Albert Einstein once said, "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." I've seen this today, where students are these fish, and these standardized tests that we take are the judges at how well we climb up the tree.
Good morning and my name is Tori Gowen and today, I am going to talk to you about standardized tests and how they are an unrealistic way of showing the practical capability of students in future situations.
All of you at one point had to take either the ACT, SAT, or even both, and then had to wait nervously until you received your scores back which ultimately decided the rest of your educational career.
I've been more content...
Other forms of testing that could replace the normal standardized testing, which are:
a.Stealth assessments
i.These types of tests are similar to math and reading data but are collected differently. ii. Companies like Scholastic and Khan Academy have software that students can use to practice math and English that records every single answer a student gives. This shows a student's progress on a specific subject on a continuum rather than a "yes" or "no" polarity. The companies that develop this software argue that this can create an opportunity to eliminate the time, cost, and the standard "stop and test" by collecting data on student's knowledge over as little as a semester or even their entire school career. iii. NprEd explains that, "stealth assessments doesn't just show which skills a student has mastered at a given moment. The pattern of answers potentially offers insights into how quickly students learn, how diligent they are and other big picture factors."
b.Social and emotional skills surveys
i.NprEd stated that, "research shows that at least half of long–term chances of success are determined by nonacademic qualities like grit, perseverance and
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Standardized Testing Informative Speech
Safety on College Campuses Essay examples
Safety is a tremendous issue on college campuses, and additional procedures need to be taken to prevent crimes from happening. When walking onto a college campus as a young adult, people get a rush of the unknown. The unknown could be going to college parties and late night study groups. College should be like any high school or elementary school and have better security measures to protect their students. The reasons we need these extra steps are to prevent violence, give students a sense of security, and monitor visitors on campus.
First of all, violence can be prevented on campuses among the students once safety issues are put in place. There are several ways to prevent the violence including security cameras and metal more content...
In another incident at Western KentuckyUniversity, a young woman was raped, stabbed, and burned to death in her dorm. Everyone that entered the building was supposed to sign in and show identification in this case the one involved walked in without being questioned, he proceeded to her room where she was brutally murdered. When visitors are seen by security and made to sign in and show identification, it would help monitor the visitors in each building. Therefore, guards stationed outside of dorms at night would prevent unauthorized visitors in the building and the guards could personally identify who enters and leaves each building. Thirdly, visitors on a campus is not a bad thing, but they must be monitored for student safety. There have been other crimes on campuses like purse snatching in the middle of the day, car break–ins, and shoplifting at the school stores. In addition, the most up–to–date statistics show there were more than 35,000 reported crimes on U.S. college campuses in just one year. Furthermore, if a crime occurs the person involved can be identified easier by checking the log book and talking to security. Having more than one safety measure in place allows further evidence if something was to happen. The experience that occurs at college must reflect to younger generations that college is not a scary place, and that it is a safe and secure place as if they were at
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Online Classes
1.Online classes are making it easier for people to go to college. If it was not for online classes students who do not live near a college or have busy schedules could not get a degree. I am receiving my degree completely online. I choose to take online classes because I work in Cape Vincent and Clayton and live in Adams. Living on campus would not be an option for me and commuting would be a nightmare. I do not think that students who receive their degree online should receive a different degree than someone who receives it taking face–to–face classes. Degree programs require students to take all of the same classes whether they are taken face–to–face or online. The learning outcome from these classes is the same. If colleges had an more content...
