Essay On Gratitude

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Throughout "Catalog of Unabashed Gratitude" by Ross Gay, Gay shows how nature controls emotional responses, forces and other higher or more powerful things. Furthermore, nature brings about unnatural aspects causing greater control of forces in nature, and outside of the natural realm. Many cycles revolve around nature, producing a circle, or cycle, of life that changes depending on different things. Even more, nature can interact with man–made things in ways that disrupt it. Gay portrays nature as a commanding force, something that's located everywhere. Also, it shows how the nature forces have consequential reactions, resulting in everything being controlled by nature. Ultimately, this shows how Gay portrays nature as a more content...

The use of "Thank you" shows the gratitude Gay has for nature, and shows he is grateful for the commanding forces nature has. When he writes, "The river bends around the elephant's / solemn trunk" depicts how he uses comparisons between two natural elements to make a complex statement of the two. This shows how nature has consequential results because of what it has done for

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Catalog Of Unabashed

'I have learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.' Maya Angelou Gratitude originates from the Latin word gratus which it means pleased. It is one of the best qualities that a human being can own due to his connection with physical and mental health. Although, I have the impression that it is one of the most underestimated techniques that an individual can use to improve their life. And maybe one of the reasons is the frenetic life that we have or the fact that often we take things for granted. The truth is that gratitude is powerful but at the same time complex when it comes to writing down our thoughts. In my experience, I usually just say thank you, write little notes, or I buy something small. But I never had the experience of writing a letter of gratitude and this assignment was a useful exercise for me. Since my parents and my extended family are back home, I had to think of someone who lives close by me and who helped or is still supporting during my time of need. And the person who first came to my mind was Leslie. She used to be my son's first Behavior Interventionist. Although she is not working with him anymore, she is still very active in my, and my kids live. We hired her right after we got the official confirmation that my son had autism. At that time we were overwhelmed, lost, confused and uneducated about autism. Thinking back, the first time that I saw her, for some

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Write A Letter Of Gratitude

"There is always something to be thankful for"– Anonymous. And this is true for many reasons. To be thankful is to be pleased or relieved. There is a reason being thankful or saying "thank you" to people has been taught to us for generations. To show that you care about what people do for you or to show that you care for others by telling them "Thank You." I am thankful for many things in my life, but the top three would have to be my grandparents, sports, and God and his creations in nature. The first thing I'm thankful for are my grandparents. After all they gave birth to my parents who after all had me, so I should definitely be thankful for what they do for me. First thing I love from them is the Holidays. I mean why not. When they bring the whole family together more content...

When I can go and play some sports or watch them on TV. However I'd have to say there's a definite top three: Baseball, Martial Arts, and Running. Baseball was basically my first real sport and I loved it and have been hooked on it ever since. Whether I am paying 3rd base or catching it is always fun on the field. I have always been the starter and have been known for my speed and my arm. My coaches loved it and even my teammates when we would get a play from center field to the runner scoring at home. Then there is my main sport Martial Arts. Jiu Jitsu, Muay Thai, and Taekwondo. I have meet my best friend and running partner there and have known him for over 6 years because of it. Whether we were trying to get our black belts or running for fun we have always stuck by eachother isdes. We also are constantly messing with each other because of us knowing how to defend ourselves. Then there is running. My aunt opened a running store and I was hooked, me and my friends would run, run, run. 2 miles almost every single day for 4 months straight. A new record I think. No matter what sport I play I know that I will always have a support group wut my family and friends behind

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How To Be Thankful For Essay

The Empathy-Altruism Of Forgiveness

"Although there is as yet no consensus in the scientific literature on the exact nature of forgiveness, central to various approaches is the idea of a freely chosen motivational transformation in which the desire to seek revenge and to avoid contact with the transgressor is overcome. Forgiveness, like gratitude, is therefore inherently interpersonal, and this is captured well by North's (I 998, p. 19) statement that it is "outward–looking and other–directed." "Thus, the common phrase, "forgive and forget" is misleading because forgiveness is only possible in the face of a remembered wrong." Prototype Analyses of Gratitude and Forgiveness "Finally, an assumption in most measures of gratitude and forgiveness is that what the investigator is measuring corresponds with the idea of the construct in the mind of more content...

