thin FAT media short tall sexy beautiful flawless tan slim weight make-up diet HOT cute glam stunning perfect blemish smooth healthy workout anorexic attractive curvy cute fitoverweightglowing charming appealingtightdazzling HEAVYbusty plump ugly gorgeous gigantic fabulous spectacular honey twig calories slender thick size scale petite chubby flabby skinny fine so tubby beefy foxy glam unique lean physique lean toothpick pounds pretty muffin top hideous appealing shape beauty body esteem scale food pear ideal muscle media perpetuates poor bodyimagepages 8-9 tight chick TIGERprint the BLUE VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL Vol. 40 Issue 8 March 2010 Stilwell, KS inside So long, farewell Teachers prepare to leave BV to start fresh traditions at new school page 3 Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto Robotics team creates robot to compete at FIRST competition To play or not to play Despite injuries, many athletes continue playing to help teams page 15 page 10
in the halls...
1. Art students receive Gold Key honors
The Alliance for Young Artists and Writers recognized eight BV art students in the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards of 2010. Panels of nationally renowned artists, professionals and educators will review these Gold Key works and select the ones deserving of national honors.
Photography teacher Michael Johnston feels students were given great honor in receiving this award.
“This is great for our school that so many students got chosen from such a selective contest,” Johnston said.
The following art students received Gold Key Awards:
Semester graduate Maria Berry
Senior Haley Gumula
Senior Audrey Scherer (3 awards)
Senior Brittney Baker (2 awards)
Junior Kellie Karney
Junior Kristen Buendia
Sophomore Aubrey Illig (4 awards)
Sophomore Katelyn O’Leary
By Jordan Huesers.
2. Journalism receives 21 regional awards
Publication students traveled to Emporia State University on Feb. 25 to compete in the Kansas Scholastic Press Association regionals.
The KSPA regional placers are:
Senior Jackie Lippert: 2nd, Advertising; 3rd, Sports Photography; Honorable Mention, Photo Illustration
Senior Stephanie Roche: 1st, Advertising; 2nd, Photo Illustration
Senior Emma Mosier: 1st, Editorial Cartoon
Senior Rachel McCullough: 1st, Feature Writing
Senior Sarah Clancey: 2nd, Yearbook Copy Writing
Senior Allison Kohn: 3rd, News Writing
Senior Katie Louis: Honorable Mention, Editing
Senior AJ Barbosa: Honorable Mention, Newspaper Sports Writing
Junior Caitlin Holland: 3rd, Infographics
Junior Gretchen Hess: 2nd, Yearbook Sports Writing
Junior Nicole Hayworth: Honorable Mention, Academics Photography
Sophomore Jordan McEntee: 1st, Newspaper Design
Sophomore Tess Constant: 1st, Sports Photography
Sophomore Sara Naatz: 2nd, Infographics
Sophomore Jen Kranjec: 3rd, Yearbook Sports Writing; Honorable Mention, Yearbook Layout
Team of Clancey and Hess: 1st, Yearbook Theme Development
Team of junior Erica Thomas and sophomore Mandy Reno: Honorable Mention, Yearbook Theme Development
By Caitlin Holland.
3. Kansas Assessments monitored
The Kansas School Board tightened state assessment rules this year and sent monitors into 10 percent of the state’s public schools.
“The state has gotten more stringent in testing,” Assistant Principal for Curriculum and Instruction Brett Potts said. “We must make sure we have correct documentation and especially correct training.”
When monitors arrived Potts had to show that the school had correct testing for regular education students as well as special education students.
By Haley Schroer.
Committee feels pressure, event draws near
As the media sets unrealistic standards teens can develop a poor body image. For more information see pages 8-9. Illustration by Stephanie Roche.
caitlinholland news editor
Senior Monica Roy Chowdhury and junior Ryan Jaspal sit at a table in Starbucks on a Monday afternoon.
Papers, memos, T-shirt designs and homework assignments surround them as they meet with each of the Relay For Life subcommittee members discussing everything from what food will be available for breakfast to how many glow sticks are needed to what speakers will be present on Relay night.
Relay, scheduled for the evening of March 26, has around 300 attendees planning to stay the night.
Jaspal, who is a Relay for Life committee chair along with Roy Chowdhury and senior Erin Pham, said that he feels the pressure to make the event top-notch.
“If you have a flaw or you make an error it affects hundreds of people and everything in general,” Jaspal said. “It affects the administrators that allow you to have certain spaces like the gym open. We have to hire custodians. The
everyday participant needs to know what’s going on. At the level where you’re actually planning it, if you do something wrong it chain reacts and affects everybody else and that is unacceptable.”
Junior Jenny Yu, food and donations committee leader, said the committee chairs are under a lot of pressure to make Relay successful, because they are ultimately in charge of the event.
“They have to organize the entire thing, and if it doesn’t go well, and not a lot of people show up to Relay, it reflects badly on them,” Yu said. “It’s a huge responsibility. They have to check up on all the sub-committees and they’re in charge of pretty much everything.”
The committee chairs work year-round to prepare for the onenight event.
They have several meetings in summer, and meet more often during the school year.
Jaspal said there are stressful times of the planning, such as February and March because the Relay date is drawing closer.
