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The Journey Of My Life Essay
Midway along the journey of my life, I pause to find myself in a darkened office, for I had wandered off from the studious path. The cold piercing glow of my monitor against bloodshot eyes taunted them with just how exhausted they had become. Projects that never seemed to want to work, grew more dysfunctional with every fix. The continued fatigue drove the temptation of distraction. Gazing out the window of my study I began examining the parking lot across the street. I began watching a figure fumbling between the cars. My mind began wondering how I would ever get my work done, I began wondering just how long I had until the sun 's unwelcome glow would fill my peripheral vision while I continued to clack away against a futile assortment of code. A loud wailing of a car siren, focuses me. Again out the window I see the figure now in a car with the alarms blaring. I watch intently waiting for them to shut off, they don 't. I stare blankly as the car starts driving down the nearby alley, horns echoing solely in the night. Listening while the horns become quieter and further away. I can tell what street they are headed down and I think of what I should do. Grabbing my phone, then second guessing myself. Staring at it waiting for it to call someone who can do something. After blindly observing my phone for what seemed like hours, I begin to realize it is too late to do anything. Before I know it my head lay on my desk. I keep telling myself that if I only close my eyes for a Get more content
Journeys are moments in life that define and reconstruct the myths we create about ourselves and others. All too often the ideals of a biased community or select group are viewed as the model by which all individuals must follow. To escape the pressures of a collective standard a person must travel outside the constraints of a community and discover his or her own true identity. On such a journey one can expect moments of planned reflection or unexpected instances of revelation. A journey is everyminute of my existence, as I travel through life and try to ascertain my own presence in its cycle.
An essential journey occurred three years ago when I set out on a personal pilgrimage. I wanted to re–travel the time line of the past few...show more content...

I had only been camping once or twice and even then it was with all the comforts of modern camping gear. Was I ready for this?
As my guide paddled away I looked down at my feet and surveyed the few preparations which I had brought. I had a sleeping bag; a tarp; a yard of string; two bags of food, which were little more than fruits, nuts, and cheese; two canteens of warm water; and the clothes on my back, which I had layered several deep. Before I would even attempt to sort through the real reasons why I had come on this trip I decided to set camp.
As I looked about me, I saw that there was not one smooth area within a hundred yards. Because I had to be within whistling distance of my guide, in case of an emergency, I could not wander off. The first place I looked was the rocky stretch of beach. As I walked along looking for a small cave or shelter I noticed dozens of minuscule creatures. These were not companions or friendly wild animals but small biting sand fleas.
Now I knew that no matter how much I wanted to assimilate myself with nature there was a limit to my experience. I just couldn't envision myself happily brushing off sand fleas all night so I decided to look up in the patch of evergreens that sheltered the beach. After trudging through soggy moss and swampish soil I found two evergreens that stood alone on a small cliff. I strung up my tarp to try and create the most comfortable