College is a time of extreme stress due to societal and parental pressures. College students have expectations they have to live up to in order to fulfill and satisfy the needs of both their parents and society. Stress is expressed through a variety of symptoms that can be hazardous to student's physical and mental health. With such high expectations to do well during college, students may become sleep deprived, which impairs mental capacity, butsleep deprivation is only one of a vast array of symptoms. Stress is present in all aspects of life and there are multiple causes of stress, especially, during the college period which may present itself through many symptoms, but with stress, there are also various coping methods to help more content...
According to Lupien, McEwan, Gunnar, and Heim (2009), going off to college involves significant adjustments to their daily routines; sleeping and eating habits, time–management skills, and stress levels will be altered in one way or another. First–year students have to adjust to the new school environment, different social settings, and new schedules, all without the help and guidance from their parents, who have been there for them for eighteen years. Over 30% of college freshman report that they feel overwhelmed (Klainberg, Ewing, & Ryan, 2010), where some students even opt to work as they juggle their class and work schedules. Some students work at a job or study harder than others, but they are all trying to get degrees so maybe one day they will have meaningful and significant lives. It is a constant struggle for everyone who is trying desperately to make him or herself into a success. And every collegestudent wants to be involved in society in a positive manner, allowing contribution of their ideals and values to others. Stress in college is caused by many other influencing factors. One of these important factors would have to be the expectations set by parents. They are normally the reason students are in college, so pleasing them by getting good grades is almost mandatory. The thought of displeasing out parents can be detrimental to our thought process; meaning that it most likely would cause impaired
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Stress Among College Students Essay examples
Topics For College Research Paper
Kiara Edwards Ms Milliner EES21QH–04 September 25,2016 College Reflection Essay College shows the importance to many not only as a way hierarchy,but as a way of enhancing our skills so that we could be successful in life and to show those who said we can't that it's in fact possible.In college everything that is done is your responsibility,meaning that you need to prioritize the things you do as a student and make sure that you get your classes in order before you start.High school was nearly the start of real life ,work is much heavier in college ,college exams aren't as frequent as high school's.When it comes to college inspiration is key to connecting with your students to ensure more content...
I interviewed my mom according to questions I have prepared many question starting with,how was your first experience with college?"So excited with being by myself" ... " I was nervous about the classes i would have "... When it came to midterms i was stressed, it was hard for me to handle but i still got through it on my own and handled my responsibilities dealing with me getting through school." i went on to ask her for any advice that she would want to be given her response was "To all the students that are graduating next year ,make early decisions so that you'll be prepared for .life ,fore everything won't be laid out for you like always." After all my research my intake on it all is that i still think college is for me,as a person i want to further myself and my profession as being a writer Get
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What I Have Learned About Research
What I have learned about research is that it is a process, a scientific process that psychologist and scientist develop that includes many different approaches and that is carefully peer reviewed and evaluated. There is what is called the Scientific Approach where scientist have an idea or theory and based on their observation will either support the theory or the theory can be falsified by their peers. Data also goes through a review period before it is published in a scientific journal by scientist who have the knowledge and expertise to evaluate it. I also learned the difference between basic and applied research where basic research focuses mostly on things such as emotion, cognition, social behavior, personality development, learning, and neuropsychology. Basic research will be more helpful for answering fundamental questions about the nature of behavior. Applied research however, addresses more of a specific problem with a possible solution. Program evaluation covers a large area of applied research. Program evaluation assesses the social reforms and innovations that occur in government, education, the criminal justice system, industry, health care, and mental health institutions. When discussing behavioral research it is imperative to note the precedents that it has in many fields and the significance of the applications to public policy. A variable is referred to as any event, situation, behavior, or individual characteristic that changes or varies. Any variable
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Historically Black Colleges Research Paper
HBCU's also known as historically black college universities, on monumental to our country. Prior to 1964 these historically black colleges were established to educational institutions. The primary intention by opening HBCU institutions were to service predominantly African–American students however; students of all other races are also excepted into the admissions process and encouraged to apply. Among these colleges wearing some of the most prestigious colleges in the United States. These historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) were compared only with one another for these rankings. In order to be on the list, a school must be currently designated by the U.S. Department of Education as an HBCU. To qualify for the U.S. more content...
