in the process and are encouraged to take part ownership of this process. Provides more relevant feedback to students as it is generated by their Get


My Self-Assessment Survey Results

My Self–Assessment survey outcomes are as follows: Communication – 15, Attitude/Behavior– 24, Image/Appearance – 4, and Business Practice – 20. Attitude and Business Practice are the areas in which I will focus on because those are the areas I scored highest. Upon arriving to work each morning, the first thing I do is greet each person by name. You never know how a simple "Good Morning" can impact a person's day. Some of the areas in attitude/behavior I scored high in dealt with sharing information and spending time talking with others to find out what's happening in the company. As a Supervisor, I try to stay alert of the happenings in our office mainly, because when information is brought to you second hand it's not always exact.

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It was only after I understood the interdisciplinary and cooperative nature of the College of Human Ecology during my visit to Cornell this past summer that I fully realized the school was the perfect fit for me. While the college's mission, "To improve lives," is a simple one, the steps taken to achieve such an objective cuts across multiple disciplines. The information session reinforced my understanding that science, math, economics, human psychology and an understanding of cultural diversity all play a strong role when formulating public policy. As a high school debater, I examined every side of a given resolution, researched existing governmental policies and used compelling evidence in order to prove assertions. Amongst the more content...

Policy makers, I believe, should understand how the scientific method works, rely on hard data, use statistical analysis in order to make informed decisions, and assess the impact of their findings in the hope of ultimately benefitting the wellbeing of a population. As a researcher and a co–author of a published article, I spent countless hours in the lab running tests, accumulating data and interpreting the results in order to determine how pomegranate fruit extract could bring relief to those suffering with osteoarthritis. Although I was fascinated as I observed my mentor surgically induce osteoarthritis into the knee joints of rabbits, I was even more intrigued by my discussion with the private investigator of the lab, who believed that his research would only be useful if it brought forth action. Our discussion about the lack of attention and funding directed towards osteoarthritis, despite it being one of the leading causes of disabilities in the United States, was quite surprising. I understood the importance of translating research into practice through effective policy

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Self Assessment Report Sample

My Personal Self Assessment

The self–assessment I chose to do was on online team roles preferences self assessment. They had one in the book, Chapter 8 on pages 259–260. I prefer to do the online assessment. This one came from a website called Pscyh Test. The url is /testid/3113. It was 43 questions regarding team situations, as well as, many team scenarios. It took about 20 minutes to finish and below are the my strengths from my self–assessment. The Strengths You have good interpersonal skills You are able to effectively resolve conflict with teammates You are able to work with your team to resolve problems You are able to communicate effectively during teamwork You are skilled at planning and coordinating with teammates You enjoy working on a more content...

I also felt that I could do any type of role needed for the team. I am not restricted on just doing one role or task, but many roles and tasks. I feel I am a great team member because I try to do my best to inspire myself and motivate others. I try to handle conflicts within a team. I try to be open minded regarding opinions and suggestions. I try to get everyone involved including the quite ones without intimidation. I feel I am also very good at organization, which I feel is very need when working in teams. It didn't show me any limitations or things I needed to work on. However, after taking the seld–assessment, I feel everyone has strengths and liminations. One limitation I can think of is that I am very detailed and organized and it can be frusrating when others are not the same way. Being on a team, deadlines must be met. Some I find let others pull the weight or could care less. I need to learn to manage my frustration and try my best to teach them why this is important and why they need to

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Internship Self-Evaluation Paper

Before the end of the regular 12–week summer session, you must complete and submit a self–evaluation online from a link in the internship area of the School of Business website. Because some items are similar to those on a student evaluation of teaching form, your faculty internship advisor will not see the evaluation until after your grade has been recorded. On the internship evaluation, explain how the experiences enhanced your understanding of the sponsoring organization and relevant academic field. Also, suggest changes to assure a more effective internship for future student interns. If you do not believe changes are needed, please state that. On the internship self– evaluation, you will be prompted to provide and verify the email address

