Is Global Climate Change Man Made Argumentative Essay

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Thank you for taking your time to listen to what I have to say. We all know that we are part of one of the strongest and proudest nations in the world which can make anything happen when we have our greatest minds set to do any goal. Now I am here to tell you we have a new step we must take before we move on to our future which is to put to rest a controversial topic which is climate change within our country. The reason why I bring up this topic is that every American deserve to live a full life in their pursuit of happiness in the United States of America but if the climate is endangering the daily lives of fellow Americans we must react to this threat in time before the effects become permanent to remove. This problem is becoming more noticeable


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Argumentative Essay On Climate Change

Over the years there has been a lot of controversy on if climate change is an issue that needs to be discussed and solved. There is a constant debate among scientist on if human actions are contributing the changing of earth's climates. Climate change is defined as the change in average weather patterns for a specific region or Earth as a whole. This could include the change in an average temperature for a city or the amount a rainfall it receives (Dunbar, 2015). The main difference between weather and climate is the period of time specific patterns are recorded. Weather patterns are looked at over a much shorter period of time, meaning that these patterns are going to be more sporadic and change more frequently. Climate on the other had is recorded over a much longer period of time and usually show less drastic changes in patterns when compared to weather. Some people may argue thatclimate change is not an issue because Earth's temperature is always changing do to natural effects. What people don't realize is that human activity has effected the rate that earth's temperature is changing, and just the smallest changes can lead to drastic consequences (Dunbar, 2015). One of the main reasons that earth's temperatures are rising are due to greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases are created when humans burn fossil fuels such as coals, natural gases, and oils to produce heat or electricity. These gases are then capable of trapping infrared radiation sent by the sun. Once these

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As of November 2016, Donald Trump was elected our 45th President of the United States, he is known as a business man with little knowledge of how exactly politics work or ones' position in the White House. This man was selected to run our country for the next four years; there are many words for which could be used to describe our president, good and bad. The United States, more importantly Earth, is the most vital form of life yet to Trump it is an insignificant waste of money. Trump in less than a year managed to withdraw the U.S from all effective forms of saving our environment. With three years left in office there is still a lot keep an eye on, with hopes of smarter thinking on ways to improve our home. During Trumps election campaign, he repeatedly mentioned his belief or lack thereof on Global Warming: in a tweet, written November 6th 2012 he wrote "The concept of Global Warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to U.S manufacturing non–competitive." Despite what this tweet may indicate, global warming is very real and the Chinese did not create it for their benefit. Unfortunately, Trump has still not seen the error in his words or thought it wise to pick up any scholarly article on the very real issue global warming is causing. Since being sworn into office Trump has promised to cut budgets for the Environment titled "A New Foundation for American Greatness," these cuts would take away 31% of the Environmental Protection Agency's budget– more than $2.7

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Argumentative Essay On Global Warming

Argumentative Essay On Climate Control

Mr. Coomes

ENGL 1301, Fall 2016

4 November 2016

Mankind's Climate Control

Will mankind be able to live on Earth in 100 years? The controversy about whether human activity affects climate change has been pestering scientists, journalists, and politicians alike. Some scientists believe that global warming is significantly due to human activity, while others believe global warming is a scam. Mankind should begin to make major changes to prevent further global warming. Global warming is a major issue for all of humanity, and it should be addressed with the utmost attention. However, there are those who disagree and would argue that mankind's lifestyles should not be altered to prevent further damage to earth's environment. In the article "Climate Change Science, Not Hype," those who oppose state, "The very fact that we take mainstream climate science seriously will paint us a partisan on hacks in the eyes of those who insist the whole thing is a scam and that includes some scientist with doctorates of their own" (Lemonick). Some scientists think global warming is not true, and that it is just another excuse to scare people. According to the article, "The False Alert of Global Warming" by Tom Bethell states, "Whether man–made carbon–dioxide emissions have caused measurable temperature increases over the last 30 years more content...

