Sample Argumentative Essay On Abortion

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Margaret Sanger once said that "No woman can call herself free until she can choose consciously whether she will or will not be a mother." Abortion is the way of ending pregnancy by removing the fetus or embryo before it can survive outside the matrix, which can also allow women to choose whether they want to become a mother or not. However, people have developed the controversy about abortions. Abortion debate is an ongoing debate which has involved moral, legal, biological and religious status of the induced abortion. In this controversy, there are two groups emerged. The group of people who hold the opinion that abortion should be prohibited is known as pro–life, while those who think that abortion should be legal is called pro– more content...

The abortion debate are caused, because people are divided over the rights of unborn child. The unborn rights generally means moral or legal rights that human unborn child should have. The pro–choice supporters hold the opinion that unborn child should be considered as human, which means they should has the same right just as other human does. For example, in "Polish Women Protest Planned Abortion Ban" ( 2016), author has pointed out that the aim of the abortion ban is to stop discrimination against children before they are born; which means that unborn children should have the right to not be discriminated against their genders just like everyone else. In their opinions, abortion is a way to deprive unborn children of their rights. Therefore, the abortion should be banned, due to the fact that they deserve to have their own rights. However, the pro–choice supporters think that in the early stage of the pregnancy, the unborn children cannot even be concerned as living creature, which means that they can not have any right. According to Nielsen (2013), before eight weeks of pregnancy, which is when most women seek abortions, a bug even has more characteristics of being an alive creature than a fetus. In the other words, the fetus within eight weeks gestation should be no different from insects. Since the insects do not have any right, the fetus before eight weeks of pregnancy

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Argumentative Essay On Abortion

Abortion has always been an incredibly controversial topic. It has been one of the most widely discussed issues in the American culture for decades. Abortion is a discussion of human interaction, in which emotions, ethics, and law all come together. In many cases, people on both sides of the argument have valid points and take moral positions. A pro–choice position would assert that the decision to terminate apregnancy lies the mother and that the government has no right to interfere or step in and make that decision. On the other hand, the position of pro–life advocates argue that life begins at the moment of conception. They believe that because the embryo or fetus is a human life and that one has no moral right to abort it. This theory argues that this human has no power or say in the matter and is rendered helpless from advocating for itself. Although abortion is a morally and emotionally charged issues, it is ultimately protected under the 14th amendment. The most common reasons for abortion include but are not limited to, teen pregnancy, rape, and health issues. Rape is one of the most prominent possibilities as to why a woman would choose to terminate her pregnancy. Though it is a tough decision to make, it is possible to be faced with keeping the child or ending the life of the fetus. In some cases, women make the choice to end their pregnancy knowing how they might treat their child. The women is most likely to hate her rapist and may worry if they move forward with the pregnancy, they would project this hate onto the child because it reminds them of such a painful memory.According to Rachel Perry, "One percent of women in a cross–sectional study of women's reasons for choosing abortion reported that their pregnancy had resulted from rape" (67–73). In addition to the pregnancy, the health consequences of rape can include physical injury, sexually transmitted disease, and mental health problems, including post–traumatic stress disorder and substance abuse.

There are many ways of coping with the effects of rape, and "with some studies suggesting rape may result in higher rates of pregnancy than consensual intercourse" (Wikipedia).

Another big issue leading to the decision to terminate a fetus is Get

Argumentative Essay On Abortion
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Abortion is one of the most well–known and debated topics in today's society. Although so many people seem to have such a strong opinion on abortion, there are many teens today who don't really understand what abortion actually is. With today's technology, though, our understanding of it is also growing. According to Merriam Webster,abortion means the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus. (https://www.merriam– But it is more than that implies. It is the murder of a human life made in the image of God and unfortunately, it is being accepted and even encouraged among the teens today under the guise of women's rights. more content...

