Preparation Outline
Organ Donation: by Samantha Hess
GENERAL PURPOSE: To persuade the audience to become organ donors.
SPECIFIC PURPOSE: To persuade my audience to become organ donors by informing them of what it is, how it works, the myths of organ donations, how to become an organ donor, and the benefits of being one.
THESIS: The need is constantly growing for organ donors and it is very simple to become one. Transplantation gives hope to thousands of people with organ failure and provides many others with renewed lives.
Introduction I. Attention getting device: How many of you are registered organ donors? (Give them time to raise their hands) According to the United Network for Organ Sharing, as of November 18, 2012, more content...
Transition: I'm sure many of you are wondering what organs you can donate.
II. The type of organs you can donate depends on what type of donor you are. 1. Since you are still living while being a living donor, you are restricted on the organs you can donate. a. According to Klein and associates, being a living donor, you can donate one kidney, one lung, and part of the liver, intestines, and pancreas. 2. After you have passed away, you can chose to donate your eyes and corneas, heart and heart valves, lungs, live, intestines, kidneys, pancreas, skin, bones, and tendons.
Transition: Once you decide what type of donor you want to be and what organs you choose to donate, it is important to know the process of how organ donations work.
III. The process for living donors and deceased donors is different. a. According to Dana Lustbader, for deceased donations, the organs must be obtained within 60 minutes of death. The following process is for patients who suffer cardiac death. 1. First, doctors must inform families about what to expect during the cessation of life–sustaining treatments. Families should realize that the patient still receives quality care and symptom management when these treatments are ceased. 2. In order to prevent conflicts of interest, members of the organ recovery team should not be
Speech on Becoming an Organ Donor Essay
involved in the decision to discontinue life–support of the
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Good morning/Afternoon, I'm Tarryn and today I'm going to talk to you about personal identity. Identity is what makes us who we are, everyone has a different identity. Without identity we wouldn't be human because everyone needs one to exist. Ouridentity is changing as we progress through life and as we experience new and different things. The texts that I've looked at are "Frankenstein", the graphic novel by Gris Grimly, published in 2013, is an adaptation of Mary Shelley's original text, about a scientist who creates a 'monster' who he's ashamed of and leaves the 'monster' with no knowledge of anything about himself or the world. My second text is "Edward Scissorhands", a film directed by Tim Burton and released in 1990, which is about a man created by a scientist who dies before he can entirely finish his creation and must live his life with scissors as hands. From these texts, I am going to be talking about how our journey through life changes our identity and how others can affect our identity.
As we progress through life, our identity changes. We are always moving through life so our identity never stays the same, along with our identity changing so do our views and beliefs. In Gris Grimly's graphic novel, "Frankenstein", we are presented with a young intelligent Victor Frankenstein, as we progress through the novel, we see his dark interests and intent begin to show. Page 19 presents Victor
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Attention Getter For Depression Research Paper
Speech 2 Final Outline Topic: Depression Organizational pattern: Topical Speaking and specific purpose: Explaining the causes of depression and it signs and symptoms of depression. Also, to create awareness to the audience about its effects. Primary audience outcome: The audience will able to have idea about the adverse effects of depression in our daily lives. Thesis Statement: Depression is a serious mood disorder that affects our mental ability. So, it's important to understand the causes and effects of this serious mental illness. Introduction Attention Getter As people say," feeling of being "depressed is a normal occurrence due to loss, daily life struggles, or low self–confidence. But when feelings become stronger and sadness more content...
Clincher "Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved." Reference Eddington, Kari M, Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology: Associations with Goal Pursuit and Daily Experiences. Retrieved Chatard, Armand, Dysphoria, Failure, and Suicide: Level of Depressive Symptoms Moderates Effects of Failure on Implicit Thoughts of Suicide and Death.
