BWG Bangkok Contact Magazine November 2022

Page 16



The aim of the Group is to enable its members to meet socially, to welcome its new members and associate members to Bangkok and to establish a programme of social, welfare and cultural activities.

Service for HRH Queen Elizabeth II Page 12

Ploenchit Fair Pages 6-8 Book of Condolence for HRH Queen Elizabeth II Pages 10-11

Queen Doll Page 13 Book Club Pages 16-18

Christmas Lunch Pages 26-27 Welfare Page 32 War Poem sent by Gale Bailey MBE Page 33


British Women’s Group.

PLEASE NOTE : Contact is published as a service to our members to keep them informed of news and events within BWG. The accuracy of other information cannot be guaranteed and is not an endorsement by the group. This also applies to advertisements that are included in Contact in order to cover some of the production costs.

Every effort is made to produce Contact in good time to reach members before the first scheduled meeting, but the editor cannot be held responsible for unavoidable delays caused by circumstance beyond their control.

It is the members’ own responsibility to know when meetings are scheduled and to contact someone to check if any changes have been made.

Members are also asked to bear in mind when booking actives that most venues are not deemed suitable for children over six months of age and to make appropriate child minding arrangements.

Contents Directory Page 2 Chairman’s message Page 3 Diary Page 4

Chairman’s Message

So much going on at this time of year, not to mention, my trip to Australia to meet my granddaughter. The committee have been working so hard to organise all of these events and we are a two jobs each committee, no more a two people each job committee. Please show your support and come to as many as you can. Our Christmas Lunch is going to depend on the attendance that we can drum up, bring your friends for a more spectacular event. We are also taking membership fees for the next year at any of these events.


1st November Book Club to discuss

The Paper Palace by Miranda Cowley Heller. Next book Hamnet by Maggie O’Farrell for December’s meeting to be followed by The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner.

3rd November Committee Meeting at The Royal Oak pub at 10.30am. All welcome to discuss changes to your BWG.

10th November Lunch at noon at El Mercado Calle 35.

13th November Remembrance Sunday wreath laying at British Club. Please contact if you want to attend.

24th November Trip to Samut Prakan Observation Tower followed by Thai lunch. BTS Pak Nam.

26th November Ploenchit Fair at Patana School. Contact to volunteer a bit of time to man BWG stall.

1st December Christmas coffee morning at Petra Gordon’s apartment in Soi 23. 8th December Christmas lunch at Sukhothai Hotel on Sathorn Road. Please bring all your friends to this beautiful venue and fabulous event.



Weekly/Monthly Activities

(beginners welcome) (10am - 1pm)

Audrie Sill

(morning) Ami 0971851834

- 1st Tuesday (10am)


1st Tuesday (7:30pm)


(beginners welcome) (10am - 1pm)

Elizabeth Bryans


Sukhumvit Soi

November Diary
You are invited to join these groups, but final approval is at the discretion of individual group leaders
Mah-jong -
Contact Petra Gordon 0839919041 Tuesday Bridge -
Golf -
Book Club
0859667580 Scottish Dancing -
Karen Burr
Mah-jong -
Art Group -
33 10am SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 Book Club 2 3 BWG Committee Meeting 4 5 6 7 Mahjong 8 Bridge Golf 9 Mah-jong Art Group 10 November Lunch 11 12 13 Remembrance Sunday 14 Mahjong 15 Bridge Golf 16 Mah-jong Art Group 17 18 19 20 21 Mah-jong Jackie Reynold’s games afternoon 1pm 22 Bridge Golf 23 Mah-jong Art
24 November Activity 25 26 Ploenchit Fair 27 28 Mah-jong 29 30

The Anantara Siam Hotel

The Anantara Siam Hotel kindly provide raffle donations to the BWG. We have been there for afternoon tea and highly recommend the ‘tea for two’ for a special occasion!

Delina’s Italian Restaurant

Delina’s restaurant provides space for BWG Book Club meet up and cosy coffee’s. They have an excellent lunch time menu which is worth checking out!

Adults THB 300 Children under 12 years THB 150 *All proceeds to BCTFN Thai Charities 26 November 2022, 10 AM to 9 PM Bangkok Patana School Children’s Games and Rides Raffle Shopping Food and Drinks Meet Father Christmas Live Entertainment! Scan for Early Bird Tickets and save 33% if you buy before 31 October 2022 The British Community in Thailand Foundation for the Needy (BCTFN) proudly presents

Who are we and what is the Fair?

