NORTH ST R Issue 9, Volume 27 Blue Valley North Overland Park, KS April 12, 2013
(noun) - wit, irony or sarcasm
used to expose and discredit vice or folly Merriam-Webster Unabridged
Dear Readers:
his time of year can take a toll on all of us. With finals, AP tests, college decisions and other spring craziness, the last months of the semester seem to drag on. This issue is meant to be a break from
the monotony by making you smile and think at the same time. We see a major purpose of a newspaper as reflecting the problems and controversies that matter to us. In this issue, we’re exploring a fresh
way to do that – through the lens of satire. We’re interested in not only providing entertainment, but also helping our readers perceive things a little differently. This issue has allowed us to
step out of our own comfort zones to produce unusual and funny writing without letting our stories lose their meaning. We hope it’s as exciting to read as it was to produce. Enjoy.