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In this paper I critically reflect on five different self–assessments: locus of control (LOC), emotional intelligence (EI), listening self–inventory, team member type and conflict management. Throughout my discussion, I focus on their correlations and apply the gathered information to my work–life experiences. I will also provide a systematic assessment of each of these questionnaires. This evaluation will address any possible weaknesses I had found within the tests and prepare my final conclusions based upon those final educated results. Locus of Control & Emotional Intelligence Relationship: I scored moderate on the LOC, (specifically internal LOC) and EI assessments. When evaluating these two tests I found more content...

When I look back to rough days they were generally caused because I would blame an alternative to myself. For example, in my business 100 project we had one member who would not help. I was frustrated and attributed him for our poor mark. I now know I should have fired him and split up his work with the rest of the team instead of leaving it to last minute. I should have taken control of my own fate and reasoned with the emotions I was feeling at that moment. Today I feel that I have a much stronger EI and my LOC is improving subsequently.

Critical Discussion on the Emotional Intelligence Self–Assessment:

The correlation between these two surveys was clearly apparent and understandable. However, I believe my moderate score in EI in the workplace is actually quite low. Working at a pharmacy for over two and half years I feel that I have maintained a very high level of EI as per Mayer et al's (2003) definition: "set of skills concerned with the processing of emotion–relevant information and measured with ability–based scales" (p. 97). I have been extremely fustrated at times but I have always kept my composure in front of the customers. Almost all of our clientel is coming to pick up medication for their depression, sickness, pain and/or anger symptoms. Thus, the people in good mindsets are few and far between. I started this job wanting to become a pharmacist but after working in this environment I knew that was not an Get

Performance Self Evaluation Essay
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My Self Assessment

A self–assessment requires that a person take a look at him or herself objectively. Doing this can be extremely hard for a person because they have to be honest with themselves about who they are and the areas where they are lacking. Personally, I like taking assessments that are going to help me better myself and so forth. But I really did not like this assessment because of how it is set up. I prefer assessments where you are scored based on what you put and then there is a synopsis that gives some explanation or detail about what it all means. After taking the assessment, I learned that my five greatest areas of weakness are: Seeking support from others, Retaining written information, Time–management skills, Management and leadership of people and Creative–problem solving (Bethel University, 2014). When taking a closer look at my areas of weakness, I was able to see that my many of my weaknesses are similar because they have to do with the confidence that I lack. For example, take seeking support from others or management and leadership of people. I have issues more content... The greatest way in which I would be able to improve my writing skills would be to practice. "Good writing is an acquired art, and it takes practice" (Bethel University, 2014, p. 4). For many, writing comes very easily. But then there are those like me who have to work very hard at becoming good at writing. And when I say that I would practice, I mean that I would set aside time the time to rewrite things that I have previously written so that I could correct and perfect the things that I failed to do correctly the first time. When it came time to do an actually assignment I would initially do a rough draft so that I could work out the kinks prior to submitting the assignment. Some other ways of improving my writing would be to always grammar check and spell check what I have written and to read out loud what it is that I have Get


Self–Assessment and Reflection

In the last seven weeks, I had an opportunity to look back and analyze the events that has shaped my life. This was a unique experience where I was emotionally comfortable enough to look back at life. I was able to objectively revisit many events that were often buried and too painful to face. I was free from the turmoil of emotional fears of failure, anger, regret and loneliness, which often clouded my perception. .

I was able to dwell on many pleasant and unpleasant events with more comfort and confidence. I accepted each event as part of life, regardless of whether it was a good or bad experience. I understand that life transpires even when we are not prepared for it, but more importantly, more content...

I supported myself financially, emotionally and mentally. Even though my move to Houston was the right one, I executed the move without thinking things through. I should have stopped being self–centered and thought of the pain and anguish that it would cause my parents. This life learning experience has been a double–edged sword, because it has taught me to stand up for what I want, yet on the other hand, sometimes running away is probably the best thing to do, which will help to clear clouded thoughts and refocus on my destination.

