Wheeler/MCS/Sims Catalog 2022

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F O U R T H A N N U A L Wheeler Farms • McS cattle co. • Sims Family cattle co. J O I N T P R O D U C T I O N S A L E September 24, 2022 A P P R O X I M A T E L Y 1 1 5 H E A D S E L L A S 8 8 H E R E F O R D & A N G U S L O T S 12 NOON SATURDAY • WHEELER FARMS SALE FAcILITY, cHIckASHA, OkLAHOMA

Welcome to our Fourt h Annual Fall Sale!

Wheeler Farms • McS cattle company • Sims Family cattle company Wheeler Farms, Inc. Will Wheeler (405) 274 1799 Joe Devine (918) 557-9087 737 CR 1360, Chickasha, OK wheelerfarmsinc.com Eddie Sims Family Elgin, OK Eddie (580) 595 1626 Mark (580) 595 0901 simsncs@aol com CA TTLE COMPANY Sims Family Cattle Co. Matt, Aimee, Jake & Evan Sims Edmond, OK (405) 641 6081 matt@mcsauction.com

Welcome, everyone, to our fourth annual sale. It has been a long, productive, good year overall While it has been dry mostly, we were able to put up enough hay we hope for winter. Quick history about us…. Wheeler Farms started in the early 1900s as one of the state ’ s largest hog farms. After many years of this, they sold the pigs and got into the Hereford business in the 1920s and the Angus in 1999. Many things good and bad happened in between, but one thing is for sure we have been in this business for a long time. I took over for my father and grandfather in the spring of 2012, becoming the fifth generation to farm in Chickasha. Since then, we have bred and obtained elite genetics from all over the US Special thanks to numerous people who have helped our farm for years and also in getting this sale ready to go. First and foremost, my wife, Nicole, who has stood beside and believed in me since 2005; I wouldn’t be half the man I am without you. My ever-growing, happy, fun filled daughter, Everly, you are the reason your mom and I get up and do this every day You truly are a blessing to our families. My mother, Lynda, who has been one of the people whom I could lean on throughout my life, thanks for everything you have done and continue to do to this day. Sets of grandparents who helped mold me into who I am today and instilled what I believe to be great qualities in a person, I truly thank all of you for all the sacrifices you made for me growing up Seth Wheeler, for being a great brother and for his off-shift from the fire department help and always looking for new ways to help the farm. Tracy Wheeler, my sister who watches Everly, works at the market, lends a listening ear, really just wherever she is needed Joe Devine for keeping all the cattle breedings aligned when everyone else seems strapped to a tractor seat all the time. Joe truly is one heck of a person. He made all of this come together for the farm, and I cannot thank him enough Robert Pereda, a lifelong friend who works out here full time and understands how we work toward bettering the farm and our lives each and every day Jon and Shelli Brown for being there for us in life and supporting us 100% in all of our endeavors, you are always there to help Jason Zwilling, our do-it all embryologist, veterinarian, AI technician, friend, and beloved Yankee Jason is legitimately only a phone call away and helps us with anything cattle related and horses if I beg him. R&R irrigation and crew, Ryan and his guys have laid miles and miles of pipe out here, and he is one of the best friends a person could ask for. I also want to think Jamie, Kali and all the crew at Homestead Meats for keeping our meat store running. Having the market has been a great asset in quality control of our cattle. I have a laundry list of people who helped a young, aspiring 22-year old without much idea of where to point the boat: Kevin Whitney, Benjamin Schmidt, Brendon Lowe, Jeromy Brown, Chris and Kristyn Allbritton, Earl Livingston, Mark and Kim Murray, John Tointigh, Jim Allen, John Allen, Mike Boyd, Ricky Moss, Gerald Terry, Dwight Taylor, Tyler Montrose, Cody Nichols, and Kevin Hayes. Finally, to the man whom I looked up to most in life, my father there is not a thing in this world I would not give up to share this moment with you. ank you for always believing in me and pushing me to do my best and be my best We have traditionally sold a large amount of bulls private treaty, and one thing I always attempt with all of the breeds we raise is cattle that are easy for people to use. We have strived strongly to get rid of any and all birthing problems and sell our customers something that will grow well With maintaining these numbers, we also maintain structure and a lot of eye appeal Our farm takes pride in these cattle and know that great cattle start at soundness of foot. We stand behind our cattle 100%. We all hope you see the pride and work we have placed within these cattle We want to thank you all for choosing to be in Chickasha, Oklahoma, Saturday, September 24. If you have any questions or want to look at the cattle prior to the sale, call Will, Joe, Matt or Eddie Will Wheeler



4th Annual Joint Production Sale • Saturday, September 24, 2022 1 Wheeler Farms • McS cattle co. • Sims Family cattle co. J O I N T P R O D U C T I O N S A L E September 24, 2022 1 2 n o o n S a t u r d a y • W h e e l e r F a r m s S a l e F a c i l i t y , c h i c k a s h a , O k l a h o m a 6 6 H E R E F O R D F E M A L E L O T S • 1 4 A N G U S F E M A L E L O T S • 8 S E R v I c E - A G E A N G U S b U L L S 4th Annual SALE LOcATION 737 CR 1360, Chickasha, OK 73018 From the intersection of Hwys 81 and 62: Go west to 29th Street Tur n south and go two miles Tur n west on Idaho Avenue and go 1/2 mile From Oklahoma City: Follow I 44 West to first Chickasha exit. Go west toward Verden four miles to 29th Street. Tur n south and go two miles. Tur n west on Idaho Avenue and go 1/2 mile. Only 45 minutes from Will Rogers Airport. AccOMMODATIONS Hamption Inn, 3004 S 4th St , Chickasha, OK, (405) 320 5955 Holiday Inn Express & Suites, 2610 S 4th St , Chickasha, OK, (405) 224 8883 ASSOcIATION REPRESENTATIvES OKLAHOMA HEREFORD ASSOCIATION Rindy Bacon, President Brian Banks, First Vice President Will Wheeler, Second Vice President Richie Oakes, Past President Brooke Redus, Executive Secretar y Karen Stotz, Financial Secretar y OKLAHOMA ANGUS ASSOCIATION Jim Strate, President Roger Wann, Vice President Gaye Pfeiffer, Secretar y/Treasurer Allen Johnston, Past President Jarold Callahan, Executive Director SALE STAFF Matt Sims, Sale Manager / Auctioneer (405) 641 6081 Eddie Sims, National Cattle Ser vices (580) 595 1626 Colton Pratz, Hereford World (405) 385 1054 Don Birk, Birk Enterprises (417) 860 8595 DeRon Helder mon, Oklahoma Cowman (405) 850 5102 Phil Stoll, Weekly Livestock Reporter (817) 366 7332 AbSENTEE bIDS If you would like to place a bid on any lot but will not be able to attend the sale, please contact the owners, the sale manager or any member of the sale s t a f f O n l i n e b i d d i n g w i l l b e ava i l a b l e t o re g i s t e re d b i d d e r s t h r o u g h t h e LiveAuctions.tv website. Callee Fischer, Sale Representative (580) 512 0945 Catalog prepared by Matt C Sims Auction, Inc , (405) 641 6081 Produced by Southwest TypeStyles, (405) 317 1743 Photography by Matt Sims and Mark Sims

HEALTH C a t t l e a re c u r re n t o n a l l va c c i n a t i o n s A l l c a t t l e w i l l h av e i n t e r s t a t e h e a l t h

Reliable trucking will be available for hire at the sale. Please work with the staff at time of settlement to supply us with good working phone numbers to contact you.

CASH or CHECK All cattle are to be paid for during or immediately following the sale unless prior arrangement has been made Cattle will not be released prior to settlement. Cattle will not be transferred until paid for in full. charts required for shipping into other sections of the United States.

GUARANTEE The cattle sell under the Suggested Ter ms and Conditions of the American Hereford Association or the American Angus Association. The females have been pregnancy checked by a competent veterinarian and are called safe to the AI or pasture dates as best can be determined by advanced palpation With respect to AI dates, they are not unconditionally guaranteed, other than the fact that they are pregnant NOTE All persons who attend the sale do so at their own risk Neither Wheeler Farms nor the sale manager assume any liability, legal or otherwise, for accidents or loss of property

INSURANcE Insurance for your purchases will be available sale day at the clerk’s desk.

ANNOUNcEMENTS Announcements made at the sale by the owners or the auctioneer will take precedence over all printed statements We reser ve the right to withdraw any sale lot not meeting our specifications prior to sale time.

REGISTRATION cERTIFIcATES Registered animals will be transferred to the buyer at the seller ’s expense Each buyer must be sure to give the clerk the proper name and address for making transfers. Calves bor n before the sale will be registered by the seller; proper breeding statements will be signed by the seller for the buyer to use in registering calves bor n after the sale


On a personal note, with Jake reaching the end of his show eligibility, Evan starting college and my busy schedule, this event is a dispersal of sorts for the current version of Sims Family Cattle Company With the exception of three partnership donors, nothing is being held back. As luck would have it, I feel this would have been the best set of bred and owned calves we have produced to date. Jake, Evan, Aimee and I would especially like to thank Dad and Ruth for the hours and effort they have put into the management of our production females; there is no way we could have maintained our herd without them. We would also like to thank Mark, Ben, Catie and all of those who have helped the boys at shows over the years Ky, Deb, Jeannine, Travis, Jason, Les, the Express crew, Chisolm, Grant, Jaxon, Jon and the many others whom they have been fortunate enough to learn from.


McSAUcTION.cOM Please feel free to stop by any of the ranches prior to Thursday, September 22. cattle will be available for viewing at Wheeler Farms Friday, September 23, and Saturday until sale time. Wheeler Farms • McS cattle company Sims Family cattle company


... t he collective effort of family operations wit h an eye for cattle t hat can compete in any venture.

Welcome to the Fourth Annual Joint Production Sale of Wheeler Farms, MCS Cattle Co , and Sims Family Cattle Co. It is an honor for myself and my family to be involved both in the marketing effort and as a participant in the sale. I want to thank Will and Nicole Wheeler for allowing us to be a part of this sale and thank them, Joe and the entire Wheeler Farms crew for the long hours and effort they have put forth in continuing the development and preparation of their awesome sale facility

is unique offering is once again the collective effort of family operations with an eye for cattle that can compete in any venture Wheeler Farms, Sims Family Cattle and MCS Cattle Co. have the common goal to produce sound, functional cattle that have look and that can also thrive in any environment. We have tried to utilize the best available genetics and have paid close attention to improving individual performance while maintaining the phenotype that has allowed for success in the show ring. ese are real world cattle that have been managed and developed to be low maintenance and problem free. Quality is present throughout both breeds in each class of females and in the small but high quality set of Angus bulls that are rugged and range ready for heavy ser vice I hope you will come be a part of this event and choose to take advantage of this opportunity to incorporate the foundation genetics from our herds into your own program so we can continue to see them thrive in other herds. Feel free to preview the cattle prior to the sale and, as always, if you have any questions or if I can help in any way, please do not hesitate to call me directly at (405) 641 6081. Sincerely, Matt Sims incorporated Matt C Sims • (405) 641 6081 matt@mcsauction com www mcsauction com SALEIDEOS ONLINE PRIOR TO SALE DAY:

Dear Friends and Fellow Breeders,


Welcome to our fall female sale We want to say a special thank you to Will and Nicole for hosting this event ey have been great to work with and always go out of their way to see that ever ything is top notch. I will be turning 80 in December, and it is time for me to slow down, so we will be selling the heart of our cow herd. We are retaining three donor cows due to age and our 2022 ET calves ere are only three heifer calves in the group, and the bull calves will sell in our spring bull sale in April. We bought our first purebred bull from Hall of Fame breeder Lynn Storm in 1966 Since that time, we have built a nice herd of purebred Hereford females. Matt, Mark and Catie showed a number of national champions, and MCS Cattle has raised five National Champion Females and two Reser ve Champions In this offering, you will be purchasing young cows and bred heifers from the best of our program. Most of the calves at side are sired by National Champion Trump anks, Kirbie, for the loan e cows have been bred AI to several of the breed’s top performance sires ese cattle have provided a college education for our children, and we believe there are several in this offering that will be successful for their new owners. Most of all, I want to say a ver y special thanks to my family for all their hard work and effort I could not do it without you! I look for ward to seeing you sale day If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to call

4th Annual Joint Production Sale • Saturday, September 24, 2022 3 P. O. Box 170 Elgin, Oklahoma 73538 (580) 492 4590 Dear Friends and Cattlemen:

t ime f or a c hange

Sincerely, Eddie C Sims

• Sells open ++307366+112 1 CRR ABOUT TIME 743 {SOD} TH 16G 20N GEMINI 89T BR MOLER ET BR 122L ROSE 4020 ET KLD RW Marksman D87 ET Sire of Lot 1 $20,000 maternal sister to Lot 1

• The sire of Lot 1, KLD RW Marksman D87, was named Grand Champion Polled Bull at the Fort Worth National Hereford Show, Champion Polled and Reser ve Champion Bull at the 2021 Cattlemen’s Congress, 2020 Hereford Heritage and the 2020 Amer ican Royal Marksman’s dam, Mindy, is the standard of quality in the Hereford breed As you research Hereford donor cows, you will find that she is one of the elite. She has consistently raised champion caliber cattle that have great earning power Lot 1 is the first daughter to sell from this mating that combines two of the most prolific cow families in the KLD herd, Mindy and Rose Ranks in the top 20% for M&G and REA. Dam records a progeny ratio of 5@98 for BW Offered with Tennessee River Music, Inc.

lot 1 SFCC PF Knockout Rose B418 Dam of Lot 1 Hereford Spring ET Show & Donor Prospect Wheeler Farms • McS cattle company • Sims Family cattle 4company S+ SFcc SWEET ROSE 2100 ET DOB: 3/1/22 • COW: P44384517 • RE: 2100 • Polled UPS SENSATION 2296 ET RW MINDY 3078 6096 CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X {SOD} KLD RW MARKSMAN D87 ET UPS JT MISS NEON 7811 1ET RW KW HUMMER K23 3078 RW DEDE 23C 9145 TH 89T 743 UNTAPPED 425X ET KLD BR ROSIE D96 ET SFCC PF KNOCKOUT ROSE B418 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +3.5 +3.1 +52 +82 +24 +50 +1.2 +1.3 +67 +.55 +.02 $$BIIBMI • If Jake and Evan were still showing, this heifer would not be leaving our barn Like her dam, Sweet Rose offers a flawless phenotype with a unique blend of femininity and power while possessing the teat size and placement needed to make a beautiful cow once in production and sustain value beyond the show ring.

• Prior to going into production, Knockout Rose was named Reser ve Supreme Cham pion Bred and Owned Female at the 2014 Tulsa State Fair and 2015 Oklahoma Youth Expo; Reser ve Grand Champion Female at the 2014 and 2015 Tulsa State Fair Junior Shows, Grand Champion Female at the 2015 Oklahoma State Fair Open Show and the 2015 OCA Preview Show; Division Champion at the 2014 American Royal Junior and Open Shows; and class winner at the 2015 Junior National Hereford Expo

• The dam of Lot 1, Knockout Rose, was the $41,000 half interest top selling selection of Abby Hill from the 2021 Dixieland Delight Sale, where four daughters also sold for a total of $50,000 to average an impressive $12,500, and four embr yos that are full sibs to Lot 1 sold for $2,000 each to KLD Herefords Three more full sib embr yos to Lot 1 sold to Weber Cattle in the 2022 Dixieland Delight Sale for $2,500 each.

• The granddam of Lot 1, Rosie D96, was named Supreme Champion Female at the 2010 Oklahoma Junior Cattlemen’s Preview Show and Champion Hereford Heifer at the 2011 Oklahoma Youth Expo

++334405+115 2 THM DURANGO 4037 {SOD} CRR D03 CASSIE 206 JCS COOL KAT 6928 JCS MISS 510 EXCELLA 9201 Maternal sisters to Lot 2 MCKY Destiny 6458 ET Dam of Lot 2 $15,000 maternal sister to Lot 2 $30,000 valued maternal sister to Lot 2 Maternal brother to Lot 2 JCS Tater Tot 3560 Maternal granddam of Lot 2 lot 2

• A maternal brother to Lot 2, Destinair, in his only showing was Reser ve Grand Cham pion Bull at the 2021 Red Dirt Rendezvous Regional Show before being the top sell ing Hereford bull in the 2022 Southwest Rancher’s Bull Sale to Weber Cattle Co • The famous granddam of Lot 2, JCS Tater Tot 3560, was named Grand Champion Horned Heifer at the 2015 NWSS and is an elite donor dam

• A maternal sister to the dam of Lot 2, MCKY Monroe 8688 ET, was the 2020 NWSS Junior Show Grand Champion Horned Heifer and at Fort Worth, while another was sister was crowned Champion Horned Female at the Western Nugget National for the Wheeler family. MCKY Rico 6480, a full sib to the dam of Lot 2, was Reser ve Grand Polled Bull at Fort Worth as a calf • Sells open.

Spring ET Show & Donor Prospect Hereford 4th Annual Joint Production Sale • Saturday, September 24, 2022 5 S+ SFcc POcAHONTAS 2370 ET DOB: 2/22/22 • COW: P44385279 • RE: 2370 • Polled NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET {SOD,CHB} CHURCHILL LADY 002X ET SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET {CHB,SOD} CHURCHILL PILGRIM 632D ET NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S GOLDEN OAK OUTCROSS 18U {SOD} CHURCHILL LADY 600S ET CRR ABOUT TIME 743 {SOD} JCS TATER TOT 3560 MCKY DESTINY 6458 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +3.1 +3.1 +63 +105 +30 +61 +1.3 +1.25 +79 +.47 –.01 $$BIIBMI • Lot 2 is the result of mating the popular Churchill Pilgrim 632D ET with Destiny 6458, who was a many time champion for Jake Sims, including being named Champion Horned Heifer at the 2018 Oklahoma Youth Expo and 2017 Tulsa State Fair as well as division champion at the 2018 NWSS Junior Hereford Show. This impressive show and donor prospect is truly from a lineage of champions • Maternal sisters to Lot 2 include the $30,000 valued SFCC Destiny’s Child, owned with Weber Cattle Co , who was Champion Horned and Champion Bred-and-Owned Heifer at both the 2021 OJCA Preview Show and the 2021 Red Dirt Rendezvous Re gional Show; SFCC Karma, Champion Horned Owned and Bred and Owned Heifer plus Reser ve Supreme Champion Bred and Owned Heifer at the 2020 OJCA Preview Show; Reser ve Champion Horned Heifer at the Red Dirt Rendezvous Regional Here ford Show and with her sister Moirai, Grand Champion Produce of Dam at the 2020 Junior National Hereford Expo in Kansas City Moirai, another maternal sister, was named Polled Champion Bred and Owned at the OJCA Preview Show prior to besting her sister a week later by winning Reser ve Champion Bred and Owned at the Red Dirt Rendezvous Karma and Moirai recently joined the donor program at Snow Creek Cattle Co. in Tennessee.

Hereford Feature Spring bred Donor Wheeler Farms • McS cattle company • Sims Family cattle 6company S+ SFcc LLJ ZARA 181c ET DOB: 10/14/15 • COW: P43669623 • BE: 181C • Polled NJW FHF 9710 TANK 45P {SOD} BR KLD ROSE MARIE D79 ET FHF 8403 STARBUCK 19H {SOD} WORR OWEN TANKERAY Y79D ET GV 579 VICTORIA 9710 BR MOLER ET BR 122L ROSE 4020 ET STAR TCF SHOCK & AWE 158W ET {SOD} MF 62J NATALIE 122L 308N MF 308N ZIVA 158W 212Z ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB 3.7 +5.2 +62 +104 +30 +61 +1.1 +1.1 +71 +.37 .02 $$BIIBMI • Along with the dams of Lots 1 and 2 in this offering, Lot 3 is among the top three fe males in the Sims Family Cattle herd both in terms of phenotype and progeny. Prior to the production phase of her career, Lot 3 put together an impressive show record that included being the 2017 Tulsa State Fair Supreme Champion Bred and Owned Heifer, Reser ve Division Champion in the 2017 JNHE Bred and Owned Show and a many time class winner and division champion for Evan Sims at other major shows • As is evident in the heifer at her side and the two other daughters in this offering, Zara is as impressive in production as she was in the show ring • Maternal sisters to Lot 3 include the $12,500 top selling Hereford heifer in the 2016 Texas Limited Edition Sale, selected by Madison Holder, and the top selling open heifer in the 2018 WF/MCS/SFCC Production Sale, selected by Express Ranches at a $10,000 valuation • The dam of Lot 3, Ziva, compiled an impressive show record that included division champion at the 2013 Oklahoma Youth Expo; division champion at the 2014 San Angelo Stock Show; and class winner at the 2013 National Western Stock Show, 2013 Junior National Hereford Expo, 2013 State Fair of Oklahoma, 2013 Tulsa State Fair and 2014 Fort Worth Stock Show • Ranks in the top 15% for YW; top 20% for WW and M&G. • Daughters sell as Lots 16 and 17 • Bred AI 5/28/22 to Spearhead 22S Corps CommandE14. PE 6/5/22 to 8/5/22 to MCS 8130 Houston 2004 ++127186+114 3 STAR BRIGHT FUTURE 533P ET {SOD} MSU APOLLONIA 10M REMITALL ONLINE 122L {SOD,CHB} MSU MISS WRANGLER 62J lot 3 Lot 3 at the 2017 Tulsa State Fair MF 308N Ziva 158W 212Z ET Dam of Lot 3

Spring Show & Donor Prospect Hereford 4th Annual Joint Production Sale • Saturday, September 24, 2022 7 S+ SFcc McS D58 ZARA 2222 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 3/3/22 • COW: P44374837 • RE: 2222 • Polled WLB GLOBAL 72M 50S KLD RW LADY ROLEX D19 HAROLDSON WLB MUTUMBO ET 72M KLD EB TRUMP D58 WLB 035J FLORA 14N CRR ABOUT TIME 743 {SOD} RW MC KRISSIE 3078 8120 ET WORR OWEN TANKERAY Y79D ET MF 308N ZIVA 158W 212Z ET SFCC LLJ ZARA 181C ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +0.5 +2.5 +60 +95 +29 +59 +1.1 +1.1 +78 +.69 –.07 $$BIIBMI • Like her dam, this red eyed daughter of Trump offers a flawless profile and cool look with tremendous neck extension and outstanding rib shape on impeccable structure. This is another one that is tough to part with We feel she can compete at the highest levels. • Ranks in the top 10% for REA; top 20% for CW; top 25% for M&G • Dam records a progeny ratio of 3@103 for WW. • Sells open ++206262+113 3A NJW FHF 9710 TANK 45P {SOD} BR KLD ROSE MARIE D79 ET STAR TCF SHOCK & AWE 158W ET {SOD} MF 62J NATALIE 122L 308N lot 3A KLD EB Trump D58 Sire of several of the spring calves selling Hereford Spring Heifer Calf Splits Lots 3-15

Hereford Spring bred cow with Heifer calf Wheeler Farms • McS cattle company • Sims Family cattle 8company lot 4 4b MISSY 927 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF,MDP} DOB: 1/21/19 • COW: P44008964 • BE: 927 • Polled NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET {SOD,CHB} TH 23S 45P DUCHESS 123W SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET {SOD,CHB} PERKS C&L 4B HOME SOLUTION ET NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S NJW FHF 9710 TANK 45P {SOD} TH 53P W39 DUCHESS 23S LOEWEN UPTOWN 33N 50U ET {SOD} LOEWEN MISS R125 2U 77 MISS UPTOWN 2U CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB 2 3 +3 4 +53 +83 +33 +59 +1 4 +1 4 +58 + 08 16 $$BIIBMI • Ranks in the top 10% for SC, Udder, Teat; top 15% for Milk; top 25% for DMI and M&G • Dam records a progeny ratio of 8@98 for BW. • Bred AI 5/29/22 to TH Masterplan 183F PE 6/5/22 to 8/5/22 to MCS 8130 Houston 2004. ++352407+72 4 SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 {SOD,CHB} HVH OKSANA 4L 33N SHF RADAR M326 R125 {SOD} HVH QUEEN 1124 26S McS D58 MISSY 2219 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF,MDP} DOB: 3/2/22 • COW: P44373140 • RE: 2219 • Polled WLB GLOBAL 72M 50S KLD RW LADY ROLEX D19 HAROLDSON WLB MUTUMBO ET 72M KLD EB TRUMP D58 WLB 035J FLORA 14N CRR ABOUT TIME 743 {SOD} RW MC KRISSIE 3078 8120 ET PERKS C&L 4B HOME SOLUTION ET 77 MISS UPTOWN 2U 4B MISSY 927 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB –0 8 +2 1 +55 +94 +26 +53 +1 3 +1 2 +75 + 38 – 17 $$BIIBMI • A top Trump heifer calf in this red eyed, square built, good bodied show and donor prospect that Mark feels could be the best among the MCS offering • Ranks in the top 10% for SC; top 20% for Udder; top 25% for CW. • BW ratio 85 • Sells open. ++354407+99 4A NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET {SOD,CHB} TH 23S 45P DUCHESS 123W LOEWEN UPTOWN 33N 50U ET {SOD} LOEWEN MISS R125 2U Thank you to our sale day lunch sponsor!

