BWG Bangkok Contact Magazine June 2022

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June 2022

BRITISH WOMEN’S GROUP The aim of the Group is to enable its members to meet socially, to welcome its new members and associate members to Bangkok and to establish a programme of social, welfare and cultural activities.



Directory Page 2

Chairman’s message Page 3

Diary Page 4

Book Club Pages 6-8

Platinum Jubilee Pages 10-13

Crackers Pages 16-17

Knitting and Crochet Group Pages 20-24

Gale Bailey MBE Pages 28-30

Ploenchit Fair Page 32

Andy Lillicrap’s challenge Page 34

Birthdays Page 36

British Women’s Group.

PLEASE NOTE : Contact is published as a service to our members to keep them informed of news and events within BWG. The accuracy of other information cannot be guaranteed and is not an endorsement by the group. This also applies to advertisements that are included in Contact in order to cover some of the production costs. Every effort is made to produce Contact in good time to reach members before the first scheduled meeting, but the editor cannot be held responsible for unavoidable delays caused by circumstance beyond their control. It is the members’ own responsibility to know when meetings are scheduled and to contact someone to check if any changes have been made. Members are also asked to bear in mind when booking actives that most venues are not deemed suitable for children over six months of age and to make appropriate child minding arrangements.

Chairman’s Message I hope I will see some of you at the weekend. It’s a sold out extravaganza at the British Club for the Jubilee. I have never seen such a big bouncy castle. Come and say hello if you’re there. Please sign up for our celebration coffee morning at the British Embassy residence on the 9th June. We will have a Royal toast, a Royal Quiz, a raffle and a prize for the best “Royal Garden Party” outfit. Email to by Monday 6th. We will have an evening meet-up on 14th June. All welcome.

Upcoming events: 2nd June. Committee meeting 4th and 5th June Jubilee celebrations at British Club 7th June Book Club 9th June Jubilee Coffee Morning 14th June Night out 16th June lunch at Trattoria DeLina Liz

June Diary SUN


5 Jubilee celebration at the British Club

6 Mahjong


13 Mahjong


7 Bridge Golf Book Club

14 Bridge Golf








4 Jubilee celebration at the British Club

8 9 Mah-jong BWG Jubilee Art Group coffee morning at the residence of the British Ambassador



15 Mah-jong Art Group

16 Lunch at Trattoria Delina





BWG evening meet up 19

20 Mah-jong Jackie Reynold’s games afternoon 1pm

21 Bridge Golf

22 Mah-jong Art Group



27 Mah-jong




Weekly/Monthly Activities You are invited to join these groups, but final approval is at the discretion of individual group leaders Monday Mah-jong - (beginners welcome) (10am - 1pm) Contact Petra Gordon 0839919041 Tuesday Bridge - Audrie Sill Golf - (morning) Ami 0971851834 Book Club - 1st Tuesday (10am) Laura Smith 0859667580 Scottish Dancing - 1st Tuesday (7:30pm) Karen Burr Wednesday Mah-jong - (beginners welcome) (10am - 1pm) Contact Elizabeth Bryans Art Group - Bistro 33 Sukhumvit Soi 33 10am

Book Club – ‘Girl, Woman, Other’ by Bernardine Evaristo Girl, Woman, Other is about struggle, but also about love, joy and imagination. It's told from the point of view of 12 British women of color who range in age from 19 to 93 and represent a diversity of class, culture and sexual identity. This was a Booker prize winner and came with great reviews, but……….the group itself went from finding it, ‘boring and gave up – no score,’ to, ‘beautifully written…totally worth the effort- score 9/10’ …….and everything else in between! Perhaps the main message that came through was most of us thought it tried to be ‘overly topical’ and ‘too

edgy’ with topics of sperm donors, forced adoption, school dropouts, gays, transgender, bisexual, minorities, lesbianism, cross dressing, vegans, feminists, smoking, casual sex, drug use, drinking, single parenthood, mother in law/son in law sex, poverty, addiction, domestic violence, gang rape, gender free identity, and more. “Half way through I thought ‘there will be a transgender chapter soon’ and there predictably was.” The unconventional punctuation, was a hard sell. What was supposed to be ‘free-flowing and uninhibited’ came over as annoying and stressful for a well drilled ‘old school’ group as far as punctuation is concerned! It was difficult to keep up with so many different characters. They were entwined by family, roots and relationships but did get pulled together in the final chapter. This is not so much a novel as an account of individual lives, and therefore no real ‘storyline’.

