Buylines Spring 2017

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Insecticide Concentrate

Your companion counts on you to keep him protected. STRYKER Insecticide Concentrate is a multi-purpose insecticide that quickly kills lice, flies, fleas, gnats, mosquitoes and other insects that are feeding on your livestock. STRYKER can be applied in and around production facilities or directly to livestock at specified rates. (Available in gallon and pint sizes)

Control Solutions, Inc. Innovation you can apply.

Martins and Stryker are registered trademarks of Control Solutions Incorporated.

For more information call 800-242-5562.

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In This Issue

APRIL 2017


Baiting the 3 Lines of Defense By Patrick Lynch Bell Laboratories


What Is Your Next Opportunity and What Is Your Company’s Vision for New Customers? By Jim Bunch, BWI Companies, President and CEO


Prepping for Preemergence Weed Control By Dow AgroSciences


Tech Shares: Listen to Your Plants

By Fred Hulme, Ph.D., Technical Services, ICL Specialty Fertilizers


Diffusion Confusion

By Paul Jacobson, President, Green-Tek




The 2017 BWI EXPO will take place in San Antonio, TX September 25-27.

The High-Five for Working with Branded Products By Syngenta


2016 BWI EXPO Prize Winners



By Dow AgroSciences


Better Grazing Builds A Solid Foundation for Cattlemen

2017 EXPO Preview: Ian Baldwin New Technology Update By Jason Clem, BWI IT Infrastructure Manager


2015-2016 BWI Employee and Division Award Winners | APRIL 2017 BWI Companies, Inc. | 1

Make your piece of the planet a healthier place to live!

wit h Calcium Mont mor illonite

Registered for use as an anti-caking agent or inert carrier in an amount not to exceed 2% of the total diet.

Poultry • Dairy • Swine • Cattle • Ratite Goats • Sheep • Bison

Absorbent & Deodorizer

Eliminates harmful effects of ammonia and unpleasant odors.

Pens • Stalls • Barns • Trailers • Kennels

ODOR CONTROL CONTROL CO for your Backyard c ard Chickens ckya Insecticides • Fungicides • Plant Foods • Repellents • Soil Amendments


2 | BWI Companies, Inc. APRIL 2017 |


A clean flock is a healthy flock and a healthy flock is a happy flock!

Backyard Chickens • Pullets • Ducks Layers • Quail • Turkeys • Pigeons

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PRESIDENT’S LETTER What Is Your Next Opportunity and What Is Your Company’s Vision for New Customers? On a recent trip I decided to drive by some of my old customers whom I called on in the early and mid-1980s. I was shocked to see that over seventy percent were no longer in business. Where garden centers, farm stores and growers were once located now stood hotels, convenience stores, restaurants, and other businesses. Wow how things evolve and change! I reflected back on various vendor lines and product lines I once sold 30 plus years ago. The majority of my chemical sales were organophosphate chemicals like Chlordane, Dursban, Diazinon, Parathion, Toxaphene, 2,4-D, and the like. These products have been replaced by new chemistry that is certainly much less harmful to our environment and just as effective. For at least the past ten years, BWI seems to have an extraordinary event with a large vendor, market segment we service, or sizable customer either going out of business or changing primary suppliers. What I used to think was an extraordinary event related to the aforementioned is now more of an ordinary event. My point is, business continues to evolve in our ever changing business world and, if you don’t look for your next opportunity - be it new products, geography, customer type, and/or marketing strategy - you soon become antiquated and no longer relevant in today’s business world. I will be the first to admit that BWI could do a much better job of being innovative and more on the leading

edge. However, as the business world has progressed, our product mix and customer base has broadened, and many of our operation processes have changed. A few examples are: • We now distribute animal health products • Pest control is now a large percent of our annual growth • We offer vendor managed inventory to some market type customers • Orders are now transmitted via sales team iPads, EDI, or placed through our website

Jim Bunch, President and CEO of BWI, shares about the success BWI has had over the last 57 years.

messaging. One thing I have learned during my 35 years in the distribution business is the world constantly advances with or without you so you either change with the times or become extinct. Manufacturers of horse and buggy whips who didn’t transition are now business bygones! In closing, on behalf of BWI and the Bunch family, I would like to say THANK YOU to our customers and suppliers for all of your loyalty and

I want to challenge and encourage BWI customers and vendor partners to take time to evaluate and formulate a game plan to pursue new customers and products to offer, expand your service area, and leverage technology to market your company. I want to challenge and encourage BWI customers and vendor partners to take time to evaluate and formulate a game plan to pursue new customers and products to offer, expand your service area, and leverage technology to market your company via Facebook, Twitter, e-mail, text

support as we enter our 59th year in business! I join Jack Clary and Charles Koch in feeling “grateful for everything and entitled to nothing”! BWI customers, supplier partners, and team members are the best and I am especially grateful. | APRIL 2017 BWI Companies, Inc. | 3





When you see bedbugs, it’s time to lock & load!


Fireback is an insecticide that is highly effective against bedbugs. It also gives you a 3-month residual and can

target pests:


be used against 28 other listed flying and crawling pests. creates a pin stream for treating bedbugs in tight cracks and crevices as well as a regular spray for other listed pests.



Fireback’s unique application tip application:

For bedbugs, spray mattresses including tufts and seams; spray into bed joints, treat baseboards, molding and floors. Repeat as necessary.

creating a world of SOLUTIONS.


ORGANIC odor problems are history.

1. 2. 3.

When you spray Foam Fresh onto a surface, the foaming action immediately encapsulates odorcausing molecules, reducing offensive odors. The offensive odor is replaced by the bold fresh scent of Foam Fresh. This fresh scent is most powerful when first sprayed, then it dissipates to a gentle fragrance. Finally, Foam Fresh attacks the organic matter that is the cause of the odor. Seven strains of microbes begin consuming the organic matter, and the microbes will double in population every 20 minutes until their food source is consumed.

100 Nisus Drive • Rockford, TN 37853 800.264.0870 • Remember, always read, understand and comply with the label. Foam Fresh, Fireback and Nisus Corporation are 4trademarks | BWI Companies, APRILof2017 or registeredInc. trademarks Nisus |Corporation. ©2017 Nisus Corporation #BUY-FFFB-0317


target pests:

Bird droppings

bat guano

rodent odor

drain buildup

Garbage can scum


Apply after rodent, bird and bat cleanup, spray areas after rodent removal, spray into floor and sink drains, foam in wall voids and other tough-to-reach areas, spray garbage receptacles.

creating a world of sustainability.