“From the minute the night ends at 7 o’ clock in the morning, we hit the ground running once again until next year,” he said.
Junior Ryan Jaspal
“There’s no stopping.”
The chairs are responsible for 40 committee members divided into sub-committees like mission, food, accounting and games.
Jaspal said he, as well as the other two chairs, have to allocate a large amount of responsibility to the sub-committee members.
“It’s really challenging in the respect that there is a lot of preparation that goes into producing an effective fundraiser,” he said. “For example you have to coordinate between 40 committee members in order to actually get things done, you have to make sure that everybody gets their money in and registration, that correct T-shirt sizes are distributed, everybody’s aware of when meetings are and that everything is up to date on the Web site, fliers and posters.”
The committee chairs are not only responsible for overseeing the 40 committee members, they also have to make sure the team captains are on board, as well as team members.
In total, the chairs are responsible for organizing a fun, emotional event for everyone who participates.
Yu and Jaspal agree that although there is a fair amount of stress that comes with planning an event like Relay, the final product is well worth the time.
“After putting all the work together it combines to make this huge, awesome event,” Yu said.
0 2 MARCH 2010 inthenews
“It’s really challenging in the respect that there is a lot of preparation that goes into producing an effective fundraiser.”
Relay for Life Cancer Society raises money for cancer research and awareness.
on the cover...
allisonkohn co-editor-in-chief
As the end of the school year draws closer, increased preparations for Blue Valley Southwest’s opening grow critical.
Recently, district officials chose what teachers and administrators from Blue Valley and Blue Valley West will be transferred to BVSW next year. The decisions were based on seniority, allowing tenured staff members the chance to stay at their respective schools.
On Feb. 8, every staff member from BV and BVW received an individual form, sealed in an envelope, notifying them of their positions for the following year.
“Every staff member was given the opportunity to state their preference, if they wanted to move to Southwest or stay at High or West,” Director of Human Resources Scott McWilliams said. “For the teachers that did not get their preference, they received a personal phone call explaining the staffing process.”
Robert Putnam, art teacher and 16-year member of the BV staff, received his phone call on Feb. 2. Putnam is being transferred to Southwest because BV’s art class enrollment for the upcoming school year is low and the teaching staff must be consolidated. Compared to art teachers Mark Mosier or Cheryl Mattke, Putnam has been at BV the shortest amount of time.
Putnam said the call was unexpected, but believes moving to Southwest will be a way to challenge himself.
“My initial reaction was, ‘I’ve got to clean out this office,’” he said. “I’m so here. There’s a little bit of fear of the unknown. I’ve gotten into a comfort zone but it will be a good opportunity to break up my comfort zone.”
Putnam said moving to a new school is an excellent opportunity for personal and professional growth.
“It’s going to stretch me,” he said. “While I’ve taught a lot, I’ve focused on 3-D but I imagine I’ll teach 2-D as well. Somebody has to.”
Putnam expects to establish a new art department next year similar to BV’s, carrying over the tradition of excellence.
“It will be different than here,” Putnam said. “Not better or worse, just different. My expectation is to develop new outstanding student artists.”
Many teachers wanted to make the move to BVSW, including theater director Dan Schmidt. After working at BV for 10 years, Schmidt hopes to develop a strong theater department at SW.
“I’m going to start realistically,” he said. “My expectations are
always high but realistic. I want to do unique and powerful shows but also get the kids involved. I want us to start slow and be able to build up.”
Staff members anticipate move to BVSW saying goodbye
Although the transition may be difficult, Schmidt said bringing in the closeness and community of BV will be key in forming a strong theater program.
“I want to bring a sense of family and community within the department,” he said. “If you start small, you’ll have that feeling of family.”
Now given the opportunity to build a theater department from the ground up, Schmidt plans to incorporate a wide variety of skills needed to be successful after high school.
“There will be more on-film acting and student-written pieces,” he said. “I want to teach different techniques and put the students in more of a real-world actor situation.”
Similar to his time at BV, Schmidt will teach acting, repertory theater and direct the plays. However, he is also given the oppor tunity to direct the musical as well.
“I’m going to feel a little on my own,” Schmidt said. “I’ll be working with new people, starting over with new colleagues which will be new and interesting. I like to be challenged and keep my energy up.”
Deborah Sisk, a biology and earth-space science teacher and member of the BV staff for five years, chose to move to BVSW for the opportunity to expand environmental awareness.
“I plan on partnering with the Arboretum, taking the environ mental club there as well as my science classes,” Sisk said. “I also hope to start water-quality testing with the Blue River Watershed. I want to be able to give the students the experience of outdoor, hands-on labs.”
Sisk said an eco-friendly school is an important aspect of the educational atmosphere. The open feeling of the campus and the large windows were inviting when she first toured BVSW.
“I like that kind of latitude with the classrooms,” she said. “Here [BV] we’re so land locked and it’s difficult to get outside or see sunlight. Kids will feel less restricted in the new building.”
The district hopes to provide the students of BVSW with a climate close to what is found at BV or BVW. McWilliams said Blue Valley schools overall have a good reputation for meeting the needs of students.
