BxlConnect February 2014

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February 2014


English - Speaking Resources, Contacts, Deals and Offers in Brussels



Derek Blyth’s Hidden Secrets of Brussels BxlConnect Investigates: Homelessness in Brussels What is Microfinance? Interview with Loïc De Cannière, CEO of Incofin



English - Speaking Resources, Contacts, Deals and Offers in Brussels


The BxlConnect Calendar The BxlConnect calendar aims to gather and provide as much information as possible about key happenings and interesting things to do in Brussels within the art, drama, sports and social scenes. Below is an extract of some of the exciting events happening in December and January. For a more comprehensive list, please consult the online calendar on our website, www.bxlconnect.com which we update daily. Have a great month! The BxlConnect Team

Holiday Show 2014 6




Salon Du Chocolat 7




Place de Belgique - 1020 Brussels Brussels Expo. www.salondesvacances.eu A fair for lovers of holidays and travelling. There will be three themes: golf, scuba diving, hiking & biking. 4 halls of Brussels Expo with more than 800 exhibitors take you on a discovery of unknown places, beautiful places nearby, adventurous travels far away and exciting city trips. Price and reduction: 8 Eur (free for children up to 12 years)

Art Troc Truc 7




Palais des Beaux-Arts - BOZAR rue Ravenstein 1000 - Bruxelles www.tructroc.be

Tour & Taxis av. du Port 1000 - Bruxelles brussels.salon-du-chocolat.com Price: 5-10 Eur Salon du Chocolat, the world’s largest chocolate show is coming to Brussels from February the 7th to the 9th in Tour & Taxis. Visitors will be treated to exhibits from top chocolate companies and exciting international brands, as well as demonstrations and interactive workshops. Open from 11am to 21pm Friday / from 10am to 19pm on Saturday / from 10am to 18pm on Sunday

SAX 200 8

Feb to


Jan 2015

MIM - Musée des Instruments de Musique Montagne de la Cour 1000 - Bruxelles www.mim.be Price: 2 -12 Eur

Truc Troc, founded in 1975, is a unique and extraordinary concept. During the exhibition, visitors can exchange an object, service, equipment, holiday or any other proposal with a piece of art, taking into account its natural value. It is therefore an original and unusual exchange, not about money. Visitors who are attracted to a particular work of art may place a post-it note that includes their contact details and proposal for exchange. The artist can then decide whether he would like to participate or not in the exchange.

In 2014 it will be 200 years since that Great Belgian Adolphe Sax (November 6th 1814 - February 7th 1894) was born in Dinant. This exceptional anniversary is the pretext for an exceptional exhibition at the Musical Instruments Museum. The MIM is emptying its fourth floor to make way for the ultimate, year-long Sax exhibition. The main themes of SAX200 are ‘Sax, the inventor’, ‘Sax, the entrepreneur’, ‘Sax himself’ and ‘Sax after Sax’. Besides telling you everything - and we mean everything - about the saxophone, the exhibition will also cover his other inventions (saxhorns, saxotrombas and even medical instruments!) as



English - Speaking Resources, Contacts, Deals and Offers in Brussels

3 well as his commercial vicissitudes and eventful private life. The exhibition curator is scientific assistant Géry Dumoulin. The MIM is pulling out all the stops for SAX200. Its own collection of Sax instruments, the largest in the world in public ownership, will be on display in its entirety, but there will also be loans from other museums and private collections in Paris, New York, Basel, Edinburgh, Leipzig, London, Amsterdam, Vermillion, Ann Arbor and Bad Säckingen. Many of these instruments have never been on public show before. The SAX200 exhibition will be accompanied by a packed programme of concerts, guided tours, promotional activities, events and special after-hour viewings.