Some felt there was a politically correct ‘pressure’ to compliment the book while others wondered if there was a need to ‘check your privilege?’ The book scored a lowly 5/10 overall despite strong and positive comments by some members. Basically, this is a book you need to read yourself and make your own decision about. Good luck to Laura and the group. It’s been great being part of Book Club over the past 12 months. We have enjoyed some interesting and varied reads while enjoying numerous cups of tea and lots of friendship. The next book is, The Girl with the Louding Voice by Abi Dare, to be discussed at the start of June, date to be confirmed. Good Luck everybody!

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Jubilee Celebrations and more! By Liz Dobson

FIRST AID COURSE BOOKINGS Next week on Thursday 26th May, Sally Fisken has organised a First Aid course for us. It had to be delayed after the tutor was summoned to Immigration. I thought my name was carried forward to the new date, but I should have checked. So if you signed up last time or just want to update your knowledge now, please contact Sally at or 094 416 9153 JUBILEE CELEBRATION On the 4th and 5th June there will be celebrations at the British Club for the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen. On the 5th, Sunday, we will have a table to sell some unneeded things found in our storage and we will offer the chance to take a photograph with our Queen. We need help to staff our table, please volunteer some time between 11am and 4pm by emailing me at Everyone wanting to attend the British Club on these two days must book with them directly.

OUR SPECIAL CELEBRATION........... On the morning of the 9th June we will be having our own Jubilee celebration at the residence of the British Ambassador and we will be raising a toast to Her Majesty the Queen. We will have a raffle, a competition for the best Jubilee outfit/hat and of course playing Gale's famous Royal Quiz. 14th June we will have an evening meetup, all welcome. 16th June a lunch at Trattoria Delina. Full details on these events will follow nearer the time Liz

Please come along to the British Club Jubilee event on Sunday, 5 June as Bangkok St. George's Society is hosting a stall for Gift of Happiness to raise funds for this worthy charity.

The Anantara Siam Hotel The Anantara Siam Hotel kindly provide raffle donations to the BWG. We have been there for afternoon tea and highly recommend the ‘tea for two’ for a special occasion!

Delina’s Italian Restaurant Delina’s restaurant provides space for BWG Book Club meet up and cosy coffee’s. They have an excellent lunch time menu which is worth checking out!

THE ELEPHANT PARADE The Elephant Parade regularly support the BWG with donations to raffles. This Elephant Parade is a social enterprise with each elephant uniquely painted with @0% of profits going to elephant welfare and conservation. Support them if you can as they support us and don’t forget to mention BWG if you visit!

Is it Christmas yet? Is it too early to mention the ‘C’ word? Yes, I hear you say, but already preparations have started at Santa’s Grotto* with ‘cracker making’ now in full swing.

The BWG are famed for providing high quality crackers to local businesses, pubs, hotels, as well as individual orders and we do have lots of orders to fill. I don’t suppose many of us give much thought what goes into making a cracker? Well, let me tell you, there is a lot, these really are handcrafted from scratch. Rolling and sticking the cardboard centre piece (no toilet rolls here folks). Fixing the snap in place on the roll. Making, cutting, sticking, decorating the paper hats. Filling the centre roll with hat, joke and gift. Cutting the colourful foil outer to size and then sticking on said roll. ‘Slashing and pulling’ foil outer ready for ribbon decorations and finally boxing into 10’s. Phew!

Although very labour intensive there is something therapeutic about the repetition involved. The crackers turn a tidy profit for much needed funding to the charities and causes we support. A big thank you to Jane for all her organisational and buying skills - you wouldn’t believe how difficult it is to get snaps (gunpowder) past the sniffer dogs at airports! *Santa’s Grotto is Shirley Kennedy’s house who kindly lets us use her home each week and provides much needed storage for all the products needed to make crackers. We are very grateful for this and her smiling face plus cups of tea!