If students get caught they should have to face the consequences whether it is in a class online or a face–to–face. Professors should take the necessary measures to keep students from cheating. These measures should include running papers through turn it in, changing test questions each semester and personalizing questions as much as possible so questions cannot be found online. Cheating is a serious problem, but it hurts the student in the end. Although students know that cheating is against school policy and professors are trying their best to make it difficult to cheat, students are still going to find ways to do it. Professors should not have to focus all of their attention on catching cheating. They need to focus most of their time and attention on the students who want to learn and to well in their class. Students who choose to use these sites instead of doing the work themselves are not going to do well in their future job. When entering into a job after graduating college you are expected to remember the information you were taught in college. An employer will be able to determine quickly if you know what you are supposed to know or not. If you are not able to remember the basic information taught in college you most likely are going to fired. Employers are not going to waste their time teaching a college graduate what they were supposed to be learn in college. This person is then going to have to explain at future job
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Informative Analysis Essay In today's world, education has taken center stage and is considered to be the focal point for success and prosperity in one's future. Education while previously thought to not be important and was not necessarily required, has taken a complete 180 and has gained the attention of many professionals and experts in several areas and fields (Hanford, "The Value of a College Degree"). Many questions people ask are if education as a whole has taken a decline in value, or whether or not people should still undertake a post–secondary education with all of the costs associated with it. What was once thought to be a surefire way to guarantee a solid future has turned into the target of debate as of late. Many people side with the continued thought that college is worth it, but others are turning heads at the thought of going to college to try for a better future (Tierney "AMERICAN HIGHER EDUCATION: How Does It Measure Up for the 21st Century?"). While many experts and activists in the field of education, as well as those outside education, share universal ground over the ideas of obtaining a "worthwhile" education and the outcome of a better future based on the education one receives, they have not acquired a complete agreement about if college is worth pursuing in relation to the costs that accompany it, how much education is enough in today's world and if it is important to even possess a degree. Over the last 100 or so years, the price of going to
On Education
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Informative Speech On Excessive Homework
Informative Speech Outline
Topic: Homework
Specific Purpose: By the end of my speech my audience will understand and be informed of the issue with too much homework. Central Idea: Excessive homework is unnecessary for the majority of college students.
Introduction: Online Work Attention Getter: "About 45 percent of undergraduate students attend college while working part time. 80 percent of undergraduate students worked part–time along side of going to school." As stated by Laura Perna. (American Association ofUniversity Professors.) Topic Introduction: Today I am going to talk to you abouthomework. Relate the topic to your audience: As we are all collegiate students in this classroom we should all care and understand such issues. Relate the topic to you as a speaker: I am a first year full time student along with have taken many A.P classes in high school over the past 3 years. Preview your main points: I will speak about: work, mental health and school all joined together.
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The Stressful Life of College Students
Modern life is full of demands, frustrations, hassles, and deadlines. Everyone experiences stress as it is a natural part of human life. Our bodies have a built mechanism for responding to stress. However, during a certain period of time, people tend to face more stress than usual. One of such periods is college life. It can be very stressful for some people, especially for those who are not used to carrying out with so many responsibilities. Students spend most of their time balancing classes, projects, tests, final exams, personal life, and work; that is enough to make anyone feel overwhelmed. This stress can cause multiples problems, not just emotional, but physicals as well.
One of the more content...
It becomes a problem to manage time effectively and distribute it to have balance. A lot of students are used to leaving all the work for the last minute. They follow a false idea that everything can be done before the deadline. However, it is not the case with education. Procrastination makes students do things halfway and not retain all needed information. The effects of constant stress on a student's body are devastating and may have long–term consequences. When stress escalates without coping with it, numerous troublesome psychological and physiological conditions may occur. First, the stressful life of college students may result in such physical problems as sleeping disorders, breathing difficulties, headaches, and a loss of appetite. In addition, fatigue, colds, weight change, teeth grinding, increased alcohol and drug use are also common. Unfortunately, stress is often linked to the immune system suppression. It increases the chances of altering any existing disease. teeth grinding, increased alcohol and drug use are also common. Unfortunately, stress is often linked to the immune system suppression. It increases the chances of altering any existing disease. Second, stress may result in a number of emotional problems. The most common ones are the feeling of being overwhelmed, depression, fear, and anger. However, students may also experience irritability, mood swings, bad temper, worrying, nervous laugh, and crying spells.
The Stressful Life of College Students Essay
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Topics For College Research Paper
Kiara Edwards Ms Milliner EES21QH–04 September 25,2016 College Reflection Essay College shows the importance to many not only as a way hierarchy,but as a way of enhancing our skills so that we could be successful in life and to show those who said we can't that it's in fact possible.In college everything that is done is your responsibility,meaning that you need to prioritize the things you do as a student and make sure that you get your classes in order before you start.High school was nearly the start of real life ,work is much heavier in college ,college exams aren't as frequent as high school's.When it comes to college inspiration is key to connecting with your students to ensure more content...
I interviewed my mom according to questions I have prepared many question starting with,how was your first experience with college?"So excited with being by myself" ... " I was nervous about the classes i would have "... When it came to midterms i was stressed, it was hard for me to handle but i still got through it on my own and handled my responsibilities dealing with me getting through school." i went on to ask her for any advice that she would want to be given her response was "To all the students that are graduating next year ,make early decisions so that you'll be prepared for .life ,fore everything won't be laid out for you like always." After all my research my intake on it all is that i still think college is for me,as a person i want to further myself and my profession as being a writer Get
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Informative Speech On Procrastination
Instructions: Your outline should look EXACTLY like this one (i.e. same numbering, same sections, same spacing, etc.). Simply delete the blue text and replace it with your own black text.