Spring bred cow with Heifer calf Hereford 4th Annual Joint Production Sale • Saturday, September 24, 2022 9 McS D58 REANNE 2214 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF,MDP} DOB: 2/21/22 • COW: 44374836 • RE: 2214 • Horned WLB GLOBAL 72M 50S KLD RW LADY ROLEX D19 HAROLDSON WLB MUTUMBO ET 72M KLD EB TRUMP D58 WLB 035J FLORA 14N CRR ABOUT TIME 743 {SOD} RW MC KRISSIE 3078 8120 ET NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET {SOD,CHB} MCS 4R REANNE 55Z BH 10Y LIL REANNE(55Z) 449F ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +4.2 +3.2 +60 +95 +26 +56 +1.2 +1.3 +90 +.70 –.02 $$BIIBMI • This Februar y show and donor prospect is red eyed, really nice necked and feminine with excellent rib shape and body. Mark feels this could be their top heifer calf and is one that could compete at the highest levels • Ranks in the top 2% for CW; top 5% for REA; top 10% for SC; top 20% for $CHB; top 25% for WW and Teat • Dam records a progeny ratio of 1@111 for WW. • Sells open ++352419+128 5A SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET {SOD,CHB} NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} STAR 80P REANNE 55T bH 10Y LIL REANNE(55Z) 449F ET {MDP} DOB: 1/27/18 • COW: P43980897 • BE: 449F • Polled SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET {SOD,CHB} NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 {SOD,CHB} NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET {SOD,CHB} SHF GOVERNESS 236G L37 PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 {SOD} NJW 94J DEW 72N MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} STAR 80P REANNE 55T MCS 4R REANNE 55Z CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +1.7 +3.6 +60 +101 +31 +61 +1.2 +1.2 +81 +.64 +.18 $$BIIBMI • Lot 5 is a favorite at MCS Cattle Co in terms of phenotype and production • Her dam is a direct daughter of Reanne 55T, who was crowned Grand Champion Cow Calf Pair at the 2009 JNHE Her third dam, Orabel 48N, was our top selling se lection with Pollard Farms from the 2007 Star Lake Spring Sale and did an outstand ing job as a donor cow in our program • Ranks in the top 10% for CW, REA, and $CHB; top 15% for YW and SC; top 20% for M&G; top 25% for WW, Milk, and Marb • Bred AI 5/28/22 to TH Masterplan 183F. PE 6/5/22 to 8/5/22 to MCS 8130 Houston 2004 ++338417+138 5 FELTONS LEGEND 242 {SOD} MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N LAGRAND RELOAD 80P ET {SOD,CHB} STAR ORABEL 48N ET lot 5A STAR 80P Reanne 55T Maternal granddam of Lot 5 lot 5

Hereford Spring bred cow with Heifer calf Wheeler Farms • McS cattle company • Sims Family cattle 1company 0 Spearhead 4 Star General Sire of Lot 6A lot 6 lot 6A McS G7 LAREDO 2202 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 1/25/22 • COW: P44377835 • RE: 2202 • Polled EFBEEF BR VALIDATED B413 {CHB} SPEARHEAD A246 DEARIE D1 EFBEEF TFL U208 TESTED X651 ET {SOD,CHB} SPEARHEAD 4 STAR GENERAL {CHB} EFBEEF 4R THYRA Y865 KCF BENNETT 22S A246 SPEARHEAD LULU BELLE B27 {DOD} NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} 4B LAREDO 497 EXR LAREDO 9156 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +1 3 +3 3 +67 +111 +29 +62 +1 3 +1 3 +70 + 64 + 38 $$BIIBMI • Lot 6A is a dark red, easy fleshing, good bodied Januar y heifer She has an unbelievable presence and profile that is sure to catch the judge’s eye and complements her impressive look with a breed elite numerical profile. • Ranks in the top 4% for SC, Marb, $BII; top 5% for CHB; top 10% for WW, REA, $BMI; top 15% for M&G; top 20% for Udder; top 25% for Teat. • Sells open ++429530+150 6A KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 {SOD,CHB} NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S 4B LOEWEN DURANGO 2010 ET 4B LAREDO 1057 ET EXR LAREDO 9156 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF,MDF} DOB: 12/19/19 • COW: P44106060 • BE: 9156 • Polled KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 {SOD,CHB} NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S RRH MR FELT 3008 {SOD,CHB} NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} KCF MISS 459 F284 PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 {SOD} NJW 94J DEW 72N 4B LOEWEN DURANGO 2010 ET 4B LAREDO 1057 ET 4B LAREDO 497 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +6 1 +2 4 +63 +105 +28 +59 +1 2 +1 1 +70 + 55 + 16 $$BIIBMI • This big-bodied, freckle-faced, well pigmented female has a numerical profile that is as good as it gets She was selected from a past Express Hereford Event and has not disappointed in production. She stems from a 4B female that traces to the famed OSU Missy family • Ranks in the top 10% for YW, SC; top 15% for $BMI, $BII, $CHB; top 20% for WW and REA; top 25% for CED, M&G and CEM • Dam records a progeny ratio of 5@98 for BW. • Bred AI 5/29/22 to TH Masterplan 183F PE 6/5/22 to 8/5/22 to MCS 8130 Houston 2004. ++405487+136 6 THM DURANGO 4037 {SOD} SHF BOOMER P606 R17 ET SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET {SOD,CHB} OSU MISSY 8300

Spring bred cow with Heifer calf Hereford 4th Annual Joint Production Sale • Saturday, September 24, 2022 11 McS D58 GEM 2224 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 3/9/22 • COW: P44373146 • RE: 2224 • Polled WLB GLOBAL 72M 50S KLD RW LADY ROLEX D19 HAROLDSON WLB MUTUMBO ET 72M KLD EB TRUMP D58 WLB 035J FLORA 14N CRR ABOUT TIME 743 {SOD} RW MC KRISSIE 3078 8120 ET NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} TH 89T 755T GEMINI 471Z BH 1632 TRUST GEM471Z 16F ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB 0.6 +3.6 +61 +101 +33 +63 +1.2 +1.3 +87 +.58 –.08 $$BIIBMI • This Trump daughter is well pigmented and short marked with the look necessar y to star in the show ring and the numerical balance and pedigree needed to make a great donor • Ranks in the top 3% for CW; top 4% for SC; top 15% for Milk, M&G, REA; top 25% for WW, Teat • Dam record progeny ratios of 3@98 for BW; 2@114 for WW. • Sells open ++336398+121 7A KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 {SOD,CHB} NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S TH 223 71I VICTOR 755T {SOD} TH 16G 20N GEMINI 89T bH 1632 TRUST GEM471Z 16F ET DOB: 3/12/18 • COW: P43980887 • BE: 16F • Polled KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 {SOD,CHB} NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S RRH MR FELT 3008 {SOD,CHB} NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} KCF MISS 459 F284 PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 {SOD} NJW 94J DEW 72N TH 223 71I VICTOR 755T {SOD} TH 16G 20N GEMINI 89T TH 89T 755T GEMINI 471Z CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB 0.4 +3.9 +59 +99 +26 +55 +1.3 +1.3 +78 +.65 .00 $$BIIBMI • T h e d a m o f t h i s Tr u s t d a u g h t e r h a s b e e n a m o n g t h e t o p d o n o r s i n t h e E x p re s s Ranches Hereford herd. A maternal sister to Lot 7 sold for $25,000 in the Express Ranches Inaugural Hereford Female Sale to Burns Farms in Tennessee • Stemming from the famed $117,500 Gemini 89T, full sibs to the dam of Lot 7 include TH 89T 755T Stockman 475Z, the $110,000 second top selling bull from the 2013 Topp Bull Sale, selected by Ratcliff Ranch and Genex; TH 89T 755T Victor 468Z, who went to Upstream, Roudabush, Dvorak and Spencer from the 2013 Topp sale; the $50,000 valued Topp and MCS herd sire MCS 755T Durant 489B ET; Addison 2018, t h e $ 6 0 , 0 0 0 t o p s e l l i n g h e i f e r c a l f i n t h e 2 0 1 2 H o f f m a n s a l e t h a t w e n t o n t o b e named the 2013 JNHE Grand Champion Polled Female and has since made her name as a featured donor in the Sierra herd; and many other breed greats • The third dam of Lot 7, Gemini 16G, gained her fame by producing Tundra 63N. • Records 3@98 for BW ratio and 2@114 for WW ratio A daughter sells as Lot 37 • Bred AI 5/29/22 to Spearhead 22S Corps CommandE14 PE 6/5/22 to 8/5/22 to MCS 8130 Houston 2004 ++355421+125 7 DRF JWR PRINCE VICTOR 71I {SOD} KBCR 19D DOMINETTE 223 NPH 20X SPARTAN 20N {SOD} TEE JAY 707B GEMINI 16G ET lot 7A TH 16G 20N Gemini 89T Maternal granddam of Lot 7 lot 7

Hereford Spring bred cows with Heifer calves Wheeler Farms • McS cattle company • Sims Family cattle 1company 2 McS A216 Y122 ARIANA 1718 ET {MDP} DOB: 2/9/17 • COW: P43844857 • BE: 1718 • Polled SHF LITERAL W18 Y90 {CHB} SHF MISTY 33T Y35 SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET {SOD,CHB} SHF ACCESS Y90 A216 SHF PROGRESS P20 U74 LOEWEN M326 SIR 33T HVH QUEEN 1022 37S ALH 034 PLATO DOM 0424 {SOD} JWR M41 PRINCESS 167S GV CMR MS 424 167S Y122ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +1.0 +2.7 +51 +77 +23 +48 +1.2 +1.3 +46 +.10 +.28 $$BIIBMI • We like the feminine design and maternal strength this Access daughter offers, com plemented by her elite genetic predictors for marbling backed by the progeny ultra sound ratios of her dam Y122 was one of our picks in the Grandview/CMR Dispersal and has been an excellent producer for both MCS Cattle Co. and Express Ranches. • Ranks in the top 10% for Marb and MW; top 20% for DMI; top 25% for Teat • Dam records progeny ratios of 2@97 for BW; 1@103 for WW; 3@110 for IMF. • Bred AI 5/29/22 to TH Masterplan 183F PE 6/5/22 to 8/5/22 to MCS 8130 Houston 2004. ++312392+101 9 BTCC 207 M034 ALH 43 FAVORITE 919 PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 {SOD} HHH K570 H132 M41 McS D58 ARIANA 2216 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF,MDP} DOB: 2/22/22 • COW: P44373141 • RE: 2216 • Polled WLB GLOBAL 72M 50S KLD RW LADY ROLEX D19 HAROLDSON WLB MUTUMBO ET 72M KLD EB TRUMP D58 WLB 035J FLORA 14N CRR ABOUT TIME 743 {SOD} RW MC KRISSIE 3078 8120 ET SHF ACCESS Y90 A216 GV CMR MS 424 167S Y122ET MCS A216 Y122 ARIANA 1718 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +3 2 +3 4 +58 +93 +22 +51 +1 1 +1 1 +73 + 36 + 08 $$BIIBMI • This neat marked, pigmented, dark red heifer calf is the biggest framed among the MCS show prospects and is one that continues to improve This donor prospect offers elite right edge of the normal EPD distribution cur ve for marbling • Sells open ++301372+118 9A SHF LITERAL W18 Y90 {CHB} SHF MISTY 33T Y35 ALH 034 PLATO DOM 0424 {SOD} JWR M41 PRINCESS 167S lot 9 lot 9A McS G15 LADY IN RED 2213 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 2/19/22 • COW: P44372218 • RE: 2213 • Polled NJW 79Z Z311 ENDURE 173D ET {CHB} LOEWEN 77 48 MISS 344N 4RB42ET KCF BENNETT ENCORE Z311 ET {SOD,CHB} LOEWEN GRADY B42 G15 ET BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} PCR JACKLYN NIKOLE 344N R LEADER 6964 {SOD} MCS 11X LADY IN RED 8012 ET MCS 6964 LADY IN RED 2018 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +5.0 +2.1 +75 +118 +31 +68 +1.1 +1.2 +81 +.57 +.11 $$BIIBMI • This well pigmented female is a daughter of the homozygous polled sire Loewen Grady, a full brother to the renowned Genesis Great numerical profile! • Ranks in the top 1% for WW; top 2% for YW; top 4% for SC and M&G; top 10% for CW; top 20% for Milk and REA; top 25% for $CHB • Sells open. ++330419+127 8A HYALITE ON TARGET 936 {SOD} R MISS REVOLUTION 1009 {DOD} TH 71U 719T MR HEREFORD 11X {SOD} MCS 59N LADY 62R 801 ET • A young, productive daughter of Leader that is backed by balanced numbers and a lineage of females with decorated show careers. Flush sister sells as Lot 15. • Ranks in the top 4% for WW; top 5% for CW and REA; top 10% for YW; top 25% for M&G and Teat. Dam records a progeny ratio of 4@113 for WW. • Bred AI 5/29/22 to Spearhead 22S Corps CommandE14 PE 6/5/22 to 8/5/22 to MCS 8130 Houston 2004. McS 6964 LADY IN RED 2018 ET {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 3/9/20 • COW: P44163615 • RE: 2018 • Polled HYALITE ON TARGET 936 {SOD} R MISS REVOLUTION 1009 {DOD} SCHU LAR ON TARGET 22S {SOD,CHB} R LEADER 6964 {SOD} HYALITE TS LASS 310 MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} R MISS WRANGLER 3007 TH 71U 719T MR HEREFORD 11X {SOD} MCS 59N LADY 62R 801 ET MCS 11X LADY IN RED 8012 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +3.1 +2.8 +70 +106 +25 +60 +1.2 +1.3 +84 +.71 .07 ++$$BIIBMI329400+121 8 TH 122 71I VICTOR 719T {SOD} TH 7N 45P RITA 71U STAR RED HILLS MCS SOONER 59N SB 59M LADY 62R MCS 59N Lady 62R 801 ET Maternal granddam of Lot 8 MCS 11X Lady In Red 8012 ET Dam of Lot 8 lot 8

lot 10 lot 10A lot 11 Spring bred cows with Heifer calves Hereford 4th Annual Joint Production Sale • Saturday, September 24, 2022 13 S+ SFcc/WScc bREATHLESS 310E ET {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 9/17/17 • COW: P43880676 • LE: 310E • Polled UPS TCC NITRO 1ET {SOD} BR ABIGAIL 8130 ET GH NEON 17N {SOD,CHB} BR NITRO AVENTUS 3116 ET LCC TWO TIMIN 438 ET DM BR SOONER {CHB} BR GABRIELLE 5082 H EXCEL 8051 ET KOCH’S ALEXIS 3702 SHOWTIME BREATHLESS 228 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +5.1 +6.0 +61 +91 +24 +55 +1.3 +1.4 +74 +.64 .15 $$BIIBMI • Lot 10 was a many time champion in both the bred and owned and owned divisions for Jake Sims as well as winning her class at the JNHE. She is a maternal sister to the Reser ve National Champion at Fort Worth in 2019 • Ranks in the top 10% for Teat and REA; top 20% for Udder; top 25% for WW and CW. • Bred AI 5/29/22 to Spearhead 22S Corps CommandE14 PE 6/5/22 to 8/5/22 to MCS 8130 Houston 2004. ++258311+101 10 GO EXCEL L18 {SOD} H LADY GOLD 323 CS BOOMER 29F {SOD} MB CATTAIL TEE BOZZ S+ SFcc D87 bREATHLESS 2207 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 2/5/22 • COW: P44374606 • RE: 2207 • Polled UPS SENSATION 2296 ET RW MINDY 3078 6096 CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X {SOD} KLD RW MARKSMAN D87 ET UPS JT MISS NEON 7811 1ET RW KW HUMMER K23 3078 RW DEDE 23C 9145 BR NITRO AVENTUS 3116 ET SHOWTIME BREATHLESS 228 ET SFCC/WSCC BREATHLESS 310E ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +7.6 +2.7 +54 +79 +24 +51 +1.4 +1.5 +65 +.62 –.12 $$BIIBMI • Like her dam and granddam, this pigmented daughter of Marksman is long bodied and shapely with an excellent look that should translate to similar results in the show ring if in the right hands • Ranks in the top 3% for Teat; top 10% for Udder; top 15% for CED, CEM, REA. • Dam records 3@98 for BW ratio • Sells open. ++258309+88 10A UPS TCC NITRO 1ET {SOD} BR ABIGAIL 8130 ET H EXCEL 8051 ET KOCH’S ALEXIS 3702 6Mc HOMEGROWN LADY 602 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF,MDC} DOB: 2/7/16 • COW: P43698551 • LE: 602 • Polled SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET {SOD,CHB} NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 {SOD,CHB} NJW 73S W18 HOMEGROWN 8Y ET {SOD} SHF GOVERNESS 236G L37 PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 {SOD} NJW 94J DEW 72N KJ HVH 33N REDEEM 485T ET {SOD} JSF 12N LADY VAL 9T H RW LADY REDEEM 1237 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +6 6 +2 1 +47 +80 +31 +55 +1 2 +1 2 +61 + 48 03 $$BIIBMI • Lot 11 is a massive bodied, freckle faced female that has a pedigree packed with maternal greats • Ranks in the top 20% for CED and Milk • Posts progeny ratios of 3@101 for WW and 3@100.3 for YW. • Bred AI 5/29/22 to TH Masterplan 183F PE 6/5/22 to 8/5/22 to MCS 8130 Houston 2004. ++339393+89 11 SHF RADAR M326 R125 {SOD} HVH OKSANA 4L 33N GHC BEAR 12N HSF 60G LADY VAL 48K McS D58 HOMEGROWN LADY 2210 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF,MDP} DOB: 2/13/22 • COW: P44374835 • RE: 2210 • Polled WLB GLOBAL 72M 50S KLD RW LADY ROLEX D19 HAROLDSON WLB MUTUMBO ET 72M KLD EB TRUMP D58 WLB 035J FLORA 14N CRR ABOUT TIME 743 {SOD} RW MC KRISSIE 3078 8120 ET NJW 73S W18 HOMEGROWN 8Y ET {SOD} H RW LADY REDEEM 1237 ET 6MC HOMEGROWN LADY 602 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +1 8 +3 6 +56 +97 +30 +58 +1 0 +1 1 +75 + 64 – 19 $$BIIBMI • This Trump daughter is red eyed, dark red and long bodied with a strong top line and a balanced set of genetic predictors • Ranks in the top 10% for REA; top 25% for YW, SC, Milk, CW • Dam records a progeny ratio of 3@101 for WW and 3@100.3 for YW. • Sells open ++271319+96 11A SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET {SOD,CHB} NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S KJ HVH 33N REDEEM 485T ET {SOD} JSF 12N LADY VAL 9T Showtime Breathless 228 ET, the dam of Lot 10, was campaigned success fully by Jake Sims and tied for South west Region Show Heifer of the Year b e f o re b e c o m i n g t h e m o s t p r o l i f i c d o n o r i n t h e W i l l ow S p r i n g s h e rd , where she currently resides.

Hereford Spring bred cows with Heifer calves Wheeler Farms • McS cattle company • Sims Family cattle 1company 4 WF MISS vIvkIE 0015 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF,MDP} DOB: 1/23/20 • COW: P44181934 • BE: 0015 • Polled /S WONDER 44232 {CHB} /S LADY THOR 1271Y SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET {SOD,CHB} /S ADRENALINE 77026 ET JET MS X010 THR THOR 4029 {SOD,CHB} /S LADY ADVISOR 9194W NJW 78P TWENTYTWELVE 190Z ET {CHB} ZF P606 MISS VICKY Z488 KCL 2012 VIVKIE 488 619D ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +0.7 +3.9 +64 +102 +24 +56 +1.3 +1.2 +87 +.72 +.22 $$BIIBMI • The dam of Lot 12 was Wheeler’s selection from the 2019 Hereford Alliance Sale at Larsons’, where she was the lead lot in a set of three flush sisters by TwentyTwelve that was one of the most impressive females in that offering in terms of phenotype • Ranks in the top 4% for CW; top 5% for REA; top 10% for $CHB; top 15% for WW, YW, SC; top 20% for Udder, Marb and $BII; top 25% for $BMI • 0015 recorded an individual WW ratio of 120. • Bred AI 4/1/22 to NJW 84B 4040 Fortified 238F PE 5/31/22 to 7/1/22 EXR Bankroll 1225 ET. Checked 35 days safe 7/1/22. ++381468+141 12 NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} NJW BW LADYSPORT DEW 78P ET PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 {SOD} FHF D10 GLD PROSTPCT McS 489b RITA 1643 DOB: 4/22/16 • COW: P43743982 • BE: 1643 • Polled TH 223 71I VICTOR 755T {SOD} TH 16G 20N GEMINI 89T DRF JWR PRINCE VICTOR 71I {SOD} MCS 755T DURANT 489B ET KBCR 19D DOMINETTE 223 NPH 20X SPARTAN 20N {SOD} TEE JAY 707B GEMINI 16G ET DM BR MOLER 803 SB 19R MISS RITA 14W ET MCS RD 803 RITA 14Y CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +3.1 +1.7 +44 +69 +18 +40 +1.3 +1.3 +59 +.30 +.08 $$BIIBMI • A maternal sister was a $10,000 top selling Hereford heifer in a past Texas Limited Edition Sale. She was a many time class and division champion for Evan Sims and was named Reser ve Champion Bred and Owned Heifer at the 2015 Oklahoma Youth Expo. • Ranks in the top 5% for DMI; top 20% for Udder; top 25% for BW and Teat • Dam records a progeny ratio of 4@98 for BW. • Bred AI 5/28/22 to Spearhead 22S Corps CommandE14 PE 6/5/22 to 8/5/22 to MCS 8130 Houston 2004. ++325383+109 13 BR MOLER ET DM MS ONLINE 413 ET SB 122L GIT R DONE 19R ET {SOD} LLL MISS FAST TIME 41K lot 12 MCS RD 803 Rita 14Y Dam of Lot 13 MCS Y79D Rita 14B Maternal sister to Lot 13 KCL 2012 Vivkie 488 619D ET Dam of Lot 12 /S Boom Town 88334 ET Sire of Lot 12A MCS 755T Durant 489B ET Sire of Lot 13 and grandsire of Lot 13A WF MISS vIvkIE 2024 {MDP} DOB: 2/5/22 • COW: P44381375 • BE: 2024 • Polled /S JBB/AL BOOM TOWN 44608 {CHB} /S LADY RED BULL 5228C NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET {SOD,CHB} /S BOOM TOWN 88334 ET /S LADY THOR 1271Y SCHU LAR RED BULL 18X {SOD} /S LADY ADVANCE 7291T /S ADRENALINE 77026 ET KCL 2012 VIVKIE 488 619D ET WF MISS VIVKIE 0015 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +5.3 +1.9 +60 +93 +24 +53 +1.3 +1.2 +82 +.54 +.21 $$BIIBMI • The sire of Lot 12A was Wheeler’s selection from the 2019 Shaw Cattle Co. Bull Sale and has done a great job as a featured calving ease sire • Ranks in the top 10% for CW; top 15% for SC; top 20% for Udder, Marb, $BII, $CHB; top 25% for REA • Sells open. ++382466+129 12A /S WONDER 44232 {CHB} /S LADY THOR 1271Y NJW 78P TWENTYTWELVE 190Z ET {CHB} ZF P606 MISS VICKY Z488 McS D58 RITA 2241 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 4/1/22 • COW: 44373143 • RE: 2241 • Horned WLB GLOBAL 72M 50S KLD RW LADY ROLEX D19 HAROLDSON WLB MUTUMBO ET 72M KLD EB TRUMP D58 WLB 035J FLORA 14N CRR ABOUT TIME 743 {SOD} RW MC KRISSIE 3078 8120 ET MCS 755T DURANT 489B ET MCS RD 803 RITA 14Y MCS 489B RITA 1643 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +4.6 +1.8 +48 +75 +20 +44 +1.1 +1.2 +74 +.48 –.02 $$BIIBMI • Like all the descendants of this cow line, this April prospect is made right, shapely and feminine • Ranks in the top 25% for CW. • Dam records a progeny ratio of 5@97 for BW • Sells open. ++314368+113 13A TH 223 71I VICTOR 755T {SOD} TH 16G 20N GEMINI 89T DM BR MOLER 803 SB 19R MISS RITA 14W ET

