What Makes A Good Friend Essay

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When you have a friend and you are spending time with them, do you realize you are usually in the same mood as they are at that moment? To me, that is true friendship because it shows that you enjoy spending time together and what makes your friend happy/sad will do the same for you. True friends/best friends will never turn their backs on you for anything. People will always talk bad about you at some point in your life and if your real friends are with them, they won't turn their backs and join in on the conversation.This is because they should simply know better to walk away or even ask them to stop the conversation when they are in the same atmosphere. Many people have many different types of friends and I believe this goes with the saying, "all types of people make the world go round." As a child, I grew up having morals and respect not only for my friends, but also for others that were in my surrounding areas. My parents really taught me the values of friendship and I never really understood why until I got older. I always would question myself why they would value it so much as well. Until one night, as I was laying in bed I began to think deeply and finally came up with an answer. Friendship is what makes people who they are because without friends what would we really have to keep us sane at times? Nothing. One could have multiple definitions of what a true friend could be, but to me, a real friend is trustworthy, supportive, and also a role model. I choose these Get

Friendship Essay : What Makes A True Friendship
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What Makes A Good Friendship?


While opposing in differences, a wide variety of perspectives merge on the fact that adolescent friendships are good for development. Research studies have shown a low status of younger adolescents being at risk for having a lot of negative outcomes, but there have been little found on the focused qualities of "youths ' relations with peers". Our youths that reported that having a close relationship with someone creates higher self–esteem, it makes them create better relationships with their parents, and can even increase later on greater marital satisfaction. Furthermore, psychological distress doesn't increase in adulthood, criminal activity has an outcome of lower increase, and research shows more positive outcomes happening. In contrast, sociodemographic qualities and level of connection shows better outlooks on adolescent friendship.


Comparable questions about the effects of friends and friendships with adolescents have been discussed in abstract writings for periods. However, in most recent years, some of the questions have been answered from realistic research. Advances in recent research have shown researchers succeeding in defining exactly what a good friendship is. In much of the literature, good friendships are now defined as friendships high in quality (e.g., Berndt, 1996). In this paper I will be focusing on how friendships have an important influence on adolescent's attitudes, behaviors, and development. Some people don't agree,

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What is a friend? A friend is a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection. Calling someone a friend is the second thing to calling someone family to me. A friend to me is someone that has been with you through good or bad times. This is important too because I think having good friend steer you into doing better things in life. You need good people like this in your people who make you better as a person. Let us talk about "Friends, Good Friends, and Such Good Friends." Let us be honest we all have different kinds of friends that we like for different reasons. Some could be convenience friend where you only talk to them because you always seeing them and feels like they are friends. Two type of friends that are...show more content...

Ms. Viorst also talks about convenience friends in her essay. What is a convenience friend? Ms. Viorst says, "These are the women with whom, if our paths weren't crossing all the time we'd have no particular reason to be friends." Say if working at a mall or a supermarket and you see the women that sales jewelry in the middle of the mall every day and you both each lunch together. You usually eat only but today you do not want to so you sit beside her to start a conversation. You will think over time you will be close friends but you are not because you only friends because it benefits you not eating alone. Ms. Viorst said, "With convenience friends, ever come to close or tell too much." This is important because this shows our boundaries with our convenience friend. For example, I had a friend that I worked with his name was Donta. We only spoke at work and he stayed up the street from each other. When we were working, we always talked about how we are sick of our job and were ready to quit knowing that both of us needed it. Another quote from the essay is "were pinched this month on money but never that I'm worried sick about money." As I repeat, I think the boundaries separate our convenience friend. Donta and I never talked about personal stuff and we worked together three months. Sometimes I would hear him on the phone talking to his mother about a bill and what not and I ask how are things at home. He simply Get more content

Good Friends Essay

Characteristics Of A Good Friend Essay

1:30pm Friendship

Friendship is one of the valuable and most important things in everyone's life. In addition, the characteristics of the friendship may be different from one person to another. However, nowadays there are a few real friendships because people are changing, so you will see many friends come and gone thought out your life. In addition, in each stage of your life, you will learn how to choose your real friend and how you should treat the new people that you just have met. I have met many friends from the elementary school until now, and I have learned many things that have changed my personality to the better side. On the other hand, there're some of my situations. When I was in the elementary school my best friend was my neighbor's girl, she was with me since I was 5 years old. When we finished elementary school my friend's father got his dream job out of the country, so she had to travel with her family, and from thattime I haven't seen her. After I get into themiddle school, I met three new friends in the math group they were very friendly. In addition, we started calling each other by the first letter of our names "S, H and B". We were more than friends like sisters, and we always visit each other every weekend. After passing months, until the last course, suddenly, I saw my friends arguing loudly; it was a shock to me seeing them like that. When I came to see what is going on, they walked away, leaving me totally confused