Therefore, does society want to risk the harmful effects of global warming? The effects of global warming will result in a hotter climate, rising sea levels, and more frequent and severe weather. Mankind will not like the outcome of global warming. The damage to Earth can never be undone, therefore humans must take action now. Society must reduce fossil fuel emissions andgreenhouse gas emissions, if not the results will be devastating. Global warming is an important topic and society needs to realize that the future is in mankind's

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Global warming is the constant increase of temperature in the earth's atmosphere that is caused by the increase of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, greenhouse gases and many other pollutants. Chlorofluorocarbons are any type of compounds of carbon, hydrogen, chlorine, and fluorine which are harmful to the ozone layer.Global warming can affect many things, one example is the rising of temperature which can result in different types of disasters like storms, heat waves, floods, and droughts. Global warming also causes Higher death rates, Dirtier air, Higher wildlife extinction rates, the increase of Acidic Oceans, and Higher seas levels. In this essay, I will provide information that will show how harmful global warming can be to not only the earth but to humans and animals, and what we can do to prevent it from increasing. Greenhouse gases are compounds in the atmosphere that can trap and hold extra heat, which increases the temperature in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases is the cause of the greenhouse effect that leads up to global warming. The greenhouse effect is the trapping of the sun's warmth in the lower atmosphere that is due to the visible radiation from the sun. The solar radiation reaches the Earth's atmosphere, then the rest of the sun's energy is absorbed by the oceans and lands which result in the heating of the Earth. After that the heat from the Earth goes towards space, some of the heat is trapped in the atmosphere by greenhouses gases which make the Earth warm enough to tolerate living life. The burning of fossil fuels and land clearing start to increase the number of greenhouse gases which travels into the atmosphere. The result of trapping extra heat cause the Earth's temperature to rise. Scientist's has proven that the constant increase of heat in the atmosphere is caused by humans. The reason humans are proven guilty for the increase of global warming is because of the amount of carbon that is put into the atmosphere. Carbon is released from burning coal, oil, and gas or cutting down and burning forests. Carbon (CO2) is known as the main source of heat–trapping gas which is mainly responsible for the increase of warming over the years. The removal of trees is another cause of global Get

Essay On Global Warming

Climate Zombies and Creating Convincing Climate Change Arguments

The Zombie theories are conspiracy theories that that have been disproven by scientists in the scientific community for many years now. Despite, social media and news stations continue to broadcast it this is how the theories live on. With the age of technology and cellphones, the news tends to feed off people's emotions anyway they can to gain viewers and trends. As more zombie theories become developed, they more they all become proven incorrect. Dr. Marshall explained several zombie theories to ease the tension and fears, but it is proving to be challenging for some. The one theory that has stuck in my head that has been disproven is that the Earth has not become warmer since 1998 (T, 2013). I found this to be funning because of what I learned as a child in middle school and people still believe that the planet isn't warming. Hugh Steadman, who wrote for, the New Zealand International Review, suggested thatclimate change is from excessive burning of fossil fuels that started from the rise of the Industrial Revolution. Hugh Steadman, presented statistical charts as evidence that was consistent and factual to the more content...

I would like for my son to grow up healthy and strong, as well as his kids. Climate change is real, and there are ways to inform people through the media with factual and credible information, on what we find as climate scientist in our research. We as people need to inform and present our data about how humans are destroying the planet with fossil fuel emission or Carbon dioxide (CO2) which makes up the vast majority of greenhouse gas emissions. We need to be able to breathe and eat better, but most importantly we need to curve the problems causing climate change. We need to not only start in the atmosphere but also in the ground that we are using up. If we don't, I fear that Earth will quit giving us what we Get more content

Climate Change Argumentative Essay

Global Climate Change Argumentative Analysis

ProCon illustrates in "Is Human Activity Primarily Responsible for Global Climate Change" the affirmative and the negative case for whether or not humans are responsible for global climate change. In this, one sees the reasons for climate change and whether or not it is due to human activity. Different elite scholars and professors express their experience and how it correlates with this topic. The affirmative side showing the reasons why human activity is responsible and the negative side showing why human activity is not responsible.