BCTFN was launched in 1941 and received its Foundation status under the banner of the British Community in Thailand Foundation for the Needy in 1999 from the Ministry of Interior.

Members of the BCTFN committee and the Ploenchit Fair committee are entirely voluntary. With experience accumulated over many years, these members have come to understand the character and needs of the individual charities supported. They can therefore offer advice when asked, and monitor pro jects approved for support closely.

BCTFN welcome new funding requests from charities throughout Thailand and will support if requests are in line with the BCTFN philosophy which includes sustainable agricultural and educational projects, medical supplies and services. Some of our projects include assisting the needs of handicapped children with specialist requirements, supporting grassroots partnerships from flo od relief and updating schools and supporting child water safety programmes in Chiang Mai. Throughout the country projects such as providing care and support to abandoned children with disabilities, providing drinking water systems in remote areas, support for HIV/Aids affected adults and children in Bangkok and elsewhere. We also support several medical projects throughout the country including cataract procedures, diabetic treatments, and cleft palate surgeries.

Only Thai charities can apply for funding.

The Ploenchit Fair is the main fund raiser for the BCTFN. Named beca use for decades the Fair was held in the grounds of the British Embassy on Ploenchit Road prior to its relocation in recent years.

The Fair is a family day out and offers experiences for both the young and old. Included are Fair attractions and rides, games, shopping vendors, farmer market stalls and live entertainment from well-known bands and even Clown Eckie and Father Christmas for our youngest. International food and beverages are available throughout the day.

Over the years the Fair has gained the reputation to be a thoroughly good day out with the family and is an ideal opportunity to meet friends. All proceeds go to charity.

We are supported by the International and Thai community in Bangkok, through sponsorship of funds and donations of merchandising and prizes and also participation through running games and stalls.

The Fair is held at Bangkok Patana School, which has been our partner for over 10 years. Situated in Sukhumvit soi 105 with shuttle bus services from the BTS and ample parking the Sch ool provides a beautiful setting for this annual community event.

Ploenchit Fair 2022 Early bird tickets available now!

The Ploenchit Fair is a traditional day for the entire family and has been one of the biggest events of the social calendar in Bangkok since it was first held in the British Embassy in 1957.

There will be children’s games and rides, a chance to meet Father Christmas in his grotto, great food and drinks, live entertainment, and shopping.

The Ploenchit Fair will be held at Bangkok Patana School on Saturday, 26th November 2022.

Everybody goes to the Ploenchit Fair there is something for everyone!

The Ploenchit Fair is organized by the British Community in Thailand Foundation for the Needy (BCTFN) to raise funds to help support Thai charities.

Buy early bird tickets with a 33% discount are available between now and the end of October.

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Book of Condolence for Queen Elizabeth II

On Wednesday 14th September I visited the British Embassy here in Bangkok. I went there to write in the book of condolence for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The room was set up well with lovely flowers beside the books of condolence, the Embassy had done a very nice job. There were many Thai nationals signing the books, it was all very respectful. An adjoining room was displaying all the beautiful flowers the Embassy had received. So glad I took the time to go.

Service of Thanksgiving for Queen Elizabeth II

On Thursday 15th September Christ Church Bangkok held a Service of Thanksgiving for Queen Elizabeth II. As we arrived at the church we were each given a beautiful, fragrant white rose The service began with the ringing of the church bell 96 times. A hymn, a reading by Mark Gooding OBE, the British Ambassador to Thailand and then we were encouraged to queue up and place our roses in front of a couple of photographs of Her Majesty when she visited Christ Church in 1972 accompanied by Prince Philip and Princess Anne.

Rev. Matthew Fitter then remembered a visit to Crathie Kirk in Aberdeenshire with his wife and thankfully well-behaved baby son and seeing the Queen arrive and take her place in the congregation. A prayer, another reading and then a minute’s silence. Another hymn and a closing prayer. It was a beautiful, moving service and those of us in attendance were very grateful to have had an event in Thailand that we could participate in pay our respects to Her Majesty.

Christ Church was looking very lovely, calm and respectful with its white floral decorations and all concerned are to be commended for a really lovely service.


This Queen Doll was knitted and donated by our BWG member Sally Voravarn. Sally Knits and sells her dolls and all the proceeds go to help the needy.

Sally takes commissions so please contact Liz Dobson at for requests or further information.

Shout Out! Bistro 33

Bistro 33 is a long-term supporter of BWG. They give us space for mahjong and art groups and always contribute to our raffles. Please support them! They have space and catering for special events or parties and do an excellent Sunday lunch. www.

