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What Makes A Good Person? Essay

If you asked a random person on the street "what is a good person?" or "what is the good life?" you would likely receive a different answer from everyone. These answers would be different because everyone has their own ideas and opinions of what the answers should be. For many, a good person is someone who lives a good life, is a Christian, or someone who helps other individuals. For some, a good person might be someone who puts others first and someone who is reliable. The same applies to the answers you would receive from "what is the good life?" Just like everyone had different opinions on what a good person is, they will also have different opinions on what the good life is. You might get answers ranging from spending time with one's family to having a lot of money. These answers vary depending on the individuals values and world view. For some individuals this desire for money can cause them to act on it, driving them to steal in order to gain happiness. Bronk supports this idea by stating, "Our answers guide our actions, influence our decisions, and inspire our dreams" (2008, p.713). This paper will discuss how philosophers believe everyone should live and what kind of people we should be, what a good person is, what the good life is, and what the relationship between goodness and human reality is. How Ought We to Live and What Kind of People Should We Be? Individuals have different opinions on how people should live and what kind of person they should be. This is

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Leadership is a term on which no one can develop a mutual consensus as it carries a different meaning for ach individual. Some people may consider a person as their leader who is capable of taking them away from hardships, some people may consider the one as their leader who is quite charismatic and can show them dreams of a bright future or some people may consider that man as a leader who can make them progress by devising wise strategies for them etc. There is, somehow, something very common in all the perspectives that are the philosophy behind the definition, which is related to choosing a best of the best person as their leader. Nobody wants to have a person as his leader who doesn't have knowledge of the needs and aspirations of more content...

No one can get success without having the trust of people on his capabilities because without that he won't be able to gain enough confidence to take desired actions without the fear of being rejected. Lastly, he must take some steps in order to prove him a leader and also to make him realize his very own potential (Jim Murray). So, from the above definitions we may draw a difference between leaders and managers as leaders do have a vision, goal and objective, which he tries to make effective and purposeful. On the contrary, the managers only have to maintain their efficiency on day–to–day basis. In other words administration is the task of managers but innovation is the characteristic of leaders and there is a possibility of a manager becoming a leader by setting high standards and goals for his people. It is not the task of this paper to present a difference between both but it is important to present it only because of its being necessary to clear the concept of a leader. So, a good leader is a person who can look high into the horizons when the people are looking down in the bottom line. This makes other people follow their footsteps as everyone wants to move towards horizon to explore new dimensions of practicality. So, first and foremost quality of a leader is not only to see at high things but also make the people see and strive for the same thing. For this purpose, they have to monitor even minor things by making people feel valued and inspired. A good

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Being a Good Leader Essay

With regards to my personal life, I have been particularly blessed to have experienced a joyful and easy–going life. I was born and raised in Santa Barbara, California and later moved to Ventura, a city just south of Santa Barbara. As a result, its safe to assume that I've been and will always be a California kid. The beach was walking distance away from my home and the weather was always warm and sunny. My family also have been pivotal in instilling a happy demeanor by always inculcating my psyche with positive attitudes coupled with kind and outgoing manners to people of all colors, creeds, and nationalities. Furthermore, I wouldn't that I have a wide array of hobbies, however I more so have a set of hobbies which I focus on at an extremely high level with a large degree of proficiency. To further explain, two hobbies that I particularly enjoy are creating and playing music, as well as writing. With regards to music, I have been playing guitar for over a year now, and I can honestly say it has had one of the most profound effects upon my life imaginable. Music offers the only outlet that I can fathom which can allow to forget about the world around me. All the problems I am having, all the issues of the world that can bog me down, are eliminated because once I pick up the guitar, I'm essentially one with the instrument, all the focus of my human psyche is upon the music being played and if it's particularly good, I'll maniacally write it down to preserve it. Which is an Get

Research Paper On My Hobbies
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There are three very important aspects that play a major rule in my life. They can be categorized as intellectual, social, and spiritual. My intellectual self is interesting because I am mainly right–brained which means that I tend to use my creativity more than my mathematical skills, also making me a visual learner. My social self consists of friends, family, and my surroundings. I spend most of my time at home with my family. Whenever I am with my friends, I observe their behaviors and listen to their opinions. I am more of an independent type of person. Being with different people has influenced me into appreciating different cultures and beliefs. I have learned things that have now been incorporated into my own set of beliefs more content...

