Analytical Expository Essay Example

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Business Administration

The idea of studying business administration has appealed to me greatly and has encouraged me to further develop my education following this path. I have a keen enthusiasm to pursue a degree in Business Administration as I enjoy the challenges it sets and find the many different areas of business you are able to branch out into, very exciting! From research about the subject I'm expecting to greatly further my learning of how businesses operate and be able to then put my knowledge into practice. I am confident within myself and find communication with others easy. I want to study at university to deepen my understanding of the knowledge and skills I already have. more content...

I am studying Media Studies, which is progressing my understanding of advertising, used throughout business and also Geography, which is developing my analytical skills in report writing, but also helps me combine my theoretical studies and practical work a skill I will be able to use on my university course. I studied I.T for G.C.S.E then furthering my knowledge, I studied I.C.T for A.S Level as I recognise that a skill for information technology is useful, if not essential, for the progression of business in modern society. During the year I am studying my three A levels, I have also decided to study Business Studies at A.S Level, due to an increase in eagerness to pursue the subject but also to ensure I have a basic understanding of business operations for further use in my learning in University.

I have managed to balance my 'A' Levels with a part–time job and an enjoyable school and social life, which has not only developed my skills of working as part of a team and organising my time efficiently but has also left me with experience of responsibility and leadership, when being chosen to supervise a particular area of the business I work in. I have been involved in voluntary work for 'Save the Children', which I believed Get

about Business
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A liberal arts education is one that, by definition, focuses not on one specific subject, but rather prepares its student by giving them knowledge in many areas and developing the student's critical thinking that will allow them to adapt to an ever–changing world. Naturally, this means students at a university that employs a liberal artseducation take classes outside their major. Students of the humanities or social sciences must enroll in courses of mathematics and natural sciences, and while many find no joy in such requirements, they better the individual and are helpful in everyday life, as well as in larger issues. As Crane and Chiles so eloquently write, specifically of science, "Science matters at a liberal–arts university because the problems facing our global community will not be solved by scientists alone." Mathematics as a subject acts in a similar way, giving skills to students, non–mathematics majors included, to help in their everyday lives or potentially to help the more content...

To do that, Chopp argues that "What you have to do is to learn the very tools of learning itself. The liberal arts are...the gold standard for that" (qtd. in Goral). Students, particularly those in the humanities and social sciences, are thus offered different methods of learning when classes stretch beyond their major. As is an essential part of a liberal arts education, this breadth of knowledge enhances the critical and intellectual thinking of students that otherwise might not have had the opportunity to do so. The creativity and pursuit of knowledge encouraged by non–STEM majors has much to offer to solve the problems of the world, and a basic understanding of mathematics and sciences means that these problems seem much more understandable, their solutions more

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Liberal Arts Education Essay

Expository Essay On Earthquake

Write an informative process analysis about another dramatic act of nature; for example, an earthquake, tornado, tsunami, or hurricane. Maninderdeep Singh Grant MacEwan university

23 – OCT– 2017

Author Note

This paper was prepared for English 111, taught by Professor Valentyna Kennedy


There are a lot of disasters, but earthquake is the worst out of all. In this Research we can find out how an earthquake happens, the main reasons of why it happens and measures how a person can get out of such a situation. Earthquakes are the shock waves which happen for approximately half a minute. Taking references from books and journals it can be seen what a person should do during an earthquake and how this natural calamity can be measured and steps that government takes to find out where will this disaster show its power the next time.

Expository essay on earthquake

Earthquake is a Trembling or shaking alteration ofearth's surface. It is a sudden brutal shaking of the earth's surface occurring naturally and cause great massacre with its strong movements in the earth's crust or action of volcano. It is naturally occurring disturbance which can be characterize as an abnormal violent and involuntary contraction or series of contractions of the originate anytime inside the earth's crust and push a bulk of rock to slip rapidly. A huge amount of energy gets released and travel through rocks and waves, which cause tremors and trembling of

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Educational technologies are being utilized in every way shape and form, from inline gaming to numeracy, literacy and painting by numbers. From learning to leisure we have embraced the internet, in online chat rooms we communicate, interact and move into future learning through educational programmes and technology that lets us learn virtually. Instruction and directions are sent across cyberspace which change perceptions and give us an insight into different cultures far away across the other side of the world .The enigma that is cyberspace has the capacity to change our way of thinking, learning and teaching, and it is this teaching aspect that most interests me. As classroom based beings, teachers and the technological movement more content...

