TIGER PRINT BLUE VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL Vol. 42 Issue 8 March 2012 Stilwell, KS
NATURE NEGOTIATIONS Possible acquisition of park prompts debate between district, community members page 3 BASKETBALL BATTLE KU, MU fans look back on historic rivalry page 6 DAYTIME DOZING Sleep deprivation proves detrimental to health, performance in school page 14
Creative innovating CAPS program fosters independence, new ideas: pages Photo by Dakota Behrman. Photo by Jun12-13 Ham.
March 2012
Faculty members compete as teams in weight loss challenge
Journalism staffs qualify for State saranaatz co-editor
Chemistry teacher Manal Siam runs on a treadmill in the school fitness center. Siam is a captain in a competition based on The Biggest Loser, which aids the participants in their weight loss goals. Photo by Jun Ham.
mitchsundquist journalism I student School Resource Officer Ken Braden created a competition to help members of the BVHS Staff lose weight and eat healthy. He said he understands the difficulty of trying to begin to lose weight. “A lot of people say they want to lose weight, but they don’t act on it because they don’t know how to get started,” Braden said. Braden came up with the idea for the competition while talking with teachers Eric Driskell, Manal Siam and Azie Taghizadeh. Those four eventually became the captains for the four teams of the competition. The teams will be divided equally among weight. Braden designed the competition to last for about two months. For the first month, team members will tell their captains how much weight they lost at the end of each week, and they will keep track of the total percentage of weight lost. For the second month, they will stop keeping track each week, and none of the teams will know how much the others have lost during the last month until the last weigh-in day on May 15. “I think the competition aspect of it definitely adds a lot more accountability than just saying you’re going to do something,” Siam said. “It’s fun just doing that playful smack-talking with some of the other team captains and team members.” Siam is in charge of documenting the percentage of weight lost by her team and individuals. She
already has activities planned to help her team win the competition. “A couple of things our team has talked about right now is maybe doing a 5K or some kind of race together,” Siam said. “And then just general motivation, that’s kind of what we’ve got going on right now.” Even though it is a competition, Siam would like to see everybody who is involved reach their goal. “Ultimately, we just want all of us to be in a healthier place in a couple of months,” Siam said. Karen Kaman, the Administrative Assistant of Athletics, is one of the staff members who accepted Braden’s weight-loss challenge. She said her participation in the competition goes beyond trying to lose weight. “I’m moving to Colorado this summer, and I wanted to get healthier and in better shape before I take up all the outdoor activities that I have waiting for me there,” she said. Kaman said she also enjoys the competition aspect of the challenge. “For me personally, I will do better in this program because I would never do anything to let my team down,” Kaman said. “So, the fact that we’re working as a team and that we’re accountable to each other, means that I have a better chance at success. They’re welcome to join me in the fitness center at 4:30 in the morning.” Kaman said she feels optimistic for the competition. “I’m glad that Officer Braden and some other people came up with this great idea,” Kaman said. “I think we’re going to have a lot of fun. I look forward to it.”
After competing on Feb. 23, 16 students from the Yearbook and Newspaper staffs qualified to compete in 13 categories at the Kansas Scholastic Press Association (KSPA) state competition in May. Staffers competed in either on-site writing competitions or carry-in competitions for photography and graphic design. State contenders include seniors Dakota Behrman, Erin Browne, Tess Constant, Evelyn Davis, Jordan Huesers, Maegan Kabel, Megan Kuharich, Jordan McEntee, Sara Naatz, Lauren Reardon, Mandy Reno, juniors Karlee Cassidy, Odi Opole, Anna Varriano and sophomore Anna Wonderlich. Last year, the journalism students did not have the chance to compete in on-site write-offs due to severe weather. However, the staffs went on to place second in the 5A State competition. Adviser Jill Chittum said this success, even without participating in half the competition, gave her high hopes for the 2012 regionals. The State competition will take place on May 5 in Lawrence, where students will participate in write-offs. Carry-in competitors will send in new entries to be judged. Chittum said the student journalism programs in the state of Kansas tend to be more of a focus than in many other states. Though this provides an environment for student growth, she said it also makes for tough competition. “State is very tough because scholastic journalism all over Kansas is very strong,” Chittum said. “It’s kind of a blessing and a curse.”
On “The Hunger Games” review More ‘90s versus now Extended opinion pieces
March 2012
School district, some community members at odds regarding fate of Stanley Nature Park saranaatz co-editor The school district continues to modify plans for the possible attainment of the Stanley Nature Park from the Johnson County Parks and Recreation District. Meanwhile, community members protest the acquisition of the park, which would be added to the land of the BVHS campus. At a public hearing on Tuesday, Feb. 28, the district outlined its current plans for the Stanley Nature Park. This plan would add 40 acres of land to the high school campus and include four practice fields for soccer and football, as well as two softball fields. There would be no artificial lighting in consideration of neighborhoods surrounding the park. Approximately 4 percent of this acreage would also go to a new parking lot for BV students and would allow the school to restripe the main parking lot to widen spaces. The pre-existing soccer and football practice fields would become a parking lot in the current plan. At the public hearing, the district voiced its motivations for these additions to the BVHS property. “We’ve received continual complaints about the parking lot at Blue Valley High School in a number of areas,” deputy superintendent Al Hanna said. “First of all, the size of the spaces. The spaces are very small. The distance between the rows is very small. We have continually restriped that lot to try to maximize the number of spaces that we can have.” Hanna said the district hopes by adding more space for parking, it would improve safety and decrease the number of accidents in the parking lot. Though the district plans to keep more than half the park in its current state, community members such as Matt Stueck, an active member in the Save Stanley Nature Park group, expressed concerns regarding the fate of the park. “I think most of this group would say it’s OK to have some fields on the northern portion of the park,” Stueck said. “The problem is, once the school got it, they would have the whole thing at their disposal. There’s nothing to stop them. That’s just the reality.” Stueck graduated from BVHS, where he took field biology and zoology. “A lot of what I learned about nature, I learned as a student at the school using the park,” he said. “I think the school would be
better off using it as a resource as they have now, which is as a nature park, and not as an extension of their athletic fields.” The Save Stanley Nature Park group estimates approximately 34,000 visits to the park per year according to a car counter in the parking lot. However, Scott Crain, Director of Design and Construction for the school district, said students parking in the lot during school hours crossed the car counter, thus distorting the number of apparent visits to the park. “This likely increases what would otherwise be a valid count of visitors coming to Stanley Nature Park,” he said. “We also recognize that other visitors to our site, particularly during large events at the stadium, were parked in this area. That potentially skews that count of visitors to the Stanley Nature Park.” The Parks and Recreation District plans to purchase two other parcels of land if the school district purchases the nature park for school use. These properties are located at 175th Street and Mission Road. The district hired a conservation ecologist, Laurie Brown, to evaluate all three properties on their environmental values. Brown analyzed soils, ecological systems, wetlands, aerials of the parks and digital data in her research. She then ranked each property on its resource types, resource conditions, location, accessibility and additional benefits. She shared these results at the public hearing. According to Brown’s findings, the Stanley Nature Park ranked the lowest of the three properties overall, especially in resource type and condition. She attributed these low results to invasive species, those species not native to the area. Brown also found Stanley Nature Park is less accessible than both other properties because it is surrounded by residential neighborhoods, and the only public access to the park is through land shared with the high school campus. “It is not void of wildlife,” Brown said. “But this area is not providing prime habitat for wildlife. Because the site does not have oak and hickory, it does not have designated critical habitat for wildlife.” The community members responded to this research in an open forum at the public hearing. “Doctors talk a lot about treating the symptoms and not the patient,” Stueck said. “I think this natural resource assessment has done a very good job of looking
Before the public hearing on Feb. 28, protesters gathered at 151st Street and Metcalf Avenue to voice their opposition to development of the Stanley Nature Park. Objections ranged from effects on housing prices to destruction of natural habitat. Photo by Dakota Behrman.
at minute details. We need to take a holistic approach and look at the parts as a whole. Clearly, that shows the Stanley Nature Park is a much more valuable park.” The district will continue to consider community members’ comments and adjust plans according to how it sees fit if the park is purchased. “We obviously try to minimize the impact in terms of the area that’s currently there,” Hanna said. “That would be ideal from our standpoint, too.”