Spring bred Two-Year-Olds with Heifer calves Hereford 4th Annual Joint Production Sale • Saturday, September 24, 2022 15 SFCC TRM Mighty 7264 ET Sire of Lot 14A MCS 8130 Houston 2004 Sire of Lot 15A his pasture service sells SR TKC 2018 Catapult 7081 ET Sire of Lot 14 MCS 11X Lady In Red 8012 ET Dam of Lot 15 WF MISS RADISSON 0050 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 3/3/20 • COW: P44181975 • BE: 0050 • Homozygous Polled CRR 719 CATAPULT 109 {SOD} H B/R ADDISON 2018 ET TH 122 71I VICTOR 719T {SOD} SR TKC 2018 CATAPULT 7081 ET CRR 4037 ECLIPSE 808 TH 223 71I VICTOR 755T {SOD} TH 16G 20N GEMINI 89T NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} KJ 471T RADISSON 684Z ET WF RADISSON D324 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +6.4 +2.3 +59 +100 +27 +57 +1.3 +1.1 +73 +.48 +.22 $$BIIBMI • This two year old is sired by SR TKC 2018 Catapult 7081 ET, Wheeler Farms’ $9,250 second top selling bull from the Western Treasures, Vol. 2 Sale at Sierra Ranches. • Ranks in the top 15% for $CHB; top 20% for CED, YW, Udder, Marb • 0050 recorded a BW ratio of 100 and WW ratio of 110 • PE 5/31/22 to 7/1/22 to EXR Bankroll 1225 ET. Checked 35 days safe 7/1/22.+326+407+135 14 KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 {SOD,CHB} NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S TH SHR 605 57G BISMARCK 243R ET {SOD} KJ HVH 33N RADISSON 471T ET McS 6964 LADY IN RED 2002 ET {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 2/28/20 • COW: P44163612 • RE: 2002 • Polled HYALITE ON TARGET 936 {SOD} R MISS REVOLUTION 1009 {DOD} SCHU LAR ON TARGET 22S {SOD,CHB} R LEADER 6964 {SOD} HYALITE TS LASS 310 MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} R MISS WRANGLER 3007 TH 71U 719T MR HEREFORD 11X {SOD} MCS 59N LADY 62R 801 ET MCS 11X LADY IN RED 8012 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +6.7 +1.6 +60 +99 +20 +50 +1.2 +1.2 +79 +.48 +.04 $$BIIBMI • Lot 15 is a productive daughter of Leader that blends impressive phenotype with attractive numerical balance for all measurable traits. • Lot 15 is backed by a lineage of females with decorated show careers that includes her dam, who was named Grand Champion at the 2014 Red Dirt Rendezvous Re gional Show; her maternal granddam, MCS 59N Lady 62R 801 ET, selected as the Reser ve Grand Champion Polled Hereford Female at the 2010 Junior National Here ford Expo, and her maternal great granddam, SB 59M Lady 62R, who was the Grand Champion Polled Hereford Female at the 2006 Junior National Hereford Expo • Ranks in the too 15% for CW; top 20% for CED and YW; top 25% for BW and WW • Dam records a progeny ratio of 4@113 for WW. • Flush sister sells as Lot 8 • Bred AI 5/29/22 to Spearhead 22S Corps CommandE14. PE 6/5/22 to 8/5/22 to MCS 8130 Houston 2004 ++370443+120 15 TH 122 71I VICTOR 719T {SOD} TH 7N 45P RITA 71U STAR RED HILLS MCS SOONER 59N SB 59M LADY 62R WF MISS RADISSON 2005 DOB: 1/16/22 • COW: P44381373 • BE: 2005 • Polled NJW 79Z 22Z MIGHTY 49C ET /S LADY THOR 2447Z NJW 67U 28M BIG MAX 22Z SFCC TRM MIGHTY 7264 ET BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET THR THOR 4029 {SOD,CHB} /S LADY RIBEYE 9184W SR TKC 2018 CATAPULT 7081 ET WF RADISSON D324 WF MISS RADISSON 0050 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +3 2 +2 2 +55 +94 +27 +54 +1 3 +1 2 +68 + 45 + 06 $$BIIBMI • Wheeler selected the sire of this Januar y prospect from Tennessee River Music He is a direct son of their prolific donor Thor 2447Z • Ranks in the top 25% for Udder • Sells open. ++325391+119 14A CRR 719 CATAPULT 109 {SOD} H B/R ADDISON 2018 ET NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} KJ 471T RADISSON 684Z ET McS 2004 LADY IN RED 2235 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 3/15/22 • COW: P44372707 • RE: 2235 • Polled EXR BANKROLL 8130 ET TH 60W 17Y RUBY 404B ET BR BELLE AIR 6011 {CHB} MCS 8130 HOUSTON 2004 EXR LEXUS 4208 ET TH 22R 16S LAMBEAU 17Y {SOD} TH 77S 45P RUBY 60W R LEADER 6964 {SOD} MCS 11X LADY IN RED 8012 ET MCS 6964 LADY IN RED 2002 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +8 8 +0 7 +54 +93 +24 +52 +1 2 +1 2 +74 + 55 + 05 $$BIIBMI • This mid March prospect is sired by the MCS herd sire Houston, who combines EXR Bankroll with a direct daughter of the famed donor Ruby 60W • Ranks in the top 10% for CED and $BMI; top 15% for BW and $BII; top 20% for REA • Sells open. ++413484+112 15A HYALITE ON TARGET 936 {SOD} R MISS REVOLUTION 1009 {DOD} TH 71U 719T MR HEREFORD 11X {SOD} MCS 59N LADY 62R 801 ET

Hereford Spring bred cow with bull calf Wheeler Farms • McS cattle company • Sims Family cattle 1company 6 S+ SFcc 310 ZENDAYA 7181 DOB: 11/3/17 • COW: 43909097 • BE: 7181 • Horned CRR 719 CATAPULT 109 {SOD} CRR 433 NADEAN 758 TH 122 71I VICTOR 719T {SOD} CRR 109 AMERICAN MADE 310 CRR 4037 ECLIPSE 808 CRR 106M COLORADO 433 CRR 136 NADEAN 591 WORR OWEN TANKERAY Y79D ET MF 308N ZIVA 158W 212Z ET SFCC LLJ ZARA 181C ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB 1.6 +4.3 +61 +98 +25 +56 +1.2 +1.2 +71 +.39 .04 $$BIIBMI • The first natural daughter of Zara 181C, 7181 is a powerful, dark red female with tremendous rib and volume that weans a heavy calf. • The dam of Lots 16 and 17 put together an impressive show record that included being the 2017 Tulsa State Fair Supreme Champion Bred and Owned Heifer, Reser ve Division Champion at the 2017 JNHE Bred and Owned Show and a many time class winner and division champion for Evan Sims at other major shows • Ranks in the top 25% for WW and YW • Dam sells as Lot 3 and records 3@103 for WW. Maternal sister sells as Lot 17. • Bred AI 5/29/22 to Spearhead 22S Corps CommandE14 PE 6/5/22 to 8/5/22 to MCS 8130 Houston 2004. ++232294+108 16 NJW FHF 9710 TANK 45P {SOD} BR KLD ROSE MARIE D79 ET STAR TCF SHOCK & AWE 158W ET {SOD} MF 62J NATALIE 122L 308N S+ SFcc McS D58 TRUMP 2209 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 2/11/22 • BULL: 44374504 • RE: 2209 • Horned WLB GLOBAL 72M 50S KLD RW LADY ROLEX D19 HAROLDSON WLB MUTUMBO ET 72M KLD EB TRUMP D58 WLB 035J FLORA 14N CRR ABOUT TIME 743 {SOD} RW MC KRISSIE 3078 8120 ET CRR 109 AMERICAN MADE 310 SFCC LLJ ZARA 181C ET SFCC 310 ZENDAYA 7181 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +0.2 +3.1 +59 +97 +26 +56 +1.2 +1.1 +78 +.52 –.05 $$BIIBMI • This horned son of Trump is red eyed, extra stout and deep bodied with a great look and a solid numerical profile that should allow him to become a featured herd sire in any operation or a top member of an elite show string • Ranks in the top 15% for CW; top 25% for YW, CW, REA. • BW 65 lbs , ratio 95 ++267328+115 16A CRR 719 CATAPULT 109 {SOD} CRR 433 NADEAN 758 WORR OWEN TANKERAY Y79D ET MF 308N ZIVA 158W 212Z ET lot 16A SFCC LLJ Zara 181C ET Dam of Lots 16 and 17…she sells as Lot 3 lot 16 Hereford Spring Bull Calf Splits Lots 16-2 5

Spring bred Two-Year-Old with bull calf Hereford 4th Annual Joint Production Sale • Saturday, September 24, 2022 17 S+ SFcc MELANIA 2016 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 3/9/20 • COW: P44163616 • RE: 2016 • Polled C STOCKMAN 2059 ET {SOD,CHB} B&C MISS TOP GUN 2031Z 1ET NJW 98S R117 RIBEYE 88X ET {SOD,CHB} B&C STOCK OPTION 6026D ET C NOTICE ME ET GH ADAMS TOP GUN ET 516T {CHB} B&C MS CHRISTI 27031 WORR OWEN TANKERAY Y79D ET MF 308N ZIVA 158W 212Z ET SFCC LLJ ZARA 181C ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +3.0 +2.5 +51 +85 +32 +57 +1.0 +1.1 +72 +.58 +.19 $$BIIBMI • A Stock Option daughter out of Zara 181C, who sells as Lot 3, Melania 2016 is a stout made female with tremendous rib and volume. • Maternal sisters to the dam of Lots 16 and 17 include the $12,500 top selling Here ford heifer in the 2016 Texas Limited Edition Sale to Madison Holder and the top selling open heifer in the 2018 WF/MCS/SFCC Production Sale, selected by Express Ranches at a $10,000 valuation • Granddam Ziva 158W compiled an impressive show record that included division champion at the 2013 Oklahoma Youth Expo and 2014 San Angelo Stock Show and class winner at the 2013 NWSS, 2013 JNHE, 2013 State Fair of Oklahoma, 2013 Tulsa State Fair and 2014 Fort Worth Stock Show • Ranks in the top 10% for CEM; top 15% for Milk; top 20% for REA; top 25% for Marb. • Bred AI 5/28/22 to TH Masterplan 183F PE 6/5/22 to 8/5/22 to MCS 8130 Houston 2004. ++264330+134 17 NJW FHF 9710 TANK 45P {SOD} BR KLD ROSE MARIE D79 ET STAR TCF SHOCK & AWE 158W ET {SOD} MF 62J NATALIE 122L 308N S+ SFcc 903G MAJESTIc 2203 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 1/26/22 • BULL: P44374490 • RE: 2203 • Polled BOYD 31Z BLUEPRINT 6153 H MS 0103 MARIAH 4437 ET R LEADER 6964 {SOD} CHURCHILL MAJESTIC 903G ET NJW 91H 100W RITA 31Z ET NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET {SOD,CHB} H W4 MARIAH 0103 ET B&C STOCK OPTION 6026D ET SFCC LLJ ZARA 181C ET SFCC MELANIA 2016 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +1.8 +3.7 +75 +115 +37 +75 +1.2 +1.1 +87 +.67 +.06 $$BIIBMI • A s y o u wo u l d ex p e c t f r o m t h i s m a t i n g, t h i s M a j e s t i c s o n i s re d e ye d , s t o u t a n d shapely with an attractive profile and impressive numerical spread from BW to YW. • Ranks in the top 1% for WW, M&G; top 3% for YW, Milk, CW; top 10% for REA; top 15% for $CHB. • BW 70 lbs ++330414+138 17A C STOCKMAN 2059 ET {SOD,CHB} B&C MISS TOP GUN 2031Z 1ET WORR OWEN TANKERAY Y79D ET MF 308N ZIVA 158W 212Z ET lot 17A lot 17 Daughters of Zara 181C sell as Lots 1 6 and 1 7

lot 18A T TFL 910 0924 Purple Time 1318 Dam of Lot 18 lot 18 Hereford Spring bred cow with bull calf Wheeler Farms • McS cattle company • Sims Family cattle 1company 8 McS EH 1606 TIMELESS 1833 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 3/9/18 • COW: P43956957 • BE: 1833 • Polled TH 512X 145Y EL DORADO 49B ET {SOD} MCS U14 ROMATE 705B FTF PROSPECTOR 145Y {SOD} MCS 49B CONQUISTADOR 1606 TH 122 71I DOMINETTE 512X ET MCS 533P ROMEO U14 ET F2 STAR EQUALIZER 705 CKP ABOUT TIME 0924 {SOD} TTFL JANES PURPLE MILSAP 910 {DOD} TTFL 910 0924 PURPLE TIME 1318 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +1.2 +1.6 +56 +98 +30 +57 +1.2 +1.2 +64 +.20 +.01 $$BIIBMI • This four year old is a calf raising machine that posts progeny ratios of 3@93 for BW, 2@115 for WW and 2@110 for YW. • Her sire, MCS 49B Conquistador 1606, was the $12,000 valued half interest selection of Rolen Farms from the 2017 MCS Bull Sale. • Ranks in the top 20% for YW; top 25% for BW • Dam records a progeny ratio of 6@106 for WW and 3@100 3 for YW • Granddam is an AHA Dam of Distinction • Daughter sells as Lot 58 • Bred AI 5/28/22 to TH Masterplan 183F. PE 6/5/22 to 8/5/22 to MCS 8130 Houston 2004 ++305371+97 18 CRR ABOUT TIME 743 {SOD} CKP WHISPERS 0708 PURPLE MILSAP 45S {SOD} KAYLA JANE 0507 McS D58 TRUMP 2212 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 2/16/22 • BULL: P44374500 • RE: 2212 • Polled WLB GLOBAL 72M 50S KLD RW LADY ROLEX D19 HAROLDSON WLB MUTUMBO ET 72M KLD EB TRUMP D58 WLB 035J FLORA 14N CRR ABOUT TIME 743 {SOD} RW MC KRISSIE 3078 8120 ET MCS 49B CONQUISTADOR 1606 TTFL 910 0924 PURPLE TIME 1318 MCS EH 1606 TIMELESS 1833 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +5.4 0.2 +51 +89 +28 +53 +1.1 +1.2 +79 +.52 –.02 $$BIIBMI • This son of Trump is red eyed with a big hip and flawless design He would be an excellent choice to develop and use on heifers with his combination of CED and BW EPDs and actual birth weight • Ranks in the top 5% for BW; top 15% for CW; top 25% for REA. • Dam records progeny ratios of 3@93 for BW; 2@115 for WW; 2@110 for YW • BW 50 lbs , ratio 73 ++308365+116 18A TH 512X 145Y EL DORADO 49B ET {SOD} MCS U14 ROMATE 705B CKP ABOUT TIME 0924 {SOD} TTFL JANES PURPLE MILSAP 910 {DOD}

Spring bred cow with bull calf Hereford 4th Annual Joint Production Sale • Saturday, September 24, 2022 19 McS 66589 HATTIE 2014 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 3/8/20 • COW: 44161967 • RE: 2014 • Horned R LEADER 6964 {SOD} /S LADY DOMINO 0158X HYALITE ON TARGET 936 {SOD} /S MANDATE 66589 ET {CHB} R MISS REVOLUTION 1009 {DOD} SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 {SOD,CHB} /S LADY DOMINO 652S NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} TH 89T 755T GEMINI 471Z BH 100W TRUST GEM471Z 101F ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +1 5 +2 1 +63 +97 +23 +55 +1 5 +1 5 +84 + 69 + 15 $$BIIBMI • The dam of this Mandate daughter is out of one of the top donors in the Express Ranches Hereford herd • Stemming from the famed $117,500 Gemini 89T, full sibs to the dam of Lot 19 include TH 89T 755T Stockman 475Z, the $110,000 second top selling bull from the 2013 Topp Bull Sale, selected by Ratcliff Ranch and Genex; TH 89T 755T Victor 468Z, who went to Upstream, Roudabush, Dvorak and Spencer from the 2013 Topp Sale; the $50,000 valued Topp and MCS herd sire MCS 755T Durant 489B ET; Addison 2018, the $60,000 top selling heifer calf in the 2012 Hoffman Ranch sale that went on to be named the 2013 Junior National Hereford Expo Grand Champion Polled Female and has since made her name as the featured donor in the Sierra herd; and many other breed greats • The maternal third dam of Lot 19, Gemini 16G, gained her fame by producing Tundra 63N • A maternal sister to Lot 19 sold for $25,000 in the Express Ranches Inaugural Here ford Female Sale to Burns Farms in Tennessee • Ranks in the 2% for Udder; top 3% for Teat; top 5% for $BMI and $BII; top 10% for CW and REA; top 15% for WW and SC; top 20% for $CHB; top 25% for YW • Dam records progeny ratios of 2@96 for BW; 1@101 for YW. • Bred AI 5/29/22 to Spearhead 22S Corps CommandE14 PE 6/5/22 to 8/5/22 to MCS 8130 Houston 2004. ++432517+130 19 KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 {SOD,CHB} NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S TH 223 71I VICTOR 755T {SOD} TH 16G 20N GEMINI 89T McS G7 GENERAL 2206 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 1/31/22 • BULL: P44377836 • RE: 2206 • Polled EFBEEF BR VALIDATED B413 {CHB} SPEARHEAD A246 DEARIE D1 EFBEEF TFL U208 TESTED X651 ET {SOD,CHB} SPEARHEAD 4 STAR GENERAL {CHB} EFBEEF 4R THYRA Y865 KCF BENNETT 22S A246 SPEARHEAD LULU BELLE B27 {DOD} /S MANDATE 66589 ET {CHB} BH 100W TRUST GEM471Z 101F ET MCS 66589 HATTIE 2014 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +0 5 +3 9 +69 +109 +26 +61 +1 5 +1 4 +73 + 60 + 40 $$BIIBMI • A well pigmented herd sire prospect with a breed elite numerical profile • Ranks in the top 2% for Udder and $BII; top 4% for Marb, $BMI; top 5% for WW; top 10% for YW, SC, $CHB; top 15% for REA; top 20% for M&G • BW 70 lbs. ++440547+146 19A R LEADER 6964 {SOD} /S LADY DOMINO 0158X NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} TH 89T 755T GEMINI 471Z Spearhead 4 Star General Sire of Lot 19A TH 89T 755T Gemini 471Z Maternal granddam of Lot 19lot 19

Hereford Spring bred cows with bull calves Wheeler Farms • McS cattle company • Sims Family cattle 2company 0 McS 1606 LORETTA 1817 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 2/24/18 • COW: P43956939 • BE: 1817 • Polled TH 512X 145Y EL DORADO 49B ET {SOD} MCS U14 ROMATE 705B FTF PROSPECTOR 145Y {SOD} MCS 49B CONQUISTADOR 1606 TH 122 71I DOMINETTE 512X ET MCS 533P ROMEO U14 ET F2 STAR EQUALIZER 705 BOYD MASTERPIECE 0220 {SOD} TH 9S 755T LORETTA 127W TH 127W 0220 LORETTA 153B CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +0 1 +3 3 +66 +114 +40 +73 +1 3 +1 4 +87 + 63 00 $$BIIBMI • This cherry red, short marked daughter of the $12,000 valued MCS 49B Conquistador 1606 is among the phenotypic favorites in the offering and complements her look with a numerical profile that allows for mating flexibility. • Ranks in the top 1% for Milk and M&G; top 3% for YW and CW; top 10% for WW, Teat and REA; top 20% for Udder and $CHB. • Posts a progeny ratio of 2@108 for WW Dam records 2@111 for WW • Daughter sells as Lot 39 • Bred AI 5/28/22 to TH Masterplan 183F. PE 6/5/22 to 8/5/22 to MCS 8130 Houston 2004. ++347420+131 20 SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 {SOD,CHB} SSF P606 MS VICTOR 803 TH 223 71I VICTOR 755T {SOD} TH 6M 20N LORETTA 9S McS D58 TRUMP 2239 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 3/25/22 • BULL: P44373144 • RE: 2239 • Polled WLB GLOBAL 72M 50S KLD RW LADY ROLEX D19 HAROLDSON WLB MUTUMBO ET 72M KLD EB TRUMP D58 WLB 035J FLORA 14N CRR ABOUT TIME 743 {SOD} RW MC KRISSIE 3078 8120 ET MCS 49B CONQUISTADOR 1606 TH 127W 0220 LORETTA 153B MCS 1606 LORETTA 1817 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +2.3 +3.3 +67 +116 +34 +68 +1.2 +1.2 +92 +.86 –.02 $$BIIBMI • A goggle eyed, long bodied herd sire prospect with a solid EPD profile • Ranks in the top 1% for REA; top 2% for YW and CW; top 4% for M&G; top 10% for Milk and $CHB; top 15% for SC • Dam records progeny ratios of 2@108 for WW • BW 68 lbs ++366438+141 20A TH 512X 145Y EL DORADO 49B ET {SOD} MCS U14 ROMATE 705B BOYD MASTERPIECE 0220 {SOD} TH 9S 755T LORETTA 127W JDH MS 201Z ZENA 3373 26F DOB: 1/26/18 • COW: P43904744 • BE: 26F • Polled NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} BR REVOLUTION OF 8279 0217 KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 {SOD,CHB} BR TRUST 0217 3373 {CHB} NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} BR BENNETT N106 OF 2245 8279 MCCOY 55M ABSOLUTE 49S {SOD} BBH 26U HOPE 010X BBH 49S ZENA 201Z CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +3.1 +2.5 +64 +102 +25 +57 +1.2 +1.3 +87 +.85 +.17 $$BIIBMI • Beautiful uddered and extremely feminine daughter of the Werk, Birdwell and Delaney herd sire 3373. • Ranks in the top 2% for REA; top 3% for CW; top 10% for $BMI, $BII and $CHB; top 15% for WW, YW and SC; top 25% for Teat and Marb • Posts progeny ratios of 2@110 for WW; 1@101 for YW. Dam records 9@94 for BW • Daughter sells as Lot 40. • Bred AI 5/29/22 to Spearhead 22S Corps CommandE14 PE 6/5/22 to 8/5/22 to MCS 8130 Houston 2004. ++419504+144 21 MCCOY 3J MATADOR 55M MCCOY 58G CONNIE 119L AH JDH CRACKER JACK 26U ET {SOD} BBH 242 HOPE 608S McS D58 TRUMP 2215 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 2/22/22 • BULL: P44374501 • RE: 2215 • Polled WLB GLOBAL 72M 50S KLD RW LADY ROLEX D19 HAROLDSON WLB MUTUMBO ET 72M KLD EB TRUMP D58 WLB 035J FLORA 14N CRR ABOUT TIME 743 {SOD} RW MC KRISSIE 3078 8120 ET BR TRUST 0217 3373 {CHB} BBH 49S ZENA 201Z JDH MS 201Z ZENA 3373 26F CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +0.1 +3.1 +63 +103 +26 +57 +1.2 +1.2 +86 +.74 +.04 $$BIIBMI • Another stout made, heavy muscled son of Trump with pigment • Ranks in the top 4% for CW and REA; top 15% for YW and SC; top 20% for WW and $CHB • Dam records progeny ratios of 2@110 for WW; 1@101 for YW • BW 71 lbs ++360432+131 21A NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} BR REVOLUTION OF 8279 0217 MCCOY 55M ABSOLUTE 49S {SOD} BBH 26U HOPE 010X lot 20 lot 21A TH 127W 0220 Loretta 153B Dam of Lot 20