MOBILIA. 100 Years of Architecture and Design In Belgium. 12




Atomium sq. de l’Atomium 1020 - Laeken www.atomium.be

Book Fair 2014 to



Tour & Taxis Avenue du Port 86c - 1000 Brussels www.flb.be The book fair ‘Foire du livre’ celebrates its 44th anniversary in 2014. The fair is a platform for the promotion of books and pays attention to the challenges of the future. There will be hundreds of national and international publishers at the fair.

Museum Night Fever 22

Exhibition. Carte de Visite 22


At various selected museums www.museumnightfever.be In a number of Brussels museums, young people will present concerts, performances, installations, fashion shows, guided tours and games to entertain their contemporaries, who will be able to buy a cheap pass and




from 11 am to 7 pm Vanderborght building. Rue de l’Ecuyer 50 - 1000 Brussels The Carte de visite - Art Open Kunst exhibition shows the works of visual artists (painters, illustrators, sculptors, video artists, photographers, installation artists etc.) residing or working in Brussels.

14-18, It’s Our History! 26

Mobilia invites its visitors to think about the connections between architecture and design, throughout more than a century of Belgian work. Using the prism of one architect/one building/one object, Mobilia will display unique original pieces. This will range from Victor Horta to Willy Vander Meeren to contemporary architects and other designers. There will be close to 25 profiles presented to the public.


use shuttle buses to get around. All this will end with a big afterparty!

Feb to



The Royal Army Museum Parc du Cinquantenaire 1000 - Bruxelles Price : 8 – 12 Eur www.expo14-18.be For the First World War 100th anniversary commemorations, the Royal Army Museum will organize the major exhibition “14-18, it’s our history!” starting on February 26, 2014. Based on the rich and unique collections of the Royal Army Museum, this exhibition will allow the public to discover all aspects of the conflict, which left Europe battered and weakened. The history of the conflict will be explored in a broader context and a place will be left to all actors in the drama. The war and the everyday life during the Belgian occupation will constitute an important part of the exhibition. Most importantly, the exhibition will explore, through authentic objects, sceneries, testimonies, multimedia, cinema films and immersive spaces, how the conflict has profoundly influenced the history of the 20th century.

ANIMA 2014. 28

Feb to



Flagey pl. Sainte-Croix 1050 - Ixelles www.animafestival.be The Anima international festival is THE rendez-vous for the latest in cartoon films. It is animation at its best, sharpest, weirdest and wildest. It will feature over 200 screenings of all genres (some films not even yet premiered), an Animation Night to remember, and to round off the festival, an award of the golden Cartoon d’Or. This festival has become a major event in its category. The mood is relaxed and magical - a week’s holiday for fans and professionals alike.


English - Speaking Resources, Contacts, Deals and Offers in Brussels

BxlConnect Calendar




Interview with Belgian Photographer, Vincent Peal

Art & Culture


Interview with Adam Kosa Member of the European Parliament


Derek Blyth’s Hidden Secrets of Brussels

Snapshot of current EU Affairs



Diana’s X-pat Makeover


Alison’s Escapes



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BxlConnect Investigates: Homelessness in Brussels

Health & Well - Being



and Offers in Bruss t els st lau lecte cus, sit ve am, quo se nis as qui quam deles et arumia sc quo uosa ducii maq lu be tis is lla vo quun pta nu rro qu pe quam llu English de at porem te igna - Spquea roru Expl uidite rerfekin . g ? Q sources fuga aturRe Octobe pt ele s, Co r 2013 volu r? ntacts nt nt esse liciisciu r natu , Deals po and Of Dunt mpe t te perfers in aute tio r re es Brusse uatu alibust mol ls , cil iq im aspi d et atquo e pe lupt tia rs en rfe it ul os mod comm is volo e in re loremod et abor ni do strum cu esti m,. paru


Services 19








English - Speak bxlcing Resources, Conta cts, Deals



With Kind Regards, The BxlConnect Team

Learning 14 What is Microfinance? Interview with Loïc De Cannière, CEO of Incofin

BxlConnect is a free monthly magazine and useful resource guide for the expat and English-speaking community in Brussels. It contains articles, news, information, deals and offers. Pick it up to get inspiration and ideas about things to do in the city. You can find the magazine at one of our many distribution points throughout the city.