I find that I can only recall long–term memories if they are important to me, or if they are dramatic experiences. A few examples of my childhood memories are my mother reading to me, my grandfather playing his guitar, and my dad relentlessly teaching me how to ice skate, no matter how many times I fell. The people who affect my social life the most are my family and friends. I have an extremely close family that has played a major role in my life. They are whom I spend most of my spare time with. My family usually gathers every weekend for dinner. I am also very open to different religions, cultures, and practices because I know many people with different backgrounds and beliefs. Since I've been influenced by various people, I've learned at a very young age to never judge people by how they look, dress, feel, or act. I am very fortunate to have learned these lessons, because many people still do not understand the importance of accepting differences. In a group, I prefer to listen to what others have to say, and then contribute to the discussion. I try to listen so I am able to compare them to my own thoughts. I enjoy working in a group, because it gives everyone an opportunity to incorporate their own ideas. My social self is most greatly influenced by my family and friends. I believe that my spiritual self is the most important out of the three. Although I have a certain religion that I belong to and practice, I believe in a bit of

Essay About Myself
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Have you ever wondered what a perfect day would be like? An everyday routine starts to get annoying and boring, especially if you don't get a day off. At the moment, my routine is to wake up early, get ready for school, go to school, and after a long day come back home. From the time I get home which is around two in the afternoon and by the time I go to sleep, it all consists of doing homework. Sometimes I wish I can at least take a day off and relax, with having no worries. The idea of a perfect day for me should be a day to get rid of stress, and should be an unforgettable day.

As the sun started to come out, I knew it was time to start my day. The perfect day that I've always dreamed of was going to be today. I looked at more content...

In the meantime, while I was waiting for my food to get here I went to the kitchen to wash the dishes that I left in the morning. After my food got delivered I went back into my bed and started eating my orange chicken with rice. By that time, I was already in the fourth movie, all of a sudden it was really dark outside, but I was not scared at all, even though I was home alone. Now it was around ten at night and I had finished watching the Halloween series. I turned my tv off and started playing really loud music on my speaker. I knew it was nighttime and the neighbors might complain, but at the moment I didn't care about anything. I enjoy listening to depressing songs specially from Coldplay which gets me in the mood to cry. My eyes began to close so I turned my speaker off as well as the light and I went to sleep. At last, a perfect day for me should be different from any ordinary day, and should enjoy it like as if it was my last. I see a perfect day as not something outstanding, but more of like a lazy day. This day was one of the best days I've ever had because it's been forever since I've taken a break. Many people might do something like this on a regular day, but for me it was one of the days where I got to stay in bed, relax, and let all of the stress out. Days like this doesn't hurt and everyone has their own ideal day, but for me is all about being comfortable. As long as, I have a day off

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My Best Day Essay : My Perfect Day

Of all the forms of literature, the most interesting might be the fairytales, or the science fiction thriller about robots. However, there lacks the sense of truth, in a way blocking the reader from true connection with the story. Memoir is real, memoir is true, and memoir can range from any end of the ocean in structure and theme. I think there are many reasons why I like first person narratives. For one, most of the noteworthy personal essays are written by famous personal essay authors. I think reading a personal essay is like having a deep conversation with someone. I am reminded of the drunken heart to hearts I had in high school with fellow friends out on the ranch. A personal essay is a story filled with feelings, more content...

