Lent Term News from Beechwood Park School

Page 48

Charity News It is no surprise that given the current situation in Ukraine, charity fundraising has been high on our list of priorities this term. In March, the Beechwood community donned yellow and blue for the day to raise money for the Disaster Emergencies Committee Ukraine Appeal. At time of writing, Beechwood donations total an amazing “ƒ““ - we are truly grateful for your overwhelming generosity. If anyone else would like to donate the link is: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/beechwood-park7 As you will know, the Beechwood community continued to rally in support of the crisis in Ukraine. Arabella a3d Fa^^a3d 2a^e++<pd dea <^ a Yea^ “ ba(e da+e was an extraordinary success raising from the sale of delicious cakes.


MaIK^e e dd2ka3(dk<keKa^e3kd<Yea^“< ^a3 ke dka++‰ a++ < d<3aked k2e a3d e<^k a3d a++ those who were lucky enough to buy those excellent cakes.

Alongside our donations for Ukraine, we have continued to support our school charity, Herts Welcomes Refugees with kec<++eck<3<“¥Kc<3d´ PpK+daebee3e3c<p^aed to earn these though helping out at home doing odd jobs around the house. Ta3(<p k<e^<3e<^ ke d<3ak<3d < “¥K c<3d<^ the School Charity .......... here is our visual representation to date... Mr Wood Head of Charities


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