This technology helps students to demonstrate their potential and develop social constructs that aid in collaborative learning and in turn teaching.

It is access to interactive technology, the internet, whiteboard orVirtual Learning Environment(VLE) that has given me an entertaining platform on which to engage learners. Most of this generation of teens have the advantage of being digitally aware, with on–line gaming, Face book and Twitter part of everyday conversations. For these learners keyboard skills are almost inherent, yet for some it has generated a further problem. It is the letters on the keyboard itself that creates a barrier to interactive action learning, this is the case for some of my students and indeed for myself as a facilitator of learning for non readers.

Dearing, (1997 p.20) mentions.

"New technology is changing the way information is stored and transmitted. This has implications for both the skills which higher education needs to develop and the way in which it is delivered. Universities may invest millions of pounds in the provision of computer hardware without ever seriously considering the educational results such investment may deliver.

This is true of Entry level learning also. Mumford, (1995 pp.55–57) "However, the student must be exposed to the technology in a

Technology in Teaching and Learning Essay
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Early High School Analytical Expository Writing Personal Independence is a common thing that everyone wants. You start to feel the urge to learn towards that path when you are a young teen. Everyone wants to experience independence at some point in their lives. There can be many struggles and hardships that you may go through to find your independence. Also, there are many benefits towards having independence. When one wants independence, they strive to work on their own and do great at the task. When we are independent, we strive to make choices are on our own, and be the best that we could possibly be. Our younger generation doesn't really know what independence is because we've always been bottle fed, as in reference to having help.

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Early High School Analysis

Sigmund Freud's Theory of Psychoanalysis Freud's methods of psychoanalysis were based on his theory that people have repressed, hidden feelings. The psychoanalyst's goal is to make the patient aware of these subconscious feelings. Childhood conflicts that are hidden away by the patient, become revealed to both the analyst and the patient, allowing the patient to live a less anxious, more healthy life. Methods of hypnosis were originally used by Freud to find the cause for anxiety, but he dismissed them as being too inaccurate. He started to use methods of free association to delve into the patient's sub–conscious. By assessing the patient's reactions to the analyst's suggestions, Freud saw that the analyst could help more content...

Through the slips made when the patient was told to carry out the free–association process, and some of the patient's beliefs and habits, Freud could delve into the patient's subconscious. These thoughts produced a chain directly into the patient's subconscious, and unearthed memories and feelings. This process soon became known as psychoanalysis. Freud also believed that dreams were an important way of getting into the patient's subconscious. By analyzing dreams, he could reveal the basis of conflict within the patient. Freud believed the mind was made up of three main parts: the conscious, the preconscious, and the subconscious. The conscious region is the part that people are most aware of and what others can see. The preconscious region holds thoughts and feelings that a person can become aware of but that are mostly hidden away. Finally, the subconscious region consists of thoughts and feelings which are completely hidden away and which one is mostly unaware of. Some believe that the preconscious region is really a small part of the much larger subconscious region. Freud said that the mind is like an iceberg, with most of it, the subconscious, hidden away, and only a small part, the conscious, showing above the water, able to be seen. Why, then, would the majority of the mind be hidden; why is the subconscious region so much larger than the conscious region? Freud explained that the answer is that one

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Reflection Of Expository Writing