P 99.6%


F 83.5%

P 98.7%


F 78.4%


F 70%

Consult your local veterinarian for assistance in the diagnosis, treatment and control of parasitism. IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION Safe-Guard EN-PRO-AL Molasses Block RESIDUE WARNING: Cattle must not be slaughtered within 11 days following last treatment. A withdrawal period has not been established for this product in preruminating calves. Do not use in calves to be processed for veal. Safe-Guard Protein Block RESIDUE WARNING: Cattle must not be slaughtered within 16 days following last treatment. A withdrawal period has not been established for this product in preruminating calves. Do not use in calves to be processed for veal. Safe-Guard Mineral, feed through products and liquid feed RESIDUE WARNING: Cattle must not be slaughtered within 13 days following last treatment. For dairy cattle, the milk discard time is zero hours. A withdrawal period has not been established for this product in preruminating calves. Do not use in calves to be processed for veal.



LongRange® Injectable

Dectomax® Injectable

Ivomec® Injectable

Cydectin® Injectable


Safe-Guard®/Panacur® Plus an Avermectin







The FDA has identified growing levels of internal parasites resistant to the Macrocyclic lactones (Avermectin) class of dewormers.1 Results from the Merck Animal Health Fecal Egg Count Reduction Test National database2 shows several cases of internal parasite resistance and supports concurrent treatment protocol to manage resistant parasites. The majority opinion among parasitologists attending the FDA public forum on managing resistant parasites was that concurrent treatment of two different classes of anthelmintics is the best way to manage these resistant parasites. Merck’s database supports 2008 USDA National Animal Health Monitoring Study (NAHMS) showing confirmed or suspected resistance in several U.S. states to Macrocyclic lactone (Avermectin) class of dewormers.3


Safe-Guard Drench and Paste RESIDUE WARNING: Cattle must not be slaughtered within 8 days following last treatment. For dairy cattle, the milk discard time is zero hours. A withdrawal period has not been established for this product in preruminating calves. Do not use in calves to be processed for veal. Safe-Guard is a registered trademark of Merck Animal Health. Panacur is a registered trademark of Merck Animal Health. Ivomec is a registered trademark of Merial, Ltd. Cydectin is a registered trademark of Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica. Dectomax is a registered trademark of Zoetis. LongRange is a registered trademark of Merial, Ltd. 1 FDA Public Resistance Forum-March 2012 2 Tests from 1/1/2008 - 4/12/2016 3 NAHMS 2008 4 Dobson R., Jackson F., Levecke B., Besier B., et al. Guidelines for fecal egg count reduction tests (FECRT). World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP) (2011) Proceedings: 23rd International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology 2 Giralda Farms – Madison, NJ 07940 – – 800.521.5767 Copyright © 2016 Intervet, Inc. d/b/a Merck Animal health, a subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc. All rights reserved. 5/16 BV-SG-55108 | APRIL 2017 BWI Companies, Inc. | 5

Prepping for Preemergence Weed Control W

ith spring just around the corner, turf managers across the country are selling and booking their preemergence herbicide applications.

Preemergence herbicides are the most effective way to control crabgrass and other summer annual weeds and grasses before they become a visible problem. When applied in early spring, preemergence herbicides provide season-long control of some of the top homeowner-hated weeds, including dandelion, crabgrass, clover, chickweed and plantain. Many preemergence herbicides work by inhibiting cell division in the young root system. The active ingredient is absorbed by the roots of susceptible plants, which swell and stop growing. The root system fails to develop, and the young seedling dies shortly after germination. Spring success Preemergence herbicides are a reliable weed control method, but they must be applied prior to weed seed germination to be effective. Application timing varies based on the geographic location, but most weed seeds generally begin to germinate when the soil temperature is 50 degrees or warmer. Keep in mind that perennial weeds with reproductive parts below ground will not be controlled by a preemergence herbicide. Single applications are often very effective, but turf managers in areas with extremely high weed pressure use split applications to get season-long control. Some will make an application in early spring and then another later in the season, spreading the full labeled rate over two visits. Most preemergence herbicides require a half-inch of irrigation or rain to move the herbicide into the soil. For best results, make sure the treated area is watered within seven days of an application.

6 | BWI Companies, Inc. APRIL 2017 |

Weed control trifecta Successful preemergence weed control starts by using the right product at the right time. Dimension® specialty herbicide, from Dow AgroSciences, is the leading turf and ornamental product for preemergence and early postemergence crabgrass control, giving you the widest application window. For preemergence control, Dimension can be applied up to eight weeks prior to crabgrass germination. For early postemergence control, it can be applied up to crabgrass tillering in cool-season turf and up to the five-tiller stage in warm-season turf. It also offers preemergence control of 46 other grassy and broadleaf weeds.

Gallery® specialty herbicide stops weeds before they germinate, so you won’t spend all season chasing them down with postemergence applications or hand-weeding. Gallery controls more than 95 broadleaf weeds in turf and ornamental settings, making it an ideal border-to-border solution. Do you treat landscape beds as well? Snapshot® specialty herbicide offers proven control of more than 125 broadleaf and grassy weeds, and minimizes the need for hand-weeding. It can be used around more than 635 ornamentals — more than any other granular preemergence herbicide on the market. Preemergence applications set the stage for season-long weed control. Regardless of the product used, always read and follow label directions to ensure success. For more information, visit

Dimension® specialty herbicide

Gallery® specialty herbicide

Snapshot® specialty herbicide

Active ingredient



Isoxaben + trifluralin


Sprayable, granular, on-fertilizer



Weeds controlled

47 grassy and broadleaf weeds

96 broadleaf weeds

125 broadleaf and grassy weeds

Ornamental safety

490 landscape-, container- and field-grown ornamentals

700 landscape- and field-grown ornamentals

635 landscape- and field-grown ornamentals

560 container-grown ornamentals

485 container-grown ornamentals

Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow. State restrictions on the sale and use of Dimension specialty herbicide products and Snapshot apply. Consult the label before purchase or use for full details. Always read and follow label directions. ©2017 Dow AgroSciences LLC T19-337-002 (03/17) BR

® | APRIL 2017 BWI Companies, Inc. | 7

TOP SELLING DESIGNS Premium+ Hutch, Medium

Item #01515 36” x 24” x 34.5” • Slide-out plastic pan makes this hutch ‘EZ’ to clean • Waterproof shingle roof • Full opening roof top for ‘EZ’ access


Visit our website


Large Rabbit Hutch

Item #01550 42.5” x 28.25” x 39” • Fold-down Hop-Way door design • Galvanized slide-out pan • Full opening roof top for ‘EZ’ access

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Item #01490 42.5” x 28” x 39” • Wind guard design and adjustable perch • Waterproof shingle roof

The advantage of distribution is access to products and brands

We provide the retailer with access to thousands of the most regionally appropriate products from hundreds of brands and manufacturers, including multiple brands within a category. 8 | BWI Companies, Inc. APRIL 2017 |

To learn more about our products visit us at or call us at 602-257-8803

Are you looking for a way to pull customers in the door? Innovative products from brands they trust are the key. Keep an eye out for these items in 2017.