Spring bred cows with bull calves Hereford 4th Annual Joint Production Sale • Saturday, September 24, 2022 21 McS 6026D LADY GAGA 1920 ET {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 3/5/19 • COW: P44030349 • RE: 1920 • Polled C STOCKMAN 2059 ET {SOD,CHB} B&C MISS TOP GUN 2031Z 1ET NJW 98S R117 RIBEYE 88X ET {SOD,CHB} B&C STOCK OPTION 6026D ET C NOTICE ME ET GH ADAMS TOP GUN ET 516T {CHB} B&C MS CHRISTI 27031 MCS 533P ROMEO U14 ET F2 STAR EQUALIZER 705 MCS U14 ROMATE 705B CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +5.2 +2.2 +49 +81 +27 +52 +1.1 +1.3 +71 +.65 .07 $$BIIBMI • A unique opportunity to acquire a maternal sister to MCS 49B Conquistador 1606, the powerful herd sire at MCS and Rolen Farms. Conquistador was the $12,000 val ued selection of Rolen Farms in the 2017 MCS Bull Sale 1920’s dam, MCS U14 Ro mate 705B, is the leading donor for MCS She combines near flawless phenotype with an impeccable udder and has been highly productive • Ranks in the top 10% for CEM, MW and REA; top 25% for Teat • Posts progeny ratios of 2@99 for BW; 1@105 for WW • Dam records progeny ratios of 3@104 for WW; 2@115 for YW. • Flush sister sells as Lot 23 Maternal sisters sell as Lots 24, 32 and 33 A daughter sells as Lot 34. • Bred AI 5/28/22 to Spearhead 22S Corps CommandE14 PE 6/5/22 to 8/5/22 to MCS 8130 Houston 2004. ++325377+103 22 STAR BRIGHT FUTURE 533P ET {SOD} MCS 59N ROMANCE 14R REMITALL ONLINE 122L {SOD,CHB} DSR STAR EQUALIZER McS D58 TRUMP 2229 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 3/12/22 • BULL: 44373145 • RE: 2229 • Horned WLB GLOBAL 72M 50S KLD RW LADY ROLEX D19 HAROLDSON WLB MUTUMBO ET 72M KLD EB TRUMP D58 WLB 035J FLORA 14N CRR ABOUT TIME 743 {SOD} RW MC KRISSIE 3078 8120 ET B&C STOCK OPTION 6026D ET MCS U14 ROMATE 705B MCS 6026D LADY GAGA 1920 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +0.6 +3.5 +59 +98 +28 +57 +1.1 +1.3 +82 +.65 –.09 $$BIIBMI • This pigmented, horned son of Trump should sire replacement quality females and market topping sons alike. • Ranks in the top 10% for SC, CW, REA; top 25% for YW and Teat • Dam records progeny ratios of 2@99 for BW; 1@105 for WW • BW 70 lbs ++333393+116 22A C STOCKMAN 2059 ET {SOD,CHB} B&C MISS TOP GUN 2031Z 1ET MCS 533P ROMEO U14 ET F2 STAR EQUALIZER 705 McS 6026D HANNAH 2008 ET {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 3/3/20 • COW: P44158353 • RE: 2008 • Polled C STOCKMAN 2059 ET {SOD,CHB} B&C MISS TOP GUN 2031Z 1ET NJW 98S R117 RIBEYE 88X ET {SOD,CHB} B&C STOCK OPTION 6026D ET C NOTICE ME ET GH ADAMS TOP GUN ET 516T {CHB} B&C MS CHRISTI 27031 MCS 533P ROMEO U14 ET F2 STAR EQUALIZER 705 MCS U14 ROMATE 705B CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB 3.1 +5.5 +62 +111 +32 +63 +1.0 +1.2 +71 +.59 +.02 $$BIIBMI • Another Stock Option sired mater nal sister to the $12,000 valued MCS 49B Con quistador 1606 out of MCS U14 Romate 705B, who is the leading donor for MCS. • Posts progeny ratios of 2@99 for BW; 1@105 for WW • Ranks in the top 5% for YW; top 10% for SC; top 15% for M&G and REA; top 20% for WW and Milk • Dam records progeny ratios of 3@104 for WW; 2@115 for YW • Flush sister sells as Lot 22. Maternal sisters sell as Lots 24, 32 and 33. • Bred AI 5/29/22 to Spearhead 22S Corps CommandE14 PE 6/5/22 to 8/5/22 to MCS 8130 Houston 2004. ++288355+117 23 STAR BRIGHT FUTURE 533P ET {SOD} MCS 59N ROMANCE 14R REMITALL ONLINE 122L {SOD,CHB} DSR STAR EQUALIZER McS 2004 HOUSTON 2201 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 1/25/22 • BULL: 44372152 • RE: 2201 • Horned EXR BANKROLL 8130 ET TH 60W 17Y RUBY 404B ET BR BELLE AIR 6011 {CHB} MCS 8130 HOUSTON 2004 EXR LEXUS 4208 ET TH 22R 16S LAMBEAU 17Y {SOD} TH 77S 45P RUBY 60W B&C STOCK OPTION 6026D ET MCS U14 ROMATE 705B MCS 6026D HANNAH 2008 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB 3.1 +5.1 +62 +108 +30 +61 +1.1 +1.2 +57 +.39 +.01 $$BIIBMI • Combining two of the top donors in the MCS program, this horned, pigmented, pow erful and good bodied bull calf offers elite genetic indicators for growth and per formance • Ranks in the top 10% for YW; top 20% for WW and M&G. • BW 75 lbs ++327399+90 23A C STOCKMAN 2059 ET {SOD,CHB} B&C MISS TOP GUN 2031Z 1ET MCS 533P ROMEO U14 ET F2 STAR EQUALIZER 705 lot 22 lot 23A

Hereford Spring bred cows with bull calves Wheeler Farms • McS cattle company • Sims Family cattle 2company 2 McS 8130 705b HONEY 2017 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 3/9/20 • COW: P44160438 • RE: 2017 • Polled BR BELLE AIR 6011 {CHB} EXR LEXUS 4208 ET BAR S LHF 028 240 {CHB} EXR BANKROLL 8130 ET BR BELLE 4082 ET LSW WCC ABOUT TIME X06 TCC MISS LEXUS 84 ET MCS 533P ROMEO U14 ET F2 STAR EQUALIZER 705 MCS U14 ROMATE 705B CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB 3 3 +5 1 +67 +116 +32 +65 +1 3 +1 3 +83 + 76 05 $$BIIBMI • Like the two lots that precede her, Lot 24 is a maternal sister to MCS 49B Conquis tador 1606 out of MCS U14 Romate 705B, who is the leading donor for MCS • Ranks in the top 3% for YW, SC and REA; top 10% for WW and CW; top 20% for Milk and Udder; top 25% for Teat • Posted individual ratios of WW 107 and YW 106. • Dam records progeny ratios of 3@104 for WW; 2@115 for YW • Maternal sisters sell as Lots 22, 23, 32 and 33 • Bred AI 5/29/22 to Spearhead 22S Corps CommandE14. PE 6/5/22 to 8/5/22 to MCS 8130 Houston 2004. ++319387+120 24 STAR BRIGHT FUTURE 533P ET {SOD} MCS 59N ROMANCE 14R REMITALL ONLINE 122L {SOD,CHB} DSR STAR EQUALIZER McS D58 HOUSTON 2234 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 3/15/22 • BULL: P44372706 • RE: 2234 • Polled EXR BANKROLL 8130 ET TH 60W 17Y RUBY 404B ET BR BELLE AIR 6011 {CHB} MCS 8130 HOUSTON 2004 EXR LEXUS 4208 ET TH 22R 16S LAMBEAU 17Y {SOD} TH 77S 45P RUBY 60W EXR BANKROLL 8130 ET MCS U14 ROMATE 705B MCS 8130 705B HONEY 2017 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +0 5 +2 9 +69 +111 +31 +66 +1 4 +1 4 +70 + 54 + 06 $$BIIBMI • Offers right edge of the normal EPD distribution cur ve for growth and muscle traits • Ranks in the top 5% for WW and YW; top 10% for M&G, Udder, Teat; top 20% for SCF, Milk; top 25% for REA, $BMI, $BII • BW 70 lbs. ++374457+104 24A BR BELLE AIR 6011 {CHB} EXR LEXUS 4208 ET MCS 533P ROMEO U14 ET F2 STAR EQUALIZER 705 6Mc TRUST LADY 608 ET DOB: 3/5/16 • COW: P43812424 • LE: 608 • Polled KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 {SOD,CHB} NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S RRH MR FELT 3008 {SOD,CHB} NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} KCF MISS 459 F284 PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 {SOD} NJW 94J DEW 72N MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} ANCHOR 33L GRASSY RUN ANCHOR 108Y CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +3 8 +2 5 +58 +100 +29 +59 +1 3 +1 2 +75 + 72 + 14 $$BIIBMI • Dam is a mater nal sister to the for mer Star Lake, Goble and Ridgeview herd sire, NJW BW 33L Radar 73T ET and traces to the legendar y donor Anchor 33L • Ranks in the top 5% for REA; top 15% for $CHB; top 20% for YW, CEM, Udder; top 25% for SC and CW • Posts progeny ratios of 3@96 for BW; 1@117 for WW. • Dam records a progeny ratio of 3@99 for BW • Bred AI 5/29/22 to MCS 533P Romeo U14 ET. PE 6/5/22 to 8/5/22 to MCS 8130 Houston 2004 ++359433+137 25 FELTONS LEGEND 242 {SOD} MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N ANCHOR BRAXTON {SOD} ANCHOR 40E 69H McS D58 TRUMP 2220 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 3/2/22 • BULL: P44373139 • RE: 2220 • Polled WLB GLOBAL 72M 50S KLD RW LADY ROLEX D19 HAROLDSON WLB MUTUMBO ET 72M KLD EB TRUMP D58 WLB 035J FLORA 14N CRR ABOUT TIME 743 {SOD} RW MC KRISSIE 3078 8120 ET NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} GRASSY RUN ANCHOR 108Y 6MC TRUST LADY 608 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +0 2 +2 1 +56 +103 +26 +54 +1 3 +1 2 +74 + 72 + 23 $$BIIBMI • This red eyed bull calf would be an excellent choice to develop and use on heifers • Ranks in the top 5% for REA; top 10% for SC and $CHB; top 15% for YW and Marb; top 20% for Udder; top 25% for CW • Dam records progeny ratios of 3@96 for BW; 1@117 for WW. • BW 60 lbs ++353430+141 25A KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 {SOD,CHB} NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} ANCHOR 33L MCS U14 Romate 705B Dam of Lots 22, 23, 24, 32 and 33 MCS 49B Conquistador 1606 Maternal brother to Lots 22, 23, 24, 32 and 33 Videos of t he cattle selling will be online prior to sale day. W W W M C S AU C T I O N C O M • W W W L I v E AU C T I O N S T v

Fall calving cow Hereford 4th Annual Joint Production Sale • Saturday, September 24, 2022 23 lot 26 /S LADY MANDATE 9434G ET {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 8/31/19 • COW: P44104925 • BE: 9434 • Polled R LEADER 6964 {SOD} /S LADY DOMINO 0158X HYALITE ON TARGET 936 {SOD} /S MANDATE 66589 ET {CHB} R MISS REVOLUTION 1009 {DOD} SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 {SOD,CHB} /S LADY DOMINO 652S MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} WBCC 719T ITALIA 926ET Y40 KCL 4R ITALIA Y40 D17 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +2 8 +2 9 +74 +107 +26 +63 +1 4 +1 5 +79 + 58 + 15 $$BIIBMI • This Mandate daughter combines flawless phenotype, impressive pigment and a balanced numerical profile. She is a daughter of Shaw Cattle Co.’s $10,000 selection from the 2018 Hereford Alliance Sale, where she sold as Lot 1 and her dam was featured as Lot 4 We selected her from the 2020 Shaw Female Sale as the lead female in the fall open heifer division of that offering. • Ranks in the top 1% for WW, Teat; top 5% for YW, Udder; top 10% for M&G, CW; top 15% for REA; top 20% for $BII. • 9434 posted an individual WW ratio of 125 • Dam records progeny ratios of 4@107 for WW; 2@111 for IMF • PE 12/8/21 to 2/17/22 to WF Gibson 9002 ET. Checked 60 days safe 4/4/22.+353+446+118 26 FELTONS LEGEND 242 {SOD} MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N TH 122 71I VICTOR 719T {SOD} ASM S01 MISS ALICE 926ET KCL 4R Italia Y40 D17 ET Dam of Lot 26 WBCC 719T Italia 926ET Y40 Maternal grand dam of Lot 26 Hereford Fall Calvers Lots 26-31

Hereford Fall-calving Females Wheeler Farms • McS cattle company • Sims Family cattle 2company 4 S+ EXR EMMA 8231 ET {DLF,HYF,IEF} DOB: 9/2/18 • COW: P43968857 • BE: 8231 • Homozygous Polled KJ HVH 33N REDEEM 485T ET {SOD} CHURCHILL LADY 002X ET SHF RADAR M326 R125 {SOD} CHURCHILL STUD 3134A {CHB} HVH OKSANA 4L 33N GOLDEN OAK OUTCROSS 18U {SOD} CHURCHILL LADY 600S ET MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} WALKER MISS P606 06N 545 WALKER MISS 4R 545 236 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB 1.5 +4.2 +57 +91 +32 +61 +1.2 +1.3 +81 +.75 .01 $$BIIBMI • Produced from the $60,000 proven donor at Express Ranches who is phenotypically flawless and something to appraise in person, this daughter of Stud is flawless in her phenotype and has the EPD profile to make a valuable homozygous polled donor • Ranks in the top 3% for REA; top 10% for CW and $BMI; top 15% for Milk and $BII; top 20% for M&G; top 25% for Teat • Dam records progeny ratios of 3@103 for WW; 2@106 for YW • Bred AI 11/24/21 to EXR Platinum 9200 ET. PE 12/13/22 to 2/7/22 to EXR Air Express 8135 ET. Checked 45 days safe 4/4/22.+407+474+122 27 FELTONS LEGEND 242 {SOD} MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 {SOD} WPHF DRF EMMA 122L 06N ET kcL D29 vIckIE 603D G603 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 2/19/19 • COW: P44015297 • LE: G603 • Polled KCF BENNETT REVOLUTION X51 {SOD,CHB} SPEARHEAD 4037 DURANGO GIRL Y79 MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} SPEARHEAD X51 COMMANDER D29 KCF MISS PROFICIENT U201 THM DURANGO 4037 {SOD} SPEARHEAD CANDY N6 {DOD} KCL WPF THE PROFESSOR 7110ET ZF P606 MISS VICKY Z488 KCL 7110 VICKIE 488 603 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB 1.3 +5.0 +58 +92 +19 +48 +1.2 +1.2 +68 +.57 +.06 $$BIIBMI • This visually impressive daughter of Commander was on the side of her dam when we selected them from the 2019 Hereford Alliance Sale, where she was featured along with six sisters that were all direct daughters of the highly fertile $20,000 donor Z488, a prolific producer in the Larson herd. • Ranks in the top 20% for REA • PE 12/8/21 to 2/17/22 to WF Gibson 9002 ET. Checked 45 days safe 4/4/22.+334+403+111 28 TH 71U 719T MR HEREFORD 11X {SOD} KCL 29R MARY ANNE 23G 5R ET PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 {SOD} FHF D10 GLD PROSTPCT lot 28 KCL 7110 Vickie 488 603 ET Dam of Lot 28 ZF P606 Miss Vicky Z488 Maternal grand dam of Lot 28 Walker Miss 4R 545 236 Dam of Lot 27 lot 27

Fall-calving Females Hereford 4th Annual Joint Production Sale • Saturday, September 24, 2022 25 WF MISS FEbE 0219 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 9/24/20 • COW: P44262980 • BE: 0219 • Polled /S JBB/AL BOOM TOWN 44608 {CHB} /S LADY RED BULL 5228C NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET {SOD,CHB} /S BOOM TOWN 88334 ET /S LADY THOR 1271Y SCHU LAR RED BULL 18X {SOD} /S LADY ADVANCE 7291T WHEELER TIME C911 ET WF MISS TABULATE Z190 WF MISS FEBE F054 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +2 5 +1 8 +59 +91 +16 +45 +1 2 +1 1 +77 + 43 + 12 $$BIIBMI • A highly feminine two year old daughter of /S Boom Town 88334, Wheeler’s selection from the 2019 Shaw Cattle Co Bull Sale, that offers attractive numerical balance for all measurable traits. • Ranks in the top 15% for SC, $BMI and $BII; top 20% for CW • Posted an individual WW ratio of 104 out of a first calf heifer • Bred AI 12/13/21 to EXR Platinum 9200 ET. PE 12/27/21 to 2/20/22 to WF Sensation 0201. Checked 3 months safe 3/24/22.+394+473+121 29 CRR ABOUT TIME 743 {SOD} WF MISS MANHATTAN W22 ET KJ 796P TABULATE 224X ET WF MISS BOOMER U151 SFcc TRM DOMINET 8152 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF,MDF} DOB: 9/17/18 • COW: P44002721 • BE: 8152 • Polled SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET {SOD,CHB} NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 {SOD,CHB} NJW 73S W18 HOMEGROWN 8Y ET {SOD} SHF GOVERNESS 236G L37 PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 {SOD} NJW 94J DEW 72N JA L1 DOMINO 0218X BF 512 CHEYENNE 2152 BF 0218X DOMINET 4182 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +10 3 +0 5 +41 +78 +37 +58 +1 2 +1 4 +42 + 07 + 15 $$BIIBMI • Homegrown 8Y has gained a reputation as one of the top female producing sires as his daughters have come into production, and we feel this daughter continues that trend. • The fourth dam of this female produced in the Burns Farms program is an AHA Dam of Distinction. • Ranks in the top 3% for Milk; top 5% for CED; top 10% for SC, MW, Teat; top 25% for $BMI. • Records 1@99 for BW and 1@109 for WW • Dam records progeny ratios of 3@91 for BW; 1@106 for YW • PE 12/13/21 to 2/7/22 to EXR Air Express 8135 ET. Checked 100 days safe 4/4/22.+377+442+84 30 CL 1 DOMINO 555R {SOD} JA L1 DOMINETTE 322N MHW CHEKOTA 512 BF 2490 ADDIE 8186 WF MISS vELvET G001 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 10/5/19 • COW: P44103321 • BE: G001 • Polled CHAC MASON 2214 HH ON PEARL 619D ET CRR ABOUT TIME 743 {SOD} SHOWTIME FIREBALL 734 ET GKB 31 GRACE 7100 REMITALL ONLINE 122L {SOD,CHB} HH PEARL 273 NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} KJ 268X TALENT 721Z WF MISS VELVET C209 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB 4.9 +5.3 +62 +104 +37 +68 +1.2 +1.2 +101 +.92 +.15 $$BIIBMI • The dam of Lot 31 is a dark red, goggle eyed, freckle faced daughter of the Denver Champion Trust that is a phenotypic favorite of all who have seen her. She was Sierra Ranches’ half interest selection from our 2019 sale, where she was featured as Lot 2 Like her dam, this Fireball daughter is a moderate framed female that comple ments her phenotypic traits with an excellent numerical profile. • Ranks in the top 1% for CW, REA, $CHB; top 3% for Milk; top 4% for M&G; top 15% for YW, $BMI; top 20% for WW and $BII. • Maternal sister sells as Lot 42 • Offered with Sierra Ranches • PE 12/8/21 to 2/17/22 to WF Gibson 9002 ET. Checked 4 months safe 4/4/22.+395+471+176 31 KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 {SOD,CHB} NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S KJ 796P TABULATE 224X ET KJ 599U VELVET 268X lot 29 lot 30 WF Miss Velvet C209 ET Dam of Lot 31

Hereford Spring bred Heifers Wheeler Farms • McS cattle company • Sims Family cattle 2company 6 lot 33 MCS U14 Romate 705B Dam of Lots 32 and 33 …also the dam of Lots 22– 24 and maternal granddam of Lot 34 lot 32 Lots 32 and 33 are maternal sisters to MCS 49B Conquistador 1606, the powerful herd sire at MCS and Rolen Farms. Conquistador was the $12,000-valued selection of Rolen Farms in the 2017 MCS Bull Sale eir dam, MCS U14 Romate 705B, is the leading donor for MCS. She combines near flawless phenotype with an impeccable udder and has been highly productive. Maternal sisters sell as Lots 22, 23 and 24. McS 49b ROMATE 2060 ET {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 8/31/20 • COW: P44214253 • RE: 2060 • Polled FTF PROSPECTOR 145Y {SOD} TH 122 71I DOMINETTE 512X ET HUTH PROSPECTOR K085 {SOD} TH 512X 145Y EL DORADO 49B ET {SOD} FTF CHICK A BOOM 7227T DRF JWR PRINCE VICTOR 71I {SOD} KBCR 19D DOMINETTE 122 MCS 533P ROMEO U14 ET F2 STAR EQUALIZER 705 MCS U14 ROMATE 705B CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +0 9 +2 4 +49 +81 +30 +54 +1 2 +1 4 +61 + 25 12 $$BIIBMI • This lead lot in the Hereford spring bred heifer division is a favorite of all who have previewed the offering. • Ranks in the top 10% for Teat; top 25% for MW • Dam records progeny ratios of 3@104 for WW; 2@115 for YW. • Bred AI 5/29/22 to CMF 1720 Gold Rush 569G ET PE 6/5/22 to 8/5/22 to SFCC Mandalorian 2130. ++252299+87 32 STAR BRIGHT FUTURE 533P ET {SOD} MCS 59N ROMANCE 14R REMITALL ONLINE 122L {SOD,CHB} DSR STAR EQUALIZER McS 49b ROMATE 2062 ET {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 9/15/20 • COW: P44214254 • RE: 2062 • Polled FTF PROSPECTOR 145Y {SOD} TH 122 71I DOMINETTE 512X ET HUTH PROSPECTOR K085 {SOD} TH 512X 145Y EL DORADO 49B ET {SOD} FTF CHICK A BOOM 7227T DRF JWR PRINCE VICTOR 71I {SOD} KBCR 19D DOMINETTE 122 MCS 533P ROMEO U14 ET F2 STAR EQUALIZER 705 MCS U14 ROMATE 705B CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB 2 4 +2 9 +52 +90 +31 +57 +1 2 +1 3 +63 + 43 10 $$BIIBMI • Full sister to Lot 32 Maternal sisters sell as Lots 22, 23 and 24 • Ranks in the top 20% for Milk; top 25% for Teat. • Dam records progeny ratios of 3@104 for WW; 2@115 for YW • Bred AI 5/29/22 to CMF 1720 Gold Rush 569G ET PE 6/5/22 to 8/5/22 to SFCC Mandalorian 2130 ++248297+97 33 STAR BRIGHT FUTURE 533P ET {SOD} MCS 59N ROMANCE 14R REMITALL ONLINE 122L {SOD,CHB} DSR STAR EQUALIZER Hereford Spring Bred Heifers Lots 32 -56

Spring bred Heifers Hereford 4th Annual Joint Production Sale • Saturday, September 24, 2022 27 lot 34 lot 35 McS 66589 LADY GAGA 2108 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 3/6/21 • COW: P44269713 • RE: 2108 • Polled R LEADER 6964 {SOD} /S LADY DOMINO 0158X HYALITE ON TARGET 936 {SOD} /S MANDATE 66589 ET {CHB} R MISS REVOLUTION 1009 {DOD} SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 {SOD,CHB} /S LADY DOMINO 652S B&C STOCK OPTION 6026D ET MCS U14 ROMATE 705B MCS 6026D LADY GAGA 1920 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +9 3 +0 5 +62 +98 +28 +59 +1 2 +1 2 +73 + 52 + 14 $$BIIBMI • An awesome numbered, red eyed Mandate daughter and g randdaughter of MCS U14 Romate 705B, the leading donor for MCS who is also the dam of Lots 22, 23, 24, 32 and 33 in this offering. • Ranks in the top 4% for SC; top 10% for CED and BW; top 20% for WW; top 25% for YW, M&G, CEM, REA, $BMI, $BII. • Posted individual ratios of 94 for BW and 105 for WW • Dam records progeny ratios of 2@99 for BW; 1@105 for WW and sells as Lot 22 • Bred AI 5/28/22 to CMF 1720 Gold Rush 569G ET. PE 6/5/22 to 8/5/22 to SFCC Mandalorian 2130. ++374456+116 34 C STOCKMAN 2059 ET {SOD,CHB} B&C MISS TOP GUN 2031Z 1ET MCS 533P ROMEO U14 ET F2 STAR EQUALIZER 705 McS 1728 ALOHA 2067 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 12/11/20 • COW: P44206363 • RE: 2067 • Polled TH 512X 145Y EL DORADO 49B ET {SOD} GV CMR MS 424 167S Y122ET FTF PROSPECTOR 145Y {SOD} MCS 49B Y122 1728 ET TH 122 71I DOMINETTE 512X ET ALH 034 PLATO DOM 0424 {SOD} JWR M41 PRINCESS 167S DELHAWK KAHUNA 1009 ET F2 STAR EQUALIZER 705 MCS 1009 ALOHA 1608 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB 3 1 +4 3 +53 +82 +26 +53 +1 2 +1 2 +65 + 33 02 $$BIIBMI • This daughter of the MCS herd sire 1728 traces to Equalizer 705, who is the dam of the prolific donor MCS U14 Romate 705B • Bred AI 5/29/22 to CMF 1720 Gold Rush 569G ET. PE 6/5/22 to 8/5/22 to SFCC Mandalorian 2130 ++310369+97 35 CH ENUFF PROPHET 2913 MCR PPF MISS GOLD DOM 206 ET REMITALL ONLINE 122L {SOD,CHB} DSR STAR EQUALIZER MCS 6026D Lady Gaga 1920 ET Dam of Lot 34…she sells as Lot 22 F2 Star Equalizer 705 Dam of MCS U14 Romate 705B and maternal granddam of Lot 35