There are over 100 HBCU's currently in the U.S. The black colleges has successfully graduated many citizens that are huge contributors in our society. Was so many different reasons people go to historically black colleges among some of those reasons include first rate education, classes and extracurricular activities specifically catered for African–Americans that typically would be harder to come by at other schools, diversity, and a chance to continue a legacy.
Historically black college universities are an essential part of higher education and remain relevant; HBCU's also play important sign of racial progress.
These colleges has demonstrated a great success. In fact, according to the National Science Foundation, almost a third of all doctoral degrees awarded in the sciences to African Americans went to men and women who attended HBCUs as undergraduates. Spelman College is leading the way, having sent more African Americans (150 women) on to earn Ph.D. degrees in the STEM fields in the ten years between 1997 and 2006 than Georgia Tech (32), Emory (24), Duke (34), and theUniversity of North Carolina Chapel Hill (54) combined. ( It would seem to me that black University's existence is significance of the growth and development of the black communities. The college is also serve as a reminder of the progression African American's have accomplished. Without HBCU's development in African American communities may have stagnated the growth of higher education among
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Transition To College Reflection Paper
It was only four years ago that I was transitioning from middle school to high school, and at the time, this was an enormous deal: not only did the coursework increase in difficulty, but the grades we earned counted for college. Although there were greater academic expectations and standards that we had to adjust to for high school, there were hardly any other notable changes. I still caught the city bus to school, my mom cooked dinner for our family, I continued my ath–letic pursuits, teachers shoved knowledge down my throat (some of which I regurgitated), and, perhaps the best part of it all, I hardly had to worry about anything except for taking care of business in the classroom. Now that I am attending a college more than 3,000 miles away from my home, there are many more areas in my life other than the academic grind. I was always used to someone tell–ing me what to do. In college, there is an abundance of freedom, yet nobody tells you what to do with the freedom. With a greater responsibility to take care of myself, academically, physi–cally, socially, and emotionally, the transition to college has been far more demanding com–pared to when I was only transitioning to high school. But is it really demanding? I admit that I do not have particularly strong feelings about my current transition to college, because I understand that it is my mindset that can have a huge impact on what I see as easy and challenging. Rather than seeing everything as a challenge, I
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College stress: Managing And Reacting. College stress can be a huge factor in students everyday lives. Evidence shows college students stress levels lead to negative reactions which all together impact their health All of sources and research within this writting help explain the effects stress factors brought upon students of all ages, backgrounds and majors, as well as grade level negatively affect them and their coping mechanisms. The following paragraphs go into detail and statistic views on how negative coping factors can truly damage a student's grades and health. Stress is the human body's response to anything that may be seen as a threat of obstacle. Feelings of anxiety nervousness or even scared/ nervous are common under stress. Stress and adrenaline go hand in hand, they both temporary effect the body. A stressor on the other hand is a stimulus that causes stress psychological and even physically. Stress on campus is a major demographic, from the student survey taken from online students and well as two and four year college students shows just how by walking into a class raises a student stress levels. On a scale of 1–10 students reported having higher stress levels closer to ten when leaving a class (Shown in the graph below). College is stereotyped to be some of the "best years" to a young adult's life but in fact some students report it being at times more challenging than enjoyable. With balancing assignments, time management, social
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Research Paper On College Stress
Hazing: Does It Exist and How Is It Being Prevented?
Often times hazing is a big problem we see occurring in our society. Whether it is occurring within a sports team, sorority, school, friends, or even a group of co–workers, we hear about it on a relatively frequent basis. Often times hazing stories are justified by the person committing the act of hazing and over dramatized by the media. Conducting a full study on whether hazing actually exists and the multiple ways it exists can help members of our society to further understand the implications of the action. Throughout this study the definition of hazing has been explored as well as superfluous examples to prove hazing is prominent in our society and laws and actions taken more content...