DUAL SIDED Textured side to lift dirt and stains PLUS a soft side to wipe away grime to finish the job.

KILLS EVEN THE TOUGHEST WEEDS, LIKE DANDELION AND CLOVER Kills the root so weeds don’t come back.

BIGGER, TOUGHER & STRONGER 25% larger, 3X tougher and cleans MORE surface area than leading cleaning wipes.

Granular weed control that kills tough lawn weeds. Starts working on contact to kill over 200 types of weeds.

INCREASE THE TICKET Presents an impulse purchase opportunity to increase average ticket size.

* For use on Northern grasses.

OxiClean is a trademark of Church & Dwight Co., Inc. and is used under license by The Scotts Company LLC.



USE WITH CONFIDENCE Roundup® Precision Gel® kills weeds, root and all, so they won't grow back.

TRUSTED BRAND Consumers believe in the strength of Roundup®.

PRECISION APPLICATION Gel sticks to the weed to kill only what it touches.

KILLS WEEDS, NOT THE LAWN Kills crabgrass, dandelion, clover and yellow nutsedge.

ATTRACT NEW USERS & INCREASE USAGE FREQUENCY Target users who are hand pulling weeds near desirable plants or in other hard-to-reach places.

CLOSE THE SALE Leverage the strongest name in weed control to put customer concerns at ease and close the sale.

Ortho® Home Defense® Insect Killer for Lawn & Landscape ADDRESSES CONSUMER NEED The #1 consumer attitude in Outdoor Insect: If I treat insects outside, I can prevent them from coming inside.*

*Source: Ortho A&U, 2013 **based on internal sales

TRUSTED BRAND Home Defense® is the #1 brand** for indoor & perimeter protection and is now extending to the lawn and landscape to kill bugs outside before they come inside. SELL HOME PROTECTION Full line of home protection products control insects inside the home, around the home, and outside in the lawn & landscape.

Always read and follow label directions. Roundup, Roundup & design & Roundup Precision Gel are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC. © 2017 Monsanto Company, worldwide rights reserved. © 2017 The Scotts Company LLC. World rights reserved. 17AD08 | APRIL 2017 BWI Companies, Inc. | 9

The World Leader in Rodent Control Technology®

Baiting the 3 Lines of Defense


ats will travel 90 to 450 feet from their nesting area to their food source, and mice 10 to 30 feet. This means rodents can gain access to a building from any number of entrances. It also means there are many points to intercept rodents from entering a building in the first place. For successful rodent elimination, using a combination of baiting and trapping to secure the three lines of defense – the perimeter, exterior, and interior of a property, is a necessity. As the first line of defense, place bait or traps along the perimeter of a property. Contrac, Final, and Fastrac BLOX bait can be used 100 feet from man-made structures when secured inside bait stations, and snap traps can be used along fence lines and perimeters further than 100 feet from buildings. The EVO Express bait station will provide the most versatility for all baiting purposes with room for 8 Blox or 2 T-Rex Snap Traps. Placing bait and traps in tamper-resistant bait stations ensures the elements and non-targets are kept out. Fastrac and PCQ Pro Pellets can also be used to bait any active Norway or Roof rat burrow, regardless of distance to a manmade structure. Using these specific pelleted products for all your burrow baiting can protect your company from liability and provide targeted PROTECTA EVO Express knockdown baiting Rodent Bait Station where rats are living. The second line of defense is the exterior of a building. Rodents tend to gravitate to warm air currents or where food odors emerge. Optimal placement for bait and traps is in tamper-resistant bait stations around entry doors and along the building. Depending on the severity of the infestation at the account, this can be about 8-12 foot intervals for mice, and 15-30 foot intervals for rats. When baiting at commercial accounts, using Fastrac Blox can provide a quicker knockdown with first death occurring in as little as 12-24 hours. Finally, the interior of a building is the last line of defense. To eliminate rodents, you will need to think three-dimensionally (up, down, and to the sides). Rats will climb, mice will scurry along runways and both

10 | BWI Companies, Inc. APRIL 2017 |

will look for food sources. Place bait stations along rodent runways and where you see signs of rodents such as by droppings, gnaw marks, or sebum trails. Because of room constraints it may be necessary to use smaller bait stations on the interior. The EVO Ambush provides most of the versatility of the EVO Express in a low profile, tamper resistant option. When baiting the three lines of defense, using a monitoring bait like Detex® with Lumitrack® at every account can provide valuable information to you and your technicians. With Lumitrack, droppings will glow under UV light after rodents ingest the DETEX with Lumitrack non-toxic bait. This provides clues about where rodents are traveling, living, feeding, and entering in your accounts. Patrick Lynch | VP of Sales West Bell Laboratories

Additionally, monitoring baits with Lumitrack® provide evidence on whether or not exclusion techniques are working when bait is placed in exterior stations. If you find glowing droppings inside an account, it is proof that rodents are still entering the structure, and gives clues as to where they are gaining access. Monitoring baits are also useful in maintenance accounts by making bait stations more attractive to rodents. When rodents grow accustomed to feeding in a station, they leave pheromone trails in and around the area. This attracts more rodents to the bait station when the need arises to place toxic rodenticides. When choosing rodent bait stations for each line of defense, consider these three features: TIME SAVING Time is money. Use stations designed for quick servicing; decreased service time means more time in accounts. The extra time can be used to better inspect rodent activity, implement exclusionary measures or

to enhance profitability. The speed of use and set up of both the EVO Express and EVO Ambush will save your company money and your technician time at each account. VERSATILITY Consider choosing a station that accommodates a variety of baiting techniques and placements. A versatile station can hold snap traps and different bait formulations. Being able to adjust to changing dynamics at accounts with the ability to change from bait to the T-Rex snap traps without having to change bait stations is imperative. DESIGN Choose stations that blend into the environment or surroundings. Both the EVO Landscape and EVO Circuit provide the ability for you to bait and trap for rodents while allowing your customers to maintain a high level of discretion at their place of business or residence. Customers will be willing to pay more for stations that are camouflaged in their environment.