Lately, the pro–choice and the pro–life debate has increased in America after it was made legal and the churches have had to take a clear stance for or against abortion. And the majority of churches support the right to life, recognizing the stance that the Bible takes on it as well. However, there are also churches that support the woman's right to choose above the baby's right to live. But their stance is not based on the truths of the Bible, but the desire to follow with today's society. Although they also use the Bible, the passages are used out of context and twisted to support their opinions. In my church, there have been many efforts to support the pro–life cause. In 1980, two women in my church, Joanne Rohrer and Debbi Sayer, started the Miami Valley Women's Center, which was made to help support pregnant teens and women who were pregnant and in need of help. There they encourage them to keep their baby, and they help them and go alongside them as they go through their pregnancy and after, all the while showing the love of God. Our church also has held prayer vigils in front of abortion clinics on several occasions and held diaper drives for the Women's center as well. (–christian–view–of–abortion) (


Today, around 57 percent of adults in the U.S. think that abortion is a right that should be protected and made easy,

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On Abortion

Abortion can be a very sensitive topic of discussion. Many people are constantly arguing whether or not abortion should be illegalized. Many people think that abortion is unacceptable and it should be illegal in any situation. Others feel that the parents should have the option to choose whether or not to have an abortion until the baby is born. Abortion is normally seen through which stage the fetus is in. If the fetus is still small, people usually do not consider it abortion. However, if the fetus is large, people tend to consider it murder.

Pro–choice believers support that women have the right to privacy and believe that women have the right to do whatever they please with their own bodies. An example of this would be if a woman gets raped by a man and the woman becomes pregnant, she would choose to get an abortion because the idea of raising a child of her rapist is too painful to endure. Pro–choice defenders typically put themselves in the person's shoes and show sympathy for the women that was raped and support her decision to get an abortion. On average, 321,500 victims older than the age of 12 are raped or accused of sexual assault each year in the United States. If abortion was to become illegal the teen pregnancy rate would skyrocket. Keeping abortion legal limits teen pregnancy and allows teens to get an abortion if they were raped or sexual active.

Whenever people argue about abortion, numerous people bring up the Roe vs. Wade case that took place in 1973. The Roe vs. Wade case implied that it is the woman's right to an abortion within the right to privacy protected by the forthteenth amendment. This decision not only gave women the right to have an abortion, but it allows women to have an abortion until the twentieth week of the pregnancy. Jane Roe was the women fighting for her abortion rights after becoming pregnant when she was twenty–two. She went to an attorney wanting an abortion, but did not get one. Her lawsuit fighting Texas' ban on abortion reached the Supreme Court and made the procedure legal across the entire United States. This also included the state of Texas' law unconstitutional in an earlier federal court case. The Supreme Court's official decision won with a very

On Abortion
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Argumentative Essay On Abortion

There have been an increasing number of abortion cases throughout the world. This scenario has been fuelled by among other factors social and economic factors. Abortion is the termination of pregnancy. It is the removal of the foetus before it is viable. It is usually done before the foetus gets to 25 weeks old. It is either spontaneous or induced abortion. Abortion refers to the induced type (Malcolm 1977 page 12).

In developed countries, abortion is legal whereas most developing countries do not encourage and permit abortion. This brings about the differences in safe and unsafe abortions. Abortion accounts for over 70,000 maternal deaths worldwide.

Abortion has a long history. In the past, it was done using crude tools such as sharpened tools, physical trauma and other traditional methods. With advancement in the field of medicine, contemporary methods are now used and involve the use of medication and surgical procedures (Nada 1998 page 61).

Each country in the world has different legality, cultural and religious statuses and prevalence of abortion. The ethical principles towards abortion and removal of pregnancies also vary. Countries such as the United States of America and Britain have heated politics surrounding the issue of abortion in pro–life and pro–choice campaigns (Ted 1995 page 66). These are based on the argument that for one group, it should be legalized and for the other, abortion should not. Most governments in the developed countries have

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How many of you would like to be forced into doing something against your will, only because of the fear that society will judge you? How many of you, have heard a woman talk about her abortion experience? My guess, is nobody. Today, I'm here to talk about abortions and how political and societal barriers affect every woman's choice at some point. When it comes toabortion, people have a difference of opinion. There are pro–life supporters and pro–choice supporters. People that are pro–choice, believe that women have the right to choose. Abortion is legal in Canada, yet no woman will openly talk about it, as society has labeled abortion as a subject everyone should stay silent about. This all comes down to one problem; societal and political barriers that still exist within our country. There are many issues that surround the idea of abortion, such as, young girls and women being degraded for getting pregnant and choosing abortion, students being taught that abortion is a sin, Canada lacking in the number of doctors that can provide the abortion pills to patients, and denied abortions being directly linked to suicide. Firstly, I'd like to start off by talking about how big of a threat society can be to us. But today, I'm focusing specifically on how it affects women and how it will affect everyone sitting in this room. A woman can have multiple reasons for wanting an abortion. She may not be able to survive the pregnancy, she may have been raped, there may be family pressure to get an abortion, the child may be born with a birth defect, the mother may not be able to support the child, or she may want to focus on her career. ("Abortion"). Society will overlook those reasons and judge her nevertheless. People will say things like "She should keep the baby." or "She shouldn't get an abortion because it's selfish." Why can't a woman choose what she does with her body without being judged or pressurized? It's her body. Her mind. Her life. And ultimately it is her choice. So why should we judge her at all? Getting an abortion isn't an easy decision to make, so why make someone's life harder if we can't make it any easier or any better? Not only that but a couple years ago, I watched a speech about why it's better