Robert Champion, a recent high school graduate was recently killing on a school bus after injuries due to hazing from his peers, shorting after, Bria Hunter came forward stating that she was brutally beaten in a hazing ritual on her school bus as well. James says that "we made our pledges sit outside in dresses and sell lemonade, but instead of selling for money, they were selling one chance to hit a pledge in the privates with a baseball bat". Another Greek life incident occurred at the University of South Florida, requiring the suspension of the sorority Omega Psi Phi in 2012 after former students beat some current students at a nearby vacant store. To support thethought that hazing even exists in NFL football, a few rookie players have come forth admitting that veteran players have hazed them by requiring them to cut their hair in obscure fashions and to hold their heavy equipment to and from practice. Statistics gathered through research prove that hazing is prominent in our society. One and half million high school students are hazed each year and forty–seven percent of students enter college having already experienced some kind of hazing. A survey conducted by Holmes of 11,482 undergrad students, fifty–five percent have experienced hazing and ninety–five percent did not report those hazing incidents. Hazing has also been listed as occurring in the
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Hazing Research Paper
We are told to "go to college" by family, media, and teachers, but we are never given an explanation on why it's important for us to get a higher education. The importance of higher education is so we can obtain a career that can support our needs and wants. It's also important because it gives you an advantage when trying to get a job. Employers require a higher form of education, which is necessary for our society to advance. There aren't many jobs that accept people with a high school diploma as their highest form of education. Employers want people that know what they're doing, and so does our society. In order for people to go into the career field they want, they need to go to college to learn everything that comes with that more content...
What we get out of the college experience, we use in our day to day lives. Even the things we think aren't important or useful end up becoming helpful. The material we learn in college is fundamental when it comes jobs and life in general. We are taught to make choices. We are taught how the real world works, and how to turn our education into our way of life. "...the really significant education in thinking that we're supposed to get in a place like this isn't really about the capacity to think, but rather about the choice of what to think about." (Wallace 199). Not only do we get a lot out of getting a college degree in what we want to do, but so does our society. There are requirements for every job for a reason. Jobs need people that specialize in just that career field. They want us to be passionate about what we do and more importantly know exactly what we are doing. For example, hospitals have no room for mistakes because not only may it cost a life, it can also costs them money. We feel safer knowing people know how to do their jobs right. College education is necessary whenever there is a shortage in certain careers. It's important to have higher education so there can be growth and competition in our society. It takes money to make money. It does cost a lot to pay for college, but in the end it's worth it. By the end of the college process, we can have a college degree and could be getting
College: Is It Worth It? Essay
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Junior Research Paper Topics
Junior Research Paper I chose to research the University of California Riverside for several reasons. I wanted to attend a four year university that was in California, was reasonably close to home, had similar weather that I was used to, and had a large campus with a medium to large amount of students. UCR seemed to fit that description best, and it appealed to me most because of how close to home it is. UCR is within 20 minutes from home, and it meets all of the other requirements I wished for in a college that I would like to attend. UCR is one of the easier California Universities to get into, which is anothermajor reason why I chose this college. The University of California Riverside will be a perfect fit for both my personal needs and my career because of the environment the college is located in, the amount of students attending and extra curricular activities avalible, and the ease of the application process and the acceptance more content... However, it wasn't until 1959 when Riverside was declared a general campus and courses of study began to be developed. UCR is located in sunny Riverside, California, approximately 50 miles east of downtown Los Angeles. Their mascot, Scotty Highlander, was named after theatletic teams of 1979. The most popular majors at UCR are currently social sciences, business, management, and bilogical and biomedical sciences. UCR is best known for its sunny weather, as it is located in southern California where it's almost always sunny. UCR is also known for its value, for undergraduates living with their parents you can expect to pay $25,511 a
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COMM101 Reflective Paper– My top 10 takeaways from COMM101
Coming into UBC I had no idea of what to expect from the capstone course of Sauder. On the first day, Jeff said that everything would connect in the end; I didn't realize how true that is until now. He meant that every bit and piece in the course was literally interconnected with not just class concepts but to the entire business world. Throughout the term, I not only learned about business fundamentals, but life and people skills as well. Presenting ideas, pitching, teamwork and just making an argument in general were simple yet essential skills that I picked up and refined. Getting a feel for all the different disciplines Sauder has to offer was a given, but processing those soft kills were my biggest takeaway yet. Honestly speaking, coming into Sauder, I was sure about business as a career. However, I always had an interest in political science at the back of my mind. Leaving this course, I now know that a career in both is something definitely achievable. With the numerous guest speakers as well as the US election that happened simultaneously throughout the term I learned that business and politics could be blended into a diverse field of opportunities; given that I put in more than I expect and work hard.
