Argumentative Essay On Drunk Driving
Drunk Driving Drunk driving is a dangerous problem that needs to be addressed in our society, not only to cut back on the number of deaths caused by alcohol related accidents but also to ensure safety on public roads. Drunk driving is deliberately breaking the law, as well as a sign of indifference for other drivers. People that tend to go out for a few drinks often drink too much and still feel the need to drive themselves home. Thinking they are sober enough to tackle the drive home, sadly many people accept the challenge. People go out on the road, not knowing that they are endangering other drivers as well as themselves. Others do not trust people to drive them around so they would rather take the risk. Peoples' prides are too high as well. Some cannot admit their drunk because they are afraid that they would appear as a weak person. Some risk taking their own lives, or worse, killing someone else instead of being ridiculed or made fun of. Surprisingly enough, people even think it is funny and cool to drive while drunk. Some teenagers think of it as some form of competition to see who can drive better while intoxicated. Some make the ridiculous statement, "I drive better drunk than sober." This is not always the case. "Alcohol can decrease the ability to judge car position as all as affecting night vision and color perception" (Hall). It is never ok to drive while drunk because you can mistakenly drive off the road as well as cause a fatal accident.
Peer pressure is another reason why people drive while drunk. Some teens submit to peer pressure because they would rather fit in and be liked instead of seem like an outcast. Peer pressure can be a good thing as well. Some people have had to tell their friends before that they should not drive while intoxicated. Believe it or not, positive peer pressure can also encourage others not to make bad decisions. Those who succumb to negative peer pressure always end up in some kind of accident or trouble with the law. The aftermath of a car crash may be more than a loved one can bare. People tend to feel differently about this if someone they loved were to be killed or injured by a drunk driver. Travis Grayson killed a 6–year–old girl
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Drinking And Driving Consequences Essay
The essential question is, what are the consequences of drinking and driving? This is important to consider because most people who drink and drive do not consider their consequences. Since drinking and driving is such a big issue, not only in our community, but throughout the world, it is important to bring to the attention of others the consequences that come with drinking and driving. There is so much people can lose as a result from drinking and driving and it is important to bring that to others attention. There are not only legal consequences, but also personal consequences that follow. Personal consequences can have a negative effect on the offender's family life, as well as their professional life. As for legal consequences, your crime will remain on your permanent record forever. Age also plays a part in consequences, for instance if you are underage while drinking and driving your parents will most likely have to pay for all the fines that more content...
A DUI beingdriving under the influence, while DWI is driving while intoxicated. When you drink and drive, we know that there are various consequences. We know a person drinking and driving could get arrested and sent to court, as well as being fined and having their license restricted. However, we did not know all of the consequences and the extent of the punishments. Before researching the consequences of drinking and driving, we imagined that we would be able to find out a lot of information relatively quick since it's about the consequences. Since the consequences is a legal issue, we thought there would be a lot of information about it. For our research we wanted to find out the amount of alcohol needed in the bloodstream in order to get a DUI or DWI. In addition, we wanted to learn the amount of time one needs to wait to get their license back after a suspension, as well as how much a person is fined for getting a DUI or Get
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Within the U.S and around the world, drunk driving is a major problem that is slowly destroying the world around us by making it unstable to the rest of people who do partake in this action by choice or at all. Drunk driving has done a large amount of damage to almost everything we know from destroying whole families to making it unsafe for almost anyone to be on the road or close to it because of these reckless drivers that in some way got behind the wheel of a motor vehicle while in a drunken state making them a force that is a real danger to anyone. Drunk driving is a serious crime nowadays and has a hefty punishment to go with it depending on the amount of damage done while behind the wheel. Taking the action of being behind the wheel while intoxicated is a problem that not only endangers the driver but everyone around them causing problems for everyone and everything. There are different types of drunk driving but most have the same outcome in the end being that something bad ends up happening in the end. In the world today drunk driving is a true problem all over, this issue is spread across the world causing it to be a major danger to anybody that is in the pathway of the driver or behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. With drunk driving being such a major problem all over the world, stats show what places in the world will most likely have drunk drivers on the road. Currently the country that has the most common occurrence with drunk driving is south africa. Other countries that are listed after south africa for most common drunk drivers to occur is canada in second, the U.S in 3rd, australia in 4th, and Italy in 5th, the list goes on. Being the 3rd country in the world to have the most common drunk driver problems gives the U.S a bad reputation. Having this be fact shows how bad of a problem that drunk driving really is for not only the U.S but all over the world, which all cause major problems in some way to the people or the rest of the U.S. The problem with drunk driving seems to be that people don't think that there is little punishment to doing it and being caught in the act.