BOZAR marking Greek EU Presidency with celebration of Hellenic culture


Dear Readers,



Banksy’s Bites

Housing 32

On the Cover “Boxers in Forest, Brussels” by Belgian Photographer Vincent Peal. BxlConnect sprl Publisher: Jonadav Apelblat jonadav@bxlconnect.com 02 450 00 91

Placing an Ad

Please contact us on: info@bxlconnect. com for more information about advertising opportunities. If you would like to place a small classified ad, you may do so through our website: www. bxlconnect.com ...................................................................


English - Speaking Resources, Contacts, Deals and Offers in Brussels


Interview with Belgian Photographer,

Vincent Peal

Vincent Peal is a Belgian photojournalist. Often travelling around the world, he documents local problems and topics of his interest through his photography. He is now publishing a photo book about inhabitants in Brussels. Based in the area of Place du Jeu de balle in Brussels, his next project “Brussels Open City” has recently received a grant from the city of Brussels to arrange an outdoor exhibition.

“They are alone in the city and usually people don’t see them or don’t want to see them. They are like ghosts.” You are soon publishing a photo book about your work “Brussels Open City”. Can you tell us a bit more about the project?

A. Through the project "Brussels Open City", I made a photo reportage in the heart of Brussels and I focused on what makes it rich: its inhabitants. The various por-

Cédric: I was walking down a street close to the Midi station and I saw Cédric with the bear on his bicycle just in front of me. It was like a dream. I loved it. A few weeks later I realized a short film about him.



English - Speaking Resources, Contacts, Deals and Offers in Brussels

6 flict with their family or that they don't have any more family. That's why often they end up on the street. I wanted that my project would be a "win win" project. I realized my exhibition and I think my book will be interesting because of these people. That is also why 10 euros from each sale of my book will go to the association "doucheflux.be" which helps these people with showering, washing clothes and also French & English lessons, painting, cinema etc. Q. How can one help or get involved?

Zeus : I met “Zeus” in the centre of Brussels. He was in good condition at the time, but two weeks later he committed suicide. He couldn’t stand the loss of his wife dying from an overdose in his arms a few months ago.

traits describe people in all their sensitivity, their poetry, their fragility, their drama, their absurdity, and their emotions in everyday life. In order to complete that work, a book will be released during the summer of 2014 with the help of the crowd funding platform "Kisskissbankbank". Already more than 100 people have subscribed to my project.

A. Maybe just try to not ignore them and sometimes, if you feel like it, exchange a few words in order to show them that they are not ghosts. That would already be a great thing! If you also want to give donations, you can always contact associations like "Doucheflux" or "Opération thermo", Nativitas, etc. And If you want to subscribe to an art project with a social perspective, you can visit my facebook page: www.facebook.com/ BruxellesVilleOuverte or my crowd funding project: w w w. k i s s k i s s b a n k b a n k . c o m / f r / p r o j e c t s / b r u x elles-ville-ouverte. You can view more photos on my website: www.vincentpeal.com

Q. What inspired you in first place to do it? A. I wanted to show a certain reality of my city in the beginning of the 21th century. During the project I met a lot of people living in the street, sometimes called "the outcast "and I wanted to show the beauty of their faces, each one telling a unique story; rugged, beautiful, funny and sometimes complicated, but there is always a universe to discover in those faces. It can be argued that photojournalism is the most universal form of mass communication. Writing and speaking both require the knowledge of a specific language, but the visual image can in many instances be understood by anyone. A picture captures a thousand words. Q. Through the work, what have you learned about homelessness in Brussels? A. Since the beginning of my outdoor exhibition one year ago, a lot of the homeless – often younger than me - died in the street because of the reality of their situation. It's very sad. It can be a real chock for me when I find out because often we developed a good relationship during the time we spent together. The average time of their lives is about 50 years, no more! It's also evident that they are alone in the city and usually people don't see them or don't want to see them. They are like ghosts. Almost all of them told me they got a con-