Building my business toolkit throughout the term was fascinating. I was initially skeptical that the toolkit we learned in class could be applicable to businesses of all sizes, from real corporations
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Sexual assault on college campuses is a national epidemic. This type of abuse is described as any sexual act that is unwanted by somebody else. These acts incompass penetration with genitals and/or objects without consent, rape, unwanted sexual acts such as oral sex and touching of somebody's body without their permission and is all about "power and control" (Sexual Assault). It is important to note the misconception regarding rape. Rape falls under the category of sexual assault not every case is rape (Sexual Assault). Sexual assault on college campuses is a reoccurring problem and it seems as if colleges aren't doing much about it. These abusive incidents happen on a day to day basis and it is not getting the attention and awareness more content...
She discussed a program that they have on campus called SAPE, Sexual Assault Peer Education. It is student run but they educators are trained. This program brings in the bystander and encompasses interactive presentations. It helps student identify rape culture and behaviors that contribute to rape culture. They go through scenarios, such as a party, and what a students should do if they see somebody is at high risk to get sexually assaulted. More colleges should have programs that educate people how to be an effective bystander. Programs like these help students understand that "instead of standing by and being uncomfortable speaking up, they should be uncomfortable about NOT speaking up" (Booth). Educating students on the definition of consent and guiding them to be productive bystanders is what colleges should to do tackle sexual assault on their campuses.
Sexual Assault on college campuses is a national epidemic. Most colleges aren't doing anything about it. Brown University finally stood up and is in the process of doing something. They are setting an example for what other schools should be doing, especially being an ivy league. Education is a powerful tool and it should be used to educate students on what consent is and how to be an appropriate bystander. Sexual assault on college campuses is a problem that will take a long time to solve, but the ending must start
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Campus Sexual Assault Research Paper
As pounded in our heads by teachers and adults, after high school the best idea is to go to college. This may not be the case for everyone. There are many pros and cons for college. College is not for everyone, and I believe students should have the freedom to choose the path they take. For people who desire to acquire a well paying job, a degree may be required. Most data points that the fastest growing job categories require at least a college degree. Getting a degree can be as simple as going for 2 years or even 6. Getting a college degree will draw employers attention and gain respect. Some people who have a degree may get paid more at their job than others who do not. Expanding your knowledge is important as there is always more to learn. In my opinion, college is the best idea for any age student.
When planning your future, you can decide between a two–year community college or a four–year university. You can base your decision depending on your career field or job you want to pursue. Some jobs may not even require a degree, in which college is unnecessary. Some jobs may only require an associate's degree, so why waste your money at a university. Some may say that the experience at a four–year university is critical to growing up. Mr. Perlstein states, "the college experience– a rite of passage as it was meant to be– must have come to an end." Rick Perlstein believes that the four–year experience is meaningful. At a four–year, you may experience more diversity, and Get
Pros And Cons Of College Essay
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Nicole Kada
Business Communications 27 April 2012
Research Proposal
What is the Impact of Stress on University Students Academic Performance?
1.1 Purposes of Research Topic
Newth (2011) claims that modern daystress seems to be more widespread than ever causing interference with human intellect, emotional and interpersonal functioning. Therefore; I suggest that students will encounter stress and it will impact their academic performance. In this fast pace and performance driven society each organization needs well performing people. The only way we will know what people require to become productive and less stressed is to explore topics as my research question. The more content... Which collects the health statistics of students from universities all around the world every second year, reported that 40.2 percent of Santa Clara University students identified that stress affected their individual academic performance during the last 12 months of their studies (Temple,2011). Temple (2011) reported a survey conducted in 2004 that assessed the overall well–being of 47,202 undergraduates nationwide. The findings were that 32.4 percent of students recognized stress as the main obstacle to their academic performance. This was said to be above the common cold, depression, death of a relative, sexual assault and eating disorders. Stress is "once considered as the nation's number one health epidemic; prolonged stress can lead to ulcers, heart disease, stroke, major depression and to a shorter life span" (Temple, 2011).