Hereford Spring bred Heifers Wheeler Farms • McS cattle company • Sims Family cattle 2company 8 McS 1728 RUbY 2124 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 5/1/21 • COW: P44269253 • RE: 2124 • Polled TH 512X 145Y EL DORADO 49B ET {SOD} GV CMR MS 424 167S Y122ET FTF PROSPECTOR 145Y {SOD} MCS 49B Y122 1728 ET TH 122 71I DOMINETTE 512X ET ALH 034 PLATO DOM 0424 {SOD} JWR M41 PRINCESS 167S TH 22R 16S LAMBEAU 17Y {SOD} TH 77S 45P RUBY 60W TH 60W 17Y RUBY 404B ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB 0.6 +2.5 +49 +84 +25 +50 +1.2 +1.2 +63 +.33 +.06 $$BIIBMI • Lot 36 is out of one of the top donors at MCS that descends from the famed Ruby line at Topp Herefords, anchored by the Dam of Distinction Ruby 77S. • Dam is a maternal sister to the Fawcett’s Elm Creek Ranch and Ravine Creek Ranch sire TH 60W 719T Victor 43Y and other past top sellers from the Topp program. • Ranks in the top 20% for DMI; top 25% for MW • Dam records a progeny ratio of 5@98 for BW • Bred AI 5/29/22 to CMF 1720 Gold Rush 569G ET. PE 6/5/22 to 8/5/22 to SFCC Mandalorian 2130. ++332394+110 36 TH 121L 63N TUNDRA 16S TH 62N 3L KELSEY 22R NJW FHF 9710 TANK 45P {SOD} RANGELINE 23J RUBY 77S {DOD} McS 1728 GEM 2126 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 3/17/21 • COW: P44269255 • RE: 2126 • Polled TH 512X 145Y EL DORADO 49B ET {SOD} GV CMR MS 424 167S Y122ET FTF PROSPECTOR 145Y {SOD} MCS 49B Y122 1728 ET TH 122 71I DOMINETTE 512X ET ALH 034 PLATO DOM 0424 {SOD} JWR M41 PRINCESS 167S NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} TH 89T 755T GEMINI 471Z BH 1632 TRUST GEM471Z 16F ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB 2.0 +3.7 +56 +92 +28 +56 +1.2 +1.2 +68 +.41 +.06 $$BIIBMI • Stemming from the famed $117,500 Gemini 89T, the granddam of this bred heifer has been among the top donors in the Express Ranches Hereford herd. 471Z’s full sibs include TH 89T 755T Stockman 475Z, the $110,000 second top selling bull from the 2013 Topp Bull Sale; TH 89T 755T Victor 468Z that went to Upstream, Roudabush, Dvorak and Spencer from the 2013 Topp Sale, the $50,000 valued Topp and MCS herd sire Durant and many others • A maternal sister to the dam of Lot 37 sold for $25,000 in the Express Ranches In augural Hereford Female Sale to Burns Farms in Tennessee • Posted an individual WW ratio of 114. • Dam records progeny ratios of 3@98 for BW and 2@114 for WW and sells as Lot 7 • Bred AI 5/29/22 to CMF 1720 Gold Rush 569G ET. PE 6/5/22 to 8/5/22 to SFCC Mandalorian 2130 ++278343+112 37 KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 {SOD,CHB} NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S TH 223 71I VICTOR 755T {SOD} TH 16G 20N GEMINI 89T McS 1728 REANNE 2113 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF,MDP} DOB: 3/17/21 • COW: P44262326 • RE: 2113 • Polled TH 512X 145Y EL DORADO 49B ET {SOD} GV CMR MS 424 167S Y122ET FTF PROSPECTOR 145Y {SOD} MCS 49B Y122 1728 ET TH 122 71I DOMINETTE 512X ET ALH 034 PLATO DOM 0424 {SOD} JWR M41 PRINCESS 167S NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET {SOD,CHB} MCS 4R REANNE 55Z BH 10Y LIL REANNE(55Z) 449F ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB 0.7 +4.1 +60 +103 +32 +62 +1.1 +1.1 +85 +.85 +.07 $$BIIBMI • This outstanding bred heifer traces to Reanne 55T, who was crowned Grand Cham pion Cow Calf Pair at the 2009 JNHE. The fourth dam, Orabel 48N, was our top sell ing selection with Pollard Farms from the 2007 Star Lake Sale and did an outstanding job as a donor cow in our program • Ranks in the top 2% for REA; top 5% for CW; top 10% for $CHB; top 15% for YW; top 20% for Milk and M&G; top 25% for WW • Dam records a progeny ratio of 1@111 for WW • Bred AI 5/29/22 to CMF 1720 Gold Rush 569G ET. PE 6/5/22 to 8/5/22 to SFCC Mandalorian 2130. ++325393+145 38 SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET {SOD,CHB} NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} STAR 80P REANNE 55T lot 36 lot 37 lot 38 TH 60W 17Y Ruby 404B ET Dam of Lot 36

Spring bred Heifers Hereford 4th Annual Joint Production Sale • Saturday, September 24, 2022 29 McS 1728 LORETTA 2112 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 3/16/21 • COW: P44262325 • RE: 2112 • Polled TH 512X 145Y EL DORADO 49B ET {SOD} GV CMR MS 424 167S Y122ET FTF PROSPECTOR 145Y {SOD} MCS 49B Y122 1728 ET TH 122 71I DOMINETTE 512X ET ALH 034 PLATO DOM 0424 {SOD} JWR M41 PRINCESS 167S MCS 49B CONQUISTADOR 1606 TH 127W 0220 LORETTA 153B MCS 1606 LORETTA 1817 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +0.8 +3.2 +61 +111 +36 +67 +1.3 +1.4 +76 +.51 +.11 $$BIIBMI • Ranks in the top 5% for YW and Milk; top 10% for M&G, Teat; top 15% for $CHB; top 20% for Udder and CW; top 25% for WW. • Posted a WW ratio of 105 • Dam records a progeny ratio of 2@108 for WW • Dam sell as Lot 20. • Bred AI 5/29/22 to CMF 1720 Gold Rush 569G ET PE 6/5/22 to 8/5/22 to SFCC Mandalorian 2130. ++349425+136 39 TH 512X 145Y EL DORADO 49B ET {SOD} MCS U14 ROMATE 705B BOYD MASTERPIECE 0220 {SOD} TH 9S 755T LORETTA 127W McS 1728 ZENA 2115 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 3/26/21 • COW: P44262328 • RE: 2115 • Polled TH 512X 145Y EL DORADO 49B ET {SOD} GV CMR MS 424 167S Y122ET FTF PROSPECTOR 145Y {SOD} MCS 49B Y122 1728 ET TH 122 71I DOMINETTE 512X ET ALH 034 PLATO DOM 0424 {SOD} JWR M41 PRINCESS 167S BR TRUST 0217 3373 {CHB} BBH 49S ZENA 201Z JDH MS 201Z ZENA 3373 26F CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB 3.3 +3.5 +57 +97 +25 +54 +1.3 +1.3 +72 +.52 +.17 $$BIIBMI • Ranks in the top 20% for Udder; top 25% for YW, Teat, REA, Marb and $CHB • Posted a WW ratio of 106 • Dam records progeny ratios of 2@110 for WW; 1@101 for YW. • Dam sells as Lot 21 • Bred AI 5/28/22 to CMF 1720 Gold Rush 569G ET. PE 6/5/22 to 8/5/22 to SFCC Mandalorian 2130 ++349426+125 40 NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} BR REVOLUTION OF 8279 0217 MCCOY 55M ABSOLUTE 49S {SOD} BBH 26U HOPE 010X EXR SHEA 0097 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 8/25/20 • COW: P44174513 • BE: 0097 • Polled BR BELLE AIR 6011 {CHB} EXR LEXUS 4208 ET BAR S LHF 028 240 {CHB} EXR BANKROLL 8130 ET BR BELLE 4082 ET LSW WCC ABOUT TIME X06 TCC MISS LEXUS 84 ET LCX PERFECTO 11B ET WPF 5135 409X SHEA 4098 ET EXR SHEA 8024 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB 1.7 +4.6 +75 +130 +35 +73 +1.3 +1.4 +78 +1.11 .26 $$BIIBMI • This angular and feminine daughter of the Denver Reser ve Champion Bankroll offers breed elite genetic tabulations for WW and YW. • Ranks in the top 1% for WW, YW, SC, M&G, REA; top 10% for Milk; top 15% for CW; top 20% for Udder and $BMI; top 25% for $BII. • Bred AI 4/25/22 to EXR Platinum 9200 ET PE 4/28/22 to 6/28/22 to WF HD Sensation 1044. Checked safe AI, due approximately 1/30/23. ++386451+98 41 NJW 98S R117 RIBEYE 88X ET {SOD,CHB} WLL ZOEY 3Z TH 223 71I CONQUER 409X ET RV STARLINE 5136 lot 41 MCS 1606 Loretta 1817 Dam of Lot 39…she sells as Lot 20 TH 512X 145Y El Dorado 49B ET His daughters and granddaughters sell

Hereford Spring bred Heifers Wheeler Farms • McS cattle company • Sims Family cattle 3company 0 lot 42 lot 43 WF Miss Velvet C209 ET Dam of Lot 42 GV CMR X161 Times Up A152 $115,000 maternal brother to Lot 43 and to dam of Lot 44 WF MISS vELvET 0303 ET {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF,MDF} DOB: 11/3/20 • COW: 44262983 • BE: 0303 • Horned NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET {SOD,CHB} HH MISS ADVANCE 5139R ET SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET {SOD,CHB} SR ROOSTER COGBURN 8002 ET NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S CL 1 DOMINO 2136M HH MS ADVANCE 8037H NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} KJ 268X TALENT 721Z WF MISS VELVET C209 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +1 2 +4 0 +66 +110 +31 +64 +1 3 +1 3 +90 + 88 + 04 $$BIIBMI • The dam of Lot 42 is a dark red, goggle eyed, freckle faced daughter of Trust 100W that is a phenotypic favorite of all who have seen her and was Sierra Ranches’ half interest selection from our 2019 sale, where she was featured as Lot 2. • Like her dam, this red eyed Rooster Cogburn daughter is a moderate framed, big bodied female that complements her phenotypic traits with an excellent numerical profile • Ranks in the top 1% for REA; top 2% for CW; top 5% for $CHB; top 10% for WW, YW, M&G and $BMI; top 15% for $BII; top 20% for Milk and Udder; top 25% for Teat • Maternal sister sells as Lot 31. • Bred AI 4/25/22 to Boyd 31Z Blueprint 6153 PE 4/29/22 to 6/29/22 to WF HD Sensation 1044. Checked 35 days safe 6/29/22.+414+490+149 42 KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 {SOD,CHB} NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S KJ 796P TABULATE 224X ET KJ 599U VELVET 268X McS 4035 MISS X161 2102 ET DOB: 2/20/21 • COW: P44271134 • RE: 2102 • Polled TF UNION 4037 734 RW DM AVERY 18U 2016 ET THM DURANGO 4037 {SOD} RW DM REMINGTON 734 4035 TF NICKY 132 914 GOLDEN OAK OUTCROSS 18U {SOD} DM 122L DOMINETTE 503 ET GRANDVIEW VIC H132 23G 4003 ET CMR GRANDVIEW LASS P606 42S {DOD} GRANDVIEW CMR MS 4003 X161 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB 1 3 +4 6 +60 +98 +34 +64 +1 1 +1 2 +82 + 67 + 05 $$BIIBMI • The $60,000 dam of this feminine bred heifer, X161, was our selection with Express Ranches and Wheeler Farms from the Grandview/CMR Dispersal • Lot 43 is a maternal sister to Times Up, the $115,000 high selling individual in the Grandview/CMR dispersal • Ranks in the top 10% for Milk, M&G, CW, REA; top 20% for $CHB; top 25% for WW and YW • Dam records progeny ratios of 3@105 for WW; 3@101 for YW • Bred AI 5/29/22 to CMF 1720 Gold Rush 569G ET. PE 6/5/22 to 8/5/22 to SFCC Mandalorian 2130. ++359429+128 43 GVHHH J30 143A H132 REMITALL GINGER 23G PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 {SOD} AB PRINCESS DOMINO PV 6008 ET

lot 45 Spring bred Heifers Hereford 4th Annual Joint Production Sale • Saturday, September 24, 2022 31 WF MISS TRUSTED 1025 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 1/23/21 • COW: P44292053 • BE: 1025 • Polled BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 NJW 16S 100W JOEY 84B ET TH 22R 16S LAMBEAU 17Y {SOD} NJW 84B 4040 FORTIFIED 238F DOSS MY EYES ADORE U DHZ5 NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} TLELL 117F JOEY 16S NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} GRANDVIEW CMR MS 4003 X161 WF MISS TRUSTED C016 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +2 9 +3 2 +62 +106 +20 +50 +1 2 +1 2 +78 + 71 + 16 $$BIIBMI • The $60,000 granddam of this Fortified daughter, X161, was our selection with Ex press Ranches and MCS Cattle Co from the Grandview/CMR Dispersal • The dam of Lot 44 is a maternal sister to GV CMR X161 Times Up A152, the $115,000 high selling individual in the Grandview/CMR dispersal • Ranks in the top 3% for SC; top 5% for REA; top 10% for YW and $CHB; top 15% for CW; top 20% for WW • Bred AI 4/23/22 to EXR Platinum 9200 ET. PE 4/28/22 to 6/28/22 to WF Sensation 0201 Checked safe AI, due appproximately 1/30/23. ++331408+141 4 4 KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 {SOD,CHB} NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S GRANDVIEW VIC H132 23G 4003 ET CMR GRANDVIEW LASS P606 42S {DOD} WF MISS kIWI 1065 ET {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 4/1/21 • COW: P44280210 • RE: 1065 • Polled CHURCHILL PILGRIM 632D ET RST GAT NST Y79D LADY 54B ET NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET {SOD,CHB} H THE PROFIT 8426 ET CHURCHILL LADY 002X ET WORR OWEN TANKERAY Y79D ET H H LADY MAXIUM 111 ET SR CG HARD ROCK 5073 {SOD} UPS MISS KOOTENAY 3915 1ET LCC PATTON KIWI 116 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +1 1 +2 6 +52 +93 +32 +58 +1 3 +1 4 +52 + 13 + 05 $$BIIBMI • The sire of Lot 45, H The Profit 8426 ET, is a popular National Champion that was selected as the Champion Polled Hereford Bull at the 2020 National Wester n His powerhouse dam is also the dam of National Champion bulls DeBerard and Mont gomer y • The dam of Lot 45, LCC Patton Kiwi 116 ET, was Reser ve National Champion Female at the 2012 American Royal, Reser ve Champion Female and Reser ve Champion Land of Lincoln Female at the 2012 Illinois State Fair Open Show, and Intermediate Cham pion at the 2012 Keystone National. • Ranks in the top 10% for Teat; top 15% for SC and Milk; top 20% for Udder • Dam records a progeny ratio of 4@96 for BW • Bred AI 4/4/22 to EXR Platinum 9200 ET. PE 4/28/22 to 6/28/22 to WF HD Sensation 1044. Checked safe AI, due approximately 1/11/23 ++288352+84 45 DB HARD DRIVE ET SR MS MARK 9167 REMITALL KOOTENAY 9K {CHB} UPS MISS PURE GOLD 0613 WF MISS FELESHA 1003 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 1/1/21 • COW: P44317705 • BE: 1003 • Polled JCS ICON 4641 LJR MSU WHITNEY 134Z JCS ICON 7060 EXR PLATINUM 9200 ET JCS 146 CHELSEA 8094 ET LJR 023R WHITMORE 10W {SOD} LJR VICKIE 332W WF BULLSEYE B204 WF MISS OKSANA C508 WF MISS FELESHA F379 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB 1 9 +2 8 +67 +101 +25 +59 +1 1 +1 2 +71 + 50 03 $$BIIBMI • The third dam of Lot 46, 1Z, was a prolific donor in the Wheeler herd and a grand daughter of HVH Oksana 4L 33N, best known as the dam of KJ HVH 33N Redeem 485T ET as well as multiple other herd sires and females of influence. • Ranks in the top 10% for WW; top 15% for SC; top 20% for YW • Bred AI 4/4/22 to UPS Sensation 2296. PE 4/28/22 to 6/28/22 to WF HD Sensation 1044 Checked safe AI, due approximately 1/11/23. ++285355+105 46 KJ TMG 236X TEBOW 646Z {CHB} KJ 207S RENEA 732Z KJ 796P TABULATE 224X ET C&L LOEWEN RACHAEL 4R 1Z Grandview CMR Ms 4003 X161 Dam of Lot 43 and maternal granddam of Lot 44 NJW 84B 4040 Fortified 238F Herd sire for Wheeler Farms and sire of Lot 44 EXR Platinum 9200 ET Herd sire for Wheeler Farms…his progeny and service sell

Hereford Spring bred Heifers Wheeler Farms • McS cattle company • Sims Family cattle 3company 2 WF MISTY 1041 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 2/10/21 • COW: P44317713 • BE: 1041 • Polled HYALITE ON TARGET 936 {SOD} R MISS REVOLUTION 1009 {DOD} SCHU LAR ON TARGET 22S {SOD,CHB} R LEADER 6964 {SOD} HYALITE TS LASS 310 MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} R MISS WRANGLER 3007 EPHR ELKER BLAZER 206D KJ BJ B009 MISTY 592D KJ 592D MISTY 622G CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +5 5 +3 7 +69 +110 +33 +67 +1 2 +1 1 +73 + 57 + 09 $$BIIBMI • This daughter of Leader offers a unique combination of calving ease and growth • Ranks in the top 5% for WW, YW, M&G; top 15% for SC and Milk; top 20% for REA. • Bred AI 4/3/22 to NJW 84B 4040 Fortified 238F PE 4/28/22 to 6/28/22 to WF Sensation 1004. Checked safe AI, due approximately 1/8/23. ++352435+118 47 EPHR TRAIL BLAZER 724A EPHR MISS PERFECTION 933B KJ 482Y DOMINO 833A {CHB} KJ BJ 274S MISTY B009 ET WF MISS GAMORA 1007 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 1/4/21 • COW: P44320196 • RE: 1007 • Polled CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X {SOD} UPS JT MISS NEON 7811 1ET UPS DOMINO 3027 {SOD,CHB} UPS SENSATION 2296 ET CHURCHILL LADY 7202T ET GH NEON 17N {SOD,CHB} LCC TWO TIMIN 438 ET CHEZ DIVERGENT 505C ET WF MISS ELENA E331 WF MISS GAMORA G125 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +2 0 +1 8 +57 +87 +28 +56 +1 2 +1 2 +66 + 69 + 09 $$BIIBMI • Phenotypic and numerical balance abound in this 2296 daughter. • The third dam of Lot 48 was a Wheeler favorite that they selected from a past OHA State Sale from Durham Ranch. • Ranks in the top 10% for REA • Posted a BW ratio of 92 out of a first calf heifer • Bred AI 4/4/22 to EXR Platinum 9200 ET. PE 5/2/22 to 7/1/22 to EXR Bankroll 1225 ET. Checked safe AI, due approximately 1/11/23 ++333401+113 48 H WCC/WB 668 WYARNO 9500 ET {SOD} R SWEET RED WINE 039 STAR KKH SSF ROCK STAR 5Z ET DR 4R REVA 309A ET WF MISS DAvENEY 1037 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 2/1/21 • COW: P44292057 • BE: 1037 • Polled BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 NJW 16S 100W JOEY 84B ET TH 22R 16S LAMBEAU 17Y {SOD} NJW 84B 4040 FORTIFIED 238F DOSS MY EYES ADORE U DHZ5 NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} TLELL 117F JOEY 16S WF BULLSEYE B204 WF MS TABULATE Z201 WF MISS DAVENEY D932 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +5.2 +2.2 +56 +79 +26 +54 +1.3 +1.5 +73 +.64 +.05 $$BIIBMI • The sire of Lots 44 and 49 51, Fortified, was the $55,000 selection of Wheeler Farms along with Tennessee River Music, Perez Cattle Co., Fawcett’s Elm Creek Ranch and McGuffee Polled Herefords from the 2019 NJW Bull Sale • Ranks in the top 3% for SC and Teat; top 10% for MW and REA; top 20% for Udder and $BMI; top 25% for $BII • Bred AI 4/4/22 to NJW 84B 4040 Fortified 238F. PE 4/28/22 to 6/28/22 to WF Sensation 1004. Checked safe AI, due approximately 1/9/23 ++382451+113 49 KJ TMG 236X TEBOW 646Z {CHB} KJ 207S RENEA 732Z KJ 796P TABULATE 224X ET WF COWGIRL U132 WF MISS GISELE 1045 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 2/11/21 • COW: P44292059 • BE: 1045 • Polled BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 NJW 16S 100W JOEY 84B ET TH 22R 16S LAMBEAU 17Y {SOD} NJW 84B 4040 FORTIFIED 238F DOSS MY EYES ADORE U DHZ5 NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} TLELL 117F JOEY 16S WF BULLSEYE B204 WF MISS VICKIE C001 ET WF MISS GISELE G346 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +11 3 +0 3 +48 +66 +24 +48 +1 2 +1 2 +58 + 27 + 06 $$BIIBMI • This Fortified daughter traces to one of the most proven donors in the Wheeler herd, Manhattan W22 • A mater nal sister to the granddam of Lot 50, WF Miss Solution C900, was named the Reser ve Grand Champion Polled Heifer at the 2016 Tulsa State Fair Junior Show • Ranks in the top 4% for CED; top 10% for BW and MW; top 15% for CEM. • Bred AI 4/22/22 to EXR Platinum 9200 ET PE 4/28/22 to 6/28/22 to WF Sensation 0201. Checked safe AI, due approximately 1/29/23. ++291351+91 50 KJ TMG 236X TEBOW 646Z {CHB} KJ 207S RENEA 732Z CRR ABOUT TIME 743 {SOD} WF MISS MANHATTAN W22 ET lot 47 lot 50 WF Miss Elena E331 Granddam of Lot 48