Louis: Louis is an incredible character who lives in the streets. He likes to wear and use things he finds during closings of flee markets (e.g. place du jeu de balle)


English - Speaking Resources, Contacts, Deals and Offers in Brussels





mardiOur - dinsdag 8specialists • 10 •are 2013 - 19to .30 experienced at your service estimate works of art, objects and paintings. They are also intervening in estates, shares, and insurance and will visit you by appointment in Belgium or abroad. Tel. Brussels Art Auctions +32 2/511 53 24 Free estimate of your works of art by appointment every Monday between 10 -12 am and 2- 5 pm.





21 & 22/9/2013

28/9/2013 – 6/10/2013

Een selectie van de Van Buuren-collectie zal worden tentoongesteld in de Bank DEGROOF

Expo complète Volledige tentoonstelling

Fleurusstraat 2

7-9, Rue E. Allardstraat

9000 Gent

Bruxelles 1000 Brussel

Une sélection de la collection Van Buuren sera exposée à la Banque DEGROOF

(en semaine / weekdagen)



14-17 u.

11 h.-17 h.


14 h.-17 h.

- 19 -


“La corbeille de souhaits” 1936

T. +32 (0)2 511 53 24 • INFO@BA-AUCTIONS.COM

Huile sur toile. Signé en bas au milieu. Signé et titré sur le châssis. Olieverf op doek. Onderaan in het midden gesigneerd. Op de rugzijde gesigneerd en getiteld. 73 x 59 cm.



Ernest Allardstraat 7 & 9 / Zavel 1000 Bruxelles Email: info@ba-auctions.com Web: www.ba-auctions.com Philip Serck: 0475/704 216 Isabel Maenaut: 02/511 53 24 Eric La Pipe : 0475/41 44 92

Exposition / Tentoonstelling : 1995 Antwerpen, Campo Vlaamse Kaai, Autour de Gustave van de Woestyne. Réserve du Musée David et Alice Van Buuren, 25/9-8/10/1995.

© Dr. F. Van den Bremt

- 58 -

Art & Antiques Auction in Brussels Next Auctions: 17 & 18 february 2014 Contact: Hôtel de Ventes Horta, Av. de Roodebeek 70/74, B 1030 Brussels. Direction: Dominique de Villegas info@horta.be - Téléphone +32 2 741 60 60 www.horta.be



English - Speaking Resources, Contacts, Deals and Offers in Brussels


BO ZAR EX PO 24.01 > 27.04.2014


NAVIGATING GREECE Clay rhyton (ritual vessel) from the Palace of Phaistos, 1500-1450 B.C., Archaeological Museum of Herakleion

BxlC_Nautilus_210x148Q.indd 1

21/01/14 14:10

Weekday Services | Shabbat Services/Buffet Kidush High Holiday Services | Children’s Program | Shabbat Hospitality


SYNAGOGUE Ohel Eliezer


No membership needed Tel: 32 2 335 5771 Email: info@theshul.eu Web: www.theshul.eu


English - Speaking Resources, Contacts, Deals and Offers in Brussels


“Bokeh” photography club: a platform of artistic learning, expression and exchange, featuring photography and drawing courses, workshops and seminars in English. Different levels, a lot of hands on activities, interesting practical assignments, motivated colleagues and experienced tutors. www.bokehphotoclub.com. contact info@bokehphotoclub.com

Jazz and Blues Band for all events: Perfect for all your events! Ilja Scotch’s soulful piano and vocals, and clarinet and sax ace Dan McB offer music you can listen to, dance to, and get down to. Entertainment and class. Great live music is a must for your party. We bring it - you swing it! More info : http://www.iliasdanmcb.com

