Beowulf Essay

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Beowulf Character Analysis

The Great Motivator

(An analysis of Beowulf's Motivations) Are everyone's motivations to become a hero pure? This question can be hard to answer depending on the hero. Spidermans motivations for saving an innocent child were pure, but what about people suffering from hero syndrome? A syndrome, that has become a recent phenomenon. This syndrome makes people seek heroism or recognition by creating desperate situations that they resolve in order to become a hero. As common as this syndrome is today, it was not a common syndrome in the tenth century. In the epic poem Beowulf, translated by Burton Raffel, a mighty warrior named Beowulf fights three terrible monsters. Beowulf is a hero of the tenth century. Beowulf's motivations to fight more content...

In Beowulf's lifetime, he killed three terrible monsters. One of these monsters was a great fire breathing dragon that was hurting his people. The other two monsters were killing people in a different kingdom. Beowulf is a great warrior and went to assist the other kingdom. Throughout the epic poem, there is a theme of how will people remember you once you die? This is important to Beowulf because he needed to set a good example to the warriors, and leave a legacy for once he was dead. After Beowulf dies in the story, it reads, "Crying that no better king had ever lived, no price so mild, no man so open to his people, so deserving of praise." (867–869) This is Beowulf's warriors mourning over his death. He had set such a great example to the warriors on how to be a true warrior that they wept over his death. They have been extremely mournful since the greatest example, they had ever seen had died. Beowulf's motivation of becoming an example to the Anglo–Saxons before he died through being a great warrior and king was fulfilled. The example that Beowulf left became a legacy to the Anglo–Saxon warriors. Beowulf was an individual that others aspired to be like. The motivation of Beowulf's to be an example to all the Anglo– Saxon warriors is pure. Another motivation for Beowulf is that he needed to save his people, even if it meant sacrificing his own life. With his last fight

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Beowulf Essay

There are many metaphors for Beowulf's sword, weapon, his hilt battle flame, the edge, his rare treasure, spiral patterned, precious in it class, shift and skel–edged all are references to his sword.

Personification: Beowulf's circled sword screamed on her head a strident battle song."(Lines 1521–1522)

This passage (lines 1513–1556) describes the battle between Beowulf and Grendel's mother, "...this water–hag" (line1518). This monster's femininity is very evident and her love for her son who had been conquered by Beowulf is understood. 'She was down on this guest of hers and had drawn her knife, broad burnished of edge: for her boy was to be avenged, her only son." (Lines 1545–1547)

Although obviously a monster, more content...

It made me think about the number of conflicts in various parts of the world today where the participants believe that they have God on their side. However, to state the obvious, unlike in this passage a god does not appear in contemporary warfare and reveal his hand by assisting a combatant. However, the author of Beowulf does show that his protagonist benefitted from divine intervention. It is not a view that would find favour with the sceptics of such beliefs but Christian values at the time of the story of Beowulf were important and a belief in a God being able to determine the victors and the vanquished largely

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Beowulf Essay

Beowulf: Themes

The Anglo–Saxon epic Beowulf is the most important work of Old English literature, and is well deserved of the distinction. The epic tells the story of a hero, a Scandinavian prince named Beowulf, who rids the Danes of the monster Grendel, a descendent of Cain, and of his exploits fighting Grendel 's mother and a Dragon. Throughout the epic, the Anglo–Saxon story teller uses many elements to build a certain depth to the characters. Just a few of the important character elements in Beowulf are Wealth & Honor, Biblical & Paganistic, and Man vs. Wild themes. Many of the characters in Beowulf are, like in most epics, defined by their status. But, in addition to status, the Anglo–Saxon culture also adds an element more content...

Another Biblical reference in Beowulf is shown in the tower of Herot which is very similar to the tower of Babel in the fact that it 's built as a sign of superiority and accomplishment. Like Babel, though, Herot only serves as a symbol of downfall more than one of glory because it causes many deaths and the coming of Grendel. Apart from Wealth, Honor, and Paganistic vs. Biblical themes and motifs, character is also shown through a certain Man vs. Wild motif. This motif shows the difference between mankind 's ways (good), and evil 's wild nature (evil).

