Together, we grow.
Together, We make an impact.
Together, We prove what is possible.
Blackstone Valley Prep Mayoral Academy Annual Report 2014
“The formula for success at BVP is pretty simple –
it’s a lot of hard work.”
-Marielle Emet, Dean of Academics, BVP Middle School, and 2013 Milken Educator Award Recipient
02 | Letter from Board Chair & Executive Director 03 | Mission, Vision & Growth 06 | Points of PRIDE 07 | Intentional Diversity 09 | Scholars in the Spotlight 11 | Results 13 | Leaders in the Spotlight 15 | Future Growth 17 | Financial Summary 18 | Partners & Donors
Growing from 4 to 7 schools by 2017.
Letter from Board Chair & Executive Director Dear Friends, We are pleased to share with you Blackstone Valley Prep (BVP) Mayoral Academy’s 2014 Annual Report – our first! In 2009, a group of community and education leaders asked the question, “What would be possible if we could start a school from scratch?” At the start of the journey to find the answer, our doors opened with just one school and one grade – the very first mayoral academy to serve families in Rhode Island. It’s hard to believe that in only five years, BVP has four schools serving over 1,000 scholars and will grow to serve over 2,000 across seven schools by 2017. The short answer to the question originally posed in 2009 “BVP is showing is this: “A ton!” Today, in 2014, BVP is serving as one proof point for what is possible in our communities and for our scholars and families across the state. that with high BVP’s early and hard-won successes, combined with increasing demand from families in the Blackstone Valley, continue to indicate the need to offer more seats. In 2013, over expectations, 11,800 applications were submitted for around 1,300 open spots – not just for BVP, but for all Rhode Island public charter schools. At BVP in 2014, there were 1,935 applications great teachers, for 185 seats. Motivated to do more, BVP will grow with a focus on creating more high quality and more time, seats to meet this demand. At scale, BVP will enroll more than 2,000 scholars across three elementary schools and three middle schools feeding into one high school. This all students level of expansion will better meet the demand within the Blackstone Valley – specifically, within the four communities BVP currently serves.
can achieve at
In this report, we highlight our accomplishments in the 2013-14 school year, but we also look forward to the future, focusing on our growth and the continued exploration of what extraordinarily is possible. The truth is, we couldn’t do it without your support. Together, we grow. Together, we make an impact. Together, we prove what is possible. Sincerely,
high levels.” -Jeremy Chiappetta
Daniel McKee, Board Chair
Jeremy Chiappetta, Executive Director
mission, vision & growth
BVP is proud to serve as one proof point for what is possible with high expectations, a longer day and school year, and a focus on helping every child prepare for success in college and the world beyond. BVP is a public, tuition-free network of schools that serves the families of Central Falls, Cumberland, Lincoln and Pawtucket. As a member of the Rhode Island Mayoral Academies (RIMA) network, BVP is governed by a Board of Directors that is chaired by the mayor of one of its sending communities.
Focused on the future of our state and economy, RIMA’s mayors advocate for high quality school choices that effectively prepare students to be successful in the careers of not just today, but also the future. BVP’s students – called scholars because of the extensive time they dedicate to their studies – are engaged in 21st century learning that will prepare them to be leaders in their communities. In response to increasing demand for enrollment, BVP was approved by the Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) to grow to operate seven schools – three elementary and three middle schools feeding into one high school – by 2017.
bvp family demand
BVP’s early success has led to increased demand and more enrollment applications than there are seats available.
With a sense of urgency and responsibility to offer more seats, BVP will grow to serve over 2,000 scholars, K-12, across seven schools.
RI passes mayoral academy legislation.
BVP ES1 launches with 76 kindergarteners.
BVP MS1 opens in Lincoln.
BVP’s current schools (as of 9/2014) Elementary School 1
Location: Head of School: Grades: Scholars:
Elementary School 2
Location: Head of School: Grades: Scholars:
BVP ES2 opens in Cumberland.
BVP grows to serve 1,000 scholars and employ over 120 staff. BVP receives a five year charter renewal from RIDE.
BVP opens its high school and builds a permanent home for BVP ES2.
To meet the needs of increasing demand, BVP grows to serve seven schools and over 2,000 scholars.
