Argumentative Essay Guidelines

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Argumentative Essay About Suicide


Argumentative Essay

ELT Section: 1

Do we always have to care about our loved ones before ourselves ? Caring about ourselves first does it makes us selfish or does caring about others first makes us weak ? It seems like commiting suicide is passing their pain to other people but people shouldn't live for other's people happiness. Emotional pain is just as a traumatic and painful as actual injuries and diseases. Suicide is showing how fragile we humans can be.

Everybody has different personalities and everyone reacts differently to stress and pain. People shouldn't become 'supporting actor' in other's lifes. Thinking ourselves at a certain level is the most healthy way to live so commiting suicide for our own happiness is not selfish.

Everybody knows that animals have feelings same as humans like maternal instinct, guilt, sadness, happiness even mourn. There are many stories about animal suicide. Generally researches shows that this stories are more content... Her family was the selfish ones. they shaped her without asking her opinion. They choose which way to go for her. People get blind because of their ambition and couldn't see how they devastate other's life. This situation is common in suicide cases. Amy is the most known case.There are many other examples like students commiting suicide because of their bad grades because their parents telling them 'you can have a good life without good grades'. When they become unsuccesful for the first time, they think like that is their end. The other example is transgender's suicides. Some socities can't accept that they are human too so they refused to give a job to them. Because of their selfishness, they restrict them from the society because they can't accept to share something with

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Argumentative Essay About Transgender

The topic of gender is becoming more and more relevant in our society today. A big issue, however, that no one seems to talk about or realize are the issues of violence and discrimination, specifically towards transgender people. The violence and discrimination targeted towards transgender people and transgender people of color are increasing at an alarming rate.

First, we need to differentiate between sex and gender. We often think of sex and gender as being the same or related to each other but, that is not the case. Sex and gender are completely different from each other. Sex is the classification of being either male or female. Our sex is what was assigned to us at birth; it is biological. Gender, on the other hand, is not more content...

Rejection from the people that are the closest to them, such as friends and family, give them these suicidal tendencies. "Transgender people who are rejected by their families or lack social support are much more likely to both consider suicide, and to attempt it" (Tannehill "The Truth About Transgender Suicide" 2015). Many times, we do not realize the effects our words and actions have on people, both good and bad. "Those with strong support were 82% less likely to attempt suicide than those without support" (Tannehill "Transgender Suicide" 2015). Transgender youth who are rejected by their parents are "13 times more likely to attempt suicide than transgender youth who are supported by their parents" (Tannehill "Transgender Suicide" 2015). Violence, such as physical abuse or sexual abuse, is a major contribution to the risk of suicide among people who are transgender. "Transgender people who have been physically or sexually abused because they are transgender are at a higher risk of suicide" (Tannehill "Transgender Suicide" 2015). The number of times a transgender person has been abused goes hand in hand with how many times they have attempted suicide. The discrimination against transgender people also increases the risk of suicide. "Discrimination against transgender people in healthcare, employment, accommodations, and housing is very common" (Tannehill "Transgender Suicide" 2015). "The intersections of racism, sexism, homophobia, and Get more content

Argumentative Essay On Suicide

If you bring up the subject of suicide in a room of people, it is likely that the individuals will become quite, begin to become uncomfortable. Why is this? Is it because of the aspect of death? Is it the ways it is done? Society may say it is a wrong and selfish act, or that a person is not considering others and therefore it is erroneous. We live in a society where mental health problems are rampant, societal issues take over our daily lives and out everyday stresses impact our health, yet our understanding of the subject that is to be avoided and carries a stigma with it that affects the way people see those who have attempted or completed suicide. When deciding if suicide is an ethical or morally accepted action, we must take many factors into consideration. Some of these factors may include the culture and society in which we live and our knowledge of psychological and biological causes. With these factors in mind, we can then adopt our own personal philosophies on whether suicide is an ethical or moral act. While not all individuals are going to agree on a consensus, it is important to consider others opinions and be aware of them while discussing the subject, even if it is uncomfortable.


The term suicide is not easily defined in that it many factors play a role on what is considered an act of suicide. An informal definition can be that it is the deliberate and voluntary act of taking ones own life. Even with the simplest definition, it still can present

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Generally when people think about marriage they think about a man and a woman. In society today, the expansion of gay marriages has increased significantly but quite a few people do not agree with this community. Many think that the LGBTQ+ community is not morally correct and LGBTQ is extremely frowned upon in religions. There has been multiple news articles about the LGBTQ being threatened or getting discriminated upon. Luckily there are an abounding number of charities and organizations to help with this discrimination on the community. Since the LGBTQ is a controversial idea in the United States. Honeymaid, Nordstrom, and Campbells are working to fight the freedom for the LGBTQ+ community by creating commercials and advertising how to be themselves.