I think of how she calls me now, crying out for some brotherly love. But she has distanced herself from the family and its awkward when I say, "love you," upon ending the conversation. All of this from reading a strong essay. Another relative point of personal essays is the simple descriptions of timeless aspects of the world. Computers come and go, but the feeling you have when your dream girlfriend brings her new guy to the ritual Thursday night bar, that's a feeling we all have had. And those are the things a memoir provides me as the reader. And we are in the point of history where people have been free, allowed to experience anything, or forced to enter war. I begin to consider an essay I wrote earlier about my abs. Then a photo of my family, and then an essay I tried to write on quitting tennis yet never really spent enough energy for fear that I would get emotional. I consider an essay for today that is revealing of personal essays simultaneously revealing about me. Every time I got a paper back, it had a small part of each essay that was circled, indicating that the real topic of my paper was not elaborated enough on. What was wrong with my writing? I wrote everything that was true, but my feelings were smothered by strong words and arrogance. Personal essays point out the flaws,

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Personal Essay

Personal Manifesto AssignmentLife can be many things, it can be a box of chocolates or it can be a big trial and error, over time some of our values change, become eroded, or become forgotten. Our actions can say more than our talking and our beliefs guide us in life. Over the years, my values have greatly influenced my character and helped me reach my point in life right now. Unfortunately, not every one is lucky, they forget their values and become overwhelmed. Hard work is much appreciated but most always avoided. I've learned from personal experience and from coaches that if hard work was easy, everyone would do it." I find that when I take the easy way out, it does not produces, quality, satisfactory work. When I worked harder towards my objective, I found that the result was sweeter or more desirable, experiencing things this way changed my attitude on life. When I've taken the hard approach to something, the outcome of the situation has been sweeter, therefore becoming motivation. The harder way isn't necessarily the best way, sometimes, quality work can be made easily, instead of doing something difficultly. Since the movement of people into cities, nature is often mis–looked. I can only imagine that the authors of the Transcendentalism movement intended to make people admire natures magnificence through their poetry. Now a days, the 'retina display' screen on a computer is sufficient enough for people to admire the outdoors. I believe that people should give

Personal Manifesto Assignment
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People tend to usually tremble when hearing the unpleasant word "Cancer". Imagine being the one diagnosed with this horrible illness. More and more people in today's society are struck with certain health issues such as diabetes, obesity, heart diseases and many more. Cancer is the at the top of this horrible chain of problems. Based on my experiences, someone that is diagnosed with cancer, does not realize how life can change so rapidly for them. Their whole lifestyle changes and they have a different outlook on life. Not until a person experiences a family member going through cancer, is he/she able to understand how important spending time with family really is. I got the news that my aunt, Andrea, a close family member was diagnosed with cancer during the month of July, 2017. Andrea has faced many tough obstacles in her life. Her husband died from a heart attack at the age of 63. Her house was flooded and both of her more content...

Although she was diagnosed with cancer, it was detected very early. It was so shocking and surreal. Who would have imagined that someone you were so close with would have to face this battle. When a family member gets diagnosed with this you are lost for words, and feel as if nothing you say or do will help the situation. She is still undergoing chemotherapy and numerous hospital visits, but keeps a positive attitude through it all. One day she said "I think cancer is a blessing, everyone should experience it once in their lifetime to understand how precious life actually is." That just shows how well she keeps her positivity through all of this. Andrea reminds herself everyday that she is going to be just fine and that she is blessed with an amazing family and friends that support her. She is aware that cancer can taking over her body, but she is still living life to its

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Personal Essay: How Cancer Has Changed My Life


The way we define who we are is a direct result of what we know. In basic terms, the Social Self is defined as how an individual interacts with the social world presented to him and how he approaches the formation of relationships. Mental images of how I see myself play a big role also such as physical appearance, accomplishments, roles, and skills. It is self–awareness process that can sometimes be difficult. Within everyday life people believe themselves to be constantly changing. In actuality, the changes that one believes to have are but minor changes. A person's personality is usually set at an early age in childhood. This process begins around six or seven months when children begin to realize "themselfs" more content...