December 9, 2017

Eng 111

Reflective Essay

I have been taking Expository Writing for 4 months. I have found that I need to be able to communicate myself in writing. I must relay exactly what I'm trying to put forth to others and convey the right message of understanding. I must be able to explain myself, negotiate, and work in teams. My language skills can be worked on and improved. I need to be able to pick up the language of whatever environment I'm in whether it be at work or school, or in society. Since everyone does not have the same background, learning how to write the written word is important in any environment. I have learned how to write and express myself, how to think for myself, and how to find answers to things I do not know. Most important I have learned how to believe in mywriting. I was very hesitant in taking this English class, I have not taken an English class in many years. When I took the placement test for reading and English, I tested out of all categories. I was proud of myself for that feat. When I found I was going to have to take a college level English class, I avoided it at all costs. Too much pressure. However, I have learned about the Rhetorical Essay was to understand how an author writes and not focus on what the content is. Knowing the explanation of what techniques and author uses to make their point come across to the intended audience. I learned about Argumentative Research Paper is to debate both sides of an issue. The intent is to be unbiased and state the facts on either side. I learned about Public Piece with Presentation is meant to deliver an effective presentation to engage your audience. Your audience listens to not only what you are saying but your visual engagement in the topic being presented. Also, the point of the class is to be able to work with others to achieve a desired outcome or task. To know that I can work with others in a cohesive environment to draw on everyone's input and views. This will assist me in the real work of life and assist in handling many types of people and myself in communicating. I have never been a good writer; however, I have learned that communication is not the same when writing. Having a conversation about aliens

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Thesis Statement For Mental Health

Expository Method Used:

The Expository Method used for the topic to sentence outline is 'Analysis by Division.' This method breaks down the main idea into smaller parts that work together to make one central point. Additionally, the 'Analysis by Division' method is useful for structuring the topic sentences for writing the essay. Topic to Sentence Outline

Topic: Mentalhealth is an increasingly vital part of general wellness in today's fast–paced world. (Narrowed Topic): Characteristics of a mentally healthy individual.

Thesis Statement: A mentally healthy individual has the characteristics of emotional intelligence and spiritual consciousness, intellectual and social wellness.

Emotional Intelligence is considered one of the defining characteristics of a mentally more content... Equally important to the characteristics of a mentally healthy individual, in today's fast–paced world, is the psychological health of the brain, the genetic, biological and environmental factors that play an integral role in general wellness. Many prominent theorists have argued that perceptions of the self, the world, and the future are essential for mental health. Yet much research evidence suggests that overly positive self–evaluations, exaggerated perceptions of control or mastery, and unrealistic optimism are characteristics of normal human thought. Moreover, these illusions seem to promote other criteria of mental health, including, the ability to care about others, be happy or contented, and to engage in productive and creative work. (Taylor & Brown 1988,

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Example Of Analytic Epidemiology

The main purpose/focus of analytic epidemiology is to thoroughly research, analyze and/or test predictions and possibilities of exposures to diseases as well as hypothesis outcomes.. The analytic area of epidemiology focuses on answering the why and how questions. This method/area helps determine what caused the disease. Two main factors are exposure and outcome. The two primary categories that the analytic method utilizes is experimental and observational studies to test the hypothesis. Experimental studies generally include randomized clinical trials. One example of this would be vaccine efficacy trials. The observational studies can be one of three different types, case control, cohort and cross sectional. The method that is used is always

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Early High School Analytical Expository Writing Freedom is all about being independent and making your own choices and decisions. Freedom is about not having to listen to other people and being able to do what you want and when you want to. With making all these choices on your own requires responsibility. Responsibility and freedom go hand in hand with each other. There are many valuable things about making your own choices for your life. Some things that should be considered valuable about this is that it teaches you. When being independent many mistakes are going to be made. It is said that people learn better by their own mistakes than someone else's. Making your own choices also teaches you how to have responsibility. If you are given the freedom to be independent then you must learn how to be responsible. Without responsibility everything that you have done will eventually fall down on you. Being independent also teaches you to value everything a little bit more. If you are living in your own apartment, working your own job, paying for everything you do then you are not going to buy as much useless junk as you would if you were using your parents' money. If you, yourself are paying for all your food, bills, car payments, etc. then more content...