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Attention–getting device? Why this topic important to the group? To the audience? We all have encounters with people who make everything difficult, but not many of us know how to deal with them. It's helpful to be able to identify their characteristics, understand why they act that way, and learn the techniques in dealing with them will make our life less stressful and more pleasant.
______________________________________________________________________________ Difficult people are everywhere. They could be your friends, co–workers, family, etc. The following are the three categories of difficult people: 1.Passive 2.Complainer 3.Know–it–all Passive people crave approval but feel unqualified and therefore are unable to take the more content...
Don't take it personally. Realize the difficult person is communicating in the best way they know how. The habitually difficult person's range of communication methods and behaviors is more limited than most people's. They're probably just doing what they've always done and don't know any other ways to get what they want. 9.Don't let the difficult person get to you or give them the power to make you feel bad, upset or angry. Don't lose sleep over chronically difficult people. Some people are just plain difficult and there's nothing we can do about it. When faced with a persistently difficult person it helps to remember: some people bring joy wherever they go, others bring joy whenever they go.
______________________________________________________________________________ At the end of the day, none of us likes confrontation or difficult moments. It's a great value to be gained when you take time to understand these challenging people's behaviors and how to handle them. As you utilize these strategies, you may experience less grief, better relationships, and higher communication
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Persuasive Speech: Attention-Getting Devices?
A.Attention Getter: What is music? Many people say that it's a harmonious beautiful sound that is pleasing to the ear. According to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, a nineteenth century poet and educator, "Music is the universal language of mankind." Not only is music a type of communication but it's also type art which many people fail to remember.
B.Revealed Object and Speaker Credibility: Headphones are a pair of listening devices with speakers that are most commonly used to listen to music. The reason why this invention exists is because it helps you block out any distractions/noise from you and it prevents others from hearing what you hear.
C.Thesis: By entering the world of music, you can be able to express yourself universally and as more content...
Sub–point 2: After years of listening to music, I began to see how much of a significance music really is. I realized that people can express themselves through music and how music can emotionally impact us. But most of all, I found that music was something that I could escape to whenever I'm going through a hard time. Whether if it's after a fight I had with a friend or when I'm stressing over school, listening to music never failed to give me immediate comfort. Just putting on my headphones and putting aside all the distractions from the world brings me peace.
1.Restate Thesis: Now you have a better understanding of how with music you can be able to express yourself universally and as well as feel different emotions while listening to music.
2.Review Main Points: First, I discussed what role headphones play in the music culture, and then I informed you about my experience in music culture and how I use headphones.
3.Memorable Closer: Music is often overlooked as a type of entertainment but if we listen closely and allow ourselves to fully dive into the world of music, we can learn how to appreciate the beauty of this universal Get more content
Attention Getter For Music Essay
Attention Getter: Raise your hand if you think you can draw. Thesis: Drawing matters and everyone should draw because it's useful, it can benefit your life and anyone can do it. Why does this matter to your audience? Everyone has to communicate their ideas at some point and knowing how to draw aids your ability to do so. What are your arguments for this cause going to be? It's
What are some reasons that your audience would reject your idea, and how do you plan to address those arguments against your cause? They may say "I'm not good at it therefore why should I." I will acknowledge the counterpoints and offer a rebuttal. What evidence will you show to prove your argument? Facts about more content...
I can think back to a few times when I lost my voice, due to being sick and having a dry erase board to draw on helped immensely. *slide* If you ever aspire to become a mime you might want to learn how to draw so you aren't tempted to speak. It makes you a better person *slide*
Drawing takes coordination between your hands, eyes, and brain. Drawing strengthens your fine motor skills. According to Wells, The more you practice drawing, the better your hand, eyes, and brain can harmonize together. Your hands become an instrument to help you record the world around you.
Cerebral benefits / Therapeutic
Drawing helps build new connections and pathways in our brain. This is due to both sides of the brain actively participating and as a result of this our brains grow (Wells). It also boosts our ability to concentrate. If we are focused on drawing we are less likely to scroll through social media absentmindedly.