Honey Maid is one of the many brands that shows support towards the LGBTQ community. Honey Maid's commercial shows the relationship and happiness the gay community has when it comes to people accepting who they are on the inside. The video presents a gay couple starting a family and living life like any other person would. As a response to the video, a reporter said "I think any child would be lucky to have two dads like you" (Wong). Honey maid has made it clear to the world that they support the LGBTQ+ community. With more expanding companies creating commercials like Honey Maid, this organization is hoping to expand the topic and make the nation be accepting of everyone regardless of sexuality preferences. more content...

This is showing how different organizations can work and show different perspectives on the LGBTQ community. This is important to the people as a whole to understand what this dystopia actually is. So next time when the word "marriage" comes to mind, do not think it is only about a man and a woman

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Argumentative Essay On Lgbtq

What Would A Satisfactory Moral Theory Be Like?

In James Rachels' book, The Elements of Moral Philosophy, he expresses ideas within the concluding chapter, "What Would a Satisfactory Moral Theory be like?" that lay an silhouette of every moral approach we have discussed so far and compounding it into a final discussion with a couple of final contentions towards a comprehensive understanding of morality and the approaches we can make as moral guides to make decisions that are virtuous for each class without exception. Rachels' gives thoughtful perspective on all subjects that we have learned about and makes final accumulations for the way we can decide to use these for our own benefit. While then expressing the virtues we must value for ourselves to have a best plan, and the ways our choices can help others in a positive more content...

Our natural state within the universe when compared to the scale of history is extremely insignificant, and arises the fluid thought that our complete conscious existence relies on evolutionary accidents. It becomes clear with time that our knowledge of ourselves as a population of species compared to any other mammals is quite significant but yet completely detrimental to the health of our universe. We must be able as humans to grasp these concepts and particularly build a world better suited for future figures to give philosophical thoughts and aspects as the human race continues to develop. There is a shortcoming with our behavior, as Rachels describes, that if an action would help satisfy our own self–interest, than we see the most reason to perform such tasks. This leaves us prone to being selfish and to sometimes hold interests out of other people's version of acceptable behavior. Rachels signifies that all people do not have to follow any one true combination of morals,ethics, or

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To many students standardized testing has become another part of schooling that is dreaded. Standardized testing has been a part of school since the nineteen–thirties; in those days it was used as a way to measure students that had special needs. Since the time that standardized test have been in American schools there has been many programs that have placed an importance on the idea of standardized testing such as the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (Evans 1). Over the years the importance of standardized testing has increased tremendously and so has the stakes, not only for teachers but also students. All states in the United States of America have state test in order to measure how much students learn, and help tell how well more content...

Most standardized test do not measure emotional or mechanical intelligence, actually a lot of educators argue that standardized test do not measure comprehension or actual intelligence but rather memorization. While others may believe that standardized testing just needs a few improvements, others believe that it is impossible to have a test that measures accurately the capability of a diverse student population. Today's schooling depends heavily on the test scores from standardized test. Standardized testing should not have so much weight put on them because they have a negative impact on effective education, students' self–concept, and learning styles. Although standardized testing has been a major part of schooling it has also had a negative impact on effective education. Standardized has made a huge impact on public schooling so much that not only does it affect the students but also the teachers. With the teachers now beginning to get raises or having their jobs on the line if their students fail the test, many students have not been getting the fullest education process that they could get. Students may not realize the impact that it has had on the type of teaching style that they receive because they are so used to it. With so many teachers not having a lot of time to teach what is on the test and the other things that they feel are important to students to know, a lot of

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Essay about Arguing Against Standardized Testing

Argumentative (Persuasive) Essay Guidelines

Writing Handout E–5: Argumentative (Persuasive) Essay Guidelines Structuring a Argumentative (Persuasive) Essay A persuasive essay is simply a writer's attempt to convince readers of the validity of a particular opinion on a controversial issue. The following steps should help you write a persuasive essay. 1. Carefully select a topic Choose a topic that interests you. An argument does not have to be a burning issue, but it must be a debatable topic. It can be anything you feel strongly about. 2. Identify the controversy Your introduction should clarify the controversy or issue. Your thesis states your position on the issue. You must take a stand on the issue. 3. Provide support The body paragraphs of the essay should more content...