Current Progress: Theoretical Perspectives on Forgiveness The Empathy–Altruism Analysis of Forgiveness "Notwithstanding the expansion of determinants of forgiving to include social–cognitive, offense–level, relationship–level, and personality–level variables that might facilitate forgiving, empathy remains as the primary mechanism through which forgiving occurs." Review of Major Findings "(1) that gratitude and forgiveness are related to greater life satisfaction and psychological well–being, and (2) that the latter are increased by gratitude and forgiveness interventions." Gratitude Research "Specifically, expressing gratitude (along with other forms of effective communication about domestic labor, such as listening) was the most powerful statistical predictor and discriminator of perceived fairness for wives in dual–earner couples." "Gratitude during the week predicted relationship quality between old and new members a month later and tended to predict amount of time they spent together." "Participants recalling gratitude were significantly more likely to say they felt closer to the other person or wanted to build the relationship with the Get more content

Gratitude doesn't always come naturally. In our day to day lives, it's easy to get caught up in the things that go wrong and feel like we're living under our own private rain cloud: at the same time, we tend to adapt to good things and people in our lives. Taking them for granted. As a result. We often overlook everyday beauty and goodness a kind gesture from a stranger, say hi or hello. In Thanks! Robert Emmons teaches us about the power of showing gratitude, of exposing our many blessing. He also shares the challenges that we can face in being able to show gratitude, especially in times of suffering and hardship. However, showing gratitude benefit us in many ways: we become healthier and happier, have better relationship, treat other better.

Learning to verbally thanking people can help a deeper understanding of gratitude true wealth. By taking the time to give verbal thank you for those are grateful for the verbal thank you about how grateful they are for them. You create a community of love and excitement, which will lead to you to be more grateful person . In the book Thank!, Robert Emmons writes, "It is impossible to imagine a world where individuals don't receive and give gratitude to one another on a regular basis". Giving verbal gratitude is the Most important experience to have as a human being, these expressive emotions give people a deeper level of having to receive gratitude fully to be grateful for, . Emmons stated, "To do thanks. To give thanks.

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Gratitude In The Book Thank !

Growing Lily

At age three I said "I love you mommy." At age seven I said, "Mom, stop kissing my cheek!" At age fifteen I say, "You're so annoying– I can't wait to move out!" At age eighteen, I'll be saying "I miss home." At age twenty–seven I'll be saying "I miss my mom." At age forty I'll be saying "I miss you so much; I wish you didn't have to go." My mom is the sun to my shine. My mother is a hard worker. She loves what she does for a living. She does arrangements for peoples' houses. I've seen her work from 7 a.m. to midnight at times. The hard work pays off but most of her earnings go to bills or groceries. When she has a new project, she goes shopping for flowers to make what mental image she has in her into reality. more content... She has the power to make you smile when you're down, make you cry by telling a story, keep you under control when you're too rowdy and get angry when needed. Family is an important thing to my mother. She loves to spend as much time as she can with them. She believes in the Hawaiian saying, "Ohanna: Nobody gets left behind." This past summer we went on a cruise ship. The whole side of my mom's family had gone. I enjoyed my time there, especially when we arrived in Cozumel, MX. One of the most embarrassing things that could happen to me frightened my mom to death. Purging is said to make you lose weight. The banging on the restroom door startled me knowing I would be caught. From that point on she took extra care of my health. Looking after what I ate, when I should exercise etc. When I was fourteen, my parents and I made a deal that if I lost twenty pounds, I would be able to get my first tattoo. She supported me with it, thus, me losing the weight. Not everyone grows up with manners. I have a high tolerance for respect. Growing up going to church every Sunday due to my mom helped me adapt to maturity. Not that I'm highly bipolar, but I do lose my temper really drastically. I've been taught by my mom to forgive and forget. Through the worst of her times that people have put her through; she forgives. She tells me I have the blood of my dad seeing as how I will always hold a grudge towards someone no matter what. I know my mom wants the best for her kids,