Cumberland Kyle Quadros K-4 425
Cumberland Colleen Colarusso K-3 328
Middle school
Location: Head of School: Grades: Scholars:
Lincoln Joy Souza 5-8 333
high school
Location: Head of School: Grade: Scholars:
Waiting List
Cumberland Jonathan Santos Silva 9 97
Our vision BVP will be a model of rigorous 21st century college and career preparatory public education that serves an intentionally diverse scholar population by ensuring the academic, social and emotional growth, and health and wellness of all scholars; investing and engaging families, staff and community; fostering welcoming and accepting schools that promote individual achievement and supportive climate;
and will significantly improve the educational landscape in Rhode Island by disseminating best practices; collaborating with educational innovators, political leaders, and mayors throughout the sending districts, across the state and nationwide; and proving what is possible for 100% of scholars.
2013-2014 points of
BVP received a five-year charter renewal from the Rhode Island Department of Education.
BVP became home to the RI CoElementary Art Educator of the Year and the prestigious, nationally recognized Milken Educator Award.
BVP received a $2.2-million award from the Charter School Growth Fund to expand and serve more students.
Discipline BVP had the highest percentage 94% - of eighth grade scholars who were proficient or proficient with distinction on the New England Common Assessment Program (NECAP) in math in the state!
BVP was named a founding member of the National Coalition of Diverse Charter Schools.
BVP received a planning grant from Next Generation Learning Challenges to design its blended learning high school. In May 2014, BVP was awarded $450,000 to implement that model. BVP High School opened in September 2014.
Intentional Diversity
“We are family, not by blood, but by a common goal and dream for the future. No matter what these children end up doing in life, they will have had the best foundation any community could hope for.” -Marcia Costa, BVP ES1 family member
BVP believes deeply in the importance of leveraging the intentional diversity of its school community: The BVP network was one of seven schools profiled as a “successful example” of an integrated charter school in research published in May 2012 by The Century Foundation in conjunction with the Poverty & Race Research Action Council. The study found that socioeconomically and racially integrated schools are more likely to foster student achievement, social development and future employment. BVP intentionally accepts students from four unique sending districts, two from the traditionally higherincome suburban communities of Cumberland and Lincoln and two from the predominantly lower-income communities of Pawtucket and Central Falls. Most recently, BVP was one of 13 schools nationwide to become a member of the National Coalition of Diverse Charter Schools ( Valuing diversity is an organizational priority and a core belief shared across the network. Bringing together four neighboring communities gives scholars the opportunity to break boundaries across lines of racial and socioeconomic differences and learn in the same classroom.
BVP Demographics 3% 13%
46% 38%
Hispanic White Black Asian
63% of BVP scholars qualify for free or reduced-price lunch.
Scholars in the Alessandra uribe Grade: 2
School: BVP ES 2 scholar Favorite Book: Snow Shapes by Judith Moffatt
Olivia Landry Grade: 5
School: BVP ES 1 alum BVP MS scholar career goal: Firefighter or Teacher
Josian quianes Grade: 8
School: BVP MS scholar Favorite subject: Math
When attending community meetings with her parents, Alessandra translates and will even stand up and speak for her mother who is sometimes shy (like Alessandra). We are so proud of her initiative and courage. –Alessandra’s first grade teacher, Ms. Rebekah Thibeault A lot of things would be different if I weren’t at BVP. I wouldn’t know the violin, I wouldn’t have friends, and I don’t think I would fit in at [another] school. People here are one of a kind, and teachers prepare students for college.
At first I was struggling at BVP, but now I have turned it all around. Everyone has some secret talent, and teachers here get to know you, find it and push you forward until you succeed.
Spotlight BVP scholars are held to high standards in every way. The following scholars not only exemplify what it means to be a BVP scholar, but they also showcase the unique aspects of BVP’s program that make it successful, including a focus on academics, a love of learning, and enrichment courses.
Love of Learning:
Alessandra entered BVP at a STEP reading assessment level of one and was able to reach a level four by the end of her first year, which is a significant demonstration of growth. She has developed a love of learning both inside and outside of the classroom. Alessandra helps translate from Spanish to English for her parents in public places and has been known to help her fellow English language learning classmates to speak up more in class. One day, after helping her with homework, Alessandra’s father discovered that she had taught herself to read in Spanish, which he confirmed by asking her comprehension questions at home that she was easily able to answer.