I.Speech Overview:
A.General Goal: To inform.
B.Specific Goal: By the end of my speech, my audience will understand what procrastination is, the causes of it, and the effects.
II.Introduction: (FYI: This is where you start talking)
A.Attention Grabber: "One of the greatest labor–saving inventions of today is tomorrow." (Vincent T. Foss, Elephant Journal)
B.Relevance Statement: Knowing that more than half of high school and college students pull at least one all–nighter each year, I'd say this topic is relatable to a lot of people in here.
C.Credibility Statement: You should care about it because it may explain why some you delay things and what results come out of it. As a very frequent procrastinator myself, I think I have enough experience with this subject to talk about it. I did about seven hours research for this topic although I do already know some of the causes and the effects from postponing things.
D.Central Idea: Procrastination is a very relatable subject that has many causes and effects.
E.Thesis Statement: Today, I will tell you about what exactly procrastination is, the causes, and the effects.
Transition 1: Let's begin by defining procrastination.
III.Speech Body (Your 3 Main Idea Paragraphs)
A.Procrastination is a common tendency that we all give in to and all of us have at least a little experience with.
1."A Dictionary of the English Language" written by Dr. Samuel Johnson, defined procrastination as "delay." This common issue mostly around everyone. Many people struggle with deadlines every day. It is one of the largest problems seen in college counseling centers. (Grohol, Psy.D.)
2.Sub–point: In addition to including your supporting material, you must CITE OUT LOUD your sources. That means you say WHERE you got your information and WHO said it. A website does NOT say anything, PEOPLE do. So you should not say, "According to" WHO wrote
that info.? Who is the author/researcher/journalist, etc.? . In the United Get more content
Depression and anxiety among college students
Depression and anxiety among college students is something that experts have focused on for the past twenty years. The information they have been gathering ranges from the different stressors of college life to the effects of one's culture on how they deal with depression or anxiety symptoms. They have identified a few core characteristics of depression and thoughts of suicide. These are both serious concepts in which people need to seek help for. It is important for students to reach out to friends, family, or professionals to support them during this time. Many campuses offer counseling centers which are seeing many more people over the past few years. In the past 35 years the suicide rate for college campuses has tripled ( more content...
Depressed students feel all the symptoms of depressions more than non–depressed students do. As a whole, 44% of college students experience some depressive symptoms (PsychCentral 2010). Depression impacts lives in more than just one way. There are a multitude of elements that influence the onset of depression and depressed feelings. The daily stressors of college life are one contributing factor to depression in college students. Some of the other stressors include: conflict between work and family, relationship problems, financial concerns, and poor grades, lack of social support or networks, a sense of not belonging, having fewer friends, and experiencing loneliness (Lindsey 2009). The economy has had an impact on every party of our society, including education. Heavystudent loans are just another burden on these kids who do not know what their future career will hold for them (Curetalk). These different responsibilities are just other factors that influence the emotional health of college students. A combination of factors can add to the depressed feelings that a student may feel. Some of these are just the natural stressors of college. People deal with these stressors in different ways. If they are not addressed, the effects can include sleep loss, stress, and substance abuse (Voelker 2004). Stress reactions and depression are linked because the anterior cingulate cortex, the region of the brain implicated in executive decision making is also linked to how
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Fast Food
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience about fast food in the United States and its effects.
Central Idea: The history of fast food, the effects of eating fast food, and its effect on the United States.
I. Anywhere you go, there is a good chance there will be afast food restaurant nearby. A. It's the easy way out of cooking dinner, or grabbing something fast because you didn't have time to make anything. B. Fast food may taste good, but have you ever thought of the effects it has on your body, and wallet?
II. For the past 92 years fast food has become a popular choice of breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
III. However, the effects it has can be negative for health, as well as money. A. Because more content... Many people don't think about the outcome of eating fast food. A. Fast foodnutrition only makes up the minimal part of a healthy diet. 1. Eating too much can make your body feel very sluggish because of the lack of nutrients that is put into fast food. a. This is because fast food doesn't contain the amount of protein and carbohydrates the body needs, so your blood sugar can drop.