Analytical Skills/ Understanding
The more you draw the more you understand the world around you. Drawing an object from life forces you to Anyone can do it *slide*
Attention Getter For Drawing Essay
makes you a better person
can do it
It's cost efficient.
You can use a pencil or pen. Drawing tools like crayons, color pencils or markers are often relatively
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Emily Andrews argues in her essay "Why I Don't Spare "Spare Change"" that it does more harm than good to give money to beggars on the street rather than giving to an organization such as United Way to help the needy, pointing out that "one cannot be certain that one is giving to a needy individual" and that by giving to a charitable organization "ones money is likely to be used wisely." I believe Andrews has set up her essay well, her title alerting the reader of the topic, having an attention–grabbing sentence in the first paragraph starting with common phrases as "poor but honest", and having a sense of her audience, taking account of how her readers feel about her arguments. However, I do think that she has made some more content...
As stated in paragraph three, by giving to a charity to help needy individuals "one can feel that one's money is likely to be used wisely." Andrews could've used this argument as a way to tie drug and alcohol abusers with "the poor", arguing that, although not
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a.Attention Getter: Most of us believe that the strongest person that they know is either their Mother or Grandmother. Whether it is providing for you, fighting for you, or even having your back.
b.Background & Audience Relevance: It took 70 years (let me repeat this) It took 70 years for women to gain support from each state and the votes needed to pass an amendment to the constitution. The 19th amendment was passed by congress 1919. It was ratified in 1920
c.Speaker Credibility: This topic is taught throughout many history classes that I have taken, and I have done the research
d.Thesis: Women fought to vote and didn't stop until the 19th amendment was ratified.
e.Preview of Main Points: First I will talk about what is women's suffrage, then I talk about the causes of women suffrage, and lastly, I will talk about how it affected the society
Transition to 1st Main Point: Let's turn to my first point
II.Main Point 1: Suffrage means the right to vote, therefore women's suffrage means women right to vote. The Women's Suffrage movement wasn't only the right to vote according to Women's Suffrage movement it supported women to run for office.
a.Sub–point A: Women formed organizations to fight for suffrage. One of the most memorable events was the gathering of abolitionist activist at the Seneca Falls Convention. The Convention was organized by Elizabeth Candy Stanton andLucretia Mott. The Convention showed attention to unfair treatment of women, the convention was attended by 300 people and 40 of them was men. (show pictures of the convention)
b.Sub–point B: The declaration of sentiments which is primarily known as the declaration of rights and sentiments is a document signed in 1848 by 68 women and 32 men at the Seneca Falls. It argues that women are oppressed by the government and the patriarchal society.
Transition to 2nd Main Point: now let's talk about the causes of women's suffrage movement.
III.Main Point 2: The 15th amendment after the civil war ensured voting rights for all citizens regardless of race and color. Women were not considered citizens. Therefore the 15th amendment didn't apply to women. The first revolt against the exclusion of women from voting was when Susan B
Attention Getter For Women's Suffrage Speech
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Being Captured by the Christians [Attention Grabbing Sentence] In the novel Things Fall Apart, Nwoye is the twelve year old son of Okonkwo and his first wife. Okonkwo expects a lot from him because he is his eldest son, but Nwoye does not impress his father. Okonkwo does not want Nwoye to become like his own father, Unoka, who was lazy and unsuccessful in his life. Though Okonkwo tries really hard to make Nwoye a strong and successful man, Nwoye gets enchanted by the Christian religion and converts to it. In the novel, Things Fall Apart, by Chinua Achebe, Nwoye demonstrates the abandoning of the Ibo culture by liking womanly ideas, leaving his family, and defying the religion. Nwoye symbolizes the abandoning of Ibo culture by liking more content...
