Controversial Topic Essay

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Most people believe that the controversy of the existence of global warming stopped long ago. In fact, that is very untrue. The common belief is that, yes the earth is warming, the glaciers are melting, and our atmosphere is being polluted, all due to man–made green house gases. What's new? Shockingly there are still some scientists who disagree. Global warming; a very controversial phenomenon that is still happening, which already is not being handled sufficiently enough, is being argued that it does not exist whatsoever. This causes the general public to believe that they are being educated on the falsehoods of modern science, when in fact that they need to be educated on when to distinguish misinformation for themselves. more content...

Over 70% of our electricity comes from burning fossil fuels. Increase in technology (a.k.a electricity) leads to burning of waste. As well as the increase in population, leads to increase in food consumption, which greenhouse gas emissions generate from livestock, agricultural soils, and rice production. Though scientific evidence has been found to have its flaws, there is still a substantive basis for sizable global warming due to the man–made greenhouse gas emissions that cannot be disputed. Evidence provided from NASA show that the global sea level raised drastically in the past century, the rate in the last decade, though, is nearly double that of the last century. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), "this is a significantly larger rate than the sea–level rise averaged over the last several thousand years", and the rate may be increasing. Sea level rise is one of several lines of evidence that support the view that the climate has recently warmed. The global society of scientists confirm that it is very likely that human induced warming contributed to the sea level rise observed in the latter half of the 20th century. Though there stands significant empirical evidence of this rise, there also

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The Controversial Issue Of Gun Control

The controversial issue of gun control is one of the most debatable topics among politicians and civilians alike. This is because of the complexity of gun control and the long history that is related to the subject. Gun control is typically an effort, by the government, to create legislation that regulates the sale and use of firearms within the country. There are various arguments that surround this topic which includegun–related violence, accidents, self–defense, murders, suicide, constitutional rights, and so on. James Q. Wilson, a professor who has taught at Pepperdine University, Harvard University, and the University of California, Los Angeles, and a published author of several books, take a negative stance on the subject of gun control. Wilson contributed to the gun control debate in the last few years with his written op–ed article. According to Wilson, there is no possible method to eradicate the hundreds and millions of guns that exist within the country, restrictive gun laws will not significantly affect the United States' murder rate, and that guns play an important role in self–defense in everyday lives. Contrary to what Wilson believes, strict gun control is necessary and should be enforced to ensure public safety because gun laws have the power to produce a positive outcome in the long run, reduce gun–related violence, and reduce the numerous risks that gun ownership open. There are many people, including Professor Wilson, who claim that there are already

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Hello Shane, mental illness is a tough subject to talk about because most just ignore this sensitive topic. I do agree with you in the last few years this has become a subject that is heavily addressed by law enforcement. This is an excellent topic to discuss whether or not the mentally ill can only be victims, and or perpetrators. I believe that the mentally ill persons can be perpetrators as well as victims either in violent crimes or crimes sexual in nature.

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Mental Illness: A Controversial Topic

The Vaccine Controversy Essay examples

The Vaccine Controversy

Intro to Biology

Professor Martin

July 22, 2010

The Vaccine Controversy

The vaccine controversy is the dispute over the morality, ethics, effectiveness, and /or safety of vaccinations. The medical and scientific evidence is that the benefits of preventing suffering and death from infectious diseases outweigh rare adverse effects of immunization. Since vaccination began in the late 18th century, opponents have claimed that vaccines do not work, that they are or may be dangerous, that individuals should rely on personal hygiene instead, or that mandatory vaccinations violate individual rights or religious principles. And since then, successful campaigns against vaccinations more content...

Other critics argue that immunity given by vaccines is only temporarily and requires boosters, whereas those who survive the disease become permanently immune. Lack of complete vaccine coverage increases the risk of disease for the entire population, including those who have been vaccinated, because it reduces herd immunity. For example, measles targets children between the ages of 9 and 12 months, and the short window between the disappearance of maternal antibody (before which the vaccine often fails to seroconvert) and natural infection means that vaccinated children frequently are still vulnerable. Herd immunity lessens this vulnerability, if all the children are vaccinated. Increasing herd immunity during an outbreak or threatened outbreak is the most widely accepted justification for mass vaccination. Mass vaccination also helps to increase coverage rapidly, thus obtaining herd immunity, when a new vaccine is introduced. Commonly used vaccines are a cost– effective and preventive

way of promoting good health, compared to the cost of treatment of acute or chronic diseases. In the U.S. during the year 2001, routine childhood immunizations against seven diseases were estimated to save over $40 billion per year, overall social costs including $10 billion in direct health costs, and the societal benefit – cost ratio for these vaccinations was