Check online at for more opinions on the development of the park
March 2012
Parking lot frenzy causes accidents, can be avoided katiewells staff writer A couple seconds is all it takes. Adjusting the radio, glancing at a text message, taking a sip of your latté. According to the New York Times, an average car made in the United States weighs 2,000 pounds. An entire ton colliding with anything is dangerous for those involved. Campus police officer Dennis Randall said many of the wrecks in the parking lot are caused by inexperienced drivers. Though many wrecks go unreported, there have been four this year on the record. Randall said when wrecks are reported, the students exchange phone numbers and then inform their parents. If there is a conflict between the families, the campus officers fill out an accident report form for insurance purposes. Randall said costs from wrecks vary. “Where you think would be a small bumper scratch, you have to replace the whole bumper,” Randall said. “Newer cars are getting a whole lot more expensive than the older cars.” Randall said he sympathizes with the parties involved in wrecks. “It’s traumatic,” Randall said. “You go, ‘What do I do now?’ I know what the cost factor is. As a parent, if it’s my child’s fault, I’ve got to repair the other vehicle.” Junior Allison Golbach was stopped at an intersection when a school bus hit her vehicle. “I was talking to my brother, and I was like, ‘That bus better not hit me,’” Golbach said. “It was making a left hand turn, and we were completely stopped. The bus kept going and hit the front left side of my car. I was just in absolute, complete shock because I only had the car for less than a year.” Sophomore Ryan Casey wasn’t present when an accident involving his Chevrolet Trailblazer occurred. “Someone hit my car,” Casey said. “There were a whole bunch of white markings and scratches across the front bumper.” Casey opted to return home afterwards, rather than locate the culprit. Casey’s parents did not pay to repair the damage. “I was like, ‘What an unfortunate circumstance,’” Casey said. “My car is kind of hard to miss. Like, wow, learn to drive.” Randall said the best way to avoid an accident in the parking lot is driving slowly and staying alert. “The slower you go the better, especially pulling into the parking spots,” he said. “Don’t be a distracted driver with your stereo really loud. Just go real slow and pay attention to your surroundings.”
Groups of senior girls discuss women empowerment book maddiejewett staff writer A group of five or six senior girls walks into the school psychologist’s office. Cat fight, right? Wrong. The girls are attending a group formed by BV’s school psychologist Julie Seitter. The groups read parts of the book “Succulent Wild Woman” by Sark, and then discuss it. They meet once a week for six weeks in Seitter’s office. Seitter said the book talks about the author’s journey as a woman. “The book explores how we, as females, can live fully,” Seitter said. “And more than that, it teaches us to accept ourselves for who we are, despite our flaws.” Seitter said the groups discuss everything from healthy relationships to the many messages that society forces upon women. “We explore why we break others down rather than build them up,” she said. “One question we try to ask ourselves is, ‘How can we help out our sisters?’” Senior Addie Dolan said her group began by answering a list of questions from Seitter. “After we answered her list of questions, we went into depth about how we can apply the things we read to our everyday lives,” she said. Eleven years ago, Seitter began the senior bookreading groups at BV Northwest and carried on the tradition when she came to BV. She got the idea for the groups when she received the book from a friend. “She also gave it to one of my other friends, and we are all psychologists,” she said. “We all loved to talk
about all sorts of issues regarding women, and we went out and discussed different parts of the book. From there I thought, ‘What a wonderful discussion topic.’” Seitter said the groups are aimed at senior girls due to their level of maturity. “I do this only with senior girls because it develops a stronger sense of who they are,” she said. “This is something they can take off to college with them.” Dolan said she enjoyed hearing the girls’ opinions. “At one of the meetings, we had to write down traits that we want in our future soul mate,” she said. “I thought that was cool to see what other people wanted in a soul mate and then to ask myself what I wanted.” Originally, Seitter asked for recommendations from the counselors of six girls that would be interested in reading the book. Then, the girls in the group chose the next six girls that would attend the meetings after them and so on. The groups fill out evaluations on the last day, and Seitter said, so far, she has had very positive feedback. She said the reading and discussion of the book can build the girls’ self-esteems. “I think it’s important,” she said. “There are a lot of things in this book that need to be discussed and need to get out there.” Dolan said though the book is not something she would typically chose to read herself, she enjoyed it. “It was good to change it up a bit,” she said. “It was inspiring — to not be afraid to be who you are. I think it has a really good message." Seitter said she had learned new things along with the girls. “I learn something new with every group I do,” she said. “Somebody comes up with some idea or some perception that is new to me. And I love connecting with other women.”
Seniors Meera Chakravarthy and Thamara Subramanian meet with school psychologist Julie Seitter. After being chosen to discuss the book “Succulent Wild Woman” by Sark, groups of senior girls meet once a week to discuss various topics regarding women empowerment. Photo by Dakota Behrman.
March 2012
Student assembles care packages for soldiers serving overseas, provides comforts from home tayloryeazel circulations manager He’s on the other side of the world — a soldier serving his country. In the mountainous terrain of Afghanistan, he lives in a room crowded with bunk beds. The other soldiers in his unit come from various parts of the U.S. One man from Africa serves alongside them. Most of his time is spent with the citizens of Afghanistan. He and the other soldiers patrol the region for hours upon hours. They will serve together for a year, and it’s been seven months thus far. To him and his fellow soldiers, little comforts from home, like pens, magazines or fudge, mean the world. Junior Katie Campbell organized a drive to send Sean Beland and his fellow soldiers care packages. Beland graduated from BV West in 2009. Katie’s sister, Emily Campbell, a 2009 BV graduate, prompted Katie to organize the drive when she was preparing to send a care package to her friend, Beland. Via Skype, Katie asked Beland about items that were either needed or just nice to have. She said although each item is appreciated, if the soldiers don’t see a direct need for the donation, it will be given to the citizens of Afghanistan. “He did mention that they will use anything that they do get,” Katie said. “He said he was even using girl’s foot lotion, which I thought was hilarious. He mentioned that the kids are always stealing their ink pens, which is why the pens are so important because the people over there aren’t technologically advanced, and that’s kind of wild.” Chris Campbell, Katie’s father, said Katie wanted to help bring all of the soldiers in Beland’s unit some comfort. “I think that once she found the things that they really like — pens, baby wipes, DVDs — these are little things that just about everybody where we live has,” he said. “She thought it was kind of silly that we couldn’t find a way to make their existence, if you will, a little bit more comfortable.” Chris said once Katie heard about Beland and his fellow soldiers’ situation, she felt a need to help in any way she could. “Katie likes doing things for people, particularly things that might carry some kind of positive value,” Chris said. “I was in the military a long time ago. We’ve talked about the places I went and things like that, so they have a bit of an idea that little things help. When you’re away ... in a combat environment, little comforts from home can help.” Though he’s never been in a combat zone, Chris said receiving something from home when he was serving meant a lot.
Junior Katie Campbell loads care packages into the back of her car. She decided to create the packages after speaking to a family friend who is currently serving in Afghanistan. “It was odd knowing that there are kids just two years older than us serving our country with so much courage,” Campbell said. “I didn’t know how anyone could not want to help.” Photo by Bailey Outlaw.
“I mean, you’re talking about pens,” he said. “Pens are a big deal over there or baby wipes and little pieces of candy. It’s a connection to home. Just the idea that someone took the time to send you something from halfway around the world, Katie Campbell that means a lot to someone in their positions.” When Katie decided to spread the word and collect more items, she utilized Facebook to solicit donations and also asked social studies teacher Jessica Janish if she would help out. Katie said the experience has taught her a lot about how important the little things are. “It makes me feel good to be able to do something like this for someone else that is giving up so much to take care of others,” she said. “I think, in that way, it’s taught me a lot about how much just even showing your support, not even send-
ing anything, but just telling someone that you do support them and you do care about them can affect someone. I think that’s really big, and a lot of people don’t realize that.” Katie said she believes, whether people support the war effort or not, people should support the soldiers because they’re American citizens. “When I was talking to Sean over Skype, it was, I don’t know, kind of surreal because he looked so normal,” she said. “He’s so young. It just reminded me of any of the guys at this school all of a sudden being over there, any of my friends being over there or my cousin. It just kind of hit me really hard that it could be anyone. I figured it’s important to support that and to make sure that they feel like they are doing something for a good cause over there. Sean mentioned that it’s hard to feel like people are supporting you when you’re not around them all the time. When you’re not back in your own country, it gets easy to forget that there is support for you out there, and I think it’s important for people to realize how much they can affect others.”
March 2012
Border War K
ansas and Missouri fought on separate sides in the Civil War. Today, the fight continues on the basketball court. With the rivalry in the spotlight due to conference realignment, two fans try to prove which school is the ultimate winner in men’s basketball.