When Okonkwo is exiled to his motherland, Mbanta, the Christian missionaries come to convert the Ibo people to Christianity. They tell them stories, hymns, and "poetry of the new religion" (147). Nwoye is "attracted to the new faith from the very first day" (149). Nwoye always goes to listen to the missionaries preach, but he does not tell anyone or get too close with the Christians, because he is afraid his father will do something to him. Though Nwoye tries as hard as he could to keep it a secret, his secret is revealed to his father by one of Okonkwo's cousins. That day, when Nwoye returns home, his father holds him by the neck and yells at him and threatens to hit him with a stick. Okonkwo's uncle, Uchendu, intervenes and Nwoye "walked away and never returned" (152). Nwoye goes to Mr. Kiaga, the teacher of the church in Mbanta, and tells him that he wants to go to the school in Umuofia to learn about the Christian faith. Nwoye is pretty happy to leave his father, but he is sad to leave his mother and his siblings. Later, when Obierika sees Nwoye with the white missionaries in Umuofia, he is confused and asks him how his father is. " 'I don't know. He is not my father anymore' ", is Nwoye's reply (144). Nwoye has decided that he is not the son of Okonkwo anymore. Okonkwo also does not consider Nwoye his son anymore. He gives Nwoye as an example to his children, showing them what will happen if they go with the Christian missionaries. When Nwoye is well educated, he comes back to Umuofia to take his mother and siblings, Okonkwo threatens him away saying that if "he came to his compound again, he would be carried out of it" (182). These are things that demonstrate how Nwoye abandons the Ibo culture by leaving his family for the Christian
How Is Nwoye Portrayed In Things Fall Apart
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Attention Getter For Exercise Essay
Exercises Proposition: – Exercises help human mood to feel better. Specific purpose: You should exercise everyday.
Thesis statement: You should exercise will feel different Because You. Introduction
Attention Material (focus attention on problem: – most of people quit exercising because they thank exercises help their body to lose wight and build muscle. So if they see their body don't improve they feel bad and don't exercises anymore
Credibility Material: Researchers at the University of Vermont HAD 24 college students ride anexercise bike for 20 minutes at a moderate intensity. Another 24 people did not exercise the same time period during. They found out That WHO exercise Have a better mood Compared with Who did not exercise.
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Duck, S. & McMahan, D. (2012). The Basics of Communication: A Relational Perspective (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
TITLE OF SPEECH: Global warming is real
Name: Khalil Tabja
Specific Purpose Statement: What is global warming and how does it happen
Thesis Statement: Is global warming real Introduction
1.Attention– Getting Device: Gain the attention of the audience
In the past 1,300 years, the earth has not experienced such a warming trend as we are having now
2. Purpose and Thesis: Inform the audience of the purpose of your speech and state your thesis
My purpose of this speech is to mention how global warming occurs and what is it exactly. For my thesis statement: is global warming real? III. Credibility and Relational Connection: Explain why more content...
Wrap–Up Signal: Signal the beginning of the conclusion Though this was only a glimpse at the mountains of evidence pointing to the fact of global warming, it is difficult to dismiss. Restatement of Thesis: Restate your thesis
Everyone should know that global warming is real and it is happening to our planet III. Summary of Main Points: Provide the audience with a complete summary of your main points
From frozen bodies of water melting more rapidly, to water levels rising and having more acidity, to global temperatures rising to increasingly
common events of extreme heat, global warming is showing its signs in a variety ways.
1. Audience Motivation: Encourage the audience to incorporate the material you have provided into their lives or to behave/think in a certain manner
Be aware of global warming and what it is so we all can learn ways how to prevent our earth from being destroyed.