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Essay on Appreciating Mom

If there were only one article allowed on this site, it would contain quotes about gratitude. The power of gratitude is something that I've always known on a low–key level but just started to really understand in the past 10 years and really started to be passionate about in the past year. I truly believe that feeling and expressing gratitude is something everyone should be doing to improve their mind, body, and spirit. It's free. It's available to everyone. And it can impact your life is so many ways. Following are some quotes about gratitude that make it clear how awesome it is.

1. Gratitude Brings More Grace Into Your Life

I believe that grace is a direct response to gratitude... that the more grateful you are, the more grace steps in and shows itself and mirrors the gratitude that you have. – Oprah

Want more blessings in your life? Practice gratitude. As Oprah says, grace is a response to gratitude, which means the more you practice gratitude, the more grace will manifest into your life. And, she should know!

Gratitude keeps you in a spiritual state where you are thanking something or someone for being there for you, blessing you, and helping you.

When you practice gratitude on a consistent level, you move into a higher state of being where you are able to feel the goodness around you and in yourself and bring better things into your life.

In other words, blessings increase!

This matches the law of attraction belief that the more you are grateful for,

Gratitude Essay
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Gratitude also reduces feelings of jealosy, makes our memories happier, lets us experience good feelings, and helps come out of stress. Materialism is strongly related with reduced well–being and increased rates of mental disorder. There's nothing bad in hoping for more. The problem with materialism is that it makes people feel less capable, reduces feelings of gratitude, reduces one's ability to appreciate and enjoy the good in life, generates negative emotions, and makes them more self–centered.

Gratitude also increases your self–respect. Imagine a world where no one helps you. Despite your asking and requesting, no one helps you. On the contrary imagine a world where many people help you all the time for no other reason than that they like you. In which world do you think you would have more content...

Gratitude is not just a fugitive emotion, but it is also a excellence. Grateful people are more tending to the emotion, are prone to respond with gratitude to a wider range of beneп¬Ѓcent actions, and are more likely to notice beneп¬Ѓcence on the part of others–in particular, they are more likely to respond to it with the emotion of gratitude rather than with alternative emotions like agony, shame, or guilt. Grateful people are likely to agree with statements such as "It's important to respect each day that you are alive", "I often feel how easier my life is because of the efforts of others," and "For me, life is much like a wonderful gift than it is a burden." Phrases such as these come from personality questionnaires designed to express levels of gratitude–in other words, to identify people who have by nature grateful souls.Research has revealed that dispositionally grateful people enjoy many of the same beneп¬Ѓts that increases gradually from cultivating grateful thinking, namely, enhanced psychological, physical, spiritual, and relational Get more

The Effects Of Gratitude

"Mom, can I go to the movies?"

"Ask your dad."

"Mom, can I go to a party?"

"Ask your dad."

My mom has always told me that I am the light of my father's eyes. It sure didn't seem that way when I would ask for permission and I wouldn't get it. But what I didn't know back then was that I had to prove myself. I had to prove to my father, the head of the household, that school and family was my priority, that I wouldn't let the negative influence of others hold me back or side track me.

Growing up in a strict Latino household, earning trust was not easy, at all. The hesitation my parents had was rooted in love and a desire to protect, though, so I 'm not bitter about it. To the contrary, in fact, I 'm thankful for the discipline that they 've helped me develop.

My parents do not have a lot of formal education; neither was able to continue their education past grade school. But they recognize the importance of prioritizing life properly, and have always wanted me to remain focused on the important things: family and education. I feel it is my duty to make them proud of me and earn their trust. My mother has always told me that the answer for everything is trust. Trust, I learned, was the reason behind why my father wouldn't let me go to the movies with my friends, or the reason why I couldn't go to parties.