Our very own Shout Outs! The BWG supports many Thailand based charities and in particular those that are education based – helping youth today to help themselves and their community tomorrow. Thailand Hilltribes Education Project BWG sponsor at least one student (15,000 Baht pa) through high school and university.

Human Development Foundation BWG sponsor 2 students in Klong Toey (8,000 Baht each pa) through high school and university.

Imagine Thailand Foundation BWG sponsor 2 students (12,000 each pa) through High School and University

Presentation Slums Mission Bangkok Known as the ‘Milk Run’, BWG donates towards the weekly milk runs and cost of baby milk powder and rice in Rung Moo community, Klong Toey.

New Life Centre, Chiang Mai BWG sponsor a child through high school and university (12,000B pa)

Steps BWG sponsors a student with additional needs (20,000B pa) to be trained and supported to find employment in the catering trade. Steps run three coffee shops/training centres in Bangkok – please visit and support!

Fatima Centre Empowering women and children living in poverty. The Fatima shop (near Villa Sukhumvit 33) sells a wide range of exceptionally well made embroidered goods that are fun, educational and unique. These goods are handmade and give women dignity as well as a fair price for their quality work. BWG offices are here and we pay rental to the centre for rooms and storage as well as supporting with further donations.

As well as our continued annual support to the above we are constantly making donations to other charities that need help. We recently donated 10,000B to Rejoice in Chiang Mai for milk powder for feeding mothers with HIV and also to Little Birds, helping support young orphans with HIV. Thank you for your support of BWG and our events, enabling us to support all of the above and more.

FIRST KNITTING & CROCHET MEET UP 11TH MAY 2022 By Jackie Reynolds Well it was a while in the making but the end result of this new group activity has been worth the wait and I have to say it was an excellent first event There were 10 of us in attendance with various skill sets in the art of knitting and crochet (we wont discuss mine!!)

The location at The Indian Women's Club was excellent and only B50 per person for the facility; very kindly offered for our use by Rani Phlaphongphanich.

Location: Rama Mansion which is a cream apartment building virtually opposite Cabbages and Condoms Restaurant. It is less than a 5 minutes walk down Sukhumvit Soi 12 on the left side. Apartment 1B is on the ground floor adjacent to the swimming pool and with easy access for anyone with mobility issues. The room is also air conditioned.

There is access to hot water so if you have a particular tea or coffee preference you are welcome to bring your own favourite plus mug and make there. Alternatively there are some local brands available along with paper cups & water.

One of our BWG ladies Val Baker kindly brought along skeins of wool and crochet hooks for people to purchase (this is optional). 3 skeins for B100 and a crochet hook for B50. Also there were an array of needles generously donated by Joan Bartlett.

It was agreed that we should hold meet ups weekly on Wednesdays from 13.30 - 16.00 Rani generously offered us cookies and samosas as a welcome at this first meet up and some ladies were so impressed with the samosas that they immediately put in a request to buy more the following week. Therefore

if you like samosas, there is an added incentive to join us! At the 2nd meet up on the 18th May, the group number had gone up to 12 people. One of the members Carol appears to be a prolific knitter as had completed 15 SQUARES at home in 1 week. I'm glad to say "this is not a competitive sport!" So there is no pressure to achieve a certain amount of squares just come along knit/crochet 6in squares at your leisure and meet new people or old friends for a chat. I can see at this rate the hill tribe villages will be snowed under (not literally one hopes!) this year with blankets. Woo Hoo! OK back to the samosa’s. Rani must have anticipated the need so had brought 6 bags of 6 samosa at B100 each which were snapped up as though it were feeding time at the zoo. Kidding all those of you that were there, or am I?? There are a total of 24 people on the Knitting and Crochet group email list so far. Not everyone plans to attend in person because some are happy to do the activity at home and some people will come and go on Wednesdays; whatever is convenient for them. The squares can be given to me on a Wednesday or otherwise taken or mailed to the Fatima Shop. If at any time in the future you decide you would like to join us or you have any friends who would be interested

please invite them to email me at: with their name, email and phone number. This group, although made up of mostly BWG ladies, is not restricted to just the one group. All are welcome. PS, if anyone has wool (of any thickness) lying around at home not being used or, as in the case of Gale Bailey, you are able to bring some back from the UK to donate to our group, it would be gratefully received.