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Climate Change is a very controversial topic, not only in The United States, but in various places around the world. Some people say that it is a hoax, and others put it on the top of their priority list, along with abortions, terrorism and other important topics circulating around the world. Magnum in Motion did a very good and detailed job of swaying people to believe that climate change needs to be a more precedent issue. The video essay portrays climate change as a pogrom, it gives an unbiased opinion, and it presents ways to combat climate change. The video done by Magnum in Motion is done in a superb fashion. It portrays climate change as a pogrom. It does a phenomenal job in showing how climate change can effect things around more content...

It shows forests and houses set ablaze due to the recent spikes in the temperature. Lives are being lost due to Climate change, and if that is not a problem to you then something is wrong. More and more wild fires break out every week all across the world spreading from village to village, forest to forest and leaving nothing but a trail of destruction, death and fire. Magnum in Motion climate change video gives us ways to combat climate change. One of the solutions the video presents is to charge taxes for carbon emissions and support low–carbon research initiatives. Although this would let us learn much more about climate change and the ways we can do to prevent it from being such an issue. I would say corporations would be upset that they have to pay more taxes, and the word taxes in America is like a curse word. Another solution is that we can change our way of living and invest in renewable sources of energy like fossil fuels and such. Solution number three is thinking collectively and helping venerable communities adapt to the consequences that come with the effects of global warming and climate change. In doing this it would help us learn more about ways to combat or be more prepared the next time it becomes a problem for any of the countries in the world. The quote by the Dalai Lama speaks volume on this issue, "If we looked down at the world form space, we would not see any demarcations of a national boundaries. We would

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Controversial Topics In American History

Race is a topic that has been a part of American history since the beginning of the colonized America. This country has always struggled with the idea of people with different ethnicities and what that means for the society in which both live in. These differences have caused a lot of animosity in the country and changes had to be made. The country has changed and adapted to overcome obstacles once ethic discoveries were made. However, the road has been long and hard for many individuals who have faced decimation and persecution. Many key events have taken place in history since 1877 for the African Americans to have the rights they do today but three stand out and those are Plessy v. Ferguson, the Civil Right Act, and the New Jim Crow laws

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I chose the topic of the Space Exploration: Apollo missions. This has always interested me and I found that it was a lot more than just space exploration. This was a political race that was between the United States and Soviet Union "Russia". I was shocked to find out that this was a controversial topic, because many people believe that we never made it in space and others think that the moon landing was a hoax.

I also read that some people thought it was a way to drain the Russian economy during the cold war. John F. Kennedy started the Apollo missions to flaunt the U.S. Prestige to the Soviet Union. The first 7 rockets failed, but were unmanned. Apollo 7 was manned and successfully orbited the Earth.

It took until Apollo 11 to actually land

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Abortion is one of the most highly debated issues in our country today, and this debate between those who support abortion and those against it has been going on since the 1973 court case, Roe v. Wade. To have an abortion or not to is solely the woman's choice and her right. Keeping abortion legal is a wiser decision than outlawing it for multiple reasons. All women deserve the right to choose what to do with their bodies. If abortion is to be made illegal, that decision will be stripping women of rights to do what they want with their own bodies. Until recently, women have had the right to do as they pleased with their own bodies, but in today's society, these rights are being threatened. In her article "Abortion: Every Woman's Right", more content...

Many pro–life supporters argue that the abortion rate could be lowered if women would just put their children up for adoption after they are born. Those who view it in this light seem to have a very closed minded view on the subject matter. Adoption is not an alternative to abortion if the woman has decided she does not want to carry the child to full term. This idea reverts back to the issue of a woman's right to do what she wants with her body. If women are made to carry their unwanted child to full term, that is forcing them to go through a process they do not wish to undergo. Adoption is not really an alternative to abortion, but an alternative to parenting the child. On a website for women who have had abortions in their lifetime, a woman who is known by the name "Julie" expresses her view on the topic in saying, "It solves the problem of a childrearing, but not the problem of unwanted pregnancy. Women still face nine months of gestation and the pain and sickness that comes with it, will still require very expensive medical care, will miss work or school, will still endure the pain of labor, and will still face all of the risk that come with pregnancy and delivery." The essence of Julie's argument is that adoption is not an alternative because the pregnant woman still has to endure the nine months of pregnancy and all it entails, so in reality, it is not an alternative if the woman still has to go through pregnancy. Making adoption seem like a better