The cause of drunk driving it the amount of drinking that is able to be done nowadays with little risk the be had for doing
Cause And Effect Essay On Drunk Driving
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Essay about Causes and Effects of Drunk Driving
Cause and Effect Essay on: Drunk Driving
Driving a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol is one of the most dangerous things you can do. There is a mass of research evidence to show that driving performance and reaction times are seriously affected by alcohol. Our law in Georgia states, "that it is illegal to operate a motor vehicle if your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) exceeds .10%. Georgia observes a "per se" law. (Craft)
If you drink and drive, you are not only a danger to yourself but also to your passenger, other road users and pedestrians. In fact, every 30 minutes, someone in this country dies in alcohol–related crash. Every 30 minutes! And last year alone more than one million people are injured more content...
If you drink and drive you can lose your driver's license and even go to jail.
Traffic crashes are the leading cause of death for teens andyoung adults. More than 5,000 young people die every year in car crashes and thousands more are injured. Drivers who are 16 years old are more than 20 times as likely to have a crash, as are other drivers. There are two main reasons why teens are at a higher for being in a car crash and lack of driving experience and their tendency to take risks while driving. Teens drive faster and do not control the car as well as more experienced drivers. Their judgment in traffic is often insufficient to avoid a crash. In addition, teens do most of their driving at night, which can be even more difficult. Standard driver's education classes include 30 hours of classroom teaching and 6 hours of behind–the–wheel training. This is not enough time to fully train a new driver. Teen drivers are more like to be influence by peers and other stresses and distractions. This can lead to reckless driving behaviors such as speeding, driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol, and not wearing safety belts. There is no safe amount that you can drink and still drive. Even one drink can influence your driving offences. "Nowadays, drunk driving has become driving while intoxicated, driving while impaired, driving while under the influence, operating while under the influence (impaired, intoxicated, or whatever), and in many
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Drunk driving is considered a serious crime in every state. It is wrong, irresponsible and wastes many lives. People who abuse alcohol hurt everyone around them, endanger public safety, and create carnage on the nation's highways. There is nothing positive that can come out of drunk driving, so why do people do it? It is society's job to punish these menaces and try to take control of this out of control issue. America doesn't want to watch idly as hundreds of people are killed each day. We want to take a stand and let the world know that we may be the 'land of the free and the brave' but there is nothing brave or free about driving drunk. What should be done about this problem is debatable and certainly open to discussion, but the more content...
(Driving While Intoxicated, Internet source) ?Alcohol?s effects are progressively more noticeable as the blood alcohol concentration increases. At a BAC of .02 to .05 percent the effects are almost entirely pleasurable. The drinker feels relaxed and sociable. There may also be some modest impairment of reasoning or memory and general reduction in caution. A BAC of .05 to .07 produces a state of excitement. The drinker begins to suffer from what may be a slight but nonetheless noticeable impairment of balance, speech, vision, reaction time, and hearing. Judgement and self–control are also effected. The driver?s behavior is apt to become more aggressive. In general, the drinker feels stimulated and highly capable. In reality his or her ability to safely perform tasks such as driving that require quick reactions, concentration, and good judgement has been significantly reduced.