This desire to earn my parents ' trust is the reason why I have a good academic standing in school. All of my life I have learned that one of my greatest Get

I Am Thankful For The Dad
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In Gratitude

The Prosperity In Gratitude

Dec 20, 2007

The unthankful heart... discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings!

This is the time of year when we give thanks. It's the time when we look around our lives and feel grateful for all that we have. Our families, friends, and all of the love in our lives. We are grateful for the work that we do. We look to see the silver lining in all of our difficult situations, and feel grateful for the opportunity to learn so much from. Did you notice how abundant you felt when you were standing the in place of all of that gratitude?

Gratitude is a powerful thing to exercise when we are looking to create more abundance in our lives. Why? Because as we focus on all that we are grateful for, we begin to feel more abundant, and when we begin to feel more abundant we then begin to attract flow of abundance in our lives. What you focus on grows. Like attracts like. That's why you won't increase the abundance in your life by focusing on all that you don't have.

There is a blessing for us in the loving expression of gratitude. As we focus on what we have, we create more of it. As we focus on on our joy, we create more of that. As we focus on love, we indeed create more of that, and love is core and central to all manifestation in our lives. When you create from a place of love and intention your

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Speech On Gratitude

What Is Gratitude Essay

How much time does it takes to say "Thank you! You have done wonderful job." Not even 30 seconds right? But imagine the happiness that less than 30 seconds can bring on the faces of your employee or co–worker. It is nothing but just showing gratitude. We all talk about differences between boss and leader. One of the major factor which differentiate boss from leader is showinggratitude.

How Gratitude works?

According to research of UC Davis psychologist Robert Emmons, the author of Thanks!: How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier, showing gratitude in regular basis and writing about it in a journal and reflecting upon it later can increase your well–being and satisfaction in life. It shows they are 25% happier and satisfied than usual people. Gratitude is one of the fastest tool for personal development and transformation. No matter how bad your mood is or how worse your life is going on writing about more content... Gaining employees' loyalty is the most difficult job for many companies. The major reason behind it is lack of gratitude in workplace, because loyalty is always followed by gratitude. Expecting excellence is human nature. There is nothing wrong in that. The thing is we forget to acknowledge and appreciate when perfect result is obtained. Due to which people start to feel they and not valued in the company and stop giving full input to obtain 100% result in their work which results low productivity in long run. Along with that it will help you maintain charm in the office with great bonding among employees, employer and co–workers. Which will make you a true leader no matter if you are an employee, a team leader, department head or a boss. It will help you to maintain your and your office positive environment which will make you mentally fit and healthy. It will prevent you from losing best Get

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Happiness lives between the twin towers of attitude and gratitude. Attitudes are often the greatest source of happiness or unhappiness. These twin towers of patience and humility act as a beacon to light a path to attitude and gratitude.

94. Attitude and gratitude are not naturalhuman attributes. Patience and humility underpin attitude and gratitude. A negative attitude will always have adverse outcomes, but a positive attitude can change the dynamics that underpin the situation.

95. The choice is ours to use the tools that are available to us, spiritually, morally, socially, intellectually and physically (the embodiment of happiness) to nurture and sustain happiness. We can conjure up the "power of small gestures."

96. Often, the universe blesses us with all the things that can make us happy. We may be in good health and have a successful career, a husband or wife with more content...

97. We can all bolster happiness in our lives with an attitude of gratitude even for the things in life that we take for granted such as a beautiful sunshine, living in a peaceful neighborhood or a loyal spouse and family members.

98. Gratitude has reciprocal benefits. When we exercise gratitude, the lives it influences radiates with happiness. On the other hand, ingratitude radiates unhappiness. Gratitude imbues happiness in the one who displays appreciation, as well as the one who is the recipient of an act of gratitude.