RESTORE THEIR BACKYARD OASIS WITH FULL SPECTRUM LAWN CONTROL Control 40+ Weeds Reign Over 30+ Pests with Solitare WSL with Triple Crown T&O



Contains a surfactant for faster plant penetration


All-in-one pre-mix for above-and belowground insects


Eliminates the need for tank mixing



Will not settle out or separate when mixed with water

Three active ingredients in an advanced suspo-emulsion formulation


Labeled for broadcast lawn treatments and mound treatments

Wild Violet





Contact your BWI representative or FMC market specialist. @FMCturf


Always read and follow label directions. FMC, FMC logo, Solitare WSL and Triple Crown are registered trademarks of FMC Corporation. Š2016 FMC Corporation. All rights reserved. | APRIL 2017 BWI Companies, Inc. | 11

12 | BWI Companies, Inc. APRIL 2017 |

GET UNBELIEVABLE FLEXIBILITY Stretch your crabgrass control from first application to last. Learn more at

Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow. State restrictions on the sale and use of Dimension specialty herbicide apply. Consult the label before purchase or use for full details. Always read and follow label directions. ©2017 Dow AgroSciences LLC



Perfect Water Pattern



Thumb Controlled Shut-Off

in Se



Protecting Your Garden?

delivers precise watering control even with arthritic or wet, slippery hands


9 Spray Patterns




multiple watering functions

W an


4 Sprinkler Patterns

flat, fan, mini & large adjustable circle coverage to 360°




e riv






Sled style base

will not catch on lawn when pulled

Professional Quality for Life

For more information about our products, visit us at | APRIL 2017 BWI Companies, Inc. | 13


Tech Shares Listen to Your Plants Listen to your plants; they have lots to tell you about fertilizer Fred Hulme, Ph.D., Technical Services, ICL Specialty Fertilizers

Plant nutrition should be a very easy issue to deal with. Plants need certain essential elements, at the right ratios, the correct amounts, and at the correct times. A systematic approach will consider the important factors: irrigation water, growing media, crop types, environment, and production objectives (Fig. 1). This will lead generally to a good general fertilizer program – one that is simple to implement, fits most crop nutritional needs; but also employs a one size fits all strategy that just might not satisfy every crop you grow. Typically you will have to provide certain picky crops some special treatment to maintain quality. Typical things that can go wrong in fertilizer selection include: selection of the wrong fertilizers, adding too much fertilizer, adding too little fertilizer and pH issues. When developing your fertilizer program, analytical data can be very useful to help you prevent crop issues that impact quality and crop value: • A comprehensive water test can account for the buffering of the water (Alkalinity or bicarbonate level), nutrient provided with the water such as calcium & magnesium and any problematic ions like sodium or chlorides. • In-house testing of EC (electrical conductivity or soluble salts) can validate that the fertilizer recipe is correct and that the injector is functioning correctly. • Conducting pH & EC tests on media can give you a general snapshot of the nutritional status of the root zone. • Using a full service nutritional lab will give you a more specific snapshot of the nutritional status of the root zone. Invariably things will go awry even in the best designed fertilizer program. Part of this is due to the large diversity in crop types with diverse genetics and crop stages that growers typically grow concurrently. Part of this is due to environment variations that are out of our control. Part of this is due to variability in growing systems (e.g. injectors, irrigation systems, and growing media) that will impact the efficacy of fertilizers. Remember that most of the nutrients taken up by the plant are in ionic form in the soil solution and fertilizer efficacy is directly impacted by factors such as poor water availability or evapotranspiration, incorrect root zone pH’s, poor root health, over leaching, extreme temperatures. When things do go wrong, crops are the ones to alert us of problems in our nutritional systems by exhibiting symptoms of nutrient Environment deficiencies/ toxicities. Unfortunately at this point it may too late to change the fertilizer program, reverse the condition or make the crop salable. Plants cannot talk; by this I mean they clearly can’t shout out: “Hey Grower, calcium levels are down this week and my growing points are killing me, give me some 15-0-15…”


Figure 1. Fertilizer efficacy is impacted by water, growing media, crop & environmental interactions.



However, if you “listen” to your plants through careful scouting and observation, you will find that plants are continuously providing feedback. Subtle crop appearance such as changes in foliar color, turgidity, wilting, and growth rates of both shoots and roots can help you address nutrient shortcomings before they become big problems. Most symptoms develop slowly and gradually and it is best to tackle these issues early on. Look for patterns of symptoms over time between benches/houses; indicator crops or cultivars, crop turns to identify/eliminate possible causes of the problem. When trying to diagnose the cause of deficiency symptoms and come up with an effective mitigation program, it is best to think holistically and consider the entire production system. It is easy to fall into traps based on assumptions and truisms: • •

Example: This past year I have seen numerous cases in nurseries with extremely low root zone pH’s (3.5 – 4.0) where crops exhibit chlorotic newer leaves (see Pic 1.). Diagnosis: We are trained to think that low media pH’s cause micronutrients like iron & manganese (Mn) to become more soluble and excessive to plants. However, in this case after media and tissue testing, the cause of the symptoms was actually determined to be iron deficiency. How could this be? Low pHs were resulting in very high Mn levels in the soil solution. The source of the Mn was likely from the bark used in the mix. This was flooding the system and preventing adequate iron uptake by the plant. By adding a Liquid Stem treatment, symptoms were reversed.

Finally, here are a few comments on diagnosis: • • • • •

In a problem situation, media and tissue testing can help identify and eliminate possible causes of a problem. But interpretation can be confusing and improper sampling can muddy the picture. Just because you have analytical data, doesn’t mean the problem is nutritional in nature. Confer with your fertilizer company representative/extension agent/consultant to help assess data and work up possible solutions. Anything that will impact root or shoot health can impact fertilizer efficacy (e.g. Pythium, viruses, PGR’s, viruses, heat stress, and planting depth). Listen to your plants. They know a lot about nutrition.

Random chlorosis at low media pH due to an Iron deficiency

© 2017 ICL Fertilizers, Worldwide Rights Reserved. 4950 Blazer Memorial Parkway Dublin, Ohio 43017 800-492-8255




September 25-27, 2017 San Antonio, TX ONLINE REGISTRATION & HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS COMING IN MAY Information on EXPO’s Schedule of Events, Customer Appreciation Events, Hotel Accommodations, Education Sessions, and more will be posted online in May. Visit the website starting May 15 for more information -

SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE Monday, September 25 8:00 am - 2:00 pm.......... Customer Appreciation Events 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm.......... BWI EXPO Open 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm.......... Hot Buys Tuesday, September 26 8:00 am - 5:00 pm.......... BWI EXPO Open 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm.......... Education Session with Ian Baldwin 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm.......... Hot Buys Wednesday, September 27 8:00 am - 11:30 am........ BWI EXPO Open 16 | BWI Companies, Inc. APRIL 2017 | | APRIL 2017 BWI Companies, Inc. | 17

Better Solutions for Better Crops

SolarSoft 85 Polycarbonate Corrugated Sheet 100% Light Diffusion Over Bedding Plants


By Paul Jacobson, President Green-Tek

I recall, 20 years ago, discussing polyfilm with a potential European supplier. His offer was tempting enough for me to follow up with a request for samples of ‘4 year Clear.’