The affirmative side, concerning climate change, illustrates how obvious climate change is and why it is most definitely due to human activity. In a quote from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) it states the affirmative side of the argument. "Human influence on the climate system is clear, and recent anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases are the highest in history. Recent climate changes have had widespread impacts on human and natural systems." The affirmative side more content... Proof is one of the those things where one needs to have it to make a judgement, but not necessarily for each topic. In climate change, it is the question if there is actual evidence that humans are responsible for climate change or if it is simply Earth's time. People thinking that humans are responsible state that it is obvious of human's influence the high rising greenhouse gases and their effect towards the Earth. Whereas, the side against, states there is no scientific proof that merely humans are responsible for the horrors of climate change but just Earth's way of what one would say "growing old" effect. The supporting side demonstrates the dangers of climate change and what humans have done to increase that, whereas, the negative side merely states how one can prepare for these things and that there is no correlation between them and climate

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Global Warming Can't Be Man–Made

Should America believe that global warming is man–made? There is not any definitive evidence proving this. As a matter of fact, the founding father of the man–made global warming ethos Claude Allegre renounced his position by admitting, "the cause of this climate change is unknown". In essence, there is so little evidence that it is man–made, the founding father of the man–made global warming theory disavowed his own theory. Global warming is a phenomenon with an ambiguous origin that Americans shouldn 't be concerned about until there 's evidence proving that global warming is man–made. We should know more before our country spends 22 billion dollars of taxpayers money on it.

Many climate activists believe that global warming is indeed a man–made phenomenon. There are many reasons why they have derived this notion and some are very logical. Two of them are, 1) human activity has increased co2 concentrations by 40Z% ( U.S National Academy of Science and Royal Society ), and 2) since 1880, the global average surface temperature has risen by 0.8В°C ( 1.4В°F ) ( NASA ). The two reasons stated in the latter paragraph are geologically sound but contestable, and here 's why. It 's feasible, that since co2 emission happens naturally, human activity would increase co2 concentrations. But human activity increasing the co2 level in the earth 's atmosphere by 40% is a bit of a stretch to think it 's a sole factor especially

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Global Warming Can Not Be Man Made





Is Climate Change Natural or Man–made? Introduction

The planet has been experiencing considerable climate change for the last several decades. There have been many explanations toward the main causes of the increased warming of the planet. On one hand are the environmentalists who believe that the major cause of this increased warming of the planet is the increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere induced by human activities. On the other hand, the scientists believe that there are natural causes of global climate change. While the supporters of the man–made theory of global climate change reason that the major greenhouse gas causing global warming is carbon dioxide, the advocates of natural more content... In addition, human activities like deforestation may increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This is because forests help in carbon sequestration, which reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. It follows then that clearing such tress will increase the amount of carbon dioxide since carbon sequestration will not occur (3). The man–made theory of climate change also explains that when these harmful gasses reach the atmosphere, they form a blanket, which traps heat in the atmosphere. This trapping of in the atmosphere is the phenomenon that causes the planet to get warmer, hence the term global warming (Sharma, 4).

Current data reveals that the concentration of Carbon Dioxide in the earth's atmosphere is approximately 387 parts per million, which is roughly a 31% increase in the period 1750 to 2009. Consequently, it is evident that such increases in temperatures have caused a warmer planet (7). It is also evident that it is impossible to reverse the developments of industrial revolution. This means that as the advancements of industrial revolution continue and as energy demands increases, it is possible that this trend of climate change will continue for decades to come (McAloon, 8). The consent of the climate research community is that it most likely already affects climate noticeably and will compel significant

Essay on Is Climate Change Natural or Man-Made?
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Argumentative Essay On Climate Change

Political leaders around the world recognizes climate change is an issue to be dealt with, but some believe climate change is a hoax: there has been controversy over whether nations should invest resources to solve the issue or not. The controversy has led 175 countries to sign an agreement, known as the Paris Agreement, which states each country will have goals to help reduce carbon emissions and global temperatures.

What is the Paris Agreement?