B. Fast food contains high levels of fat, sodium, and sugar which can cause a copious amounts of health risks. 1. These health risks may be minor or major, and may even lead to death. a. These include a variety of things from stomach aches to heart disease. 2. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. C. The most common health problem that fast food causes in America is obesity. 1. According to the Center for Disease Control, more than one third of adults in the United States are obese.
(Transition: Fast food may have a numerous amount of negative effects on health, but for the United States it has become a big source of income.)
III. On average, Americans spend $117 billion on fast food per year. A. Because of how convenient, and inexpensive it is, people who are
Informative Speech- Fast Food Essays
constantly on the go always turn to fast food. 1. Fast food chains make their food affordable for anyone. a. A lot of Americans aren't able to afford going out to fancy restaurants, so fast food is their next choice. b. Fast food
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Did any of you know that in 2013, the garment factory called Rana Plaza and Bangladesh Collapsed?
New York Times reports that this event killing nearly 1100 people, because the building was unstable in their giant cracks in the foundation and walls.
The suppliers still want the workers to continue on their jobs, although they already knew the warning, just because of the large demand for getting the clothes made. This horrible event related to fast fashion because it reveals occupational health and safety (Yardley).
II. Over the past few years, fast fashion has been an extremely hot segment and source to help some clothing companies increasing on their economic growth.
Fast fashion tends to be lower–quality clothes, produced as cheaply, efficiently, quickly, and relatively low–tech production system as possible. Move production to areas where production costs are relatively low. Big brand design, friendly price, fast update.
Some brands can clarify fast fashion are H&M, GAP, Forever 21, and Zara.
III. Today, I'm going to persuade my audience that we should reduce clothing consumption.
IV. Reduce clothing consumption will be beneficial on environment and labor improvements.
Transition: Now that let's discuss how the fast fashion impacts and how it can be solved. Body NEED I. Fast fashion brings outsize harmful environmental effects and unjust labor rights. More waste is produced and accumulated as we purchase more clothes. 1. According to Elizabeth Cline with the Get
Informative Speech On Fast Fashion
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I."How many of you have been in the situation of not being able to afford your next meal?" ... "How many of you were not able to go somewhere or do something because you were worried about how much money you will have left throughout the week?" ... "Now how many you know how to actually save money while you're in college?" (attention getter)
II.College students usually do not understand that there should be a budget set between the things we want and the things we need. Today I will be informing you how to save money so that you are able to save money throughout your college lives. ( thesis and purpose statement)
III.As I was once a low budget college student myself, I am well known to this situation and have found many solution to it. As a college student, I know that I am able to share my knowledge of saving money with other college students.(credibility statement & relevancy)
IV.College students are portrayed as individuals who are "broke" and for this speech I will discuss many ways college students are able to save money in college.
I.First, I will be discussing the ways you are able to save money of college materials.
A.Renting books online
1.It's a very infuriating part of the college experience. You pay more than $100 for a textbook, haul it home and then never open it. You turn it in at the end of the semester and get a little to nothing back.
a.According to Kayla Webley from Time magazine" a new copy of David P. Clark's Molecular Biology retails on Amazon for $104.31. Used copies begin at $40 and the Kindle edition is $39.99. But still cheaper is the rental price of $18.36. To rent Molecular Biology from July 20 to the end of this year is $34.08 – still cheaper than buying the book full price"
2.According to an exploratory study by "Journal and a Higher Education" "Eighty six percent of the students surveyed use more than one source for textbooks. Of those students who rely on only one source, half use the campus bookstore. A majority of students use both the campus bookstore and an online retailer. (McGowan and Stephens,2015, p.85–90)
B. Checking your library for old versions
1. The one and most obvious place to check for your course materials is the school's library.
a. Often, older
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Informative Speech On Depression
Depression: Informative Speech Template Speaker:Quoneshia Barker Speech Topic: Depression Specific Purpose: To inform the audience about Depression Central Idea: Depression is caused by many different things, has many symptoms and can also be treated in many ways. Introduction I.Attention Getter: Have you ever been down in the dumps? Always feeling helpless or worthless? No matter what you do you just can't seem to be happy. Well if you have ever felt that way this could be a sign of depression. II.Relate to Audience: A lot of college students suffers from depression daily. The stress from being in an unfamiliar environment, working and going to school at the same time can be a very heavy load to deal with. more content...