When the film samples arrived, there was a problem: “Your film is too cloudy.” I advised. “But that is our 4 year clear film!” was the response. “It’s not Clear!” was my retort. “You mean you want REALLY Clear?” he asked, quizzically. “We can make it, it’s just that nobody here wants it.” Thus began my introduction to light diffusion, a light management technique still

18 | BWI Companies, Inc. APRIL 2017 |

disregarded by many American greenhouse growers to this day. The principle is agonizingly simple: textures or pigment will spread out the waves of a light source, making the light consumed by a canopy of plants more even, with less shadows. Still not convinced? Look at the light fixtures in your office; they have covers over them diffusing the light you see and making it more efficient. A

lampshade is a light diffuser. Google “light diffusion” and “Plants” together and you will have a lot of reading on your hands. In fact, you will not see an article speaking against it. So if the idea of diffusion is nothing really new, why is it NEW? Nobody has a solid answer, but a safe guess is that for years, clear, non-diffused coverings, being the first on the market, were good

enough, with a lower price as well. Times have changed, however, and technology has caught up to old habits. Our company supplies a family of greenhouse coverings (Films, Polycarbonates, and Shade Cloth). The products with the fastest sales growth in each of these categories share one thing in common: Diffusion. Consider: The sales of Diffused Corrugated Polycarbonate sheets are now more than double that of clear. Customers in ‘Non-traditional’ hort markets demand diffused film exclusively. Speaking of ‘non-traditional’ growers, some of the largest shade cloth consumers in the country do not own a single greenhouse or nursery. They are shading apples, berries, table grapes, etc, on a multi-acre scale, with light diffusing shade cloth. Indeed, while many growers may have heard about diffused film or polycarbonate, the idea of light diffusive shade nets may come as a surprise. These are not the good old black nets you may have known for years; these are colored nets with expensive resin addi-

Contrast: SolarSoft 85 100% Diffused Corrugate Polycarbonate Sheet (Top), as seen through traditional Dynaglas Clear Corrugated Sheet (Gable End).

tives to spread the light more efficiently through a canopy. Soon you may find yourself considering shade nets with colors such as Pearl, Pearl-Leno, and Crystal in atypical shade percentages such as 10%, 13%, or 20%. All in the name of giving those leaves at the bottom of the canopy a fair shot at the available light. So you’re just into retail? Not some big grower-guy? Light diffusion can brighten up and reduce shadows in markets and sales houses as well. Still not convinced? Challenge

your Distributor Rep to provide you with options. Remember, it doesn’t all have to happen at once. Trial a bay or two. Another possibility is to place a light diffusing shade tarp over the clear covering you already have. Diffusion is not going away. Demand will continue to grow, and not just in the covering products that you might expect. As an executive for a greenhouse coverings company, I can see a time in the future when all of our clear products will not be “really clear.”

Relax with America’s Oldest EPA Pest Brand Products For • Bed Bugs • Roaches • Ants • Wasps • Crickets • Pantry Moths • Repellents • Silverfish • Stink Bugs • Rats & Mice • Plumbing Clogs and more

P.H. HARRIS Manufacturing Company, LLC P.O. Box 1922 • Cartersville, GA 30120

(800) 637-0317 Monday - Friday, 9am to 5pm EST | APRIL 2017 BWI Companies, Inc. | 19

20 | BWI Companies, Inc. APRIL 2017 |

IMPROVING LIFE ON YOUR LAND For 70 over years, Tarter has been the answer for all your farm and ranch needs. With over a million square feet of American manufacturing capability, we produce over 700 products spanning 10 different product categories. So chances are – if you need it...we have it. With both eastern and western manufacturing facilities, we’re poised to provide industry leading service nationwide. Come to Tarter first...because it lasts!

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The High-Five for Working with Branded Products


hile generics can seem like an easy way to save money, the risks associated with unknown efficacy and product support can ultimately end up costing companies more so they can achieve the high standards needed to meet their business goals. “The collective experience of our professionals makes Syngenta an ideal partner for producing market-leading turf, ornamental and pest control products and services,” says Scott Reasons, head of lawn and garden for Syngenta in the Americas. “At Syngenta, a brand is much more than a product. There’s a significant amount of expertise, knowledge and service that comes with our brand.” This value is reflected in five key areas, including: 1. PERFORMANCE. There can be important performance differences between generic products and Syngenta branded products. Before cutting costs with a generic, consider the differences in handling, storage and efficacy. One example is particle size. As the spray solution is poured through sieves, often the generic products may contain particles that are too large to go through filters while the Syngenta brands flow quickly and smoothly through the sieve. The smaller particle size of the Syngenta brand helps keep nozzles blockage-free, reduces operator and environmental exposure, and maximizes your fungicide application.

Syngenta brand (left); generic (right) pest managers, which gives them unbeatable first-hand market knowledge and experience,” says Dave Ravel, head of U.S. sales for lawn and garden controls at Syngenta. “For us, it’s about being able to identify with our customers’ needs and partnering with them to find solutions for their challenges.”

3. TRUSTED TECHNICAL EXPERTISE. When users have technical questions about products, the Syngenta Technical Services team offers a wide range of specialists, including Ph.D. scientists whose field and R&D experience with products is extensive. “Syngenta products are the result of years of research, so when customers see our products they are confident they will perform well and give them greater peace of mind,” explains Mark Coffelt, head of technical services for lawn and garden controls at Syngenta. “Additionally, we can expertly assist our 2. COLLABORATIVE RELATIONSHIPS. customers with pest management and Syngenta has one of the largest sales agronomic challenges and solutions. teams in the country servicing the turf, We’ll help you find the answers you ornamental and pest management need.” Additionally, when a customer or industries. Syngenta territory managers distributor needs immediate assistance, are trusted, engaged problem solvers the Customer Service Center is just a whose goal is to help each customer phone call, 1-866-SYNGENT(A), or click maximize his or her success. “With more away. If you need help with a Syngenta than 1,000 years of collective industry product right away, you’ve got a whole experience, our team has walked in the support system to help. shoes of golf course superintendents, sports turf managers, nursery and 4. TRUSTED SOLUTIONS. greenhouse grower and professional Not only is Syngenta a provider of top