1.Relational Reinforcement:
Thesis Statement On Global Warming Is Real
Reinforce the relationship between the audience and the material and between the audience and yourself
We all emit CO2 into our atmosphere and we should take action on how we can stop doing Get more content
Attention Cognitive Psychology
Research carried out on attention has mainly been associated with the selective processing of incoming sensory information. It proposes, to some degree, our awareness of the world depends on what we choose to focus on and not simply the stimulation received by our senses. Attention is often linked to a filter that screens out most potential stimuli whilst allowing a select few to pass through into our conscious awareness, however, a great deal of debate has been devoted to where the filter is situated in the information processing chain (Martindale, 1991). Psychologists have made extensive contributions to this subject matter in the past century. Notable examples include Donald Broadbent's filter theory ofattention (1958), which set more content...
This buffer was a temporary memory store in which the unselected information could be held in parallel for short periods of time (Styles, 2006). Information can remain in the buffer for processing at a later stage, if this is not the case, it corrodes and is then lost (Martindale, 1991). It is only when the "information passes through the filter into the limited capacity channel, which is a serial processor, that it is identified" (Styles, 2006, p19). The indication is that therefore, selection from the parallel input is made at early levels of processing, and is consequently an "early selection model" (Styles, 2006). A number of theorist's have, however, introduced models that completely reject Broadbent's Filter model. An example is that of Deutsch and Deutsch's attention model (Martindale, 1991).
Deutsch and Deutsch (1963) offer a model in which all stimuli are fully analysed, with the most significant message determining the response (Eyesnck, 2010). This theory proposes a bottleneck, as the filter is placed closer to the response end of the processing system. This model is recognized as a late–selection model (Deutsch & Deutsch, 1963). The Deutsch and Deutsch model was later modified by Norman (1968) who alleges that sensory inputs are processed routinely and instinctively before we consciously know about them. Norman suggests that no signal is filtered out but all are processed to the point of activating the stored
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General Purpose: To inform
Specific Purpose: To inform audience of the signs you can look for and types of diabetes.
I. Introduction
A. Attention Getter: Show of hands. How many of you all have or know someone with Diabetes?
B. Reason to Listen: According to the "2013 Fast Fact Sheet" from the American Diabetes Association, nearly 26 million children and adults in the United States have diabetes, which is nearly 10% of the U.S. population.
*exact facts are: 25.8 mil and 8.3%
C. Credibility Statement: Almost all of my family on the mother's side has had or are living with Diabetes. In 10th grade, I had to do a report on Diabetes. I also do walks to support those with diabetes.
D. Thesis & more content...
Transition: Lastly, we will be taking a look at the 3 most common types of diabetes.
B. Statement of third main point. The three most common types of diabetes are: Type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes.
I. Type 1 diabetes (previously referred to asinsulin–dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) or juvenile–onset diabetes):
Autoimmune disease– any of a large group of diseases characterized by abnormal functioning of the immune system that causes your immune system to produce antibodies against your own tissues (the definition from
The body does not produce insulin so a person who has type 1 diabetes must take insulin daily (hypoglycemia). No one knows exactly what causes the body's immune system to attack the beta cells, but they believe that autoimmune, genetic, and environmental factors, possibly viruses, are involved.
Diabetes- Informative Speech outline Essay
Type 1 diabetes accounts for about 5 to 10 percent of diagnosed diabetes in the United States. It
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Introduction 1. ATTENTION GETTER: Millions of animals are abused each year. Over a million of these animals are abused or killed just due to the involvement with domestic violence. Despite animal cruelty being a felony which can result in jail time for over 15 years and 500,000 dollars in fines, it is still an issue which occurs on a daily basis across the United States. It is important for these animals to not go unnoticed, which can be achieved if society became more enlightened and educated on the topic of animal cruelty. (Pacelle, 2011). 2. THESIS /PURPOSE: Today we will explain the significance, and inherency due to animal cruelty, as well as several solutions which can help to prevent cases of animal abuse. more content...
Children who live in homes where animal abuse is present are often abused themselves and unfortunately, sometimes carry on with the cycle of abuse later on in life. "More than 80 percent of family members being treated for child abuse also had abused animals. In one–third of the cases, a child victim continued the cycle of violence by abusing a pet ("The animal abuse home violence connection", 2013)."
