Knippling Herefords Annual Sale

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Online Auction Bidding Opens January 20, 2023 and Closes January 22, 2023 SELLING 65 BULLS Plus 165 Black Baldy Heifers Knippling Hereford 66th Annual Sale

Welcome Cattle

We put up a lot of quality hay this year, but the summer turned hot and very dry. We started feeding the bulls in September, due to the pastures drying up. With the cattle market looking good everybody wants a cut of it. Efficiency is the key to a successful operation, so you need to get the most for your dollar. Hereford sired cattle provide efficiency and longevity as well as carcass merit. Hereford bulls provide so many traits that just don’t come through on EPD’s, like libido, adaptability, fertility, and docility.

Again, this year we will be offering our home raised F1 Black Baldy replacement heifers. These heifers will be the top end and are extremely fancy. They have been through the working chute several times to be screened for disposition. All the twins have been removed. They will be Bangs vaccinated. They will all make excellent brood cows.

This set of bulls is one of the most consistent we have ever offered. There is always room for improvement, and we strive to find seed stock that will help with that. We feel that every bull offered for sale is good enough that we would use it in our operation. In our program, we put an emphasis on quality, trouble-free females with length, muscle, good disposition, sound feet & legs, good hair, excellent bags, and that will raise a quality calf. These bulls are an extension of that program.

We believe bulls that aren’t fed hard but have the opportunity to grow will have longevity. The bulls were never creep fed. We feel that not creep feeding allows the best opportunity for evaluating the cows. They were raised on a high roughage ration then turned out on grass for the summer as yearlings.

Our auction will be the same as last year. There will not be a sale order and we will be using a horse race style format. We know that it may be new to some, but we feel that not being restricted by a sale order will benefit our customers. How often have you said, “Who made this sale order anyway?” The bidding will still occur over a several day time frame, which gives our customers more time to compare the bulls. You can come view the bulls at your convenience. If anyone does not feel comfortable with the bidding format, please let us know and we will have help available.

Knippling Hereford 34957 225th Street Gann Valley, SD 57341 Randy Knippling H: 605/293-3493 - C: 605/680-3185 Garin Haak H: 605/293-3289 - C: 605/680-4637
Producers, Bidding instructions for heifers on page 23.
instructions for bulls on page 26. Horse race style on
to the ranch to view the Hereford bulls and F1 Black Baldiy replacement females that we will offer in our 66th Annual Production Sale.
Thank you, The Jerry Knippling Family

Volume Buyer Discount

*3% on 3 bulls

*4% on 4 bulls

*5% on 5 or more bulls

Bull Delivery

*Free delivery on total purchase of $4,000 or one bull of $3,500 or more within 400 miles.

*$100 off if you pick up within one week of the sale. After that we will start delivery at our convenience.


The terms of the sale are cash or check payable to Knippling Hereford. All settlements must be made prior to any cattle being released, unless other arrangements have been made.


All bulls $3,500 or more are guaranteed for 60 days after turn out. It will be made with a suitable replacement or credit in the next year’s sale. Should a problem arise contact us right away.

Disposition Rating

Explanation of the disposition rating: In the course of getting ready for the sale, we have had the bulls singled out three times and pushed them to see what they would tolerate. We then used this to give them a disposition rating (dis). See the key below.


hunt you down

between a 2 and a 4

but not aggressive

hold in corner, but if you give him an opening, he will leave

Can hold in corner and he will stand quietly

Can grab by horn and turn them around

can walk them around with your hand on hip

You can scratch them, very quiet

Likes to be scratched

3 Knippling Hereford
Rating Explanation 1 Will
Aggressive if cornered

Herd Bulls

R 0141 NORTH STAR 50B - #43495965

CED: +2.9 BW: 2.5 WW: 65 YW: 120 M: 43 MG: 76

50B was the top selling bull in Ridder’s 2016 sale, out of one of their top cows. He has it all, great carcass, moderate birth weights, great disposition, longevity, exceptional females, explosive growth, and unmatched depth and thickness. Most of all he knows what his job is, siring 45 calves naturally his first year.

R 4067 NORTH STAR 29D (STAR POWER) - #43704582

CED: -5.4 BW: 6.4 WW: 72 YW: 119 M: 35 MG: 71

29D was our pick in Ridder’s 2017 sale. 29D is a true POWERHOUSE, siring unmatched depth and muscle. The females look like they will make top end cows. He is going to be a true foundation sire.

R 330A NORTH STAR 4C - #43601439

CED: +1.1 BW: 6.2 WW: 59 YW: 102 M: 36 MG: 66

The top calf in Ridder’s 2016 sale. 4C is a Cooper sired bull with about as much length and hind quarter as one can find. Look for more sons in the future.

ECR 2109 DOMINO 7093 - #43850241

CED: +5.4 BW: 1.2 WW: 52 YW: 85 M: 28 MG: 54

A Line 1 bred bull that we bought for a low birth weight option. He definitely did that, siring heifers in the 60s and bulls in the 70s. He has good length and thickness for a heifer bull.

R 4105 NORTH STAR 11E - #43821412

CED: -4.0 BW: 4.1 WW: 56 YW: 92 M: 37 MG: 64

11E was our pick in Ridders 2018 sale. He sires low birth weight and explosive growth. He has great length, thickness, and a super disposition.

FH 417 ADVANCE 9110 ET - #44065655

CED: +7.3 BW: 1.4 WW: 53 YW: 93 M: 34 MG: 60

The top selling bull from Friedt Herefords 2020 sale. He sires length, pigment, and muscle at a low birth weight. We have over sixty 9110 sired calves now and really like what we see. He definitely knows what his job is, breeding throughout the whole season.

4 Knippling Hereford
4C 29D 50B 9110

Herd Bulls

KR 50B SUPERSTAR 733E (STARLITE) - #43824742

CED: +10.3 BW: 0.1 WW: 50 YW: 88 M: 36 MG: 61

733E is a home raised 50B son that we kept to breed some heifers. He is deep sided like his sire with great calving ease and excellent disposition.

KR 50B SUPERSTAR 755E - #43824771

CED: -0.2 BW: 5.7 WW: 64 YW: 112 M: 32 MG: 64

We had him listed in our 2019 sale with a high start bid knowing we could not find better. He is out of one of our top cows and the 50B. He sires all the depth of 50B with a little more thickness and great hair.

R 319C NORTH STAR 50F - #43932170

CED: +2.7 BW: 5.2 WW: 72 YW: 101 M: 26 MG: 62

A calf we got in Ridder’s 2019 sale to bring in some Canadian influence into our herd. I’m not sure if they make them any thicker. He provides moderate birth weight with excellent growth.