Grendel for one, is totally wild and is therefore shown as evil. His wild home, "Grendel, who haunted the moors, the wild marshes, and made his home in a hell not hell but earth." shows his wild, untamed, and therefor evil nature.

Grendel 's wilderness is countered in mankind 's ways, especially Beowulf 's. Beowulf is tame and civilized, the epitomy of goodness and purity. Beowulf doesn 't fight evil in a wild manner, rather, as shown in his first battle with

Grendel. First off, Beowulf is pure and shows this before his battle when he removes his armor and vows not to use a weapon to defeat Grendel.


Grendel, he shows that man, without armor and weapons, can defeat evil in any form including that of his foe Grendel. This deed serves throughout the epic serves as a symbol of Beowulf

Beowulf: Themes
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The famous poet James Russell Lowell once said, "Reputation is only a candle, of wavering and uncertain flame, and easily blown out, but it is the light by which the world looks for and finds merit" . Reality stresses the importance to be more concerned with personal character than self reputation, because character beholds who you really are, while your reputation is merely what others perceive. The epic of Beowulf, written in Old English, describes the adventures of a great Scandinavian warrior of the sixth century. Having an outstanding reputation was an important aspect of life, and in the world of Beowulf it was no different. Having a good name is the same as immortality because the name will be placed in history and will more content...

Grendel terrorizes the humans until he is slain by someone who is equal in strength and superior in tactics, Beowulf. Beowulf is brute and his defeat of Grendel and Grendel's mother validates his reputation for bravery and establishes him fully as a hero. Beowulf states his claim to fame very clearly as his persona is evident in the following:

"Grendel is no braver, no stronger Than I am! I couldkill him with my sword, I shall not, Easy as it would be. This fiend is a bold And famous fighter, but his claws and teeth... Beating at my sword blade, would be helpless. I will meet him/ With my hands empty–unless his heart Fails him, seeing a soldier waiting Weaponless, unafraid. Let God in His wisdom Extend His hand where He wills, reward/ Whom he chooses!" The Danes holds a grudge against Grendel and his mother for the fact that Grendel terrorized them for a long time and they feel the only way to live in peace is to kill him. They also feel that they have done nothing to Grendel in return for him terrorizing them and to justify the countless amount he has killed they find that they will live in peace once he is killed. On the other hand the ogre's feel that being what they are is a curse and that they will never be blessed, so as to exact a

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Reputation In Beowulf

The oldest English epic, Beowulf, although composed twelve centuries ago, uses many of the same ideals and values that exist in modern life and modern literature. These attributes are still important, but they do not occupy every aspect of life as in Anglo–Saxon England. Some of the ideals have little use today, such as fate, while other virtues, such as loyalty, are encouraged and highly respected traits. Other values, like fame, have taken on bad connotations in modern day and are not esteemed as they once were. Fate, the idea that destiny is predetermined and nothing can be done to change that, was highly esteemed in Beowulf's time, but is of little use today.Anglo–Saxon warriors knew that they only had two options when they more content...

It original from the Biblical ideas of honoring God, honoring parents, honoring neighbors, et al. Fidelity between husband and wife is one sign of loyalty. Another is allegiance between countries. The Anglos felt a deep responsibility for fulfilling these duties. Fortunately, loyalty has held on through the many centuries since Beowulf. Today, man feels a responsibility, but it often gets ignored.

Competitition in all forms is the main reason. Personal advancement is too tempting. Still, loyalty is admirable in those who are strong enough to resist temptation.

Fame is a less admired quality today than in Beowulf. Fame meant eternal respect to the Anglo–Saxons. This is partly because fame came mostly after death spread the achievements across the land. Without mass communication, tales of heroic deeds took much more time pass from person to person. Fame was not assured. It was mostly luck that anyone found about of the exploits of someone so far away. Most Anglo–Saxons were illiterate, therefore the tales had to be told from person to person. Today, fame is not as respected and often held in disdain by common people. Fame seems limited to a few fortunate ones who were in the right place at the right time. Infamy is much more accessible to the majority. The easiest way to get in the news is to kill a large amount of people. Good deeds go largely unnoticed today.