When being independent you will learn how to deal with failure. Some people have a major problem with failing. Being independent helps you deal with failure a little better. When you are living on your own you are going to fail sometimes, but you eventually learn that failing sometimes is okay. For example, if you promised your niece that you would come to one of her school plays but you have to go to one of the football games at your college because you are in the band then you are going to fail something. You can either go to your niece's play and get a bad grade for not going to your game. Or you can go to your game, get a good grade but disappoint your Get

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Historical Background In the beginning of the book of Ephesians, Paul specifically states that he is the author of the letter to Ephesians, though the authenticity of Paul's authorship has been questioned. Signing the name of an influential person of the period was common practice from "the third century BC to the first century AD." Though it would not be the first time that Paul's name was forged, Ephesians is not a controversial letter, so if the author did not want to include his own name, he could have written the letter anonymously; also, given moral influence of the text, the author would not have lied for no cause. Ephesians is a bit different from the other letters of Paul in that it does not follow the normal structure he has previously used: "salutation, thanksgiving, prayer, body, ethical exhortations, greetings." Paul also makes many personal references throughout the book of Ephesians including sharing that he is in prison. During the time the letter was written, most believe that Paul was in a prison in Rome. He wrote three letters at around the same time. One letter was to the Colossians; one letter was to Philemon, whose slave, Onesimus, had recently run away; the final letter was to the church that Paul had started in Ephesus. The messenger that carried the letters to the church of Colossae most likely passed through the sea port and great city at Ephesus. Working in Ephesus for at least two years, Paul expanded the reach of the Gospel to the entire Get

Letter To Ephesians Essay
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Expository writing, in general, is present everywhere. When you pick up a magazine or examine a newspaper article on the newsstand, you are reading a form of exposition because the author's main purpose of writing that article or essay is to inform the reader about a topic. In the classroom, many students are required to produce research papers about a specific topic, such as migration patterns of birds. The purpose of that research paper is to inform the reader, the teacher, about what are the migratory patterns of birds. Finally, at the workplace, many people are required to create business reports and memorandums to inform their supervisors and co–workers about the company's finances and progress. In order to analyze these more content...

"Good" directions for a process essay should satisfy the following criteria: clear, concise, organized, and acknowledges common mistakes. Within the model essay itself, it satisfies all of these requirements. The text describes, "when you find water becoming extremely hot (or cold)," the homeowner suggests that the guest, "exit the tub promptly while using a sweeping motion with one arm to push shower curtain aside"(Frazier 303). This piece of direction is clear because it plainly informs the guest on the actual action they have to perform in order to prevent hot or cold water from burning or freezing the guest. It is also concise because it does not include any irrelevant information pertaining to avoiding burning or freezing the guest. This essay is organized because when the author listed out his or her directions, he or she listed them out in chronological order. Lastly, "How to Operate the Shower Curtain" acknowledges common mistakes, such as "REMEMBER TO KEEP SHOWER CURTAIN INSIDE TUB AT ALL TIMES!" (Frasier 303). The author is cautioning the guest to keep the shower curtain within the bath tub no matter what. The reason for determining the kind of expository essay it is to help in determining the purpose of the exposition as a whole.

Next, the third step to analyzing an expository essay is to perform the

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to Analyze
Expository Essay

Everyday Use Thesis Statement

General statement: Mama understands the past and the significance of a family heritage. Her heritage including her memories of her mother and grandma making quilts together by hands.

Topic sentence: Alice Walker's "Everyday Use" introduces a clash between generations. Now and then, Maggie and Dee.

Thesis Statement: Alice Walker carefully portrays the three characters: The mother, Dee. And Maggie

Body A, Mama:

The character of Mama in the short story "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker endures through intense times and takes advantage of what she has. She is a lady that tells things how they are, only plain truth. She can be entertaining now and again and intense at others. She is self–portrayed as "a large, huge boned, women with rough, man– more content...

The way the burning house, her stuck–up sister, and society influenced Maggie make her unique in relation to others. Maggie was so damaged from her home burning down that she turned into a meek and undervalued young lady. Maggie is so unsure that her mother says she walks like a dog run over by a car: "chin on chest eyes on ground, feet in shuffle, ever since the fire that burned the other house on the ground." This demonstrates that Maggie absence of self–confidence make her frightened to look. She imagines that on the off chance that she can't see the individuals around her, then they can't see her. What's more, Maggie's discernible scars have impacted on the way she conducts herself. As indicated by Mama, when she was pulling Maggie out of the fire, her arms were adhering, "her hair was smoking, and her dress was tumbling off her in minimal dark papery pieces." This is huge light of the fact that indicates how much the flame really physically scarred her. This additionally clarifies why she is so apprehensive about individuals seeing her. Maggie's apparent compressed version of confirmation in herself is created basically by the fire. The barbaric way Maggie's sister, Dee, presents herself awful impact on Maggie's certainly. At this point when Dee inquired as to whether she can have some unique quilts and Mama says no on the grounds that she