5 Knippling Hereford
11E 4C 29D 755E
6 Knippling Hereford CED: +2.7 BW: 2.5 WW: 61 YW: 98 M: 35 MG: 66 ACT. BW: 78 205 WT: 638 365 WT: 1200 11/29/22 WT: 1560 SCROTAL: 37.5 DISPOSITION: 8 A thick 7093 son with a good spread between birth and weaning weight. The 997 cow has a perfect udder and milks well. KR 7093 DOMINO 114J Reg. # 44262728 - DOB: 3/7/21 ECR 2109 DOMINO 7093 KR 11E ROXY 997G CL 1 DOMINO 2109Z ECR 9075 DOMINETTE 2190 R 4105 NORTH STAR 11E KR 3025 MS ADV 6133D CL 1 DOMINO 994W 1ET (CHB) CL 1 DOMINETTE 759T 1ET HH ADVANCE 9075W ET (SOD) ECR 9126 DOMINETTE 9246 ET HH ADVANCE 4105B ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 517 UU DOMINO 3025 KBR 7152 BELLE 262Z Lot 2 CED: +13.5 BW: -1.1 WW: 48 YW: 79 M: 32 MG: 56 ACT. BW: 65 205 WT: 582 365 WT: 1110 11/29/22 WT: 1500 SCROTAL: 37.5 DISPOSITION: 8 A light birth weight 733E son that is fully pigmented. He is long bodied and smooth shouldered, his calves should come easy. KR 733E STARLITE 107J Reg. # 44262720 - DOB: 3/5/21 KR 50B SUPERSTAR 733E KR 4041 EMMA 9120G R 0141 NORTH STAR 50B KR 7100 HALEY 404B ECR 2029 DOMINO 4041 KR MS 3025 ADV 674D CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 458 (DOD) H5 408 DOMINO 7100 (SOD) KBR 9014 BELLE 253Z HH ADVANCE 2029Z ET (SOD) ECR 8050 DOMINETTE 1085 (DOD) UU DOMINO 3025 KR 24N BELLE 607-C Lot 1 CED: +4.4 BW: 2.7 WW: 48 YW: 85 M: 25 MG: 49 ACT. BW: 81 205 WT: 610 365 WT: 1100 11/29/22 WT: 1430 SCROTAL: 36.5 DISPOSITION: 8 A moderate birth weight 7093 son that has eye pigment. 7093 sons have calving ease but still have thickness. KR 7093 DOMINO 116J Reg. # 44262731 - DOB: 3/8/21 ECR 2109 DOMINO 7093 KR 1034 ROBIN 960G CL 1 DOMINO 2109Z ECR 9075 DOMINETTE 2190 UPS DOMINO 1034 KBR 93U BELLE 231Z CL 1 DOMINO 994W 1ET (CHB) CL 1 DOMINETTE 759T 1ET HH ADVANCE 9075W ET (SOD) ECR 9126 DOMINETTE 9246 ET UPS DOMINO 5216 (SOD) UPS MISS DOMINO 9106 R 0041 NORTH STAR 93U KBR 45U BELLE 029G (DOD) Lot 3 CED: -2.0 BW: 3.3 WW: 52 YW: 92 M: 30 MG: 56 ACT. BW: 82 205 WT: 615 365 WT: 1120 11/29/22 WT: 1520 SCROTAL: 40 DISPOSITION: 7 A long-made, thick 7093 son that is out of a good 50B daughter. KR 7093 DOMINO 117J Reg. # 44262732 - DOB: 3/8/21 ECR 2109 DOMINO 7093 KR 50B STARLETTE 9123G CL 1 DOMINO 2109Z ECR 9075 DOMINETTE 2190 R 0141 NORTH STAR 50B KR 2039 BELLE 590C CL 1 DOMINO 994W 1ET (CHB) CL 1 DOMINETTE 759T 1ET HH ADVANCE 9075W ET (SOD) ECR 9126 DOMINETTE 9246 ET CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 458 (DOD) ECR 860 DOMINO 2039 KBR 15X RIBLET 279Z (DOD) Lot 4
7 Knippling Hereford CED: +5.0 BW: 3.6 WW: 62 YW: 87 M: 33 MG: 64 ACT. BW: 75 205 WT: 603 365 WT: 1010 11/29/22 WT: 1460 SCROTAL: 39.5 DISPOSITION: 7.5 The 50F sires extremely thick cattle. A 75# birth weight and pedigree stacked with calving ease. KR 50F SILVER STAR 124J Reg. # 44262739 - DOB: 3/9/21 R 319C NORTH STAR 50F KR 7093 MS DOM 9154G LCI BD 30Z SILVER 319C R STARLETTE 338 (DOD) ECR 2109 DOMINO 7093 KR 1B CALLIE 770E JEN 195T SILVER 30Z LCI BD NORTH STAR LASS 308Y HH ADVANCE 1193Y ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 013 (DOD) CL 1 DOMINO 2109Z (SOD) ECR 9075 DOMINETTE 2190 R 105Y NORTH STAR 1B KR 7100 HALEY 417B Lot 6 CED: +4.2 BW: 2.4 WW: 52 YW: 81 M: 30 MG: 56 ACT. BW: 77 205 WT: 607 365 WT: 1090 11/29/22 WT: 1450 SCROTAL: 39 DISPOSITION: 7.5 A long-spined 7093 son in a moderate frame. The 7093 sons have thickness, length, and a good rear end. KR 7093 DOMINO 127J Reg. # 44262743 - DOB: 3/10/21 ECR 2109 DOMINO 7093 KR 11E ROXY 9100G CL 1 DOMINO 2109Z ECR 9075 DOMINETTE 2190 R 4105 NORTH STAR 11E KR 2039 BELLE 531C CL 1 DOMINO 994W 1ET (CHB) CL 1 DOMINETTE 759T 1ET HH ADVANCE 9075W ET (SOD) ECR 9126 DOMINETTE 9246 ET HH ADVANCE 4105B ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 517 ECR 860 DOMINO 2039 KR 45U BELLE 148H (DOD) Lot 7 CED: +10.8 BW: 0.3 WW: 52 YW: 83 M: 27 MG: 53 ACT. BW: 68 205 WT: 575 365 WT: 1110 11/29/22 WT: 1470 SCROTAL: 38.5 DISPOSITION: 7 A heifer bull prospect with a 68# birth weight. 733E is a home-raised 50B son with great calving ease and the 50B depth. KR 733E STARLITE 128J Reg. # 44262745 - DOB: 3/10/21 KR 50B SUPERSTAR 733E KR 4041 EMMA 9137G R 0141 NORTH STAR 50B KR 7100 HALEY 404B ECR 2029 DOMINO 4041 KR 48X RIBLET 3108A (DOD) CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 458 (DOD) H5 408 DOMINO 7100 (SOD) KBR 9014 BELLE 253Z HH ADVANCE 2029Z ET (SOD) ECR 8050 DOMINETTE 1085 (DOD) R 29P NORTH STAR 48X GO MS L18 EXCEL S202 Lot 8 CED: +5.2 BW: 3.4 WW: 67 YW: 104 M: 33 MG: 67 ACT. BW: 81 205 WT: 689 365 WT: 1270 11/29/22 WT: 1740 SCROTAL: 36.5 DISPOSITION: 7 Here is a chip off the old block. Might be the thickest bull in the sale. He has great numbers especially for a bull out of a first calf heifer. WIDE LOAD! KR 50F SILVER STAR 134J Reg. # 44262753 - DOB: 3/10/21 R 319C NORTH STAR 50F KR 7093 MS DOM 904G LCI BD 30Z SILVER 319C R STARLETTE 338 (DOD) ECR 2109 DOMINO 7093 KR 50B STARLETTE 790E JEN 195T SILVER 30Z LCI BD NORTH STAR LASS 308Y HH ADVANCE 1193Y ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 013 (DOD) CL 1 DOMINO 2109Z (SOD) ECR 9075 DOMINETTE 2190 R 0141 NORTH STAR 50B KBR 45U RIBLET 255Z Lot 9
8 Knippling Hereford CED: +3.0 BW: 4.2 WW: 62 YW: 89 M: 27 MG: 58 ACT. BW: 77 205 WT: 622 365 WT: 1120 11/29/22 WT: 1480 SCROTAL: 40 DISPOSITION: 7.5 A stout made 50F son that has his sire’s depth of body and thickness. KR 50F SILVER STAR 136J Reg. # 44262755 - DOB: 3/11/21 R 319C NORTH STAR 50F KR 4183 MS TURNING POINT 929G LCI BD 30Z SILVER 319C R STARLETTE 338 (DOD) ECR 2029 DOMINO 4041 KR 2039 BELLE 693D JEN 195T SILVER 30Z LCI BD NORTH STAR LASS 308Y HH ADVANCE 1193Y ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 013 (DOD) HH ADVANCE 2029Z ET (SOD) ECR 8050 DOMINETTE 1085 (DOD) ECR 860 DOMINO 2039 VOH L1 DOMINETTE 516 (DOD) Lot 11 CED: +6.0 BW: 1.4 WW: 52 YW: 86 M: 36 MG: 62 ACT. BW: 77 205 WT: 588 365 WT: 1150 11/29/22 WT: 1600 SCROTAL: 36.5 DISPOSITION: 8 A gentle 733E son with his sire’s length and depth. The 733E is one of the easiest calving bulls we have used. KR 733E STARLITE 138J Reg. # 44262865 - DOB: 3/11/21 KR 50B SUPERSTAR 733E KR 7093 MS DOM 9176G R 0141 NORTH STAR 50B KR 7100 HALEY 404B ECR 2109 DOMINO 7093 KR 1202 DOMINETTE 726E CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 458 (DOD) H5 408 DOMINO 7100 (SOD) KBR 9014 BELLE 253Z CL 1 DOMINO 2109Z (SOD) ECR 9075 DOMINETTE 2190 KB L1 DOMINO 1202Y KR 2112 HARLEY 5122C Lot 12 CED: +8.9 BW: 0.3 WW: 45 YW: 80 M: 27 MG: 50 ACT. BW: 71 205 WT: 538 365 WT: 1100 11/29/22 WT: 1500 SCROTAL: 38.5 DISPOSITION: 8 You can always tell a 733E son, they all look the same. Depth of body, length, and smooth fronted. KR 733E STARLITE 141J Reg. # 44262870 - DOB: 3/11/21 KR 50B SUPERSTAR 733E KR 4041 EMMA 9170G R 0141 NORTH STAR 50B KR 7100 HALEY 404B ECR 2029 DOMINO 4041 KBR L1 BELLE 915F (DOD) CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 458 (DOD) H5 408 DOMINO 7100 (SOD) KBR 9014 BELLE 253Z HH ADVANCE 2029Z ET (SOD) ECR 8050 DOMINETTE 1085 (DOD) VOH DOMINO 617 VOH MISS SLVR DOM 633 Lot 13 CED: +7.0 BW: 2.8 WW: 54 YW: 85 M: 24 MG: 50 ACT. BW: 75 205 WT: 578 365 WT: 1110 11/29/22 WT: 1430 SCROTAL: 38 DISPOSITION: 8 This long and thick 50F son is backed by some the best cows on the ranch. KR 50F SILVER STAR 142J Reg. # 44262871 - DOB: 3/11/21 R 319C NORTH STAR 50F KR 3025 MS ADV 918G LCI BD 30Z SILVER 319C R STARLETTE 338 (DOD) UU DOMINO 3025 KR 7100 HALEY 505C JEN 195T SILVER 30Z LCI BD NORTH STAR LASS 308Y HH ADVANCE 1193Y ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 013 (DOD) HH ADVANCE 7146T (CHB,SOD) UU MS 5170 ADV 1149 (DOD) H5 408 DOMINO 7100 (SOD) KBR 0635 BELLE 354A Lot 14