99. Consider a business partner who benefitted from the success of the enterprise, but walks away when the economy takes a downturn, leaving his or her business partner to cope with the financial dilemma.

100. Consider a husband or wife who rises to an executive management position in a corporation and then abandons the spouse because of perception that the spouse does not fit their new executive

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"Showing gratitude is one of the simplest yet most powerful things humans can do for each other." Randy Rausch was an American professor of computer science, human–computer interaction, and design at Carnegie Mellon University. He believed that showing appreciation for others was the strongest yet simplest act someone could do for anyone. Over the past generations, philosophers and professors from around the world have come up with different assumptions about the term gratitude. Behavioral and psychological research has shown the surprising life improvements that can stem from the practice of gratitude. A conclusion that can drawn from this research is that giving thanks makes people happier and more resilient, strengthens relationships, more content...

Falling in love with Jenny was something Forest was grateful for. He felt praised for knowing such a woman as Jenny. Life changed for Forest when he met Jenny. She brought a sense of relief to his life, which awoke him to the idea of recognition. Recognizing the beauty in Jenny's personality made him feel gratified to know her as a human. Also, Forest gave back to Jenny by giving her flowers and chocolates to show his appreciation for her. Forever thanking Jenny for her compassion is all Forest wanted to do. Thus, Forest Gump is an excellent example for the idea of giving thanks and broadcasting appreciative thoughts. Gratitude is used either as referring to the wellness in one's self and the wellness outside one's self. First, the acknowledgment of goodness can be in one's life. In a state of gratitude, we affirm that all in all, life is good, and has elements that make it not just worth living, but rich detail. When we show gratitude from in our lives, we are presenting a wise, beautiful idea that makes mankind realize that giving thanks should not be a choice; it should be a priority. No matter who we are, expressing acknowledgement is contagious. We see others accomplish goals and show appreciation for their hard work, and that makes us feel that we need to bring ourselves accountable for our efforts and appreciate ourselves for our own accomplishments. Consequently, the acknowledgment that we have received something gratifies us, both by its presence

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Gratitude Essay

Studies have found that regularly practicing gratitude has a positive effect on the firing of our brain neurons, by way of activating positive emotion centers, ultimately changing our brain chemistry. It's similar to forging a new path when walking through a wooded area. The first few times may be a bit challenging and we have to be calculated and deliberate, but the more we travel the path, the clearer it is and easier it becomes to follow. This change in brain chemistry leads to a heightened well–being in all realms – mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and social. When these positive emotion centers are activated, Dopamine and Serotonin are produced and have similar effects to many anti–depressants. In other words, gratitude is a natural anti–depressant. Research has shown that consciously focusing on our blessings improves our ability to self–soothe as well as allows us to develop a more expansive view of our lives. It opens space for more creative and more content...

As humans, we have a tendency to pinpoint and pick out the things that aren't "right." We complain and moan and find ourselves miserable. We may even consider ourselves victims of life. The thing is, though, is that each difficulty we find ourselves dealing with does in fact hold a gem of wisdom, and can, if we so choose, become an opportunity to practice gratitude.

Life isn't out to get us. Life works for us and through us. Becoming more grateful ensures not only more well–being, but more opportunities to be grateful. It's simple law of attraction. What we focus on, we will continue to experience. Of course, there will always be things that aren't going as we want them to. The idea is that regular practice of gratitude strengthens our ability to simply see them, but not attach ourselves to them, which will undoubtedly open space for us to witness the divine gifts and miracles that are constantly bestowed upon us despite these

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Essay On
Gratitude Is A Natural Anti-Depressant


Gratitude Imagine finally going to your warm cozy bedroom after a long day in school and finding it infested with mosquitoes. Yes! A colony of uninvited guests had the guts to completely overtake your room. You feel like screaming at them "pick on someone your own size!" You take a fly swatter and by some miracle you are able to kill all but one lone pesky mosquito. According to Ken Keyes Jr.'s "Mosquito Principal" chances are you will still be bothered by that one mosquito. The "Mosquito Principal" states: If there are 30 mosquitoes, and you exterminate 29 of them, you will not be happy or grateful that you were able to get rid of almost all of them rather you will on edge until you see that one mosquito squished under the insole more content...