Shout Out! MedConsult – Dr Donna

Dr Donna always supports BWG with generous donations to raffle appeals. She is herself an active member of BWG and is often in attendance at BWG events – say hello and introduce yourself to her next time! Her company, MedConsult, has been active in Bangkok for over 35 years.

Currently the clinic offers one of the cheapest PCR/fit to fly tests in Bangkok at 1500B and is extremely competitive in pricing, of all services, compared to the major hospitals.

Shout Out! Bistro 33 Bistro 33 is a long-term supporter of BWG. They give us space for mahjong and art groups and always contribute to our raffles. Please support them! They have space and catering for special events or parties and do an excellent Sunday lunch. www.

Shout Out! Varuna Sailing Club The Royal Varuna Yacht Club (RVYC) sponsor our raffles and donate prizes. RVYC is situated in Chonburi, only 2 hours away. If you want to get away from the air of Bangkok why not take a trip here? It is a family friendly place with accommodation, club house, private beach and more.

My time in Bangkok By Gale Bailey MBE

In May 1997 the Baileys arrived in Bangkok for 3 years to make a fortune, return to UK, pay off mortgage and have thousands in the bank!

First night in Bangkok Needless to say this did not happen which is why we are still here! In June 1997 I joined BWG as a friend told me that I would need friends of my own ilk as this was our first time living abroad. As I was working, I attended the coffees and lunches whenever I could but took on the role of coffee morning lady and also carted the second hand books around in my little Honda Civic. When I went part time in my job (Assistant Regional Manager, Druck Asia Pacific) I became chairman of BWG in 2002 and was the first person to do a 3 year stint (crazy!). We held some fantastic events and raised millions of Baht too.

Chairman at the 2002 AGM I continued to be involved with welfare and also joined the BCTFN committee to help with Ploenchit Fair and it was at Fair in 2014 that the then Ambassador, Mark Kent, informed me that I had been awarded an MBE (supporting the British community and charity work in Thailand) I am still humbled and honoured by it!

Joining BWG made such a huge difference in my life as I met some wonderful people, made great friends plus it has allowed me to become involved with so many worthy causes. As I have always said, if you put nothing in, you get nothing out and I have certainly gained so much even from prison visiting which has surprised some., making friends with those on the inside, their families on the outside and even The Last Executioner, Khun Chavoret Jaruboon.

Life in Thailand is what you make it enjoy the diversity - like me!

Gale with the 2005 outgoing committee

Shout Out! Jimmy’s Kitchen Jimmy’s Kitchen supports the BWG by providing raffle prizes. This is an excellent place to take visitors, or for anyone, to learn Thai cooking and carving. Please support her if you can. Phone 0819096729

Shout Out! The Royal Oak Pub The Royal Oak is a long-term sponsor of the BWG, allowing us meeting space as well as supporting raffles, and book sales. Bookshelves on the first floor are well stocked with up to date and popular titles and worth a look at 100B for 3 books. (Feel free to leave your own book donations too). The Oak does an excellent Sunday Roast and if you’re looking for an ‘English Pub’ with quizzes and sports events in the week, then this your pub!