9 Knippling Hereford CED: +2.1 BW: 4.4 WW: 60 YW: 102 M: 28 MG: 58 ACT. BW: 83 205 WT: 596 365 WT: 1180 11/29/22 WT: 1660 SCROTAL: 40 DISPOSITION: 8 7093 has raised some great bulls, but the real thing he has left behind is females with perfect udders. Keep the females for sure. KR 7093 DOMINO 144J Reg. # 44262875 - DOB: 3/12/21 ECR 2109 DOMINO 7093 KR 11E ROXY 9139G CL 1 DOMINO 2109Z ECR 9075 DOMINETTE 2190 R 4105 NORTH STAR 11E KR 3009 CLASSY 549C CL 1 DOMINO 994W 1ET (CHB) CL 1 DOMINETTE 759T 1ET HH ADVANCE 9075W ET (SOD) ECR 9126 DOMINETTE 9246 ET HH ADVANCE 4105B ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 517 ECR HIGH CLASS 3009 MONTANA MISS 924W Lot 16 CED: -0.9 BW: 4.9 WW: 63 YW: 99 M: 28 MG: 60 ACT. BW: 82 205 WT: 578 365 WT: 1140 11/29/22 WT: 1640 SCROTAL: 41 DISPOSITION: 7.5 Another easy fleshing 50F son that is very thick. 50F brings in some Canadian influence. KR 50F SILVER STAR 146J Reg. # 44262879 - DOB: 3/12/21 R 319C NORTH STAR 50F KR 4Y BELLE 802F LCI BD 30Z SILVER 319C R STARLETTE 338 (DOD) R 3027 NORTH STAR 4Y KR 1202Y BELLE 603D JEN 195T SILVER 30Z LCI BD NORTH STAR LASS 308Y HH ADVANCE 1193Y ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 013 (DOD) UPS DOMINO 3027 (CHB,SOD) R STARLETTE 915 R 105Y NORTH STAR 1B KR 7100 HALEY 416B Lot 17 CED: +7.4 BW: 1.1 WW: 52 YW: 97 M: 41 MG: 67 ACT. BW: 75 205 WT: 644 365 WT: 1260 11/29/22 WT: 1700 SCROTAL: 40.5 DISPOSITION: 7.5 Our first 9110 son and he is a good one. Fully pigmented and extra-long, with the 50B depth. He is out of a great 50B cow. KR 9110 FREEDOM 149J Reg. # 44262882 - DOB: 3/13/21 FH 417 ADVANCE 9110 ET KR 50B STARLETTE 7115E (DOD) H5 1147 ADVANCE 417 (CHB) SR BAKKETTE 553C (DOD) R 0141 NORTH STAR 50B KB L1 DOMINETTE 371 A H5 4055 ADVANCE 1147 1 ET (SOD) H5 MS 7100 DOMET 215 SR BAKKEN 62Z (SOD) SR DELIGHT 767 CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 458 (DOD) CL 1 DOMINO 993W (SOD) KB L1 DOMINETTE 656 Lot 18 CED: +1.3 BW: 4.2 WW: 62 YW: 109 M: 31 MG: 62 ACT. BW: 86 205 WT: 594 365 WT: 1170 11/29/22 WT: 1670 SCROTAL: 37 DISPOSITION: 8 The first thing that will catch your eye is the length of the 9110 sired bulls. He is a smooth-made, deep-sided bull with a lot of maternal bred in. KR 9110 FREEDOM 150J Reg. # 44262883 - DOB: 3/13/21 FH 417 ADVANCE 9110 ET KR 7093 MS DOM 910G H5 1147 ADVANCE 417 (CHB) SR BAKKETTE 553C (DOD) ECR 2109 DOMINO 7093 KR 50B STARLETTE 7151E (DOD) H5 4055 ADVANCE 1147 1 ET (SOD) H5 MS 7100 DOMET 215 SR BAKKEN 62Z (SOD) SR DELIGHT 767 CL 1 DOMINO 2109Z (SOD) ECR 9075 DOMINETTE 2190 R 0141 NORTH STAR 50B KR 7100 HALEY 456B Lot 19
10 Knippling Hereford CED: +1.2 BW: 4.5 WW: 57 YW: 95 M: 30 MG: 58 ACT. BW: 83 205 WT: 512 365 WT: 1040 11/29/22 WT: 1470 SCROTAL: 41 DISPOSITION: 8 A long made 9110 son out of a Turning Point daughter. With over 60 calves sired, now that tells you how much we think of the 9110. KR 9110 FREEDOM 158J Reg. # 44262891 - DOB: 3/14/21 FH 417 ADVANCE 9110 ET KR 4183 MS TURNING POINT 742E H5 1147 ADVANCE 417 (CHB) SR BAKKETTE 553C (DOD) UU TURNING POINT KBR 15X RIBLET 288Z H5 4055 ADVANCE 1147 1 ET (SOD) H5 MS 7100 DOMET 215 SR BAKKEN 62Z (SOD) SR DELIGHT 767 UU ADVANCE 0014 (SOD) UU MS RENDITION 0135 R 54U NORTH STAR ER15X KBR 808 BELLE 037G Lot 20 CED: -5.3 BW: 6.2 WW: 59 YW: 103 M: 30 MG: 59 ACT. BW: 96 205 WT: 628 365 WT: 1270 11/29/22 WT: 1670 SCROTAL: 39 DISPOSITION: 8 Everything about this bull is big. He has big numbers, big volume, and a big top. The 29D’s will just keep catching your eye. His mother is a Dam of Distinction. KR 29D STAR POWER 160J Reg. # 44262892 - DOB: 3/15/21 R 4067 NORTH STAR 29D KR 3050 BELLE 5112C (DOD) HH ADVANCE 4067B ET R STARLETTE EL 227 UU BRITISHER 3050 SR VESTA 662 HH ADVANCE 1013Y ET (SOD) HH MISS ADVANCE 8255U CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE EL916 (DOD) FA 105T BRITISHER 5X UU MS 5170 ADV 1045 (DOD) BB 1065 DOMINO 4034 SR SHANA 3117 Lot 21 CED: +5.1 BW: 2.5 WW: 57 YW: 102 M: 33 MG: 61 ACT. BW: 81 205 WT: 527 365 WT: 1210 11/29/22 WT: 1610 SCROTAL: 39.5 DISPOSITION: 6 A dark red 50B son that is deep sided and long made. KR 50B SUPERSTAR 170J Reg. # 44262902 - DOB: 3/16/21 R 0141 NORTH STAR 50B KR 3009 CLASSY 734E CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 458 (DOD) ECR HIGH CLASS 3009 MONTANA MISS 099X CL 1 DOMINO 860U (SOD) CL 1 DOMINETTE 475P CL 1 DOMINO 6107F (SOD) R SUPER LADY 440 HH ADVANCE 8050U ET (SOD) ECR L18 GEN LADY 6131 (DOD) CL 1 DOMINO 795T 1ET MONTANA MISS 559R Lot 22 CED: -5.0 BW: 4.3 WW: 57 YW: 98 M: 27 MG: 56 ACT. BW: 83 205 WT: 606 365 WT: 1180 11/29/22 WT: 1690 SCROTAL: 41 DISPOSITION: 8 A yellow, curly haired 29D son that stands out wide on the corners. He has the depth and thickness of his sire. KR 29D STAR POWER 171J Reg. # 44262903 - DOB: 3/16/21 R 4067 NORTH STAR 29D KR 47Y STARLETTE 6122D HH ADVANCE 4067B ET R STARLETTE EL 227 R 723U NORTH STAR 47Y KB L1 DOMINETTE 371 A HH ADVANCE 1013Y ET (SOD) HH MISS ADVANCE 8255U CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE EL916 (DOD) JNHR SILVER STANDARD 723U R STARLETTE 507 (DOD) CL 1 DOMINO 993W (SOD) KB L1 DOMINETTE 656 Lot 23
11 Knippling Hereford CED: +2.2 BW: 4.0 WW: 49 YW: 80 M: 27 MG: 52 ACT. BW: 92 205 WT: 554 365 WT: 1110 11/29/22 WT: 1490 SCROTAL: 38.5 DISPOSITION: 6.5 Our first out of our home raised 755E, a 50B son out of one of our top producing cows. A fully pigmented 755E son that is stout-built, thick and deep sided. KR 755E SUPERSTAR2 172J Reg. # 44262904 - DOB: 3/16/21 KR 50B SUPERSTAR 755E KR 1034 ROBIN 4109B R 0141 NORTH STAR 50B KBR 0635 BELLE 354A UPS DOMINO 1034 MONTANA MISS 0117X (DOD) CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 458 (DOD) UPS ADVANCE 0635 KBR 45U BELLE 065G (DOD) UPS DOMINO 5216 (SOD) UPS MISS DOMINO 9106 CL 1 DOMINO 6105S MONTANA MISS 791T Lot 24 CED: -1.7 BW: 4.9 WW: 64 YW: 94 M: 36 MG: 68 ACT. BW: 84 205 WT: 627 365 WT: 1100 11/29/22 WT: 1580 SCROTAL: 39.5 DISPOSITION: 7 The 50F sired bulls all look the same, and consistency is what you want in your calf crop. He is high volume and big topped in a moderate frame. KR 50F SILVER STAR 182J Reg. # 44262914 - DOB: 3/17/21 R 319C NORTH STAR 50F KR 50B STARLETTE 961G LCI BD 30Z SILVER 319C R STARLETTE 338 (DOD) R 0141 NORTH STAR 50B KR 48X RIBLET 331A JEN 195T SILVER 30Z LCI BD NORTH STAR LASS 308Y HH ADVANCE 1193Y ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 013 (DOD) CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 