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"What Makes a Good Friend" Alex Lickerman explains the qualities that he considers ideal in a true friend. He references kenzoku, a Japanese term for having a sacred bond with someone that is not blood related. In order to have this sacred bond there are certain traits that must be present. Two individuals must be drawn together commonly by similar interests. Nevertheless, if they have a history together due to shared experiences they will often tie two entities together. Common values are another trait that contributes to a strong bond considering if there is controversy in morals, friendships often fail. Equality is another trait that will effect friendships, seeing as both individuals need to make equal obligations for one ...show more content...

He took care of me and even traveled to CVS to obtain my medication. As well as continuously checking my condition every day. No matter what time I contact him, I constantly know that he will be there for me. As of today he still lives in California, but I know that if I ever needed him he would definitely fly out to New Jersey to support me. The second trait I insist my best friend posses would without a question be the desire for self–improvement. I constantly want a higher quality of life, both educationally and financially and could not imagine my best friend not desire the same concept. My closest friend Robert is a perfect model to explain this trait. For instance, I recently wanted to evolve my backyard into a mechanic shop and he instantly agreed and proceeded to assist. We both sat down and collaborated a business plan and begun turning this dream into a reality. This plan started about six months ago and as of today we are still proceeding with our original plan and are continuing even with major setbacks. The third and final trait I undoubtedly demand from my best friend would be respected. Respect to me is how you act in regard to yourself and others. Additionally, my best friend Jeffery presents the greatest representation of how respect should be executed. At the beginning of our friendship, we were afforded the opportunity to meet each others families. While he was there, He was polite,

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Characteristics Of A Good Friend

A good friend Friendship is such a strong bond of relationship without which a person's life is an execration. It is not hard for me to believe a person without a relative but it is hard for me to even imagine of a person without any good friend. A good friend fill up the vacuum which no family members can. No matter how close bond a person share with the family, there is always a limit beyond which a person cannot express their thoughts or confess about their problems to family members. A good friend remain unaffected by these limits and a person can pour their heart out in front of them. A friend plays a very poignant role in a person's life. There are many characteristics of a good friend. One of those characteristics is loyalty. A person can never be considered a good friend if he or she is not loyal. That's the reason why a dog is considered to be man's best friend. A good friend is someone who will remain loyal and stick with us even during bad phase of our life. When a person is strike upon by adversity, disappointment surrounds from all directions and darkness engulf a person's happy life then only a good friend comes as a ray of hope to illuminate a person's life and rescue them from being drown in the calamity. For example, during bad times, failure in exams, rejection in job, family problems, break–up; a good friend support us morally, physically and financially and help us to relive

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What is a friend? A friend is someone who supports you, sympathizes with you, or patronizes a group. An easily definition of that would be a person you know, like and trust. In these tough times we count on friend to help us get through. I like to think of friendship as everlasting, but is friendship truly forever? Can miles drive you away from friends you made after graduating from places like high school or college? Just imagine walking across the stage and never seeing the people you graduated with. Well for those instances you can always join networking places like Facebook. Facebook helps you connect with the people in your life. In those ways you would never be without your friends. On these sites you can write to each other on ...show more content...

A friendship can be everlasting depending on the personalities in that relationship. Sometimes personalities can change for the good the bad in many friendships. You can never change a person through a friendship. Differences can set you apart. The definition of a friend has changed over the years therefore that could be a contributing factor to why we can count our friend on one hand. Think about it! When separating from friends for a while physically values and beliefs start to change. Many may argue that is not true, but I will say I have lost many friends do to personality changes and belief. Some reasons maybe be because everyone in college likes to smoke and drink. I am not a fan of either which I believe is gross so I drop many friends due to that reason. I have also lost a lot of friends due to the ways they act towards me or others when different people are around. In the urban world we call that being "fake." Fake is another way of saying you aren't what you claim to be. You don't stay true to yourself and totally honest. On the other side people can change for the good to help each other in a friendship. Friendships can gain trust through one another in due to the people you are around. In a relationship trust is being able tell a secret under confidence to other people hoping they wont tell. If you gain some ones trust when you come to a problem you are likely to come to that person Get more content