Enrichment: Olivia entered BVP as a kindergartner and hasn’t looked back. She is currently in the fifth grade.
Olivia appreciates the rigorous academic preparation BVP provides, but she also loves going to art, music and P.E. With a longer day and a longer year, BVP offers each 2-3 times weekly. When asked what else she loves about BVP, Olivia will tell you that she feels especially thankful for being able to make friends with people from different communities, who she may not have met if she went to another school.
Academics: When Josian came to BVP, he needed to work extra
hard to meet BVP’s behavioral and academic expectations. By the seventh grade, his teachers will tell you that he became a model of what it means to be a BVP scholar. In addition to making significant academic gains, Josian began regularly engaging in class and supporting others, even becoming a frequent nominee for Mathlete of the Week, where scholars nominate peers for going above and beyond in math class.
BVP exceeded the state average in every subject, in every grade 11
2013-2014 necap reading results* 100
67 70
The percentage of BVP scholars scoring proficient exceeded the state average in 100% of grades for both reading and math.
Weighted Sending Districts
Rhode Island
Blackstone Valley Prep
20 0
2013-2014 necap math results* 100
94 80
70 60
59 52
Weighted Sending Districts
Rhode Island Blackstone Valley Prep
20 0
*5th grade results are for newly enrolled BVP scholars and not part of the BVP accountability system.
Attendance (%) 100
97 95
Stability Rate (%)**
Chronic absenteeism (%) 13
Statewide Elementary
BVP MS Statewide MS
6 80
4 3
The percentage of BVP sixth grade ELLs scoring proficient was 62 points greater than the state average for their ELL peers in reading.
The percentage of BVP low-income third graders scoring proficient was 29 points greater than their peers across the state in math.
**Stability data tracks the percentage of students who stayed in the same school throughout the school year.
leaders in the
BVP Teacher of the Year
Alyson Chatham
Ms. Alyson Chatham has taught at BVP for four years.
BVP is a community of people who are actively committed to growth. On every level of the organization, people take the time to critically observe and reflect on strengths and challenges. People at BVP constantly question themselves, as well as their peers and leaders in order to gain a deep understanding of how every individual scholar best learns.
Over the last two years, she participated in The National Academy of Advanced Teacher Education (NAATE), which is a rigorous professional development program that brings together teacher leaders across the country to engage in case-based discussion about masterful classroom instruction and leadership. She graduated from Clark University with a degree in Psychology and concentrations in Peace and Conflict Resolution and International Studies. Ms. Chatham completed her Master of Arts in Teaching with a specialization in Urban Education at Clark. Ms. Chatham is BVP’s 2013-14 Teacher of the Year.
Spotlight Jonathan Santos Silva
high school head of school Mr. Santos Silva’s journey at BVP started when he joined the advisory committee tasked with setting the framework to design a BVP high school from scratch. Having always dreamed of leading his own school, Mr. Santos Silva was a natural fit for the role of High School Designer. He spent the 2013-14 school year traveling the country, visiting blended learning schools and working with teachers, professors and consultants to incorporate only the best practices as part of his model. Mr. Santos Silva is a Massachusetts native and a graduate of the D’Amore-McKim School of Business at Northeastern University. He taught math at a Bureau of Indian Education school on the Pine Ridge Reservation of South Dakota before moving to Rhode Island to coach new teachers in K-12 classrooms throughout the state. A part of the Aspiring Leaders cohort at the Academy for Transformative Leadership, Mr. Santos Silva is now BVP High School’s Head of School.
The special thing about leading a founding school is that you have the opportunity to write your own story. Every day is a new opportunity to create a new future for your students. Rhode Island is small, but our diversity at BVP is a microcosm of America. What we build here will work anywhere.
future growth
BVP is making an impact and proving what is possible. As a public charter school, BVP believes in serving as one high quality school choice for the communities it serves. BVP’s track record of strong academic results — paired with the intentional diversity of its scholar population — is proving what is possible for every community across the state and across the country. If it works here, it can work anywhere.
high school
But this work is not possible operating in a bubble. BVP continues to partner with local community organizations and school districts to identify and implement best education practices and to learn from one another.
