6 minute read
Registration & Policy Information
Program Registration Before registering make sure that you have updated your household information with the Bensenville Park District. This can be done by filling out the Household Information Form. The Household Information Form along with the Registration Form can be found on our website and is available at the Deer Grove Leisure Center.
When completing the Registration Form keep in mind the following • Fill out the form carefully and completely. Please indicate if you have changed your address, phone number, or email address. • Payment can be made via credit card, money order or check. Make checks payable to the
Bensenville Park District • Bring or mail your Registration Form with payment to the Deer Grove Leisure Center.
Refund Policy The Bensenville Park District constantly strives to offer you the best in recreational activities, events, and programs. If you are not completely satisfied and would like to request a refund please call and we can help you with your options. • A $5 administrative fee will be charged for all refunds. • You may transfer to another class if space is available. • A pro-rated refund will be issued for medical or moving reasons. Documentation is required. • Refunds take three weeks to process. Checks are mailed directly to your home. • No refunds will be granted 24 hours before a class starts or after it has started. • Certain facility and program refund policies may differ. Please adhere to the specific policies.
Financial Aid Program The Bensenville Park District believes that all residents should have the opportunity to participate in recreational programs. The Park District will attempt to provide leisure opportunities for residents faced with financial hardship. Please call (630) 766-7015 or visit the Deer Grove Leisure Center and ask for a Financial Assistance Scholarship Application. You must turn in your application two weeks prior to your program start date.
Hablamos Español Para información en Español, hable con Yolanda (630) 766-7015 ext. 101 del Lunes al Viernes 10-6pm o correo electrónico, ymedina@ bvilleparks.org o visite nuestra página de internet, www.BvilleParks.org para traducir en Español; seleccione “Español” en “traducir por Google” en la página de inicio.
Disclaimer The Bensenville Park District makes every effort to provide complete and accurate information about the programs contained within this brochure. If an error has occurred, the Park District has the right to revise, delete, or change any information it deems necessary.
Behavior Policy No participant shall, on the basis of race, sex, creed, national origin or disability be denied equal access to programs, activities, services or benefits, or be limited in the exercise of any right, privilege, advantage or opportunity. Participants are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior at all times. The following guidelines have been developed to help make Park District programs safe and enjoyable for all participants. Additional rules may be developed for particular programs as necessary by staff. Participants shall: • Show respect to all participants and staff • Refrain from using foul language • Refrain from causing bodily harm to participants and staff • Show respect for equipment, supplies, and facilities A positive approach will be used regarding discipline. The Bensenville Park District reserves the right to dismiss a participant from a facility, program or event for violation of behavior guidelines. Trip Policies A refund will only be issued if a substitute can be found. The Bensenville Park District must pay in advance for tickets and reservations, therefore, this policy is strictly enforced.
Toilet Training Policy Bensenville Park District requires program participants to be toilet trained. Staff are not permitted to change diapers or soiled clothing. Participants may keep extra clothes on hand for emergency situations, however, the participant, participant’s parents, or designated person may assist with the change. Pull-ups brand training pants are not acceptable. This policy does not apply to participants ages two and under.
Photo Policy Photographs and videos are periodically taken of participants in classes, at special events, or at the parks. Please be aware that these photos are for Park District use only and may be used in the District’s publications, websites, and/or social media accounts. In the event you do not want yourself, or your child featured in these publications, the Bensenville Park District needs to be notified prior to the event in writing. Please call the Park District with any questions.
Insurance Policy The Bensenville Park District is unable to assume the responsibility for injuries or accidents occurring at programs, activities, parks, and facilities. Please check your insurance coverage before you participate.
Class & Program Registration Form
Please fill out the registration form completely for all family members. Please return completed form along with proper fee to: Bensenville Park District, 1000 W. Wood St., Bensenville Illinois 60106, (630) 766-7015. Or fax to 630-766-9280. All registrants must have Household Information on file with Bensenville Park District prior to registration. ATHLETIC LEAGUES ONLY Player/coach requests
Family Last Name Address Interested in volunteer coaching? Yes No
Please list any reasonable assistance which you may require to participate in our programs. Assistance request:
If check is returned to the park district stamped nonsufficient funds, full payment as well as a $25 fee will be required via cash or credit card before participation in Bensenville Park District programs can continue. Note: * By providing your e-mail address you will receive valuable information about events, programs and services offered by Bensenville Park District. We respect your privacy, allowing you to opt out of receiving e-mails at any time. We do not lend or sell your personal information to any outside parties. “As a participant in the program, I recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury and I agree to assume the full risk of any injuries, including loss of life, damage or loss which I may sustain as a result of participating in any and all activities connected with or associated with such programs.” I further agree to waive and relinquish all claims, fully release and discharge and agree to indemnify and hold harmless and defend the park district and its officers, agents, servants and employees from any and all claims resulting from injuries including; loss of life, damages and losses sustained by me and arising out of, connected with or in any way associated with the activities of the program. By signing this document, you signify that you have read and fully understand the above important information, warning of risk, assumption of risk and waiver and release of all claims. If registering on-line or via fax your on-line or facsimile signature shall substitute for and have the same legal effect as an original form signature. Date Date CVV#:
Exp. Date: Zip Code:
Participant Signature (if over 18) Parent or Guardian Signature (required if under 18) Credit Card# V M D: Authorized Cardholder Signature:
Mark Your Calendars! Join us for our Winter events, for details please see pages 5-8.

Holiday Gingerbread Contest Letters to Santa Santa Claus is Coming to Town Santa Zoom Call
Sweetheart Ball Without the Hall
E-Recycling & Document Shred Event Easter Egg Hunt Date
12/01-12/18 12/01-12/15 12/12-12/19 F, 12/18
Sa, 02/13
Sa, 02/27 Sa, 03/27 Time
Various 4:00-8:00P
4:00-5:00P pick-up
1:00-3:00P Various Location
Your Home DGLC Your Home Your Home
Your Home
Water Park Parking Lot Various

Here’s WhatWe’re Doing To Keep You Safe As We Welcome You Back!
Hand sanitizing stations have been placed strategically throughout our facilities
We’re adhering to all guidelines provided by the CDC and IDPH
We have reduced class sizes Masks are required upon entering our facilities
We have implemented enhanced cleaning procedures to keep our facilities clean
Signage promoting social distancing has been put up
Please know safety is, and always will be, our top priority. Substantial planning has gone into the logistics of running each program in this guide as safely as possible; however, if at any point we feel the safety of our patrons is compromised, that program will be canceled.