The book "I am Malala" tells the story of eleven year old girl that campaigned and fought for woman's rights and for the Taliban to allow them to go to school. Malala had an extremely tight nit family bond along with very supportive parents. She always had their support especially from her father Ziauddin. I believe that if I had a daughter so young that wanted to make such a big difference in her country I would stand by her one–hundred percent and push her to set out her dreams. That is exactly what her parents did, they always encouraged her to do whatever she put her mind to even now in present day.
Malala at age fifteen was shot by a Talibanman, for standing up for woman's rights to go to school. If I was Malala's parents I more content...
"He even asked friends to throw dried fruits, sweets and coins into my cradle, something we usually only do for boys." (pg.14) Woman were treated very different from men in Swat but Malala wanted to put an end to that.
Malala wanted to make a difference in how unequal woman's rights were, and she would go to all costs to make it happen in her country. Her father said since she was a baby that this child is special, and she was. If my child wanted to take a stand at eleven for woman's rights I would be shocked to say the least. I would've brushed it to the side and forgot about it. Malala had a very strong support base because I would not have let my child of eleven protest which she could have gotten killed for. Malala was brave, she even said she was not afraid to die. Most would have been more comfortable if she was "older" and "wiser". Which I think is a common misconception on young people. More seasoned people think that just because a child is young they cannot have a big voice or have an opinion on society because they have not experienced as many years on earth as them. Malala broke the mold and she protested what she felt was right, even though she ended up getting shot in the face for it. Was it worth it? I think it was worth it.
In conclusion I support the fact that Malala's parents allowed her to fight for woman's rights, and to stand up for what she believed in. Malala's shooting affected people across the world and she was even nominated for
Essay On I Am Malala
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I. Attention Getter: Per capita, Idaho is ranked number one in the nation– Number one, when it comes to paying workers as little as possible.
II.Topic Orientation: The U.S. Bureau of Labor estimates that 31,000 or 7.7 percent of all Idaho's workers are paid the current nationalminimum wage of $7.25 an hour or less. (Maben)
A. Idaho has the highest percentage of minimum–wage workers per capita of any state. (Maben)
B. The overall poverty rate among Idaho residents climbed to 16.0 percent in 2012, from 11.8 percent in 1999. (U.S. Bureau of the Census)
C. In the State of the Union, President Obama observed that "In the wealthiest nation on Earth, no one who works full–time more content...
In 1968, a minimum–wage income was enough to keep a family of three above the poverty line. Today, a person would have to work, full–time, 40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year and make $10.10 per hour to keep a family of three above the poverty line. (U.S. Department of Labor)
4. Congress last increased the rate in stages in 2007, reaching $7.25 an hour in 2009, or $15,080 a year. B. Poverty has become an increasing problem in the United States
1. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2012, there were 46.5 million Americans in living poverty and the official U.S. poverty rate was 15.0 percent. (U.S. Census Bureau)
2. The 2012 U.S. poverty rate of 15.0 percent is 2.5 percentage points higher than poverty rate was in 2007. (U.S. Census Bureau)
C. It is becoming increasing difficult to live off minimum wage.
1. Minimum–wage workers with a paycheck that cannot buy as much as it did in years past.
2. Every year that the minimum wage remains the same, inflation erodes its real value of the dollar.
Raising the Minimum Wage, A Speech Outline Essay
the minimum wage
Transition: Because of inflation a full–time working parents with one child, earning $7.25 an hour cannot earn enough to be above the federal poverty threshold.
II. Second Argument: A raise in the national minimum wage will help all low–wage earners and lift some families out of poverty. A. Currently many Americans are at the poverty level. 1. Under the current minimum wage, it is estimated that there are over 45 million Americans
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Jean Lin
Ms. Kasababian
Language Arts Honors
30 November 2012
In 2008, twelve women taking resident in the U.S. died due to legal abortions performed during the second or third trimesters of pregnancy. Abortion should be available to all females living in the United States, but must be a legal citizen to have late abortions, which are during the second or third trimesters of pregnancy. Abortion is a right that women have, and the Fourth Amendment "Search and Seizure" supports it. Fewer women will exercise abortion if it is kept legal in the U.S. Late abortions are dangerous, so only legal citizens of the U.S. may have second or third trimester abortions. In the 1820's, various ideas against abortions more content...