“The goal is always for students to progress and receive the best education possible,” McWilliams said. “We have an outstanding staff who will continue the traditions and expectations of every other school.”
Staff leaving BV for BVSW:
Aaron Ballew, Tom Hult, Lynda LaPlant, Perri LaTerza, Holly McCarty, Robert Putnam, Dan Schmidt, Deborah Sisk, Kim Spencer, Rich Troxel, Leann Voor Vart, Laura Wilcoxon
0 3 MARCH 2010 inthenews Expires 5/31/10 Expires 5/31/10 Expires 5/31/10
What will you miss most about
Physics teacher Aaron Ballew
Math teacher Holly McCarty
“I will miss the staff here. I’ve made some good relationships and friendships.”
“I will miss the math department. We have a very strong math department with a lot of fun people.”
Express yourself
Students from Cheryl Mattke’s Drawing II class contributed their editorial cartoons illustrating current topics of interest and issues affecting students and society
0 4 MARCH 2010 outloud
3. Junior Zach White comments on the traffic of the 600 hall through exaggeration and symbolism.
1. Senior Holly Van Cleve questions global warming due to the record low temperatures this winter.
4. Senior Caitlin Southwick’s editorial cartoon focuses on the rush to get ready before school.
2. Sophomore Evelyn Davis creates a scenario about the consequence of getting too fired up.
Responsibility, initiative will equal success in college
homework is done on time or giving us that second, third or even fourth chance on a math test. Some classes may only depend on the grade from a paper or test, pass or fail. No in-between, maybe I can round my grade up from a borderline B to a borderline A. You most likely won’t be able to “wing it” on a test you didn’t study for.
voice raise your
How well does Blue Valley prepare you for college?
As the third quarter comes to a close, the end is in sight. The seniors can practically feel the diploma in their hand, anxious to move on to bigger and better things.
But the question remains: are we ready for those bigger and better things?
How prepared are we really for the next step in our life? Has Blue Valley really done all it can to ensure we’ll be successful college students?
Reality check:
College is a whole new playing field. Professors won’t be there to hold our hand every step of the way, making sure our
The Tiger Print
Allison Kohn
Stephanie Roche
multimedia editor
Sara Naatz
news editor
Caitlin Holland
opinions editor
AJ Barbosa
features editor
Katie Louis
entertainment editor
Rachel McCullough
sports editor
Ryan O’Toole
photo editor
Jackie Lippert
ads manager
Jacob Pruitt
According to the National Student Clearing House, a mere 70 percent of BVHS graduates who go to college return for sophomore year.
This could be for numerous reasons. You’re on an entirely new campus with thousands of new people to meet and, of course, those infamous college parties.
For students to make it past the freshman year of college, it will be imperative to set limits and create a path that leads to success.
One of the best forms of college preparation BV offers is the opportunity to find something to be passionate about, which may be
circulation manager
Chris Roche
staff writers
Sam Brennan
Emily Brown
Annie Burress
Brice Goldenberg
Matthew Gruber
Matthew Holloway
Jordan Huesers
Jordan McEntee
Haley Schroer
James Statham
Haley Hickman
Christian Huesers
Maegan Kabel
Emma Mosier
Callie Ronan adviser
Jill Chittum
the most beneficial thing a student can learn.
A developed passion, whether it’s cheerleading, yearbook or AP Bio, can give you direction. Beginning college with a clear goal in mind can enable you to do more with your time away from home. Take advantage of the independence and work toward becoming the person you want to become.
College will be what you make of it. Whether you’re going to the University of Kansas, Kansas State University or somewhere halfway across the country, there will be temptation and difficulties.
It all depends on how you choose to handle the next four years of your life.
We write this staff editorial in March, not in May, to give you fair warning. Underclassmen, it’s crucial that you spend the rest of your time here taking responsibility for your work. Take advantage of everything BV has to offer and develop an interest you can carry on into college.
The Tiger Print is published nine times a year for the students, faculty and the surrounding community of Blue Valley High School. It is an open forum for student expression. Therefore, the opinions expressed within this paper do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrations of Blue Valley Unified School District #229.
Letters to the editor and reader responses are encouraged for publication. The Tiger Print reserves the right to edit all submissions for both language and content and encourages
Senior Cole Owen “Not well because college doesn’t offer forgiveness, and we offer extraordinary amounts of forgiveness.”
Senior Andrew Chau “AP classes help because they give you a similar college experience.”
Senior Sarah Demeo “If you take AP classes it prepares you well, but if you have easy classes then you’re not very well prepared.”
letters to be no more than 350 words. Letters should be submitted to room 450, e-mailed to thetigerprint@ or mailed to:
The Tiger Print c/o Blue Valley High School 6001 W. 159th St. Stilwell, KS 66085 phone: 913-239-4800
The Tiger Print also encourages guest photography. Photos should be submitted to room 450 with information pertaining to the photo.
0 5 MARCH 2010 outloud
staff editorial 23 agreed 1 disagreed
Illustration by Emma Mosier.
Brother’s cancer fight gives Relay for Life meaning
My dad had to work, and I tried my best to fill my mom's shoes.
I cooked meals, cleaned and kept care of my little sisters until dad got home.
To put it short, I grew up.