Play to Win by Larry Wilson introduces a simplistic, yet optimistic, method of viewing life. It embraces two fundamental views– emotional and spiritual maturity that allows us to evaluate who we are. "Life is an adventure to be experienced, lived, experimented with and committed to." (Wilson,1998, p.89) This statement alone tells us that we are in control of our lives. We all can choose dissimilar and painful paths to get to the safe place and that is okay.

When looking back, my second life–learning lesson came through financial growth. This growth was to some extent expected, since I was so lavish with cash. My financial motto was that money comes and money goes. I knew eventually, I needed to get a grasp on my foolish spending habit, but it spun out of control with each purchase. There were days where I would squander money like there was no tomorrow. I never planned for the future let alone on for the next meal. For the

Essay on Self-Assessment and Reflection
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Cultural Self assessment

Cultural Self–Assessment

Haley McGuire

University of North Dakota

Cultural Self–Assessment


No two people are the same. Race, ethnicity, gender, and age are all factors that make individuals different and unique. Throughout this paper, I will be discussing my values, beliefs and traditions, how I identify myself, and my attitude on diversity. Family Values, Beliefs, and Traditions My family is very diverse and comes from many different places. My maternal grandmother came to the United States from England when she was 18 and met my biological grandfather. They lived in Montana on Flathead Indian Reservation. This is where my mother was born and raised. When my mother was in high school, she met more content...

I know it is becoming mutual where the mother works just like the father, but I think; as I get older I will practice the same views and beliefs my parents did. This does not mean that I am against the views of feminism; I just believe it is important for children to be raised by family instead of daycare centers. My mother never trusted people to babysit her kids when we were little and her views have rubbed off on me. I define myself as being independent, self–relying, and strong. I have gone through many hard things in my life and I think it has made me to be a strong person. What makes me unique is my independence. Ever since I was in high school, I have taken care of myself and always felt the need to do everything on my own. Because of this, I have always come off a little rough around the edges. I had trouble making friends because I did not trust many people and always thought people had alternative motives. Eventually I have learned to give people the benefit of the doubt and to trust others.

I consider myself to me a female, daughter, college student, Catholic, friend, sister, and a future nurse. From the list of identities above, I think being a student and a friend to be the most important in my life at this time. Every day I go to school and work hard to achieve my goal of being a nurse. Along with going to class, I spend a lot of time with my friends. Being a nursing student is very important to me at this time and I am proud to be at UND.

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Assessment Reflection Essay examples

As I reflect on my past assessment process, I realized how much my assessments have changed over the years. In my early years, I used tests for informational recall as my assessments. I felt these were appropriate guidelines in which I needed to follow in order to substantiate a student's grade. Every assignment or tests was given a point value and then based on the amount of points, a grade was given. Every student's assessment was exactly the same, and the assessments did not contain any subjectivity. I felt confident in giving the grade based on a valid point system. However reflecting back, I see that I did not include any performance–based assessments or individual learning styles in my early assessment. I also did not more content...

Part of my assessment philosophy is to assess students on a daily basis which also includes their reaction to my class. Students come to school with so much baggage that if you only chose one day a week, or four or five times a marking period to assess them, chances are, they may be having a bad day. Therefore, these students may not demonstrate their true ability if given only a few attempts during the marking period. Assessment needs to be a continuous process throughout the marking period. Everyday my students are given an opportunity to demonstrate their learning whether it is an observation, a quick answer or a one–on–one discussion or a group project. My assessments are consistent, flexible and achievable. I adhere to the deadlines that I give my students as part of my assessment process. I want to infuse in my students that the world has deadlines, and you must be prepared to meet them. Assessment for many students means failure instead of demonstrating what you know. Too many students walk away from a test, a science lab, or any other learning experience and feel as if they have failed. Students should walk away from these experiences with a feeling of curiosity. If assessments are correctly used, students would want to experiment more and take additional risks knowing that the end result would be a feeling of achievement instead of failure. Assessments