458 (DOD) R 29P NORTH STAR 48X GO MS CRYSTAL S40 Lot 26 CED: +5.7 BW: 2.0 WW: 52 YW: 83 M: 30 MG: 56 ACT. BW: 76 205 WT: 634 365 WT: 1160 11/29/22 WT: 1550 SCROTAL: 40.5 DISPOSITION: 7 When we combine 3025 and 7093 good things happen. A good haired 7093 son that has the 7093 depth and the 3025 thickness. He has a great spread between birth and weaning. KR 7093 DOMINO 181J Reg. # 44262912 - DOB: 3/17/21 ECR 2109 DOMINO 7093 KR 3025 MS ADV 885F CL 1 DOMINO 2109Z ECR 9075 DOMINETTE 2190 UU DOMINO 3025 KBR 510B BELLE 066G CL 1 DOMINO 994W 1ET (CHB) CL 1 DOMINETTE 759T 1ET HH ADVANCE 9075W ET (SOD) ECR 9126 DOMINETTE 9246 ET HH ADVANCE 7146T (CHB,SOD) UU MS 5170 ADV 1149 (DOD) KBR RANCHER 510-B KR RIB 32P BELLE 743D Lot 25 CED: +4.5 BW: 2.7 WW: 49 YW: 78 M: 27 MG: 51 ACT. BW: 83 205 WT: 578 365 WT: 1110 11/29/22 WT: 1470 SCROTAL: 37 DISPOSITION: 7 A yellow curly haired 11E son with the old school Hereford look. 11E sires depth, thickness, and length. KR 11E ROCKSTAR 183J Reg. # 44262915 - DOB: 3/17/21 R 4105 NORTH STAR 11E KR 3050 BELLE 572C HH ADVANCE 4105B ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 517 UU BRITISHER 3050 KBR 9014 BELLE 220Z HH ADVANCE 1098Y L1 DOMINETTE 99374 CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 735 FA 105T BRITISHER 5X UU MS 5170 ADV 1045 (DOD) UPS DOMINO 9014 GO MS 306 DOMINO S30 Lot 27
12 Knippling Hereford CED: -4.7 BW: 5.9 WW: 69 YW: 120 M: 35 MG: 69 ACT. BW: 91 205 WT: 625 365 WT: 1280 11/29/22 WT: 1630 SCROTAL: 40 DISPOSITION: 7 A powerful 9110 son that checks all the boxes. A big butted, deep bodied bull with all the length you would expect from a 9110 son. KR 9110 FREEDOM 186J Reg. # 44262942 - DOB: 3/17/21 FH 417 ADVANCE 9110 ET KR 50B STARLETTE 864F H5 1147 ADVANCE 417 (CHB) SR BAKKETTE 553C (DOD) R 0141 NORTH STAR 50B KR 3050 BELLE 592C H5 4055 ADVANCE 1147 1 ET (SOD) H5 MS 7100 DOMET 215 SR BAKKEN 62Z (SOD) SR DELIGHT 767 CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 458 (DOD) UU BRITISHER 3050 GO MS L18 EXCEL S48 Lot 28 CED: -5.7 BW: 4.2 WW: 54 YW: 91 M: 39 MG: 66 ACT. BW: 89 205 WT: 548 365 WT: 1100 11/29/22 WT: 1500 SCROTAL: 37 DISPOSITION: 7 A deep sided 11E son that is red to the ground. The 11E daughters are making good females. KR 11E ROCKSTAR 189J Reg. # 44262945 - DOB: 3/18/21 R 4105 NORTH STAR 11E KR 50B STARLETTE 746E HH ADVANCE 4105B ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 517 R 0141 NORTH STAR 50B MONTANA MISS 924W HH ADVANCE 1098Y L1 DOMINETTE 99374 CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 735 CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 458 (DOD) KB L1 DOMINO 641 MONTANA MISS 644 ET Lot 29 CED: +7.4 BW: 2.9 WW: 58 YW: 102 M: 37 MG: 66 ACT. BW: 84 205 WT: 521 365 WT: 1140 11/29/22 WT: 1480 SCROTAL: 34 DISPOSITION: 8 A big middled 50B son that has a big hip. We now have over 75 females in our herd with 50B somewhere in the pedigree. KR 50B SUPERSTAR 191J Reg. # 44262947 - DOB: 3/18/21 R 0141 NORTH STAR 50B KR 3025 MS ADV 822F CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 458 (DOD) UU DOMINO 3025 KR 7100 HALEY 446B CL 1 DOMINO 860U (SOD) CL 1 DOMINETTE 475P CL 1 DOMINO 6107F (SOD) R SUPER LADY 440 HH ADVANCE 7146T (CHB,SOD) UU MS 5170 ADV 1149 (DOD) H5 408 DOMINO 7100 (SOD)KR RIB 32P BELLE 726D Lot 30 CED: +7.2 BW: 2.1 WW: 55 YW: 101 M: 38 MG: 66 ACT. BW: 82 205 WT: 590 365 WT: 1190 11/29/22 WT: 1660 SCROTAL: 37 DISPOSITION: 7 A very stylish 9110 that is going to catch your eye. He is long spined with a nice hip. KR 9110 FREEDOM 195J Reg. # 44262954 - DOB: 3/18/21 FH 417 ADVANCE 9110 ET KR 50B STARLETTE 891F H5 1147 ADVANCE 417 (CHB) SR BAKKETTE 553C (DOD) R 0141 NORTH STAR 50B KR 1034 ROBIN 5146C H5 4055 ADVANCE 1147 1 ET (SOD) H5 MS 7100 DOMET 215 SR BAKKEN 62Z (SOD) SR DELIGHT 767 CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 458 (DOD) UPS DOMINO 1034 GO MS PJ EXCEL S125 Lot 31
13 Knippling Hereford CED: +0.8 BW: 4.5 WW: 62 YW: 95 M: 37 MG: 68 ACT. BW: 76 205 WT: 565 365 WT: 1180 11/29/22 WT: 1610 SCROTAL: 38.5 DISPOSITION: 7 A lower birth weight 29D, but all the depth and thickness you would expect. 29D offspring are very easy fleshing. KR 29D STAR POWER 197J Reg. # 44262959 - DOB: 3/18/21 R 4067 NORTH STAR 29D KR 3142 MS ADV 6118D HH ADVANCE 4067B ET R STARLETTE EL 227 UU DOMINO 3142 KR 52N BELLE 826E HH ADVANCE 1013Y ET (SOD) HH MISS ADVANCE 8255U CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE EL916 (DOD) HH ADVANCE 7146T (CHB,SOD) UU MS HAL 1270 R 157K RIB STONE 52N KR 509 BELLE 66X Lot 32 CED: -0.5 BW: 5.2 WW: 62 YW: 94 M: 24 MG: 55 ACT. BW: 82 205 WT: 544 365 WT: 1070 11/29/22 WT: 1550 SCROTAL: 37 DISPOSITION: 7 50B does a lot of things well, but the thing he does the most is added depth of body. A fully pigmented bull that definitely has the length and depth of a 50B. KR 50F SILVER STAR 198J Reg. # 44262961 - DOB: 3/18/21 R 319C NORTH STAR 50F KR 2039 BELLE 434B LCI BD 30Z SILVER 319C R STARLETTE 338 (DOD) ECR 860 DOMINO 2039 KR 32P BELLE 805E JEN 195T SILVER 30Z LCI BD NORTH STAR LASS 308Y HH ADVANCE 1193Y ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 013 (DOD) CL 1 DOMINO 860U (SOD) ECR 7195 DOMINETTE 9030 (DOD) R 157K NORTH STAR 32P KR 204 BELLE 509-B Lot 33 CED: -0.3 BW: 4.7 WW: 57 YW: 95 M: 30 MG: 59 ACT. BW: 81 205 WT: 545 365 WT: 1130 11/29/22 WT: 1500 SCROTAL: 38.5 DISPOSITION: 8 The best way to put weight on feeder cattle is length and thickness, 29D does that for sure. An easy fleshing 29D son that will sire a tremendous set of calves. KR 29D STAR POWER 1100J Reg. # 44262965 - DOB: 3/18/21 R 4067 NORTH STAR 29D KR 1034 ROBIN 4139B HH ADVANCE 4067B ET R STARLETTE EL 227 UPS DOMINO 1034 KBR 22S NORTHSTAR BELLE 927F HH ADVANCE 1013Y ET (SOD) HH MISS ADVANCE 8255U CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE EL916 (DOD) UPS DOMINO 5216 (SOD) UPS MISS DOMINO 9106 R 461 NORTH STAR 22S KR 204 BELLE 636-C Lot 34 CED: +6.2 BW: 2.1 WW: 59 YW: 101 M: 38 MG: 68 ACT. BW: 81 205 WT: 659 365 WT: 1240 11/29/22 WT: 1710 SCROTAL: 41.5 DISPOSITION: 8 With 81# birth weight and all kinds of growth this bull will do just what you want. A thick 50B son with pigment and he is as deep as a well. KR 50B SUPERSTAR 1101J Reg. # 44262967 - DOB: 3/19/21 R 0141 NORTH STAR 50B 5142B CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 458 (DOD) UPS DOMINO 1034 KBR 45U RIBLET 238Z CL 1 DOMINO 860U (SOD) CL 1 DOMINETTE 475P CL 1 DOMINO 6107F (SOD) R SUPER LADY 440 UPS DOMINO 5216 (SOD) UPS MISS DOMINO 9106 R 157K NORTH STAR 45U K LADY DOMINO 6168 Lot 35