products, it is also a provider of proven, holistic solutions to help customers plan ahead. Syngenta offers nearly 50 agronomic programs for turf and nearly 20 programs for ornamentals, which have been thoroughly researched and tested by Syngenta technical experts to offer season-long management of pests, rotate modes of action to help prevent resistance, focus on the best preventive treatments to help save time and resources compared to curative treatments, and prepare plants for periods of heavy stress. Additionally, Syngenta offers several assurance programs across markets that provide users with expert application recommendations and performance guarantees. 5. CONTINUED INNOVATION. It can take more than 11 years, on average, and more than $280 million to bring a new active ingredient to market. Syngenta is an innovation company that’s focused on what’s next. In 2016, Syngenta invested $1.3 billion in research and development, which is more than $3.5 million every day. In addition, 5,000 Syngenta scientists around the world are working on new, improved technologies for growers. “This is an exciting time when you consider the number of new products and resources we are bringing to market,” Reasons says. “This is a clear benefit Syngenta provides, and it’s not easily matched.”

© 2017 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties and/or may have state-specific use requirements. Please check with your local extension service to ensure registration and proper use.


The World’s Leading Manufacturer of Plastic Containers for the Wholesale Nursery Industry For over 50 years NSI has been manufacturing top quality plastic containers for the nursery industry at competitive prices. Today, Nursery Supplies is the only company fully dedicated to the wholesale nursery industry with blow molding, injection molding and large scale thermoforming manufacturing capabilities. | 1-800-523-8972 | APRIL 2017 BWI Companies, Inc. | 23

PRO-MIX BX BIOFUNGICIDE + MYCORRHIZAE is a solution for growers seeking to benefit from both the nutrient retention ability of vermiculite and a perlite content providing limited but properdrainage capacities. Combined with high-quality fibrous peat moss, this formulation is ideal for growers looking for a general purpose medium which creates a well-balanced growing environment.









Results obtained from independent plant growth trials. Individual growth results may vary to a degree. Additional results and details are available.

1 800 667-5366 VISIT PTHORTICULTURE.COM PRO-MIX® is a registered trademark of Premier Tech Ltd. or its affiliated companies © Premier Tech Ltd. All rights reserved.

24 | BWI Companies, Inc. APRIL 2017 |


True Blue AdvAnTAge Monsanto products have built a reputation for consistent quality and professional perforMance while Meeting the expectations of the industrial, turf and ornaMental industry. these high-quality products are backed by the Most experienced teaM of experts in the business. ■

P r ov e n

The True Blue Advantage logo helps distinguish our high-quality Roundup® brand IT&O herbicides, guiding you to the herbicide you’ve known and trusted to deliver great performance and after-purchase support for nearly 40 years. ■


Monsanto continues to work to educate our customers to use our products both safely and effectively. We have the most experienced team of experts in the business. The Monsanto IT&O Stewardship team is available to provide 24-hour support when you need it. You won’t get that expert level of knowledge and support from the generic imitators. ■


It takes years of testing to introduce products that meet Monsanto’s standards and deliver the performance you can trust. That’s why Monsanto offers a performance guarantee and rainfast warranty on Roundup QuikPRO™ and Roundup PROMAX.® Those benefits are unmatched in this industry.

BWI Companies has proudly recommended and supported these high quality Monsanto products for over 30 years. | APRIL 2017 BWI Companies, Inc. | 25

Solutions for the Growing World

Better Grazing Builds A Solid Foundation for Cattlemen


orages are valuable. They’re also the lowest-cost way for your customers to keep their beef cows in condition and their calves gaining. The nation’s beef cattle herd has experienced one of its most rapid expansions on record — and it’s done so on significantly fewer grazing acres. It makes good business sense for your beef-producing customers to grow all the grass they can. And you can help. We asked our partner, Dow AgroSciences, and its field scientists and Range & Pasture Specialists to compile several tips that can help you advise cattlemen about how to give their grazing resource the best opportunity possible to reach its full potential during the upcoming grazing season. Evaluate. It’s helpful to understand current conditions. What shape was their grassland in at the end of last season? How much moisture did they receive during the winter and up to turnout this

spring? Have they mapped known problem spots? Did they pull soil tests? How do they anticipate using their pastures this year? Do they plan to run more cattle in certain pastures? The more they know about and understand their grassland, the easier it is to manage it to its fullest potential. If they don’t have a system in place to note and track pasture conditions, encourage them to do so. Now is an excellent time to start. They’ll be amazed at how helpful it can be to have information at their fingertips. Grazing plan. Now is the time to develop grazing plans, or to modify existing plans, based on what was learned last year, for the upcoming season. At the minimum, grazing management experts recommend including the following: A definition of goals, including livestock production and pasture and range sustainability. Examples of pasture and range sustainability

26 | BWI Companies, Inc. APRIL 2017 |

goals include maintaining pasture, range and riparian health and/or reducing weed and poisonous plant problems. A map of grazing areas including tame and native pastures and all developments such as fences, gates, water sources, etc. The type and number of livestock being grazed in the pastures. Approximate period of use for each pasture. Where the animals will be moved — the sequence of use of pastures. Control weeds; control them early. Research shows that weeds rob production and reduce the pasture quality. Generally, a spring herbicide application is more effective than a summer application. And it can be more costeffective, as the benefits continue over a longer period of time. The earlier weeds are eliminated, the sooner grasses can get ahead, which helps prevent new weeds

from establishing. As with crop production, early weed pressure will reduce the season’s overall forage yield, and established, mature weeds will limit an animal’s willingness to graze certain areas, in effect, shrinking available acres. Early emerging weed targets include biennial thistles and many annual species. Young, lush plants can be controlled easily with many different herbicides. But most experts recommend a longer-term approach. Consider a herbicide that provides residual control. A herbicide like 2,4-D only controls weeds that are up and growing, so it tempts most users to delay application as long as possible to control the most weeds possible. By then, those weeds already have done considerable damage. A residual product, such as GrazonNext® HL or Chaparral™ herbicide, allows application early in the season to stop new weeds in their