Brussels Writers’ Circle: The Brussels Writers’ Circle is a group for English language prose writers, poets, playwrights, non-fiction writers, screenwriters (and everything in between) based in Brussels. Although we write and discuss in English, you do not necessarily have to be a native speaker in order to join. We have members from many different nationalities. Where and when do we meet? We meet three times a week at three separate locations in Brussels: Tuesday nights, from 7pm: La Maison des Crêpes, Rue du Midi 13, 1000 Bruxelles. Thursday nights, from 7pm: Falstaff, Rue Henri Maus 19, 1000 Bruxelles. Sunday afternoons, from 3pm: Garden City Brasserie, Place de la Liberté 6, 1000 Bruxelles. To join the Brussels Writers’ Circle, simply send an email to brusselswriterscircle at gmail.com and you will be added to our mailing list.

Cinema - The Actor’s Studio Located at the heart of Brussels and just around the corner from the “Grand Place”, the Actor’s studio has been well known over the past 20 years as a point of reference for Arthouse films in Brussels. The motivated team behind this picture house work effortlessly in order to put together a well-balanced program consisting of both European and Belgian films as well as an appreciation of work from other corners of the world. All the movies are shown in their original version and none are dubbed.

Address: Petite rue des Bouchers, 16 17-19 rue de la fourche 1000 Bruxelles Tel: 02 5121696



English - Speaking Resources, Contacts, Deals and Offers in Brussels


BOZAR marking Greek EU Presidency with celebration of Hellenic culture


n 1 January Greece took over the presidency of the Council of the EU. Greece’s assumption of the role marks a significant milestone for the Mediterranean state as it emerges from a crippling economic crisis that has resulted in many sacrifices from the Greek people and also for the EU as a whole. To mark the Greek presidency, BOZAR will present a wide range of events in the fields of music, theatre, and cinema. They will highlight Greece’s huge contribution to Europe’s heritage, with a particular focus on connections between the different disciplines. At the heart of the programme is the Nautilus: Navigating Greece exhibition, organized in cooperation with the Greek Ministries of Culture and Sport and of Foreign Affairs. The exhibition looks at the close relations between the Greeks and the Mediterranean sea down the centuries.

The Fisherman fresco, 16001500 B.C., Archaeological Museum of Thera Courtesy: Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports/General Directorate of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage/ Archaeological Museum of Thera

It brings together 100 historical works and objects, showcasing Greek culture and civilisation down the centuries. In addition to this outstanding collection, containing many objects that have never left Greece before, visitors can see works of contemporary art, all linked to the theme of the sea.

The exhibition, at the Centre for Fine Arts on rue Ravenstein, was formally launched on 23 January by the Greek minister of culture and sports Panos Panagiotopoulos. Seven themes are examined as visitors are taken on a journey through the fascinating history of the cradle of European civilisation. The exhibition illustrates the interaction between nature, culture, identity, adventure, trade, immigration, politics, religion, and mobility in all its forms. It includes sculptures in bronze and marble, as well as pottery and other items from 30 Greek museums and also presents 23 works of contemporary art, including photographs, paintings, and videos, by 20 Greek artists. The journey begins, not surprisingly, in a room entitled “Genesis” with an installation by Aemilia Papafilippou

Mary Schina, 'Aegean Sea Odes', 2006, installation (detail), courtesy of the artist and the Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki

depicting a uterus or the origin of life. This is followed by a focus on ecology. An exhibition devoted to Greece could not really overlook the legendary city of Athens and it also includes sculptures of Alexandra Athanasiadis, made of pieces of wood salvaged from shipwrecks and eroded by salt. In the final room, devoted to religion, the visitor will discover maritime rites and mythologies down the ages.