14 Knippling Hereford CED: +7.9 BW: 1.3 WW: 56 YW: 91 M: 37 MG: 65 ACT. BW: 71 205 WT: 614 365 WT: 1170 11/29/22 WT: 1550 SCROTAL: 42 DISPOSITION: 7 We used 9110 on heifers with great success, but he performs just as well on cows. The Freedom bulls will add length to a calf crop for sure. He is a mile long. KR 9110 FREEDOM 1112J Reg. # 44262991 - DOB: 3/19/21 FH 417 ADVANCE 9110 ET KR 50B STARLETTE 758E H5 1147 ADVANCE 417 (CHB) SR BAKKETTE 553C (DOD) R 0141 NORTH STAR 50B KBR 44Y BELLE 383A H5 4055 ADVANCE 1147 1 ET (SOD) H5 MS 7100 DOMET 215 SR BAKKEN 62Z (SOD) SR DELIGHT 767 CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 458 (DOD) R 723U NORTH STAR 44Y MS GOLD CAVE 907 Lot 37 CED: -0.4 BW: 4.8 WW: 64 YW: 106 M: 34 MG: 66 ACT. BW: 88 205 WT: 630 365 WT: 1120 11/29/22 WT: 1550 SCROTAL: 38 DISPOSITION: 7 A well-marked 50B son that has a ton of mass and volume. Did I mention how much we like the 50B females? KR 50B SUPERSTAR 1115J Reg. # 44262998 - DOB: 3/20/21 R 0141 NORTH STAR 50B KR 65B BELLE 8165F CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 458 (DOD) R 1193Y NORTH STAR 65B KR 1034 ROBIN 644D CL 1 DOMINO 860U (SOD) CL 1 DOMINETTE 475P CL 1 DOMINO 6107F (SOD) R SUPER LADY 440 HH ADVANCE 1193Y ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 209 UPS DOMINO 1034 KBR 15X RIBLET 279Z (DOD) Lot 38 CED: +5.3 BW: 1.7 WW: 54 YW: 94 M: 31 MG: 58 ACT. BW: 90 205 WT: 653 365 WT: 1260 11/29/22 WT: 1700 SCROTAL: 39.5 DISPOSITION: 6.5 Another 7093 son that has great muscle expression. As with all the 7093 bulls, he has depth and thickness are second to none. KR 7093 DOMINO 1105J Reg. # 44262971 - DOB: 3/19/21 ECR 2109 DOMINO 7093 KR 50B STARLETTE 7108E CL 1 DOMINO 2109Z ECR 9075 DOMINETTE 2190 R 0141 NORTH STAR 50B KBR 80W BELLE 334A CL 1 DOMINO 994W 1ET (CHB) CL 1 DOMINETTE 759T 1ET HH ADVANCE 9075W ET (SOD) ECR 9126 DOMINETTE 9246 ET CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 458 (DOD) R 19M NORTH STAR 80W KR 52N BELLE 833E (DOD) Lot 36 CED: +2.5 BW: 2.5 WW: 58 YW: 103 M: 38 MG: 66 ACT. BW: 78 205 WT: 618 365 WT: 1190 11/29/22 WT: 1550 SCROTAL: 40.5 DISPOSITION: 7.5 Another 9110 bull with extra eye pigment. With his length and marking he would make a fabulous set of baldy calves. KR 9110 FREEDOM 1118J Reg. # 44263003 - DOB: 3/20/21 FH 417 ADVANCE 9110 ET KR 65B BELLE 8147F H5 1147 ADVANCE 417 (CHB) SR BAKKETTE 553C (DOD) R 1193Y NORTH STAR 65B KR 2039 BELLE 685D H5 4055 ADVANCE 1147 1 ET (SOD) H5 MS 7100 DOMET 215 SR BAKKEN 62Z (SOD) SR DELIGHT 767 HH ADVANCE 1193Y ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 209 ECR 860 DOMINO 2039 KR 45U RIBLET 356A Lot 39
15 Knippling Hereford CED: +4.8 BW: 3.2 WW: 50 YW: 88 M: 32 MG: 57 ACT. BW: 78 205 WT: 624 365 WT: 1180 11/29/22 WT: 1640 SCROTAL: 41 DISPOSITION: 8 A great haired 9110 with curve bending numbers. Definitely find this thick-made powerhouse. Backed by a great cow family. KR 9110 FREEDOM 1120J Reg. # 44263005 - DOB: 3/20/21 FH 417 ADVANCE 9110 ET KR 65B BELLE 850F H5 1147 ADVANCE 417 (CHB) SR BAKKETTE 553C (DOD) R 1193Y NORTH STAR 65B KR 2039 BELLE 604D H5 4055 ADVANCE 1147 1 ET (SOD) H5 MS 7100 DOMET 215 SR BAKKEN 62Z (SOD) SR DELIGHT 767 HH ADVANCE 1193Y ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 209 ECR 860 DOMINO 2039 KR 52N BELLE 833E (DOD) Lot 40 CED: -7.2 BW: 7.3 WW: 65 YW: 115 M: 26 MG: 59 ACT. BW: 93 205 WT: 578 365 WT: 1210 11/29/22 WT: 1680 SCROTAL: 37.5 DISPOSITION: 7 A soft and deep-sided 29D son with a lot of growth. He has everything you want structure, thickness, pigment, and good hair. KR 29D STAR POWER 1125J Reg. # 44263009 - DOB: 3/21/21 R 4067 NORTH STAR 29D KR 2039 BELLE 6110D HH ADVANCE 4067B ET R STARLETTE EL 227 ECR 860 DOMINO 2039 KBR 80W BELLE 341A HH ADVANCE 1013Y ET (SOD) HH MISS ADVANCE 8255U CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE EL916 (DOD) CL 1 DOMINO 860U (SOD) ECR 7195 DOMINETTE 9030 (DOD) R 19M NORTH STAR 80W KBR 737 DOMINO BELLE 910F Lot 42 CED: +4.1 BW: 2.6 WW: 58 YW: 89 M: 22 MG: 51 ACT. BW: 77 205 WT: 697 365 WT: 1110 11/29/22 WT: 1550 SCROTAL: 38 DISPOSITION: 8 Check out these curve bending numbers. He is easy fleshing and combines the best of 50F and 50B, depth, thickness, and a big butt. KR 50F SILVER STAR 1126J Reg. # 44263010 - DOB: 3/21/21 R 319C NORTH STAR 50F KR 50B STARLETTE 7154E LCI BD 30Z SILVER 319C R STARLETTE 338 (DOD) R 0141 NORTH STAR 50B KR 0649 BELLE 3104A JEN 195T SILVER 30Z LCI BD NORTH STAR LASS 308Y HH ADVANCE 1193Y ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 013 (DOD) CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 458 (DOD) UPS DOMINO 0649 KR 510 BELLE 836E (DOD) Lot 43 CED: +0.5 BW: 4.4 WW: 63 YW: 104 M: 27 MG: 59 ACT. BW: 83 205 WT: 619 365 WT: 1200 11/29/22 WT: 1700 SCROTAL: 40 DISPOSITION: 8 A big-time bull with big time numbers. If you need to add some frame, here you go. His depth is second to none, and the 595 cow is near perfect. KR 29D STAR POWER 1127J Reg. # 44263012 - DOB: 3/21/21 R 4067 NORTH STAR 29D KR 2039 BELLE 595C HH ADVANCE 4067B ET R STARLETTE EL 227 ECR 860 DOMINO 2039 KR 32P BELLE 127H HH ADVANCE 1013Y ET (SOD) HH MISS ADVANCE 8255U CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE EL916 (DOD) CL 1 DOMINO 860U (SOD) ECR 7195 DOMINETTE 9030 (DOD) R 157K NORTH STAR 32P KR 21 BELLE 14X Lot 44
16 Knippling Hereford CED: +2.7 BW: 3.5 WW: 58 YW: 108 M: 37 MG: 66 ACT. BW: 82 205 WT: 613 365 WT: 1270 11/29/22 WT: 1700 SCROTAL: 45 DISPOSITION: 7 When we cross 9110 and 50B cows great thing happen. This structurally correct built bull has it all. As one goes through the bulls this one will surely catch your eye. Put him on your short list! KR 9110 FREEDOM 1128J Reg. # 44263014 - DOB: 3/21/21 FH 417 ADVANCE 9110 ET KR 50B STARLETTE 883F H5 1147 ADVANCE 417 (CHB) SR BAKKETTE 553C (DOD) R 0141 NORTH STAR 50B KBR 45U RIBLET 307A H5 4055 ADVANCE 1147 1 ET (SOD) H5 MS 7100 DOMET 215 SR BAKKEN 62Z (SOD) SR DELIGHT 767 CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 458 (DOD) R 157K NORTH STAR 45U (SOD) VOH MISS DOMINETTE 795 (DOD) Lot 45 CED: +10.4 BW: 0.1 WW: 47 YW: 80 M: 36 MG: 59 ACT. BW: 72 205 WT: 564 365 WT: 1170 11/29/22 WT: 1590 SCROTAL: 40 DISPOSITION: 8 Another 9110 that is low birth weight and has a ton growth. He fills out his britches and is extra-long. KR 9110 FREEDOM 1130J Reg. # 44263017 - DOB: 3/21/21 FH 417 ADVANCE 9110 ET KR 1034 ROBIN 552C H5 1147 ADVANCE 417 (CHB) SR BAKKETTE 553C (DOD) UPS DOMINO 1034 KR 52N BELLE 815E H5 4055 ADVANCE 1147 1 ET (SOD) H5 MS 7100 DOMET 215 SR BAKKEN 62Z (SOD) SR DELIGHT 767 UPS DOMINO 5216 (SOD) UPS MISS DOMINO 9106 R 157K RIB STONE 52N KR 049 BELLE 51A Lot 46 CED: +3.1 BW: 3.5 WW: 57 YW: 96 M: 31 MG: 59 ACT. BW: 83 205 WT: 593 365 WT: 1210 11/29/22 WT: 1650 SCROTAL: 39 DISPOSITION: 7.5 Surprise, surprise, another deep sided 50B son. They all just look the same, and a consistent calf crop is what we all want. Put a couple of these 50B sons together. KR 50B SUPERSTAR 1132J Reg. # 44263019 - DOB: 3/21/21 R 0141 NORTH STAR 50B KR 47Y STARLETTE 6104D CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 458 (DOD) R 723U NORTH STAR 47Y KBR 510B BELLE 066G CL 1 DOMINO 860U (SOD) CL 1 DOMINETTE 475P CL 1 DOMINO 6107F (SOD) R SUPER LADY 440 JNHR SILVER STANDARD 723U R STARLETTE 507 (DOD) KBR RANCHER 510-B KR RIB 32P BELLE 743D Lot 48 CED: +1.9 BW: 5.6 WW: 60 YW: 97 M: 39 MG: 69 ACT. BW: 95 205 WT: 568 365 WT: 1080 11/29/22 WT: 1490 SCROTAL: 36.5 DISPOSITION: 8 This gentle 4C son is extremely long sided. If disposition is important to you, check him out. KR 4C NORTHERN 1133J Reg. # 44263020 - DOB: 3/21/21 R 330A NORTH STAR 4C KR 29D MS STAR 854F CL 1 DOMINO 330A 1ET R STARLETTE 119 (DOD) R 4067 NORTH STAR 29D KBR 45U RIBLET 306A (DOD) CL 1 DOMINO 144Y 1ET CL 1 DOMINETTE 617S K 64H RIBSTONE LAD 157K (CHB,SOD) R STARLETTE 815 (DOD) HH ADVANCE 4067B ET R STARLETTE EL 227 R 157K NORTH STAR 45U (SOD) GO MS L18 EXCEL S207 Lot 49