Shout Out! Varuna Sailing Club

The Royal Varuna Yacht Club (RVYC) sponsor our raffles and donate prizes. RVYC is situated in Chonburi, only 2 hours away. If you want to get away from the air of Bangkok why not take a trip here? It is a family friendly place with accommodation, club house, private beach and more.

October Book Club by Liz Dobson

We didn’t manage a meeting in September which was a real pity because the book we read was universally liked. More people read it too, mostly giving it 9/10 with a few 8/10. It was funny too.

We had read Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus. Amazon says of it “Chemist Elizabeth Zott is not your average woman. In fact, Elizabeth Zott would be the first to point out that there is no such thing.

But it’s the early 1960s and her all-male team at Hastings Research Institute take a very unscientific view of equality

Except for one: Calvin Evans, the lonely, brilliant, Nobel-prize nominated grudge-holder who falls in love with – of all things –her mind. True chemistry results. Like science, life is unpredictable. Which is why a few years later, Elizabeth Zott finds herself not only a single mother, but the reluctant star of America’s most beloved cooking show, ‘Supper at Six’. Elizabeth’s unusual approach to cooking (‘combine one tablespoon of acetic acid with a pinch of sodium chloride’) proves revolutionary. But as her following grows, not everyone is happy because, as it turns out, Elizabeth Zott isn’t just teaching women to cook, she’s daring them to change the status quo.”

Most of us loved the book, the most eloquent of us, Amelia saying – “I absolutely loved this book, a really good plot and

an insight into the treatment of women in the home and the workplace. It really gave me an appreciation of what our mothers and grandmothers had to tolerate and the shocking and unacceptable treatment that so many women have received in the past. Things are definitely improving, but I believe there’s still a way to go. Out of interest, I’ve had a quick Google re. legislation. 1921-1970 – FA ban of women’s football. 1975 – Sex Discrimination Act.

1991 – The case of R vs R changed the landscape completely with marital rape finally made a legal reality.”

Wish we could find another like that. For our meeting on Tuesday 4th October we have been reading The Promise by Damon Galgut which won the Booker prize in 2021 and isn’t at all funny.

Our next read for Tuesday 1st November is The Paper Palace by Miranda Cowley Heller.

Lessons in Chemistry is to be made into a TV series by Apple TV, something to look forward to. Last week a few of us took ourselves off to the cinema to watch Where the Crawdads Sing. A much enjoyed Book Club read a few years back. Such a satisfying ending.

November Book Club by Liz Dobson

After the wholeheartedly liked Lessons In Chemistry we went on to read the Booker prize winning The Promise by Damon Galgut, which was not so well liked.

Set in the four decades of modern South Africa, starting with the last years of apartheid and proceeding through the optimism of Mandela and the Rugby World Cup, the corruption of Zuma and ending with the faint hope and promise of a new South Africa.

It is the story of the Afrikaans Swarts family. Ma, Pa, son Anton and daughters Astrid and Amor and begins with the family reunited for Ma’s funeral. Before she died Ma had elicited a promise from her husband to grant to Salome, their maid, ownership of the house she lives in on the family’s land. A promise he does not fulfil. Over subsequent family deaths the promise is still not fulfilled. Finally, after 31 years, the last surviving member of the family is determined to do something and presents Salome with ownership of the house she lives in. Salome’s son treats this gesture with scorn, insisting it has no meaning given how belated it is and the state of the house. Thus, could it be said, is the bequest from the Boers to their indigenous countryfolk paralleled. Not an uplifting read, but interesting of its time and place. I gave it 6/10 and others 4, 3, 1 and 0 some on a partial read. Few people read the book. The book club curse of downloading the sample and not liking it much I suspect.

For 1st November we are reading The Paper Palace by Miranda Cowley Heller, for December Hamnet by Maggie O’Farrell and for January The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner.

Shout Out! Jimmy’s Kitchen

Jimmy’s Kitchen supports the BWG by providing raffle prizes. This is an excellent place to take visitors, or for anyone, to learn Thai cooking and carving. Please support her if you can. www.jimmys Phone 0819096729

Shout Out! The Royal Oak Pub

The Royal Oak is a long-term sponsor of the BWG, allowing us meeting space as well as supporting raffles, and book sales. Bookshelves on the first floor are well stocked with up to date and popular titles and worth a look at 100B for 3 books. (Feel free to leave your own book donations too). The Oak does an excellent Sunday Roast and if you’re looking for an ‘English Pub’ with quizzes and sports events in the week, then this your pub!