Life wasn't a fairy tale to me anymore. My parents were no longer invincible. They couldn't tell me my brother would be alive by next Christmas. In fact, they could rarely get through a day without crying.
To me, it was this distant evil that I naïvely thought couldn't touch me.
But, in middle school, the bitter reality of cancer revealed itself to my family and me.
It was my little brother, Jake. He failed his eye testing at his elementary school. No big deal, right? Just get him some glasses.
The eye doctor called our house the night after his appointment and recommended an MRI as soon as possible. I am positive that as she hung up that phone, she had no idea she just saved an eight-year-old boy's life.
Jake needed a shunt, a tube stuck through his skull, immediately to drain the blocked fluids out of his brain. We were told that if we had waited one more day, Jake would have been dead the next morning.
One more day.
After surgery, they found a cancerous brain tumor on his cerebellum. It was medulloblastoma, an invasive rapidly-growing tumor that can spread through cerebrospinal fluid and metastasize to different locations in the brain and spine.
I remember coming home after spending almost twelve hours at the hospital that first night. As soon as I got to my room, I started bawling.
My dad came in to say good night and as he hugged me I asked him, "Daddy, is Jake going to die?"
I will never forget his answer. It was the first time I really saw my dad cry. He told me that he didn't know.
Jake's survival rate at Children's Mercy
Hospital was 40 percent and that wasn't good enough for my parents. They did some research and found an amazing hospital in Memphis, TN, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital.
At St. Jude, Jake's survival rate increased to almost 80 percent.
It was an easy decision that Jake would go to Memphis for treatment, even though it meant our family would be separated for more than a year.
During treatment, Jake got a central line, chemotherapy, radiation and millions of pills. He lost weight and hair, but he stayed the
same little brother to me.
He played video games in his hospital bed and would text me about football games while he watched with his nurses. His daily strength and courage amazed me.
I cannot deny that it was the hardest year of my life, of all of ours.
We had just moved, meaning I had to enter the big doors of my new middle school with my mom in Tennessee. I did not have her to cry or complain to about all those petty girl problems that were so big to me at the time.
I was the oldest of the three daughters.
I am not trying to complain. Jake's battle was actually an incredible learning time for me. It pushed me and tested everything I believed in — my faith, my relationships with my family, my independence and so much more.
In the end we all made it through his illness and today Jake is strong, healthy and more thankful to be alive than anyone I know. My family survived the disease, too, and we're closer today because of the journey we made together.
However, I believe with all of my heart the reason we did get through it is because of all the people and organizations involved in our battle: St. Jude's, Make a Wish Foundation, the Blue Valley community that came together to help our family, our church and so many more.
This is why every year when Relay for Life comes along I can't help but feel proud of our school for pulling together to fight cancer like my family did.
I wish everyone could see its immense effects.
I never thought cancer could touch me, but it did. It can happen to all of us and honestly probably will, whether it be a mom, friend, teacher or little brother.
I believe it is all of our responsibility to fight the disease. Cancer is an awful, huge, insane evil, I know, but it is not indestructible.
We can all do our own little part to help the big problem.
Strong individuals present examples for students to realize freedoms
Claire O’Brien is a journalist.
Claire O’Brien stood up for her rights.
stephanieroche editor’s notes
Now, it is obvious that the actions of one woman, or man, can protect the rights of many.
O’Brien, a reporter for the Dodge City Daily Globe in western Kansas, refused to reveal the identity of an anonymous source. On Jan. 12, a judge withdrew her contempt citation and fines.
Now members of the Kansas legislature are working to join 35 other states with a shield law to protect reporters.
One woman stood up for what she believed was right and now, reporters all over the state look to benefit from her actions.
Similar cases have popped up throughout history.
In 1637, Anne Hutchinson stood up for her religious beliefs and paved the road for a future in which religious freedom was a reality. In 1955, Rosa Parks refused to give up her bus seat and sparked the civil rights movement. In 1977,
Harvey Milk was the first openly gay man to be elected to public office and raised awareness on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) issues.
These figures refused to take the easy route. They decided they weren’t going to sit on the sidelines any longer. Despite facing consequences that were sure to come, they stood up. They fought for their rights.
O’Brien was threatened with jail time and fines.
Hutchinson was forced into exile.
Parks was arrested.
Milk was assassinated.
These are extreme cases that were and are critical in determining our freedoms.
It is important for students to realize they have rights as well and it is important to exercise them. By no means am I saying if you don’t like the lunch room food, tear apart the cafeteria. Non-violence was a key characteristic in these cases.
Young adults need to be aware of what they can, and can’t, do.
As a student journalist, I’ve had to pay special attention to many laws that determine how our student paper can operate.
Other students must also be conscious of how they can
operate on school grounds.
Student clubs that hold meetings at school should know where that line in the sand is.
Any club that meets certain requirements and is a recognized student club is allowed the same access to the school’s facilities as every other recognized club.
However, schools have rights too.
With probable cause, administrators have the right to search your locker or belongings. So if you smell like alcohol, they have every right to look for any alcohol you may have with you.
You can’t run up and down the hallways shouting expletives. Freedom of speech says nothing about obscenities. So think before you speak; if a teacher overhears you, you may end up in the office.