It is not uncommon to see a boxer leave the ring with a cut on his face, an eye swollen shut, and a nose enlarged and bloody. Often, healing in is incomplete because these areas receive the same blows again and again in other matches. In fact, repeated blows almost cost Sugar Ray Leonard his sight when his retina detached in his left eye. Besides superficial injuries, boxers suffer

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Arguments Against Jury Trial

Even though a little more of felony convictions are handled by juries, some attorneys perspectives encourage a trial by jury, arguments can be made in favor for jury trials that reinforce the risk for a negative outcome is low. Jury trial practices have evolved depending on the state, some states permit "jurors to take notes) (308) "Other practices, such as providing at least one written copy of instruction and providing guidance on conducting deliberations, are also common in state courts."(308–309. To minimize the risk of bias interpretation of judgment upon the alleged crime, attorneys try to play toward the juror's conscience. If they are fully aware of what their findings mean to the defendant and they do not consider all facts by the

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What I am about to do is inform you on how to survive the ferocious English 1302 course to make life a bit easier on you. I mean, you're at the edge of your seat dying with loads of work, starving like a dying child, living off of pennies and the only thing that is keeping you from collapsing is your Starbucks drink that is filled with four shots of espresso, right? Well, by the time you get to the end of this letter, you'll thank me later for it.

When you enter your English class, you will come across many assignments. They happen to be your annotated bibliography and your researched argument essay, or in other words RAE. The purpose of thebibliography is to critique sources and gather enough data for you essay. It includes citations, a summary of your topic and personal thoughts of the sources you chose. The RAE is a persuasive essay where you attempt to create an argument that is supported with the information you gathered in your annotated bibliography. In my RAE, I argued that children can recuperate after their parents' separation. Its purpose was to demonstrate that if parents were to come together and realize more content... I learned that by annotating a certain part of the reading, it helped increase my understanding. Not only that but it helped me not miss a single bit of important information. Writing notes in the margins of the text was really helpful because it was a summary of the entire paragraph and whenever I would look back at my notes, it reminded me of what I read. Also, circling words I didn't know was very accommodating because again, it helped me understand the concept a bit more. Underlining words that seem important to you is a big tip I suggest because you are able to use that information when you are talking about your source. You can expand that information by linking it to another similar source. Therefore, it is important to annotate. It'll take up extra time but it will be worth

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Argumentative Essay On English Class

On Wednesday February 22, 2017 at about 1140 hours while present at Group #31 Office, Det. Greenwood and I interviewed Mr. Kevin Uter in regards to this complaint of missing property that occurred on 10/14/2016. During the interview Mr. Uter stated the following;

Mr. Uter stated that he got arrested last October on Schaeffer St, while sitting inside his vehicle with a female that he met online from a website name Mr. Uter was unable to provide us with any information about the female that he was with. He continued to say that a few hours before he got arrested he did smoke marijuana inside the vehicle and the vehicle did smell like weed but while he was with the unknown female they were both smoking cigarette and not marijuana . While sitting on Schaeffer St. he observed about 4 vehicles passed him by and reverse. They claimed more content...

Uter stated that while at the arresting location, he observed an officer entered his vehicle and drove it to the police station. He was unable to recall who precisely drove the vehicle but he is certain that a police officer did drive off with his vehicle. He stated that upon arriving at the police station, his vehicle was parked at the precinct.

Mr. Uter stated that the unknown female was never left inside the vehicle by herself. The officer asked her for her name and some other information and they let her go.

Mr. Uter was asked if he had any money on his person and he replied, "No". He further stated that none of officers counted any of his money in front of the Desk Officer but they simply fill out a piece of paper in front of the desk and they took him to the cell area. The only time he interacted with an officer was when he was asked to sign a piece of paper.

Mr. Uter stated that he is reporting this now because his case is at the Grand Jury and he had to hire his own lawyer to represent him. He stated that the legal aid lawyer did not provide him with all the necessary information in regards to his

Argumentative Essay
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ENG–106 Composition II Argumentative Essay Part II: Outline Assignment Directions: Outline your argumentative essay by following the template below. You do not need to write whole paragraphs for any of the below sections. You simply need to write complete sentences that show the basic outline of your essay. Doing this will give you a guide when writing your rough draft. Argumentative Essay Outline Introductory Paragraph Thesis Sentence: Vaccination should not be mandatory due to health hazards associated with the practice. Health care is a personal and individual responsibility that is regulated by the person and not by coercive measures. Support for Thesis 1 (Write a topic sentence that supports your thesis and provides a transition between the paragraphs. Then, record at least three details that provide support for the topic sentence.) Topic Sentence: Vaccinations are dangerous and threaten the health of the immune system in both adults and chidren. Detail A: Vaccinations contain dangerous antigens that contain mercury and other toxins. Detail B: Vaccinations cause allergic reactions in both adults and children. The flu vaccine is one of the worst offenders. Detail C: Much evidence supports a link to vaccinations to autism. There are many studies that cite the early and intense immunization of children has led to the autism epidemic. Support for Thesis 2 Topic Sentence: Mandatory Vaccines violates human rights and should not be imposed on the