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Speech On

Abortion is defined as the termination of a pregnancy before the fetus is capable of independent life. Abortions must be conducted before the end of six months or the fetus will leave the womb and it would be considered premature birth. If the fetus weighs less than 18 ounces or is less than 20 weeks into pregnancy, it is usually considered an abortion. There are two types of abortions. One is spontaneous and the other is induced. Spontaneous abortions are known y another name, miscarriages. The second form of abortion is an induced abortion. This is the deliberate termination of the fetus.Many have pondered upon the meaning of abortion. The argument because every child born should be wanted, and others who believe that every more content...

Abortion is not only a woman's right, it is a woman's choice. Allowing abortion to e legal is immoral. A pre–born child is given the status of a product of pregnancy and never seen as the miracle only a woman can create. Compassion for the small one is drowned out under a demand for rights, but what about the rights for the unborn. A woman has a right to her own body is an idea more and more women are realizing, but that idea ignores the unborn child's right to his or her own body. Never, in modern times, has the state granted to one citizen the right to have another killed in order to solve their personal, social, or economic problems. The embryo is its own being that should have it's own rights to protect it. The zygote is a unique genetic being. If one were to abort an embryo then that embryo, that human life would never be duplicated again. For example, a scientist that may have found the cure to A.I.D.S would be killed. There is a better way to solve our problems than by killing children. A fertilized egg is the most beautiful, most innocent being that we could ever create and can redeem even our worst mistakes. This fertilized egg is not just a mass of tissue, for if it were there would be no debate. It is immoral to kill; therefore, abortion is immoral.Abortion should be banned because life begins at conception. The individual sex cell consists of 23 chromosomes.

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Abortion Essay example

Argumentative Essay On Abortion

An Argument For Life

By allowing abortion we introduce the idea that the killing of a human being is just an everyday thing, like brushing your teeth, or taking a shower, but in reality killing someone should never be allowed to kill their unborn baby. Wanda Franz said in National Right to Life News, "in an abortion we treat another human being as a mere disposable thing." Abortion is murder, abortion based on genetic abnormalities is discrimination, abortion shouldn't be used as a form of contraception, and abortion may lead to future medical problems for the mother. For all these, and many more, reasons, abortion shouldn't be legal.

Abortion shouldn't be legal because it's the same as murder. As it is proven, life begins at conception, so unborn babies are human beings that have a right to life. According to

"Jerome Lejeune, the French geneticist who discovered the chromosome abnormality that causes Down syndrome, stated that "To accept the fact that after fertilization has taken place a new human has come into being is no longer a matter of taste or opinion... The human nature of the human being from conception to old age is not a metaphysical contention, it is plain experimental evidence." (Abortion Pro–Con)

So if it has been proven that life, does in fact, begin at conception, why are abortions still legal? It has also been proven that fetuses feel pain while in the process of abortion. According to

"Maureen Condic, PhD, Associate Professor of Neurobiology and Anatomy and Adjunct Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Utah School of Medicine, explains that the "most primitive response to pain, the spinal reflex," is developed by eight weeks gestation, and adds that "There is universal agreement that pain is detected by the fetus in the first trimester." (Abortion Pro–Con)

There is scientific evidence that proves life begins at conception and that unborn babies feel pain during an abortion, so there is no reason it should still be legal and allowed to happen. In addition to the previous information, abortion goes against the word of God. According to "The Sixth Commandment of the Bible's Old Testament, "Thou shalt not kill" (Exodus 20:13), applies to

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Argument Essay On Abortion

This well researched paper investigates nine scholarly articles that discloses on the arguments about abortion not being a healthy choice for women, and how there are secondary options for the mothers to continue to engage in a healthy lifestyle if performed to the highest ability of safety. Throughout reading, there are descriptions of how and why having the procedure of an inducedabortion can damage the human body. This decision exposes oneself to physical pain and must be aware of how this can impact women as well as their unborn fetus. Educating yourself on how life threatening this decision can be, the risks that follow the procedure, how following through with an abortion can impact not just the individual but people around more content...