Educate yourself.
If you believe your rights are being violated, do your research. If you don’t say something, no one will.
Your actions may even spark someone else to do the right thing.
O’Brien refused to give up her source and faced fines and jail time. When the source heard she was willing to lose so much to protect him, he turned himself in.
Never think what you have to say doesn’t matter.
my voice outloud 0 6 MARCH 2010
It used to be one of those things I saw stories about on Oprah, felt sad about for a moment, then changed the channel and moved on with my little life.
my voice
Jake Louis wrestles with his dad, Todd, while staying in the Target House in Memphis, Tenn. The Target House provides a home for patients while they endure treatment lasting longer than three months. Jake and his mom, Stephanie, stayed there while Jake underwent chemotherapy. Photo submitted by Katie Louis.
ARMY STRONG Senior prepares for Basic Combat Training, active duty
a.m., driving an armored truck or camping in a cold field, taking over guard duty.
On July 13, Michael will leave Kansas for Fort Jackson, S.C., an Army base home to more than 50,000 soldiers in training each year.
Michael, who will be in Basic Combat Training at Fort Jackson for nine weeks, has mixed feelings.
“I’ve heard that it’s no fun,” he said. “They try to scare you. A lot of people start crying in the first week, because you’ll be waking up at 3:30 in the morning and running two to four miles. But I’ve also been told that Fort Jackson is “Relaxin’ Jackson” — and that’s where I’m going.”
One of Michael’s friends, Private First Class Tyler McNair, Military Police, who is currently stationed at US Army Garrison Grafenwoehr, Germany, partially agrees with Michael’s assessment of Basic Training.
“Basic Training is nothing but mental games,” he said. “They play endless mind games to make you tougher.”
Michael, who describes himself as lazy, thinks the Army will be a great place to overcome this quality.
“I can and will push myself,” he said. “Test limits I never thought I would.”
Almost immediately after his nine weeks at Fort Jackson, Michael will pack his bags and head to Fort Huachuca, Ariz., about 10 miles north of the Mexican border.
After Huachuca, he could be sent anywhere from Fort Riley, Kan., to Afghanistan. The prospect of going overseas interests Michael.
“I would love to do that,” he said. “I think it would be fun. If I got to go anywhere, though, I would probably go to Germany, to be with my best friend Tyler, who’s already there. Or South Korea or Japan — anywhere like that.”
McNair thinks the Army will be a beneficial to Michael.
“The Army is the biggest fraternity in the world,” he said. “All of the camaraderie you have with the people around you — it’s great. The drill sergeants are tough, but they are there to break you down as an individual and build you up as a team.”
Michael describes the process of enlisting as pretty fast, and that it took him about a week, which includes the time spent talking
and worried, as any parents would be,” Michael’s father, Brian Borjas said. “We’re also relieved — relieved that he knows what he wants to do with his life. We fully support him and we’re very happy.”
Michael’s stepmother, Kim Borjas, is worried for Michael.
“I’m scared,” she said. “Scared for him. It’s a big step. I’m proud of him, but still very, very scared for him. He could be deployed. We don’t know what’s next.”
There are a lot of misconceptions about what the Army actually does, Michael said.
“A lot of people think it’s about going over there and shooting guns, when a matter of fact it’s not,” he said. “They have a lot of different jobs; personally, I could have done over forty different things. Me, I’m sitting at a computer. It’s great college money and great experience.”
McNair would encourage anyone unsure about the Army to go for it.
“People think that not everyone can do it,” he said. “But really, anybody can. Any sort of job in the real world is represented in the Army. There is something for anyone.”
Michael’s specific job within the Army will be Imagery Analysis.
“I will just gather information; I’ll get photos taken from satellites and use live video feed,” he said. “I’ll look at the photos and try to see where the enemy is, what kinds of weapons they have, what kinds of vehicles they’re using. Pretty much, I’m going to be a spy.”
Another job he has considered within the Army is the Military Police, which is what McNair does.
“I’m a part of the Garrison Military Police,” McNair said. “Similar to the police in the U.S., we patrol neighborhoods and things like that. It’s a bit easier here though, because we don’t give out tickets.”
Michael is on active duty in the Army for three years and 36 weeks. After that time, he will be in the Army Reserves for eight years.
He said college right out of high school is not economically feasible for him, but he will be taking advantage of the college funds available through military service and hopes to attend the University of Kansas after he is done with active duty.
things we’re going to be doing,” he said. “And I have to learn all of the ranks before I leave.”
Kim said being away from family will be the hardest thing for Michael.
“He’s never been away from us before and he doesn’t know what it’s like to have to take responsibility for yourself,” she said.
“I’ve got a while to think about it,” he said. month or a month and a half — then I’ll start freaking out, being like ‘Oh my, I’m actually leaving.’”
Michael hopes the Army will help him mature.
“It’s not that bad,” he said. “I mean, people say it’s horrible, but all they try to do is help you. You find yourself — who you really are.”
0 7 MARCH 2010
“all about the journey, not the destination”
Robotics club gains real-world experience while preparing for competition
emilybrown staff writer
The workshop is bustling with members of the Robotics Club and professional mentors. The construction sounds are loud and a thin layer of sawdust covers the floor. There are several discussions going on; everything from where to find the wing nuts to the construction of the robot.