What is a Friend? Essay

For my in–school counseling group, I am developing and leading a group with the topic of 'Friendship' with six to eight sixth grade female students. These students were pre–screened for membership and mentioned concerns of friendship skills; how to make and keep friends and how to avoid gossip and 'drama'. These students were selected for pre–screening based on the needs assessment completed by the site supervisor for practicum, which will be discussed in the next section. Based on my review of available and current literature on the topic of relationships in female adolescents, I am going to use relational–cultural theory (RCT) as a conceptual framework for my in–school counseling group. The emphasis of this framework that has been used...show more content...

The top area for group counseling was the topic of friendship from the student responses. The teacher responses revealed top concerns to be social skills and organization skills. I then pre–screened 8 female students who indicated interest in joining a group on the topic of 'friendship'. During this time I asked each student to specify what areas they would like to work on most. Many of these areas included skillsets around avoiding conflict, controlling emotions (in response to rejection/conflict), and making friends.


Research on the topic of friendship relationships between female adolescents (and specifically middle school students) highlights both the need for intervention with students, as well as some techniques that may most effective for friendship issues. Adolescence, and specifically the time individuals go through middle school is a time of a lot of changes, which include changes in cognition (concrete to formal thought) and relationships (moving from parent/adult relationships to peer relationships for support) (Wigfield, Lutz, & Wagner, 2005). Some argue that close relationships are formed for the first time between 8 to 10 years in age, and can have positive features that are different from younger relationships because individuals are begin to start exhibiting mutual empathy (Berndt, 2004). During this time, Berndt (2004) states that Get

Friendship: How to Make and Keep Friends
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In today's world, many people are backstabbing and downright terrible. A good person, much less a good friend is hard to find. It may be difficult for one to figure out who their true friends really are, and in a time of need, one may be left wondering if they have any friends at all. Good friends are usually found in small groups, maybe even just two people. A good friend is someone who cares about you and will almost never let you down. To me, a good friend is loyal, is someone you can laugh with, and is someone who can give you advice. Most importantly, a good friend will be loyal. For example, a good friend might put their best friend at the top of their priority list when it comes to spending time with them. A few weeks ago my best friend Makenzie invited me to go spend the day with her and her family at Clarkco State Park where they were camping. Although I had already made plans to go on a date with my boyfriend that day, I decided to cancel the plans with him in favor of spending time with Makenzie. Best day ever in my opinion. On the contrary, a good friend will not go behind their friends back. Even Though two best friends may not agree with each other every once in awhile, they will never talk badly about them or share their friend's secrets. Obviously, the most important defining quality of a good friend is their loyalty. Additionally, a good friend is someone who can laugh with you. I personally am very clumsy, and my best friend definitely knows that. The Get

A Good Friend
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Friendship Essay: What Makes A Good Friend?

A friend is someone difficult to find. A friend is someone you can always count on when times are tough. The dictionary's definition of a good friend is a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard. A good friend is there when you are struggling. For example, when a boy breaks your heart a good friend walks you through it and offers a shoulder to cry on. According to Bree Neff, a good friend is someone who is trustworthy, doesn't talk behind your back, listens to your problems, gives good advice and tries to lend humor along with his or her support. There are also bad friends, those who pretend to care and then turn around gossiping and starting drama. Good and bad friends are all around you, involved in...show more content...

You want friends that show they care and do not resent your achievements. A good friend sees good in your accomplishments; because of this they will not want you to do poorly and will always be looking out for you, hoping you do your best. A trustworthy friend is someone you can count on no matter what. They are someone you can call in the middle of the night and vent to, or just talk. They are someone who, if they say they are going to do something, they do it and don't bail out. Good friends are people with whom you can talk to and trust with your secrets. You can tell a friend anything and know they won't open their mouth just for the fun of it because they like and respect you too much to hurt you. If you have something you feel like you can't tell anyone about, they are the friends you can tell. A good friend is someone who when you tell them personal stuff you don't have to worry, you know your secret is safe. Trusted friends are those you can tell your flaws to and know your revelations are safe. Sometimes after you tell people certain information you think: "What in the world was I thinking?" but a trustworthy person won't ever make you feel like that. What is a loyal friend? A loyal friend is someone who never lets you down. They are someone who does things with you even though these things maybe totally boring, but they still do them. Loyal friends won't back out at the last second. They stick with Get more content