17 Knippling Hereford CED: +2.5 BW: 2.3 WW: 59 YW: 101 M: 26 MG: 55 ACT. BW: 71 205 WT: 560 365 WT: 1040 11/29/22 WT: 1490 SCROTAL: 35.5 DISPOSITION: 7 A stout, low birth weight 50F son that has a huge top, out of a heifer. He has a big hind leg in a moderate frame. KR 50F SILVER STAR 1134J Reg. # 44263021 - DOB: 3/21/21 R 319C NORTH STAR 50F KR 7093 MS DOM 932G LCI BD 30Z SILVER 319C R STARLETTE 338 (DOD) ECR 2109 DOMINO 7093 KR 1B CALLIE 725E JEN 195T SILVER 30Z LCI BD NORTH STAR LASS 308Y HH ADVANCE 1193Y ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 013 (DOD) CL 1 DOMINO 2109Z (SOD) ECR 9075 DOMINETTE 2190 R 105Y NORTH STAR 1B KR 2039 BELLE 590C Lot 50 CED: -0.7 BW: 4.6 WW: 62 YW: 104 M: 35 MG: 66 ACT. BW: 82 205 WT: 584 365 WT: 1130 11/29/22 WT: 1600 SCROTAL: 41.5 DISPOSITION: 7 A dark red 29D son that fully pigmented. With his extreme depth of body, a set of baldy calves out him would be market toppers. KR 29D STAR POWER 1135J Reg. # 44263022 - DOB: 3/22/21 R 4067 NORTH STAR 29D KR 1B CALLIE 661D HH ADVANCE 4067B ET R STARLETTE EL 227 KB L1 DOMINO 1202Y KR 1034 ROBIN 4105B (DOD) HH ADVANCE 1013Y ET (SOD) HH MISS ADVANCE 8255U CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE EL916 (DOD) CL 1 DOMINO 7110T KB L1 DOMINETTE 647 UPS DOMINO 1034 KBR 737 DOMINO BELLE 942F Lot 51 CED: +6.5 BW: 1.9 WW: 65 YW: 106 M: 40 MG: 72 ACT. BW: 77 205 WT: 678 365 WT: 1300 11/29/22 WT: 1850 SCROTAL: 40 DISPOSITION: 8 Herd bull alert! I just can’t find a fault in this 733E son. Numbers, muscle, structure, maternal, and disposition are what he has. We would have kept him is we didn’t have so many 50B daughters. KR 733E STARLITE 1139J Reg. # 44263027 - DOB: 3/23/21 KR 50B SUPERSTAR 733E KR 65B NORTH STAR 794E R 0141 NORTH STAR 50B KR 7100 HALEY 404B R 1193Y NORTH STAR 65B KR 2112 HALEY 532C (DOD) CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 458 (DOD) H5 408 DOMINO 7100 (SOD) KBR 9014 BELLE 253Z HH ADVANCE 1193Y ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 209 U HARELY 2112 KBR 22S NORTHSTAR BELLE 927F Lot 52 CED: +3.0 BW: 3.2 WW: 53 YW: 99 M: 31 MG: 57 ACT. BW: 82 205 WT: 570 365 WT: 1260 11/29/22 WT: 1710 SCROTAL: 40 DISPOSITION: 8 A 755E with a lot of eye appeal, long made, super thick, and he carries muscle down his leg. KR 755E SUPERSTAR2 1146J Reg. # 44263037 - DOB: 3/24/21 KR 50B SUPERSTAR 755E KR 3050 BELLE 5117C R 0141 NORTH STAR 50B KBR 0635 BELLE 354A UPS DOMINO 1034 MONTANA MISS 022X CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 458 (DOD) UPS ADVANCE 0635 KBR 45U BELLE 065G (DOD) UPS DOMINO 5216 (SOD) UPS MISS DOMINO 9106 HH ADVANCE 8086U MONTANA MISS 235 Lot 53
18 Knippling Hereford CED: +1.0 BW: 5.2 WW: 57 YW: 97 M: 27 MG: 56 ACT. BW: 87 205 WT: 602 365 WT: 1150 11/29/22 WT: 1570 SCROTAL: 40.5 DISPOSITION: 7 He got the best of what 755E has to offer. He shows off his length and depth of body with a huge hip. KR 755E SUPERSTAR2 1148J Reg. # 44263040 - DOB: 3/25/21 KR 50B SUPERSTAR 755E KR 8Z BELLE 413B R 0141 NORTH STAR 50B KBR 0635 BELLE 354A R 955W NORTH STAR 8Z KBR 7152 BELLE 247Z CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 458 (DOD) UPS ADVANCE 0635 KBR 45U BELLE 065G (DOD) CL 1 DOMINO 955W (SOD) R STARLETTE 068 KB L1 DOMINO 7152T ET KR 204 BELLE 636-C Lot 54 CED: -1.3 BW: 5.0 WW: 61 YW: 109 M: 29 MG: 59 ACT. BW: 80 205 WT: 537 365 WT: 1060 11/29/22 WT: 1440 SCROTAL: 34 DISPOSITION: 7 If yellow is your thing, they don’t make them any yellower. He is long barreled and deep bodied. KR 755E SUPERSTAR2 1151J Reg. # 44263043 - DOB: 3/26/21 KR 50B SUPERSTAR 755E KR 4041 EMMA 8180F R 0141 NORTH STAR 50B KBR 0635 BELLE 354A ECR 2029 DOMINO 4041 KR 2112 HALEY 578C CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 458 (DOD) UPS ADVANCE 0635 KBR 45U BELLE 065G (DOD) HH ADVANCE 2029Z ET (SOD) ECR 8050 DOMINETTE 1085 (DOD) UU HARELY 2112 KBR 45U RIBLET 2112Z Lot 55 CED: +8.7 BW: 1.6 WW: 54 YW: 89 M: 31 MG: 58 ACT. BW: 78 205 WT: 617 365 WT: 1070 11/29/22 WT: 1500 SCROTAL: 35.5 DISPOSITION: 9 Another 733E low birth weight bull, with all that length his calves should come easy. The depth that one would expect from 733E with more thickness than most calving ease bulls. KR 733E STARLITE 1156J Reg. # 44263053 - DOB: 3/26/21 KR 50B SUPERSTAR 733E KBR 80W BELLE 339A R 0141 NORTH STAR 50B KR 7100 HALEY 404B R 19M NORTH STAR 80W KBR 737 DOMINO BELLE 942F CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 458 (DOD) H5 408 DOMINO 7100 (SOD) KBR 9014 BELLE 253Z R 102J NORTH STAR 19M (SOD) R STARLETTE 458 (DOD) KB L1 DOMINO 737T KR RANCHER BELLE 744D Lot 57 CED: -1.1 BW: 5.2 WW: 54 YW: 92 M: 25 MG: 52 ACT. BW: 83 205 WT: 634 365 WT: 1240 11/29/22 WT: 1620 SCROTAL: 40.5 DISPOSITION: 7 A massive 755E son that demands attention. Fully pigmented with a long, deep body that has a huge top. KR 755E SUPERSTAR2 1160J Reg. # 44263059 - DOB: 3/29/21 KR 50B SUPERSTAR 755E KR 1034 ROBIN 4125B R 0141 NORTH STAR 50B KBR 0635 BELLE 354A UPS DOMINO 1034 KR 93U BELLE 137H (DOD) CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 458 (DOD) UPS ADVANCE 0635 KBR 45U BELLE 065G (DOD) UPS DOMINO 5216 (SOD) UPS MISS DOMINO 9106 R 0041 NORTH STAR 93U KBR L1 BELLE 915F (DOD) Lot 58
19 Knippling Hereford CED: +5.2 BW: 2.2 WW: 57 YW: 94 M: 31 MG: 59 ACT. BW: 83 205 WT: 604 365 WT: 1070 11/29/22 WT: 1490 SCROTAL: 38.5 DISPOSITION: 8 This guy is like all the 733E sons, low birth weight and good weaning weight. The depth of any of the cattle with 50B in their pedigree is second to none. KR 733E STARLITE 1165J Reg. # 44263066 - DOB: 3/30/21 KR 50B SUPERSTAR 733E KR 4041 EMMA 8136F R 0141 NORTH STAR 50B KR 7100 HALEY 404B ECR 2029 DOMINO 4041 5124C CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 458 (DOD) H5 408 DOMINO 7100 (SOD) KBR 9014 BELLE 253Z HH ADVANCE 2029Z ET (SOD) ECR 8050 DOMINETTE 1085 (DOD) UPS DOMINO 1034 KBR 737 DOMINO BELLE 910F Lot 59 CED: +9.6 BW: 2.6 WW: 54 YW: 86 M: 27 MG: 53 ACT. BW: 77 205 WT: 573 365 WT: 1060 11/29/22 WT: 1410 SCROTAL: 39.5 DISPOSITION: 8 A 7093 son out of a good old cow. He is long spined with a low birth weight, go ahead and sleep all night. KR 7093 DOMINO 1169J Reg. # 44263071 - DOB: 3/30/21 ECR 2109 DOMINO 7093 KBR 45U RIBLET 255Z CL 1 DOMINO 2109Z ECR 9075 DOMINETTE 2190 R 157K NORTH STAR 45U (SOD) KBR L1 BELLE 915F (DOD) CL 1 DOMINO 994W 1ET (CHB) CL 1 DOMINETTE 759T 1ET HH ADVANCE 9075W ET (SOD) ECR 9126 DOMINETTE 9246 ET K 64H RIBSTONE LAD 157K (CHB,SOD) R STARLETTE 551 (DOD) VOH DOMINO 617 VOH MISS SLVR DOM 633 Lot 61 CED: +1.1 BW: 2.8 WW: 57 YW: 104 M: 30 MG: 58 ACT. BW: 83 205 WT: 557 365 WT: 1110 11/29/22 WT: 1490 SCROTAL: 35.5 DISPOSITION: 7.5 A deep made 733E son that looks like his