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Abortion: A Controversial Topic Essay

Gender roles is a very controversial topic in today's society, especially when it comes to working. 100 years ago, in Europe, women were working long hours in factories. Women also worked as nurses, cleaned wealthy people 's homes, worked the fields, and were craftswomen. In other areas, women have been working the fields, handicrafts, and workshops. Meanwhile, 100 years ago in the United States women were expected to stay home and take care of the family/home, while the men went out and worked an average of ten hours a day for six days a week, compared to the traditional five day weeks and 8 hour days. There are common beliefs about working women, including that they are expected to have kids and quit their jobs when they do, they are judged more harshly when voicing their opinions, they are expected to have good 'soft skills', they are still seen as secondary to their husbands even if they're the primary breadwinner, they are perceived as naturally weaker than their male coworkers, and they are judged more on their looks than men. Even though most these stereotypes have mostly disappeared over the past few years, they still exist in some places. Today, women in America are becoming more and more powerful in many areas, especially when it comes to the workforce.


Some people believe that females don't work as much as their male counterparts do. A lot of people believe that men work a lot more than women do in the United States. A lot of people believe that

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Controversial Topic
On Gender Roles

Censorship in the media that is a very common yet, controversial topic due to the subject matter being around children and the youth. It has sparked attention from many government and public individuals that have demanded a probation on certain age groups. The official start on the entire blockade of certain age groups has started with the MPAA" Motion Picture Association of America" in wanting to prohibit certain age groups from viewing certain movies, yet there has always been ways around the rating system for the youths. Today,Censorship is a controversial topic that has many different outlooks on the topic in general for those who may support or oppose the practice in use. Censorship is a major topic that has taken many activists on top of the issue entirely and on every aspect regarding the issue. Such activist groups proclaim to want rules to be enforced that would prevent explicit content to be blocked or banned within the public. Which if not in a way would be enforced it would cause the world would be crazy without it. While there are individuals that support the topic, which support such claims that the bad content is bad for the minds of the young, and there are those who oppose such practices in a different way. While those who argue that censorship should disappear they come across arguments that basically suggest that censorship denies access to vital information and fights against the first amendment freedom of speech which applies to all individual

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Censorship Is A Controversial Topic Essay

The Global Climate Change Debate – How do I know what to believe?


Climate change has been a topic of debate for decades. Scientists support climate change is happening with hard scientific evidence whereas the people who oppose climate change have evidence which is mainly opinion–based. This report will cover what climate change is, why climate change is happening, the science that supports climate change, the different views and opinions on climate change, the effects of climate change around the world and particularly the effects in New Zealand, my opinion on climate change and my conclusion on the issue.

The science of Climate Change:

(1)The process of climate change

The most basic definition for climate change is a change in the average weather conditions and this has always been a part of the Earth's natural process however recently climate change has been used to refer to the change caused by human activities, this is known as Human–Induced Climate Change. Human–Induced Climate Change began after the Industrial Revolution but it didn't have a large effect until after the 1950s in which human activities greatly accelerated. Will Steffen in an interview referred to this as "The Great Acceleration" (2)

(2)The Great Acceleration shows how human activities and environmental trends have increased of the past 60 years.

Will Steffen late said in the interview, in reference to the graph, "This to me is the most convincing evidence that we have Get

The Global Climate Change Debate Essay
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Religion Is A Controversial Issue

These political leaders rather than use the diversity of the people in these states have manipulated ancient hatred and ethnicity and used it as a means to gain riches and power . Once a certain ethnic community takes charge of a state, the politicians rile up their tribal members against other tribes and the result is that ethnic groups may feel resentment and fear at the same time, and when this happens, they will mobilize to protect themselves. What follows is that the connections between these groups are cut and people that once lived together peacefully turn against each other .

Religion is a controversial issue in world affairs. Particularly in Africa, religion has been at the heart of much of the contemporary conflicts. Religion is often depicted as a trigger factor in many conflicts. Religion is also often seen as a tool to mobilize people during conflicts but n many parts of the world people practicing different religions live in peace and harmony without any conflict emanating from religious disagreements. People are reactive about issues of religion because they forms part of an individual's identity. Religion is not only an integrated part of individual identities, but it is also important for group identity.