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Argumentative Essay Topics and Points Outline 1. All secondary and tertiary level students should be offered courses on good money management as part of their formal education. What are your thoughts on this suggestion? You should write at least 350 words. Good Money Management

important life skill learn value of money learn importance of budgeting learn importance of investing learn importance of reducing/avoiding debts how to save money, why and how how to earn extra money be less dependent 2. There should be stricter censorship guidelines to monitor the mass media in Malaysia. What is your point of view? You should write at least 350 words. Agree  Too much violence, sex and horror  Negatively influences more content...

(1) Thousands or even millions of people are killed or maimed in wars. –greatest tragedy thousands and millions ide–children, women, old people too –many are badly injured, lose limbs, sight, hearing and etc.–landmines is another problem –few able–bodied people lefts to rebuild the country –many die due to disease, starvation, exposure and etc. (2) Wars destroy buildings, bridges, homes and infrastructure like roads, railway lines and airports. –wars usually involves massive bombing which cause mass destruction –everything destroyed–cannot live or conduct business –hospitals cannot treat the injured –no schools or universities –and education will be affected –people cannot travel (3) War destroys families as members killed or separated from each other –men–fathers and brothers go off to fight wars –families lose breadwinners, protectors, father figure –families suffer lose and pains' –many lose contact with each other in confusion of war (4) War destroys the economy as all economic activities are badly affected, halted or completely destroyed. –factories and companies destroyed –agricultural lands destroyed –money is devalued, cannot trade –roads, ports, airports are destroyed–cannot conduct business –no foreign investors will do business –country cannot recover easily after wars (5) Psychological trauma caused by war destroys social fabric and undermines moral and religious values –Civil wars causes suspicion and hatred among neighbours –Destroys

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Argumentative Essays 1
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Argumentative Essay On Food Pantry

The cupboards aren't bare, but with the upcoming holidays the Community Action Program food pantry could use more donations to help meet the needs of low–income Bennett County residents.

"More people use the food pantry every year," said Mary Thompson who has ran the food pantry for the last 41 years. The food pantry currently serves 160 families each month who meet strict income guidelines.

"Thanksgiving and Christmas are a busy time for us," she said. This year they will be distributing senior meals for those 60 and older in conjuction with the Partnership With Native Americans. "They bring down turkeys, pie filling, dressing, just the full meal for Thanksgiving, but the program doesn't serve all our clients," said Thompson. "Community donations

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In order to have a good argumentative essay, there are a few important standards of critical thinking that is needed to be found in the essay such as the clearness, accuracy, importance or relevance, sufficiency, depth, breath and precision that is stated by Nosich. The strength of this argumentative essay is consider weak because it does not capture the interest of the reader and was not persuasive enough; even though from the introduction of the argumentative essay includes full sentences and a good opinion, the argumentative essay is all objective. The introduction includes too much of the emotional appeals, such as when it wrote " Day after day the number of people worshipping this icon has been growing since the birth of this creature. well to many it may seem harmless idol but in my opinion, Mickey Mouse is an 'devil in disguise' influencing the minds of young and old people to adopt the culture of the 'devil' which doesn't blend will with the moral values of society and should be banned". To improve the introduction, the writer should include of all objectives statements relative facts and appeals to the mind of people who agree or disagree with the topic.

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Persuasive Writing Guidelines

Students will Watch video on persuasive writing Will know examples of persuasive writing and elements of persuasive writing Students will choose one topic from the enclosed list: List of topics: Should student have homework Should be able to go to bed later than my bedtime Should I have longer recess Should lunch be longer Should school days shorter Should I eat more vegetables Complete the first two items in the checklist that is Clearly choose a side And have a great opening sentence Able to complete first two items of the checklist accurately and it clearly states their view in their opening sentence. Since the students will have the opportunity to edit their work at a later time, students will be assessed