MU carolinemeinzenbach staff writer This rivalry is not just a plot to get the universities more money. It comes from the blood, sweat and tears of the men of our states. And it is unlike any other rivalry in the college sports world. People were killed over the issue of slavery between these two states during the Civil War. Though the belief is that all Missourians were for slavery, the state was actually split in half. The people of good ol’ Columbia were anti-slavery. The local militia, called the “Tigers,” guarded the city. It is the origin of the University of Missouri mascot. In fact, BV selected the “Tigers” as the mascot because the first superintendent was a Missouri fan. All I can say is, thank God we’re not the Blue Valley Jayhawks. Little do Kansans know, their “Jayhawkers” were the first to start burning towns when they set Osceola, Mo., ablaze before Quantrill’s raid on Lawrence. Sorry Alabama fans, but poisoning Auburn’s precious trees doesn’t even compare to burning down an entire town. The University of Missouri, the oldest university west of the Mississippi River, was established in 1839. From the Journalism school to the columns on the Quad to the Missouri Waltz, this university has definitely made its mark. They invented Homecoming, for
goodness sake. A big part of MU is their legendary basketball coach, Norm Stewart. Stewart played basketball and baseball for the Tigers and is the only person in the history of the university to be inducted into the University of Missouri Hall of Fame as a student-athlete and a coach. Stormin’ Norm was known for his hatred of Kansas. He never spent a dime in Kansas because he knew that his “Missouri money” would end up benefiting the state’s universities through taxes. Stewart used to say, “If you can’t beat them, you can still hate the Jayhawks.” On what was supposed to be the first day of practice for the 2011-2012 Mizzou basketball team, new coach Frank Haith did not have the boys shooting lay ups or running suicides. The players participated in team-building activities to build trust and respect each other as players and as people. That has made all the difference this year. They are a family. “Screw red and blue, we are Mizzou. We are Mizzou.” That catchy tune rang loud and proud throughout Missouri during “Hate Week,” the week before the first MU versus KU game. MU basketball players Marcus Denmon and Phil Pressey both were named to the Naismith Midseason Watch List. Sorry KU, looks like you aren’t one of the four schools with two players on the list. Best of luck to you, Thomas Robinson. Feb. 29 was senior night at Mizzou Arena. Steve Moore cried. Kim English threw his shoes into the crowd. He said over the speakers, “I wanna hear the best three letters that I’ve ever heard. M-I-Z.” The crowd yell back “Z-O-U,” and the team filed into the tunnel. And this passion sets Mizzou apart from any other school.
KU jansenhess staff writer No one will ever forget the buzzerbeating 3-pointer from Mario Chalmers that sent the 2008 NCAA national championship game into overtime — an overtime where the University of Kansas proved victorious over Memphis. No one will forget the countless former and current KU basketball players: Wilt Chamberlain, Danny Manning, Paul Pierce, Brandon Rush, the Morris twins, Sherron Collins and Thomas Robinson, just to name a few. There are always countless arguments between KU and MU fans, excuses on both ends. Drama sparks up, and there you have it, World War III. But isn’t hating each other the fun of it? The rivalry between KU and MU dates back to 1907 when the two teams first played each other. After over a century, KU leads the rivalry 172-95. Sure, MU had a better record during this year’s regular season than KU did, but when did they actually beat a good team? Besides defeating Baylor and KU, I don’t see any wins against prestigious basketball schools. Plus, they lost to KState. Twice. That’s just embarrassing. KU, however, lost to Kentucky and Duke — two schools known for their basketball programs. It’s funny. This year was supposed to be KU’s building season, yet they’ve been in the top 10 practically all season.
It’s because they have a basketball history like no other school. I mean, the inventor of basketball was their first coach. We were obviously destined for greatness. Add on eight straight conference championships, seven Big 12 Tournament championships — under head coach Bill Self — and a total of five National Championships. KU is obviously superior to MU in this rivalry. By the way, KU has more national championships in men’s basketball than MU has national championships in any sport, a grand total of two. Their poor trophy cases must be so empty. . . Allen Fieldhouse, on the other hand, is not empty. It’s such an insane environment in which to experience a game. At this year’s KU versus MU game in Lawrence, the decibel level was about 120 dB. Pain starts at 125 dB. That’s ridiculous. Many say it’s the toughest college basketball venue to play at, and I can’t disagree. So much spirit and tradition are built into the foundation of that stadium. It’s unbelievable. The newspaper confetti that is tossed at the beginning of every game pumps up the crowd and shows the other team that it’s game time. The Rock Chalk chant at the end of every win reminds our opponents that we are victorious. It gives me goose bumps whenever I hear it. We may have a mythical bird for a mascot, but many don’t know what the bird symbolizes. Especially those Missouri folk who refer to us as the ‘chickenhawks.’ The bird is a combination of a blue jay and a sparrow hawk. The blue jay for how noisy it is and the sparrow hawk because it is a stealthy hunter. Don’t doubt these birds. And don’t doubt our fans. We will defend our Hawks till the very end. Win or lose, I’m dang proud to be a Jayhawk.
March 2012
Kick it back with some musical suggestions
jordanhuesers co-editor Music. Such a simple word encompasses so much. We have different genres, different artists, different songs, different instruments, different lyrics. We have the hip hop, the jazz, the alternative, the blues. We have the wonderful world of country music (I say this in a sarcastic tone, unless you’re one of those avid fans who gets angry when someone says something slightly negative about the twangy music). Not to mention all the names associated with the music biz. You get the picture. And, as students, we all know school is almost over. Yes, summer has almost arrived. The sun, the vacations, the long nights and the not-so-early mornings. Only one more quarter left. Music helps, at least for me, to pass the time — no matter how I’m feeling. Maybe I am in one of those “I must accomplish everything tonight” moods. Or maybe a “Uh, homework, yeah, not happening” mood. Here’s some music suggestions for you if you ever feel like turning the volume up and tossin’ those headphones on. But heads up, I’m not a music expert. I can’t tell you the names of the all the band members or all the band’s albums, so don’t quiz me. I can, however, tell you what sounds good to me and what fits my mood. Let’s kick it off with The Black Keys. The two band members are amazing. Amazing. The group plays alternative, indie, blues rock. But it all comes to down to singer Dan Auerbach’s voice. Take a listen. This music is for the “I don’t really care for rules; I’m my own person” mentality. Three songs you should listen to: “Everlasting Light,” “Howlin’ For You”
and “Your Touch”. Now let’s try The Civil Wars. Once again the group has two members. They play a folk, Americana sound. They are my homework music. Turn them up when you work on your easy physics homework, and play them softly in the background when you read your history textbook. The soothing music helps you stay awake but doesn’t detract from your ability to complete assignments. Three songs you should listen to: “I’ve Got This Friend,” “Poison & Wine” and “The Violet Hour.” Next up, Modest Mouse. I wouldn’t be able to fully express my love of this band in print even if I tried. Issac Brock, the lead singer, has a sick voice. It’s absolutely the strangest thing you could hear, but at the same time, the most wonderful. I always say I plan on marrying him one day. The band incorporates the banjo, ukulele, keyboard, fiddle, horn, drum, every possible sound you could think of. The music can get strange, but the lyrics remain inspiring. “Don’t worry even if things end up a bit too heavy, we’ll all float on, alright.” Three songs you should listen to: “The World At Large,” “March Into The Sea” and “Ocean Breathes Salty.” My final suggestion. Wilco. At first, you may not like it. The first time I heard this band, I begged my father to turn off the awful music. However, I began to hear a few songs here and there on my Pandora account, and now I absolutely adore this band. Maybe the music just has to grow on you. The band has songs to get me through the long nights. Songs to help me fall asleep. Songs to encourage my typical rebellious behavior. And songs to distract me from life. The band plays a vast array of music. Some alternative rock, some folk rock. Basically everything you’d want in a band. Plus, the band produced a ton of albums. You won’t be able to get tired of the music. Even if you try. And you can’t say lead singer Jeff Tweedy isn’t the most adorable man you’ve ever seen. Three songs you listen to: “You and I,” “I’m the Man Who Loves You” and “Heavy Metal Drummer.” I still suggest a little bit of City and Colour and the ever-popular Mumford and Sons, but only if you have time.
Dreams provide insight into human mind
emilybrown opinion editor I’ve dreamed of a world in perpetual war over puzzle pieces that hold enormous power, of being chased through empty streets by a Gothic carriage pulled by a ghost dog, of demon worlds and trains in the sky. I’ve dreamed of being stuck in my actual dream, of mysterious forests with whispering trees and of fighting off invading Canadians on Nall Avenue. Since I was a little girl, I’ve been fascinated by the psychological and scientific aspect of dreams, and I’ve always wondered, what do our dreams mean? What do they represent? My dreams aren’t a series of random scenes that make no sense. My dreams are stories. And for someone who loves storytelling, they have become undeniably precious to me. They are a source of inspiration, and each morning, I grab my dream journal next to my pillow and scribble down the basic summary of whatever I remember from the night before. Sometimes, they are story-worthy material. Most times, they are just fun to laugh about with friends. Like the three-week recurring dream of being stalked by a serial killer, which scared me so badly that every time me and my friends hung out, I had to drag them outside to check my trunk before I drove home. But other times — the most important times — my dreams reveal truths that I would have never garnered from everyday thinking. And during those times, the true purpose of dreams appear. I dreamt one of my most memorable dreams when I was in late elementary school. A girl had been harassing me pretty badly because of how I talked and my stature. After a particularly grueling day of bullying, I went to bed. I dreamed the girl died in a car accident, and I woke up crying. The girl had tormented me for years; why would I care enough to cry? But I did. I started wondering what might be going on in her life to make her so angry. With that realization, I decided to make things change. I might not be able to change the way she treated me, but I could change the way I treated her. Instead of responding to her taunts with snotty remarks or my own anger, I just laughed it off. A month later, she accepted my invitation to sleepover at my house. So, as silly as it might seem, dreams really do provide amazing insight into your life and emotions. They lift up the veil called denial and force you to face your fears and anxieties, without fear of failure in the refuge of your own mind. And only by analyzing, or at least, considering the meaning behind your dreams, can you find such insight.