In this way, BVP’s work is raising the bar for all schools and all students and making a large impact in the smallest state. By 2017, BVP will serve over 2,000 scholars across seven schools, grades K-12.
middle schools
elementary schools
Currently Open
3 Opening August 2015
1 3
Opening August 2016
Opening August 2017
financial Summary Revenue State and Local Entitlement Funding Federal Grants and Funding Private Grants Other Total
$ 12,275,058 $ 991,027 $ 1,079,615 $ 191,538 $ 14,537,239
Expenses Personnel Facilities Transportation Other (Non-Personnel) Total
$ 9,156,143 $ 1,237,753 $ 997,883 $ 1,773,466 $ 13,165,245
1.4% 6.8% 7.4%
13.5% 7.6% 9.4%
State and Local Entitlement Funding
Private Grants
Federal Grants and Funding
Other (Non-Personnel)
bvp partnerships
BVP is proud to have many partners that are integral to its success. To mention just a few, a special thank you goes out to the following: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Brown University- Urban Education Program Central Falls School District The Century Foundation Charter School Growth Fund
Civic Builders Harry Kizirian Elementary School, Providence Highlander Institute Leadership Rhode Island MacColl YMCA
National Coalition of Diverse Charter Schools Next Generation Learning Challenges Principal Residency Network Project LEARN
Rhode Island Campaign for Achievement Now (RI-CAN) Rhode Island College Rhode Island Foundation Rhode Island Mayoral Academies Teach For America
bvp donors Got College? $1,000 & Above BankRI Bristol County Savings Charitable Foundation Timothy & Maria Brown John & Leticia Carter The Champlin Foundations Charter School Growth Fund Brad & Tiffany Collins Donnelly’s Edwards Wildman Jeff & Sara Enright Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Gregory & Tracy Fine Mark & Debbi Fitzgerald H.V. Collins Company Labonte Landscaping Lifetouch National School Studios The Louis Calder Foundation Lowe’s Charitable and Educational Foundation Michael & Dr. Susanna Magee WB Mason McAdams Charitable Foundation Susan Moore
Moses Afonso Ryan LTD Nellie Mae Education Foundation Next Generation Learning Challenges Jonathan & Stephanie Noris Rhode Island Foundation James & Erika Sanzi Starkweather and Shepley Charitable Fund Sodexo Perseverance $500-$999 Bank of America Civic Builders Durham Bus Services Michael & Patricia Cunningham Stephen & Marielle Emet Andrew & Tina Goodale JPA Technologies Victor Lombardi & Lisa Bowie LuJean Johnson Memorial Hospital Medical Staff Brian Murphy & Christine Losea Jay Nimmagadda Kimberly Noble Ocean State Rental John & Heather Picerne Reebok International LTD Chris & Georgia Shaban
The elementary third grade strings program was made possible by a donation from the Bristol County Savings Charitable Foundation. BVP is thankful for the generosity of its donors and partners who help support the important work of preparing scholars for success in college and the world beyond.
bvp Donors 19
Respect $250-$499
Integrity $100-$249
Discipline $50-$99
Ai3 Architects T. Joseph Almond Jason & Michelle Boie Maryellen Butke Richard & Julie Casimiro Jeremy & Christie Chiappetta Churrascaria Marques Kate Crowe Kevin Egan Robert & Christine Feld Marcolino & Sandra Ferretti Ernie Frizzle Jacqueline Hazley HINT Water Hope Actions, Inc. Judith Hughes Jani-King Cleaning Company Kimberly Jallette John & Susan Kanakry Subrahmanyan & Suryavasavi Katralapalli Allison Keneally David & Genny Lauck Robert & Jennifer LoPiccolo Jacob & Rachel McGuire Daniel & Susan McKee McKee Brothers Oil Neighborhood Health Plan of RI Ocean State Printers RXinsider John & Gayl Sanzi Steven & Katelyn Silva Robert & Joy Souza The Home Loan Foundation The Law Offices of Kevin B. Murphy and Associates Tony Luis Auto Aleksandr & Eugenia Vitkin Chris & Jessica Waters Daniel Waugh Delia Wilson