Complete product information and literature is available from our sales representatives or office personnel. tracks and prevent emerging weeds through the entire grazing season, depending on rainfall and other factors. Plus, GrazonNext HL and Chaparral provide a much broader spectrum of control and more consistent, more complete results. The time to act is now. Many of the most-troublesome weeds, are — or soon will be — at the proper growth stage for optimum control. This will eliminate competition and release desirable forage grasses. Target pasture threats, such as biennial thistles, including musk and bull thistle, ironweed, ragweed, perennial Canada thistle, cocklebur and pigweed, when they are emerged and actively growing to ensure maximum herbicide uptake and root translocation. Eliminating weeds and other competitors, which is perhaps equally important for long-term pasture health, now will go a long way toward halting their establishment. At the very least, treatment will prevent seed production and can help generate a same-

season return on the weed control investment as weeds thin and grass production flourishes. Per the adage, grass replaces weeds pound-for-pound. And cattlemen know what to do with extra grass. Whether they use it to extend the grazing season, add more cattle, rent less pasture or buy less hay, it’s good for their bottom line. A strong, local, beef economy can mean increased sales of supplements and mineral, fencing supplies and animal health products. The most successful cattle operations are built on a foundation of low-cost forages. -end-

The following product catalogs are available in print or online here:

Label precautions apply to forage treated with Chaparral or GrazonNext HL and to manure from animals that have consumed treated forage within the last three days. Consult the label for full details.

Grower Technical Sales

Animal Health Products Lawn & Garden Supplies Professional Grower Supplies Professional Turf & Landscape Supplies Professional Pest Management Solutions Safety Products

®™Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow. Chaparral and GrazonNext HL are not registered for sale or use in all states. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your state. Always read and follow label directions.

Prevents the material from going where you don't want it to go! Stops material from flowing out of the hopper to the left side of the spreader, rather than simply redirecting the material. Flip lever to the right and you control material flow. | APRIL 2017 BWI Companies, Inc. | 27

AT Films is now RPC BPI Agriculture.

Same great products. Same great service. Same great people.

Greenhouse and High Tunnel Films featuring our innovative SmartStructureÂŽ Technology are renowned for tremendous strength, durability, and superior light transmission - backed by the best customer service team in the industry. High quality plants start with high quality light. Which is why BWI customers have put their trust in Dura-FilmÂŽ greenhouse products for over 20 years.

28 | BWI Companies, Inc. APRIL 2017 |


BWI provides THE BEST selection of professional pest management products, competitive prices, and excellent service. Termiticides • Insecticides • Insect Baiting Rodenticides • Cleaners • Disinfectants • Equipment Applicators • Apparel


855.558.7378 (PEST) / | APRIL 2017 BWI Companies, Inc. | 29

Congratulations EXPO Prize Winners

Pictured above: Mary Werth and Chester of Suburban Lawn & Garden in Kansas City, Missouri. Suburban Lawn & Garden owners are Bill and Matt Stueck.

2016 BWI EXPO Prize Winners 2017 CHEVY SILVERADO


Suburban Lawn & Garden (Kansas City, MO)

Frisby Greenhouse (Vinita, OK)



Gill Landscape (Corpus Christi, TX)

Home Nursery (Albers, IL) Mike’s Garden Center (Fort Worth, TX)

PAIR OF JACKSON KAYAKS Commercial Lawn Care (Hendersonville, TN)

70” VIZIO TELEVISION Carmine Feed & Fertilizer (Carmine, TX)

30 | BWI Companies, Inc. APRIL 2017 |

APPLE IPAD Tate County Co-op (Senatobia, MS) Mulvehill Nursery (Delray Beach, FL)



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Contact your BWI Representative for Ordering Information 800-442-8443. 32 | BWI Companies, Inc. APRIL 2017 |

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Unparalleled weed control. Now you have two loyal companions.

Follow us on Twitter @BayerGolf The BackedbyBayer app is available for download at the iTunes Store and Google Play.

Specticle herbicide can’t offer unconditional love (or, can’t jump in the cart for a ride) but it can offer unsurpassed weed control in warm season turf, so you can maintain top course conditions that impress golfers and owners alike. So, if you’re looking for things to depend on, look to Specticle. Your other loyal companion. For more information, visit, or contact your local BWI sales representative.

Bayer CropScience LP, Environmental Science Division, 2 TW Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709. 1-800-331-2867. Bayer (reg’d), the Bayer Cross (reg’d), and Specticle ® are registered trademarks of Bayer. Not all products are registered in all states. Always read and follow label directions. ©2015 Bayer CropScience LP. | APRIL 2017 BWI Companies, Inc. | 33


Excellent control of aphids and other nursery and greenhouse pests A Group 9C, Aria is an important addition to your Insect Resistance Management program n

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FMCturf Always read and follow label directions. FMC, FMC logo and Aria are registered trademarks of FMC Corporation. ©2016 FMC Corporation. All rights reserved.

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34 | BWI Companies, Inc. APRIL 2017 |

EXPO Preview | Ian Baldwin

Leaving Dollars on the Table, Shelf or Pallet? HELP CUSTOMERS SPEND MORE AND HAVE THEM THANK YOU FOR IT! There are more American households (91 million) gardening than ever before and one in three households participate in “Food Growing”. Think about that; 91 million don’t participate in golf, one in three don’t go ocean cruising or hunting. Doing something in the garden is a big deal, but the total money they spend in a year ($407) is less than two months cable for most of those households. How can people be so interested in doing and so shy in spending? It doesn’t matter if you have a seasonal Lawn and Garden department in a Farm and Ranch or Hardware store or if you run a full service nursery, Ian will show you how the progressive retailers are moving towards “Solution Selling”. If you are a Farm and Ranch or Hardware store selling lots of hard goods but have low sales of plants you are leaving some BIG dollars (about 16 billion of them) on the table. If you are a Garden Center selling plants but not the whole “success kit” of hard goods with them, you are leaving about $20 billion on the table. Listen to your customers. They no longer spend 30 minutes reading every bag, bottle or plant tag. They go on-line, watch a video, read a few reviews and then come up to you and say “I looked on-line but now I am more confused. You live around here, just tell me, what do I need to do?” Remember: Customers don’t know what they don’t know and fear failure, so they underspend. • Reduce fear by reducing SKUs, Choice Kills Impulse! • Simplify the message, talk of end-results not “work”, make them smile in anticipation • Make it easy for customers to spend money, implement the planogram! • Cross Merchandise for ease of shopping, for “Grab and go” customers • Train team to “Think Like a Customer” so all are on the same page, consistency is KEY • Sell the solution, bundle items together as a “how-to-succeed” kits • No plant gets sold without plant food and no plant food is sold without a plant to feed! • Bundle solutions for the few big sellers (snail bait with herbs, tomato worm controls etc) Some of Ian’s examples:

Ian Baldwin Bio Retail business consultant Ian Baldwin was born in England and has worked in the nursery industry since he was 16, holding a BS in Horticulture and an MBA from England. He has lived in California since 1986 and is an American citizen. For over 30 years Ian has consulted for the best L&G companies in N. America and Europe on store-planning, merchandising, “retail detail”, team and business leadership and increasingly, financial success. Ian is a trained trainer and facilitator, has been an expert witness, a “Strategic Retreat” leader and a market analyst. Through his national network groups of owners and managers, Ian has access to POS data and trends in the garden retail and hardware channels. Ian is a featured speaker at many L&G meetings and over the years he has been retained by The ANLA, Armstrong Garden Centers, Gardener’s Supply Company, The National Gardening Association, Ball Horticulture, Epicor, Westlake Ace Hardware and The Scotts Company. His business management program “The Garden Center University” (www. has set the standard for future training in the business of the retail garden business and is fully subscribed at each enrollment.