The Paris Agreement (Accord de Paris) is an agreement with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that helps unify nations in the agreement in an effort to reduce each nation's carbon emissions and to keep global temperatures below 2 degrees Celsius. In addition, there is an emphasis of countries working together to bring change: according to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, developing countries will receive help from developed countries with support of finance, recovery of loss and damages, and adaptation. In terms of finance, developing countries will receive funding to build projects and advance adaptive technologies to bring a "climate–resilient futures" ( The agreement states parties shall help countries that has received damage from the effects of global warming. In addition, parties are expected to have a plan to help adapt to the climate change, be willing to cooperate with other parties, and be transparent with their plans. Further with the

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There have been some debates recently within the political and scientific communities of global warming: if it's real, what's causing it, and what we can do to stop it. There are many natural factors such as water vapour or variations in the sun's energy that could be causing global warming; but, there is also evidence that is man made by rising carbon dioxide emissions. In the previously mentioned debates, scientists are going back and forth on whether or not man made carbon dioxide emissions lead to global warming. Some say natural causes alone cannot explain climate change, after the Industrial Revolution in the 1800s, but rather that human activities are likely a major factor. However, others say that the only reasonclimate change is chalked up to being man made is simply because scientists have not done the proper research required to find more content...

Basically, more CO2 means a warmer climate. So, why might humans be to blame for rising CO2 levels? It all started with the Industrial Revolution. At the start of it, there were 280 parts per million of CO2 in the atmosphere. In 2014, there were 400 ppm, the highest it had been for a million years; however, another source said atmospheric CO2 levels are higher than they have been for 15–20 million years, and that a change of ppm that should take 5,000–20,000 years has occurred in 120. These increases are due to fossil fuel burning, a human activity that produces carbon emissions. This is one of the reasons as to the statement made by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that it is extremely likely that human activity causes global warming, an over 95%

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Global warming, we see it as sad polar bears hopelessly swimming for their lives in the ocean. It's shown as rising sea levels that can washout entire cities. It even sometimes gets turned into politics but scientifically, what is the definition of global warming? It is the heating up the of Earth, caused by infrared radiation that gets stuck in our atmosphere because of the increase of CO2 put into the atmosphere. Infrared radiation is electromagnetic radiation that cannot be seen by the human eye, but we feel it as heat. Seems pretty logical doesn't it? To some it doesn't seem as reasonable. Some believe global warming isn't a man made problem, but just a cycle of 'weather patterns'. For example, our now president

–Donald J. Trump– doesn't consider climate change to a threat to the inhabitants of earth. Our president also said that global warming is a 'hoax'.

"Snowing in Texas and Louisiana, record setting freezing temperatures throughout the country and beyond. Global warming is an expensive hoax!"

This is what many people believe, and this tweet too seems pretty logical to a majority of people. But in 2014 January 29th when Donald J. Trump posted this tweet, there was record setting freezing temperatures happening nation and worldwide. But also 2014 was one of the top three hottest years on record. Now that doesn't seem like a 'hoax'.

Humans don't like being wrong. It's embarrassing, uncomfortable to believe something and then be confronted about it. So that's why there's still high percentage of people who don't believe in the change in climate. People who work with oil companies don't want to acknowledge it because it can ruin their business. Politicians ignore the problem because it costs money to fix our past mistakes. That fear, people being scared, it makes us shut down. But we can try ignoring the problem, but the thing about problems is, they can be ignored but they never truly disappear. Weather may feel the same as every other year, but The whole world is heating up, including our vast oceans. Tropical hurricanes need to have surface water temperatures to be 26В°C or more for them to form. As our oceans get hotter hurricanes are able to form farther out in the sea

Argumentative Essay On Global Warming
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Is climate change naturally or man–made?

First of all, for anyone that does not know what climate change is, it is a change in the world's climate. A lot of people think weather and climate is the same thing but it is not. The difference between weather and climate is a measure of time. Weather is what conditions of the atmosphere are over a short period of time. Climate is what the conditions are over relatively long periods of time. My belief of the issue is that climate change is man–made.

I think everyone has heard of global warming or an ice age, but does anyone really consider it to be a serious factor in the world? We only have one earth and once we destroy it, it is over. We have to do something about it because more content...