Can we take a moment to step back and reflect on all the good that was given? The possibilities are endless. Take a look at the bright red trees in the fall with their leaves shedding leaving a scarlet carpet on the green grass below. Discover the cold white snowflakes each with a pattern of its own together creating a fantastic winter wonderland experience, you can feel it. Sense the spring. Hear the birds chirp. Smell the morning dew. See the flowers beginning to bud. We don't have to work for these blessings and yet they surround us. Don't just walk around like a robot, live life. Open your eyes. Open your ears. Open your hearts and minds to appreciate the gifts that are in your world– our world and show gratitude to the One who gave it to

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I think being thankful is very important. I believe gratitude turns what we have into enough. If you are thankful for things it makes you appreciate them more that way. It's good to be thankful so that you know how lucky you are. There is always something to be thankful for. I'm thankful for my grandparents, my family and my dog. I am so thankful for my grandparents. They love and care for me so much in their own ways. My grandma Bev plays Gin Rummy with me whenever she visits. Usually, she comes down during Thanksgiving, and we make Thanksgiving dinner together with my mom, and my dad just eats the food while we make it. My grandma makes great gravy and cranberry sauce. My grandma Frieda and grandpa Larry like to watch golf and the cooking show with me. My grandma Frieda cooks and bakes with me and always gives me baking supplies. My grandpa Larry, when I was little, used to give me Piggy–Back rides but I'm too big now. My grandparents never forget any of my birthdays, ever. My grandma Bev has given me a silver dollar every birthday that I've had. I love my grandparents so much, and I am very thankful for them. My family is the most important thing to me in the whole world. I would be nothing without them. Every one of my family members play a special role in my life. My dad makes me laugh so hard my stomach hurts. We watch funny shows and my dad tells me so many stories about his life in collage and all the funny/stupid stuff they did. My dad cares about me so much,

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Being Thankful For My Family

What are you thankful for? Well I am thankful for food, family and friends, and a house. All of these things are a big part of my life. Some kids in the world do not have food,shelter, toys, family, friends, and more. We are thankful for all of the support given to us and we are thankful for the lives we were given to live. If we did not have support we would have nothing everyone needs support even when not asked for it. I am thankful for food because without food I would not be able to live. Everyone needs meat, grains, dairy, fruits, vegetables, and protein. Without food no one would be be able to live. I am thankful for food because some kids do not the food that I have and then they just starve to death. I am to be grateful to what

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Importance Of Being Thankful Essay

Reflection Of My Gratitude Diary

The gratitude journal process really got me thinking of many things I am grateful for. I felt good journaling because I usually journal about ideas and plans I want to achieve, but never have written about the stuff I am grateful for in life. I noticed that I was only taking pictures of material possessions rather than looking at other important things like being able to hear. Being able to see. Being able to have feet to walk, and hands to be able to help others. It might have been because I don't like to show a lot of my emotions and or feelings to others. Although, it was rewarding because there are other people who would love to be in my position by being able to have a home, a family, and all the other things people need in life. more content...