Now that you know what depression is and what can cause depression I will tell you what the symptoms are of depression. II.Symptoms of depression: There are many symptoms of depression. Depression symptoms can range from mild to serve. Here are some of the symptoms you could possibly experience when dealing with depression: A.Feeling sad and alone B.Loss of interest in activities you once loved C.Change in appetite– weight loss or gain unrelated to dieting D.Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much E.Loss of energy F.Increase in purposeless physical activity such as pacing G.Feeling worthless or guilty H.And thoughts of death and suicide I have given you quite a few examples of symptoms of depression. Now I'm going to tell you how to get your depression treated properly and also ways to prevent it. III.How to treat /prevent depression: Usually depression can be treated in A.Depression is typically treated with the help of professional counseling. It can also be treated by prescribed medicine from a psychiatrist. People that have depression can also be treated as an outpatient or in some cases they can hospitalized. B.Depression can be prevented in many different ways. According to it can be prevented by getting enough sleep, eating well, exercise regularly, getting regular medical checkups, and see your provider if you don't feel right. C.Depression can also be treated with home remedies. According to a very common
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The Impact Of Social Media On College Students
Luis A. Vasquez–Sanchez Instructor Muyang Li
15 December 2015
Special Topics in Sociology of Culture
Social Media: College Students and Our Role
Are we becoming less human with the passing of each day? Have we become too dependent on technology, specifically social media? In this day and age, people have different views on social media. They question its true purpose and its effect on society as a whole. With that said, although there are many thoughts concerning the topic/trend of social media something that is undoubtedly true is that social media plays an active role in the lives of the majority of people. Whether in a positive or negative way, social media influences the lives of all people. However this paper focuses on the effect of social media on college students. It addresses both the positive and negative effects of social media on those in college; focusing on a student's academic efficiency, social interactive skills, and overall productivity. Social media is defined as "websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking." However a more accurate definition of social media is as follows: "the relationships that exist between network of people" (Wiang, 3). Although social media traces back to before the 1800s, it is something that has become especially popular over the last two decades. What is interesting about this is that technology began going through a sense of both change and advancement of after
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"Education is critical, college is not." (Live Careers) As straightforward as it is, college isn't for everyone. There are a plethora of reasons for not going to college, but it feels like a norm in current time. When you graduate high school, you are normally 17 or almost 18 which means that you are capable of your life after you're handed the high school diploma. If a student doesn't see college in their future, or it isn't their dream, then they shouldn't feel required to attend. An alternative could possibly be to get an entry level job, military, or volunteering. The point here is, college after high school isn't necessary. While college provides tons of information and knowledge and could expand the range of hardworking jobs for an individual, itВґs very expensive and proven to put students in massive debt. Some college graduates are employed in jobs that do not require college degrees, and after college they may have the degrees and knowledge, but they will have to pay of the debt before they are able to invest in anything as an adult. An astonishing option is enlisting in the military. "When it comes to job security, promotional opportunities, and even education, the military is second to none. The military is definitely a career choice that you can be proud of – there's no greater cause than serving your country." (forbes) more content...
An entry level job is a basic first job that a young adult takes upon to have training or degree program. Entry level in this sense refers to the entry point into a specific chosen profession. If you want to work but you're not interested in the military, considering an entry level job at a large company or corporation is smart. Companies usually hire graduates into basic positions. Looking for jobs in retail or the service industry for the most opportunities is also a great option. Even though this might not be the best in pay, if you work hard enough you could get a bigger position with higher
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Informative Essay: Is College Necessary?
Can Students Fund Their College Education
"Many people worry about paying too much for college" (source 1). Individuals that want to go to college have variety of ways to pay for college. This essay will inform students to sign up for scholarships and grants, get federal student loans and private student loans. How can students fund their college education? Many people can fund their college education by applying for scholarships and grants. Therefore you wouldn't have to payback for scholarships or grants after you apply. "All the scholarships that they apply for the more money that will go directly towards the cost of college" (source 1). Also, you don't have to be an athlete to get a scholarship or grant but it will be good if you were because it will be more money going towards
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Cats are a part of your family. That means you want to keep them healthy. If you are worried there are some symptoms you can look for to determine if you need to consult a veterinarian. Some diseases are incurable and some are curable. I am here to help you recognize some of the symptoms cats might have for certain diseases. You want your feline to be as healthy as can be and I want to help you recognize signs to look for. Diabetes in cats is the same thing as in humans. It attacks the cat's muscles and organs so that they will not convert as much glucose to energy ( in Cats.). If a cat presents with Diabetes you will notice that they are lethargic at one point and then energetic an hour or two later. These symptoms more content...