March 2012
the tiger print co-editors-in-chief Jordan Huesers Sara Naatz website editor Maegan Kabel photo editors Dakota Behrman Maria Fournier news editor Kelly Cordingley features editor Annie Matheis
ads manager Anna Wonderlich circulation manager Taylor Yeazel staff writers Abby Bamburg Jansen Hess Maddie Jewett Meghan Kennedy Hailey McEntee Caroline Meinzenbach Katie Wells
entertainment editor Odi Opole
photographers Jun Ham Bailey Outlaw Olivia Roudebush
opinion editor Emily Brown
cartoonist Evelyn Davis
sports editor Jordan McEntee
adviser Jill Chittum
Cartoon by Evelyn Davis.
Cafeteria succeeds in providing healthy food suited for teenage diets staff editorial
When the average high school student hears the words “cafeteria food,” the first things that come to mind are mystery meats, unrecognizable veggies, rubber cheeses and dry bread. Images of edamame or brown rice, certainly, do not appear in students’ minds when they think of their cafeteria. Very rarely do the words “hummus,” and “chickpeas,” appear on the typical school cafeteria lunch menu. But food service in the Blue Valley School District is hardly average. According to a Department of Agriculture report to Congress, only
2 percent of public school students meet the Food Guide Pyramid serving recommendations for all five major food groups. While this statistic does reflect eating behaviors at home, this low percentage of students meeting recommended nutrition servings is also an indication on how schools are failing to provide, not only nutritious food, but food that students actually want to eat. And with rising food prices, this is not an easy job, especially with hundreds of picky eaters passing through the cafeteria every day — each person with their own preferences and dietary restrictions. But our cafeteria has managed to succeed in doing something that most high school cafeterias have been unable to do. They have balanced edibility and healthiness.
Yes, not everything provided in the cafeteria is optimum health food. But most of the food is, and what really matters is that students have the choice to eat healthy foods if they want. We take for granted that our school has a salad bar, healthy wraps and food that is nutritious. The rolls and bread sticks are whole grain, and they serve a variety of unique vegetables and fruits like edamame, chickpeas, pineapple and kiwi. But most surprising of all is the hummus. Finding good hummus at a restaurant is hard enough, but finding decent hummus in a school cafeteria? Unheard of. Yet, a few weeks ago, our cafeteria served a delicious hummus. So, BV cafeteria staff, keep doing what you are doing. And please serve more of that great hummus.
The Tiger Print is published 10 times a year for students, faculty, and the surrounding community of Blue Valley High School. It is an open forum for student expression. Therefore, the opinions expressed within this paper do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrations of Blue Valley Unified School District #229. Letters to the editor and reader responses are encouraged for publication. The Tiger Print reserves the right to edit all submissions for both language and content and encourages letters to be no more than 350 words. Letters should be submitted to room 450, emailed to or mailed to: The Tiger Print c/o Blue Valley High School 6001 W. 159th St. Stilwell, KS 66085 phone: 913-239-4800 Pacemaker finalist, 2009 and 2010. Member, Kansas Scholastic Press Association, National Scholastic Press Association and Columbia Scholastic Press Association.
March 2012
from the UK to the US Student experiences differences in schooling, lifestyle between European, American cultures maddiejewett staff writer Junior Elliott Miller puzzles over a math problem at his desk. It takes him a while to work it out, but once he finds the answer he sits back, relieved. “Bob’s your uncle,” he says. While most people might use phrases such as “ta-da” or “shazam,” this is not the case with Elliot. He was born in Canterbury, England. Elliott lived there until he was three years old, then he and his family moved to the U.S. for his dad’s job. “The U.K. is basically like the U.S., but a European version, besides the fact that [the U.S.] is more isolated from the rest of the world,” he said. “In Europe, you could immediately get different cultures by driving a few miles. It’s kind of disappointing because I came here for the American dream and all that.” He and his family first lived in Illinois, then moved to Kansas. In sixth grade, Elliott and his family went back to the U.K. for about three months to renew their visas. Visas are cards that people who are not U.S. citizens get in order to live in the U.S. However, they expire after three years and have to be renewed. Even after living here for 14 years, Elliott said being a citizen is not a priority to him. “I don’t necessarily want to be a U.S. citizen,” he said. “Some people have the idea that ‘I’ve lived here for 14 years, shouldn’t it be my country as well?’ I’ve always almost rejected the idea of being part of the community.” After living in the U.K. for part of his first year of middle school, Elliott said he misses the strictness of the schools in England.
“I miss the uniforms,” he said. “I think it’s a great idea for all schools. It unifies everyone and makes everything a lot easier to work by. Also, the teachers there aren’t necessarily your friends — they’re just there to teach you. I find that a lot more effective.” While the enthusiasm here inspires him, Elliott said moving back to England after high school or for college is a possibility. “I’d like to go back there to a very good engineering college and a very large engineering company,” he said. “However, if I get a scholarship here, then the decision would be slightly circumstantial. I’m planning on doing CAPS, and I’ve heard it’s a really good program.” Elliott’s mother, Anne Miller, said living in the U.S. has given her son unique opportunities that he could not have experienced elsewhere. “We’ve been very lucky because we’ve gotten to travel a lot with my husband’s job — 45 states, I believe,” she said. “[Elliott’s] been able to experience a lot of different people and a lot of different things.” Elliot said everything in the U.S. is bigger than in England. “In the U.K., the roads are smaller, and there are smaller cars,” he said. “I’ve always found it funny that back there a 7.4 liter is huge, but here it’s normal. That’s how I can relate to different countries — the style of cars.” Anne said moving away from their family in England affected the way they raised their son. “Raising him here, I’ve been totally on my own,” she said. “Obviously, I’ve got my husband, but there would have been a lot more family there. Also, the schools are different there, and he probably would have done extracurriculars
in England.” After the family renewed their visas and returned to the U.S., people began to bully Elliott. This was in middle school, and he said the reason for it was that people saw him as different. “I think there are two main reasons why I was bullied,” he said. “One, we were just learning more about the Revolutionary War, which was the Americans fighting the British Empire. I talked differently, and I think people almost kind of saw me as a past enemy. The other reason is just the fact that I was plain different. They couldn’t understand me. I had different ideas than other people, which I think kind of scared them.” Elliott said being from a foreign country has become easier through the years. “The situation was different even back in elementary and middle school,” he said. “No one really understood why I talked differently in elementary school. But then in middle school, I was outcasted because of where I came from, and the bullying escalated. However, when I went to high school, it was ironic because people were a lot more open to the fact of me being a foreigner.”
Conversing with his classmates, junior Elliot Miller works on a class assignment. Elliot moved back to America in the 7th grade after having spent three months in England where he was born. Photo by Bailey Outlaw.
March 2012
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March 2012
Signs of interest haileymcentee staffwriter Cross arms over chest with hands in fists touching shoulders. Love. Make two thumbs-up signs and put both together in front, center of body. Move both hands in circular motion. Together. Freshman Jenna Carey started the Sign Language Club and led the first meeting on Feb. 21. She became interested in sign language in middle school. “In seventh grade in band, we weren’t allowed to talk during class,” Carey said. “So, me and my friend would use signals kind of like sign language to talk to each other. That’s probably when I first got interested in sign language. We used to just make it up, but then
we started to actually learn some real sign language.” The club members started their first meeting by making goals for what they want to achieve by coming to the club. “Everybody’s kind of in a different spot,” Sign Language Club sponsor Tina Martinat said. “Everybody just kind of shared out their goals to see if there were any common ones along the way.” Once they discussed goals, the club members talked about how much sign language each one of them knew. They found out they all know approximately the same amount of sign language. “Some of the people in the club know a little bit — just random words,” Carey said. “We are going to try to get to the point where we
Curiosity sparks creation of sign language club can actually do full sentences.” The next step starting the club was figuring out what resources they could use to learn sign language. One club member found an app on her phone that might help them learn. “We’re trying to tap into people resources and see if they could ever come to a meeting and kind of teach us some sign language,” Martinat said. “Any time that we can learn from a person, we would love that. But in the meantime, we’re going to use library books, apps on a phone and YouTube videos.” Carey said she has considered becoming a sign language interpreter in the future. “I really enjoy sign language, and my parents told me about how it could be a
job, and that sounded pretty good to me,” she said. She said the Sign Language club will be a good way to reach her goal of becoming a sign language interpreter. Carey said if she becomes good enough, she could take sign language classes in college. “It’s much easier to learn through interaction and actually talking to people in sign language,” she said. “We’ll be able to practice with each other and learn together at the same pace,” Meetings for the Sign Language Club will be on Tuesdays from 3 p.m. to around 3:30 p.m. “I think it will be one of those ‘If I can make it, then great,’ kind of clubs,” Martinat said. “Everyone is welcome, and we are just in the beginning stages.”