Many CPCs (Crisis Pregnancy Centers) mislead women into thinking that abortions cause breast cancer, that birth–control pills cause abortions, and that abortion can lead to sterility. CPCs do anything to talk a woman out of having a legal abortion. Late abortions are performed during the second or third trimesters. A method of late abortion is a saline injection. This is when a needle is inserted into the uterus through the
Mla Format
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Religion 107 Sample Essay Outline
(Use complete sentences to write your outline)
I. Introduction A. Background Information: Basic information about the issue and the position being argued.
–Christianity and Buddhism are similar in many means when concerning what is wrong and right, and where poor and good decision place an individual. Reading both text's proved this to be true, I will be arguing places of agreement between each religion.
B. Thesis statement: States the position to be argued in the essay.
First part of the thesis statement:
–Christianity and Buddhism are mostly similar because
there seems to be an agreement on what may cause an individual to be rejected from Heaven, or enlightenment, each religion asks followers to live life based on set "rules", these doctrines lead to a promised afterlife, finally, both religions speak on a otherworldly experience if all points of life are as followed.
II. Reasons that Support the Thesis Statement.

A. Reason/Argument 1 (Write a topic sentence with reason #1 from your thesis statement): –Failure to achieve a good afterlife is guaranteed if any laws from each religion are broken. Both religions showcase similar laws, which may lead to termination.
Supporting Example #1 from source (Religion A)
–Christianity asks followers never to lie, never to go against his/her word, never to reject attention to anyone friend or foe, never to be involved in adultery acts, and so on. If any of these acts are committed by an individual, Get more content
Religion 107 Sample Essay Outline
1. I think that having formatting standards such as APA is very necessary and useful for a clear communication. When we use an editorial style, we remove the distraction of puzzling over the correct punctuation for a reference or the proper form for numbers in text. An author writing for a publication must follow the rules established by the publisher to avoid inconsistencies among journal articles or book chapters. For example, without rules of style, three different manuscripts might use sub–categories, subcategories, and Subcategories in one issue of a journal or book. Although the meaning of the word is the same (in this case, subcategories is APA Style), such variations in style may distract or confuse the reader. To sum up the need for a consistent style becomes more apparent when complex material is presented, such as tables or statistics.
2. There are advantages and disadvantages in using an APA style.
Let's start with benefits: One major advantage of the APA writing style is that it encourages direct exposition of your research and emphasizes your original ideas being reported. This precision is complemented by a straightforward manuscript structure that includes a title page, abstract, body, reference list and, if applicable, appendices. Also, APA citations include a brief reference in the body of your text paired with a fullcitation in your reference list. Citations within the text should list last name of the author and that author's publication date, followed by a page number if the citation involves a direct quotation. In addition, the APA writing and citation style ensures you are giving adequate credit to others for prior work and allows the reader to easily track your references. What is more adopting the APA writing style guarantees that both the structure of your paper and the format of your citations are consistent throughout. The clarity of your writing along with a precise citation format works to establish your credibility, and it reflects the extent of your research.