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Would you rather let American people fund space exploration or save individuals from the world wide problemНѕ poverty? Well in my opinion I wouldn't want to continue funding space exploration because half of the population of the US is in poverty and that is about 15% of people which is about 46 million people. Due to poverty 22,000 children die daily according to UNICEF, but if we stop using the billions of dollars for space exploration we might be able to help stop most of poverty. Besides what good is space exploration gonna do, don't we need more people to be involved with space exploration, and some of those people who are suffering from poverty, might have good ideas, but can't express themselves because they have so much on them just to survive. This is a quote by Mahatma Gandhi "Poverty more content... So why not use some of that money to donate to the people who are fighting for their lives while you guys are just relaxing and counting how much money you get. It doesn't matter if they compared $200,000 with $65 million, it's not proving nothing less that funding space exploration is cheap, but it's a type of scam in my opinion. They said that the commercial flight would begin in 2012 but yet that still hasn't happened, so why waste your time on something that was promised on one day but then again was delayed to another YEAR, there must have been some sort of twist or problem, so don't waste your time and money and use it for something useful, family, environment, people who are suffering from things like cancer or poverty. Given these points, these are some reasons why space exploration should not continue, I mean astronauts, just deal with it, just like how people who are suffering in much major problems, suck it up and deal with it... life isn't fair. If this were to happen people would have been begging for mercy for space exploration to be continued, and this time they won't be treated like the forgotten ones, we are

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Dietary Guidelines

The Dietary Guidelines have become a very argumentative field. While most of it's research is coming up controversial or unacceptable many physicians have found what they believe would be a better fit for the guidelines. While the obesity and heart diseases increase the fight for the truth of what is the best diet for compression of morbidity. These articles display the common problems that people have been recognizing about our dietary guidelines.

The first article The scientific reporting guiding the US dietary guidelines: is it scientific by Nina Teicholz has a lot to say about where our information for the US dietary guidelines comes from. She exemplifies that "It did not use NEL reviews for more than 70% of the topics..." (Teicholz 1) The best source of Nutritional information is form theNutrition Evidence Library since it uses standardized processing and evaluates its studies. With some of the best research experiments on saturated fats and low fat high fruit diet being omitted or ignored, it concludes that most of their assumptions are not coming from the best available sources. Since "it is important to note that in a field where public research dollars are scarce, nearly all nutrition scientists accept funding from industry." (Teicholz 4) Large industries helped fund most of the research done for the studies more content...

One man she quoted Nissen stated "It is time to transition from the current evidence–free zone to an era where dietary recommendations are based on the same quality evidence that we demand in other fields of medicine" (Healy 2) This statement sums up a lot of why many people are so frustrated with the guidelines, they lack the solid evidence, a clear point, and they tend to contradict

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I believe that it is interesting how even though myth disappear when proven wrong we still have many myths still alive today in a society that is based widely on science and information. Using the gods as a way to explain natural events is a comical idea today to some but the stories told behind the gods back in ancient Greece are very funny and interesting especially in a very knowledge and truth based city. From the social classes to the creation of democracy AncientGreece did a lot in their time and we owe our own Democratic system to them, I feel it is not untrue to say that they have had a huge impact on the world we know today even though they lived long ago. Religion was a large impact on the Ancient Greeks and I feel that makes sense

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Essay On Ancient Greek

Argument essay about social media Nowadays, a lot of people are using social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumbler and so on. Since the Internet has propagated rapidly, social media have progressed a lot. The generalization of the internet makes us to live conveniently and fast. People are almost using smart phones, i–phones or comfortable devices which can access to internet. These equipments make us to do social network easily. It helps contact friends, family, and other people even though they live far away. It could be, however, abused, if you don't use properly. Especially, it is important that we understand and regulate the use of social media by young children. First of all, social media, especially facebook, more content...

They just meet on websites, not physical meeting. Psychologist, Aric Sigman suggests "The use of social networking sites as opposed to face–to–face interaction could lead to major health problems." Also he claimed in the British Journal The Biologist "Spending too much time online could lead to social isolation, loneliness and a negative outlook. These types of psychological symptoms could eventually lead to more serious health concerns, such as heart disease, cancer and dementia." Using social media disturbs make deep relationship with others. When they are using social media we do not need to move a lot. It is okay just to stay. We do not need to active a lot. As a result, it leads naturally mental and physical disorders. Third, social media doesn't help for their studies or talents. People think social media is good places to show their talents or works what they did. For example, they argue people can share video clip what they playing the instruments or dancing or singing. It is, however, for people who already good to do those. If you are not good at those things and if you spend time to do social media, it would be hard to progress your talents. I did surveys about relationships between using social media and studying last semester. Most students answered using social media is not helpful to study. Also, students who got good grades spend just a little time to use social media. Using social media Get more content

Argumentative essay on social media

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