2021 BWP/NAD Stallion & Breeding Guide

Page 12

Stallions | licensing and approval tallions registered in BWP recognized European Warm-

requirements set by the BWP/NAD and approved by the BWP.

blood foalbooks are eligible for inspection by the BWP.

The four year time period begins January 1st post provisional ap-

They must be three years old or older, by approved Stal-

proval. The age level that the stallion is expected to compete in

lions from a BWP recognized European Warmblood association,

coincides with the actual birth date of the stallion.

and out of main studbook dams. The stallion’s sire and dam do not have to be of the same “breed”, but must be of proven competition bloodlines. Prior to being presented, the pedigree must


be sent to the BWP/NAD Studbook Committee and Belgium for approval of bloodlines. The pedigree must contain four full gen-

15.0 hands 60 inches 152.40 cm


15.1 hands 61 inches 154.94 cm Stallions must also undergo a veterinary examination.

15.2 hands 62 inches 157.48 cm

The veterinary examination is to include a semen analysis, EVA

15.3 hands 63 inches 160.02 cm

test, Endoscopic Laryngeal exam and radiographs of the fore feet

16.0 hands 64 inches 162.56 cm

(regular and navicular series), fore fetlocks, carpal joints, rear fet-

16.1 hands 65 inches 165.10 cm

locks, hocks and stifles. This examination must show the stallion to

16.2 hands 66 inches 167.64 cm

be free of heritable diseases (example OCD, navicular, etc.). Re-

16.3 hands 67 inches 170.18 cm

port of findings and radiographs must be submitted to the BWP/

17.0 hands 68 inches 172.72 cm

NAD Studbook Committee before the stallion is permitted to be

17.1 hands 69 inches 175.26 cm

presented for approval. At the inspection, the stallion is shown in

17.2 hands 70 inches 177.80 cm

hand on the triangle at a walk and trot.

17.3 hands 71 inches 180.34 cm

The ideal size for a stallion is 165 to 175 cm (see height

conversion chart). If the quality of the gaits and conformation are sufficient, the stallions will be asked to free jump and/or be ridden undersaddle depending on the age of the stallion. Stallions 3 yrs, will be asked to free jump only. Stallions 4 yrs will be asked to free jump and be ridden undersaddle. Stallions 5 yrs and older will be asked to be ridden and jumped under saddle.

Free jumping for stallions that have been selected for

further evaluation consists of three fences, the first of which is a cavaletti. The distance between the first and second fence is approximately 6.4 - 6.5 meters and between the second and third fence is 7.0 - 7.2 meters. The stallion starts with three trial jumps whereby the last fence is raised to 70 cm, 90 cm and a 90 cm oxer consecutively. Afterwards the oxer is elevated to 1.10 meters and is jumped four times or at the discretion of the Belgian jury. The stallion is evaluated on jumping technique, willingness and ability.

NOTICE: Stallion owners have the right to adjust their fees at

Provisional approval is given to stallions meeting the

any time. BWP/NAD is not responsible for changes in fees and

stringent requirements of the BWP that have yet to complete per-

conditions. The fees and conditions reflected in this Guide are

formance requirements. Provisional approval is maintained for a

sourced from stallion owners. Mare owners are responsible for

period of four years or until the stallion completes performance

confirming fees and conditions with stallion owners.


2021 BWP/NAD Stallion & Breeding Guide

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