On the other side the drawbacks in using such a style are: Firstly, the APA manual has a rule for just about every aspect of writing. You will find instructions for the technical aspects of constructing a paper, Get more content
Of APA Writing Style
Advantages And Disadvantages
Also, many professors only teach us MLA style, but this class can teach us two types of essay, MLA and APA. I think that's great because APA also is popular, it's useful for us to know these two types of essays. And from this class, I also learned that when we are writing causal assignment, the most important reason should list at the last of all reasons rather than at the first position. At last, I have some suggestions about REVEL. I tried to do the quiz on the revel but the website said the quiz has not been assigned. However, I used it on my society class in the first semester. So I have some thoughts about it. Frankly, I don't think revel suits for our class, especially the quiz. The quiz always focuses on the contents in the text book,
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Compare And Contrast Mla And Apa
The different types of formatting I had to learn in college is getting out of hand. The all of the different formats are loosely connected. The MLA format and endnotes are very similar in that they are found at end of a paper, but you do not give put the author last name and page number after it. I choose to use footnotes, because my laptop cannot decide what it wants to do. Another difference is the lack of putting your last name before the page number in the header, but is similar is APA Format. As you can tell I wrote off the script, because the paragraph was so lackluster. The front, size of the front, the title located in the middle, and the front should stay in normal style. If I had footnote after every single sentence, did even
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Compare And Contrast Apa And Mla Format
Reflection Essay
Throughout this semester I have learned many valuable resources, and tools. The big thing you taught us was how to write and argument paper. Also I have learned different tools on summarizing, how to better my skills for peer reviews, new library skills, and MLA format. Most of these I already knew, but you taught us them more in depth, and you gave mebetter understandings of them. Withwriting an argumentative paper, it's important to have all the right facts, and make sure you have reliable sources. If you don't have the right facts or reliable sources nobody will want to read your argument; because you wont have the right facts to back up your points. When writing an argumentative paper, its good to know all the facts about each side. Knowing all the facts about each side is important, because people want to more content... Like summarizing, and writing an essay I knew how to do it, but going in and listening to the speaker explain it to us helped a lot. I learned more on how to use the thesaurus, and all the different skills he taught us on using key words to looks information up. MLA format is something I have always kind of needed help with. Until this semester for some reason I could never really cite my sources that well. Its something I knew how to do, but when it came time to do it my mind went blank. When you went over everything on the bored that helped me so much (also because I took notes), but only because you told us to take them. With MLA format I learned that when quoting, if its more than three lines you have to use block quote. I didn't know that till I got to this class. In summary, all these skills will be helpful for my next few college years, and when I go off to get jobs. Thank you for teaching us everything you have. From something you are supposed to teach to common sense things. You are a wonderful teacher, and I'm so glad you were my
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What I Learned In Mla Format
Research Paper Outline For Frankenstein
Jason Nalley
Ms. Morris
English 12–2nd period
1 December 2016 Is Frankenstein a warning to science? Thesis: is Frankenstein a warning to science? Yes because of the power of nature, forbidden knowledge, and the role of god shouldn't be played by anyone except him. He was created by body parts from other people which is illegal.
1.The power of nature can be stronger than you think. "Waldman has the monster strapped to gurney and is holding a scalpel, prepared to dismember him, when the monsters hand comes up behind him and strangles him". Frankenstein dug up body's to use for the creation of his monster. The brain he got was from Goldstadt medical college and was being used for physical characteristics
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MLA Format Research Paper
The MLA Format gives students a standard on which to write on. Students are expected to write in such a way that it is professional and informative. A person would not expect to get a job if he showed up to the interview in shorts and a tee shirt, because they would not have the professional appearance for an employer to think highly of them. If a paper is written in the incorrect format, than the person reviewing the paper will not feel that the paper is creditable or they would feel the writer just did not put in the effort. MLA formatting makes papers fit a uniformed look. With academic paper being formatted the same way, the paper becomes more comprehensible. Citations that are formatted the same can be more easily matched up with their
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Critical Analysis: MLA Format
Critical Analysis
For the past week we have been learning about critical analysis essays. Before coming to composition I didn't know much about critical analysis essays, I knew they were conducted in MLA Format and they were basically a comparison between two books. After learning more in class I was informed more in–depth about critical analysis essays. In class we were taught that critical analysis essays are to essentially be a comparison between articles, books, and or anything else to help the reader better understand the work. Critical analysis essays are to incorporate a thesis statement to give readers something to engage in when reading your essay, it gives some idea of what this essay is going to be about. When constructing a
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Social media is any website that allows social interaction. Social media is growing rapidly throughout the world. More adults and teenagers are joining sites such as Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter to interact with friends, family, and strangers. The introduction of social media has changed the world in many ways. It affects each individual in different ways. Today it can be used as a very helpful tool in changing a person's life, but at the same time cause such conflicts which can negatively impact a person. While there are some negatives associated with social media, the positives in communication all around, has made the world stronger and a better place to live in. Social media has many positive effects on the society. more content...