Identityy achievement comes from many years of exploring different roles and personalities. For example a person who thinks negatively of him self and others, is going to shy away from attachment and be socially avoidant which obviously is going to affect the crisis of intimacy versus isolation. So personal identity plays a major part in my quest for self–knowledge, but its up to me to choose my own identity. God created all men equally, but it is up to us to determine whom we ultimately want to be.

Self esteem basically means that we should like ourselves, feel positive about yourself and respect your own worth. Feeling positive about yourself can determine how you perform. When we respect ourselves and feel really good in ourselves, we will do better at school, enjoy life, make new friends quickly, and we are more consciously aware and in control of our behaviour. I believe a person'sself–esteem begins to take shape at an early age, with their parents being a major influence. Parents who do not feel good about themselves or others, sometimes take it out on their childern by belittling them or discouraging them. This leads the child down a path of self–doubt and eventually given the right circumstances a lower self–esteem. In most cases, children with low self–esteem feel that the important adults and peers in their lives do not accept them, do not care about them very much, and would not go out of their way to ensure

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Social Self

My best friend is always there when I need her the most, has my back when times get rough, and I can always tell her my deepest darkest secrets. My best friend's name is Tea Elaine Valentine. We have been best friends for nine years and counting. We met in the third grade. I was introduced to Tea by another friend of mine. She thought I was weird at first, but as she got to know me we have been best friends ever since. Tea and I are two different people. Tea is more of the outspoken, no filter, and whatever comes to mind is said. I'm more of the quiet and laid back. I have learned many things from Tea like learning how to speak up for myself, never to let anyone walk all over me, and it is okay to say how you feel. Are friendships have stayed strong this many years because of our loyalty, listening ear, and always being there for each other. From third grade to sixth grade Tea and I were stuck together like glue. Every day after school we would call each other on the house phone and we would talk for hours. When it was time for the weekend I was always at her house or she was at my house to spend the night. My after school routine was the same as always but this phone conversation started off different. "I have something to tell you," Tea said."Yes?" I replied. She said "I'm moving to Big Rapids next year" . After hearing this news I was so devastated. I felt like I was losing my best friend. She was only moving three hours away, I felt like she was moving across the

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Personal Narrative Essay : My Best Friend

Personal Characteristics Essay

There are many personal characteristics that can affect a person as an individual and his professional success, namely openness, ability to learn and adapt etc. These personal characteristics can sometimes make a person successful and sometimes doesn't. As I spend more and more time as a professional, I perceive that there are few characteristics that are essential for professional success: namely ambitious, creative and adaptable. These characteristics come out in many different ways. Have you set your goals? Have you decided the path you have to take to pursue your goal? What are the sacrifices you can do to achieve your ambition? How much can you think out of the box to resolve a particular issue or bring new idea to the table? more content...

This characteristic will motivate me to grow better in my future career as well. I believe that few people have a strong inner feeling that pushes them to think out of the box to identify as issue and find the solution. Personally, I always try to find the most creative solution and do not give up until I get it. Sometime this energy is contagious on to next. I always search for the missing links and fine–tune my thoughts until I reach a point that works. This creativity has steadily driven my ambitions through the organization. Today the world is changing so rapidly and the way it has changed in last few decades, it hasn't changed in last few hundred years. So adaptability has become the need of the hour. I believe that adaptability is the most important quality of all, particularly if one is in technology industry. There have been times when this adaptability has changed the nomenclature of day and night but it has also given me rewards at the appropriate times. Adaptability, personally, has created a far–reaching international outlook and I was able to spend time, living outside my country of origin, working for UK retails giants and this stay not only diversified my work experience but also my cultural experience. It has improved my exposure to diverse situations with increasing levels of complexity and this exposure has increased my eagerness for new challenges. It has instigated a feeling in me that there

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Business writing has been quite refreshing and rewarding for me, expanding my ability to write professionally. I have learned the different methods for business writing, such as resume and interview tips, proof reading for 30 minutes or so, and the different forms of correspondence writing. Also, we study how to write effectively without being excessively long, getting right to the point. Even being able to update my resume and cover letter, and writing memos for work is much better. This group assignment for the most part was executed very smoothly, however the work load seem better suited for teams of three or less. Each team member gave input as needed; however the only tough part was getting everyone on the discussion panel at one time.