The atmosphere is one of a team accustomed to working together, much like a family.
The Robotics Club worked since January preparing for the For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST) Kansas City Regional on March 5-6.
The challenge is a modified soccer game and the field is divided by two “bumps” into three sections: midfield, far zone and near zone.
There is a seven-foot-tall tower where robots can hang to receive extra points.
The game is played in alliances and each alliance consists of three robots, the three teams working together to win the game. Alliances win by having the most points by scoring soccer goals.
Jan. 9 was the official start of the building season. At that time the rules of the competition were announced and the students began brainstorming.
According to the team advisor, Trevor Sutcliffe, the time restraint can be challenging.
“They have a very intense building season,” Sutcliffe said. “Students have a short time to complete the robot but I think that it is also part of the draw of the competition.”
The team leader of mechanics, senior Jackson Cwach, agrees with Sutcliffe.
“The worst part is the crunch time,” Cwach said. “You always have to shoot down some ideas and it is chaotic during the last week.”
The HazMat Robotics Club is comprised of students from several schools in the Blue Valley School District.
They meet 6-9 p.m., Monday through Thursday. The club is divided into sub-teams: engineering and mechanics, public relations, marketing and photo and video documentation.
“The greatest part about the team is that it runs like an actual corporation,” Sutcliffe said.
Sutcliffe pointed out several benefits of the club.
“Students not only gain enormous experience but they get to work with professional mentors,” he said. “This is helpful when students are looking for jobs because they already have a networking system.”
Chris Locke, a professional mentor and an engineer for Garmin, thinks that the team is also a good experience for the adults.
“It helps the professionals learn how to communicate with others better, especially their coworkers,” he said.
Locke feels the team is all about inspiration.
“Seeing the students grow and become inspired in technical careers is my favorite part of the club,” Locke said.
Cwach believes they will do well in the competi tion, but he is not focused on winning or losing.
“I put in so much time and effort because I love it and it is fun,” he said. “So what if we don’t win?”
Locke agrees with Cwach and isn’t worried about the outcome.
“For me,” he said, “The competition is all about the journey, not the destination.”
Top: Justin Scott, a senior from Blue Valley West, attaches the wooden base for the foam bumpers on the robot. Bottom: Junior David Maas cuts a piece of metal for the electrical box. Left: Junior Garret Rowland, Justin Scott and Jackson Cwach discuss pneumatics (air pressure cylinders). Photos submitted by Angela Niebergall.
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BLUE VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL NLINE For the latest news and information check out our new online version of the paper.
Fans of all ages support retro artists
stephanieroche co-editor-in-chief
“’Cause Saturday night’s the night I like, Saturday night’s alright, alright, alright. Wooohoooowoo.” Saturday, Feb. 27. Elton John Billy Joel. Does a Saturday night get any better?
The answer: No.
And no, this is not a guest review from my 40-something mother. I am 18 and I am an Elton John and Billy Joel fan.
Some of you may have seen Elton for the first time when he appeared on the VMAs earlier this year with Lady GaGa and asked yourself “Who is that old man and why do they have dirt all over their faces?”
Well, I had the same question about the dirt, but that was not my first time seeing Sir Elton John.
I’ve seen Elton in concert four times now and this was my second time to see the soulful Billy Joel.
On this run of their Face2Face tour, which debuted in 1994, the two returned to play a night of Top-40 hits and melt the audiences’ faces off with their piano playing skills.
When the curtain rose that night, the two opened playing a few tunes together, face to face. Hence, the name of the tour. After getting the crowd warmed up, Elton took the stage to play his hits.
As a young lass I found one of the most intriguing aspects of Elton John’s music was the instrumental breaks he took to show off the piano playing he’s famous for.
However, that night at Sprint Center, Elton took it a little overboard. With every song he played, there was an instrumental section lasting as long as the song itself. I understand taking those opportunities on one or two songs, but the whole show is a little much.
Honestly, I think Elton John (whose first album debuted in 1970) has more than earned the right to do whatever the heck he pleases on stage.
After all these years of living the rock-star lifestyle, Elton can still play a pretty mean tune. If the old ladies behind me wouldn’t have complained every time I stood to dance, I would have been on my feet the whole night.
Elton played one of my personal favorites “Rocket
Man,” the extended version. His piano playing was meticulous on all of his songs, including “Tiny Dancer” and “Saturday Night’s Alright (For Fighting).”
Billy Joel then took the stage and, on the other hand, took time to talk with the audience and joke about his old age and many divorces with cracks like “I’m actually Billy Joel’s dad.” Then he played his hits just as I imagine he did back in the good ol’ days.
Billy Joel (whose first solo album debuted in 1971) is one of those artists that you’ve heard before but just can’t put the name with the song. However, after seeing him that night, I will never make that mistake again.
Billy has many hits to his name including “We Didn’t Start The Fire” and “Only The Good Die Young.”
After the two got to share what makes them great individually, they came back together to play a few more hits including “Piano Man,” Billy’s first hit and the biggest crowd sing-a-long of the night, and “The Bitch Is Back,” one of Elton’s and quite the toe-tapper.