Based on these findings from research done previously I feel that this study is important. Firstly, we need to understand what causes the stressors and how it affects the individual. For example, if you have an entire university with stressed students, not being productive, not performing well academically perhaps thinking of dropping out of university because of the overwhelming anxiety; it can be detrimental to the institution in terms of status and students in terms of individual realisation. Secondly, we soon have to formulate effective and efficient stress management guidelines
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Colleges and universities exist for one very important reason: to give students a rewarding higher education. Despite this common academic goal, the classic debate of public vs. private college is one that just doesn't ever seem to resolve itself. The argument follows a conversation we've heard before. Public universities are perceived as more accessible and economical, while private colleges have the reputation of prestige and esteem, albeit at a higher cost. While some of those impressions aren't entirely false, there's much more that defines the difference between public and private colleges. The biggest fundamental difference between public and private colleges is in the cost.
What explains the difference in price? Public colleges are funded mostly by their respective state governments. Private schools can be either for–profit or nonprofit, and receive no government funding. Rates need to be adjusted accordingly to keep schools up and running. The question remains: Why do teenagers decide to attend a private school when the government provides education for a cheaper price? One reason may be that private universities are more exclusive; the lower cost of attending a public university often translates into a higher rate of admission and more content... public college debate, carefully examine the type of college experience you'd like before you begin applying to universities. Pick your school based on your field of interest and aim to excel in your major. Future employers want to see what you've learned and how you can apply your skills, instead of where you attended school. If name recognition is important for your resume, there are plenty of public schools with a sterling reputation, and lower tuition rates to match. But keep in mind that Harvard, Yale, and other Ivy League universities aside, getting a degree from a prestigious, well–known university won't guarantee that you'll land that dream
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Essay On Public Colleges Vs Private
College can be great; living with your roommates can be a nightmare. But wait......before you throw in the towel, make sure you know and understand the rules of a dorm room. Dorm life is something almost every college student must experience. It's not as easy as it seems either. Most of the time students will try to room with people they know, but normally a student can't be that lucky to make that happen. It can actually be easier living with people who are complete strangers, than living with people that have been there through life.
The first thing to accomplish is knowing the fact that in a dorm room, everyone has a job. Everyone in the room must provide certain things. For example, one should bring more content...
Your effectiveness with this message will depend on how assertively you deliver it. Try not to sound meek and apologetic, because then they may dismiss your concerns. But try not to sound blaming and angry either, as if they are a horrible person; that will make them defensive. In both your choice of words and tone of voice, strive to come across as one friendly, reasonable adult talking to another friendly, reasonable adult. You have something important you want to say, and you assume they'll listen."
Being inconsiderate with one another is something else many roommates have problems with. Classes are at different times, so waking up to get ready for class with occur at different times as well. Aroommate may get to sleep longer than another roommate. So if there were another room, to not make problems, it would be best to get ready where the other roommates can't be disturbed. Slamming things around, and being loud in general is neither considerate nor respectful of the other people living there. Problems will more than likely occur and living together will be much harder. EveryCollege student should know, you must be considerate with one another or else your living situations are going to have a downslide. You can't take for granted that your roommate, or anyone else, will know what you want or do what you think they should. People aren't mind readers. To get results, you have to communicate assertively, expressing your wishes, feelings and needs
Essay on Dorm Life Dorm Life
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Essay about Violence on College Campuses
On college campuses today, there is a lot of violence. Violence occurs for many reasons, its unfortunate but true. One of the main reasons that violence accurs is because 90 percent of violence on college campuses is alcohol related. That is one of the many reasons why violence occurs. There have been reports of increased violence on U.S. college campuses since the early 1980s. Alcohol–related problems have included vandalism, fighting, injuries, and rape. However, as in the past,crime on campuses frequently was not reported to authorities or not divulged by institutions. Therefore, it is difficult to know if there has been an increase in incidences or just increased reporting. Roark (1987: 367) has suggested that " more content...
Youth violence involves almost all of our social institutions, values, beliefs and attitudes When we hear students disengage with institutions or people and threaten to harm themselves or others, we may be able to prevent the potential for large–scale serious violent crimes. College campuses should begin to engage in discussions on prevention methods and prepare ways to react to this new level of violence.Society has been devalued by and desensitized toward youth violence. In 1996, 805,000 serious violent crimes involved juveniles and 740,000 crimes victimized juveniles (Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics, 1999). Schools handle these acts by increasing security, searching students, constructing metal detectors, implementing violence hotlines, counseling students, being alert to students' violent tendencies, and being aware of differences .A central factor affecting youth violence is that students are not being taught at young ages how to constructively handle anger. For some, this aggression is a learned behavior while for others, it is inadequate socialization, psychological or even neurological. Whatever the reason, youth violence is a problem in our society.
