Everything You Need to Know About Fenugreek seed extract

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Fenugreek seed extract 1. What is fenugreek seed extract? Fenugreek seed extract as the title sounds, is an extract obtained from the seeds of fenugreek plant. Fenugreek is an annual herb with light green leaves, small white flowers and pods containing golden-brown seeds. This crop is native to Southern Europe, the Maditerranean region and western Asia but grown in other areas like China, Africa and India. Fenugreek is also known as Greek Hay, Fenogreco, Greek Clover, Trigonella, Methika and Trigonella foenugraecum.

Fenugreek seeds are the most used part of the plant and have a somewhat bitter taste similar to maple syrup and celery. The seeds are often used to make medicine. However, the leaves have also been used as vegetables in India.

Fenugreek is taken by mouth to ease digestive ailments or in form of paste applied on the skin to relieve inflammation and muscle pain.

Fenugreek seed extract has been used due to its benefits health wise, and utilization in the manufacturing industry.

2.Fenugreek seed extract uses Fenugreek seed extract was used for a variety of health issues including menopause relief, to ease childbirth, relieve digestive problems as well as increase milk flow in breastfeeding women.



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