1. In a study done in 2005 by Christopher Hensley and Suzanne E. Tallichet, it was discovered that "inmates who were younger when they first witnessed someone hurt or kill animals and those who witnessed a friend hurt or kill animals were more likely to commit animal cruelty more frequently (Dutkiewicz,Hensley, and Tallichet, 2011)."
1. Violent criminals often have a history of abusing animals. In fact, "The FBI sees animal cruelty as a predictor of violence against people and considers past animal abuse when profiling serial killers ("The animal abuse violence connection", 2013)." a. Because of this, we need to take cruelty towards animals seriously. It is a sign of aggression and violence and can often lead to even more gruesome crimes, not just towards animals, but towards humans as well. b. If left alone, abuse towards an
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Attention Grabber: Got Education
Introduction: I. Attention Grabber: Got Education? School is a have too, not a want too! You must be educated to do anything in life. II. Thesis: Today, I am going to tell you about my struggles at school and how I have overcome them. III. Preview of Main Points: I continue to struggle with reading and oral communication, but I am prevailing over my difficulties. Body: I.I struggle with reading. Big words slow me down when I am reading information for school. It takes me a little longer than other students to read an assignment or test. A, I practice my reading–by–reading non–school books. My favorite type of books are action books, for example The Hunger Games. B, and ask questions when I don't understand. Transition: I struggle with
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Attention Getter For Reading Essay
Dalton Snyder
Speech 1010 015 Black
13 September 2016
Reading as a Contributor to Good Health
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience that reading can help to increase one's lifespan.
Thesis Statement: Some claim that readers will be able to enjoy a longer life than those who do not read.
(Attention Getter) Reading is a hobby that many of us can or already do enjoy, but what if I told you that the benefits of reading can stretch far beyond a little ease–of–mind? (Thesis): Some claim that readers will be able to enjoy a notably longer life than those who do not read.
(Relevance): Out of the lazing pastimes that we occupy our little free–time with, very few of them have such a considerable, long–term effects as these claims Get more content
Intro Paragraphs
Hook/ Attention Getter... Multiple paragraphs with dialogue telling a story about my dad, my brother, and I racing home from the hunting shack. Provides a story right away to entice the reader. Gives the first reason why family is so important to me.
Thesis: At the end of the introductory paragraphs, I will insert the thesis. The thesis will already be partly implied by the end of the introductory paragraphs. Thesis: Family is the most important thing in my life.
Body Paragraphs
Purpose of paragraph grouping: Introduce the second reason why family is the most important thing in my life: They will always be there for me. Set the scene: Story about how when I was feeling sick and we thought it was just the flu. Turned out to
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Attention Getter For
Paragraph On Family
Attention Getter: I. Ben Nelson Says "the primary purpose of a university is not to prepare students for a career. It's to prepare them for life. And he now has $70 million to prove his point"
II. A university education is key requirement for self–investment.
A. High education is our weapon to face the new era, especially with current markets challenges.
B. We as auniversity students preparing our self for real life after, polishing our skills and increasing our knowledge.
III. Reality through researchers showing awful statistics and reports:
A. According to Pew Research Center " the unemployment among recent grades remains higher than before"
B. Reality needs the graduates who can be different skillful and able to be adjusted in the new more content...
III. Be Independent Person
A. We used to depend on our families in every life matter, here is your chance to experiment yourself and shape your personality.
B. You are inside a place where you have to do everything by yourself no one is helping you for your self–matters. (Transition: highlight the three points been discussed and going to conclusion part)
I. University is a place for lessons and practical practice which is free.
A. It is a platform for what we want to become in future. "University's like this little world, a bubble of time separate from everything before and everything after." By Mhairi McFarlane
B. Get to know your friends make connections for future who is know you might need them later.
II. Reality demand keep increasing so be prepared with latest requirement that might you ask for, never get far from reality.