Another one is journaling my mother's recipes for different types of food and desserts to keep her Mexican tradition, so that I can be a good cooking mother in the future. Nature was also a trend in the 3 weeks of being grateful I was planting flowers and getting more to plant and decorate my porch with flowers. It was relieving and stress free especially with Essay #3 trying to fix it and make it the best piece because it is worth 25% of my grade. Looking through my gratitude journal I noticed that in general all of them were important to me. Analysis on the highlight I discovered on the 3 weeks of gratitude were the significant people in my life. The people say alot about me because they are the ones that impact my everyday life. My family and I have always been a united family. Some families are with us to support and guide us through the good and rough times. I am thankful for them because they have made me the person I am today. Friends are people who make me smile. There friends who are caring and loving. For some people family and friends in someone's life because they guide her/him through a good path or bad one and she/he needs to choose what she/he wants to do. People usually tend to be ungrateful at some point in their lives and don't want to see the positive things in life they have. I believe I am sometimes that maybe because I am going through a rough time, but eventually people are going to have ups and Get more content

Gratitude has become defined as deeply appreciative attitude for kindnesses or benefits acquired. Several parts of gratitude have been identified. First, a person experiences a warm sense of appreciation toward an individual who performs a generous or desired kind act. Second, appreciation and kindness are expressed toward the person who completed the desired act. Finally, the person to whom appreciation is expressed, sensing the goodwill, is inclined to act positively and/or appreciatively toward the individual expressing gratitude. Gratitude is often interactive and also seems to have the capacity to enhance the sense of well–being and goodwill among individuals and groups throughout an institution. Grateful individuals show more content...

In this research, Danner, Snowden, and Friesen (Danner, DEBBIE. D., D. Snowden, and W. V.

Friesen) discovered a significant inverse relationship between your positive emotional content in handwritten autobiographies of 180 Catholic nuns (at the average age of 22) and the risk of death later through life (ages 75 to 95). Having a grateful attitude is a lot more than just saying "thank you" on occasion. Grateful people show far more intensity around some positive event than do less appreciative folks. Over time, individuals with a higher outlook for gratitude oftener express grateful behavior than individuals inclined to be less thankful. Grateful people have a broader span of life events, or more life circumstances, for which they are thankful, such as spouse and children, job, health, and even life itself. Dr. Robert Emmons on the University of California at Davis has been studying gratitude for nearly ten years and is considered by many to be this world's leading authority on gratitude. He's the author of all the book, The information in this book is based on research involving thousands of people conducted by several unique researchers around the world. One of the things these reports show is that practicing gratitude can increase happiness levels as a result of around 25%. This is significant, among other things, because as there's a certain weight that feels natural to our body and which our system strives to maintain, our basic level of

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Louie Schwartzberg, an award–winning cinematographer, director and producer who captures magnificent images that divulge the exquisite beauty of nature, gratitude, and the universe. In Louie's Ted talk show, he clearly delineates his ideas of preserving the nature, appreciating the nature, and be grateful of the nature. Louie want to inspire others to do the same thing as him, to see the beauty of nature, to appreciate then, and to thank the nature for what they did for us, instead of taking the nature for granted. These ideas and principles that Louie illustrated in the video can be applied to our own life. Louie's idea of preserving the nature is a very important issue of the human world. Humans thought that nature is just a tool more content...

In the video, Louie showed a series of gorgeous time–lapse nature photograph that he shot including flowers, insect, and clouds. He showed all these photographs to show the delicacy of nature in order to substantiate his point that the beauty of the nature is impressive enough to make the humans fall in love with them, and therefore appreciate them. Louie's principle of appreciating the nature can also be applied to my life. My family bought flowers in the spring so that they can see them bloom, and appreciate their beauty. At first, I do not see their point at buying these flowers, and think that it is a waste of money. However, my perspective changed when I saw the first flower blossoms. It was a beauty that I can not describe with words. Only then did I know my parents's point of buying the flowers, to appreciate them. Louie's idea of be grateful of nature is another important issue in the human mind. Humans are arrogant creatures for their abilities to alter and dominate other creature's life, and to create new technology that will help them. Humans take nature for granted, and use them in many things we use in the modern world. Humans do not know how to thank the nature for its vast resources, therefore they have flaws. Only when humans expresses their gratitude of nature and anything other things that others have done for them will they have other virtues, for that gratitude is not only the greatest virtues that humans can Get more content

Essay on Nature, Beauty, Gratitude

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