Religion is at the heart of a community's value system in most parts of the world, so people who practice a different religion are easily tagged as outsiders . The threat to one's religious beliefs and practices is also considered a threat to one's very

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Racism, often used as a trigger word in the media, has come to the forefront of society recently. It is nearly impossible to watch the news without seeing reports of police officers killing unarmed black citizens or hearing a debate about the appropriate choice in regards to allowing refugees into American borders. Though these prejudiced and bigoted ideas have existed since the rise of humanity, many people believeracism to be something found only in the shadowy dregs of modern society. Racial tension is the most strained it has been in decades. With racism regaining the spotlight, people openly express their hateful rhetoric. As a social worker, I would struggle most interacting with communities that spoke and acted openly against other races, such as members of white supremacist populations.

Social WorkProfessionalism Remaining professional while listening to a client speak negatively against another race is difficult. It is important to remain professional, while holding one 's composure. For example, in one instance, I had to visit a client's home recently. Inside of the house was a wall–to–wall confederate flag dГ©cor expressing the individual 's opinion. As a professional worker, I was not able to discredit the client's opinion. I had to be self–aware and remind myself not to cause a power struggle. According to NASW Code ofEthics, service is a core value where social workers are supposed to assist the client in need and to aid the client with the problems he or

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The Controversy Of Racism And Racism

Outline On Death Penalty

Controversial Topic Summaries I decided to choose the topic of the Death Penalty and forms of Capital Punishment. My first article talks about what exactly the Death Penalty is. The background of the death penalty has been around since ancient times, but in the year 2004, most countries have exiled the idea of the death penalty. As of now, 36 states have reinstated the idea ofcapital punishment and the death penalty. Most capital sentences in the United States have been cause from murder cases. The death penalty can only be given through the decision of the jury on the case and not the judge. According to the article, there hasn't been an execution in years due to lack of resources or the jury decides on a life sentence. The Death Penalty

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The Controversial Topics Of Racism

Controversial Topics Essay

According to studies show that police are more likely to pull over and frisk blacks or Latinos than whites in New York city. 80% of the stops made were blacks and Latinos and 85% of those people were frisked compared to an 8% of white people stopped. This is one example of racial inequality going on today.Racism has many forms but is commonly known as "poor treatment or violence against people because of their race" (source: Merriam Webster). Racism is a very important topic that generally occurs all over the world. It impacts our society by creating a stigma against races. Examples of this are not being able to get certain jobs, and getting less pay than someone of another race and fighting against races . Racism goes against our rights as well. For example the constitution states that "All men are created equal" as well as The Civil Rights Act is a law outlawing racial and other forms of discrimination. Therefore our government is defying right and laws. Although some progress has been made towards racial equality, America still remains a very racist country because people discriminate on your ethnicity, a lot of stereotyping, as well as minorities being looked down upon because of their cultures.

Not everyone will agree that America is still a very racist country , and racism isn 't the only issue causing inequality. However, there is still racism in our community. Some examples are: in Baltimore (1910) an african

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Chelsea Maldonado

PHIL 1304–010 Religion is a very controversial topic around the world. While the term seems complex, when actually broken down, the main religions have one simple concept in common; religion is here for comfort, it serves as a rule book to human behavior on earth so people can have comfort in the thought of death. When getting to know an individual it is important to know what their beliefs are. A lot of the qualities they possess will come from their up–bringing, culture and personal opinions however, around the world most of these beliefs come straight from one's religious beliefs. In most places religion is the culture, opinions and guideline to up–bringing. Religion teaches people how to live their lives while giving people something to live for, something to attain or an end goal. The world is diverse, there are 4,200 different religions. As we've seen in history, not understanding the various beliefs and practices can create extreme separation and violence between religious groups. It is important to gain knowledge about the common goal that religions share because once that is established it becomes easier to accept and understand the person. In particular, Buddhism, is more than just a religion. Buddhism, to its followers, is the way of life, or philosophy. Not understanding their religion is not understanding their life at all. Buddhism goes beyond meditation, practices and rituals, it is how a Buddhist lives,

November 17, 2014

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Controversial Issues

Morailty: Acepted or Opressed

Iosif Todoran– February 21,2017 – Soc 130


How do countries feel abut controversial topics such as: Homosexuality, Abortion, Premarital Sex and Divorce.