Signing the alphabet, freshman Jenna Carey demonstrates to others in the Sign Language Club. Sponsor Tina Martinat said the club is a good way for students learn a new language that will help them in other parts of their lives. “It opens them up to communicate with others who may not have the ability to communicate.” Martinat said. Photo by Olivia Roudebush.
exploring french culture
Club offered regardless of class enrollment meghankennedy staffwriter
Cartoon by Evelyn Davis.
Welcome to French Club. Bienvenue au club Français. It costs $5 to join. Ça coûte $5 pour devenir membre. You don’t need to speak French to participate. Vous n’êtes pas obligê de parler français pour participer. French Club sponsor Carol Bar said the club has about 50 members, including students not enrolled in a French class. French Club secretary senior Bekah Nyman said she has high hopes for the future of the club. “I would like to see the students not enrolled in a French class learn basic words in French,” she said.
In addition to community service activities and fundraisers, the club embraces French cuisine. “We love to eat,” Bar said. “That’s the staple of our club.” French Club president senior Lauren Burns said the club is based on celebrating and learning about French culture. “It’s more for people who just like French food and everything that has to do with France,” she said. “We all enjoy getting together to eat French food and watch French movies.” Once a month, French Club has one meeting in the morning and one after school. Nyman said she likes how French Club isn’t strict about attendance for meetings or activities.
“It’s nice to have a club where you can come and go as you please,” she said. “It isn’t mandatory that you attend meetings, but it is still encouraged.” Burns said making sure students not enrolled in a French class are comfortable in the club is a major aspect of the club. “We treat everyone the same, whether they’re enrolled in a French class or not,” she said. “The atmosphere of everyone being able to be together outside of school and not feel compelled to speak entirely in French and be graded on how well they do is really just relieving. It’s like a class, but without the classroom feel. It’s just a group of friends who get together and enjoy the French culture.”
March 2012
Film student expresses views through videos saranaatz co-editor
It starts with an idea. He then searches for the perfect music to begin his creation. When he arrives at the CAPS building with his idea, he constructs a detailed storyboard before he begins to film. Next, he searches for the actors and actresses, as well as the perfect setting to match his vision of the final product. He then commences filming, in which each scene is carefully shot with consistency. At last, he reaches the long and detailed process of editing. He carefully sews each scene together, considering the input of teachers and friends along the way. He adds effects and touch-ups, and finally his film is finished. Senior Matt Aiello developed a passion for videos when he discovered YouTube in the eighth grade. After watching countless video game montages, he began to pur-
chase his own editing software to try it out for himself. “When I started watching YouTube videos, I saw how the responses to the videos allowed a lot of people to connect with them,” he said. “I think it’s cool to be able to connect with people through video.” Aiello quickly became more interested in other types of film. He joined Tiger TV to experiment with the broadcast side of video and to further explore his interests behind the camera. “Broadcast helped me learn the business aspect and deadlines,” he said. “It helped me learn how to get things done.” Aiello created State football montages with senior Parker Lewis and worked on Tiger TV’s Overtime. But as his interest in film grew, he decided to try out a semester in the CAPS iMedia program, where he could focus more on his individual videos. “We try to make sure the students have the opportunity to create their own individual talent in filmmaking,” filmmaking teacher Gina Njegovan said. “The idea is for them to stretch and experiment and take risks and try new things. This is the time to do that.” Njegovan said the threeperiod block allows CAPS students to develop their ideas more than normal high school class periods. “You can’t do anything in video in 50 minutes,” she said. “You can get more work done, and you’re not interrupted. You get that train of thought and you get focused, and then all of a sudden time is up. Any time you’re working on a project that’s very self-directed and you’re meeting deadlines, you need a chunk of time as opposed to short spurts of time.” Aiello decided to continue studying film at the CAPS facility. Because this is his third semester in CAPS filmmaking, Aiello now
works as an intern for Digital Sports Ventures. His most recent project included creating video for a Michigan State basketball player. “At CAPS, you’re able to get that real-world experience,” he said. “Half the time at CAPS, I spend at an internship making sports videos or highlight videos for colleges. It’s nice being able to communicate with businesses and learn how to handle myself.” Njegovan said CAPS students work with business partners to gain experience, and the students learn from being critiqued by their clients. “You have a different perspective when you are creating something for yourself for peers to watch as opposed to creating something along the guidelines of a client,” she said. “You have to put aside what you think it should be and do what someone else thinks you should do.” Though CAPS provides this business aspect of learning, Njegovan said students are also encouraged to pursue their own interests in film. She said Aiello shows the most interest in documentary filmmaking, and he excels in narratives and story-telling. “Matt has his own style,” she said. “During his three semesters in my class, he has distinctly developed a style that he likes, although he does take risks. He definitely is looking at a deeper side of human nature. His films are very reflective. He is looking at some very deep subject areas that he’s thinking about.” Aiello said he hopes to continue to work with film in college and possibly as a career because it is the best way for him to express his opinions and views on what happens around him. “I mainly do it to express myself,” he said. “I’m not very open about how I feel, and the best way to do it, for me, is through film. That’s the biggest thing — getting my point across. My main goal in the videos is to make people question things.”
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Read more abo students at bvtige
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March 2012
Senior uses district facilities to discover new fuel jordanhuesers co-editor Instead of fueling cars with gasoline, he strived to find a method to use water as a fuel source. To do this, he needed to not only remove the hydrogen from the water, but do so in an efficient manner. He designed a system that can run off the existing electrical power source in a car, so that the creation of hydrogen can take place on board, as needed. He now has seven patents on the technology he designed and is the CEO of two companies. Senior Hunter Browning participates in the Career for Advanced Professional Studies (CAPS) program, which has allowed him to focus on this project. This year, he is in an independent study class, Engineering Design and Development. The class encourages students to develop a product and patent it. His current business, Blis Resonance, will sell technology and the rights to the apparatus he designed. The company, however, is currently in pre-commercialization phase. Hunter, along with a small group of businessmen, are working through government regulations. “It started as a project and then got really real, and then turned into a company,” he said. “It’s really fun to walk out of meetings with people who are pretty successful in business and then be like ‘Oh, I’m 18.’ That’s pretty fun to get to do a lot of this at a relatively young age compared to most of those guys.” CAPS Computer Integrated Manufacturing Instructor David Clark said Hunter’s success comes from separating the hydrogen as a part of the process within the vehicle, as opposed to separating the hydrogen and creating a fuel cell. “If he breaks through with the hydrogen fuel cell, that’s just a huge thing that could revamp a lot of what we are challenged with with energy,” he said. “He’s very interested in many different aspects of science and technology. You can just tell from how he approaches things. He’s cost conscience; he’s market conscience. So as a business person, I think he is go-
ing to be very successful.” Hunter said the first few meetings he attended made him somewhat nervous, but the CAPS program aided him in overcoming that. “CAPS does a really good job of throwing you into situations like that, that you get over it pretty quick,” he said. “I actually used to be terrified of public speaking, and now I have a presentation somewhere probably once a week, at least.” Hunter’s mom, Tia Browning, said the CAPS program gave Hunter an environment where he could bring together his talents and interests he already had for engineering. “There was nothing like that available when my husband and I were in high school,” she said. “So, we knew right away that Hunter, being a very selfmotivated person, that he would do very well in an environment like CAPS. We were on board from the beginning.” Hunter typically works 90 to 100 hours a week through the CAPS program. Hunter said, through this experience, he realized all the potential outside the high school world. “I don’t necessarily have the highest GPA, and academically, in the regular high school world, I’m not by any means extremely successful, but CAPS really lets you use the skills you are good at and apply them to real life,” he said. “It’s a place where I can actually do something with that, and it’s become a pretty amazing experience thus far because this company is turning into what I’m actually going to do after I graduate.” Tia now acts as a mentor at CAPS through her company, Earth Expressions. She said CAPS teaches kids an ample number of professional skills vital in the business world such as communicating properly via email or learning the proper behavior in a business meeting. “There’s a lot of kids who have an aptitude towards, say, science and math, so maybe they are leaning towards engineering, and a program like CAPS actually lets them find, in fact, if they can really bring it all together and apply it in the real work environment,” she said. Hunter plans to attend the University of Kansas to study electromagnetic physics next year. He chose KU because he plans
to work out of an office at CAPS. He will be focusing on his second company, Scope Innovation, which sells patents. Students from the program can come into his company and learn to sell off their patents. “I’ve had so much fun doing it,” he said. “I want everybody else to get to experience that, too. I will be at KU, so I can be nice and close to the office.” Hunter said the entire CAPS faculty is passionate about making sure students have the best shot at succeeding. He said all teachers have supported him. “The best thing about CAPS is you go there and anything you want to try, they’re behind you, and they will give you the resources you need to do it,” he said. “And if you fail, you are still an 18-year-old high school student, so there’s no real repercussions. If you succeed, like in my case and many others, whatever you’ve done becomes completely real world. It basically just gives you a safety net where you can try and you can imagine with zero consequence.”
Photo illustration by Dakota Behrman.