PLOENCHIT FAIR 2022 By Jane Rodgers Newcomers to Bangkok and the BWG often ask ‘What on earth is the Ploenchit Fair and what is it to do with us?’ Ploenchit Fair is a traditional fun filled day for all the family and has been one of the biggest events of the social calendar in Bangkok since it was first held in the grounds of the British Embassy in 1957. Everybody goes to the Ploenchit Fair – there is something for all – and with thousands of prizes to be won, you can go home rich in the knowledge that every Baht you spend will go towards those less fortunate. So named because it was, for many years, held in the grounds of the British Embassy on Ploenchit Road, the Fair is possibly the largest of its kind in Asia. It is a Fun Fair for everyone, packed full of fun rides and entertainment for the kids, shopping for the Mums, live music for the Dads and of course, plenty to eat and drink for all. These days the many wonderful volunteers that work together on the Fair come from all over the world, creating a truly international feel. The foundation BCTFN (British Community in Thailand Foundation for the Needy) run the Fair and then disperse the monies raised to deserving and needy Thai charities. It was, and still is, a voluntary committee made up of representatives from the BWG, The British Embassy and British commercial firms. The BWG have always been involved with the Fair and have a representative on the BCTFN committee. This year the Fair will be held on Saturday 26 November at Bangkok Patana School so make sure that you save the date in your diary! Further exciting news about this year’s kid’s rides and activities, the delightful array of foods and drinks on offer and of course the very important shopping stalls of Petticoat Lane will follow nearer the time.

Shout Out! Tou Stainless Steel K Pan supports the BWG by giving raffle prizes. Please support him if you can. He has an excellent show room at Palladium Mall on the ground floor, Room 1B, 238, Zone Bit’s right towards the back! Mention BWG if you visit.

Tonpo Shop – Amarin Plaza K Porn supports BWG with donations to raffles. Please support her if you can. Her shop is on the 3rd Floor. She often has 50% discounts! Please mention BWG if you visit.

Half way through my 50x50x50 challenge By Andy Lillicrap Dear Friends On November 2nd last year I set out to run the distance of 50 marathons in my 50th year with the hope of raising funds to support 50 children to stay in education for a year. I drew inspiration from the resilience of these children and wanted to explore my own resilience. I have certainly done that and have reached the halfway point! Thanks for the interest, messages of encouragement and support to my fundraising goal, it has all helped to keep me running! Six months in and 101 runs completed, taking 107 hours and covering 692 miles out of my 12 month target of 1310. February was tough and I had to squeeze in some very tired runs as we moved house. April has been super-hot and humid, enough to make anyone tired and grumpy. Running 119 miles in the heat probably tested the resilience of those around me, as much as my own! I have had great support and patience from Aof, Evie and Rowan without which I couldn't keep doing four long runs every week. I am very grateful for the support so far and hoping that reaching the halfway point might inspire some additional support to bring the funds raised to the hallway point too! If you would like to support me with my goal to help 50 high school children, then you can do so here:< ac54%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C637870768863372332%7CUnknow n%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0 %3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=kMoUnlBaNYsiMnrHFyxsuiFFKCaVmbJzzptnzmRFSOE%3D&r eserved=0> And if you would like to follow my running more closely you can see all my runs on Strava:< fa37045e2722b08da2c15ac54%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C63787076 8863372332%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI 6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=MhkdBHUPC%2FQ5IDVWqXVEkB7 5tB2FQFqtjgqSzTfgW7c%3D&reserved=0> Expect to hear from me again in six months! But feel free to let me know if you would prefer not to. Andy

Shout Out! PJ O’Brien’s PJ O’Brien’s supports the BWG with raffle prizes. You can find them just off the BTS at Phra Khanong. They often have live music on and have a British food menu as well as Thai. Please support them if you can.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! We would like to wish a really happy birthday to:

Susan Bradwell-Evans - 5th June Susan Hislop - 6th June Sally Dicken - 6th June Helen Weir - 15th June Jane Upperton - 18th June Joyotee Smith - 20th June Lynn Pound - 24th June Davis Betts-Holinrake - 29th June

Have a wonderful day and we are all thinking of you!