The effects of climate change depend upon how much change there is, how fast it occurs, and how easily the world can adapt to the new conditions. If the change is to rapid then that will leave some species of animals or plants to be extinct because they don't have enough time to move or adapt. Other examples such as "Coral reefs: slightly warmer tropical water may kill the algae which reef animals use for food".(Homeworktips) Increase in temperature in the climate is making a lot of the ice cap and icebergs melt in the north. Which is making the ocean rise more. "Mangrove swamps: Mangrove swamps are important breeding grounds for many animals that live in water. Increased ocean flooding may damage these areas by changing the supply of nutrients and the amount of salt."(Homeworktips)

What can we do about the climate change to prevent or reduce the effects? "Three basic strategies are available, abatement, adaptation, and geo–engineering."(Homeworktips) Abatement is where we slow or stop the affect by making things more energy efficient. Burning less coal, oil and natural gases. Adaptation is where we adapt or change to our surroundings. Protecting the coast by putting up barriers or dykes. Geo–engineering is where we engineer or change the earth. For example, reducing the amount of sunlight that hits the earth by putting small particles in the high atmosphere to reflect more sunlight back into the earth.

Things that an

Is Climate Change Naturally or Man-Made?
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Argumentative Essay On Climate Change

Climate change can be traced down to since the mid–1800s, when the industrial revolution first started taking place all around the world. Lives of human and animal species have been negatively affected since then, with events such as natural disasters, the melting of ice in polar regions, and change in weather and living conditions. Climate change in polar regions, in particular, has faced the most damage compared to any other region because of its location in regard to the sun. Climate change holds many different views and opinions about the effects, and even the existence itself, but evidence is clear and unmistakable in global ramifications and local impact in polar regions.

"...Climate change [is] the 'greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people'", skeptics like Senator Inhofe of Oklahoma like to say. Climate change is change in climate patterns due to an increase in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases produced by certain human activity. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, data taken by satellite has shown that the Arctic cover has decreased by 30% over the past 30 years, and this change, which also include change in sea ice and permafrost, in artic weather and climate is caused by humans. Although numerous scientists have confirmed the legitimacy of climate change, there are different views on whether climate change is real or not. Government officials like Senator Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma or Senator Marco Rubio of Florida have explicitly stated that they do not believe climate change is neither real, nor caused by humans (Tom McCarthy, 2014). On the other hand, mainstream media and other media outlets, such as The Independent and The Economist, have reported their findings of climate change and its legitimacy. The Independent (Conner, S. 2011) reported that records of these changes were taken by military submarines, land measurements, and satellite data to prove ice in polar regions are melting faster and faster. Satellites have tracked sea ice since the 1970s and by nuclear submarines since the Cold War, according to Peter Wadhams of Cambridge University and it was predicted that by September 2015, there would be no more sea ice. (Conner, S. 2011). Luckily, sea ice has not

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Argumentative Essay Vetter

15 July 2015

Man vs. Nature

Is Global Climate Man–made? One of the largest global conflicts of modern day society is the issue of global climate change. Throughout the years, the most notable modern research has been the recognition that humans activities are most likely accelerating the process of global climate change. Scientists have provided solid evidence of global climate change by humans in multiple studies, but others believe that climate change is caused solely by nature and the naturalness of the Earth's cycle. Whether such evidences are providing valid proof to our society has become a serious matter for public debate. According to National Aeronautics and Space Administration, also known as NASA, over 97% of climate scientists agree that global warming is mostly likely caused by human activities. In our society today, there is a lot of misconception of the definition of weather and climate. As these two terms are often associated with each other, they are not the same. Mark Twain famously summed up the definition: "Climate is what you expect; weather is what you get". Climate is the behavior of the environment throughout a long period of time, usually a decade, whereas weather refers to the actual temperature of the atmosphere at a particular period of time. "Climate change", however, is "any systematic change in the long–term statistics of climate elements (such as temperature, pressure, or winds) sustained over several

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Is Global Climate Man Made?

Global Warming The Earth is changing on a constant basis, how much of that is caused by man–made pollutants and what are the effects we may feel if nothing is done to curve carbon dioxide emissions on a global scale? remains to be seen. Global warming is the increase of overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere which has been generally attributed to a massive increase in levels of carbon dioxide and other pollutants contributed to the greenhouse effect. The increase in man–made pollutants has been largely linked to the start of the Industrial Revolution in the United States. This created a spark in growing the economy while negatively affecting the environment over time. Climate change is described as the change in regional or global weather patterns largely attributed to the increase in carbon dioxide. Both terms generally point to the same data that has increasingly been collected with new technology to showcase how much the world is changing and how much of that is not part of the earth's normal climate cycle. One of the earliest data in atmospheric CO2 measurement shows the Earth having a concentration of 280ppmv in pre–industrial times to 370ppmv in 2000, an increase of 30%. (Maslin, Mark "Global Warming: A very short introduction") This illustrates how much of an impact the industrial revolution caused in the increase of the concentration of greenhouse gases compared to the natural concentration maintained by the earth naturally. One part of the debate with