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Personal Reflective Essay

My Personal Qualities

Over the course, I have learned that all people are unique and have their own personal traits and qualities. One person does not just simply fall into one category, but various categories. What is beautiful about all of us is that we all have diverse personalities, traits and qualities. I have learned that we should be proud of and embrace these unique qualities of ours.

As a perfectionist, I like to present my things beautifully and creatively, and it is clearly seen on my collage. I appreciate beautiful things and this is why I got beauty/aesthetics as one of my highest totals on the values survey. On my collage, I put a picture of a microscope, with the circular flask and test tubes. I more content...

I know and I have been told that I am a kind and sympathetic person, because I love to help people and put a smile on their faces. Even when someone is being rude, I try to "kill them with kindness" in return. I used the quote: "Beauty isn't about having a pretty face. It is about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart, and most importantly, a beautiful soul". I chose to use this quote because I adore it and I go by it. What matters most is in the inside, not on the outside. I think people sometimes, even me, get too caught up and try too hard to look beautiful, but they don't focus on personality.

A) I expected to get artistic, creative and investigative as my results on surveys that I took, because I already knew I had these traits as a part of my personality. However, the results from mylearning styles survey were a little surprising to me. I got visual as my highest total score, while kinesthetic and auditory were almost balanced out scores. The reason why I was a little surprised was that last year, I took a survey to figure out my learning style, and I got both auditory and visual learner. The results have their little differences, but that shows people do change over time. Learning styles can be learned and strengthened.

I learned plenty of things from my results. My values–which I didn't see clearly–are now clear, and I found out the little unique things that make up my personality. From my personality survey, I am mostly artistic,

Personal Essay : My Personal
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Personal Opinion Essay



Opinion Essay

An opinion essay tells what the writer thinks or feels about a topic. People have different opinions about things. In an opinion essay, you write your opinion about a topic. When you write an opinion essay, you choose a topic about which you have strong feelings. You support your opinion with reasons. For this Unit Project, you are going to write an opinion essay about the wetlands of Mississippi.


Part I: Prewriting

Ideas As you learned in Unit 1, Mississippi has wetlands in the northwesten part of the state. Some people have opinions about the importance of wetlands, protecting existing wetlands, and protecting the species that live in wetlands. All of these can be ideas for an opinion more content...

Write your introduction. State your opinion and try to hook the readers' attention right away. Look at these examples:

Weak Opening

I think Mississippi's wetlands are very important.

Strong Opening

Mississippi's wetlands help prevent floods and provide homes for animals and plants.

Write the body of your essay. Tell why you think your opinion is correct. Begin a new paragraph for each reason. Write a main–idea sentence for each paragraph that states the reason. Then use at least two supporting details for each reason. Write a conclusion. Sum up your important points.

End in a way that your reader will remember. Look at these examples.

Weak Closing

Mississippi's wetlands should be preserved.

Strong Closing

Preserving Mississippi's wetlands will show future generations that we cared about our environment and about them. We protected wonderful animals and plants that help make our state special.

Research and Writing Projects

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Part III: Revising

Reread your first draft. Did you state your opinion clearly? Did you include good reasons for your opinion? Did you support your reasons with details? Does your opening catch a reader's attention? Is your conclusion strong? Word Choice Think about the words you used. Use synonyms to replace words you use too often. Synonyms are words with the same or nearly the same meaning.