High Blood Pressure in Cats). 150/99 to 159/95 intervention is routinely not recommended at these readings (PetMD. High Blood Pressure in Cats). 160/119 to 179/100 treatment should be sought to limit the risk of organ damage (PetMD. High Blood Pressure in Cats). 180/120 immediate treatment should be sought to limit the degree of other more severe complications(PetMD. High Blood Pressure in Cats). Five to seven measurements are generally taken (PetMD. High Blood Pressure in Cats).
There are many more diseases that a cat can get. I know that you want your cat to be as healthy as possible, but sometimes that is uncontrollable. Remember that cats can get a disease genetically, or through many different ways. If you notice any of the symptoms to any of these diseases I would recommend going to a veterinarian. Thanks for reading this paper to help your cat stay Get
Informative Speech On Cats Research Paper
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A.Attention Getter: So I'm pretty sure everyone here has had an important assignment to complete before like a project or essay. And most of us usually plan it out where we do a portion of it every day. For example, something like this chart here. But then the next thing you know, the deadline is fast approaching and you still haven't come close to completing your assignment. And we end up somewhere like this. Well, I believe that we can all relate to this and we have all done this to ourselves before. I'm talking about procrastination.
B.Social Significance: For many of us, procrastination is a strong and inexplicable force that prevents us from completing our important and urgent tasks. It's like the same thing when you bring the more content...
b. The limbic system is one of the oldest and dominate parts of our brain, and it's always on automatically (Spencer 2014). It tells you to put your hand away from fire, and to run away from undesirable tasks. It tells you to go for immediate mood repair says, Timothy A. Pychyl, Ph.D., a psychology professor from Carleton University. The prefrontal cortex is a newer and weaker part of our brain. It's the part that allows us to process information and make decisions. This is also what separates us humans from animals, who just follow their stimulus, says Timothy A. Pychyl, Ph.D., author from Procrastinators Digest: A Concise Guide to Solving the Procrastinators Puzzle. But this part of our brain isn't turned on automatically. For it to function, we have to switch it on ourselves (Spencer 2014). We have to actually sit down and do our homework, project, or whatever assignment we need to actually complete. And the moment you aren't working on your task, your limbic system takes over and you give in to what feels good, you start procrastinating (Spencer 2014).
Transition: Afterlearning about the science behind procrastination, I want to talk about why we procrastinate.
B.Main Point 2: Why do we procrastinate?
a.In the Washington Post article: The Real Reasons You Procrastinate, Swanson tells us, psychologists believe in a concept called the "present and future self." It's basically the idea that even though we know we are the same Get more content
Informative Speech On Procrastination
Topic: Stress Organizational: Topical Specific Purpose: To inform my audience more about the types of stress I.INTRODUCTION
A.Attention Getter: Tim Allen once said "You don't know what people are really like until they're under a lot of stress." (BrainyQuote, n.d.).
B.Relevance: Stress is something that everyone copes with, especially college students. C.Credibility: I deal with stress just like everyone else, I have done a lot of research on this subject to learn more about it. I have learned a lot about myself from my own experience and I hope to share my knowledge. D.Central Idea: There are many forms of stress and it is important to know what they are and why they are that way.
E.Initial Preview: We will learn about acute stress, more content...
According to an article that compares acute and chronic stress from the Centre for Studies on Human Stress, it defines chronic stress as "stress resulting from repeated exposure to situations that lead to the release of stress hormones. This type of stress can cause wear and tear on your mind and body" ("Understanding Your Stress: Acute vs chronic stress," n.d.). 2.Chronic stress can come from traumatic or childhood experiences, and can end up affecting or even changing someone's personality. People get used to having chronic stress because it can become familiar and it has occurred for such a long period of time (Miller and Smith, n.d.). 3.The symptoms of chronic stress can be very dangerous and could be even deadly. Some examples of the symptoms can be heart attack, strokes, cancer, and even suicide (Miller and Smith, n.d.).
III.Conclusion A.Transition to Conclusion: In conclusion, B.Restate the central idea: It is good to know about the different forms of stress so people can be aware of it. C.Final Summary: Today, we discussed the three forms of stress; acute stress, episodic acute stress, and chronic stress.
D.Memorable Closing: Tim Allen was right about the fact that you don't know a person until they are dealing with stress because stress can take over someone's life. Don't let stress control your life, control stress
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Speech Outline On Stress