A drinker?s ability to function deteriorates quickly at BACs of .08. to .15 percent, the drinker enters a state of confusion. At this stage, the level of impairment becomes obvious, if it is has not already. Speech becomes slurred; the drinker?s sense of balance, vision, reaction time, and reasoning ability are distinctly and obviously impaired. With a BAC this high the drinker cannot safely perform tasks that require sound judgement or motor coordination. No
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Drinking and Driving Essay
Driving under the influence has affected many people's lives and families. Today I would like to talk to you about the problems of drinking and driving, and why it is a concern for all of us. Driving under the influence is one of the most common and dangerous situations you can put yourself or someone else in. The fact is that drinking and driving is a huge deal and can leave a long trail of broken dreams and hearts. If you drink and drive, not only are you putting yourself at risk, but your passengers and the pedestrians outside of your vehicle. According to the most recent statistics by the National Commission Against Drunk Driving states that 17,000 Americans die each year in alcohol– related traffic crashes and 600,000 more content...
This pattern often encourages people to drink more to keep the buzz going." ( Net Biz Mentor ). When people get like that they usually get a little bolder and want to do normal tasks and routines like driving a motorized vehicle. The effects of alcohol result in poor coordination, slurred speech, double vision, decrease of self–control, lost of consciousness and maybe even death. The legal consequences of drunk driving are also severe. The more a person drinks, the more their ability to make important decisions wear down and becomes impaired. After even just one drink a person can lose the ability to operate a vehicle. At certain parts in the state of intoxication, it becomes illegal to drive a car and if you get caught it can possible lead to fines, or even imprisonment. The legal limit of alcohol you can consume changes from state to state, but the penalty of driving under the influence is always severe. Getting arrested and maybe being forced to sleep in a drunk tank is just some of the problems you also have to carry the humiliation and the shame of being caught and that person might just end up with their name written up in the local news paper.Alcoholism is a disease and it can make you do some things you would not want to and to repeat you're past mistakes. More than one–third of drives arrested for intoxication are repeat offenders. Drivers with a prior DUI offense have a much higher likelihood to be in a fatal Get more content
Drinking and Driving Essay
Drinking And Driving
We have all had some kind of knowledge or even personal experience with the effects of drinking and driving, whether it is watching a report on the news, having friends or family being involved as a victim or offender, to even being a victim or offender yourself. The aftermath of drinking and driving, even if only a few drinks were consumed, is a tragedy for all persons involved. The current rational of just having a few drinks is that consuming only a little alcohol means that the person isn't intoxicated nor suffers the effects of alcohol, even though medical science proves this to be false. Typically the majority of offenders that drink and drive, do not set out to operate a motor vehicle under the influence, much less, understand more content...
These effects range from impaired judgement, lowered alertness, reduced ability to track moving objects, and reduced response to emergency driving situations. No matter how a person may rationalize that only a few drinks is ok before driving just needs to look at the harmful effects and possible consequences of drinking. It is clearly evident that even drinking just a few will impair a person's abilities making them a danger to themselves and others.
People who feel it is ok to drive after consuming a drink or two, fall victim to numerous misconceptions about the effects of having just a few drinks. One advocate of this side of the argument states "A drink or two makes me a better driver. " However, even one drink can cloud your thinking, dim your vision and slow your reflexes. Small amounts of alcohol can impair your judgment and put you and others on the road at risk of death or disabling injury. ] Another argument is *3["I'm bigger so I can handle my liquor better." In fact size is only one factor in how alcohol affects you. Body chemistry, how tired you are, and the amount of food in your stomach all play a part in how you handle liquor. Your reflexes and judgment can be affected with the first drink. If you advocate for drinking and driving, no matter how miniscule the amount, it impairs your ability to safely drive a vehicle, the best course of action should be complete
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The Problem Of Drinking And Driving
There are many problems in the world, but I am only going to focus on one major one. Drinking and driving, the percentage of teens in high school who drink and drive has decreased by more than half since 1991 ("Teen Drinking and Driving"). One in ten high schoolers drink and drive ("Teen Drinking and Driving"). Young drivers (ages 16–20) are 17 times more likely to die in a crash when they have a blood alcohol concentration of .08% than when they have not been drinking ("Teen Drinking and Driving"). Adults and teenagers think it okay to still drink and drive, because people believe they are less drunk than they actually are (""). If someone is drinking and they end up getting drunk, in their head, they believe they can do more than what they actually can do. They feel confident they can drive extra carefully and avoid an incident (""). They believe that while they are driving drunk, they can be careful about it and not get caught or get in an accident, but when you are drunk, you have absolutely no control over your body at all. So if you are driving while intoxicated, your body can take over and you 'll have no control over what you 're doing. Their ability to rationalize is suppressed, leading them to make rash decisions (""). They want to escape personal problems (""). They are trying to forget what is on their mind. They are ashamed or afraid to call someone to pick them up (""). In other words they are afraid
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Drunk Driving And Drinking And Driving
Alcoholism is a disease that is controlled by the consumption of alcohol. Many people in the United States and around the world are affected by alcoholism. These people have a hard time controlling how much they drink, feel they need it to survive, and when they stop drinking they have withdrawal symptoms. Alcoholism controls the lifestyles of the people it affects. It does not just affect the people who have the disease but the people around them in society. Having a lifestyle surrounded by alcoholism is a social problem due to its involvement in many of today's accidents and crimes. Consumption of alcohol in excessive amounts can cause many issues related to health, family, and lifestyle. Your health is immediately compromised the more content...