Recent article even states that, "Facebook can also have a positive impact on young adults' lives by helping them be more empathetic" (Turgeon). Despite the positives, there are many negatives associated with social media. Using social media can make a person more vulnerable to predators and cyber bullying. In this age, "Cyber bulling is quite common, can occur to any young person online, and can cause profound psychosocial outcomes including depression, anxiety, severe isolation, and tragically suicide" ("American Academy of Pediatrics"). Cyber bullying impacts society in a negative way because it is harming young teenagers' minds. Bullies, torment, threat, harass, and even embarrass their victims by using different forms of social media. Using social media can also decrease privacy for an individual. People often give out their personal information not knowing who can see it. To average internet users, "A false sense of security may leave social networking site users vulnerable to security attacks such as hacking, leaking sensitive information, and sending viruses" ("ProCon"). Furthermore, Social media can also lead to brain disorders and can cause people to have a hard time interacting with people face to face. "Social networking entices people to spend more time online and less time talking to a person face to face." ("ProCon") The abundance of technology and social media today has led to many positives and negatives in our society. The
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Hey Jessica, I agree with you, MLA was once upon a time the only style the I knew. I will be just like you always going to revisit the APA section in our library. I still hit some roadblocks but I would have to say our professor would be the best way to clear up all questions, or better yet lead you in the best direction to solve the issue.
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MLA Argumentative Essay
Part 1: MLA In–text Citations – Rewrite the last line of each quote with a correctly formatted MLA in–text citation.
1. "One of his eyes resembled that of a vulture–a pale blue eye, with a film over it. Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold; and so by degrees–very gradually–I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of the eye forever."
This is from the text book, Great Writing, which was edited by Harvey S. Wiener and Nora Eisenberg. It comes from the first page of the short story by Edgar Allan Poecalled The Tell–Tale Heart. The story starts on page 108 and ends on page 111. The book was published by Mc Graw Hill in Boston in the year 2009.
"Whenever it fell upon me, my blood more content... Women and minorities make up 52 percent of the workers in American businesses today.
This is a paraphrase from an article called "Progress for Women and Minorities" in The Tennessean on April 24, 2011. The author was not named. It was on page B1 in the Sunday paper.
"Women and minorities make up 52 percent of the workers in American businesses today" ("Progress for Women and Minorities" BI).
5. "Wollstonecraft believes that if a woman submits to a marriage just to remain idle, she has no right to complain of her fate or act like she has a right to disregard rules."
This quote is from the Website called Women's Rights and Marriage. The article is titled Mary Wollstonecraft on Marriage and was written by Betsy Michaels. There is no date on the website, but I visited it on May 14, 2010. The address is
Review Essay
MLA Review
"Wollstonecraft believes that if a woman submits to a marriage just to remain idle, she has no right to complain of her fate or act like she has a right to disregard rules" ( Michaels, "Mary Wollstonecraft on Marriage",
Part 2: Works Cited Page– Using the above information, create a properly formatted works cited page.
Works Cited
McCuen, Jo Ray and Winkler, Anthony C. From Idea to Essay. New York: Longman, Get
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Informative Speech Outline For Titanic
SPEECH OUTLINE Sarah Putnam Informative Outline Topic: The Titanic General Purpose: To Inform Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about one of the most famous tragedies in history, the Titanic. Thesis: From the disaster to the movie, the sinking of the Titanic remains one of the most famous tragedies in history. I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: An American writer named Morgan Robertson once wrote a book called The Wreck of the Titan. The book was about an "unsinkable" ship called the Titan that set sail from England to New York with many rich and famous passengers on board. On its journey, the Titan hit an iceberg in the North Atlantic and sunk. Many lives were lost because there were not enough lifeboats. So, more content...