sire. Length and good rear end are what he brings to the table. Last year was the first year of the 733E females and they do not disappoint. KR 733E STARLITE 1173J Reg. # 44263078 - DOB: 4/1/21 KR 50B SUPERSTAR 733E KR 2039 BELLE 8112F R 0141 NORTH STAR 50B KR 7100 HALEY 404B ECR 860 DOMINO 2039 KBR 80W BELLE 334A CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 458 (DOD) H5 408 DOMINO 7100 (SOD) KBR 9014 BELLE 253Z CL 1 DOMINO 860U (SOD) ECR 7195 DOMINETTE 9030 (DOD) R 19M NORTH STAR 80W KR 52N BELLE 833E (DOD) Lot 62 CED: -0.2 BW: 4.0 WW: 57 YW: 102 M: 34 MG: 62 ACT. BW: 83 205 WT: 570 365 WT: 1140 11/29/22 WT: 1510 SCROTAL: 38.5 DISPOSITION: 8 A big butted 755E son that is thick and deep sided. The length of this strong backed bull will make you look twice. KR 755E SUPERSTAR2 1175J Reg. # 44263082 - DOB: 4/2/21 KR 50B SUPERSTAR 755E KR 1202 DOMINETTE 717E R 0141 NORTH STAR 50B KBR 0635 BELLE 354A KB L1 DOMINO 1202Y KR 3050 BELLE 592C CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 458 (DOD) UPS ADVANCE 0635 KBR 45U BELLE 065G (DOD) CL 1 DOMINO 7110T KB L1 DOMINETTE 647 UU BRITISHER 3050 GO MS L18 EXCEL S48 Lot 63
20 Knippling Hereford CED: +1.5 BW: 3.3 WW: 52 YW: 85 M: 29 MG: 55 ACT. BW: 77 205 WT: 550 365 WT: 1090 11/29/22 WT: 1490 SCROTAL: 36.5 DISPOSITION: 7 A clean made 733E son with the classic Hereford look. He has a lot of depth of rib with some extra length. KR 733E STARLITE 1182J Reg. # 44263100 - DOB: 4/3/21 KR 50B SUPERSTAR 733E KR 2039 BELLE 604D R 0141 NORTH STAR 50B KR 7100 HALEY 404B ECR 860 DOMINO 2039 KR 52N BELLE 833E (DOD) CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 458 (DOD) H5 408 DOMINO 7100 (SOD) KBR 9014 BELLE 253Z CL 1 DOMINO 860U (SOD) ECR 7195 DOMINETTE 9030 (DOD) R 157K RIB STONE 52N KR 509 BELLE 106X Lot 64 CED: -1.3 BW: 5.1 WW: 62 YW: 107 M: 33 MG: 64 ACT. BW: 89 205 WT: 589 365 WT: 1180 11/29/22 WT: 1620 SCROTAL: 41.5 DISPOSITION: 7.5 The 354 is the Dam to the 755E. Her bulls are always at the top of the sale. Herd bull for sure, he has the look. Everything that 29D has to offer and backed by one of our best cows. DEEP! KR 29D STAR POWER 1186J Reg. # 44263105 - DOB: 4/3/21 R 4067 NORTH STAR 29D KBR 0635 BELLE 354A HH ADVANCE 4067B ET R STARLETTE EL 227 UPS ADVANCE 0635 KBR 45U BELLE 065G (DOD) HH ADVANCE 1013Y ET (SOD) HH MISS ADVANCE 8255U CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE EL916 (DOD) HH ADVANCE 8141U UPS MISS KNIGHT 5916 R 157K NORTH STAR 45U (SOD) VOH MISS STAND DOM 5100 (DOD) Lot 65 CED: +2.0 BW: 3.0 WW: 50 YW: 79 M: 24 MG: 48 ACT. BW: 80 205 WT: 630 365 WT: 1110 11/29/22 WT: 1520 SCROTAL: 39.5 DISPOSITION: 8 A soggy made 50F son that is thick across his top. Yellow curly haired with a lot of eye appeal. Be sure to find him. KR 50F SILVER STAR 1195J Reg. # 44263115 - DOB: 4/6/21 R 319C NORTH STAR 50F KR 4183 MS POINT 9107G LCI BD 30Z SILVER 319C R STARLETTE 338 (DOD) R 4067 NORTH STAR 29D KR 47Y STARLETTE 6124D JEN 195T SILVER 30Z LCI BD NORTH STAR LASS 308Y HH ADVANCE 1193Y ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 013 (DOD) HH ADVANCE 4067B ET R STARLETTE EL 227 R 723U NORTH STAR 47Y MONTANA MISS 0119X ET Lot 66 CED: -3.1 BW: 3.3 WW: 60 YW: 90 M: 31 MG: 60 ACT. BW: 83 205 WT: 682 365 WT: 1180 11/29/22 WT: 1700 SCROTAL: 41 DISPOSITION: 7.5 Check out this stout 7093 son. He is going to pack on the pounds on his calves. The length of this guy is tremendous. KR 7093 DOMINO 1196J Reg. # 44263117 - DOB: 4/8/21 ECR 2109 DOMINO 7093 KR 4183 BELLE 636D CL 1 DOMINO 2109Z ECR 9075 DOMINETTE 2190 UU TURNING POINT KBR 808 BELLE 038G CL 1 DOMINO 994W 1ET (CHB) CL 1 DOMINETTE 759T 1ET HH ADVANCE 9075W ET (SOD) ECR 9126 DOMINETTE 9246 ET UU ADVANCE 0014 (SOD) UU MS RENDITION 0135 KB L1 DOMINO 808U KR 22S BELLE 847E Lot 67
21 Knippling Hereford CED: +10.9 BW: 1.3 WW: 43 YW: 72 M: 29 MG: 50 ACT. BW: 81 205 WT: 568 365 WT: 1190 11/29/22 WT: 1630 SCROTAL: 38.5 DISPOSITION: 8 If you are breeding for females pay attention. His pedigree is stacked with some greats. He is easy fleshing, long made, and deep bodied. Double bred 7100. KR 9110 FREEDOM 1197J Reg. # 44263118 - DOB: 4/8/21 FH 417 ADVANCE 9110 ET KR 7100 HALEY 505C H5 1147 ADVANCE 417 (CHB) SR BAKKETTE 553C (DOD) H5 408 DOMINO 7100 (SOD) KBR 0635 BELLE 354A H5 4055 ADVANCE 1147 1 ET (SOD) H5 MS 7100 DOMET 215 SR BAKKEN 62Z (SOD) SR DELIGHT 767 CJH HARLAND 408 (SOD) H5 MS 001 DOMET 4193 (DOD) UPS ADVANCE 0635 KBR 45U BELLE 065G (DOD) Lot 68 CED: -1.0 BW: 3.0 WW: 55 YW: 98 M: 29 MG: 56 ACT. BW: 80 205 WT: 638 365 WT: 1200 11/29/22 WT: 1610 SCROTAL: 40 DISPOSITION: 8 9110 came out of the heifers and went in with the cows as a yearling and just went to work. Deep ribbed and long like all of the 9110’s. KR 9110 FREEDOM 1202J Reg. # 44263123 - DOB: 4/9/21 FH 417 ADVANCE 9110 ET KR 3025 MS ADV 846F H5 1147 ADVANCE 417 (CHB) SR BAKKETTE 553C (DOD) UU DOMINO 3025 MONTANA MISS 924W H5 4055 ADVANCE 1147 1 ET (SOD) H5 MS 7100 DOMET 215 SR BAKKEN 62Z (SOD) SR DELIGHT 767 HH ADVANCE 7146T (CHB,SOD) UU MS 5170 ADV 1149 (DOD) KB L1 DOMINO 641 MONTANA MISS 644 ET Lot 69 CED: +4.1 BW: 1.9 WW: 46 YW: 92 M: 32 MG: 55 ACT. BW: 72 205 WT: 606 365 WT: 1160 11/29/22 WT: 1670 SCROTAL: 40 DISPOSITION: 7.5 9110 stamps them alike long and deep ribbed. Low birth weight and plenty of growth like all of the 9110’s. KR 9110 FREEDOM 1204J Reg. # 44263125 - DOB: 4/11/21 FH 417 ADVANCE 9110 ET KR 50B STARLETTE 8171F H5 1147 ADVANCE 417 (CHB) SR BAKKETTE 553C (DOD) R 0141 NORTH STAR 50B KBR 32P BELLE 802E H5 4055 ADVANCE 1147 1 ET (SOD) H5 MS 7100 DOMET 215 SR BAKKEN 62Z (SOD) SR DELIGHT 767 CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 458 (DOD) R 157K NORTH STAR 32P KB 204 BELLE 514-B Lot 71 CED: +4.8 BW: 2.6 WW: 63 YW: 108 M: 39 MG: 70 ACT. BW: 81 205 WT: 640 365 WT: 1170 11/29/22 WT: 1550 SCROTAL: 41 DISPOSITION: 7.5 A younger 9110 that can stand right with the older bulls. Extra eye pigment on this extremely long, big butted bull. KR 9110 FREEDOM 1208J Reg. # 44263129 - DOB: 4/16/21 FH 417 ADVANCE 9110 ET KR 50B STARLETTE 7141E H5 1147 ADVANCE 417 (CHB) SR BAKKETTE 553C (DOD) R 0141 NORTH STAR 50B KBR 6W RIBLET 2111Z H5 4055 ADVANCE 1147 1 ET (SOD) H5 MS 7100 DOMET 215 SR BAKKEN 62Z (SOD) SR DELIGHT 767 CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 458 (DOD) R 157K NORTH STAR 6W KR 7R ADVANCE BELLE 700D Lot 72
22 Knippling Hereford CED: +4.5 BW: 3.7 WW: 61 YW: 109 M: 29 MG: 59 ACT. BW: 78 205 WT: 672 365 WT: 1280 11/29/22 WT: 1830 SCROTAL: 42.5 DISPOSITION: 8 A 7093 with great numbers and he might just be one of the top 7093’s we have raised. Big topped and extra-long with a big old butt. You won’t have to look at him twice. KR 7093 DOMINO 1215J Reg. # 44263137 - DOB: 4/22/21 ECR 2109 DOMINO 7093 KR 50B STARLETTE 786E CL 1 DOMINO 2109Z ECR 9075 DOMINETTE 2190 R 0141 NORTH STAR 50B KBR 0635 BELLE 381A CL 1 DOMINO 994W 1ET (CHB) CL 1 DOMINETTE 759T 1ET HH ADVANCE 9075W ET (SOD) ECR 9126 DOMINETTE 9246 ET CL 1 DOMINO 0141 1ET (SOD) R STARLETTE 458 (DOD) UPS ADVANCE 0635 KB L1 DOMINETTE 0144X Lot 73