(National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) That does not include people simply injured bydrunk driving. Driving under the influence is a huge social issue that is being regulated by the police departments all around the country. Although it does not put an end to drunk driving it does penalize those who do and it gets them off the street hopefully in time. Drunk driving is often a symptom of alcoholism and misuse. From the sociological perspective of Lars Fynbo's PH.D. Thesis, Drinking and driving in a sociological perspective, the sociality of driving under influence is defined as the relational significances of drinking and driving to the lives of the individuals who drink and drive, often within specific social contexts and covering, in particular, their drinking habits, risk behavior, control strategies and self–concepts. This means that drinking affects the risks and habits of those who drive and everyone around them. Driving is one of the most popular crimes related with alcohol, but it is not the only one. Alcohol is a factor in forty percent of all crimes. These crimes include rape, sexual assault, robbery, and aggravated and simple assault. Alcoholism effects people's judgment and that gets them in a lot of trouble with the law. These crimes are more precedent in the lower
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My family and I were involved in a drunk driving accident. On our way to the lake, my dad pulled up in front of a car to help a lady whose car had stopped. When suddenly we see the lady's car get hit by a truck, which makes her car come towards us and crashes with our car. As a seven–year–old, this was very traumatizing and now I know that the driver with the truck was drunk. Harris county has the highest number of alcohol related motor vehicle accidents than other cities. . Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) says, "alcohol alters an individual's vision, reaction times, perception of distance, and judgment of one's abilities" ("Policy &Amp; Positions"). New drinkers need to be aware of their blood alcohol concentration because driving under the influence leads to fatality, financial and more content... Being intoxicated while driving means having a BAC of .08 or higher. Someone might say that one drink does nothing, but someone is considered driving under the influence if he or she is impaired in any way, despite the BAC. Penalty for a DWI depends on the number of convictions. In Texas, the first offense is $2,000 fine, 3 to 180 days in jail, and suspended driver's license for a year (State of Texas). The highest fine someone can get for a DWI is $10,000. These laws need to be enforced to end drunk drivers. Drinking and driving is something can be precluded. Make plans before going out such as choosing the designated driver or make arrangements with an uber. We need to educate our citizens of the effects of drinking and driving, so they know that driving under the influence is not an option. Because of the incident above, I am traumatized and it is something that I will never forget. New drinkers need to take the duty to abstain from drinking and driving. Drinking and driving needs to come to an end and only we, as citizens, can do something about
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Drunk Driving Argumentative Essay
Research Paper On Drinking And Driving
Drinking and driving is one of the more horrifying dilemmas effecting our society today. Groups like DUI, MADD and similar organizations have gone above and beyond to educate people of all ages about the effects of drunk driving. Unfortunately, their cause has not been influential enough. Although most drivers have heard a thing or two about blood alcohol levels from an informative commercial, still a large number of people are hardly informed on what their actual state limit is or why it's so important. The message is not sinking in. It is not an uncommon problem for any media movement to be ineffective, but a subject this serious should not be such an ignored cliche. The problem of drunk driving arises when a person does not recognize that
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The Problem Of Drinking And Driving
Imagine waking up one day and realizing the one person who you love dearly has a severe drinking problem. What about finding out that a fellow friend or family member had their life taken from them because someone made the choice to drive after drinking! What if your child's life was abruptly ended because their friend decided it was cool to drive after having a few beers. Well the fact of the matter is drinking and Driving is one of the biggest killers of many young Americans these days. What drives many people to drink and drive? Do they do because of the peer pressure or maybe because they think it makes them look cool? More and more young adults are start to drink at younger ages to help cope with issues that they have in their young lives instead of dealing with their issues directly. Many people do it to make them feel better about themselves, yet many do it to relieve to pressure of the work day. Yet the biggest about of alcohol is being consumed by people below the age of twenty one. Many are being influenced by peer pressure and by the effects of those around them. Peer Pressure has the ability to work in two ways; the positive effect which deters the young away and then the negative effect which draws them in. In 1980 there was a significant study done to show the conclusion of drunken driving penalties on many young adults and teenagers. Many young drivers reported the top four reasons why they wouldn't drink and drive: 1. Peer disapproval 2.