Abortion is defined as the "internal conclusion of a pregnancy and expulsion of the embryo or of a fetus that is incapable of survival" (Hall, 2017). Without the use of any drugs or real life surgery, the infant is removed. In other terms, the woman getting the procedure done is having a miscarriage. Moments of the near–term or partial–birth, the baby is rolled over and pulled halfway out of the womb with only its head still in the interior of the mother. The doctor then proceeds grab the back of the baby's vertebrae leading to the neck and then vacuums out the brain. Having this procedure done is not an easygoing subject. In August of 1982, Ronald Reagan simply stated: "Simple morality dictates that unless and until someone can prove the unborn human is not alive, we must give it the benefit of the doubt and assume it is completely alive. And, being knowledgeable top this, it shall be entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" (Siller, 2017). This action is taking a pure life and putting a human being to rest. It is terrifying to sit back and think that someone actually has the willpower to end a life that is so precious. Lives are fragile, serious, and all are meaningful (Johnson 2017).

Certain people who are pro–choice as well as pro–life have their justifications and reasons. The beliefs of pro–choice individuals are that it's a woman's body, it's her choice and she should get to decide when the time comes down to it or

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Abortion has been one of the biggest controversies of all time. Many people believe it is 100% wrong and even consider it to be murder. The definition of abortion is; "The termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo prior to being capable of normal growth." These pro–life believers do not support the idea of abortion and believe it should be illegal. Many of these supporters do not know that if abortion were illegal they would still be performed, unfortunately by an uneducated staff. Over 70 thousand maternal deaths occur every year because of unsafe abortions. These women die, so the idea of supporting pro–life is contradictory, this is why the nation should be pro–choice. Pro– more content...

The choice of her keeping the child would result in her getting kicked out of her home, she'd be finically unable to support the baby, and she would lose her education. With abortion she would not have to deal with these issues, though she would have to deal with the emotional aspect of deciding to terminate the pregnancy. Pro–choice supports the idea she would learn from her mistake and that ultimately it was her choice to do what she wished with her body. Even though these "Pro Life supporters" think giving up your child for adoption is a better choice than an abortion, but those children would be forced to live in an unfit foster home till they age out of the system. After they turn 18 they are out on the streets what makes the women who would rather just have an abortion have to think about when they know their child is in a foster home and probably no better off than where they would be if she would have just kept it? You have to deal with the emotional circumstances after an abortion for a while but you have to deal with not knowing what the child you gave up has to go through on a daily basis everyday of your life is a lot harder than the emotional toll of an abortion Even though many people practice pro–life because of their religion, it may be surprising to learn that catholic women are 29% more likely to get an abortion than Protestant women, though they are as likely as all women to do

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Persuasive Essay on Abortion

Argumentative Essay On Abortion

In medicine, abortion is the premature exit of the products of conception (the fetus, fetal membranes, and placenta) from the uterus. It is the loss of a pregnancy and does not refer to why the pregnancy was lost ( Abortion is a very contentious issue and the attitude towards it has always been and is still very controversial. It has caused uncounted deaths and violent confrontations between the supporters of the two separate parties. Pro–life supporters advocate that everyone has the right to life, even "Fetus," and Pro–choice supporters argue that the right to abortion is absolute. In "Abortion, No more Apologies," Katha Pollitt states abortion as a normal part of a woman's reproductive life, one that should be accepted as a moral right and a fundamental choice with positive social implications. In this article, Pollitt takes on the "personhood "argument by reaffirming the personal right and choice of a woman to control her own body. She talked about how the abortion subject has always been in the shadow. She gave the example of her mother that had an abortion but never told her about it, and she only knew about from some papers after her mother's death. Nobody knew about the abortion that her mom had, not even her mom's best friend. She pointed to the psychological and even physiological dangers of unwanted pregnancies that necessitate the legalization of abortion. An unintendedpregnancy is so stressful for women, as is the process of making a decision regarding its outcome. The fear that accompanies the idea of abortion or the complications that might occur after the procedures, are considered as major negative effects on women's health. She heartedly defended abortion as a right similar to education. A woman who can choose her major and her career can make her own decision about keeping her pregnancy or not. To criminalize abortion is to go back to where we were in the 50's, to the tremendous amount of illegal abortions, which was extremely dangerous. She aimed in her comparison between women in the past and currently, to explain how legalization of abortion changed how women are seeing themselves now: "mothers by choice, not by