When a friend moves away it's sad, when a good friend moves away it takes some time to heal. But when your best friend who is family to you move halfway across the country, it's a feeling you can't describe. The hurt and the loneliness that comes with the move is nothing that anyone wants to deal with. My best friend Kaylyn Hooge moved away from Beatrice and away from me June 22nd, 2017. She now lives 17 hours and 24 minutes away from me in the state of Virginia. Me and Kaylyn became good friends at the beginning of 7th grade. We instantly clicked and by the middle of 7th grade we were best friends. I took her to Yellowstone National Park for vacation that summer. As we got older we became closer and closer. She was one of my only true friends at the time. Kaylyn is the best friend that I have ever met. She is there for me in the good times, the bad times, and everything in between. Nothing could separate us come freshman year. I thought that we were gonna be able to graduate together and have the best 4 years of high school together. It was about the middle of the school year, we were on the bus heading to our show choir competition. She was acting a little strange but only I seemed to notice it. I had pulled her to the back of our group as soon as we got off of the bus. I asked "is everything okay?" She responded to me by saying " My dad might be getting a promotion". I was happy for her dad and I didn't know why that was making her sad. She then finished what she was saying and it was "but the promotion is back in Virginia". The smile on my face went away once it sunk in that the promotion would mean that she would be moving. We tried to not think about it anymore that day but never left each others side for a minute. Some time later towards the end of the school year I had forgotten about the promotion. Until she was acting weird in class again. This time she's the one that pulled me aside, she told me that her sisters were telling their best friends so she needed to tell me. I got kinda scared when she said that. The next thing that I heard was " dad got the promotion, I am moving back to Virginia". Before I knew what was happening I was crying, everyone in the class was staring at me, but I didn't

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My True Friend : My Best Friend

Definition Essay: What Makes A Real Friend?

What makes a real friend?, a person that is a real friend is a person that cares about you and looks after you, but also they can be someone you can have fun and joke around with. A real friend is someone who you can trust so you can tell them something and they won't tell other people you, the information you don't want shared. Personally, I look for someone who is trustworthy so I can tell them personal information, someone who cares about me, someone I can fun with, and someone with which we share similar likes and dislikes. Have I ever broken a friendship?, yes and no, because my best friend from elementary school moved while we were going into the sixth grade, although it wasn't really broken, we stopped talking for a while, but currently

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What Makes A Friend?

Our friendships consist of individuals who we confide, trust, and rely on for continuous support. These individuals preserve the aptitude to either heal or destroy our perspectives, future relationships, and self–esteem. Because friendships appear to rest natural, "we don't often explicate our expectations about what it means to be a friend, but most of us nevertheless have rules for relationships that are shared cultural beliefs about what behaviors friends should perform" (Miller, 2012, p. 220). Through ensuing an innate governance of expectations, friendships subsist informal and effortless, until an individual breaks expectancy. Of the rules offriendship, three embrace prominence to me: show emotional support, don't be jealous of each other's relationships, and stand up for your partner in his/her absence. These rules stand analytical to my friendships as they endorse a trusting, compassionate relationship.

An essential element of fulfilling friendships transpires within emotion support, through the actions of "affection, acceptance, and reassurance" (Miller, 2012, p. 215). This element illuminates that individuals crave a friend with whom they can confide and trust in– an individual who not only accepts, but also expects subjective flaws. Emotional support from a friend permits an individual to express their emotions, conscious that rejection and judgment will not materialize. Friends effectively listen, support, and offer advice when it stands desired. These Get more content

When life is going just the way someone wants it to go they think that they have a lot of good friends. When that person is at a party they are hanging out and talking to a lot of people that they call really good friends, but when things go wrong they only had a bunch of people who liked them because they had money or had a lot of parties. It is never until someone is stuck in a ditch, or broke down in the middle of the night an hour and a half from the house, or need somewhere to stay because they could not pay rent until they really find out who their really good friends are. A really good friend is someone who is there for their friends whenever they are need. A really good friend is a person that everyone desires to have in...show more content...