At 4:10 am, the Carpathia answered Titanic's distress call and arrived to rescue those floating in the lifeboats. c. Lynch (1992) reported that in the end, 1,522 lives were lost. Transition: Now that we have learned about the history of the Titanic, I will discuss the movie that was made about it. C. A movie depicting the Titanic and a group of fictional characters was made. 1. The movie was written, produced, and directed by James Cameron. a. According to Marsh in James Cameron's Titanic from 1997, Cameron set out to write a film that would bring the event of the Titanic to life. b. Cameron conducted six months of research to compile a highly detailed time line so that the film would be realistic. c. Cameron spent more time on the Titanic than the ships' original passengers because he made 12 trips to the wreck site that lasted between ten and twelve hours each. 2. Making Titanic was extremely expensive and involved much hard work. a. According to a 1998 article from the Historical Journal of Films, Radio, and Television, Kramer stated that the film had a 250 million dollar budget. b. A full–sized replica of the ship was constructed in Baja California, Mexico in a 17 million gallon oceanfront Get more content
Eating Healthily with a Busy Lifestyle
Comm 1100– Pergrem
Speech 1 – Informative Speech Assignment & Examples
Hybrid–Online & Online COMM 1100 Spring 2012
Assignment Basics
Speech: Present an extemporaneous informative speech to the class on a topic of your choosing in the format described. Time limits: 3–5 minutes
Outline: "Write" your speech in the form of a detailed outline as discussed. Avoid using complete sentences; use bullet points. Do NOT write out your speech like an English paper.
Notes: The outline you create will serve as your speech notes (you may bring these to the front of the room with you). You will need an extra copy for yourself.
Visual Aid: A professional, college–level visual aid is required with your presentation. Bibliography/Copies more content...
Visit the Georgia Highlands Library site for more information/examples of how to cite sources correctly.
3) A Copy (printout or photo copy) of at least the first page of all research source materials used, including copies of webpages, magazine articles, portions of books, etc.
4) A blank copy of the speech evaluation form from the course webpage, name and topic filled in.
All of these items must be together, evaluation sheet on the very top, with your name on them. If I do not receive all of these items stapled together with your name at them I will NOT li sten to your speech and those points will be lost. I know it sounds picky but please do not paperclip these items or put them in folders, please staple them beforehand. I will not have a stapler with me so you will need to staple them at home or bring your own stapler with you. Again, you may not present your speech without your speech packet. What are the research guidelines for this assignment?
Assignment must contain at least 3 credible and (if possible) scholarly research sources in addition to your own expertise (your own personal knowledge does NOT count as one of the 3 sources).
– Wikipedia is not an appropriate source, though it can certainly be a starting point for gathering information. Neither is nor any of those types of websites. Remember, any time you cite
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The Current Mla Format And Guidelines
Mrs. Pruitt's Research Paper Guide Paper Requirements The length of the research paper must be no less than 1,500–words and no more than 2,500–words. The 2,500–word limit does not apply to notes or to the annotated bibliography. In–text citations are required. If your sources are not acknowledged, your paper will receive a zero and will be required to be rewritten for a lower grade because this is considered plagiarism. No more than five quotations are allowed in your paper. The research paper must follow the current MLA format and guidelines to pass. See chart below on how to properly format your paper. Separation of Primary and Secondary Sources are required. Separate your bibliography into two sections: one for primary sources and one for secondary sources. Some sources may be considered either primary or secondary so use your annotations to explain your reason for classifying any sources that are not clearly primary or secondary. Listing a source under both primary and secondary is not allowed. Each component of the research paper will be assigned a grade and each component will then become part of the research paper 's culminating final grade. Grading This grade is calculated to include the component parts of the paper along with the final product. The research paper is worth 20% of the final grade.  Topic Chosen–100 points
 Brainstorm and Detailed Outline–100 points
 Source Cards (5 minimum)–100 points Sources should include a minimum of Get
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Argumentative Essay On Privacy
Prasanna Kumar Bezavada
Online English 3000(Section–07)
Patricia Raburn
"The only truly secure system is one that is powered off, cast in a block of concrete and sealed in a lead–lined room with armed guards."(Spafford). The word privacy has become a buzz word in the current decade compared to how it used to be talked about in the last decade. As we all are aware of the recent happenings around the world with regards toprivacy, we all should be worried that nothing is safe in the times we are living in, as every bit of information is getting snatched somehow or the other through different channels. This information can be something that is related to our personal, family or professional life. I believe that individual privacy outweighs money or anything at this moment in the world right now. If we lose money or property, we can regain it somehow, but if we lose our personal information to someone or an agency, it's challenging to get it back before it gets misused.