Here is some useful information about what we do and when:

1st Thursday of every month: Committee meeting

2nd Thursday of every month: Coffee Morning

3rd Thursday of every month: Lunch

4th Thursday of every month: An Activity

OUR REGULAR WEEKLY/ MONTHLY ACTIVITIES You are warmly invited to join these groups, but final approval (spaces) is up to the group organiser

Mondays: MAH JONG at The British Club 10:00 am 13:00 pm (beginners welcome)

Contact: Petra Gordon 083 991 9041

Tuesdays: BRIDGE Contact: Audrie Sill 098 832 0313

GOLF Contact: Ami 097 185 1834

Wednesdays: MAH JONG at Bistro33 10am 13:00 pm (beginners welcome)

Contact: Elizabeth Bryans 062 016 9323

BOOK CLUB: The book club meets up the 1st Tuesday each month. For more information contact Laura Smith 0859667580

PRISON VISITING: This is on hold at the moment due to the Covid situation. For more information please talk to Gale Bailey 081 828 5213

At every lunch or coffee morning please bring along if you can:

RING PULLS from tops of aluminium drinks cans. Jane Rodgers collects these and they go towards helping to make prosthetics.

PLASTIC TOPS from drinks bottles as they are made into all sorts of things which can be sold, pot plant holders for one example. Talk to Jackie Reynolds for more details.

SPARE CHANGE FOR THE ALMS BOWL collecting any spare small change. You will see this being passed around at our events, all proceeds go to help our Welfare Group (tip save at home and bring along)

KNITTED or CROCHET SQUARES something anyone can do at any time. Squares of 6” or any length divisible by 6 any questions please talk to Sally Voravarn: 089 234 7074 These are sent to Sister Louise at the Fatima Centre of the Good Shepherd Sisters Bangkok, where they are sewn together, backed and made into blankets for the rural communities up country.

SECOND HAND BOOKS - sold upstairs at The Royal Oak, Sukhumvit 33/1 B50 per book or B100 for 3 Books are always needed for re stocking, you can drop off your unwanted ones directly at the pub or at the Fatima Shop in the same Soi.

PLACE OF GRACE: On certain occasions we ask for donations of dried goods e g rice, noodles, coffee 3in1, baby milk powder, tins of vegetables, fruit or milk, toiletries plus freebies from hotels or airline bags are very welcome. Please watch out for our requests on Facebook and in our email messages. Talk to any committee member who will give you more ideas on what is needed.

HOME OF GRACE: unwanted clothing and household items are sold by this charity. Please talk to Jackie Reynolds for more information 089 539 9375

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! We would like to wish a really happy birthday to: Lyne Brunelle 11th November Sue Gordon 14th November Katherine Biggs 14th November Sian Frederick 16th November Karen Stiegler 19th November Jan Wollen 25th November Nasiba McNeill 25th November Wiff Johnston 27th November Olga Courbet 28th November Siti Survo 29th November Sally Voravarn 30th November Have a wonderful day and we are all thinking of you!

Our very own Shout Outs!

The BWG supports many Thailand based charities and in particular those that are education based helping youth today to help themselves and their community tomorrow. Thailand Hilltribes Education Project

BWG sponsor at least one student (15,000 Baht pa) through high school and university.

Human Development Foundation

BWG sponsor 2 students in Klong Toey (8,000 Baht each pa) through high school and university.

Imagine Thailand Foundation

BWG sponsor 2 students (12,000 each pa) through High School and University

Presentation Slums Mission Bangkok

Known as the ‘Milk Run’, BWG donates towards the weekly milk runs and cost of baby milk powder and rice in Rung Moo community, Klong Toey.

New Life Centre, Chiang Mai

BWG sponsor a child through high school and university (12,000B pa)


BWG sponsors a student with additional needs (20,000B pa) to be trained and supported to find employment in the catering trade. Steps run three coffee shops/training centres in Bangkok please visit and support! us

Fatima Centre

Empowering women and children living in poverty. The Fatima shop (near Villa Sukhumvit 33) sells a wide range of exceptionally well made embroidered goods that are fun, educational and unique. These goods are handmade and give women dignity as well as a fair price for their quality work. BWG offices are here and we pay rental to the centre for rooms and storage as well as supporting with further donations.

As well as our continued annual support to the above we are constantly making donations to other charities that need help. We recently donated 10,000B to Rejoice in Chiang Mai for milk powder for feeding mothers with HIV and also to Little Birds, helping support young orphans with HIV. Thank you for your support of BWG and our events, enabling us to support all of the above and more.