The audience was swaying back and forth to the tunes all night and couldn’t get enough of these two pianoplaying stars.
Whenever my friends and I decide we want to see a movie, there is always a group who doesn’t want to go to AMC.
I have no idea why they complain about assigned seating.
We only brought this upon ourselves.
This is just like in your class at the beginning of the year where you get free seating until you cause too much noise during class and the teacher assigns seats.
Except I still get to sit by friends in movies and all they do is choose where we sit in the theater.
If we want to sit in a certain spot at AMC, all we have to do is order our tickets online. Then as soon as we get there, our seats are open and everyone is happy.
I believe the only reason this plan is in effect is because of the way we have acted over the past years in movies.
For the most part I support assigned seating.
When you see that kid from school who wants you to sit by them, all you have to say is: “Sorry, assigned seating.”
Then you avoid the awkward conversation at school the next day.
Or it can help when you get assigned to a section where you and your friend take up all the seats. So no creepy old guy can sit right next to you when there are five seats open near you.
The AMC theaters are just doing what they can to control the teenage crowd on a Friday night, so other people in the theater (yes, there are other people watching the movie just like you) can enjoy the movie, too.
If it really bothers you so much and you are in a rebellious mood to show AMC that they are “losing your business,” all you have to do is go to the Dickinson theaters such as Palazzo 16.
Go to the Palazzo, enter a messy theater and sit wherever you want. Listen to all of the of other teenagers who are fed up with AMC also. Hear them talk the whole movie and have an enjoyable experience.
But hey, at least you get to sit wherever you want, right?
Expires 4/30/10
1 2 MARCH 2010 centerstage
Pick it with your
Playing piano for a packed house, Elton John sings hits for his life-long fans alongside Billy Joel. Fans were enthused to see the duo perform on Feb. 27 after the Face2Face tour was pushed back due to sickness. Photo by Stephanie Roche.
ticket Expires 4/30/10
my voice
1 3 MARCH 2010 payin’thebills
Driskell aims to continue football tradition
ryano’toole sports editor
New head football coach Eric Driskell is something else.
It’s apparent as soon as you enter the weight room in the early morning.
“He doesn’t yell as much,” junior guard Alex Cox said. “He’ll actually coach you, pull you aside and tell you what you’re doing wrong. And he’ll encourage the whole team. People who wouldn’t play as much will play. He won’t just play one group. He’ll play the best players, but he’ll make sure everyone gets playing time.”
Driskell was named as Blue Valley’s head football coach after long-time coach Steve Rampy departed for Pittsburg State University.
“I just like Driskell as a coach better than Rampy,” Cox said. “Rampy doesn’t really know how to coach me, personally, but Driskell does because I’ve been with him for two years.”
Cox played under Driskell on the JV team last year.
Driskell has a special relationship with BV.
“I think I’ve always wanted to be a head coach, but number one, this is the place I want to coach,” Driskell said. “This place is a unique school, community, football program. A lot of people in the area are envious of us. This is always a place I wanted to be a part of.”
Driskell had not considered taking a head coaching position elsewhere because he refused to leave BV.
“I did not apply for a Blue Valley Southwest job for example because this is where I want to be,” he said. “There were other places that opened up, but this is the first place I applied for. And I’m not going anywhere. This is where I want to be.”
Athletic Director Bob Whitehead said Rampy left a legacy difficult to live up to.
However, members of the adminis-
Sports In Brief
Boys Basketball
athleteswatch to
Junior Rachel Supple
Went to state on 100 Meter Dash and 4x4 relay
Senior Michael Fischer
Second at regionals and tied for 12th at state
Senior Evan Palmer
First Team EKL, 6A All-State, All-Sun First Team Midfielders
Senior Jessica Scarlett
First Team EKL catcher, First Team All-State, went 19 innings in state tournament
Senior Derek Hackney
Second Team EKL, won EKL as a team member of 2008 6A state champs, 2009 regional champs
Senior Jason Wood
tration still have faith in Driskell.
“The head coach here at BVHS has to carry on a strong tradition of excellence,” Whitehead said. “Coach Rampy averaged seven wins a year, for 25 years. And they said if you went 7-2 you had a pretty good year. [Driskell] will carry on that tradition of excellence. I think there are big shoes to fill here, but I think coach Driskell has the skills to continue that excellence. He’s coached our offensive line for 11 years. He knows how it should be done. But he has the right to change the program to fit Eric Driskell.”
And in the off-season, the program
Previous Action: 3/4 @ Blue Valley Northwest L(44-56)
Record: 8-13
Key Athletes: Senior Anthony Abenoja
Upcoming Action: none
Boys Swimming
Previous Action: 2/19-20 @ State 13th place out of 30 teams
Key Athletes: Seniors Andrew Fraser and Andrew Lenz; juniors
has changed.
“[It’s] more laid back, not as demanding, but not at the point where he doesn’t get anything done,” Cox said. “He still gets his way. He’s more respectful, like he won’t yell at you across the weight room. He’ll actually come over and talk to you.”
How drastically the program will change on the field remains to be seen, but the season plan remains the same.
“Our expectations are the same as they’ve always been,” Driskell said. “We plan to play for the State Championship on Nov. 27 and bring the 5A state title to Blue Valley.”