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Multimodal Presentation (Analytical Expository Speech) – Formal Copy

When we think about the Nazis in World War Two, we often associate those thoughts with barbaric Holocaust or the anti–Semitic beliefs and attitudes that were held throughout Hitler's ruling. Although these are extremely significant aspects of this time period, it is rare that we consider the hardship and sacrifices that Jewish parents made to keep their beloved children safe, nor do we fully comprehend the guilt and burden that these children then carried with them for the rest of their lives.

Karen Gershon was a Jewish–born German, who grew up during a catastrophic period in Germany's history. After the pogrom of November 1938 (Kristallnacht) and a wave of attacks on the Jews, Gershon was sent by the Kindertransport to live in England. Unfortunately, both her mother and father passed away as a more content...

She expresses that although she did not physically endure the war, she had carried the suffering throughout her entire life. This poem influences the readers by making them appreciate the life we have been given, the loving families we have and how blessed we are as humans of the 21st century to live in a time of being exposed to very minimal conflict. It makes all of our problems seem extremely insignificant. Not only does 'Cast Out' have a great influence on us now, the impact that this poem would have had during the time of the war would have been a major eye opener to the public to fully comprehend the full extent of the damage that was being done by the Nazis. Unfortunately, this was a devastating reality for thousands of other young children all across Germany at the time, therefore meaning "Cast Out" would have been an amazing piece of literature that young children could have related their own personal experiences

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The Oregon Trail

The Oregon Trail was a very important aspect in the history of our country's development. When Marcus and Narcissa Whitman made the first trip along the Oregon Trail, many Americans saw a window of opportunity. The Oregon Trail was the only practical way to pass through the Rockies. Pioneers crammed themselves into small wagons to try to make it to the unsettled land; however, 10% of these pioneers died on the way due to disease and accidents.

The journey along the Oregon Trailwas a very long and rough experience. Stretching out to almost a whopping 2000 miles it usually took the pioneers 4–6 months travelling at 12 to 16 miles per hour. Throughout this journey the pioneers had to battle with cholera, more content...

The role of the Native Americans during the time of the Oregon Trail was a very important one. The first section of the Oregon Trail bisected two major Native Americantribes, these were the Cheyenne to the north and the Pawnee to the south. Many of the travelers feared attacks by these tribes but were surprised when they were allowed to pass unharmed. The Native Americans were the opposite of what was expected of them. They were very helpful to the travelers. They often helped travelers pull out stuck wagons, rescue drowning travelers, and even round up lost cattle. Native Americans also acted as guides, carried messages between wagon trains, traded with the travelers, and even helped some travelers cross Indian land.

Most of the encounters with the Native Americans were simple business transactions. Travelers traded clothing, rifles, and tobacco products in exchange for horses and food. However, many travelers complained that the Native Americans charged expensive tolls for crossing their lands. Conflicts between the Indians and the travelers were pretty rare. Out of the 500,000 people to travel along the Oregon Trail fewer than 400 pioneers lost their lives due to attacks. When the travelers had overgrazed the prairie grasses, burned all the available firewood, and killed all the herds of buffalo attacks were expected by the travelers. In order to

Oregon Trail Essay example
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Stressed, left eye twitching, shouting at inanimate objects? Eighty three percent of all Canadian drivers find peak hour traffic more stressful than work. That means sitting in traffic is worse than sitting through your boss's PowerPoint presentation. Everybody has their own personal traffic nightmare, whether it's a massive backup, or perhaps, those screaming kids in the back. However, there is a way to calm your seething road rage and keep cool through the frustrating gridlock. If you find yourself in one of these situations the first thing to do in order to calm yourself down is to embrace the fact that you are stuck in a gridlock. You are going to be there for a while, you might as well have a good time. The second thing you more content...