Privacy Plants - Hide the neighbors for under $200 Feed your lawn for 10% of what a lawn-care service charges Grow basil on your balcony for a fraction of grocery store prices Help the bees with these… Don’t buy an imported hummingbird feeder, plant one grown in America! When Lawn and Garden customers succeed with your product, they are thrilled, proud and come back to do more, spend more. Success will create customer loyalty and great word of mouth!

Make plans to attend this exciting discussion at the 2017 BWI EXPO Tuesday September 26 at 2:00 pm

For the last seven years Ian has been asked by the National Gardening Association to analyze their “National Gardening Survey”, giving him a unique insight into the consumers’ attitudes and shopping behavior in the L&G industry. | APRIL 2017 BWI Companies, Inc. | 35



where growing begins.TM



The advantage of distribution is single source ordering We offer singlesource access to hundreds of lines with reasonable minimums, high fill rates and on-time delivery.

The advantage of distribution -

DISCOVER Sign up for BWI e-News to receive news and specials in your inbox!

An electronic newsletter sent to BWI customers, BWI e-News includes new product information as well as BWI Companies, Inc. news and links to useful information and tools on the Web. To sign-up for e-News, visit the BWI website and log in to your account. The “Join our Email List� link is at the top. | APRIL 2017 BWI Companies, Inc. | 37

Information Technology

New Technology Update by Jason Clem | IT Infrastructure Manager As BWI Companies continues to grow, our Information Technology needs have grown as well. During the past year, BWI has implemented several new technologies to improve communication and collaboration, increase operational efficiency and cut underlying IT cost. Here are just a few of the completed and ongoing projects in the BWI IT Department: • New state-of-the-art wireless infrastructure for warehouse operations at all BWI locations • A migration to cloud-based services to provide increased reliability and unprecedented access to information and communication options for BWI employees, whether in the office or on the road • Improved security and business continuity services to ensure consistent availability of IT resources to our employees and customers These improvements are mostly transparent to our customers, though they ultimately reap the benefits. The BWI IT department also has projects in queue that will be directly visible to our customers and bring us up to speed with the industry. We’re very excited to bring these much-requested changes to BWI and we will be sharing more information in the days to come.


EMPTY NEST SYNDROME Extinguish® Plus fire ant bait combines the knock-down power of an adulticide with the long-lasting control of an Insect Growth Regulator (IGR), killing worker ants and sterilizing the queen. This two-way action eliminates fire ant colonies — and the property damage they cause. Learn more about Extinguish Plus® at, contact your distributor or call 1.800.248.7763 Always read and follow directions. Extinguish Plus is a registered trademark of Wellmark International. ©2016 Wellmark International

38 | BWI Companies, Inc. APRIL 2017 |


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OUR SPECIALISTS KNOW HOW TO TURN PROBLEM AREAS INTO PROFITS. Years of working with greenhouse growers and retail garden centers help to ensure the solutions we offer flow out of experience as well as sound theory.

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Contact one of our GTS Specialists to discuss your next project 888.447.3403 40 | BWI Companies, Inc. APRIL 2017 | | APRIL 2017 BWI Companies, Inc. | 41

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11:59 AM









42 | BWI Companies, Inc. APRIL 2017 |

2015-2016 BWI EMPLOYEE AND DIVISION AWARD WINNERS Top to Bottom: Division of the Year BWI Apopka Employee of the Year Ann McBride (BWI Schulenburg Inside Sales Representative) and Co-Manager of the Year Craig Schulz (BWI Schulenburg Sales Manager) with BWI Schulenburg Division Manager Dennis Brower (center) Co-Manager of the Year Glen Rigby (BWI Homestead Branch Manager) Corporate Employee of the Year Jason Clem (BWI Infrastructure Manager) | APRIL 2017 BWI Companies, Inc. | 43


THIS q r Is yours.

Your pasture should have two things. Grass. And cattle. No weeds. No brush. Just grass and cattle. That’s why there’s Chaparral™ Herbicide. Nothing controls more troublesome weed and brush

species. Leaving more grass for grazing. Which saves you money on purchased feed. Get the facts.

Label precautions apply to forage treated with Chaparral and to manure from animals that have consumed treated forage within the last three days. Consult the label for full details. ®™ Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow. Chaparral is not registered for sale or use in all states. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is registered for sale or use in your state. Always read and follow label directions. ©2016 Dow AgroSciences LLC

PREMIER BRUSH AND NON-RESIDUAL WEED CONTROL PastureGard® HL is a non-restricted use, low odor product that offers broad spectrum brush and non-residual weed control. Using PastureGard HL results in control of weeds like hemp dogbane and milkweed allowing increased grass production. For more information visit

Label precautions apply to forage treated with PastureGard HL and to manure from animals that have consumed treated forage within the last three days. Consult the label for full details. ® Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow. PastureGard HL is not registered for sale or use in all states. Contact your state pesticide regulatory agency to determine if a product is 44 | BWI Companies, Inc. APRIL 2017 | registered for sale or use in your state. Always read and follow label directions. ©2016 Dow AgroSciences LLC


Let’s talk longevity Osmocote® was introduced five decades ago. How many bags have been ordered and opened since? How many prills have been incorporated into containers? How many plants have been nurtured by this recognizable brand? Nobody really knows, because the numbers keep growing. Why? Osmocote works.

Celebrating 50 Years Talk Osmocote and WIN! Go to Tell us why you use Osmocote and how long your operation has been using it. Once you do, you’re entered to win one of 50, $50 Gift Cards, 50 Bags of Osmocote and $500, and if you’ve been using Osmocote the longest, a Caribbean Cruise for Two. Remember: The sooner you start talking Osmocote, the better your chances to win. GOOD LUCK!

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©2016 An ICL Fertilizers Company, Worldwide Rights Reserved | APRIL 2017 BWI Companies, Inc. | 45


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