March 2012
Photo illustration by Dakota Behrman.
abbybamburg staff writer Junior Armin Tarakemeh drowsily slumps in his desk during first hour, U.S. History. His eyes close and open, close and open. He can barely remember the last thing his teacher said. Due to homework and club activities, Tarakemeh sleeps an average of three to four hours on school nights. “The first couple of weeks that you [miss out on a lot of sleep] are awful,” he said. “But after you do it so often, you get used to it. Your body eventually adjusts.” According to, the average American teenager gets about 6.5 hours of sleep on a school night — as opposed to the recommended nine hours. School psychologist Julie Seitter said lack of sleep can affect students’ schoolwork more than any other activity. “If you come to school sleepy or tired, it’s hard to keep your focus and hard to be motivated,” she said. “In significant cases where someone just isn’t sleeping much at all, it can even alter someone’s perceptions and be quite dangerous. It is kind of like we need water. We need food. And we need sleep. Without any of those things, our bodies deteriorate both physically and mentally.” Seitter said the severity of sleep deprivation depends on the person. “It also depends on how long a period of time you’re getting an insufficient amount of sleep,” she said. “If you have had no sleep whatsoever, three days of no sleep can be the equivalent of a month of not getting enough sleep.” Sophomore Zack Smith is one of the 15 percent who gets the recommended amount of sleep per night. “I’m not dozing off in classes, and I’m awake even after [wrestling] practice,” he said. “If I don’t get as much sleep the night before, I don’t have as much energy.” Smith said he manages his time on school nights, so he can be in bed at a decent time.
“I come home from wrestling practice, and right away, I’m doing my homework,” he said. “I try to stay off the phone and video games so I’m in bed by 9.” Because a lot of students play video games right before they go to bed, Seitter said it is difficult for a teenager’s mind and body to calm down. “That takes such concentration and is exciting and gets your heart pumping,” she said. “You really need to take an hour before you go to sleep to just do something very calming like reading or listening to music. That should get yourself prepared to go to sleep.” To avoid falling asleep during class, Tarakemeh said he takes naps regularly after school.
“We’re getting by on much less sleep on the weekdays and then we try to catch up on weekends and sleep several more hours,” she said. Seitter said lack of sleep can also alter people’s moods and make them feel much more irritable. “Your interactions with other people can be certainly less than positive compared to how you normally would act with someone if you were more alert,” she said. She said getting back into a normal sleep pattern will also help teenagers with sleep deprivation. “Sleep is important in anybody’s life,” Seitter said. “We need our sleep because that’s when we rejuvenate. It’s an absolute necessity for health.” Seitter said lack of sleep affects mental health right away, while it affects physical health over time. Health and physical education teacher Peggy Rose said symptoms of sleep deprivation include difficulty concentrating, irritability and failure to retain information. “Sleep is important for making memories,” she said. “And that can be physical memories like how to shoot a basketball or mental memories like memorizing a formula.” Rose said because sleep deprivation can have such harmful effects on a person’s health, teenagers need to refrain from any distractions. “Students need to try to cut down on anything that sucks their time away, like social networking, watching TV before you do your homework or video games,” she said. “Do that stuff when it’s more convenient so you can try to get to sleep at a similar time every night.” Since a good amount of sleep will boost people’s immune systems, Rose said it could lead to fewer illnesses. She said taking 20-30 minute naps is a good way to get some extra sleep in. “Teenagers need a lot of sleep for their health because they’re still growing,” Rose said. “And because of the fact that they live a very busy life. Developing a good sleep schedule now in life will make it easier to have one later in life.”
Inofneed the
Sleep deprivation causes loss of focus “I don’t use any caffeine or anything like that,” he said. “I usually just sleep as soon as I get home so I can balance out the amount of sleep I get with the last night.” Tarakemeh said he gets double the amount of sleep on weekends to try to catch up with what he missed during the week. Seitter said an increase in sleep on weekends is common today.
March 2012
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March 2012
Laughing with her coworker and friend Jen Johnson, Kristin Asquith has taught at Blue Valley for 17 years. Johnson recently decided to make the transition to District Office in July. Photo by Bailey Outlaw.
a tough transition
(M[LY `LHYZ H[ )= [LHJOLY WSHUZ [V M\Y[OLY JHYLLY H[ +PZ[YPJ[ 6MÄJL Slips of paper are delivered to students, asking them to come to mobile seven. At first they wonder if they’re in trouble, but the Comic Sans type leads them to think otherwise. Students crowd into the mobile and exchange glances — they’re all curious why this random assortment of students are packed together. Then, their gifted education teacher, Kristin Asquith explains and tries not to tear up. Asquith has spent her entire 17-year career at BV and decided she will move to District Office in July to be Coordinator of Gifted Services. She began working at BV as the cheer coach and communication arts teacher, then transitioned to gifted education teacher and KAY club sponsor. “It’ll be tough to leave — to walk away from my first job out of college,” Asquith said. “The silver lining is that I’m not going too far away.” Although Asquith said this transition is best for her professionally and personally, her students make it hard to go. “There are lots of reasons not to go — they sit in my classroom everyday,” she said. “I do feel that BV is a family,
and it is tough to say goodbye to family.” Asquith said from the beginning, the BV atmosphere was different from other schools she’d visited. “There was absolutely that sense of family,” she said “There was that connectedness that traveled through all levels. All were committed to doing whatever it takes to help kids.” Asquith currently shares mobile seven with gifted education teacher Jen Johnson. Asquith was Johnson’s cheer coach while Johnson was in high school 17 years ago. “She was hardcore,” Johnson said. “We go way back.” Asquith said she enjoys each day at BV. “It is great when you can come to work and laugh everyday,” Asquith said. “It is nice when you have a friend you can share a room with.” Johnson said while she is thrilled for Asquith’s career opportunity, she will be sad to see her go. “We have the same priorities and same values — we’re like the same person,” Johnson said. “It’s going to be hard, but I’ll require her to come back for visits.” Some of Asquith’s favorite moments of teaching date back to her first few
years. “It is always strange when you’re a 23-year-old teacher and your 18-yearold student calls you mom in front of all his peers,” she said. “Then, there was this one time during a blackout my first year when my class TP’d my room.” Junior Alex Goedken said Asquith always finds a way to make class enjoyable. “She is always helpful and open to talk to, and she has a really great sense of humor,” he said. “She’s really relaxed as long as you do your work.” Goedken said it will be difficult to build a new relationship with whoever replaces Asquith, which is still undetermined. Asquith said telling principal Scott Bacon about her decision was one of the most difficult aspects of leaving. “He is great about letting people go if that is what you need to do,” she said. “He doesn’t make you feel guilty for leaving.” Asquith said the relationships she has built make it difficult to leave, but they also make it the best time for her to depart. “The best time to exit is when you feel like you have fantastic relationships,” she said. “It has been so meaningful in my life.”
here are lots of reasons not to go — they sit in my classroom everyday. I do feel that BV is a family, and it is tough to say goodbye to family.
kellycordingley news editor
Kristin Asquith
March 2012
HUNGER GAMES Popular book adapted into box office hit
The Hunger Games trilogy, written by Suzanne Collins, begins with “The Hunger Games.” The book takes place in a futuristic country called Panem, consisting of 12 districts and the Capitol. Each district must select two tributes, one boy and one girl, to compete in the annual Hunger Games. In this competition, the 24 tributes fight to the death in an arena. Only one person comes out alive. The Capitol created the games to control the districts. The competitors, ages 12 to 18, are selected in a drawing at a ceremony.
If the children live in struggling families, they have the option to put their names in multiple times in exchange for food. The main character, 16-year-old Katniss Everdeen, lives in District 12. When her 12-yearold sister is selected at the annual drawing, Katniss volunteers to take her place. After her entry to the competition, she wins the hearts of the district members and gains their support. But when Katniss teams up with the other contestant from her district, she realizes she must choose between her own survival and the survival of her only ally. This book was made into a movie and released on March 23.
Katniss Everdeen: Jennifer Lawrence
Percent of students who have read The Hunger Games:
Peeta Mellark: Josh Hutcherson
Percent of students planning to see the movie:
60 %
Other Characters:
Gale Hawthorne: Liam Hemsworth
Effie Trinket: Elizabeth Banks Haymitch Abernathy: Woody Harrelson Primrose Everdeen: Willow Shields Caesar Flickerman: Stanley Tucci Cinna: Lenny Kravitz
Rating of the book series overall: 4.2 Survey out of 120 students.
Top 3 Most Popular Characters:
1) Katniss 2) Gale 3) Peeta
Repertory theater students perform Shakespeare, practice new skills odiopole entertainment editor A fortune-hunter attempting to woo an irritable — and even shrewish — young woman. A complicated battle between four men for the woman’s sister. “The Taming of the Shrew,” originally by William Shakespeare, was first published in 1623. On May 10 and 11, Repertory Theatre will produce an abridged, more high-school friendly version of the show — with lines straight from the 17th century. Drama teacher Jeff Yarnell said performing a play by Shakespeare helps create a diverse range of shows for students to experience. “We look to do a variety of different kinds of plays,” he said. “We’re just trying to get as much variety of performances as possible.” Repertory Theatre member senior Jake Miller said although he was not enthusiastic about the show at first, he still wanted to try it out.