Beowulf's ideals have been along a long time. Though values are determined individually, Get more content

Beowulf Essay

Beowulf was a poem written as a foundational text in British Culture, by Seamus Heaney. Beowulf is the story of shame future told through the eyes of a guilt culture. Not only does it critique the way society runs, but reinforces how critical a society is. The Anglo– Saxon society relates to the poem to critique everything wrong in society, such as bravery, truth, loyalty, and perseverance.Beowulf as a story is still relevant in today's world because he shows that his personal code of honor or ethics is stricter than that of the people around him, when he's offered a distinction that many people want him to accept and turns it down because it belongs by right to someone else. Monsters in Beowulf show how society has large problems, including greed and death. In modern today, society still deals with conflict over these issues as well. Often in modern times, people are obsessed with material goods and being the best, more content...

Not only are morals valid today, but they are necessary for a society to run smoothly, no matter seen as religious or not. Just as the poem begins, starts, "So. The Spear– Danes in days gone by and the kings who ruled them had courage and greatness. We have heard of those princes' heroic campaigns (Heaney, 1–3). This definition of courage described as the ultimate form of greatness. The Danes are going to be seen as heroic and celebrated because of their bravery. Beowulf has numerous ways that it can be related to modern today. Since Beowulf is considered to be a foundational text of British culture, it is a beloved classic in history, being the oldest Old English text that we have access to. The Anglo– Saxon society that is being described reinforces the conflict that is still modern today, the Christian symbolism, and the morals still reinforced

Beowulf Argument Essay
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Beowulf is a famous epic poem and in this I will describe what I've taken from this poem. Also I will discuss how I can apply lesson from this poem to my own life. While explaining the point of Beowulf.

From my own perception Beowulf is about constantly over estimating yourself such as our main hero Beowulf. As strong and heroic as he may have been he never seemed to pick his own battles Cleary he handled Grendel well. But Grendel's mother was a turning point where Beowulf should have noticed that his skills were maybe not as keen as he may have led us to believe. For he did win but with a good put up struggle knowing towards the end of the story Beowulf was getting weak choose to be ignorant and go on and fight the dragon more content...

My second piece of evidence on lines 480 he began to show that he was not as strong as we may have led on to be of course only slight difficulties but nonetheless Beowulf was struggling to free himself from Grendel's mother's clutches and could not free his sword. Showing Beowulf does have flaws.

My third piece of evidence is on line 495 is where Beowulf also showed flaw when he attempted to use hrunting against Grendel's mother and realized at that point "that no sword could slice her evil" my fourth piece of evidence is on lines 625 in the introduction stanza Beowulf demonstrates his first sense of doubtfulness was where he told his men about the exploit in his kingdom and how we wants things ruled if he does not return witch is directly meaning that Beowulf is being ignorant the fact that he's going off to

Beowulf Response
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In Raffel's translation of the epic poem Beowulf , Beowulf is an epic hero, as he epitomizes all the traits and elements of a hero. The protagonist possesses supernatural qualities that are unusual to humankind and are an advantage, as he is set on a quest to prove his worthiness and capability of defeating mythical creatures. However, his pride got the best of him and fate dictates that his life must come to an end. Beowulf is an epic hero who epitomizes abilities that are greater than life. He is " the follower and the strongest of the Geats– greater and stronger than anyone anywhere in this world–..." ( Raffel 44). Beowulf feels that he is an indomitable individual who can defeat any creature that is a menace. He is complacent more content...

The dragon's breath flared with flames and mortally wounded Beowulf. " And he suffered, wrapped around in swirling flames–a king,before, but now a beaten warrior" ( Raffel 92). Beowulf was uncertain if he was going to survive and be crowned victor in the battle, but he goes through with the battle to prove his worthiness and loyalty. He put his life in the hands of fate, as only fate would determine if he would triumph or fail. " My days have gone by as fate willed, waiting for its word to be spoken" ( Raffel 92). Beowulf meets his downfall through the act of excessive pride. The author, Raffel, casts Beowulf as an epic hero, as he embodies all the characteristics of a hero. He was willing to risk his life for the love of his people because it was imperative for him to protect them from any danger. Beowulf's agility and strength worked towards his advantage to defeat mythical creatures.He proved his worthiness and capability to defeat creatures, in order to protect the Danes, by displaying a warrior conduct of loyalty.Although he undergoes a downfall, he is a true hero who persevered until the

