Saw Palmetto Extract 1. What is Saw Palmetto Extract? Saw Palmetto extract is obtained from the berries of the saw palmetto tree. Also known as Sabal serrulata or Serenoa repens, saw palmetto is a green plant that is commonly used in herbal medicine. It is mainly used in fighting hair loss, enhancing hormonal balance, and treating and prostate-related health conditions. 2. Saw Palmetto extra uses There is a range of Saw Palmetto extract uses, some of which include; Used in preventing and fighting hair loss. It is used in balancing hormones and the treatment of prostate conditions. It can be combined with other medications to help in the treatment of prostate cancer. Some individuals use Saw Palmetto for the treatment of cold, cough, chronic bronchitis, sore throat, migraine headaches, and asthma. It can be used as a diuretic to increase urine flow. Saw Palmetto extract can be used to improve sexual drive. It can be used as a sedative to help in relaxation.
3. Benefits of Saw Palmetto extract The Saw Palmetto extract benefits are limitless, and some of them include; Treatment of BPH One of the significant benefits reported from the use of this product is that it helps in managing BPH. This is a condition that is characterized by abnormal enlargement of the prostate. Although it is not a severe health issue, patients experience increased need to urinate, and this is where Saw Palmetto extract comes in to help in regulating urine flow. The condition may also result in urinary tract infections and other serious 1