Spring bred Heifers Hereford 4th Annual Joint Production Sale • Saturday, September 24, 2022 33 WF MISS bARbARA 1076 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 3/21/21 • COW: P44276084 • BE: 1076 • Polled BR BELLE AIR 6011 {CHB} EXR MISS LEXUS 4203 ET BAR S LHF 028 240 {CHB} EXR AIR EXPRESS 8135 ET BR BELLE 4082 ET LSW WCC ABOUT TIME X06 TCC MISS LEXUS 84 ET KJ 796P TABULATE 224X ET WF MISS PARAMOUNT X7 WF MISS BARBARA B403 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB 4 3 +5 1 +61 +90 +23 +53 +1 3 +1 3 +79 + 62 + 19 $$BIIBMI • Ranks in the top 15% for SC, CW, REA and $CHB; top 20% for DMI and Udder; top 25% for WW, Teat and Marb • Dam records a progeny ratio of 3@104 for WW • Bred AI 5/30/22 to NJW 84B 4040 Fortified 238F. PE 5/31/22 to 7/1/22 to WF HD Sensation 1044. Checked safe AI, due approximately 3/9/23 ++331411+138 52 CRR ABOUT TIME 743 {SOD} KJ 045 LENA 796P ET WF PARAMOUNT R153 WF MISS GOLD S298 WF FRANNIE 1015 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 1/6/21 • COW: P44292048 • BE: 1015 • Polled BR BELLE AIR 6011 {CHB} EXR MISS LEXUS 4203 ET BAR S LHF 028 240 {CHB} EXR AIR EXPRESS 8135 ET BR BELLE 4082 ET LSW WCC ABOUT TIME X06 TCC MISS LEXUS 84 ET H WCC/WB 668 WYARNO 9500 ET {SOD} TRM 9048 BIG STAR 2073 WF FRANNIE F217 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +0 5 +2 4 +43 +66 +26 +48 +1 3 +1 4 +72 + 67 + 21 $$BIIBMI • Ranks in the top 10% for DMI, Teat, REA; top 15% for $CHB; top 20% for Udder and Marb • Bred AI 4/4/22 to UPS Sensation 2296. PE 4/28/22 to 6/28/22 to WF HD Sensation 1044. Checked 70 days safe 6/28/22.+339+402+137 53 TH JWR SOP 16G 57G TUNDRA 63N {SOD} H KATHY 668 ET WRB DELHAWK RRO TRM CHESNEY RRO TRM 3195 DELILAH 9048 ET WF MISS OkSANA 1063 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 3/13/21 • COW: P44320207 • BE: 1063 • Polled BR BELLE AIR 6011 {CHB} EXR MISS LEXUS 4203 ET BAR S LHF 028 240 {CHB} EXR AIR EXPRESS 8135 ET BR BELLE 4082 ET LSW WCC ABOUT TIME X06 TCC MISS LEXUS 84 ET KJ 796P TABULATE 224X ET C&L LOEWEN RACHAEL 4R 1Z WF MISS OKSANA C508 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB 7.0 +5.0 +57 +89 +32 +60 +1.4 +1.2 +79 +.60 +.13 $$BIIBMI • Ranks in the top 10% for Udder; top 15% for Milk, CW, REA and $CHB; top 20% for DMI and M&G. • Dam records a progeny ratio of 2@109 for WW • Bred AI 4/4/22 to NJW 84B 4040 Fortified 238F. PE 4/28/22 to 6/28/22 to WF Sensation 1004 Checked safe AI, due approximately 1/9/23. ++344416+135 54 CRR ABOUT TIME 743 {SOD} KJ 045 LENA 796P ET MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} LOEWEN C&L OKSANA 502R 55W WF RENEA 1077 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 3/22/21 • COW: P44317718 • BE: 1077 • Polled BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 NJW 16S 100W JOEY 84B ET TH 22R 16S LAMBEAU 17Y {SOD} NJW 84B 4040 FORTIFIED 238F DOSS MY EYES ADORE U DHZ5 NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} TLELL 117F JOEY 16S KJ HVH 33N REDEEM 485T ET {SOD} KJ 520E PURE VICKIE 750P ET KJ BJ 750P RENEA 743Z CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +4.5 +2.7 +59 +91 +22 +51 +1.0 +1.0 +75 +.53 +.15 $$BIIBMI • Offering a unique combination of calving ease and growth, Lot 51 is carr ying the AI ser vice of the popular Blueprint. • Ranks in the top 10% for SC; top 20% for $CHB; top 25% for CW and REA • Dam records progeny ratios of 7@107 for WW; 4@102 for YW • Bred AI 5/30/22 to Boyd 31Z Blueprint 6153. PE 5/31/22 to 7/1/22 to EXR Bankroll 1225 ET. Checked safe AI, due approximately 3/9/23 ++326402+128 51 SHF RADAR M326 R125 {SOD} HVH OKSANA 4L 33N C S PURE GOLD 98170 {SOD} SPH VCR MISS VICKIE 520E WF MISS GAvI 1096 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 3/30/21 • COW: P44293210 • BE: 1096 • Polled /S JBB/AL BOOM TOWN 44608 {CHB} /S LADY RED BULL 5228C NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET {SOD,CHB} /S BOOM TOWN 88334 ET /S LADY THOR 1271Y SCHU LAR RED BULL 18X {SOD} /S LADY ADVANCE 7291T WHEELER PROBLEM SOLVED C910 ET WF MISS TRUSTED C016 ET WF MISS GAVI G420 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +8 2 +1 7 +55 +87 +23 +51 +1 2 +1 0 +72 + 40 + 23 $$BIIBMI • Traces to the $60,000 X161, who was our selection with Express and MCS from the Grandview/CMR Dispersal The granddam of Lot 55 is a maternal sister to Times Up, the $115,000 high selling individual in the Grandview/CMR dispersal. • Ranks in the top 15% for CED and Marb; top 20% for $CHB; top 25% for BW and $BII. • Bred AI 5/30/22 to NJW 84B 4040 Fortified 238F PE 5/31/22 to 6/28/22 to WF Sensation 1004. Checked safe AI, due approximately 3/9/23. ++368449+128 55 KJ 968R POLLED SOLUTION 668ZET {SOD} WF MISS MANHATTAN W22 ET NJW 73S M326 TRUST 100W ET {SOD,CHB} GRANDVIEW CMR MS 4003 X161 WF MISS GRETcHEN 1122 DOB: 4/1/21 • COW: P44377807 • BE: 1122 • Polled NJW 79Z 22Z MIGHTY 49C ET /S LADY THOR 2447Z NJW 67U 28M BIG MAX 22Z SFCC TRM MIGHTY 7264 ET BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET THR THOR 4029 {SOD,CHB} /S LADY RIBEYE 9184W MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} SFCC DC 11X GRETCHEN 3304 WF MISS GRETCHEN C205 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +5 9 +1 9 +51 +89 +24 +50 +1 3 +1 3 +65 + 58 + 07 $$BIIBMI • Lot 56 is out of a direct daughter of Gretchen 3304, who was featured as Lot 1 in the inaugural Wheeler/MCS/SFCC Production Sale and selected by Sierra Ranches in California She traces to Prospectica 0308, who was the $10,800 top selling female in the 2012 Texas All Star Sale. • Ranks in the top 10% for SC; top 20% for Udder and REA; top 25% for CED and Teat • Dam records progeny ratios of 3@93 for BW; 1@102 for WW • Bred AI 5/30/22 to NJW 84B 4040 Fortified 238F. PE 5/31/22 to 7/1/22 to EXR Bankroll 1225 ET. Checked safe AI, due approximately 3/9/23 ++315378+116 56 FELTONS LEGEND 242 {SOD} MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N TH 71U 719T MR HEREFORD 11X {SOD} OSU PROSPECTICA 0308 EXR Air Express 8135 ET Sire of Lots 52– 54 C&L Loewen Rachael 4R 1Z Maternal granddam of Lot 54 WF Miss Gretchen C205 Dam of Lot 56 The sire of Lots 52– 54, EXR Air Express 8135 ET, was the $30,000 one quarter interest selection of W h e e l e r F a r m s f r o m t h e 2 0 1 9 E x p re s s R a n ch e s Spring Bull Sale and was produced by a polled full sister to the dam of EXR Bankroll that was herself the Senior Heifer Calf Champion at the Fort Worth Stock Show Air Express was a polled favorite in the yards at the 2019 National Western, where his t wo f u l l b r o t h e r s - i n - b l o o d a n ch o re d t h e G ra n d C h a m p i o n P e n o f T h re e H e re f o rd B u l l s a n d i n cluded the Reser ve Grand Champion Horned Bull on the hill

Hereford Spring bred cow Wheeler Farms • McS cattle company • Sims Family cattle 3company 4 WF MISS JETT 0040 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 2/29/20 • COW: P44182949 • BE: 0040 • Polled R LEADER 6964 {SOD} /S LADY DOMINO 0158X HYALITE ON TARGET 936 {SOD} /S MANDATE 66589 ET {CHB} R MISS REVOLUTION 1009 {DOD} SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 {SOD,CHB} /S LADY DOMINO 652S STAR KKH SSF ROCK STAR 5Z ET WF MISS BOOMER X360 WF MISS JETT C226 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +5.6 +1.9 +63 +96 +24 +55 +1.4 +1.4 +82 +.67 +.09 $$BIIBMI • This lead lot in the Hereford spring bred cows is a prime example of how the Man date daughters are as impressive on paper as they are in the flesh. • Ranks in the top 10% for Udder, Teat, CW, REA; top 15% for WW; top 25% for CED and $CHB. • Recorded an individual BW ratio of 97 and WW ratio of 112 • Dam records a progeny ratio of 3@104 for WW • Bred AI 4/1/22 to NJW 84B 4040 Fortified 238F. PE 4/28/22 to 7/1/22 to EXR Bankroll 1225 ET. Checked safe AI, due approximately 1/12/22 ++364442+124 57 GO 3196 ADVANCE S109 {SOD,CHB} STAR KKH SSF OLIVIA 15U ET STAR BOOMER 22L WF MISS PARODY T100 lot 57 /S Mandate 66589 ET Sire of Lots 57 and 58 other top daughters also sell Hereford Spring Bred Cows Lots 57 -66

Spring bred cows Hereford 4th Annual Joint Production Sale • Saturday, September 24, 2022 35 McS 66589 HELEN 2007 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 3/3/20 • COW: P44161963 • RE: 2007 • Polled R LEADER 6964 {SOD} /S LADY DOMINO 0158X HYALITE ON TARGET 936 {SOD} /S MANDATE 66589 ET {CHB} R MISS REVOLUTION 1009 {DOD} SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 {SOD,CHB} /S LADY DOMINO 652S MCS 49B CONQUISTADOR 1606 TTFL 910 0924 PURPLE TIME 1318 MCS EH 1606 TIMELESS 1833 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +1.3 +1.3 +72 +115 +26 +62 +1.2 +1.3 +80 +.22 +.24 $$BIIBMI • This Mandate daughter is sure to be among the favorites in the offering with her combination of phenotypic and numerical quality. • Ranks in the top 2% for WW; top 3% for YW; top 15% for M&G, CW, Marb; top 20% for BW; top 25% for SC, Teat, $BII, $CHB. • She posted impressive individual ratios of BW 99, WW 117 and YW 106 from a dam who records progeny ratios of 3@93 for BW, 2@115 for WW and 2@110 for YW. • Third dam is an AHA Dam of Distinction • Dam sells as Lot 18 Maternal brother sells as Lot 18A • Bred AI 5/29/22 to TH Masterplan 183F. PE 6/5/22 to 8/5/22 to MCS 8130 Houston 2004. ++351452+125 58 TH 512X 145Y EL DORADO 49B ET {SOD} MCS U14 ROMATE 705B CKP ABOUT TIME 0924 {SOD} TTFL JANES PURPLE MILSAP 910 {DOD} McS 1802 HALEY 2021 DOB: 3/27/20 • COW: 44160456 • RE: 2021 • Horned KJ 968R POLLED SOLUTION 668ZET {SOD} MCS PF 279R NIGHTWISH X006 ET MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} MCS 668Z FALCON 1802 ET KJ 2403 ROBINETTE 968R GH RAMBO 279R {SOD,CHB} STAR ORABEL 48N ET CKP ABOUT TIME 0924 {SOD} TTFL JANES PURPLE MILSAP 910 {DOD} TTFL 910 0924 PURPLE TIME 1318 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB 0.4 +4.0 +64 +103 +24 +56 +1.2 +1.2 +77 +.62 .01 $$BIIBMI • Ranks in the top 15% for WW, YW, REA; top 20% for CW • Dam records a progeny ratio of 6@106 for WW • Granddam is an AHA Dam of Distinction. • Maternal sister sells as Lot 18 • Bred AI 5/29/22 to Spearhead 22S Corps CommandE14. PE 6/5/22 to 8/5/22 to MCS 8130 Houston 2004 ++261327+119 59 CRR ABOUT TIME 743 {SOD} CKP WHISPERS 0708 PURPLE MILSAP 45S {SOD} KAYLA JANE 0507 lot 58 MCS EH 1606 Timeless 1833 Dam of Lot 58…sells as Lot 18 T TFL 910 0924 Purple Time 1318 Granddam of Lot 58 and dam of Lot 59

Hereford Spring bred cows Wheeler Farms • McS cattle company • Sims Family cattle 3company 6 bAR 67 RED WINE 15H ET DOB: 2/20/20 • COW: 44188953 • LE: 15 • Horned CRR ABOUT TIME 743 {SOD} GKB 31 GRACE 7100 THM DURANGO 4037 {SOD} CHAC MASON 2214 CRR D03 CASSIE 206 CCLC GKB PURE GOLD 31 L STAR GOLDIE P153 GOLDEN OAK OUTCROSS 18U {SOD} R SWEET RED WINE 039 TTT SWEET RED WINE CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB 2 5 +5 2 +56 +85 +30 +58 +1 3 +1 2 +76 + 70 00 $$BIIBMI • Lot 60 is out of a direct daughter of the immortal R Sweet Red Wine 039 and is a maternal sister to CHEZ Strawberr y Wine ET 204Z, who was the Reser ve Champion Polled Female in the owned show at the 2013 JNHE and at the 2014 National Western Stock Show, where half interest in her sold in the 2014 National Hereford Sale for $82,500 • Ranks in the top 10% for REA; top 25% for CW • Bred AI 4/3/22 to TFR KU Triple Seven 1330 ET. PE 5/2/22 to 7/1/22 to EXR Bankroll 1225 ET. Checked 35 days safe 7/1/22 ++317378+111 60 GOLDEN OAK FUSION 3S {SOD} GOLDEN OAK 60D MALLORY 15M MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} R MISS WRANGLER 207 WF MISS FUTURE 0046 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 3/1/20 • COW: 44181942 • BE: 0046 • Horned NJW 79Z 22Z MIGHTY 49C ET UPS MISS HOMETOWN 4279 ET NJW 67U 28M BIG MAX 22Z UPS MIGHTY 7850 ET BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET {SOD,CHB} UPS MISS DIAMOND 1353 DM BR L1 DOMINO 146 {SOD} GRW 19D FUTURE 315 K10 GRW 146 FUTURE 315 6U CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB 4.0 +3.6 +61 +87 +37 +67 +1.4 +1.4 +83 +.89 .26 $$BIIBMI • Ranks in the top 1% for REA; top 4% for Milk; top 5% for M&G; top 10% for Udder, Teat, CW; top 25% for WW. • Ranks in the top 1% for REA; top 4% for Milk; top 5% for M&G; top 10% for Udder, Teat, CW; top 25% for WW. • Posted individual ratios of BW 95 and WW 114 • Dam records progeny ratios of 11@97 for BW; 11@102 for WW • Bred AI 4/21/22 to NJW 84B 4040 Fortified 238F PE 5/31/22 to 7/1/22 to EXAR Bankroll 122. Checked 35 days safe 7/1/22. ++356407+92 61 REMITALL KEYNOTE 20X {SOD} DM L1 DOMINETTE 518 NJW 1Y WRANGLER 19D {SOD} GRW 315 FUTURE G2 WF MISS JONE 0077 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 3/20/20 • COW: 44181954 • BE: 0077 • Horned NJW 79Z 22Z MIGHTY 49C ET /S LADY THOR 2447Z NJW 67U 28M BIG MAX 22Z SFCC TRM MIGHTY 7264 ET BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET THR THOR 4029 {SOD,CHB} /S LADY RIBEYE 9184W STAR KKH SSF ROCK STAR 5Z ET WF MISS GOLD X55 WF MISS JONE C423 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +3.4 +3.4 +54 +85 +24 +51 +1.1 +1.1 +70 +.62 +.02 $$BIIBMI • Ranks in the top 15% for REA; top 20% for DMI and MW • Dam records a progeny ratio of 3@104 for WW • Bred AI 4/23/22 to NJW 84B 4040 Fortified 238F. PE 5/31/22 to 7/1/22 to EXR Bankroll 1225 ET. Checked 28 days safe 7/1/22 ++257316+117 62 GO 3196 ADVANCE S109 {SOD,CHB} STAR KKH SSF OLIVIA 15U ET KJ 520E PURE POWER 866P ET WF MISS GOLD U11 WF MISS GUINNEvERE 0103 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 3/20/20 • COW: P44181961 • BE: 0103 • Polled NJW 79Z 22Z MIGHTY 49C ET /S LADY THOR 2447Z NJW 67U 28M BIG MAX 22Z SFCC TRM MIGHTY 7264 ET BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET THR THOR 4029 {SOD,CHB} /S LADY RIBEYE 9184W KJ 471T MANDAN 704Z ET DR 4R REVA 309A ET WF MISS GUINNEVERE C237 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +5 7 +0 7 +41 +73 +20 +40 +1 3 +1 2 +55 + 48 + 17 $$BIIBMI • The granddam of Lot 63 was a Wheeler favorite that they selected from a past OHA State Sale from Durham Ranch • Ranks in the top 5% for DMI; top 15% for BW and SC; top 20% for Udder; top 25% for CED, MW, Marb • Dam records a progeny ratio of 3@93 for BW • PE 5/31/22 to 7/1/22 to EXR Bankroll 1225 ET. Checked 35 days safe 7/1/22. ++319379+115 63 TH SHR 605 57G BISMARCK 243R ET {SOD} KJ HVH 33N RADISSON 471T ET MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} DR 502R SPRITE 937W ET WF MISS kELLI 0088 DOB: 3/25/20 • COW: P44377655 • BE: 0088 • Polled NJW 79Z 22Z MIGHTY 49C ET /S LADY THOR 2447Z NJW 67U 28M BIG MAX 22Z SFCC TRM MIGHTY 7264 ET BW 91H 100W RITA 79Z ET THR THOR 4029 {SOD,CHB} /S LADY RIBEYE 9184W KJ 796P TABULATE 224X ET KJ 207S RENEA 732Z WF MISS KELLI C519 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +0.6 +4.4 +62 +103 +24 +55 +1.1 +1.2 +65 +.39 +.03 $$BIIBMI • Ranks in the top 10% for SC; top 15% for YW; top 20% for WW • Bred AI 5/12/22 to Boyd 31Z Blueprint 6153. PE 5/31/22 to 7/1/22 to EXR Bankroll 1225 ET Checked safe AI, due approximately 2/18/23. ++311383+111 64 CRR ABOUT TIME 743 {SOD} KJ 045 LENA 796P ET KJ HVH 33N REDEEM 485T ET {SOD} KJ TRM 378L KELLI 207S lot 60 R Sweet Red Wine 039 Maternal granddam of Lot 60 SFCC TRM Mighty 7264 ET Sire of Lots 62 and 64 DR 4R Reva 309A ET Maternal granddam of Lot 63

• The famous third dam of Lot 66, Keysha, has made a mark in this breed that few cows can ever accomplish Keysha was a Junior National Grand Champion Heifer and Champion Cow/Calf and went on to produce an impressive list of herd bulls and power cows, including Olivia, Kessey, Valedictorian, Bright Kelly, Tymeless and oth ers • Ranks in the top 10% for YW; top 15% for CW; top 20% for Udder and REA; top 25% for WW and Teat • Bred AI 5/23/22 to TFR KU Triple Seven 1330 ET. PE 5/30/22 to 8/9/22 to WF Moussa 1105 status available sale day.

Spring bred cows Hereford 4th Annual Joint Production Sale • Saturday, September 24, 2022 37 McS A7 2Z SANDY 1709 ET {DLF,HYF,IEF,MSUDF} DOB: 2/3/17 • COW: P43837614 • BE: 1709 • Polled H WCC/WB 668 WYARNO 9500 ET {SOD} R SWEET RED WINE 039 TH JWR SOP 16G 57G TUNDRA 63N {SOD} H/TSR/CHEZ/FULL THROTTLE ET H KATHY 668 ET MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R {SOD} R MISS WRANGLER 207 GO 3196 ADVANCE S109 {SOD,CHB} STAR KKH SSF OLIVIA 15U ET STAR KKH SSF OBSESSION 2Z ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB 7.7 +5.6 +60 +106 +19 +49 +1.3 +1.3 +78 +.57 +.14 $$BIIBMI

Olivia was named the 2010 Denver National Reser ve Champion, 2009 Louisville Na tional Grand Champion, 2009 Fort Worth National Grand Champion, 2010 Fort Worth National Grand Champion and 2009 Junior National Expo Reser ve Grand Champion Heifer before becoming one of the top income generators in the Hereford breed

ET Pregnancy

• The dam of Lot 66, Obsession 2Z, was MCS and Express Ranches’ selection from the Star Lake Dispersal, where a flush brother, STAR KKH SSF Rock Star 5Z ET, was the $53,000 top selling bull and the granddam of Lot 66, STAR KKH SSF Olivia 15U ET, set a modern day breed record when she sold for $175,000 to Sullivan and Tice.

• Lot 66 was shown successfully by Jake Sims before joining the joint donor herd of MCS and Wheeler as a $10,000 half interest private treaty purchase by Wheeler at the 2019 FWSS

++279351+139 66 HH ADVANCE 3196N {SOD} GO MS L18 EXCEL N89 REMITALL ONLINE 122L {SOD,CHB} SSF KEYSHA 949 WF MISS FORTUNE F377 {DLF,HYF,IEF,MDF} DOB: 3/15/18 • COW: P43982144 • BE: F377 • Polled SHF ACCESS Y90 A216 TH 45Z 145Y DOMINETTE 35B {DOD} SHF LITERAL W18 Y90 {CHB} EXR ACCESS 6005 SHF MISTY 33T Y35 FTF PROSPECTOR 145Y {SOD} TH 456X 11X DOMINETTE 45Z {DOD} H BK CCC SR GAME CHANGER ET TH 71U 72W RITA 198Z EXR RITA 5190 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +4.4 +2.7 +53 +71 +21 +47 +1.1 +1.1 +66 +.47 +.15 $$BIIBMI • Lot 65 traces to the famous Topp donor 71U, best known as the dam of the Genex sire TH Mr Hereford 11X. • Ranks in the top 15% for DMI • Bred AI 5/11/22 to TFR KU Triple Seven 1330 ET. PE 5/30/22 to 8/9/22 to WF Moussa 1105 ET Pregnancy status available sale day. ++365438+116 65 KJ HVH 33N REDEEM 485T ET {SOD} NJW 78P 63N LADYSPORT 51W ET TH 525 63N TUNDRA 72W TH 7N 45P RITA 71U TH 7N 45P Rita 71U ird dam of Lot 65 lot 66 Lot 66 pictured as a calf STAR KKH SSF Olivia 15U ET Maternal granddam of Lot 66

WF Chickasha 0826 $13,500 full brother to Lot 67 BoBo Rita 5044 Dam of Lot 67 Angus Spring bred Heifer Wheeler Farms • McS cattle company • Sims Family cattle 3company 8 lot 67 WF RITA 1616 DOB: 1/25/21 • COW: +*20179436 • BE: 1616 G A R MOMENTUM +G A R PROPHET 2984 #+G A R PROGRESS G A R INERTIA +G A R BIG EYE 1770 #+G A R PROPHET G A R DAYBREAK 1521 #V A R DISCOVERY 2240 +RIVERBEND RITA Y608 +BOBO RITA 5044 CED BW WW YW MILK HP CW MARB RE $AXH $AXJ $C +7 +0 4 +77 +150 +37 +13 9 +84 +1 49 + 87 +211 +235 $B$G • We lead off the Angus division of the catalog with this dynamic flush sister to WF Chickasha 0826, the $13,500 2/3 interest top selling selection of Pollard Farms from the 2022 Southwest Ranchers Sale • As of 8/26/22, LOT 67 IS ONE OF ONLY TWO GE NON PARENT FEMALES IN THAT EN T I R E P O P U L AT I O N TO O F F E R H E R C O M B I N AT I O N O F C E D, B W, W W, Y W, H P, M I L K , MARB, RE, $B AND $C • The dam of Lot 67 is a Discover y daughter out of Rita Y608, who in turn is a direct daughter of the MB and $B feature of the Riverbend Ranch donor program, Rita S241, and sired by Complete 1P55, the highlight of the Deer Valley Farm and ABS herd sire batteries • Rita Y606, a full sister to the dam of Lot 67, was the lead off female of the 2011 Riverbend Ranch Sale and was the $20,000 selection of Turner Meadow Farms and Montana Ranch A maternal sister, Rita U162, is the former No 1 $Beef animal of the breed and was the $52,000 half interest top selling female of the 2009 Riverbend Sale • Ranks in the top 1% for CW, Marb, $F, $G, $B, $C, $AxH, $AxJ; top 3% for YW, RADG, Milk; top 4% for $W; top 10% for $W, $G, $B, $C, $AxH; top 20% for CED, CEM, $F; top 25% for BW, WW, YW, $M, $AxJ • Bred AI 4/25/22 to DB Iconic G95. PE 4/28/22 to 6/2/22 to WF Grenade 1603. Checked safe AI, due approximately 2/1/23 +++93230$F$W+78136$M+61+35967 #A A R TEN X 7008 S A +DEER VALLEY RITA 0308 #SUMMITCREST COMPLETE 1P55 +RIVERBEND RITA S241 Angus Spring Bred Heifers Lots 67-72