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Essay On Global Warming

Climate change is the global issue of a rising temperature due to human activity. As a result of the rising temperature the polar icebergs are melting. This is putting more water into the ocean and causing sea levels to rise. Because of the higher sea levels many coastal communities are flooding. With Massachusetts being a coastal state this could majorly affect us. Given with the current trends of one eighth of an inch per year (NOAA), a good portion of Massachusetts could be flooded soon. But how soon? And how will it progress over time? This is what we hope to find out with our project. (Kique

Paragraph 1: According to Merriam Webster dictionary,climate change is the changes in earth's weather patterns. Climate change, however, has come to be known as the warming of the earth's climate due to Co2. Climate change is rather controversial with the question that is the recent spike in temperature and Co2 related, and is this spike caused by humans? Many studies have been done by a multitude of organizations. The majority of these studies all point to one thing. According to skeptical science, "With 60–70 meters of global sea level locked up... Many now seem to converge on 1–2 meters of sea level rise by 2100 (2017)" Also, according to NASA, the global Co2 in the atmosphere is rising at about 2 parts per million per year (NASA 2017). The sea level is rising at the same time that Co2 levels and global temperature is rising. This has all started around when humans

Argumentative Essay On Climate Change
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Global Warming, much of what does or does not happen forty years from now rests on our actions or inactions taken between now and then. The crucial question is whether we should pour all our resources into mitigation – reducing our carbon emissions. According to scientists who study the climate there are other environmental problems; "we now face a global crises in land use and agriculture that could undermine the health, security, and sustainability of our civilization". Rather than worry too much about emissions, we should accept the world is going to get warmer anyway and adapt to global warming by building better flood defenses and developing drought resistant crops.

We cannot dispute that automobiles, factories, and power plants, displace an unprecedented twenty tons of carbon monoxide– per person – per year. There needs to be a reduction in emissions, yet we cannot focus on this aspect of global warming alone. There are many indicators that climatic change is influencing the frequency and intensity of natural catastrophes. If scientific global climate models are accurate, the present problems will be magnified in the near future.

Already scientists have observed that more than 75% of the recent economic losses are caused by natural hazards which can be attributed to wind storms, floods, droughts and other climate related hazards. In the year 2008, the U.S. state of Iowa was on the front pages of newspapers all around the world.

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Argumentative Essay On Climate Change

Climate change is a change of our Earth's climate throughout a long period of time. An example of climate change is the glaciers melting in the Arctic. When the glaciers it signals that our Earth is warming. This is a very serious issue because if the Earth is warming it can cause more intense storms or make it easier for natural disasters. Natural disasters are already a big enough problem as they are. Climate change is something we can not throw to the side. This is something that will eventually have very negative effects of life. In this century the Earth's temperature has raised about 1 degree Fahrenheit. Even the littlest change like this makes a very big difference.

Climate change is caused from many things. One huge factor more content...

We will use more fossil fuels, have more toxins released till we don't have anything anymore. That's the harsh reality, if we don't take action now we will end up dead. It's so important to get the word out about this right now and do everything possible so our climate doesn't keep getting higher. The higher it gets the more we are in risk. We need to care about this issue because it can determine life or death. If we help this situation if could save us. However, if we don't it could kill us. Since our earth is heating we can get more intense weather which can cause houses to get ruined or even lost. We should care for and help the people that have lost their homes because the intense weather. We can help by giving food, clothes, donate money, and going to that place and help with the cleanup. If something were to happen to your belongings and home would you want everyone to not worry or not have any help? I bet not. So let's help people who have lost their things. This is truly not something we shouldn't worry about and throw to the side. This needs action as soon as possible! I think we need a law about fossil fuels and burning greenhouse gases. I think it should not be legal. It has too many effects on life that are too dangerous. Even if this becomes a law some people will still do it and they need consequences. I think this is wrong to have this happening in our world today. In some places around the world

Climate Change Argumentative Essay
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