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Research Paper On Beowulf

How much do you know about Beowulf? There are many stories about old tales but this one is one of the greatest. This passage will be on how Beowulf's personalities and about what he is. It will take about action, hero, and speech/style. Beowulf is a character that loves action and to be apart of doing jobs and hard tasks. He is very courageous. He doesn't fear or feel pain unlike the other warriors. Beowulf believes in fate of nation that if he dies then it was his time. He doesn't use a sword in battles because if he wins it shows more honor towards him. He takes the honor of a hero and brave. Beowulf is willing to go into battle with anyone and anything he has to. He don't fear anyone or anything and will battle till his death. Beowulf

Of How Much Do You Know About Beowulf
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Beowulf, the Epic Hero and Risk Taker(20 points)

Please complete this chart as a graphic organizer for your analysis of Beowulf as an epic hero. Use quotes and examples from the assigned reading and the video to support each of these 8 characteristics. You must include at least 3 direct quotes from the reading in the "quote and example" section.

Characteristics of an Epic Hero Quotes and Examples from the text and/or video. You must include at least 3 direct quotes from the reading.

1. Is significant and glorified 2 points

All of the brave deeds Beowulf accomplishes, and the strength that he possesses, gains him much respect and glorification from people.

2. Is on a quest2 points

"Would sail across the sea to Hrothgar, Now more content...

9. Why do you think Beowulf is included in the "Taking Risks" unit? (2 points)

Beowulf has been included in the taking risks unit to show how a leader should be ready to take risks for his or her people. Beowulf lives by the warrior code and showed bravery and courage when he is faced all the challenges to save his people.

10. Name a character from comics, movies, or stories who possesses many of the characteristics of an epic hero listed in the chart. In great detail, name your character and show how at least three of the characteristics of an epic hero apply to that character. (2 points)

Rick Grimes of "The Walking Dead" is an epic hero because he demonstrates intelligence, courage, is a strong and responsible leader and is the beginning is on an epic journey. Rick Grimes exhibits intelligence throughout the series as he leads his group of people after the zombie apocalypse. But his intelligence is at its best when he outmaneuvers the Governor (twice) and Neagan. Rick Grimes proves his courage by going into Atlanta alone even after Morgan informs him that is not a good idea. Also, when he begs Negan to kill him and not his son Carl.

Rick Grimes demonstrates that he is a strong and responsible leader when he first makes contact with the group his wife and son are a part of and despite being in a coma when the apocalypse started people immediately looked to Rick to save them and keep them

Essay On Beowulf
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Heroism in Beowulf A hero is one who is not only strong, but one who uses his strength to uphold others. A hero is humble, philanthropic, magnanimous and selfless, a humanitarian at best. In the unprecedented epic Beowulf, the tale's namesake exemplifies every characteristic befitting an Anglo–Saxon hero. He is honest, loyal, and courageous. He portrays these characteristics in the battle against Grendel, the affray with Grendel's mother, and the fight against the dragon that inevitably ended his life. Beowulf was a man of admirable exploits. He had the strength of thirty men in his arms, and would use this strength to aid anyone in need. Upon hearing of the plight of Grendel and the ill happenings in Hrothgar's kingdom, more content...

Beowulf, being a man of distinguished valor, accepted the challenge whole–heartedly and made his way through the murky, dismal swamp waters and into the underwater cave. Though the jaunt was difficult, Beowulf was relentless in his pursuit. When he reached Grendel's mother, the battle was long and hard, but the hero refused to surrender. He fought until the disconcerted mother gave up and died. As a token of his feat, Beowulf took a jewel–studded sword from the cave. To further celebrate his heroic feat, he decapitated Grendel and kept his head as a souvenir of his triumph. The last battle that Beowulf partook in was perhaps the most heroic of all. Although the battle ended his life, it proved that of all the men in the story, Beowulf was the only true Anglo–Saxon hero. All of his troops proved to be fickle. They abandoned him in a time when they were needed the most. Though his men lived, they lived as cowards, yielding to the dragon apprehended by all the Geats. Never the less, Beowulf's strength of heart and mind gave him the will to fight the dragon, although none of his men were there to help him. In this part of the tale, Beowulf was older and his physical strength had dwindled. But despite this, his tremendous heroism remained. He fought the dragon to his death and died with a pride, gallantry and chivalry that no man at the time had