THE BRITISH WOMEN’S GROUP BANGKOK Here is some useful information about what we do and when: 1st Thursday of every month: Committee meeting 2nd Thursday of every month: Coffee Morning 3rd Thursday of every month: Lunch 4th Thursday of every month: An Activity OUR REGULAR WEEKLY/ MONTHLY ACTIVITIES - You are warmly invited to join these groups, but final approval (spaces) is up to the group organiser Mondays:

MAH-JONG at The British Club 10:00 am - 13:00 pm (beginners welcome) Contact: Petra Gordon 083 991 9041 Tuesdays: BRIDGE Contact: Audrie Sill 098 832 0313 GOLF Contact: Ami 097 185 1834 Wednesdays: MAH-JONG at Bistro33 10am - 13:00 pm (beginners welcome) Contact: Elizabeth Bryans 062 016 9323 st BOOK CLUB: The book club meets up the 1 Tuesday each month. For more information contact Laura Smith 0859667580 PRISON VISITING: This is on hold at the moment due to the Covid situation. For more information please talk to Gale Bailey 081 828 5213

At every lunch or coffee morning please bring along if you can: RING PULLS - from tops of aluminium drinks cans. Jane Rodgers collects these and they go towards helping to make prosthetics. PLASTIC TOPS - from drinks bottles as they are made into all sorts of things which can be sold, pot plant holders for one example. Talk to Jackie Reynolds for more details. SPARE CHANGE FOR THE ALMS BOWL – collecting any spare small change. You will see this being passed around at our events, all proceeds go to help our Welfare Group (tip – save at home and bring along) KNITTED or CROCHET SQUARES - something anyone can do at any time. Squares of 6” or any length divisible by 6 - any questions please talk to Sally Voravarn: 089 234 7074 These are sent to Sister Louise at the Fatima Centre of the Good Shepherd Sisters Bangkok, where they are sewn together, backed and made into blankets for the rural communities up country. SECOND HAND BOOKS - sold upstairs at The Royal Oak, Sukhumvit 33/1 B50 per book or B100 for 3. Books are always needed for re-stocking, you can drop off your unwanted ones directly at the pub or at the Fatima Shop in the same Soi.

PLACE OF GRACE: On certain occasions we ask for donations of dried goods e.g. rice, noodles, coffee 3in1, baby milk powder, tins of vegetables, fruit or milk, toiletries plus freebies from hotels or airline bags are very welcome. Please watch out for our requests on Facebook and in our email messages. Talk to any committee member who will give you more ideas on what is needed. HOME OF GRACE: unwanted clothing and household items are sold by this charity. Please talk to Jackie Reynolds for more information 089 539 9375

Vaccination News and 90 day reporting By Liz Dobson Last year we got around 50 people double vaccinated against COVID at MedPark Hospital. Most people had two Astra Zeneca vaccinations. In December I paid for a Moderna booster at another hospital and then got a few of our members a Pfizer booster again at MedPark. We did not have to pay for the MedPark vaccinations. I recently contacted MedPark about the possibility of having another booster. They replied recommending a Moderna booster three months after your last vaccination and at least one month after a COVID infection. This will cost B1,650 and you should contact MedPark Hospital if you want this. I had heard of some people being vaccinated at Bang Sue Station so decided to investigate. I travelled by MRT, swapping on to that from the BTS at Asoke station. Bang Sue station is enormous and after coming up the escalator and turning right I spotted a vaccination sign, at the edge of the building. I turned left and when that ended in turnstiles you need to leave the building to the right and then go left. You should see a small gathering of people a little in the distance, head there. (Initially I did a circuit of the building, but then approached someone miming getting vaccinated and got sent the correct way, try that if you get lost!) I had my passport with me and when asked for that showed the Mor Prom App on my phone which showed my three vaccinations and it has an ID number which allows them to track these. This has now been updated to show my fourth vaccination. I was offered a Pfizer booster which suited me fine, adding to my soup. I don’t know what else they have available sorry, I didn’t ask. It was all over in about 20 minutes and then I was asked to sit for 30 minutes. This service was free. MedConsult Asia is also offering cheaper Moderna boosters, contact them directly 02 019 7855

90 DAY REPORTING If you are one of the people who has to do 90-day reporting let me tell you about the new online reporting site. Previously you could access online reporting through the Immigration Department, but it never worked. Now you go to You have to register then complete and submit a form. The first time I did it I was skeptical as I hadn’t been asked for some information I thought they needed. But it worked! In a few days I was sent the new date for my next report and printed that off to keep in my passport. I’ve done it online three times now and it has always worked. Much easier than a wasted day trailing to your local office.

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