165 Fancy F1 Black Baldy replacement heifers

We are offering 165 head of our top end home raised F1 Black Baldy replacement heifers. The heifers have had all of the calfhood shots to qualify for the Zoetis Wean Vac program, Bangs vaccinated, and their first Bovi-shield Gold FP5 VL5 shot. They are March and April calves and should weigh around 750-800 lbs. by sale time. They have had all the twins removed. This set of heifers is going to make top end cows.

How the heifer sale will work

One Lot with all 165 Heifers

1. Bidding closes at 5:00 pm CST.

2. High Bidder can take 20 or more up to what is available.

3. High Bidder selects number of head desired.

4. Bidding begins again on balance of heifers in the Lot.

5. Bidding process is closed after 5 minutes of inactivity.

6. Steps 2 through 5 repeated until all heifers have been purchased or no bids at close of a session.

7. Bid price will be per head.

8. Transportation is the buyer’s responsibility.

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• You will receive an email with a link to activate your account.

• Please register to bid at least 24 hours in advance of the sale.

23 Knippling Hereford
24 Knippling Hereford


25 Knippling Hereford

How the Horse Race style auction works

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The rules of this static auction are as follows:

• The auction will open on January 22, 2023 and close on Sunday, January 22, 2023 at 2:00 pm Central Time

• This auction is a Horse Race style auction, so ALL LOTS will be extended by 5 minutes if there is a bid on ANY LOT within the last 5 minutes until no more bids are placed. When no bids are placed in the last 5 minutes all lots will be closed simultaneously.

• Each lot will start at a floor price and will be bid up from that price.

• The lots will be bid up in standard increments. You may place a proxy bid. This feature will automatically bid for you (up to a maximum amount set by you) every time another bid is placed against you.

Please visit the site regularly and make sure you refresh the page often to keep up with the current bid. It is important to be online during the closing process so you can keep a close eye on your prospective lots.

If you have any questions concerning this online auction please contact:

Aaron Friedt

The Livestock Link Online Sales Manager

Cell: (701) 590-9597


Or Support: (605) 920-9261


How to Create Your Account

• Visit our website,

• Click the “Online Auctions” tab.

• Click on “Click Here to Register.”

• Enter your e-mail address and password, and fill out all your contact information.

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• Please register to bid at least 24 hours in advance of the sale.

You will receive an email when you are approved for bidding. All applications will be reviewed and processed promptly. You will receive a bidder number only after you have made a purchase in the sale, and that number will only be used at that sale. When the sale is completed, please contact the sale owner or manager for instructions of payment and delivery of your purchase. Questions?

Contact Aaron Friedt at (701) 590-9597 or Support at (605) 920-9261

26 Knippling Hereford © 2017 CHS Inc.
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27 Knippling Hereford
Knippling Hereford 34957 225th Street Gann Valley, SD 57341 Address Service Requested Lot 73 Lot 65

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