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Rosann Clarke Write up # 2. Abortion is a very sensitive and controversial topic. There are people who believe that abortion should be a right and a woman should be able to decide whether to terminate her pregnancy. Persons with this perspective are pro–choice. However, there are others who believe that abortion is not a right and a woman should not be able to terminate a pregnancy just because she doesn't want to have a baby. People with that view are pro–life. Because abortion is a debatable issue and has these two perspectives linked to it, we can group arguments used to support either perspective into categories of pros and cons. Three pros of this topic are; 'A baby should not come into the world unwanted', 'Abortion is a justified means of population control', and 'The US Supreme Court has declared abortion to be a fundamental right'.

Whereas three cons are; 'Abortion promotes a culture in which human life is disposable', 'Abortion eliminates the potential of societal contributions of a future human being', and 'Abortion is murder, the killing of an innocent human being is wrong even if that human being has yet to be born'. As controversial as the subject of abortion can be, it is more than just a debatable topic for interesting group conversations or small talk. It is a Health Issue because this procedure, whether it is done medically or surgically comes with health risks and consequences. I will be discussing some of the different ways in which this health issue

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Argumentative Essay On Abortion


Abortion is one of the most socially, politically, and culturally controversial topics of the 21st century, ultimately affecting women of all ages. According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, abortion is defined as the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo (Merriam Webster.1). The United States Supreme Court ratified the legalization ofabortion in an effort to make the procedure safer; this was done through the Roe v Wade decision of 1973. In the United States more than a thousand abortions take place every day, and although legal, public opinion remains at a standstill as to whether or not abortion is ethical. In the midst of the controversy, two groups emerged. These two groups are referred to aspro–choice and pro–life. Pro–life supporters claim that the life of a baby begins at conception, therefore the act of abortion is equivalent to murder. Pro–choice supporters, on the other hand, believe that a woman has the right to choose what she does with her body. In the end, one must understand the implications of abortion in order to answer the question, is abortion ethically and legally moral?

In the United States, the history of abortion goes back much farther than the 1973 Supreme Court case Roe V. Wade , which made abortion legal and marked an important turning point in public health policy. Forty–three years ago, before Roe V. Wade made abortions legal in all 50 states, Get

What Is Abortion Ethically And Legally Moral?
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Argument Essay On Abortion

Abortion is one of the most controversial topics in our world today as some people are prolife and others are prochoice. The people who are prolife do not agree with the idea of abortion because they believe it to be the same as murder. Still, abortion should remain legalized because a woman should have the right to decide if they should have an abortion or not. Abortion should remain legalized because it is a woman's right to decide at what point in their life they want to have a baby. For example, a female might accidentally get pregnant and cannot take care of the baby at that point in her life because she is not financially stable to support a child. Then she may believe that the best thing she can do for the baby is to have an abortion. Still, there are many people who will bring up the possibility of giving up the baby for adoption. This may seem like a good idea; however, it can be very difficult for the mother to let go of her child. Furthermore, many might say that if a woman does not want to have a child then she should not have done anything to get herself into that situation, where she must decide if she should have an abortion or not. In addition, the father of the child may not be involved in the mother's life. In this situation, the mother may find it difficult to raise a child on her own because of other things going on in her life like work and school. These and many other factors will make it challenging for the mother to decide if she should have an

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Argumentative Essay On Abortion

Abortion is a divisive issue and most of the public is split in half with their views on pro–life and pro–choice. Currently now is 2017, 40% of Americans say abortion should be legal, in all cases while the other 57% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases (Pew Research, 2017). However, views onabortion differ from different demographics of people and level of education of individuals. For example, majority of white people 58% are for legalizing abortion in comparison 62% of black people are in favor. Yet, men and woman have very similar views on abortion, 55% of men in favor of legalizing abortion, as do 59% of woman. Level of education is also a huge factor in an individuals views and opinions towards abortion. Every seven–in–ten college graduates are for legalizing abortion 69%, but only 49% of high school educated Americans agree to legalize abortion (Pew Research, 2017).