The way to get a really good friend is to first two people need to get to know someone very well. The way to get to know each other they need to talk to each other, and hang out with each other a lot. Once two people become really good friends' one person can call the other at any time of the day or night, and the other will answer. By having a few friends like this a person can be anywhere, at any time, and be in trouble and will always have someone that can come help them out. A friend is a person who will help you when they can get something out of it. They help that person out, but later on down the road they say to that person, "Hey remember that time that I helped you out" when they want something. A friend will help another friend out of a situation when it is on their way that they are travelling. A really good friend will help another friend out, and never ask for something for helping them. A really good friend will help a friend no matter where they are, or what time it is. It does not matter what kind of situation they are in a really good friend will come help them out. Being a really good friend is something that everyone should strive to be. Also people should try to have at least five or six good friends. If someone has a lot of good friends they can be in any situation where they need help and can have several people that they can call instead of just a couple of people. If someone is a really good friend to Get more content

Personal Essay : A Good Friend

Every person in their life time had felt the feeling of being alone, not wanted, or not good enough. Having people that you can count on to make you feel important and loved are that people that you want in your life. Those people that care about you, and make you feel warm and fuzzy in the inside are who you want to depend on. There are mean, ignorant people in this world that can say things to make people feel bad about them self. I am lucky to have friends that support and make me happy when I have a bad day. All people deserve to have one at least one person to count on to be there for them. People that are supportive, dependable and caring are the definition of a good friend. Friends that support one another impact each other's lives with helping them through good and bad times. Support is a big key to a friendship, sometimes people need help, someone to talk to, or just need to be reminded that they are wanted. For instance people go through breakups that leave the person sad, and alone, with having a supporting friend gives the person the strength to stay strong to keep moving forward. People have deaths in their families that leave the family members to sadness, discomfort, and sometimes even depression. With thelove and support friends give can cheer people up along with giving them love, support, and the feeling of not being left alone. Along with support a friend gives comes dependability. Being a dependable friend doesn't sound like it would matter, but in

What Makes A Good Friend?
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What Makes A Friendship?

If flattery is disguised and mistaken as virtue, and flattery is not virtuous because it is insincere. Than sincerity must be a determining factor of what is just. Aristotle claims in Nicomachean Ethics, that flattery is a vice. He claims that Friendship however, is a virtuous act. The act of friendship cannot take place without a mutual feeling of goodwill between both parties. Goodwill is required in each of the three types of friendship. Its application is necessary in order to turn an acquaintance into a friend. Once befriended, goodwill is required to a lesser extent in order to keep the friendship aflame. In relationships of pleasure and utility, goodwill is still required but in a smaller capacity. However, in a relationship of goodness, goodwill is appealing and absolutely necessary in order for its existence. Aristotle gives a much looser definition of a friend than I do. I contest that a friendship of utility should not be considered as such. Although a friendship of utility consists of mutual respect and a small amount of goodwill, the driving forces are egoistic in nature. The participants in these relationships look only at the benefit to oneself and their intentions are not pure.

A friendship of pleasure is stronger than one of utility and consists of more goodwill. It is for this reason that I consider it valid as opposed to a friendship of utility. Although it is still egoistic in nature, it differs from a relationship of utility because it requires genuine

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The Qualities of Real Friends

To have friends is an essential part of life and comfort. When you were little you had friends in school that you could play with. You shared your toys with them and laughed with them while the teacher was speaking. When you were in middle school, you probably adopted a clique of friends to see after class and hang out with after school. Later on in high school, you most likely narrowed your choice to one companion that you could share your troubles with. These are the people you chose to spend that time of your life with, and these are the people that cultivated who you are. Everyone has certain expectations of what a valuable friend should be like. What I think makes a friend is loyalty,...show more content...

Their beliefs and values will coincide with mine, but they should also be unique with their own special faults and traits. I also don't want to be around someone who is boring and has a monotonous attitude about things. My friends and I will go out and sky dive, bungee jump and travel around the world. A worthwhile friend will help you find yourself and let you do things on your own when needed. For afriendship to grow, all parties involved must put effort to make the friendship work. They also need to be able to deal with changes within people and adapt to new traits. Only certain people with a strong character can fit my ideal. Finally, a true friend is one who is always available for help. In the middle of a crisis, you need to pick up the phone and hear a reassuring voice telling you that everything is going to be fine. It can make you feel lonely and full of despair when you have to deal with everything by yourself. A priceless friend will listen to your every word and soothe away every tear. Such a person will not complain when you are talking too much; a true friend knows you need to express yourself. Also, they will drop everything to come see you or talk to you when you really need their presence, making you a very important priority. There have been a couple of times in my life that I have come to notice who my real friends are. When I was going through rough times with my parents, the people who I thought where my friends never took the

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Essay about The Qualities of Real Friends

Qualities Of A Good Friend Essay

One of my favorite part of the song Lean On Me by Bill Withers is a "Sometimes in our lives we all have pain we all have sorrow But if we are wise we know that there's always tomorrow." In other words, no matter how arduous and challenging life can be, another better opportunity will be given the next day. In life, people should identify the difference between the real friends or fake friends. In addition, the qualities of a good friends are trustworthiness, have good attitude, and last being thoughtful. To begin with, first quality of a good friend is someone who is trustworthy. A trustworthy is someone who are honest, loyal, and caring. An example scenario of a trustworthy was taking initiative ways to return an important item such...show more content...