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The facts are plain and simple, that alcohol and driving do not mix. About three in every ten Americans will be involved in an alcohol related crash at some time in their lives. Every single injury and death caused by drunk driving is totally preventable. To curb this national travesty, concerned Americans need to examine the problems, the effects, and the solutions todrunk driving. First of all, America has had a problem with drunk driving since Ford perfected the assembly line. Alcoholism is a problem in and of itself, but combined with driving can have a wide range of effects. The consequences of this reckless behavior can include a first time DUI or licenses suspension; a small fender bender, or worst of all a deadly crash. more content...
A DUI conviction is a permanent part of ones driving record. Even though alcohol related accidents are on the decline, statistics show that a drunk driver kills someone every forty–five minutes. More so, fifty to seventy percent of drunk drivers whose licenses are suspended continue to drive. In 2000, alcohol related crashes cost the public $114.3 billion dollars! Drunk driving carries with it serious penalties from the court system and car insurance companies. One moment of fun can turn into a lifetime of heartache and tragedy. Therefore, it is not worth the risk. Possible prevention measures and solutions are not only for the law enforcement, but for the public as well. Drunk drivers face a hardcore court system, which is intolerant of DUI. Stricter penalties such as automatic licenses revocation, mandatory jail sentencing, vehicle impounding, and licenses plate confiscating are just a few ways the judicial system is handling the DUI problem. Programs such as Mothers Against Drunk Drivingand Students Against Drunk Driving have led the way to bringing awareness to society. People need to be responsible and supervise their consumption to ensure that they do not drink too much. They have a moral and a legal responsibility to make sure of this. It is always best to have a designated driver. The most effective way people can prevent driving drunk is to make a personal decision not to drink
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of Drinking and Driving Essay
The Consequences
Essay The Problem of Drunk Driving
Driving under the influence of alcohol has affected and devastated countless people's lives. Driving under the influence is one of the most dangerous situations you can put yourself or someone else into. The evidence against driving while intoxicated is massive and it has left a long trail of broken dreams and lives. If you drink and drive, not only do you possibly put yourself at risk, but your passengers and pedestrians, and other people on the roads. According to the most recent statistics by the National Commission Against Drunk Driving is that 17, 000 Americans die each year in alcohol–related traffic crashes and 600,000 Americans are injured. (National Commission Against Drunk Driving, 2003). That's an average of one fatality more content...
The more a person drinks, the more their ability to make important decisions erode and becomes impaired. After even just one drink a person can lose the ability to operate a vehicle. At certain parts in the state of intoxication, it becomes illegal to drive a car and if you get caught it can possible lead to fines, or even imprisonment. The legal limit of alcohol you can consume changes from state to state, but the penalty of driving under the influence is always severe. Getting arrested and maybe being forced to sleep in a drunk tank is just some of the problems you also have to carry the humiliation and the shame of being caught and that person might just end up with their name written up in the local news paper. Alcoholism is a disease and it can make you do some things you would not want to and to repeat your past mistakes. More than one–third of drives arrested for intoxication are repeat offenders. Drivers with a prior DUI offense have a much higher likelihood to be in a fatal crash. (National Commission Against Drunk Driving, 2003). Repeat offenders also face the risk of ruining their own lives. They have the risk of possibility losing their license and that could also result in the losing of their jobs if their employer finds out about the conviction.