The main debate question still to this day is, is abortion morally wrong or morally acceptable. According to Forbes in 2017, the public was split in almost half pro–life and pro–choice. In January of 2017, Washington D.C. held the Woman's March for Life, marking the long–running debate over abortion (Forbes, 2017). Thousands of pro–choice supports participated in the run, but also thousands of pro–life supporters attended the event holding signs with their views and opinions. Fourty–four years after the supreme courts decision, Americans are still debating this very controversial issue, and

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Many people have wondered why abortion is legal, resulting in many riots. EC Duckworth expands on this very idea, during the 1960's and the beginning of the 1970's, the United States began to annul the ban on abortion. In 1973, Roe v. Wade, the United States Supreme Court argued that the bans on abortion were unconstitutional for every state. That made it legalized throughout the United States, but why was it legalized? This is a question that has stumped millions and millions of people. (Duckworth) When court case Roe v. Wadewas in trial, during the arguments, the main point they were trying to prove was that women have the right to choose what they want to do with their own body. Craddock states, "During initial arguments for Roe v. Wade, the state of Texas argued that "the fetus is a 'person' within the language and meaning of the Fourteenth Amendment." Many do not realize that when a child is conceived the fetus is considered a human being. Most people believe that abortions should be considered murder for killing another human. The other half of opinions believe that it cannot be considered murder due to the belief that if they are not born, then they are not alive. It has been proven by many people that they are in fact a human being, just as is a fetus. (Duckworth; Craddock, 539) This can be proven in a report done by Patrick Rates Lazar, in which he states in a thorough explanation, "On of the questions raised is whether a line can be set, a moment when the embryo is neither human being nor living being and which is referred to as pre–embryo. In Great Britain, embryos of up to 14 days are considered as such and in this stage they look like a bunch of cells with no organized life. As regards to the nature, there is no difference between an embryo, a fetus, an unborn child, young, adult and old," Lazar clearly shows that no matter if the child is an embryo, a fourteen year old, or even a sixty year old, they all have the same right to life as the other. He goes on the say, "Birth is only the end of a period in the human's life and the beginning of another one. ... The doctrine said that the right of life, as protected by article 2, may and must apply to the human embryo which it cannot be reduced,

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Argumentative Essay On Abortion


Abortion is an ethical and moral issue, which is still very prevalent in our world. This topic has been discussed by many and there are multiple opinions out there for why it should be considered right or wrong, but I am going to explain to you how abortion is a wrongful and immoral act. I am going to do this by first explaining how a fetus is a person from the time they are conceived, therefore they have rights. Second, how God thought of and gave the fetus a plan and a purpose before they came to exist and abortion takes away their future and the impact they could have on our world. Third, I will explain how abortion is the equivalent of legalized murder and if we allow this we are desensitizing people to murder and removing their appreciation for life. Lastly, I will present an objection to my argument. With a topic like abortion, someone might argue the morality of forcing a woman, who has rights, to carry out an unwanted pregnancy is just as immoral as abortion itself. It is important to note, not all of the ideas I present to you are not unique to me, but are ideas I have gained or been exposed to through articles I have previously read or by discussions I have heard throughout my life. There is a controversial idea of whether life begins when the fetus is first conceived, or if the actual beginning of life is later on in the pregnancy. After 18 weeks, you would not only be taking a life, but you would also be causing pain and suffering to the fetus, which is morally wrong. The moment a fetus begins to exist, is when life should be considered to have started. Existence is the equivalent of life because life is defined as "the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death" (Oxford Dictionary). Based on this definition the mere existence of a fetus itself should render it a human being with life because life is not growth itself, but more simply the capacity for growth. A human being with life has rights, so how can we wrongfully take the life of another human being who has the right to life just as much as you or I do? If you take the life of another human being outside of the womb it is considered murder, but for some reason when you take

Argumentative Essay On Abortion
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Argumentative Essay On Abortion