Another problem with violence on college campuses is Sexual Assualt.Institutions of higher
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College And Career Research Essay
College and Career Research Essay
By, Darien Carson
The future; after high school, after college, the future is a later time period that will happen in one's life. For my future I plan to attend college and later become an engineer. College is one of the best choices available forhigh school graduates to ensure a successful future. Colleges offer specialized learning that when attended can open many opportunities. Two colleges I may attend after high school are Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) or California Institute of Technology (Caltech). After college I plan to choose a career in the field ofengineering. Two career possibilities are Aerospace Engineering or Biomedical Engineering. By researching these two universities and two possible careers, I have learned about the many possibilities that lie ahead for my future.
One feasible college I may attend to become an engineer is MIT. To attend MIT a minimum GPA of 3.5 is required although a 4.0 is recommended. If I continue to work hard, I can keep my current GPA of a 4.0 and later attend MIT. Massachusetts Institute of Technology not only offers the classes required to become an aerospace engineer it also provides a suitable living environment and aids 85% of freshmen with financial aid up to 100% tuition cost. Since, MIT is a private university their acceptance rate is low, and the cost are high, one year tuition is $47,000. An additional $15,520 would be spent on room and board, books and supplies, and
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A college education gives a person the opportunity to be successful in life, either financially or morally dependent on the goals that they set for their life. They will choose a college that offer programs for the major of their choice, where they will specialize and receive a degree. The decision to pursue a higher education will give the opportunity to earn a better income over someone who does not have a degree. College is more of life preparation course that will help make sure a successful career. If a person pursues a career in engineering, physics or mathematics their curriculum would include more liberal art preparation courses, in order for them to earn their degree, so someone pursuing a degree in these types of careers more content...
Today's world economies are so tied together and react to one another that only the brightest and smartest will survive. The better educated a student is in the specific career that they have chosen to earn a degree in will give them the educated edge so that they can out compete with foreign markets. President Barack Obama said "In this kind of economy, countries who out–educate us today will out–compete us tomorrow. Already, China is graduating eight times as many engineers as we are. By 12th grade, our children score lower on math and science tests than most other kids in the world," ("Full"). American colleges need to do a better job at improving math and science scores so that the graduating student can better compete in the world market Asian countries are continuously outperforming American students. Gary W. Phillips, chief scientist at the American Institutes of Research said "In this case, the bad news trumps the good because our Asian economic competitors are winning the race to prepare students in math and science," (Dillon). The better colleges prepare students to edge out competitors in the world market needs to be their priority. Secondly the purpose of a college education is to meet the student's liberal art's needs so that they can compete and give them a well–rounded education that will enable them to earn
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What is the Purpose of College? Essay example
"I feel sorry for the person who can't get genuinely excited about his work. Not only will he never be satisfied, but he will never achieve anything worthwhile" (Walter Chrysler). Deciding on what one wants to be in life can prove to be a demanding task. There are so many, yet limited, different opportunities in the world to have an excellent career and make a decent living while doing something one loves. It is limited because there are only a few specific career paths that someone could take to make good money. It is very difficult to make a fulfilling living being a garbage man. There are many different opportunities because, within these specific careers, there are usually various paths to take. Someone who has dreams to be more content...
I am also interested in both design and math and as I was researching a job that incorporated these two skills I came across civil engineering. Right now I have to decide which job path would be the best one to take, counseling or civil engineering. Through the research shown below, I received an overwhelming amount of information on every little detail of these jobs. Psychology "Few fields of study offer more career opportunities than does psychology" (Sternburg 3). There are a wide selection of specialties a person could go into with a bachelor's degree in psychology. In graduate school, which is a must to attend, there is the option to explore the different specialities or to go into the desired specialty without any research of the others. There are also many options within a specific specialty. There is the option to be a teacher, to work for various organizations, be a speaker, to have your own practice, and many others. In the psychology field these options can all be combined. In fact it is expected of psychologists to do more activities involving their specialty than solely sit in an office and listen to patients. There are two specialities that I am interested in however, over the years, these specialties have become very similar. Clinical and counseling psychology have evolved to become one in the same. Someone who specializes in clinical psychology are more
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Career Research Essay