Keep the vehicle at a comfortable temperature. Studies have shown that you are much more irritable when you are warm, so crank up the A/C to keep your body temperature at a comforting level. Make sure you have plenty of gas when you set out, so that you're not actually worried about running out of gas by using the air conditioner. In milder weather keep windows open to get fresh air which is soothing. Wear comfortable shoes and clothing while driving. Avoid wearing clothes which are too tight and restrictive. Keep a pair of shoes in the car for driving through traffic and make sure to change into those as soon as you start out driving. Opt for a seat cushion or back rest to further make yourself more relaxed during traffic periods throughout the day. Joe Brown, editor in chief of tech blog Gizmodo, indicates that the best thing to do during a traffic jam is to stay in the slow lane, because if you are trying to hurry, you are never going to win. So stay in the right lane, let everybody else pass you, let everybody else stress out , just take your time and make a great day of it. How you think can have a profound effect on your emotional and physical well–being. Each time you think a negative thought about yourself, your body reacts as if it were in the throes

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Peak Hour Essay

You ever hear someone say they have swagger? A lot of times people's swagger is determined from their style. For example, everyone has a specific style of fashion. If you put on some cargo shorts with a tank top and slides you're probably not going to a job interview. Just like anything else, writing has different expressions. Writingis a form of communication; the person is writing to inform, persuade, describe, or tell a story. There are four main types of writing styles, expository, persuasive, descriptive, and narrative. We then choose what we want to read according to our interest in each category.

Let's look at expository writing. Expository writing is usually developed around one topic and is used to describe or inform more content...

Its name might as well give it away. Think of a closing argument in a court case being presented to a jury. Each party's counsel is presenting a persuasive writing in the form of a speech. In this type of writing the writer uses choice words in a cohesive manner in order to "sway" or persuade the reader. You will most commonly come across this type of writing in advertisement. With that being said, persuasive writing is all around us. This type of communication may consist of the writer's opinions, but the best form also includes facts to back up his or her statements. With attempts to get consumers to purchase specific products, we see persuasive writings all around us in today's world. "The battlefield had a cold malevolent air to it, the wind howling past you in every which way, as if trying to express its own confusion at the sudden seize–fire. I, myself, was confused. One minute the bullets were raining holy hell down on us in a never–ending bombardment, and the next, nothing." An anonymous soldier gives detailed picture of a battlefield scene. Descriptive writing, often used to portray a vivid, detailed experience, person, place, or thing, is third of the writing styles. This style of writing requires strong observation skills to convey the writer's point of view. In personal stories, you tend to see a lot of descriptive writing because it's the writer's story. He or she was there and can give several small

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World hunger has been a constant problem throughout the ages. It is a problem that should be able to be solved easily, yet there are still 1.02 billion undernourished people worldwide. With the world population being 6.7 billion people, and the Earth producing more than enough food for this amount of people, why is it that there are hungry, malnourished people all around the globe?

Hunger is caused by many events, including the poverty trap, natural disasters, war, poor agricultural infrastructure, and over–exploitation of the environment. The poverty trap is the cycle of poverty that can begin from a limited diet and progress to birthing a baby that is malnourished. This causes the baby to have slower development and more content...

They do this by destroying local markets and seizing or destroying crops and animals, while contaminating wells and mining fields. This forces farmers to leave their lands and usually begins their cycle in the poverty trap. Poor agricultural infrastructure causes hunger because the lack of roads, warehouses, and irrigation causes higher transportation costs, a deficiency of storage facilities, and unreliable water supplies. To improve the agricultural infrastructure, however, it would cost a profuse amount of money, which would put the country in greater debt and result in less funding for essential systems, such as health care, which already has too little funding. Over–exploitation of the environment is caused by deforestation, over–cropping, poor farming practices, and overgrazing. When over–exploitation occurs, salination, erosion, and desertification results, causing less fertility and more hunger across the globe. Salination is caused by erosion that strips the earth of its nutrients, leaving behind salty, unfertile land. This causes plants to have less of a chance of growing properly, or not grow at all. When less plants grow, less people are fed, and more go hungry.

From 1970 to 1997, humanity was solving the starvation problem worldwide. The amount of hungry people had dropped from 959 million to 791 million, which is a total decrease of 168 million people. This decrease is

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World Hunger Essay

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