October Coffee Morning at Gluck

October Lunch at Wine Connection


Father of Gale Bailey MBE (nee Merrill)

My mother, Doris (who my dad always called Janie) was pregnant with my sister, Patricia Anne, when war was declared in September 1939. My father was amongst the first to volunteer to defend his country and was sent off to training camp. Pat was born in February 1940 and my father managed to see her twice as a baby but in 1941, he was captured in Crete and taken to Stalag 18 where he spent the remainder of the war. Like all others during that time, he was never sure of the future and wrote frequently to my mother but this poignant poem to my sister, in case he never made it to see her grow up, is as relevant today as it was then. Incidentally, my father never bore any animosity towards his captors, he always told me, 'Love, it was war time and those people were not so different to us'. Of course, he was not referring to the fanatics but to the everyday folk who all suffered.

War Poems – Bill Merrill (P.O.W. 1941 – 1945)

Closing paragraph to his young daughter, Patricia (born 1940)

Remember, each and everyone, who in this world meets you Is rightfully entitled to hold a different view So do not be conceited but always strive to earn The friendship of all people and then I know you’ll learn That though wealth may be useful; and power and prestige too, In life they are but symbols, of might, held by a few. So do not covet money but count your wealth in deeds, Of kindly thoughtful actions which answer someone’s needs. In this you’ll find a pleasure which brings with it a glow Of human understanding and then, My Dear, you’ll know That the ‘Milk of human kindness’, which comes from ‘One above’ Is the kindly disposition, the quality of love.

While I’m away, my Darling, be at your Mother’s side, Courageously awaiting, the ‘turning of the tide’ And so until it’s ended, this war we hate and loathe, My love is yours forever, God Bless and keep you both.


Over the years, just as Bangkok has seen many changes, so too has the British Women’s Group. I first joined in 1991 and in those days lunches were fairly dressy affairs in hotel ballrooms. There was no Marks & Spencer’s in Thailand at that time so we used to meet to make Christmas puddings. My first job with BWG was posting the magazine, because in those days we still produced a printed version. I was sending around 250 magazines each month. In 2017 when our advertising income was reducing we went to a bi monthly edition and then in 2018 we changed to an online edition. Recently it’s been Becky who has done a wonderful job putting it all together and it is a considerable amount of work, but it keeps her in touch as she can rarely attend any activities. Now with Mailerlite and our Facebook page we find that there doesn’t seem to be much interest in the magazine. People aren’t writing articles for it and few people are actually reading it, so with that in mind Becky will continue producing the magazine until the year end and then we will change how we keep members up to date with things.

When I took over as Treasurer in 2019 we had about 1.3million baht coming in and out of our bank account. What with COVID and the gradual reduction in our membership that is very much reduced. Over the past three years we have continued to support many organisations in Thailand and over that time our bank balance has been steadily dwindling away. We can’t let it go to zero so our welfare payments are going to have to be reviewed to match our new level of income.

What we need from you is fresh ideas, to keep this great group moving in the right direction. We’ve all seen how the pandemic’s forced isolation has been so difficult for so many. Friends have kept us going and in many cases, those friends were people you met through BWG! We need to regroup, spread the word about BWG and expand our social connections with one another. Whether you have an idea on how to keep members up to date, feel strongly about our welfare commitments or want to suggest a place for a coffee morning, a lunch or an activity or anything else, please come to our next committee meeting is on Thursday 3rd November at 10.30am upstairs in The Royal Oak pub (where our bookcase is). If you have any interest in the changes happening to your BWG please come along to discuss them. Coffee/tea and shortbread provided or reach out at All positive suggestions welcome.


Shout Out! MedConsult – Dr Donna

Dr Donna always supports BWG with generous donations to raffle appeals. She is herself an active member of BWG and is often in attendance at BWG events – say hello and introduce yourself to her next time! Her company, MedConsult, has been active in Bangkok for over 35 years.

Currently the clinic offers one of the cheapest PCR/fit to fly tests in Bangkok at 1500B and is extremely competitive in pricing, of all services, compared to the major hospitals.


The Elephant Parade regularly support the BWG with donations to raffles. This Elephant Parade is a social enterprise with each elephant uniquely painted with @0% of profits going to elephant welfare and conservation. Support them if you can as they support us and don’t forget to mention BWG if you visit!

Shout Out! PJ O’Brien’s PJ O’Brien’s supports the BWG with raffle prizes. You can find them just off the BTS at Phra Khanong. They often have live music on and have a British food menu as well as Thai. Please support them if you can.

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