Angelo’s Robert Ardrey Melissa & Bruce Buchanan Caprichos Antiquenos Bakery Audrey & John Carroll Julio Castillo Central Falls Fire Fighters Colleen Colarusso Kathy Cote Brian & Paula Curti Matthew Espeut-Coyle & Sandra Coyle Felipe & Nancy Estrada Stephen & Lisa Flanagan John Geoghegan Kevin & Kathleen Goffe Stephanie Gonzalez Elizabeth Graham Thomas & Linda Guerin Mohammed Hachem & Nancy Kassem Howard & Stacey Johnston Cheryl Laprade Jennifer Larson Drew Madden Kevin Madden Mendon Wines & More Brian & Lori McEwen Christopher & Mary Mears Robert & Diane Morissette John Morton Robert Alfred & Lina Musayev Peter Nigro & Mary Joyce Paul & Carol Lyn Parker Muhammad Qandil & Sadaf Ali Kyle Quadros Daniel & Melissa Rouette Teague Shosh Richard & Daria Sitkus Benjamin Smith Spin-Works Artin Taskin III The Washington Trust Company United States of America Hector & Rosa Uribe
Harper Acevedo Taiwo Adelani Mary Ankamah Matt & Lori Barden Whitney Bates Kathryn Bendheim Courtney Bernier Nicole Biddle Brian & Carla Bouthillette Rafael & Diana Brandon Richard Buchanan Alex Calpa Nancy Carriuolo Robert & Shelly Cartier Thomas & Leslie Choquette Timothy & Elizabeth Colestock Jennifer Cote Silvia Cuello Dave’s Marketplace June Daniel James Diossa Pablo & Mizra Estrada Juan C. Flores Frances Fullam Donald Gagnon Kevin Gallagher Diana Gallego Joshua & Ali Geballe Joshua Giraldo Edith Gutierrez Joshua & Ana Hurd Michael & Lisa Iannetta James & Debra Jadach Jill Kelly Jill Larsen Eric & Sandra Leclair Corinne Lepore Tony Lepore Noel Linback Venus & Vrishali Lopes Kathryn McBride Jim & Melissa McKee Jill McNichols Luke & Jennifer Morin Eladia Nuñez Ocean State Be Yoga Folajimi Olagundoye Iris Ortega Didier Pareja Stephen & Kelly Parmentier Cesar Peña & Edith Ibarra JoAnn Provencher Donald & Lisa Provencher Jean Quigley Christine Rei Carlos Ribeiro & Tammi Johnson Tia Ristaino-Siegel Rock Spot Climbing Jorge & Catarina Santos Jonathan & Vichara Santos Silva Elsa Segura
This generosity does not include the thousands of volunteer hours, direct classroom in-kind donations and donations through Thank you to everyone who has supported BVP in ways both big and small.
Michael & Holly St. Pierre Christine Tavares Elizabeth Tavares Evelyn Taveres John & Lynne Tecca Victor & Emily Tomas Kevin & Tracy Walton Gerald Zani Noralba Zapata Enthusiasm $25-$49 Antonio & Lani Agudelo Orfilia Albaran Benilde Alger Dawn Baker Milena Barrios Lisa Benevides Letticia Benitez Ralph & Jessica Brown Jess Bunnell Elizabeth Cabral Michelle Carbonne John Costa Marcia Costa Angelica Cruz Dave & Busters Nicole Delanos David Delanos Carolina Diaz Michael & Rosemary Dunn Keith & Lindy Fregeolle Lina Garcia Jocelyn Gatlin Trisha Gloria Christina Goodale Fredy & Eliana Gomez Katelyn Guignard Edison Gutierrez J Gray’s Family Tavern Chad & Catherine Johnson Shane & Alicia Kelleher John & Tracy Larose Lesly Leon Ruth Lincoln Benjamin & Sarah Mahler Tiffani Marro Mastery Martial Arts Lisa McDevitt Kim Monteiro Lindy Muraca Roseanne Nadeau Ken Osborn Sebastian Pastor Polar Beverages Jody Pryor Elizabeth Santiago Shelly Sencar Dircia Silva Eric & Sharon Stager Bruno Tente Elmer Urugutia Keri Wujucik
Donations listed are for Fiscal Year 2014, which runs July 1, 2013-June 30, 2014.
BVP Board of Directors Hon. Daniel McKee, Chair Hon. T. Joseph Almond Julie Casimiro Hon. James Diossa Joshua Giraldo Michael Magee, Ph.D. John R. Morton, M.D. Jessica Waters
Blackstone Valley Prep Mayoral Academy
Thank you for your continued support!