“To be honest, the first time I heard we were doing Shakespeare I was like, ‘This is going to be terrible,’” he said. “I literally went up to Mr. Yarnell and told him, ‘I hate Shakespeare. I hate Shakespeare, but I want to do it.’” Repertory Theatre member junior Cody Gadberry said although rehearsals were difficult at first, he enjoys watching fellow actors develop their roles in the show. “At the beginning, it was kind of hard to get into the right characters because no one understood what anyone else was saying,” he said. “I just enjoy seeing how other people are coming along with their characters.” Gadberry said actors memorize lines and look up unfamiliar words independently so rehearsal time can be spent on other aspects of the production. “Most of the understanding is just on our own, outside of class,” he said. “I just learned my line and the lines around it and kind of understood what it was, and then [to understand] some of the older words that aren’t used anymore, I look at the definitions, which really helped a lot.” Yarnell said he focuses on improving the actors’ understanding of the story rather than the script during rehears-
als in order to help them better communicate the themes and ideas of the play. “We’ve just gone through the basic story a couple times,” he said. “After we talked about it a few times, I had them act it out in their own words. I think that helped them understand what’s happening, so we can make the story clear to the audience.” Miller said he practices his lines in a variety of styles to create the most believable character possible. “It’s more work to convey [ideas] to the audience,” he said. “You literally have to say a sentence a hundred different ways to decide which one is the right one for that character.” Miller said as time passes, practicing the role becomes more and more interesting because he gains new acting skills. “Shakespeare is totally different,” he said. “The style is more explanatory — in some shows, actors will just say their lines and the audience will get it, but in this show it’s really about how you say it.”
March 2012
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March 2012
Battle of the
Learn about the world of the game
The STORY: In the universe of Mass Effect 3, the Milky Way is just one out of many galaxies teeming with life — life that is about to be violently taken. A threatening force of Reapers is coming, as they do once every 50,000 years, to wipe out all organic life. Although they were warned long before the Reapers arrived, humans and aliens alike are completely unprepared for the onslaught, and Earth becomes ground zero when the Reapers begin their attack.
Stories by Caroline Meinzenbach
Smallcakes: A Cupcakery
The CHARACTER: In Mass Effect Three, players enter the game as the formerly disgraced Commander Shepard as he is reinstated into the Systems Alliance Navy just in time for the Reaper Invasion.
At Smallcakes, I sampled the Peanut Butter Cup and the Decadent Fudge with white cake. Now, the Decadent Fudge was amazing. Definitely one of the best cupcakes I have ever eaten. The fudge icing was silky smooth, and there was just enough to have a bit of icing with every bite of the delicious, rich white cake. Unlike the typical white cake, Smallcakes’ has plenty of flavor. IN THE SHOP: They just redecorated (or finished decorating), and the shop has a welcoming feel. You can buy cute old-fashioned Coca-Cola bottles with your cupcakes. The guy who owns this shop was on “Cupcake Wars” and “The View.” Friendly service.
Gigi’s Cupcakes
Video game exceeds expectations, offers gamers new styles of game play odiopole entertainment editor
I sampled two cupcakes: Texas Milk Chocolate and Wedding Cake. Both were decorated elegantly and both looked delicious. However, the cake is nothing special. It’s about as good as any ordinary grocery store cupcake, but the appearance almost makes up for it. These are cupcakes I would definitely get for a themed party. The amount of icing on the cupcake, which is larger than the cupcake itself, is delicious but overwhelming. It was very flavorful, but I couldn’t eat all of it. IN THE SHOP: The walls are pink with a girly theme.
Critics and gamers alike are raving about Mass Effect 3 (ME3), the final game in a trilogy by game developer BioWare. Improved game play, quality graphics and a heart-wrenching story line all work together to win ME3 the unofficial title of ‘Best Game in the Series,’ but BioWare’s application of highly player-personalized gaming is what truly gave ME3 its enjoyable, engaging qualities. Being new to the universe of ME3 was intimidating to me at first. Quite frankly, I anticipated meeting a lot of characters I wouldn’t connect with, a story line that would only be minimally interesting and a lot of shooting and loud noises. How wrong I was. I fell in love with the game almost immediately when I realized how personalized ME3 really is to its players — my Commander Shepard is a girl, after all. Players can also select different game modes based on the type of gaming experience they want: one that allows players to experience the story line and interact more with characters, and one that features more combat-oriented game play. And it only gets better from there — the game’s variety of special abilities and the numerous weapons make it easy to establish your own approach to each fight. Because the type and number
of weapons you carry affect the refresh time for special abilities (such as cloaking for infiltratortype characters), you really have to decide what you want on-hand, what you use as your last resort and when it’s a good idea to leave that sniper rifle behind on the battlefield. However, tech-specs aren’t the only reason to love the game. The plot of the Mass Effect trilogy rivals that of any great sci-fi movie. A disgraced Commander, saved from a court-martial only because of his (or her) dangerous knowledge, is unexpectedly called to a meeting with the Alliance Council after being retired for some time. Why? Because suddenly, Earth and the rest of the universe are feeling the implications of an event that he already knew was going to happen. Because suddenly, all species of organic life (human and alien) are at war with a deadly force. Are you interested yet? Because aside from the larger plot of war and destruction, ME3 deals with issues of race via the aliens, religion and morality. And because of the choose-your-dialogue feature of the Mass Effect series, the decisions you make will affect the outcome of every cut-scene, your relationship with every character and, of course, the fate of the universe. ME3 takes the larger plot and personalizes it — the same way it does with the abilities and weapons of the character. It makes the game personal. It makes it more significant. And that is really cool.
March 2012
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2H[OY`U :HUÅL Spanish teacher Kathryn Sanfle graduated from Blue Valley North in 1999 and socialized at similar locations to BV students today. She said being in high school in the ‘90s was similar to how it is now. She hung out at the newly built Town Center Plaza. She went to people’s houses over the weekends. She ate at Jalapeños restaurant and had friends who worked at Jersey Boyz. “In that sense, I don’t think that has necessarily changed much because that’s what I hear [students] talking about a lot, too,” Sanfle said. “You have the place that you go. I grew up, essentially, around here. So it was similar, in that the
kinds of things available for you to do on the weekends are the same places and the same kinds of things you can do now.” Throughout the ‘90s, Sanfle enjoyed watching Saturday Night Live (SNL). She said the type of comedy shown on SNL and in movies was a little cleaner than the comedy shown in movies today. “Kids who are graduating high school now as opposed to 1999 are exposed to more, as far as the shock value of things,” Sanfle said. “There is a little more desensitization now than there was when I was in high school. But, ultimately, I don’t think I would be a very different person had I graduated and grown up now instead of the ‘90s.”
Spirit” Like Teen 1. “Smells Nirvana ne” “O . 2 U2 ay” t it That W 3. “I Wan s y Bo Backstreet s Love You” ay lw A l il 4. “I W ouston H Whitney 5. “Vogue” Madonna ck” ot Ba 6. “Baby G -Lot ix Sir M -A Time” One More 7. “...Baby ears Britney Sp s” ll a 8. “Waterf TLC n” My Religio 9. “Losing R.E.M. ares 2 U” ing Comp 10. “Noth onnor Sinéad O’C
2LPS 7P[[THU Communication arts teacher Keil Pittman started teaching in 1995. During his first year, he took students to a Nine Inch Nails concert on a Wednesday night. The boys’ parents didn’t want to take them to the concert, so Pittman drove to Topeka and enjoyed the concert with them. “I remember saying, ‘You guys stay right here,’ and I went down and did some crowd surfing, made it all the way to the stage,” Pittman said. “I came back, and they are just like, ‘You are crazy.’” Pittman graduated from Benedictine College in 1994, then started teaching in Atchinson, Kan. Throughout the ‘90s, Pittman listened to grunge music and attended various concerts, like Pearl Jam and Stone Temple Pilots. “There’s always a group [at a concert] you can get into — a circle that’s moving heavy with the beat,” Pittman said. “You kind of get caught up in the moment a
little bit, but I don’t feel like it was vicious stomping. I see some today, and it’s just out of control. I don’t even want to go to a concert like that.” Pittman said today he appreciates calmer music like Coldplay and Jack Johnson. Nowadays, he would rather go to a concert at a smaller venue, rather than be caught in the crowd. “I’ve seen a couple concerts, and now that I’ve gotten older I would never go into one of those because I feel like there are some vicious people out there to hurt [others],” he said. “I just remember going to concerts, and nobody was throwing elbows. Nobody’s trying to hurt people. I just don’t remember it being quite so violent.” Pittman said he remembers the ‘90s fondly. “I look back on the ‘90s and think mostly happy thoughts,” he said. “I had a great time in college. I learned a ton, and it helped shape me into who I am.”
Posing with a friend, communication arts teacher Kelsey Bakalar enjoys her senior cheer banquet at Shawnee Mission West in the spring of 1997. She wore an Old Navy dress, black tights and Steve Madden Mary Jane shoes. “I was interested in fashion and being creative,” Bakalar said. “That was one of my artistic outlets, putting clothes and shoes and bags together.”