Heroism in Beowulf Essay
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Every epic hero possesses certain heroic characteristics. The epic poem Beowulf describes the most heroic man of the Anglo–Saxon times. Beowulf is the hero. He shows that he is a great man by always putting other things before his own needs. He is important and needed by his people and is known by many as a strong, courageous and a helpful person. He shows all of the qualities and traits that a true hero possesses. Beowulf, like other epic heroes, possesses the following heroic qualities: epic heroes are superhuman types of beings. They show great bravery, intelligence, strength and resourcefulness. They have a strong admiration for the values of their society. They are dominant male figures and suffer severe pain, but in the end, more content...

This shows Beowulf's strength, courage and fearlessness. Through this it is evident that he possess courageous traits. Beowulf's strength is exemplified many times in the story. Beowulf was said to have "the strength of thirty men in his mighty handgrip." He fought in numerous battles and returned victorious from all but his last. In his argument with Unferth, Beowulf explains the reason he lost a swimming match with his opponent Brecca. Not only had Beowulf been swimming for seven nights, he had also stopped to kill nine sea creatures in the depths of the ocean. Beowulf is also strong enough to kill the monster Grendel with his bare hands by ripping off his arm. When Beowulf is fighting Grendel's mother, he is able to slay her by slashing the monster's neck with a giant sword that can only be lifted by a person as strong as Beowulf. When he chops off her head, he carries it from the ocean with no difficulty, but it takes four men to lift and carry it back to Heorot. This strength is a key trait of Beowulf's heroism. Another heroic trait of Beowulf is his ability to put his people's welfare before his own. Beowulf's uncle is king of the Geats so he is sent to help kill Grendel. His actions toward Grendel show that he is willing to help others. In an epic it is usually found that the hero often determines the fate of a nation or group of people. He uses his super–human physical strength

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How is Beowulf an Epic Hero

"There are two sides to every issue: one side is right and the other is wrong, but the middle is always evil." – Ayn Rand. To fully understand the complex world and culture of the Anglo–Saxons, one must examine the only form of historical evidence available – texts. One particular great work from this time period is often underrated and overshadowed in modern society by many other ancient works such as Iliad or Oedipus Rex. The epic poem, Beowulf, was sung by multiple unknown Anglo–Saxon poets four centuries before the Norman Conquest. The theme of good versus evil was constantly reappearing throughout the storyline, the portrayal of evil and its downfall initially shaped the poem's plot, and illustrates an alien presence; something more content...

Grendel's invasion of Herot symbolizes the destruction of peace and safety, and the imperfections within the society. The twelve years Grendel had haunted Herot, "Herot stood empty, and stayed deserted for years" (145–146) were also the twelve years Hrothgar and his kingdom suffered. Nevertheless, when Beowulf finally eliminated Grendel, readers see a different side of Herot, "Golden tapestries were lined along the walls, for a host of visitors to see and take pleasure in" (995–996), the glory and grandeur was restored, all with the slaying of Grendel – an outcast of society. The rigid and confined society of the Danes also shaped the way its people think and act, but also influenced greatly on the writings. Given the fact that metaphors and kennings are common in Old English literature; the representation of "evil" is also something not to be taken on a literal level. "Edgetho had begun a bitter feud / Killing Hathlaf, a Wulfing warrior" (459–460), inter–tribal feuds, therefore, are also a destroyer of peace. Grendel takes on a form that is left uncertain; its real meaning hidden behind the metaphorical mask of a monster, is the never–ending battles between tribal armies (namely, the Danes, Geats, Frisians, and the Swedes) that had disturbed the tranquility people had longed for. It is almost a barrier of peacekeeping, hider of hope. Hence, it is represented by Grendel, a great evil hated by many, whom Get

Beowulf Analytical Essay
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