Danial J. Solove is an eminent author and a law professor at University of George Washington law school. Dr. Solove introduces the article why privacy matters if you have "Nothing to Hide" in an interesting way that, In his introduction of the eassy, he puts a valid question to the audience regarding their current privacy standards. He starts off this article by presenting the views of various people on the most debated topic around the world at present which is "Nothing to Hide." All throughout the article, Solove tries to make an argument both in a positive and negative tone. He also supports his arguments with so many valid examples that, it makes you wonder, which side of the coin he stands. Firstly, after seeing the collective inferences made by the people in the initial paragraphs of the article, Solove explains us in which form should we look at the argument "Nothing to Hide." If we extremely see the argument, for example, If a person says he has nothing to hide, another person comes and means, since you have nothing to hide can I take a nude picture of yours and show it to everyone which is an extreme form of taking that argument. Dr.Solove feels that taking an argument in an exaggerated form isn'ta good thing because
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1.When writing, whether you paraphrase or directly quote someone else's ideas anywhere in your paper, you must document the use of those borrowed ideas with an internal citation notation. In MLA, there are two basic features of an internal citation. What are they?
In–text citation – This is a parenthetical citation within the paper that refers the reader to a list of works cited. It commonly includes the author of the source and a page number, and punctuation separates the author's last name and the page number. Nor is the abbreviation p. (for "page") used. The period that ends the sentence appears after the closing parenthesis. 2.In MLA, if you work (include) the identity of the source into the sentence structure, where do page more content...
In MLA, how are the works cited entries organized on the Work(s) Cited page?
пѓ Tell me how to arrange a works cited list on the page. No example required.
пЃ¶Create a new page at the end of your paper for a "Works Cited" list. Center the words "Works Cited" at the top of the page. Double space after the title and begin entering citations.
пЃ¶Entries are listed alphabetically by the last name of the author or by the first major word of the title if no author is given. If a source has more than one author, it is alphabetized by the last name of the author whose name appears first. The entries are not numbered.
пЃ¶Entries are double–spaced.
пЃ¶The first line of each entry begins at the left margin. If more than one line is needed to complete the entry, additional lines are indented five spaces or half an inch (this is called a hanging indent).
6.In MLA, if the source's identity is not worked into (written as part of) your sentence structure, how does the internal citation look the first time you create it? Use your last name and page number 123 to illustrate your answer.
To correctly answer question 6, show me (don't tell me) how an internal citation looks the first time you cite it in your paper, using your name as the source and page number 123 to complete your response. You don't need to write a sentence first, just show me the
MLA Rough Draft
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School Uniform Outline
I. Introduction –
A. Thesis Statement– Wearing school uniforms in public schools has numberless amounts of positive benefits both at school and at home.
II. Body paragraph #1 – School uniforms can save parents hundreds of dollars a year due to not allowing children to wear the latest fashion trends. Supporting Evidence
1. King also points out," More specifically, many have argued that school uniforms assist in reducing school violence and theft; preventing gang activity, such as students wearing gang colors and gang insignia; providing discipline in students; helping students concentrate on their school work; helping students to resist peer pressure; and helping school officials easily recognize school intruders. (P.32, P.33) more content...
All this information is significant because it shows the advancement of education when there are fewer distractions around the room.
III. Body paragraph #2 – School uniforms allows students to stay focused on education, verses who is wearing the coolest clothes or shoes.
A. Supporting Evidence
1. Daugherty explains often schools uniforms are less expensive than the clothing that students typically wear to school. Nonetheless, the cost of purchasing a uniform may be a burden on some families. Districts planning to institute a uniform policy should address this issue prior to implementation. Grants of assistance have been available from federal or state agencies and from private sources, and graduates typically donate their uniforms to the school.
B. Explanation
1. Luscombe explains Kids change out of uniforms the moment they get home. They don't wear them on weekends. Nobody ever wants to hang on to them for one second longer than they have to. Consequently, they can be donated back to the school. People who can't afford new uniforms can purchase pre–loathed ones, with the money going to fund the school programs.
IV. Body paragraph #3– Parents usually make the decision to enroll a child in a school that requires a uniform, due to the higher safety
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