Teenagers and young adults are constantly bombarded with alcohol. From the funny beer commercials with the beautiful women who drink and from Get more content
The Consequences Of Drinking And Driving
Driving a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol is one of the most dangerous things someone can do. There is a huge amount of research that has proved that driving performance and reaction times are highly affected by alcohol. Driving while intoxicated slows down your reaction time, impairs your ability to drive, slurs speech, can make you have double vision, lose of self control, poor coordination, loss of consciousness, causes you to make choices you normally wouldn't, and also can lead to death. Drinking and driving is a poor choice to make but some of the causes may be peer pressure, perhaps the person believes they are not that drunk, they are scared or ashamed to call someone for help. many people drink and drive without thinking of the consequences because drinking suppresses the ability to more content...
The embarrassment associated with having to deal with the devices set up in a persons car is not humiliating enough. Similarly, repeat offenders will be more likely to keep off the streets ensuring safety of other people. This results in two–fold benefits. DUI offenders must follow the laws or face the consequences. In addition, it will not be possible for offenders to drive while under the influence with the installed device(Robin).
Drinking and driving is a horrible idea it puts a person at a huge disadvantage and the chance pf them to cause injury to others are a lot more likely while under the influence. Because Alcohol is a depressant and many people driving already lack the skills needed to drive safely when sober, drinking only lowers those skills more than they already are which in return makes people reckless and show an extreme disregard for there own life but also
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Driving under the influence has affected many people's lives and families. Today I would like to talk to you about the problems of drinking and driving, and why it is a concern for all of us. Driving under the influence is one of the most common and dangerous situations you can put yourself or someone else in. The fact is that drinking and driving is a huge deal and can leave a long trail of broken dreams and hearts. If you drink and drive, not only are you putting yourself at risk, but your passengers and the pedestrians outside of your vehicle. According to the most recent statistics by the National Commission Against Drunk Driving states that 17,000 Americans die each year in alcohol– related traffic crashes and 600,000 more content...
"After drinking people usually feel pleasure and become talkative at first. These feelings are usually replaced by drowsiness as the alcohol is eliminated from the body, and the drinker may then become withdrawn. This pattern often encourages people to drink more to keep the buzz going." ( Net Biz Mentor ). When people get like that they usually get a little bolder and want to do normal tasks and routines like driving a motorized vehicle. The effects of alcohol result in poor coordination, slurred speech, double vision, decrease of self–control, lost of consciousness and maybe even death. The legal consequences of drunk driving are also severe. The more a person drinks, the more their ability to make important decisions wear down and becomes impaired. After even just one drink a person can lose the ability to operate a vehicle. At certain parts in the state of intoxication, it becomes illegal to drive a car and if you get caught it can possible lead to fines, or even imprisonment. The legal limit of alcohol you can consume changes from state to state, but the penalty of driving under the influence is always severe. Getting arrested and maybe being forced to sleep in a drunk tank is just some of the problems you also have to carry the humiliation and the shame of being caught and that person might just end up with their name written up in the local news paper.Alcoholism is a disease and it can make
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The Consequences of Drinking And Driving Essay
Drinking And Driving Research Paper
Drinking and driving has become a big problem in America. A huge amount of people die each year due to alcohol, and a larger amount get in trouble with the law while drinking and driving. Those that drink and drive not only put themselves in danger; they put all of the other people on the roads in danger, and their entire future. Most teen accidents are alcohol related, and many teens lose their lives in these accidents. As stated in> 60 percent of all teen deaths in car accidents are alcohol–related. In other words, teenagers that drink and drive have a greater chance of getting in an accident than when they are sober. So teens are putting their lives on the line while drinking and driving. Why would a teen want to more content...