Abortion is the most disputed argument in the United States dividing its people nationwide. To clarify abortion is legal in the United States. There is rallys marching annually for abortion to be banned. My objective is to stop pro–life crowds harassing women outside plan parenthoods. I will be discussing pro–choice arguments and counterarguments to those of the pro–life views. In addition i will include Judith Thomson's violinist analogy and john Hospers libertarianism views and how this proves my argument in how abortion is morally permissible. A common misconception is that a person is at the moment of conception but this is not the case. It is not a person, as the fetus can't survive on its own. It is fully dependent on its mother body, unlike born human beings. For the sake of argument, even if the fetus was a person, the right to life doesn't imply a right to use someone else's body. Just as people have the right to not donate their organs, even if it meant to save someone's life. The right to life is also applied to women. Some women die giving birth, don't they deserve the right to live? Pro–lifers believe that if women are willing to have sex, then they should suffer the consequences for having unprotected sex. Yet, this is not always the case. Theres plenty of women who use to protection and still get pregnant as there's no such thing as 100% effective contraceptives. For example, my Aunt who's a 45 year old women going through menopause, always used protection to avoid pregnancy. She understood that at that age, although rare, women can still get pregnant.One day she found out she was. According to the executive director of the North American Menopause Society (NAMS) and a NAMS–certified menopause practitioner, Dr. Grass says that the chance of a 45 year old women to have a healthy pregnancy using their own eggs is 1%.Her being a married woman she's obviously going to have sex. Pro lifers oppose abortion even when contraception fails, even when used perfectly. People will always have sex, abortion should remain legal to avoid unplanned pregnancies. The extremist pro–life view is that even girls that are raped shouldn't go the process of abortion. Nonetheless why should a

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Argumentative Essay : Pro-Choice Abortion

Pro–choice Abortion Argumentative Paper When it comes to abortion, everyone has a slightly different view. Whether one believes that no one, or everyone, should be allowed to get an abortion, the same question comes into play: Is abortion ethical? In addition, when does a human life actually start? Without concrete facts, we can only do so much with those questions, which is why this is such a controversial topic. We need to consider all the facts and information available. For example, whether or not a fetus feels pain, how old the fetus is, and what condition the pregnant woman is in. The main argument comes down to pro–life versus pro–choice. After doing extensive research, I have come to agree with the side of pro–choice, meaning more content...

Every individual defines pain differently, so "without interrogation, we cannot know for sure what the fetus feels" (British Medical Journal). As we know, asking a fetus if it feels pain is impossible, and assuming that they do could be wrong. Considering these statements,abortion cannot technically be called murder. Fetuses are not self–aware, rational, or attentive like humans. From a religious standpoint, I understand why people consider abortion murder. A fetus has the potential for life, and that they consider that potential life a real life. However, stretching this idea farther, sperm also have the potential for life, but many of these people are not against sex or masturbation. Fertilization has not yet occurred, but the potential is still there. According to scientific evidence, a fetus has a fifty to seventy percent chance of becoming a feasible human being. These chances are relatively high, but not a guarantee, and not yet a life. One cannot kill something that is not yet alive. Other topics in regards to abortion are health and rape. Rape is a very touchy subject and still very controversial when it comes to abortion. If a woman is raped and gets pregnant, she should be allowed to get an abortion. She did not get a choice in that matter, so she should have the choice on whether or not she want to have a baby. Rapes cause emotional trauma, and no one

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Argumentative Essay On Abortion

In this argumentative essay I would like you, the reader to consider a public issue from my perspective and my belief system on the matter. I'll be supporting my view on a common and overlooked procedure conducted by women and medical doctors within a walk in clinic and home. This procedure is known as an Abortion, also known as a voluntary abortion. The definition provided by is "the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy."

There have been many books and articles that have been written regarding this public issue, Springer Link provided a book written by Judith Jarvis Thomas entitled A Defense of Abortion, the author stated on page 39 and 40, "It is concluded that the fetus is, or more content...

The 28–week fetus' lungs are matured enough that if he or she were to be born now, he or she would probably survive. The image at the conclusion of this essay provides a visual representation of the maturity of the baby. There are two different in–clinic abortion procedures to remove the baby from the mother's womb; the first which is the most common "Suction abortion (also called vacuum aspiration), It uses gentle suction to empty the uterus. It's usually used until about 14–16 weeks after your last period." (Planned Parenthood). The second, "Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) is another kind of in–clinic abortion procedure. It uses suction and medical tools to empty your uterus" (Planned Parenthood).

There are many dangers that come with both the in–clinic and abortion pill. In–clinical procedures may have immediate risks such as pelvic infection, blood clots in the uterus, heavy bleeding, cut or torn cervix, the difficulty of conception and carry of a pregnancy in the future, the emotional, psychological and spiritual reaction as it is different for each woman is something to take into account when make the final decision (Ramah International). The abortion may cause side effects such as vaginal bleeding and cramping, or others may include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, fatigue, and a

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