Everything You Need to Know About Chinese Dodder Seed Extract

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Chinese Dodder Seed extract 1.What is Chinese Dodder Seed extract? Chinese Dodder Seed extract is a supplement extracted from dodder seed. Also known as a longevity herb, the dodder plant is a “twinning” parasitic vine that belongs to the Cuscutaceae family. The plant has thread-like thin stems but no leaves. Being parasitic, it grows on host plants from which it gets all the nutrients and water. The plant has some chlorophyll in its stems, fruits, and buds, but it has no roots. Dodder plant grows mainly in Henan, Shandong, Hebei, Jilin, Liaoning, and Jiangsu provinces of China. The Chinese dodder seed extract is available either in capsule or powder form.

2.Chinese Dodder Seed extract uses Dodder seeds have strong antioxidant properties and high flavonoid content that make them have many uses. They have been used for many years to stop diarrhea, improve eyesight, nourish the liver, and energize the kidneys. The dodder seed extract has also been used to treat many ailments including leucorrhea, urinary frequency, erectile dysfunction, and lower back pain. Other Chinese dodder seed extract uses include:      

To treat jaundice To stimulate appetite As a laxative, mild diuretic, and cholagogue As an anti-scorbutic: used to prevent or cure scurvy Used in the treatment of sciatica Used in the treatment of gout

3.Chinese Dodder Seed extract benefits The health benefits of Chinese dodder seed extract have been known for years, especially in Asia. The dodder seed extract is usually taken alongside other herbal remedies to make it more effective. 1


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