Spring bred Heifers Angus 4th Annual Joint Production Sale • Saturday, September 24, 2022 39 WF LUcY 1649 DOB: 3/3/21 • COW: *20161472 • BE: 1649 #CONNEALY BLACK GRANITE BAR R IRIS ANITA 0113 #CONNEALY CONSENSUS 7229 BAR R JET BLACK 5063 #EURA ELGA OF CONANGA 9109 #SITZ UPWARD 307R BAR R ANITA 7081 #A A R TEN X 7008 S A +EXAR LUCY 6019 +WF 10X LUCY 901B CED BW WW YW MILK HP CW MARB RE $AXH $AXJ $C +12 +0.8 +79 +126 +16 +15.7 +61 +.68 +.62 +154 +141 $$BG • Granddam EXAR Lucy 6019 is a direct daughter of the $380,000 valued Basin Lucy 3829. • Ranks in the top 10% for CED, WW, $M, $C; top 15% for HP, $W, $F, $AxH, $AxJ; top 20% for YW, CEM, CW, $B; top 25% for Angle. • Dam records progeny ratios of 2@97 for BW; 2@105 for WW; 1@109 for YW • Bred AI 4/4/22 to SFCC TRM Advance Growth 9232. PE 4/28/22 to 6/29/22 to WF Grenade 1603 Checked safe AI, due approximately 1/11/23. +++53159$F$W+70106$M+80+28669 #MYTTY IN FOCUS #A A R LADY KELTON 5551 #+S A V BISMARCK 5682 +BASIN LUCY 3829 WF RITA 0821 DOB: 10/16/20 • COW: +*20125656 • BE: 0821 G A R MOMENTUM +G A R PROPHET 2984 #+G A R PROGRESS G A R INERTIA +G A R BIG EYE 1770 #+G A R PROPHET G A R DAYBREAK 1521 #V A R DISCOVERY 2240 +DEER VALLEY RITA 22110 +BOBO RITA 5028 CED BW WW YW MILK HP CW MARB RE $AXH $AXJ $C +10 +0.1 +68 +122 +36 +13.1 +55 +1.33 +.43 +165 +125 $$BG • This donor candidate descends from the modern foundation of the Rita family the $400,000 valued one time world record setting female GAR EXT 614.The granddam of Lot 68 is a maternal sister to Deer Valley Rita 36113, the dam of Deer Valley Growth Fund • The sire of Lots 67 and 68, G A R Inertia, sires leading genotypic velocity and incred ible body mass Inertia offers one of the most imposing data and phenotype combi nations to ever come out of the illustrious Gardiner Angus program. • Lot 68 posts 16 EPDs and $Values in the top 25% or better, ranking in the top 3% for Marb; top 4% for Milk; top 10% for $W, $G, $B, $C, $AxH; top 15% for Doc; top 20% for CED, CEM, $F; top 25% for BW, WW, YW, $M, $AxJ • Dam records a progeny ratio of 2@98 for BW. • PE 4/28/22 to 6/2/22 to WF Grenade 1603 Checked safe ++77175$F$W+76+98$M+72+29968 #A A R TEN X 7008 S A +DEER VALLEY RITA 0308 #SUMMITCREST COMPLETE 1P55 +DEER VALLEY RITA 9457 lot 69 BoBo Rita 5028 Dam of Lot 68 lot 68 t he Angus

Angus Spring bred Heifers Wheeler Farms • McS cattle company • Sims Family cattle 4company 0 lot 70 lot 7 1 WF LADY 1686 DOB: 4/12/21 • COW: *20159934 • BE: 1686 #HA COWBOY UP 5405 LINZ MS RAMPAGE 4475 6164 HA OUTSIDE 3008 EXAR MIGHTY 9090B #HA BLACKCAP LADY 1602 #+QUAKER HILL RAMPAGE 0A36 DIAMOND PEAK MS A DUTY 4475 #+BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682 SHAW LADY NEW DAY 8109U SHAW LADY PAYWEIGHT 7077 CED BW WW YW MILK HP CW MARB RE $AXH $AXJ $C +6 +2.1 +69 +113 +26 +5.3 +32 +.70 +.43 +76 +41 $$BG • An outcross female sired by 9090B, the Wheeler herd sire selected from Express Ranches, and out of a big bodied Payweight daughter from Shaw Cattle Co • Ranks in the top 10% for DMI; top 20% for $W; top 25% for WW and SC. • Dam records a progeny ratio of 1@101 for YW • Bred AI 5/30/22 to DB Iconic G95. PE 6/1/22 to 6/29/22 to WF Monumental 0800 Checked safe AI, due approximately 3/9/23. ++53124$F$W+68+71$M+52+2137 1 #+BASIN PAYWEIGHT 006S 21AR O LASS 7017 #+BOYD NEW DAY 8005 SHAW LADY ALLIANCE 533R WF cAPITALIST 1690 DOB: 4/20/21 • COW: *20240142 • BE: 1690 #CONNEALY CAPITALIST 028 MAPLES EMILY B313 #S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 TRM CAPITALIST 630 PRIDES PITA OF CONANGA 8821 CONNEALY HARMONY 0171 MAPLES EMILY Z899 +EXAR BEDROCK 2015B W F MISS NEW LOOK U109 WF MISS BLOSSOM 036B CED BW WW YW MILK HP CW MARB RE $AXH $AXJ $C +14 0.3 +75 +133 +26 +14.7 +54 +.45 +.27 +28 +21 $$BG • Check out the CED and the BW to YW spread this daughter of the Wheeler herd sire Capitalist 630 offers, combined with a top 10% PAP EPD and top 25% rankings for the fertility traits of HP and SC • Ranks in the top 3% for CED; top 4% for CEM; top 10% for PAP, $W; top 15% for WW, YW, $M; top 20% for BW, HP; top 25% for SC, Doc • Dam records progeny ratios of 4@98 for BW; 4@110 for WW; 3@110 for YW • Bred AI 5/30/22 to DB Iconic G95 PE 6/1/22 to 6/29/22 to WF Monumental 0800. Checked safe AI, due approximately 3/9/23 ++37128$F$W+75+90$M+79+24572 #EXAR UPSHOT 0562B +EXAR RITA 2845 +EXAR RUDY 555 W F MISS IMPROVEMENT S59 WF MISS DAWN 1631 DOB: 2/23/21 • COW: *20238257 • BE: 1631 #CONNEALY IN SURE 8524 +CHAIR ROCK 5050 G A R 8086 #MYTTY IN FOCUS #+G A R SURE FIRE ENTREENA OF CONANGA 657 #+G A R NEW DESIGN 5050 CHAIR ROCK GRID MAKER 2107 #+G A R PROPHET PF 5682 NEW DESIGN 1538 +WF MISS DAWN 903D CED BW WW YW MILK HP CW MARB RE $AXH $AXJ $C +8 +2.9 +76 +140 +20 +9.5 +51 +.96 +.71 +128 +94 $B$G • This powerful bred heifer and donor prospect traces to GAR New Design 930, who was an exceptional producer for Pollard, Express and Limestone before she sold in the 2008 Express Big Event to SandPoint Angus for $95,000 Full sisters to 930 in clude the $320,000 GAR New Design 1200, dam of the Pollard and Express herd sire Rito 5118; the $250,000 GAR New Design 80; and GAR New Design 1779, the former $150,000 half interest top selling female at Vintage Angus • Ranks in the top 10% for YW, Angle; top 15% for WW, RADG, $G; top 20% for Marb, $B; top 25% for SC, Claw, $M, $F • Bred AI 4/4/22 to SFCC TRM Advance Growth 9232. PE 4/28/22 to 6/29/22 to WF Grenade 1603 Checked safe AI, due approximately 1/11/23. ++67163$F$W+63+95$M+73+28470 #C R A BEXTOR 872 5205 608 +G A R OBJECTIVE 1885 #+S A V BISMARCK 5682 +PF P142 NEW DESIGN 9531 TRM Capitalist 630 Sire of Lot 72 also the sire of Lot 88

Fall-calving Heifer Angus 4th Annual Joint Production Sale • Saturday, September 24, 2022 41 JDD Bess B311 Dam of Lot 73 lot 7 3 WF bESS 0808 DOB: 9/12/20 • COW: +*20087454 • BE: 0808 3F EPIC 4631 FWY 7008 OF C085 4029 VARILEK PRODUCT 2010 04 EXAR MONUMENTAL 6056B ZEBO QUEEN 1072 #A A R TEN X 7008 S A +FWY RITA C085 JDD TOTAL 145 #JDD BESS 397 JDD BESS B311 CED BW WW YW MILK HP CW MARB RE $AXH $AXJ $C +6 +2 4 +80 +146 +23 +12 3 +63 +1 37 + 74 +166 +142 $$BG • This lead female of the fall calving Angus division is a daughter of the outstanding Tennessee River Music and Wheeler donor Bess B311 Lot 73 combines femininity and power with angularity and a stunning profile that is complemented by an out standing numerical profile Her genetic predictors allow for the mating diversity needed to meet the needs of any operation. • As of 8/26/22, LOT 73 IS ONE OF ONLY TWO GE NON PARENT DAUGHTERS OF MON UMENTAL TO POSSESS HER COMBINATION OF MARB, $M, $B AND $C. • Ranks in the top 2% for Marb, $G, $C; top 3% for $B; top 5% for YW; top 10% for WW, SC, $AxH; top 15% for CW, $AxJ; top 20% for RADG, $W. • Dam records progeny ratios of 5@98 for BW; 2@113 for IMF • Bred AI 12/13/21 to SFCC TRM Advance Growth 9232. Checked safe, due approximately 9/21/22 +++88191$F$W+69103$M+73+3217 3 #TC TOTAL 410 JDD EMMA 823 #B C MATRIX 4132 JDD BESS BACK 178 Angus Fall Calvers Lots 73-75

Angus Fall-calving Females Wheeler Farms • McS cattle company • Sims Family cattle 4company 2 lot 74 lot 75 bbR EvERGREEN 871F DOB: 4/10/18 • COW: 19227464 • BE: 871F #+B C LOOKOUT 7024 PVF ELLEN 9100 O C C LEGEND 616L +PVF SURVEILLANCE 4129 GIBBET HILL MIGNONNE E37 #PVF ALL PAYDAY 729 HYLINE ELLEN 410 +EXAR FIRST CLASS 1421B +LC CLA EVERGREEN 701 PJAJ EVERGREEN 81C CED BW WW YW MILK HP CW MARB RE $AXH $AXJ $C +2 +2.9 +42 +73 +32 +10.3 +27 +.54 +.43 +62 +28 $$BG • This angular and feminine female was Wheeler’s selection from Nowatzke and Blind Badger Ranch from a past Bases Loaded sale. • Ranks in the top 15% for DMI and Milk • PE 12/7/21 to 2/7/22 to Pollard Contender 0402. Checked 100 days safe 4/13/22 ++46115$F$W+45+69$M+54+20375 DAMERON FIRST CLASS +EXAR QUEEN 3047 #TC FREEDOM 104 +LEMENAGER EVERGREEN 419 WF MISS PRINcESS 0631 [M1F] DOB: 3/1/20 • COW: +*19834056 • BE: 0631 PLAINVIEW LUTTON E102 +PVF PROVEN QUEEN 786 #EXAR LUTTON 1831 +S&R ROUNDTABLE J328 PLAINVIEW PRIDE C123 #BR MIDLAND +PVF PROVEN QUEEN 419 DAMERON FIRST CLASS +EXAR PRINCESS 6414 +FB PRINCESS 3014 CED BW WW YW MILK HP CW MARB RE $AXH $AXJ $C +6 +2 9 +64 +104 +26 +8 8 +47 + 17 + 62 +46 +32 $B$G • Bred AI 12/12/21 to EXAR Grenade 9152B. PE to EXAR Jet Black 9755B. Checked safe AI, due approximately 9/20/22 • If you want one that is bred in the purple, take a look at this Roundtable daughter from the Princess line • The dam of Lot 74, Princess 3014, was selected by Wheeler Farms in the 2018 Pol lard Sale Granddam is a direct daughter of Greens Princess 1012 and was a many time show favorite and champion who sold for $78,000 to Brooklyn Bell in the 2006 Express Big Event EXAR Princess 6414 was named Grand Champion Female at the 2007 Fort Worth Stock Show, Reser ve Grand Champion at the 2007 National Western a n d 2 0 0 7 D i x i e N a t i o n a l , C a l f C h a m p i o n a t t h e 2 0 0 6 A m e r i c a n R oy a l a n d N A I L E , Supreme Champion Female over all breeds at the 2007 Oklahoma Youth Expo and finished second for ROV Show Heifer of the Year and first for Junior Heifer Calf Cham pion of the Year for 2006 2007. 6414 followed in the footsteps of her famous dam by producing top sellers and champions for Finley Brothers and Express Ranches • Full sister sells as Lot 79. Maternal sister sells as Lot 78. • Ranks in the top 20% for DMI, MW and $F • Dam records a progeny ratio of 2@104 for RE ++33131$F$W+54+98$M+32+20274 EXG RS FIRST RATE S903 R3 DAMERON NORTHERN MISS 3114 #EXAR LUTTON 1831 +GREENS PRINCESS 1012 FB Princess 3014 Dam of Lot 74

Spring bred cows with bull calves Angus 4th Annual Joint Production Sale • Saturday, September 24, 2022 43 lot 76 lot 7 7 WF MISS RITA 0619 DOB: 2/11/20 • COW: +20100093 • BE: 0619 TEHAMA 944 R525 #A & B QUEEN 1021 #R P BUSHWACKER 3 944 #A & B SPOTLITE 3065 TEHAMA ERICA N127 #EXAR 263C A & B QUEEN 9296 #+QUAKER HILL RAMPAGE 0A36 +EXAR RITA 4781 EXAR RITA 1306 CED BW WW YW MILK HP CW MARB RE $AXH $AXJ $C +11 0.1 +71 +123 +22 I+6.7 I+50 I+1.03 I+.59 +132 +107 $$BG • This young SpotLite daughter is sure to be among the favorites in the Angus offering with her blend of femininity, power, udder quality and numerical balance. • Ranks in the top 4% for CEM; top 10% for WW, MW, Marb, $G, $B; top 15% for CED, YW, $AxH, $AxJ; top 20% for BW, CW, $W; top 25% for $F, $C. • Dam records a progeny ratio of 1@99 for BW • Bred AI 4/23/22 to Yon Bower y F106. PE 5/30/22 to 8/2/22 to SFCC TRM Advance Growth 9232 Pregnancy status available sale day. ++70164$F$W+62+93$M+36+24977 #MCC DAYBREAK +QHF BLACKCAP 6E2 OF4V16 4355 #+G A R PROPHET +G A R PREDESTINED 2578 WF cONTENDER 2622 DOB: 2/5/22 • BULL: 20411555 • BE: 2622 EXAR STALLION 7986 EXAR BLACKCAP 6469 #+EXAR STUD 4658B +POLLARD CONTENDER 0402 EXAR BLACKCAP 3385 3F EPIC 4631 EXAR BLACKCAP 3226 #A & B SPOTLITE 3065 EXAR RITA 1306 +WF MISS RITA 0619 CED BW WW YW MILK HP CW MARB RE $AXH $AXJ $C +10 +0 9 +81 +141 +23 $$BG • The sire of this herd sire prospect was Wheeler’s $10,000 selection from the 2021 National Angus Bull Sale at Cattlemen’s Congress and has done an excellent job, as is evident in his progeny represented in this offering • Ranks in the top 10% for WW, YW; top 15% for CEM; top 20% for CED; top 25% for $W • BW 69 lbs +$$FW67$M77A TEHAMA 944 R525 #A & B QUEEN 1021 #+QUAKER HILL RAMPAGE 0A36 +EXAR RITA 4781 WF MISS FAELYNN 0603 [M1F] DOB: 1/20/20 • COW: *19832660 • BE: 0603 SYDGEN EXCEED 3223 SYDGEN RITA 2618 +SYDGEN GOOGOL SYDGEN ENHANCE +SYDGEN FOREVER LADY 1255 #SYDGEN LIBERTY GA 8627 #FOX RUN RITA 9308 EXAR DRIVER 2391B CHRISTENSEN DUCHESS 1408 WF MISS FAELYNN 338F CED BW WW YW MILK HP CW MARB RE $AXH $AXJ $C +3 +2.5 +77 +138 +24 +14.4 +62 +.79 +.67 +128 +141 $$BG • This big spread Enhance daughter hit a home run in her first at bat with the Grenade bull calf she produced. He sells as Lot 76A. • Ranks in the top 3% for WW, YW; top 5% for Claw, CW; top 10% for MW, $B, $C, $AxJ; top 15% for HP, $W, $F, $G, $AxH; top 20% for Doc, Marb, $M; top 25% for RE. • Dam records a progeny ratio of 1@119 for WW • Bred AI 3/31/22 to G A R Home Town. PE 5/30/22 to 8/2/22 to SFCC TRM Advance Growth 9232 Pregnancy status available sale day. +++60162$F$W+65102$M+68+27876 +EXAR WAR BONNET 9253B EXAR RITA 0305 +EXAR SPECIAL BLEND 2656 CHRISTENSEN DUCHESS 1313 WF GRENADE 2605 DOB: 1/9/22 • BULL: 20411531 • BE: 2605 CASINO BOMBER N33 EXAR MERLE 7441 #+KM BROKEN BOW 002 EXAR GRENADE 9152B #CASINO ANNIE K48 #SITZ TOP GAME 561X EXAR MERLE 2550 SYDGEN ENHANCE WF MISS FAELYNN 338F WF MISS FAELYNN 0603 CED BW WW YW MILK HP CW MARB RE $AXH $AXJ $C +8 +0 5 +85 +148 +27 I+16 3 I+72 I+ 74 I+ 85 +149 +168 $$BG • The Grenade progeny have been extremely popular with their blend of phenotypic power, individual performance and numerical consistency We can’t wait to see what the genomically enhanced EPD profile of this herd sire prospect looks like once his DNA is processed. • Ranks in the top 4% for WW, YW; top 5% for CW, $C; top 10% for HP, $W, $F, $AxJ; top 15% for Doc, MW, $M, $B, $AxH; top 20% for RE; top 25% for RADG, $G. • BW 58 lbs , ratio 89 +++60171$F$W+76110$M+78+30076A SYDGEN EXCEED 3223 SYDGEN RITA 2618 EXAR DRIVER 2391B CHRISTENSEN DUCHESS 1408 Angus Spring Cow/Calf Splits Lots 76-80

Angus Spring bred cows with calves Wheeler Farms • McS cattle company • Sims Family cattle 4company 4 WF MISS PRINcESS 0636 [M1F] DOB: 3/1/20 • COW: +*19834057 • BE: 0636 PLAINVIEW LUTTON E102 +PVF PROVEN QUEEN 786 #EXAR LUTTON 1831 +S&R ROUNDTABLE J328 PLAINVIEW PRIDE C123 #BR MIDLAND +PVF PROVEN QUEEN 419 DAMERON FIRST CLASS +EXAR PRINCESS 6414 +FB PRINCESS 3014 CED BW WW YW MILK HP CW MARB RE $AXH $AXJ $C +5 +2 5 +63 +102 +20 +2 9 +49 + 48 + 63 +92 +78 $$BG • Ranks in the top 5% for $F; top 10% for DMI, MW; top 15% for RADG, $B; top 20% for CW; top 25% for WW • Dam records a progeny ratio of 2@104 for RE • Full sister sells as Lot 74. Maternal sister sells as Lot 78. • Bred AI 5/28/22 to Colburn Primo 5153 PE 5/30/22 to 8/9/22 to WF Monumental 0800. Pregnancy status available sale day. +++46154$F$W+50107$M+17+21779 EXG RS FIRST RATE S903 R3 DAMERON NORTHERN MISS 3114 #EXAR LUTTON 1831 +GREENS PRINCESS 1012 WF cONTENDER 2644 DOB: 2/27/22 • BULL: 20411563 • BE: 2644 EXAR STALLION 7986 EXAR BLACKCAP 6469 #+EXAR STUD 4658B +POLLARD CONTENDER 0402 EXAR BLACKCAP 3385 3F EPIC 4631 EXAR BLACKCAP 3226 +S&R ROUNDTABLE J328 +FB PRINCESS 3014 +WF MISS PRINCESS 0636 CED BW WW YW MILK HP CW MARB RE $AXH $AXJ $C +9 +1 5 +76 +128 +22 I+4 0 I+55 I+ 72 I+ 59 +113 +89 $$BG • This son of Contender, Wheeler’s $10,000 selection from the 2021 National Angus Bull Sale, should improve phenotype and performance alike • Ranks in the top 15% for WW, MW, $F; top 20% for YW, RADG, $B; top 25% for CEM • BW 67 lbs +++55160$F$W+65105$M+31+23979A PLAINVIEW LUTTON E102 +PVF PROVEN QUEEN 786 DAMERON FIRST CLASS +EXAR PRINCESS 6414 WF PRINcESS 0697 [M1F] DOB: 5/1/20 • COW: *19832669 • BE: 0697 #+G A R PROPHET +G A R DAYBREAK R240 #C R A BEXTOR 872 5205 608 DEER VALLEY PROPHET 47120 +G A R OBJECTIVE 1885 #MCC DAYBREAK +G A R OBJECTIVE R227 DAMERON FIRST CLASS +EXAR PRINCESS 6414 +FB PRINCESS 3014 CED BW WW YW MILK HP CW MARB RE $AXH $AXJ $C +9 +1 1 +65 +108 +31 +4 5 +35 + 74 + 66 +107 +92 $B$G • Ranks in the top 15% for Milk and $W • Dam records a progeny ratio of 2@104 for RE. • Maternal sisters sell as Lots 74 and 79 • Bred AI 5/13/22 to EXAR Monumental 6056B. PE 5/30/22 to 8/2/22 to SFCC TRM Advance Growth 9232 Pregnancy status available sale day. ++59126$F$W+69+67$M+40+20378 EXG RS FIRST RATE S903 R3 DAMERON NORTHERN MISS 3114 #EXAR LUTTON 1831 +GREENS PRINCESS 1012 WF PRINcESS 2684 DOB: 3/20/22 • COW: 20411564 • BE: 2684 EXAR STALLION 7986 EXAR BLACKCAP 6469 #+EXAR STUD 4658B +POLLARD CONTENDER 0402 EXAR BLACKCAP 3385 3F EPIC 4631 EXAR BLACKCAP 3226 DEER VALLEY PROPHET 47120 +FB PRINCESS 3014 WF PRINCESS 0697 CED BW WW YW MILK HP CW MARB RE $AXH $AXJ $C I+11 I+0 7 I+77 I+131 I+28 I+4 8 I+48 I+ 85 I+ 60 +127 +100 $B$G • This PGS show and donor prospect combines Contender, Wheeler’s $10,000 selection from the 2021 National Angus Bull Sale, with the famed Princess cow line that has produced multiple show ring champions. • Ranks in the top 5% for $W; top 10% for WW; top 15% for CED, YW; top 25% for Marb, $G. • Sells open ++62146$F$W+76+84$M+42+23178A #+G A R PROPHET +G A R DAYBREAK R240 DAMERON FIRST CLASS +EXAR PRINCESS 6414 FB Princess 3014 Dam of Lots 78 and 79 EXAR Princess 6414 Maternal granddam of Lots 78 and 79 Greens Princess 1012 ird dam of Lots 78 and 79 The dam of Lots 78 and 79, Princess 3014, was the $6,000 selection of Wheeler Far ms in the 2018 Pollard Sale. Granddam is a direct daughter of Greens Princess 1012 and was a many-time show favorite and champion who sold for $78,000 to Brooklyn Bell in the 2006 Express Big Event EXAR Princess 6414 was named Grand Champion Female at the 2007 Fort Worth Stock Show, Reser ve Grand Champion at the 2007 National Wester n and 2007 Dixie National, Calf Champion at the 2006 American Royal and NAILE, Supreme Champion Female over all breeds at the 2007 Oklahoma Youth Expo and finished second for ROV Show Heifer of the Year and first for Junior Heifer Calf Champion of the Year for 2006 2007 6414 followed in the footsteps of her famous dam, Greens Princess 1012, by producing top sellers and champions for Finley Brothers and Express Ranches. Pollard Contender 0402 Sire of Lots 77A, 78A and 79A