Girls Basketball
EKL Champion 100x10 meter hurdles, seventh at state, fifth on all-time list
Adam Chinery, Matt Olsen, and Cameron Gallet; sophomore Austin
Averkamp, freshman Vaughn Ericson
Upcoming Action: none
Senior Jack Rieck Regionals, missed state by one match
Senior Margaux Kent
Made state past three years, 13th in 200 Individual Medley and 13th in 100 Breastroke
Previous Action: 3/3 @ Blue Valley Northwest W(33-24)
Key Athletes: Senior Nicole Gloor, junior Aerial Smith
Upcoming Action: none
Previous Action: 2/27-28 @ State 14th place out of 32 teams
Key Athletes: Seniors Nick Pearch (3rd at 215 lbs.) and Parker Madl (1st at 171 lbs.)
Upcoming Action: none
1 4 MARCH 2010 tigerturf
*as of March 5
Coach Eric Driskell supervises morning football weights on March 2. Weights meets at 6 a.m. Monday through Friday. Photo by Christian Huesers.
Student athletes overcome injuries, work to finish season
Student athletes put a great amount of time and energy into their sports. They participate in hours and hours of practices, games and activities, but when a student experiences a mid-season injury, everything is turned upside down. suffered a knee injury in a game against Blue Valley Northwest.
“I went up to get a rebound and when I came down I felt something in my knee stretch in an awkward position and it gave out on me,” Ball said. “It was feeling pretty weak and unstable after that, so I sat out for the rest of the game.”
When her knee was still in pain the next day, she decided
“It was swollen and really stiff the next morning, and [the doctor] said that I needed an MRI to see what had happened,” she said. “So I had the MRI done the next day and
Although some injuries prevent athletes from continuing their season, Ball’s injury was not that serious.
“The orthopedic doctor told me that partially torn ACLs are hard to deal with because of the uncertainty about whether or not it would hold up while playing competitive sports,” she said. “But they said I could get a knee brace that should help prevent tearing it all the way if I wanted to con-
The school athletic trainer provides an aid to injured student athletes so they can get back to their seasons.
“After a few weeks of working with the trainer to get my strength and full range of motion back, I have been able to play with the knee brace and haven’t had any major probhelps athletes with rehabilitation. She said there are many consequences when
“If athletes continue to play with an injury, they can
reinjure it or make it worse,” Kuchlear said. “What used to be a mild ankle injury could become a severe ankle injury. Athletes could even miss the rest of their season. In few, rare cases, there could even be permanent damage, but that is more common in professional athletes,” she said.
Dealing with a mid-season injury is extremely difficult for athletes to endure.
“Being injured during the season has been tough, especially watching my team play close games when I wanted to be in there helping them out,” Ball said. “It has made me appreciate the time I have left playing high school sports. “
Some athletes feel pressure to start playing again even when their injury is not healed.
“I feel pressure from myself that I have to start playing again,” sophomore basketball player Kyle Zimmerman said.
Freshman Sara Hanna plays on the JV basketball team and feels that injured athletes miss out on important team functions.
“You want to get back to playing so that you don’t get behind,” she said.
Unable to participate, injured athletes must put a lot of trust into the hands of their teammates.
“I hope that my whole team can stay healthy for the rest of the year,” Ball said. “And I hope I can do my part in helping us accomplish our goal of making it to state.”
1 5 MARCH 2010 tigerturf
• $1 off any purchase over $3.50 excluding gift cards with this advertisement. • Contact us at: 913-451-2399 • We sell ice cream, cakes, cupcakes and we also cater • Located at 119th & Nall, in the Town Center Plaza playing throughpain
“Being injured during the season has been tough, especially watching my
when I wanted
in there
them out. It has
the time I have left
high school
team play
to be
junior Emily Ball
Spring Break begins
Use your time off wisely and start counting down the days until summer.
April Fool’s Day
Get ready to prank and be pranked.
Taylor Swift concert
If you were lucky enough to snag tickets, enjoy the show. Swift and Keith Urban hit the stage at 7 p.m.
Final Four
Don’t be left out of the “madness.” Hopefully your number one team is still in the running for the national title.
Science Outreach demonstrates for parents and students how various elements burn different colors during Science Night Feb. 24. Physical science students explained the principles and performed experiments for visitors.
Passion Pit concert
Sunday Pi Day
St. Patrick’s Day
Everybody is Irish today. Go on a four-leaf clover hunt and don’t forget to wear green.
John Mayer concert
At the Sprint Center with the Battle Studies tour. Tickets range from $36 to $66.
National Honor Society Induction
Recognize the newest inductees at 7 p.m. in the PAC.
This electronic band will be at the Beaumont Club tonight. Tickets start at $15 and doors open at 7 p.m. 26
Make Up Your Own Holiday Day Happy Tiger Print day.
preview 1 6 MARCH 2010
03 02 14 24 22
Photo by Maegan Kabel.
Senior Countdown:
days 05
Varsity player senior Nicole Gloor shoots a free-throw during the sub-state game against Blue Valley Northwest March 3. The Lady Tigers took the win, 33-24. Photo by Maegan Kabel.