Communication arts teacher Kelsey Bakalar celebrates the 4th of July with her best friends. Bakalar graduated from Shawnee Mission West in 1997, where she took an interest in many ‘90s fashion trends, such as baby doll tops, tight black pants and flannel shirts. “I paid attention to what was trending in the fashion world,” Bakalar said. “I didn’t talk about it much, but it was just this passion of mine.” Photos courtesy of Kelsey Bakalar.
March 2012
Returning varsity players lead younger team through communication, motivation
anniematheis features editor Nine sophomores. Five juniors. Four seniors. Ten returning. Eighteen total. One team. The varsity girls soccer team. Coach K. Dean Snell said fewer upperclassmen returned to the varsity team than returned in previous years, but the expectations of the season will remain the same. “We change the style just a little bit based on the talent of the players — what they can do and what they can’t do,” Snell said. “The basic skeleton of my philosophy won’t change a whole lot. What will look different is the muscles that are on the skeleton.” Varsity soccer player sophomore Hillary Heizman said the returning varsity members help direct the new varsity players on the field. “They tell you in a nice way if you’re doing something wrong, instead of yelling at you,” Heizman said. “We have a lot of communication, which will really help the team go far and win a lot of games.” Heizman played on the JV team last year. She said last year was more about getting to know the program. “It was more for fun,” she said. “Now, this year, we really have to focus on doing everything right. This year is more getting down to the business.” Varsity soccer player senior Sara Specht said she is excited for this season, even though she expects it to be more of a time for rebuilding the team. “I know high school, a lot of times, feels like a joke to people, but it is a really good time for improvement and to get to bond with your team and build for next year,” Specht said. “Each season, you have to think about next year.” Last year, the varsity girls soccer team lost
2-1 in the state quarterfinals to St. Thomas Aquinas. Snell said he sees this as a motivating factor for the returning varsity players. He said although it may not provide the same motivation to the new players, he has seen the pride develop throughout the season in past years. “As the season goes along, they see the tradition we’ve tried to establish here, and one of the things we spend a lot of time talking about is carrying on that tradition,” Snell said. “So they have some pretty big shoes to fill and some pretty big responsibilities to fill, and they have a lot of pride in that, too.” More freshman girls tried out for the soccer team this year than have in Snell’s 11 years of coaching. Twenty-four of the girls who went out for the team are freshmen. Snell said this is one of the most talented freshman groups that he has seen. JV player freshman Katie Fine said the upperclassmen on the team teach the freshmen how the team worked last year. “They help us situate to the new environment,” she said. “It’ll help because we’re kind of new at this. I want to see how good we are together because we haven’t played together before.” Snell said he doesn’t expect the large amount of freshmen to change the seniors’ goals for the season. “I’m not sure that they will do anything tremendously different,” Snell said. “We have been fortunate here in the last three or four years to have a really good group of upperclassmen who lead by example and walked their talk.” Snell said he wants the season to be memorable for all the players. “One of my goals of every season is for the kids to work as hard as they can all the time and be able to look back and say, ‘This was really hard work, and it was a tough season, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything,’” Snell said. “There’s more to it than wins and losses. I want them to be able to leave a legacy.”
March 2012
Faculty members work to revitalize athletic Hall of Fame jordanmcentee sports editor Eighty-nine plaques occupy the display case in the athletic hallway. With inductions ranging from 1974 to 2012, BV athletes have excelled for years. Coach Andy Unrein interned with Athletic Director Bob Whitehead while Unrein worked toward an administrative certification at Baker University, and soon after, updated the Hall of Fame. “This really has been a daunting project,” Unrein said. “We jumped into it, and the more we’ve been working, the harder it is to let it go. So we just keep going, and it’s been pretty fun. I like writing up what to say about each person when they get inducted. It’s so rewarding then to see the appreciation from the school and community.” Each sport has its own set of criteria for how an athlete can be considered for the Hall of Fame. In most cases, an individual athlete must satisfy three out of five of the criteria. These requirements include different EKL and state awards. Unrein said the only way for an athlete to be automatically inducted is to make first team AllState for his or her sport. If a team wins State, the athletes are inducted to the Hall of Fame as a team. “This isn’t something a team can just fall into,” Unrein said. “Winning State shows that you were able to put everything together for a whole season. Getting to that point isn’t possible without dedication and hard work.” Whitehead said there is usually a one-year waiting period between when a student graduates and when they can be inducted. For a coach to be inducted to the Hall of Fame, Whitehead said the coach must have been at BV for several years, but there are no set requirements. Any coach or staff member can nominate a deserving coach for the Hall of Fame. “It’s really just an indication of how highly you’re thought of by your peers,” Unrein said. “To be singled out and recognized by your fellow coaches would be a
in the news Final Four basketball games will be played on March 31. Winners advance to the championship game on April 2 in New Orleans. Sporting KC hosts the LA Galaxy at LIVESTRONG Sporting Park on Saturday, April 7 at 3 p.m.
great honor.” The most recent inductee was late swimming and football coach Greg House. He was inducted during halftime of the boys basketball game against BV North, where his wife Deb House accepted the award. “He definitely deserves recognition,” Whitehead said. “But him not being here in person to accept the award makes it really hard.” Unrein said inducting House to the Hall of Fame was truly an honor. “That was the single coolest thing I’ve ever been associated with,” he said. “When I was reading about him, you could literally hear a pin drop. Coach House’s legacy of winning State and building champions speaks for itself. But he is the epitome of what all of us coaches want to be when we’re done here.” Whitehead said being inducted to the Hall of Fame is a great honor, because not just any athlete is inducted. “If we started making it too easy to be inducted, it would lose its meaning,” he said. “It’s been remodeled at least three times since I’ve been here, but we work really hard to keep everything updated and accurate.” Drafting teacher David Briggs helped hand-make each of the plaques for the hallway using the laser engraver in the Drafting classroom. Whitehead and Unrein then worked to locate photos of each athlete and coach. “We spent quite a bit of time on that last year, trying to find pictures of everyone,” Whitehead said. “For some of them, we even had to go back and find old yearbook pictures and take those. We just wanted all of them to have their pictures with the plaques in the hallway.” After spending so much time revamping the Hall of Fame in recent years, Unrein said he hopes it will continue to grow. “We really want to keep up with it,” Unrein said. “When we slacked off for quite a few years, it sort of lost its luster. We’d gotten behind and had to play catch-up and back track quite a bit. Hopefully, we’ll be able to start having new inductees go in all year, every year, from now on.”
save the dates The BV Track and Field team will host the annual BV Relays meet starting at 9 a.m. on April 7. The girls swim team faces off for Senior Night against St. James at 4 p.m. on April 11 at BV.
sports in brief TRACK AND FIELD Previous action: 3/24 @ JCCC (W) Upcoming action: 3/31 @ SM South Invitational 4/7 BV Relays GIRLS SOCCER Previous action: 3/24 vs Manhattan (W 1-0) 3/27 vs Topeka Seaman Upcoming action: 3/30 @ Pembroke Hill Record: 2-0 GIRLS SWIMMING Previous action: 3/29 @ BV West Upcoming action: 3/31 @ BV Southwest GIRLS SOFTBALL Previous Action: 3/27 @ Lansing 3/29 @ Bishop Miege Upcoming Action: 4/3 vs Washburn Rural BOYS BASEBALL Previous action: 3/26 @ Maize 3/28 @ Gardner Upcoming action: 4/2 vs BV North BOYS TENNIS Previous action: 3/28 @ Mill Valley Upcoming action: 4/2 @ BV Northwest BOYS GOLF Previous action: 3/26 @ Lionsgate 3/28 @ Eagle Bend Upcoming action: 4/9 @ Lake Quivira Results current as of March 26.
March 2012
Clockin’ in Local businesses provide ample around town job opportunities for students (Left) Senior Hannah Griffin reminds a student to keep her arms straight during her front hip circle on the bar. Griffin has been a gymnastics instructor at Blue Valley Recreation Center for two years. “You really have to get to know the students so that you can know what they’re comfortable with and what they’re able to do and coach them from there,” she said. Photo by Evelyn Davis. (Below) Freshman Lauren Holland takes a food order while on the clock at Jersey Boyz sandwich shop. Holland expressed her gratitude about being employed at a young age. “I got the job when I was 14, so I’m thankful for the chance to even get the job,” she said. Photo by Dakota Behrman.
(Right) Refilling the napkins, junior Gage Brock works at Dairy Queen. Brock works as a cashier and manages the dining area. “Although Dairy Queen gets super busy in the spring and summer, I thoroughly enjoy working there because it keeps me active and entertained,” Brock said. Photo by Bailey Outlaw.
(Left) Entering class fees into a computer, senior Lauren Burns works at Ko’s Black Belt Academy. Burns has worked at Ko’s since midJuly of 2011. “I started out just going here just because I had friends here,” she said. “I had been working at a grocery store, and this worked out better because I have more friends working here.” Photo by Maria Fournier.
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