There is multiple method to become a respectful person. One notorious method is the use of kind phrase to elders such as no mam, no sir, yes sir, yes mam with a polite tone of voice. Second method is having a positive and clear mindset at all times. These two methods are the main characteristic of having good attitude. Another example of a good friend is someone who have a moral value. A friend who care his reputation and afraid to lose it. Moral values are something parents need to educate their children at home. By lecturing the children, the basic values, it can cause children in young age to understand and learned about moral values. Thus, an incredible attitude is one relevant characteristic of good friends. Last, the third quality of a good friend is their thoughtfulness. These types of friends care for one another by taking time to reminisce birthday, other important events and friend's situation. One example of thoughtfulness is planning a simple surprise party. Usually thoughtfulness friends do majority of planning and preparation. They normally look for places to hold the party. They decide the color skim or sometimes make hand crafts decoration that gives personal touch ups. An in expansive surprise birthday party planned by friends really means a lot. Another example of a thoughtful friend is offering a ride whenever the other person's car broke down. Marco and Jonathan were both at the football stadium and watching the game live. Get more content

What is a Friend? Who do you consider your friends? For me, a friend is someone who makes you laugh, they're nice, you can joke around with this person, and it's very easy to tell them anything because you trust them. If I talk to someone occasionally, and we're nice to each other but we never get into weird and funny conversations that later on leads to inside jokes, I wouldn't consider them a friend. All of the people I consider my friends are people who just bring joy to me. One common experience I have had with all my friends is laughing for a very long time non–stop until our stomachs hurt. For example, once I was skyping with two of my friends, Kim and Cortes. Cortes saw a post on Twitter that said "I hate it when teachers coffin skate...show more content...

For me, I unfortunately do not excel in anything and I blend in with the crowd. Being great at something brings you praise and attention which is a good thing because people will look up to you. In addition, it could also help you stick out when it's time to apply to a college. They'll look at your classes and see you were a top student for one of them, or look at one of the extracurricular activities you were a part of and see you contributed a lot and were very important and praised by the other members. For example, if you're into sports and you're the star athlete of your team, not only will you win awards from your school and be well–known by nearly every student, you might also get recruited by a college. What this means is the college will ask for you to join, since they want you on their team. If you're a part of a school organization that's also very beneficial. You gain skills that will be very important in the future. You'll build leadership skills and confidence. If you stick with this organization for a very long time during school, that's also a good thing colleges look for and it increases your chances of being

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Definition Essay: What Is A Friend?

What is a friend? A friend is someone who will always tell you the truth. They are the there for you through the hard times and the easy times. They will never leave your side because they will understand you. A friend is someone you can count on to do anything with. They will never hurt you and will always have something to say. They wouldn't keep secrets from you, they would be the first ones to say if something is wrong. They will be more like your brother or sister to you because they will know you very well. Most important, a friend is someone you will love to be around because they brighten your day. An example of a good friend is someone that can hurt you by telling you the truth. A bad friend can be someone that will lie to you and...show more content...

In on way, why are they different is because they are both different grades with different requirements. An eight–grader doesn't have to be responsible of their work, because they have it all in their classes. Now, a ninth–grader has to be responsible when it comes to their work because they take it everywhere. Being a freshman requires so much work and so much effort because you are new to the environment, it is a new life situation because you are not considered a kid anymore you are more considered as a teenager with responsibilities. There are many things a freshman has to do than an eight–grader. Such as completing every single subject for every single class, also taking responsibilities of your actions. In High School you don't come here to play any games because it is your life after these 4 years are over. In eight–grade, lets say you still don't have to take many responsibilities as a freshman. You have to be ready to participate and collaborate on anything the teacher says, that will benefit you a lot. The work is slightly different as well because it's harder and you just have to try your very best. It's good to consider yourself to do good on many because the positive energy is what will help you threw your High School

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Good Friend Definition

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