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My Journey In Life
My story begins on the night of January 3, 2009. I never knew something so profound and distinct could come out of a situation not every young adult gets presented with. Had it not been for this night, my destiny would have a different ending. The passion to succeed and make my story become a non–fictitious life event has been the sole source of my motivation to fulfilling my dream of becoming a nurse. Growing up, I had a solid foundation. The fierceness, quiet confidence, independence and determination I established when I was a little girl have been vital in achieving success in life thus far. My father recognized these traits in me and helped develop and mold them into a strong work ethic. I was always encouraged to give my all in every task or challenge life threw at me, and I know these characteristics will never falter because they are at the base of my core. The strength of these characteristics always levels me out to think critically and logically, which I know is an important skill to have in this field. Another trait that was recognized by my father is my compassion. As I dig into my memory, there has never been a time where I have not felt the need to understand someone or someone's situation. People like us know we were put on this earth to serve the world and others to make it more united. Thinking back on memories of always wanting to help others and patch situations makes me realize a career in nursing was in my future long before I decided to apply for this
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The Importance of Journeys A thorough study of journeys reveals that a journey is much more than just movement from one place to another. Journeys are about learning and growth, and they have the potential to teach people about themselves and the society in which they live. An Imaginative Journey is one in which the individual doesn't in fact have to go anywhere in the physical sense. The physical journey is replaced by an expedition that is fuelled by the human capacity to imagine. Imaginative Journeys create endless possibilities. They can offer an escape from the realities of life, and are frequently used to comment on social or human traits and characteristics. Imaginative...show more content... Prospero, on his island, is in command. It is his imagination that has conjured up his scheme for revenge and the journey is his to have power over. Throughout the play, Prospero also experiences a journey of wisdom and appreciation. He learns more regarding the social order in which he lives and experiences self–realisation and discovers his identity. Prospero learns that revenge on his enemies is not the best answer "Yet with my nobler reason 'gainst my fury Do I take part. The rarer action is in virtue than in vengeance", and through his change, other characters such as Alonso learn something about themselves and others such a Miranda and Ferdinand find love– "Beyond all limits of what else I' th' world, Do love, prize, honour you." The imaginative setting for Prospero's island allows for the unbelievable to take place. Because of the situation, Shakespeare can exercise his imagination to generate characters and thoughts that are not possible in a realistic setting. The island is a place of magic and imagination. The magic of Prospero, Ariel and the other spirits, Caliban and the masque all persuade the audience, to suspend disbelief and accept imagination. Shakespeare has created the magic so that the audience will be enticed by the opportunity to escape from the real world, and experience encounters beyond the surface of the
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This life so far has brought me through many journeys. The experiences I have had taught me so much, I can't even fully explain. I am thankful for all the lessons I have learned through these experiences. God is my everything and is the only reason for my life. He has showed me the meaning of many things and is directing me to the right path. Therfore, the first influencial person is Jesus. He has been present for every single thing I have been through. Times like lonileness and failure he brought me up, and I couldn't be happier. In elementaryschool and some part of middle school I felt alone. I did not have any friends, no one to play with, and understand me. When I continued to pray to Jesus for friends, for understaning of others, and the feeling of being cared for and loved. After some time my prayers were finally answered. I began to have friends who were supportive and caring, I had a whole squad to play with and socialize with, I finally gained true friends who would understand me, and it still means so much to me. When I was in middle school I was not so focused on school work and I definetly did struggle. I had many bad grades and I knew I could do better and priortize my life. I began to become very studious and dedicate myself to my core classes. The result of my commitment changed my grades into passing and over the top. I also prayed to Jesus through that journey and he strenghtened me. I believe Jesus has to be one of the most influencial in my life. I Get
Some people may describe their lives as being ordinary while others may say that their life is extraordinary in comparison. People at some point in their lives will have to make decisions that will take them down different paths, and the paths people choose will determine what journey they may face and what will become of their future. While human life can be described as a journey, it is often described as being either a physical or spiritual one for its travelers.
First, human life can be depicted as a spiritual and physical journey for people in life. In the short story "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge" by Ambrose Bierce, it tells of a man being hanged over the edge of the bridge and the events that transpire after the noose around...show more content...
Phoenix says, "'Ghost,' she said sharply, 'who be you the ghost of? For I have heard of nary death close by" (Welty 315). This shows that she is imagining things in her own way by thinking that death may have come for her. The ghost may also be considered the bringer of death and she is not ready for it. When Phoenix reaches the city and is questioned about her grandson's health she states, "My grandson. It was my memory had left me. There I sat and forgot why I made my long trip" (Welty 318). Phoenix throughout her journey is waging a battle between her mind and reality. By the time she reaches her destination her mind was in question on why she was there and for what reason. The illusion of the scarecrow as a ghost and her mind forgetting her reasons for her journey represent a spiritual battle for phoenix. These are some reasons why life can be depicted in a journey. Furthermore, people can experience a physical and spiritual journey in life. In the poem "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost, it tells of a journey that a person has to take when they are encountered with decisions. Frost writes, "Two roads diverged in a yellow wood," (Line 1). This line describes a metaphorical situation where a person comes to a point where they have to choose between two things. Here in the poem he is describing the choice in the way a person should live life or which path he should make his
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