People that are drinking and driving are not only risking their lives, but are risking their future. If you get a Minor in Consumption (MIC) or a Minor in Possession (MIP) it is hard to get a job in your future, or you could even be arrested. As stated in> in a single year, 522 children under the age of 14 were arrested for driving while intoxicated, (113 of them were under 10 years old). In other words, there are a lot of people getting into trouble with the law including kids that drink and drive. There are people and teens screwing up their entire future by risking getting behind the wheel after drinking. All of your lives dreams and hopes could be taken away from you in a matter of minutes. It's not worth risking everything for, don't drink and drive. In conclusion, drinking and driving is not right. It is not worth the consequences, and it is not fair for a drunk driver to risk the lives of innocent people. For a solution to drinking in driving, every person who gets caught should have to serve at least one year in jail. Is drinking and driving worth risking your life, the lives of innocent people, and risking your entire future? Do not drink and
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Drinking And Driving Essay
Imagine the idea of a college student driving back to her dorm from the grocery store. She waits patiently for the light to turn green as she sings to her favorite song on the radio. Finally, its time for her to go and she accelerates through the intersection. Little did she know a man that had too many drinks would come flying through the red light. The last thing she saw was the headlights of his car.Drunk driving is a heartbreaking occurrence. Every day drunk drivers are imprisoned, either for traffic violations, dangerous driving, or accidents. People that make the mistake of drinking and driving not only put themselves in danger; they put all of the other people on the roads in danger. Innocent lives may be lost because of another' more content...
Drinking and driving is said to be the primary contributor to automotive related deaths. "By law, a driver is considered to be impaired byalcohol if his or her blood alcohol content is 0.08 percent or higher" (Holzmueller). As a matter of fact, "in 2010, about 86 percent of all fatalities alcohol–involved crashes were in cases where a driver or pedestrian had a BAC of .08 or higher" ("The Economic and Societal Impact of Motor Vehicle Crashes, 2010" 147). Laws and penalties have been created and applied in recent years that make it more difficult to get away with drinking and driving. If drivers are charged with alcohol–impaired driving, "they face suspension or revocation of their license" (Holzmueller). Causes of drinking and driving are various. Some partake in this crime to gain attention from their peers, while some do it solely because their judgment is impaired and it seems like it is not that big of a deal. After the consumption of alcohol, the brain basically processes information at a slower pace than usual. For example, if a drunk person is driving, they cannot see objects at a distance. They also cannot fully pay attention to his or her surroundings, specifically on the road (Mendralla & Grosshandler
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Just a few days ago, we had a guest speaker talking to our student body about Drinking and Driving, and reasons why we should NOT do it. I believe we're old enough to make our own decisions so if you want to drink and drive, go for it !. Why not ride around sippin' on a cold one. Drinking doesn't impair our driving skills, it has absolutely no effect on our judgement. People today are masters at drinking and driving, all of us know " Our Limit " and know " When we've had enough ". For our parents, teachers, and other family members who worry so much and think it's one of the worst possible things we can do, need to rethink the situation. Drinking and driving isn't as bad as everyone thinks, getting in an accident and possibly Get
Persuasive Essay: Don T Drink And Drive
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Drunk Driving Kills Drunk driving is a dangerous problem that continues to take hundreds of lives each year. Is drinking and driving worth one's life? This one decision, which may not seem important at the time, can end badly. Drunk driving is a huge problem in America. Driving under the influence of alcohol is a serious cause to road accidents and deaths. Drunk driving is dangerous for not only the person under the influence, but for the drivers and passengers as well. An intoxicated person endangers everyone on the road. Many people that drink and drive are under aged teens. Underage drinking is a tremendous problem in the United States. In the article of National Institute on Alcohol Abuse andAlcoholism, many young people drink alcohol by the age of fifteen. Thirty–three percent of teens have had at least one drink. In 2015, 7.7 million teen's ages 13–20 reported that they drank alcohol in the past month. Many teens consume ninety percent of alcohol by binge drinking. Binge drinking is an excessive amount of alcohol in a short period of time. An image of a picture shows how drinking and driving can be dangerous. The visual argument shown is of a solider in his mid–thirties, putting up a sign saying, "Don't Drink and Drive". The sign is standing up against a broken down, crushed, red car. The front of the man's face has a gloomy, depressing emotion. Behind the solider is a light pole leaning to the left side of the road. There is a broken down white car pulled off in Get
Essay On Drinking And Driving
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