Spring bred cow with bull calf /// Service-Age bull Angus 4th Annual Joint Production Sale • Saturday, September 24, 2022 45 lot 81 WF STOck FUND 2608 DOB: 1/12/22 • BULL: 20411543 • BE: 2608 +DEER VALLEY GROWTH FUND EXAR EMPRESS 0875 #+BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682 EXAR STOCK FUND 9097B +DEER VALLEY RITA 36113 +G A R PROPHET K243 EXAR EMPRESS 2622 +EZAR GOLD RUSH 6001 +EXAR RITA 6888 EXAR RITA 8297 CED BW WW YW MILK HP CW MARB RE $AXH $AXJ $C +6 +1.4 +83 +152 +27 I+8.1 I+62 I+.88 I+.75 +171 +151 $$BG • Stock Fund progeny have been among the high averaging sire groups for Express and other herds around the countr y. This son should add to that trend with his elite set of genetic predictors • Ranks in the top 3% for YW; top 5% for WW and YW; top 10% for CEM, $F, $B, $C, $AxH, $AxJ; top 15% for $W; top 20% for Doc, MW, CW; top 25% for Marb • BW 74 lbs. +++66176$F$W+72110$M+61+28980A #V A R DISCOVERY 2240 +V A R BLACKCAP 1059 #+EXAR STUD 4658B +EXAR RITA 6251 EXAR RITA 8297 DOB: 8/3/18 • COW: *19178326 • BE: 8297 #V A R DISCOVERY 2240 +V A R BLACKCAP 1059 #A A R TEN X 7008 S A +EZAR GOLD RUSH 6001 +DEER VALLEY RITA 0308 #SUMMITCREST COMPLETE 1P55 +EXAR NEW DESIGN 4212 #+EXAR STUD 4658B +EXAR RITA 6251 +EXAR RITA 6888 CED BW WW YW MILK HP CW MARB RE $AXH $AXJ $C +6 +1.1 +72 +127 +29 +8.3 +46 +1.29 +.37 +96 +60 $$BG • O n e o f t h e o l d e s t d a u g h t e r s o f t h e E x p re s s h e rd s i re t h a t s o l d h a l f i n t e re s t f o r $60,000 as the top selling bull of the first bull sale at EZ Angus Ranch. The sire of Lot 80 was produced by a $77,500 past Big Event top selling fall pair • Ranks in the top 2% for Marb, $G; top 4% for CEM; top 10% for WW, YW, RADG, $W, $B, $C; top 20% for SC • Dam records a progeny ratio of 1@107 for RE. • PE 5/30/22 to 8/2/22 to SFCC TRM Advance Growth 9232 Pregnancy status available sale day. ++80168$F$W+72+88$M+61+27980 #A A R TEN X 7008 S A +BOBO RITA 1559 #CONNEALY CONSENSUS 7229 +EXAR RITA 71601 WF GROWTH FUND 1654 DOB: 3/4/21 • BULL: *20173049 • BE: 1654 #+BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682 +DEER VALLEY RITA 36113 #+BASIN PAYWEIGHT 006S +DEER VALLEY GROWTH FUND 21AR O LASS 7017 #PLATTEMERE WEIGH UP K360 +DEER VALLEY RITA 9457 +EXAR WAYLON 9207B W F MISS MIDLAND U116 WF MISS CHRISSY 414C CED BW WW YW MILK HP CW MARB RE $AXH $AXJ $C +3 +1 9 +67 +124 +29 +18 9 +51 + 74 + 45 +126 +117 $$BG • This first lot in the bull division offers a well-balanced phenotype and numerical profile He should work in registered and commercial operations alike • The sire of Lot 81, Growth Fund, has taken his place among the breed’s most popular and prolific sires with progeny topping sales across the countr y over the past few years. • Ranks in the top 1% for HP; top 10% for $M; top 15% for $F, $C; top 20% for RADG, SC; top 25% for YW, $W, $AxJ. • Dam records a progeny ratio of 1@107 for YW • BW 75 lbs+++48151$F$W+66103$M+80+27681 #BC 7022 RAVEN 7965 +EXAR RITA 2845 +EXG FIRST QUARTER S628 R3 W F MISS IMPROVEMENT P85 Deer Valley Growth Fund Sire of Lot 81 and paternal grandsire of Lot 80A Angus Ser viceAge Bulls Lots 81-88

Angus Service-Age bulls Wheeler Farms • McS cattle company • Sims Family cattle 4company 6 lot 82 WF JET bLAck 1664 [M1F] DOB: 3/17/21 • BULL: *20238283 • BE: 1664 BAR R JET BLACK 5063 +BALDRIDGE ISABEL C235 #CONNEALY BLACK GRANITE +EXAR JET BLACK 9755B BAR R IRIS ANITA 0113 +BALDRIDGE XPAND X743 BALDRIDGE ISABEL Y69 #+G A R PROPHET PF 5682 NEW DESIGN 1538 +WF MISS DESTINY 900D CED BW WW YW MILK HP CW MARB RE $AXH $AXJ $C +16 0 2 +75 +128 +13 +9 0 +52 +1 00 + 79 +171 +154 $$BG • Sired by Wheeler Farm’s $16,000 selection from the 2020 Express Ranches Grass Time Sale, 1664 offers a unique combination of calving ease, growth and marbling • Ranks in the top 1% for CED, CEM; top 2% for Angle; top 5% for $AxH; top 10% for $G; top 15% for WW, Marb, $B; top 20% for YW, $C; top 25% for BW, RE • Dam records progeny ratios of 2@94 for BW; 2@104 for WW. • BW 60 lbs , ratio 86 Adj WW 611 lbs ++71164$F$W+61+94$M+57+27083 #C R A BEXTOR 872 5205 608 +G A R OBJECTIVE 1885 #+S A V BISMARCK 5682 +PF P142 NEW DESIGN 9531 WF JET bLAck 1689 DOB: 4/20/21 • BULL: *20245705 • BE: 1689 BAR R JET BLACK 5063 +BALDRIDGE ISABEL C235 #CONNEALY BLACK GRANITE +EXAR JET BLACK 9755B BAR R IRIS ANITA 0113 +BALDRIDGE XPAND X743 BALDRIDGE ISABEL Y69 EXAR DRIVER 2391B +DEER VALLEY RITA 0175 WF MISS EEVA 304E CED BW WW YW MILK HP CW MARB RE $AXH $AXJ $C +11 +0.1 +68 +116 +25 +11.8 +52 +.99 +.87 +161 +160 $$BG • Another son of Wheeler’s $16,000 selection from the 2020 Express Ranches Grass Time Sale, Lot 84 offers a unique combination of calving ease, marbling and mus cle • Ranks in the top 10% for Claw, $AxH, $AxJ; top 15% for CED, Marb, RE, $G, $B, $C; top 20% for $W; top 25% for BW, Angle, $F • BW 67 lbs. ++69166$F$W+68+96$M+70+28584 +EXAR WAR BONNET 9253B EXAR RITA 0305 #21AR ROUNDUP 7005 +LIMESTONE SQ RITA 810 111S WF JET bLAck 1669 DOB: 3/19/21 • BULL: *20159927 • BE: 1669 BAR R JET BLACK 5063 +BALDRIDGE ISABEL C235 #CONNEALY BLACK GRANITE +EXAR JET BLACK 9755B BAR R IRIS ANITA 0113 +BALDRIDGE XPAND X743 BALDRIDGE ISABEL Y69 #EXAR DENVER 2002B W F MISS GENERAL X61 WF MISS ELLE 964C CED BW WW YW MILK HP CW MARB RE $AXH $AXJ $C +9 +2 7 +72 +130 +26 +10 8 +73 + 58 + 91 +140 +151 $B$G • This son of Wheeler’s $16,000 selection from the 2020 Express Ranches Grass Time Sale should sire progeny that excel in muscle and post weaning growth, allowing them to rise to the top of any feedlot pen. • Ranks in the top 1% for $F; top 4% for CW; top 10% for $B, $AxJ; top 15% for RE, $C; top 20% for WW, YW, RADG, $AxH; top 25% for MW. • Dam records progeny ratios of 3@104 for WW; 1@115 for YW • BW 73 lbs. Adj. WW 910 lbs., ratio 106. +++53179$F$W+62126$M+52+28482 #EXAR UPSHOT 0562B +EXAR ROYAL LASS 1067 JSAR MR GENERAL 765 1 MS W F MISS EXCLUSION P155 EXAR Jet Black 9755B Sire of Lots 82, 83 and 84 Want to w atch & bid online? Join us on the LiveAuctions.TV website. Technical support: Email: TechSupport@LiveAuctions.tv Phone (682) 816 4900 Callee Fischer, Sale Representative (580) 512 0945

Service-Age bulls Angus 4th Annual Joint Production Sale • Saturday, September 24, 2022 47 lot 85 lot 86 WF MIGHTY 1650 [OHF] DOB: 3/3/21 • BULL: *20159922 • BE: 1650 #HA COWBOY UP 5405 LINZ MS RAMPAGE 4475 6164 HA OUTSIDE 3008 EXAR MIGHTY 9090B #HA BLACKCAP LADY 1602 #+QUAKER HILL RAMPAGE 0A36 DIAMOND PEAK MS A DUTY 4475 JSAR MR GENERAL 765 1 MS W F MISS GUNSMOKE U36 #WF MISS GENERAL A13 CED BW WW YW MILK HP CW MARB RE $AXH $AXJ $C +1 +3 8 +73 +126 +24 +15 1 +42 + 22 + 48 8 20 $$BG • Another rugged built son of the $10,500 EXAR Mighty 9090B that offers an outcross pedigree and excellent muscle shape. • Ranks in the top 20% for WW and HP; top 25% for YW and RADG • His Pathfinder Dam records progeny ratios of 6@106 for WW; 4@103 for YW. • BW 74 lbs Adj WW 637 lbs , ratio 113 ++31105$F$W+60+75$M+66+20286 +O C C GENERAL 794G +JSAR MISS EXT 765 1M ET +EXAR EXCLUSION 0894 E BAR V ANNIE 7380 WF cAPITALIST 1678 [AMF DDF M1F] DOB: 3/23/21 • BULL: 20268392 • BE: 1678 #CONNEALY CAPITALIST 028 MAPLES EMILY B313 #S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 TRM CAPITALIST 630 PRIDES PITA OF CONANGA 8821 CONNEALY HARMONY 0171 MAPLES EMILY Z899 +EXAR RUDY 555 #W F MISS IMPROVEMENT S40 W F MISS RUDY W12 CED BW WW YW MILK HP CW MARB RE $AXH $AXJ $C +15 0.9 +54 +98 +36 +18.6 +38 +.55 +.48 +73 +36 $$BG • Another surefire bull for heifer ser vice, 1678 is sired by Wheeler ’s selection from the 2018 High Cotton Bull Sale at Tennessee River Music. • Ranks in the top 2% for CED; top 3% for HP; top Milk; top 10% for $M; top 15% for BW, CEM; top 20% for DMI, $W. • Dam records progeny ratios of 6@97 for BW; 6@105 for WW; 5@103 for YW • BW 60 lbs , ratio 86 Adj WW 647 lbs , ratio 106 ++46125$F$W+69+79$M+84+24688 #+EXAR NEW LOOK 2971 +V A R LUCY 8080 PAF 8520 NI 1228 W F MISS EXCLUSIVE N7 WF MIGHTY 1687 DOB: 4/15/21 • BULL: *20159935 • BE: 1687 #HA COWBOY UP 5405 LINZ MS RAMPAGE 4475 6164 HA OUTSIDE 3008 EXAR MIGHTY 9090B #HA BLACKCAP LADY 1602 #+QUAKER HILL RAMPAGE 0A36 DIAMOND PEAK MS A DUTY 4475 #ELLINGSON DOMINANCE 2079 SHAW LADY NEW DAY 1077Y SHAW LADY DOMINANCE 7091 CED BW WW YW MILK HP CW MARB RE $AXH $AXJ $C +4 +2 6 +78 +143 +24 +12 7 +59 + 31 + 53 +12 +19 $$BG • The $10,500 sire of Lots 85 and 86, EXAR Mighty 9090B, was Wheeler’s selection from the 2020 Express Ranches Spring Bull Sale and was the lead bull in Express’s first place Januar y pen at the National Wester n EXAR Mighty is an extremely attractive, powerfully constructed individual that possesses added thickness, depth and overall dimension. Additionally, his individual growth performance is outstand ing, with an adjusted WW of 855 lbs and an adjusted YW of 1,505 lbs • Ranks in the top 10% for WW, YW, RADG; top 15% for MW; top 20% for $F; top 25% for CW • Dam records a progeny ratio of 1@109 for WW. • BW 74 lbs Adj WW 587 lbs , ratio 109 +++39141$F$W+65101$M+58+24185 #LT TERRITORY 5824 OF EA +SAV BLACKLASS 374 SHAW 7985 NEW DAY 9596 #SHAW LADY ALLIANCE 9034W WF PLUS ONE 1633 DOB: 2/23/21 • BULL: *20159936 • BE: 1633 #CONNEALY CONFIDENCE PLUS #+E&B LADY 1023 PRECISION 936 #CONNEALY CONFIDENCE 0100 +E&B PLUS ONE ELBANNA OF CONANGA 1209 #+E&B 1680 PRECISION 1023 E&B LADY 878 NEW DESIGN 441 #DEER VALLEY ALL IN EXAR GEORGINA 9435 +WF MISS AVA 100D CED BW WW YW MILK HP CW MARB RE $AXH $AXJ $C +13 1.2 +56 +94 +24 +15.8 +14 +.44 +.96 +108 +91 $$BG • The sire of this calving ease prospect, Plus One, was the $68,000 top selling bull of the 2019 Benoit sale in Kansas. Plus One is a thick, deep and square hipped son of the ver y popular Confidence Plus and has been a favorite of visitors at ORIgen since his arrival there Rapidly becoming known as a great sire of daughters, Plus One was the most widely used yearling bull of his calf crop at ORIgen and across the breed and ranks among the top 10 sires for progeny registered in the 2021 fiscal year of the American Angus Association • Ranks in the top 4% for $M; top 10% for CED, BW, Angle, RE; top 15% for HP, DMI • BW 66 lbs., ratio 93. Adj. WW 671 lbs. ++50104$F$W+61+54$M+87+22287 #A A R TEN X 7008 S A +DEER VALLEY RITA 0274 #BC 7022 RAVEN 7965 +EXG GEORGINA S711 R3 EXAR Mighty 9090B Sire of Lots 85 and 86

Hereford For Reference Only Wheeler Farms • McS cattle company • Sims Family cattle 4company 8 bOYD 31Z bLUEPRINT 6153 AHA P43764491 • Polled SIRE R LEADER 6964 DAM NJW 91H 100W RITA 31Z ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +11 1 +1 1 +62 +95 +31 +62 +1 6 +1 6 +64 + 39 – 02 ++$$BIIBMI363434+106 cMF 1720 GOLD RUSH 569G ET AHA P44108010 • Homozygous Polled SIRE NJW 79Z Z311 ENDURE 173D ET DAM L III TFL C609 VICTORIA 1720 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +7 6 +2 9 +69 +112 +27 +62 +1 3 +1 4 +82 + 65 + 60 ++$$BIIBMI446566+170 EXR bANkROLL 1225 ET AHA P44227674 • Polled SIRE EXR BANKROLL 8130 ET DAM WF MISS PAISLEY D202 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +1 3 +3 6 +63 +115 +32 +64 +1 4 +1 4 +69 + 62 + 12 ++$$BIIBMI347425+127 EXR AIR EXPRESS 8135 ET AHA P43899156 • Polled SIRE BR BELLE AIR 6011 DAM EXR MISS LEXUS 4203 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB –3 8 +5 7 +61 +97 +34 +65 +1 3 +1 2 +85 + 69 + 36 ++$$BIIBMI374465+169 EXR PLATINUM 9200 ET AHA P43988018 • Homozygous Polled SIRE JCS ICON 4641 DAM LJR MSU WHITNEY 134Z CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +0 5 +3 1 +64 +91 +21 +53 +1 1 +1 2 +60 + 44 – 11 ++$$BIIBMI284348+74 McS 533P ROMEO U14 ET AHA P42945789 • Polled SIRE STAR BRIGHT FUTURE 533P ET DAM MCS 59N ROMANCE 14R CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB –1 0 +3 6 +56 +94 +20 +48 +1 0 +1 1 +75 + 43 – 04 ++$$BIIBMI162216+106 McS 8130 HOUSTON 2004 AHA P44160407 • Polled SIRE EXR BANKROLL 8130 ET DAM TH 60W 17Y RUBY 404B ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +0 1 +2 8 +60 +102 +28 +58 +1 3 +1 4 +61 + 49 – 01 ++$$BIIBMI376446+93 NJW 84b 4040 FORTIFIED 238F AHA P43943448 • Homoz Polled SIRE BOYD FT KNOX 17Y XZ5 4040 DAM NJW 16S 100W JOEY 84B ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +9 2 +1 1 +60 +94 +25 +55 +1 3 +1 4 +73 + 48 + 22 ++$$BIIBMI391476+131 SFcc MANDALORIAN 2130 AHA P44247872 • Polled SIRE /S MANDATE 66589 ET DAM SFCC MOIRAI 1921 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +0 8 +1 6 +61 +97 +26 +57 +1 4 +1 4 +81 + 56 + 17 ++$$BIIBMI361443+129 SPEARHEAD 22S cORPS cOMMANDE14 AHA P43850912 • Polled SIRE SCHU LAR ON TARGET 22S DAM SPEARHEAD LULU BELLE B27 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +4 5 +3 5 +64 +115 +22 +54 +1 3 +1 3 +82 + 60 + 20 ++$$BIIBMI360445+153 TFR kU TRIPLE SEvEN 1330 ET AHA P43512186 • Polled SIRE STAR TCF LOCK N LOAD 300W ET DAM LH LANGFORD LADY 0253 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB –2 4 +3 9 +54 +90 +22 +49 +1 0 +1 1 +72 + 40 + 04 ++$$BIIBMI205264+121 TH MASTERPLAN 183F AHA P43920493 • Homozygous Polled SIRE KCF BENNETT STRATEGY Z303 ET DAM TH 512X 145Y DOMINETTE 57B CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +3 1 +1 4 +63 +114 +29 +60 +1 4 +1 3 +65 + 44 + 52 ++$$BIIBMI409518+154 UPS SENSATION 2296 AHA 43311175 • Horned SIRE CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X DAM UPS JT MISS NEON 7811 1ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +9 3 +1 4 +57 +90 +40 +69 +1 3 +1 4 +66 + 68 + 04 ++$$BIIBMI401471+105 WF GIbSON 9002 ET AHA P44159201 • Polled SIRE BR BELLE AIR 6011 DAM RJ NINA 274 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB –1 1 +4 0 +60 +104 +34 +64 +1 3 +1 4 +73 + 41 + 29 ++$$BIIBMI313400+138 WF MOUSSA 1105 ET AHA P44293215 • Polled SIRE EXR PLATINUM 9200 ET DAM WF MISS SOLUTION C900 ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB –7 1 +5 5 +74 +115 +21 +58 +1 1 +1 0 +69 + 59 – 15 ++$$BIIBMI288356+99 WF SENSATION 0201 AHA P44261273 • Polled SIRE UPS SENSATION 2296 ET DAM WF MISS FINA F033 CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +7 1 +1 6 +59 +93 +31 +60 +1 2 +1 4 +73 + 60 + 19 ++$$BIIBMI353432+132 WF HD SENSATION 1044 AHA 44331063 • Horned SIRE UPS SENSATION 2296 ET DAM DELHAWK ROSA 4G ET CED BW WW YW MILK M&G UDDR TEAT CW REA MARB $CHB +5 0 +1 0 +63 +96 +37 +68 +1 2 +1 2 +82 + 73 + 18 ++$$BIIBMI381464+136 Hereford Ser vice Sires Represented Homoz

For Reference Only Angus 4th Annual Joint Production Sale • Saturday, September 24, 2022 cOLbURN PRIMO 5153 AAA +*18217480 SIRE DAMERON FIRST CLASS DAM SILVEIRAS SARAS DREAM 1339 CED BW WW YW MILK HP CW MARB RE $AXH $AXJ $C +3 +3 7 +57 +92 +9 +8 1 +22 + 25 + 37 +29 –2 +++++$$BG2993$F$W2764$M+1122 Db IcONIc G95 AAA *19611994 SIRE MUSGRAVE 316 STUNNER DAM DB MS DISCOVERY D13 CED BW WW YW MILK HP CW MARB RE $AXH $AXJ $C +8 +1.7 +91 +162 +31 +11.8 +79 +1.64 +.82 +229 +196 +++$$BG99221$F$W+84122$M+59+346 EXAR GRENADE 9152b AAA *19358194 SIRE CASINO BOMBER N33 DAM EXAR MERLE 7441 CED BW WW YW MILK HP CW MARB RE $AXH $AXJ $C +6 +1 7 +98 +169 +31 +18 1 +82 + 69 +1 03 +170 +195 +++$$BG61185$F$W+92124$M+90+330 EXAR JET bLAck 9755b AAA +*19408006 SIRE BAR R JET BLACK 5063 DAM BALDRIDGE ISABEL C235 CED BW WW YW MILK HP CW MARB RE $AXH $AXJ $C +11 +0 8 +90 +163 +21 +9 4 +75 + 74 +1 09 +198 +206 +++$$BG65185$F$W+77120$M+66+306 EXAR MONUMENTAL 6056b AAA *18379347 SIRE 3F EPIC 4631 DAM FWY 7008 OF C085 4029 CED BW WW YW MILK HP CW MARB RE $AXH $AXJ $C +10 –0 7 +75 +135 +28 +11 7 +65 +1 47 + 71 +182 +153 ++$$BG91189$F$W+75+99$M+48+293 G A R HOME TOWN AAA *19266718 SIRE G A R ASHLAND DAM CHAIR ROCK SURE FIRE 6095 CED BW WW YW MILK HP CW MARB RE $AXH $AXJ $C +14 –0 7 +61 +113 +27 +11 6 +49 +1 77 +1 05 +241 +209 $$BG ++115211$F$W+61+96$M+64+338 POLLARD cONTENDER 0402 AAA +*19846995 SIRE EXAR STALLION 7986 DAM EXAR BLACKCAP 6469 CED BW WW YW MILK HP CW MARB RE $AXH $AXJ $C +12 +0 3 +89 +153 +24 +5 1 +63 + 96 + 54 +129 +97 +++$$BG64165$F$W+82101$M+44+258 SFcc TRM ADvANcE GROWTH 9232 AAA *19678555 SIRE DEER VALLEY GROWTH FUND DAM CAM GOODE ADVANCE A442 CED BW WW YW MILK HP CW MARB RE $AXH $AXJ $C +11 +2.1 +89 +165 +38 +14.2 +82 +1.05 +.59 +172 +195 +++$$BG72200$F$W+86129$M+64+323 WF GRENADE 1603 AAA *20161478 SIRE EXAR GRENADE 9152B DAM WF MISS GREENLEE 229G CED BW WW YW MILK HP CW MARB RE $AXH $AXJ $C +12 –0 9 +86 +154 +30 +16 4 +73 + 74 + 92 +162 +180 +++$$BG64180$F$W+85116$M+70+303 YON bOWERY F106 AAA +*19141180 SIRE BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682 DAM YON BURGESS B403 CED BW WW YW MILK HP CW MARB RE $AXH $AXJ $C +9 +0 6 +79 +145 +36 +15 5 +68 + 50 + 58 +135 +115 +++$$BG42148$F$W+81106$M+67+259 Angus Ser vice Sires Represented Thank you! We appreciate your interest and support.

September 24, 2022 Wheeler Farms • McS cattle company • Sims Family cattle company P O Box 1219 Edmond, OK 73083 PRE SORTED FIRST CLASS U. S POSTAGE P A I D SLATE GROUP F I R S T c L A S S M A I L TIME SENSITIvE: PLEASE DO NOT DELAY incorporated Join us at chickasha, Ok, on our new sale date for an elite Hereford & Angus offering! • 66 Hereford Female Lots • 14 Angus Female Lots • 8 Angus 18-month-old bulls SPRING ET SHOW & DONOR PROSPEcTS SPRING HEIFER cALF & bULL cALF SPLITS FALL PAIRS & HEAvY bREDS SPRING bRED HEIFERS & cOWS SERvIcE-AGE bULLS Cuttin’ loose of the good stuff!

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