Controversial issues have plagued mankind since the very beginning and that is due the ideology that without controversy you cant flourish as a race, country or simply a group of people. However, the controversial issues we face today different from continent to continent and country to country due to the culture, norms and moral values each person is exposed too. There are four issues in particular that rise up again and again and they are: Homosexuality, Abortion, Premarital Sex and Divorce. The four countries in question differ from more content... The New York Times reported a staggering 23% of adults are not affiliated to any religion. The rest of the population is a mixture of religions such as: Christian, Catholics, Islam, and others. This change in religious affiliations isn't affecting just the individuals who now partake in a non–religion category but also the political parties. The Republican Party relies on the votes of those who affiliate with the Christian faith and if those votes change due to a change in religious affiliation then we could also see a decline in the number of morality for these issues (Cohen). For now, the numbers seem to be close related which means that due to diversity of religion and non–religious affiliates, the morale seems to balance itself

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When you think of the military, you don't really think of women in the military. It's a very controversial topic of women in the military. Some people despise the thought of a Female in the military, and other people, like me, really could care less. There are a lot of mini topics within this topic that makes this so controversial. One of the more common ones is, Women don't get the same benefits as men get, and they are forbidden to engage in combat. Witch in my opinion makes no sense. They choose to be in the army, and they knew what that meant for them and for their families, so I say let them experience everything that being in the military entails. There are some very horrifying things that can happen to women, one that might not even

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The Controversial Topic Of Women In The Military

Sustainability is one of the most controversial topics throughout the history, and as our society develop, we realize that being able to be sustainable is essential to survival of our race. The book Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Sustainability is a collection of articles on different side of various issues related to sustainability. In the book, Issue 8 discusses the ability of technology to deliver sustainability, and issue 16 and 17 discusses the sustainability of food and energy. While issue 16 and 17 are well–presented, the arguments in issue 8 are not very strong. Issue 8 Can Technology Deliver Global Sustainability?

As our culture develops, we gradually realize that we have to find a sustainable way of living so that we more content... Idea of "leap–frogging" is a strong point of her argument, because it saves all the time and resources necessary for technological development, which in turn avoid the inevitable damage to the environment. In the article, she analyzes two places in the report, which adds variety to the sample; however, both countries are in Asia, and examples from other part of the world can make the argument stronger. Lewis provides a lot of details of the results of the wind turbines: "by 2006, India had reached 6228 MW of installations, surpassing its long–held target of 5000 MW of wind capacity by 2012 several years early" (195). She tries to show how fast wind turbine technology develops, showing that it is possible for technology to deliver sustainability, however, she never discusses the energy and raw materials required to make wind turbines, nor the maintenance of the wind turbines. In general, the article does not address the question "Can Technology Deliver Global Sustainability?" very well; it discusses wind turbine as the only technology, and the only two countries in Asia mentioned is not "global." The No section also did a good job explaining why it is difficult for technology to deliver sustainability; however, it does not address the issue really well, because it only discusses a small region in Africa. The authors of the no side article, Alan Colin Brent and David E.

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The Controversy Of Vaccination Of Vaccinations

Vaccines are one of the most unknown topics for people. They inject their body with chemicals without regard to what is going into their body and how it is affecting it. I, also, am guilty of doing this. To remove my ignorance and inform others, I am going to research more on this topic. By writing this paper, I am hoping to shed more light on this unfamiliar concept. My topic will be about the controversy of vaccinations. I am going to research its history, the effect on your body, advantages and disadvantages. I am also interested in the reasons behind not getting vaccinations for your children, even when the parents could be willingly risking their child's health and other children's health. Furthermore, I wonder how doctors and professors view vaccinations and if they believe vaccinating your children is mandatory. The reason why I chose this topic is because recently, I watched an episode of Private Practice where a parent objected her child to be vaccinated for measles because she believed it caused her other son's autism. To me, it seemed absurd that anyone thought that vaccinations, a precaution used against viruses, could be causing harm. So, instead of going off a T.V. show to understand vaccinations, I wanted to do in–depth research on it and become well–informed on this topic. My knowledge of vaccinations is very limited– I only know the basics. I know that you are required to be vaccinated to enter a St. Louis public school. In some way, it is mandatory for

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