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1.I believe when it comes to assessing a fellow peers work their ideas should come across clear and concise. Their grammar does not have to be perfect, but tolerable for the sake of comprehension. It should follow the American Psychological Association format (APA), in size 12 font, and Times New Roman font style. An excellent resource on APA format is Purdue Online Writing Lab. (

2.I will assess all assignments as fairly as possible, I would hope the same is done for me, despite any differences I may have with the writer when it comes to their views on a particular subject. When it comes to feedback, I would try and abstain from stating my personal feelings or opposing view, only focusing on the quality of the material being presented. Overall, my response would be critical, yet positive. This would ensure an accurate and honest assessment on my behalf. Furthermore, from the Learning Guide Unit this week, Brown, Rust, and Gibbs (1994) suggested assessment may encourage a more in–depth knowledge of the material, I agree very much with this theory. By virtue of that, I will take my peers view into contemplation, this way I can think about the information from a different angle in an attempt to further my own understanding of the criteria. more content...

During an assessment I will use The Three Domains of Learning (Bloom et. al. 1956) from the Learning Guide, mainly from the 'Knowledge Domain'. Students should be able to recall key information during discussions, and illustrate key aspects during writing assignments, this entails comprehension and is indicative of learning. In America standardized assessment is controversial because some feel it limits the overall range ofeducation by only teaching the material present in examinations. Using this style of testing methods to assess students also can have negative effects on the child such as

Apa Self Assessment Example
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Self Assessment Examples

Hi Everyone, Being self–insured is a privilege, with this privilege we are given safety goals by our captive insurance representative. In efforts to meet our goals and maintain safety awareness at the local level as in the field level we ask you to take a few minutes and do a self–assessment of your work area and jobsite. I have attached a checklist for guidance, use the checklist that best suits your position. Once you have completed the self–assessment please return it to me for recording purposes. I will be working with Scotty to do hand tool assessment here in the warehouse to ensure we cover the majority of the tools. I would like the Project Managers/Superintendents to take a few minutes and do some training that involves ergonomics.

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Interview Report And Self Assessment

Interview Report and Self–Assessment

I interviewed Shawn Grimes (Mr. Shawn), the Executive Director of Digital Harbor Foundation. DHF offers after school programs that let students all the way from elementary to high school explore and develop technologies. The interview went well. I was calm and confidant, partly because I have known the interviewee for a couple of years, but also because I practiced asking questions beforehand. Looking back at the interview, one of my weaknesses was that I sometime spoke little fast. It seems like when I get too excited I speak little faster than my normal pace. Usually in interviews, especially if I am the one that is being interviewed, I take few seconds to think and respond. However, when more content...

My other strengths in the interview were recognizing timeliness of the questions and transitioning to different topics when it was needed. I was also able to ask questions that unfolded wide rage of experiences Mr. Shawn faces as anExecutive Director. For example, in a "professional world", people, especially investors expect their clients/partners to dress up in a suit and tie and have short hair that fits the "professional look". However, Mr. Shawn prefers dressing little differently, and his choice of hairstyle is not something a typical professional would wear. He explained, because of his spiky hair and a t–shirt with jean clothing, sometime people expects him to act "dumber" and "uneducated", he added, once a investor asked him if he was a pirate. It shows that even when people do not know others, they tend to have perceived ideas just by looking at them. While Mr. Shawn did not say anything, his choice of clothing and a hairstyle gave certain ideas to people around him.

By conducting this interview, I learned a lot about the work people at Digital Harbor Foundation do. Although I participated in the program for two years, before the interview, I only knew what the students do in the program. However, after the interview, I also learned about the work staffs do, as well as the (communication) problems they face. Mr. Shawn emphasized that most of

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