Without Synonyms

I think that wetlands are important. They have land for Get more content

Have you made bad grades all in school, Guess what? You're in a pickle. If you make bad grades doing the years you were in school you're not going to have a good reputation. When you get older you are going to need a good job. Making mad grades can cause you to fail in your classes and not get good jobs or education when you do not listen to your instructor. Lets just give an example. Lets say when you get out ofhigh school and you do not get a degree, when you get older and have children and you are still working at your high school job that's bad. The money that you get paid may get you by maybe that's if you have a husband was that smart enough, paid attention in class, and got his degree is helping you with your taxes and all more content...

Do, not bully either in college, it's the same way in high school. You really don't need to bully at all.

You were apprehending high school was hard, please. High is actually almost as hard as college. College gives you more provocation than high school does. Any time the professor is talking you need to have out paper and something to write with and note almost everything he talks about, examine the notes that you were supposed to take in class and do good on your test about what was over the notes The professor is not going to tell you to get out paper and something to write with, he is just going to assume that you already have it out and prepared. They are wanted you to come and everyday and notice you are what they called," Noteworthy." Study, study, study. Be learning material and study your notes. If you do not have any notes, that is your fault for not paying attention and thinking you are all big and bad and think you can remember everything. Like I said the professor in college is not going to tell anyone to pull out paper, it's your job in college to go that for yourself. When you use the textbook you get more information. Make friends while you are in college so when you get out of school you have friends to hang with and go out with. Make friends in school then when you get out school you have friends to trust and also hang out with. If you need help, your friends or professor can help you.

So make sure you study your notes and make Get

Bad Grades Essay

Essay about My Core Values


ENC 1101

July 30, 2009

Example Essay

My Core Values

As I have grown as an adult and moved further towards success in my life, I have always maintained a guided structure to achieve goals and tasks that challenge me. I call these my "Core Values". This is a strict regimen or a belief system that I have instilled into my everyday practice to complete any task that presents itself. Although not perfected, I have found this method to be quite successful. My work ethic, responsibility, and my drive to further my education and knowledge have never failed me. Life can seem tough and demanding on a very consistent basis, but I believe that I have cultivated a plan to accommodate and withstand any trial

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To build responsibility as a child I volunteered to take care of my family dog. Even though she was the family's pet I took it upon myself to make sure she was properly fed, watered, and walked. My mother was very proud of my new development as an adolescent. She became very encouraging and would come up with other special chores around the house that I could be relied upon to handle. To some children this would seem like a punishment, but both of my parents were so supportive and persuasive that I looked forward to having the gained accountability. My father instituted honesty and respect as monuments for responsibility. I of course struggled at times with taking care of my dog, and handling some of my other chores. But my father always wanted me to not only be honest with my parents, but also with myself. He stated that a lie would not benefit anybody and it was disrespectful to tell a lie. He would tell me that a liar was the same as a cheater, and nobody liked either. If I knew how to respect others and be honest, than my responsibility would only increase. I asked why I would want added responsibility and my father told me two things that changed my perspective completely. First, it was that responsible people always tended to be more successful. Since I had always dreamed of growing up to be rich and famous, I guess I could accept the added responsibility. The second thing he told me was that one day I could possibly

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Out of anyone in my life, my sister is truly the person I respect and look up the most We have had our ups and downs but she is always there for me when I need her and I am always there for her when I can be. She's my sister, best friend but most importantly my twin sister. She's the one I grew up with, the one that's always there for me. We have a bond that nobody or anything could break. As close as we are today I can say I would be completely lost without her.

