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Leadership Opportunities Editors in Chief

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Photo Editors

Leadership Positions

Editors in Chief


Illumination editor-in-chief is a position of leadership for the yearbook staff and within BV West. The yearbook staff looks to the EICs as role models of attitude and behavior. EICs are also expected to keep the book on schedule for publication and ensure that social media is posted regularly. A positive image of the program among BV West students and staff is also the responsibility of the EICs. Students chosen as an editor-in-chief of Illumination have yearbook as one of their life top priorities. Family and school are more important than yearbook, however, every effort should be made to organize schoolwork and family conflicts so that EICs are in attendance at all yearbook events and deadlines are met.

Specific responsibilities: (Spring/Summer 2021) • Work with other EIC’s and adviser to come up with a theme for the yearbook that reflects the unique personality of BV West in the upcoming school year. Solicit input from the returning staff. • Create a style manual for the staff. Include fonts and sizes (headlines, subheadings, body copy, captions) headline/ display font treatments, drop caps, folios, design elements, photo treatments, end of story logos and spacing.

Example spreads should be designed and professional designs provided. Story requirements and AP Style rules for body copy should be included. • Plan work flow calendar. Include BV and BV West event calendars. Determine deadlines and workflow. Schedule

Work Nights, Hell Week and fun events. (Summer) • Maintain Trello account. (Summer-Ongoing) • Meet with HJ artist to design cover at Edwardsville, KS. plant. (Summer / fall-may also require 2-3 trips) • Read “Teen Leadership Revolution: How Ordinary Teens

Become Extraordinary Leaders.” (Purchase in August)

Editors in Chief (con’t)

Specific responsibilities: (Fall 2021/Ongoing) • Design t-shirts and spirit wear for the staff. Create a yearbook logo that can be used throughout the school year. (Summer/Fall) • Divide up sections and photogs among EICs. • Prepare a daily calendar and lessons to be shared with the staff. Schedule the adviser to teach lessons, give demonstrations, and work with individuals or groups. (Explore potential guest speakers.) Create quizzes regarding design principles, Style Manual, theme, AP Style. (Ongoing) • EICs should begin and end class each day. Determine a routine for both. (Summer) • Create a ladder with the help of the design section editors. (Summer/Fall) • Design end sheets, opening, closing, dividers and index. (Start working on ideas Fall; complete March.) • Update and maintain index and “black list.”

Leadership: (Ongoing) • Be a mentor, friend and inspiration to the rest of the staff.

Display joy. Work hard. Admit when you’re tired, cranky or stressed and find ways to turn tough times into bonding opportunities by relying on fellow EICs and the adviser.

Have fun. (Ongoing) • Organize fun events: summer, fall, Friday Snacks, Secret

Snow Pals (with adviser), spring, Hell Week, deadline celebrations. • Create and maintain multiple GMs. (Text or Group Me is fine.) • Embrace your role as ambassador of the yearbook program. Be positive when discussing Room 233, other staffers or adviser. Be positive about the contributions other groups make to our school and encourage the photographers to post to social media. Live the phrase: a yearbook is a love letter to your school. (Ongoing) • 100% attendance is expected. EICs missing yearbook class or work sessions should be avoided.

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