A. Do not stop dreaming think how you will implement this wishes.
B. Update yourself with industry people about the new challenges are faced. Work on it and say nothing is impossible. "The final lesson is that 'reality' is always the way to go and that acceptance is the only way to get there." By Oli Anderson, Personal
Attention Getter For College Essay
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Essay Outline Introduction: ANT A=Attention Getter: N=Necessary Information: In "The Great Gatsby," by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Nick Carroway, the narrator, has recently moved from the midwest to start his career in New York. He lives on the island of West Egg, next door to a mysterious man named Jay Gatsby. Nick becomes friends with him and learns that Gatsby is in love with his cousin Daisy. They never married because Gatsby had to go off into the military and he was not rich enough for her, so when Gatsby was shipped overseas, Daisy married another man named Tom Buchanan. When Gatsby returns from his service and discovers this, he begins bootlegging to make enough money to try to impress her and win her over. After Gatsby uses Nick more content...
Tom told George, Myrtle's husband that it was Gatsby's car that hit her. So George, seeking revenge, killed Gatsby. Significance: If Gatsby had been willing to see the signs and listen to Nick, his death would have been avoided. Gatsby's tragic flaw is what ultimately lead to his untimely death. Second Body: Gatsby suffers more than he needs to. "Gatsby bought that house so that Daisy would be just across the bay" (83). Gatsby threw large and fancy parties in hopes of Daisy showing up to one. He has gone to great lengths to make himself appear as appealing to a girl who never proves herself to be worthy of sacrifice. Gatsby creates a facade for himself in order to appear as a man who– in his mind–would be worthy of Daisy's affection. "Gatsby, pale as death, with his hands plunged like weights in his coat pockets, was standing in a puddle of water glaring tragically into my eyes" (91). Gatsby was really nervous while waiting for Daisy to come see his house because he wants to impress her. He cares about her so much, yet Tom has been cheating on Daisy since the beginning of their relationship. It is made clear that Tom does not value her at all, so Gatsby does not deserve the pain he receives when Daisy chooses to stay with Tom over him, because of how much he loves Daisy. Third Body: The final way that F. Scott Fitzgerald portrays Gatsby as a modernist tragic hero is through his
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Informative Speech On Pitbulls
Dyana Churchill
Communications 103
Informative Speech Outline
11 October 2017
Pit Bulls – How We Can Help Protect Them
General Purpose: To inform
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about that pit bulls are not always dangerous and how they can be such a great companion.
(Attention Gainer :) What is the first word that comes to mind when you think of pit bull? According to Cesar Millan, "A bread is like a suit of clothes, it doesn't tell you anything about the dog inside." Cesar Millan is a dog trainer who trains people and their dogs to better themselves. There is no particular breed that gives problems. Every dog has a good side. Even the breed that is the most misunderstood, the pit bull.
(Reason to listen) more content...
(Explanation) They were bred to be fighting machines back in the medieval times to fight large animals twice their size such as bears and bulls. This was entertainment for all the different classes back in the 1800's. (Stevens, 2015)
(Fact) Around 1835, the British Parliament passed the Cruelty to Animals Act. The pitting of dogs against larger animals was out of the question. They soon began pitting dogs against one another, that is how dog fighting began and is still going on till this day even though it became illegal back in 1976 in all 50 states including District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico and the U.S Virgin Islands. The pit bull quickly became popular as it traveled around the world. In the United States, they were also useful for herding animals and guarding crops and their families.
(Fact) Not only were they useful for being a hard working dog but they also were great partner. But around the 1980's that's when dog fighting became very popular in the areas being involved in crime activities, making money off of which dog would win in the fights. Pit bulls were no longer the "family dog" due to the acts they were doing. Fighting.
Transition Statement: Now that you know a bit of history behind the "pit bull", I will discuss why they have such a bad rep. B.(Main Point # 2) Even though the banning of dog fighting was already passed, that didn't stop others
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