My sister and I have moments where we both feel weird whenever we are not around each other because as I twin we feel like we can't be separate for one minute. Either of both of us will start missing each other like crazy. And that is just a thing her and me have. And when it comes to missing my sister I get crazy because I just can't be with anybody else but her. And I mean it because I will start, texting her, calling her, I will do anything to be together every day. But having a conversation is important when it comes not talking to each other. According to Albert's he once said: " Conversation plays, an important role in friendship as well." (Albert's, p.190). Having a conversation to one each other it is really important because you will know what the person is feeling today or tomorrow, it is a good thing that people communicate because is simply the act of transferring information from one place to another. However, as grown women's we are, it is time to face reality we will have to separate each other one

Personal Essay : My Sister, My Best Friend
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Personal Manifesto

Somebody once told me it is okay to be average as long as you are a good person. Life is short, do as many things as you can to live a happy life and do all the things you aspire to do before time runs out.

One evening while I was on vacation visiting my grandparents we were sitting around the dinner table eating a homemade meal made by my grandma. It was my mom, my sister, my foreign exchange student, two of my good friends, and I all eating dinner together. Dinner had come to an end and one of my friends and I were still sitting at the table with my grandpa. He has always been a very inspirational person in my life and most of the things he says mean a lot and really make me think. There was one thing my grandpa more content... Even being an average person can be very difficult. If you look at a large amount of people in this world, they are average or below average in most things they do. No one can be good at everything, so don't ever think you have to be. Feeling pressured to be great at everything is one thing no one should ever have to go through. All it seems to do is tear down people's' self esteem creating more reserved and quiet people. Life is hard, and if it were meant to be easy, everyone would be good at everything and the majority of things would be meaningless. So, what would be the point of living a meaningless life? Take every situation in life and live it with the intention that it will be the

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Personal Manifesto Research Paper

Care for others. The way this will help you achieve happiness is that when you help others it gives you a warm feeling inside. It makes you feel as if you have done something right. This feeling is almost unexplainable. Helping others is one of the best things you can do. For example, when you complement someone the best feeling is when you see the look on that persons face and see how happy you made them. Also, if you do not care for others you will live a lonely life. Without care for others no one will want to be around you. So, if you care for others you will have a joyous life.

Listen to others. When listening to others, people learn how others feel. People will tell you about their life, the good and bad times. It will help you grow as a person and learn how to more content...

This will help you achieve happiness because if you do what you want you will never be let down. You will feel like you have a purpose and that you were meant for something, as if it was calling you. If you love what you do the there is no possible way to be sad or upset. Your life will be filled with joy and love because every day you get to wake up and do something that truly makes you happy.

Stay in a joyous mood. If you are always in a good mood and spreading joy, there is no way to be negative. You will always be looking on the bright side seeing how fortunate you are. This will keep a smile on your face showing that you are truly happy. Also, help others around you to be in a good mood. This will help you connect with others. Learn to forgive quickly. This will make it where you are unable to hold a grudge. If you stay mad at a person you might regret it because you never know the last day you will see them. You are also just wasting valuable joyous time that you could be having with this person in your life. Try to always be on good terms with people. Never go to bed angry and think on the positive side of life. This will make your relationships

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Personal Essay: Care For Others

The love from my family and friends are life's greatest blessings as each relationship has molded me into the person that I am today. My relationships with my mother, father, Nanna, and my friends Addy and Kirsten are all ones that are meaningful to my life. By focusing on keeping these relationships strong, I, in turn, am rewarded with dependable relationships that I can rely on. To continue the longevity and stability with the following five people that have strongly impacted my life, I must continue to use specific relational maintenance strategies such as rituals and relational currencies. Mother My mother and I have always had a close bond in our relationship. When I was young, my mother was forced to raise me on her own, and during this time is when we developed a strong connection. Our relationship has never consisted of fighting, only the usual bickering that occurred during my teenage years. I have always reached out to my mother when I need advice, a shoulder to cry on, or am simply looking for a good laugh. Without I doubt, I consider my mother, my best friend because she continues to love me unconditionally despite the mistakes that I make. Together we are very open with each other and I value the fact that I tell her everything because I know this is something that is unique to a mother–daughter relationship. Our relationship is successful because we use the relational maintenance strategies of recognition and acceptance to sustain our relationship. Even

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Personal Essay On Personal Relationships

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