Team Player brochure

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Compatible colleagues perform best

The new colleague matching a Research studies indicate that compatibility in the workplace really does matter. Employees who are a good fit with their colleagues perform better and stay longer. Moreover, reduced employee turnover has a positive impact on training and recruitment budgets. Now employers and recruitment professionals can use TeamPlayer to compare a participant’s probable level of compatibility with their potential line manager and other fellow team members. Based on their responses to diagnostic questions regarding social interactions, problem solving strategies, conflict resolution styles and other intrinsic qualities, this unique tool enables you to fairly and objectively identify the participant who will be the most compatible with their potential colleagues.

Better compatibility leads to greater job satisfaction, higher levels of engagement, improved performance, increased staff retention and consequently a stronger organisation. James Lanas Inventor of the TeamPlayer diagnostic questionnaire

Select the Best Fit TeamPlayer gives you a simple, straightforward way to gauge the likelihood that a participant will thrive within your organisation by comparing their compatibility with:

O line manager or supervisor O other existing team members O other participants

Saves you money

The price of recruiting a new employee is commonly equivalent to 25% of the first year’s salary, which excludes internal costs such as interviewing and TeamPlayer training. By achieving “Best Fit” first time and reducing employee turnover, TeamPlayer helps keep recruitment costs to a minimum.

Wide range of applications Equally valuable to employers and recruitment companies, TeamPlayer can be used for external and internal recruitment, and also when planning reorganisations and restructures - before or after interviews, and for making a final selection. It can be used:


by employers and recruitment companies for external and internal recruitment when planning reorganisations and restructures before or after interviews, or for making a final selection O to underpin a fair and auditable process O to compliment existing selection processes O to improve process efficiency and reduce the number of interviews

The results can save you time, effort and money by helping you make an informed, objective decision.

Integrates with current processes Quick and easy to use, TeamPlayer ‘Cloud’ based technology is a valuable asset that you can effortlessly integrate into your current processes, whatever your method of selection.

ssessment tool Not a test and it doesn’t typecast There are no right or wrong answers and the results don’t classify people as a particular broad type. Instead, TeamPlayer is unique because it evaluates each person as a multifaceted individual and objectively assesses the likely degree of compatibility between them and other specific individuals. Moreover, because every participant is compared by the same standardised measurements, it is a fair and objective basis for selection.

Quick and simple to use Step 1: Invite Participants The compatibility of a participant and any of these people can be measured:

O line manager or supervisor O existing employees O other participants

Step 2: Manage the Process It’s easy to use. A nominated administrator can simply login online and track the progress of all participants. Step 3: Review Results Once all the participants have completed their questionnaires, the administrator can retrieve instant reports illustrating the overall degree of compatibility between defined individuals:

O participant and line manager or supervisor O participant and individual existing key employees O even participant and participant, where appropriate

Participant 1 Participant 2 Participant 3

This, assessment questionnaire based, online tool is not a personality test and there are no right or wrong answers. It identifies and scientifically compares the intrinsic values and preferences of each individual and assesses whether they will enjoy working together and therefore be highly engaged, more likely to perform well and stay with the organisation long term.

Scientifically developed for consistent results Designed by behavioural psychologists, the questionnaire statistically records how each participant perceives, interprets and approaches common workplace situations. TeamPlayer adds scientific objectivity to the selection

Invite the relevant individuals and participants to each complete the 20 minute online confidential questionnaire.

Benchmark Significant disagreement

Helping you select “Best Fit” people every time

Significant agreement

process because all participants are assessed and compared by the same standardised measurements. This means you can be sure your chosen participant really is “Best Fit”.

Compatible colleagues perform best

For more information please contact: Tel: +44 (0)203 239 2186 Mobile: +44 (0)7834 529446 Cambridge Professional Diagnostic Services Limited trading as TeamPlayerHR

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