The event is the cultural highlight of the halfyear presidency which Greece assumes as it slowly emerges from its economic woes. Greece takes over the reins from Lithuania and has set boosting economic growth and jobs among its other priorities. One of the key priorities of its political agenda is the new European framework programme for research and innovation - Horizon 2020 - worth more than €15bn over its first two years. The presidency will focus on boosting growth and jobs, the banking union and an immigration policy based on more solidarity. Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras Samaras says there was a clear need for more and better Europe in all of these areas. Practical Info: Speaking in the European Parliament, Samaras also Centre for Fine Arts said Athens would focus Rue Ravenstein 23 its EU presidential term 1000 Brussels on reducing Greece’s staggering 27% jobless The exhibition runs until rate and improving se27 April and is open curity in a country that from Tuesday to Sunday, some say has become a from 10 am-6 pm and conduit for illegal immion Thursdays, from 10 gration into Europe. am-9 pm. It is closed on Mondays. The Greek presidency is Greece’s fifth since its acTickets are €8 - €6 and for cession to the then Eurodetails visit www.bozar.be pean Economic Commuor call 02 507 8200. nity (EEC) in 1981 and will hand over the presidency baton to Italy on 1 July.



English - Speaking Resources, Contacts, Deals and Offers in Brussels


Interview with Adam Kosa Member of the European Parliament By Martin Banks


eople with hearing disabilities still remain “excluded” in the EU institutions. That’s the damning indictment of Adam Kosa. And he should know, because he became the first ever deaf MEP when he was elected in 2009. Born in Budapest, Kosa’s parents are both deaf and he has not been able to hear since birth. He wanted to become a lawyer ‘to do away with discrimination’, but there was no sign language interpretation for his university classes. He made efforts, borrowing the notes taken by classmates, and realised his dream in 2005. Even if he was doing his best for his clients, he could not change the social realities where the arenas for such people to work and live were limited. So when he was unexpectedly given a chance to enter into politics, there was no hesitation. Although he cannot utter a word, he spoke through sign language to explain to us the many difficulties still facing the physically challenged. So, what are the practical difficulties he´s encountered doing his job as an MEP? “Before my arrival,” he says, “no one ever imagined that a signing deaf could be an MEP at all. No one knew how to deal with me. Some people tried to speak louder or others started to write everything down on pieces of papers.

me for an interview or a meeting. This is an additional administrative burden for my team which makes it more difficult for them to concentrate on their professional and legislation-related work.” Despite this, Kosa, who is president of the parliament’s Disability Intergroup and was voted MEP of the Year 2013, says he has not experienced any “negative attitudes at all.” He adds, “No one knew that different sign languages can be found in each and every EU member state. No one realised that there are existing obligations and needs to be met which have been enforced by the new UN Convention on the Rights of

Could facilities in Parliament (and Brussels) for people with hearing impairment be better and, if so, how? He replies, “For me, it is reasonable because the Parliament covers travelling and accommodation costs of my two Hungarian sign language interpreters. Regarding international events/conferences, though, there are still no international sign language interpreters provided for my work. As for the hearing impaired in general, these people are even less accommodated than me – there is no captioning or subtitling at any meeting at all except when my team organizes one with the support from an outside contributor. Subtitling is very expensive because we have to finance the skilled personnel to get here and type for us.” Kosa says, ”The fact is that the hard of hearing still remained excluded in the EU institutions since their disability is less visible but definitely not easier to be dealt with.” On a recent visit to Tokyo, Kosa was disappointed that there are no deaf politicians in Japan. It makes his achievements all the more remarkable. So what advice does he have to say for ambitious people who find themselves in a similar position to himself? He pauses and thinks carefully before answering, “Courage, strong commitment and persistence.” Three words that seem apt for Adam Kosa himself.

“no one ever imagined that a signing deaf could be an MEP at all”

“Sign-language interpreters are not regarded as real translators but personal assistants, which creates some problems. Spontaneous meetings with other MEPs, speaking in English or French are still difficult for me since there is no official international sign language interpretation in the European Parliament. My colleagues still have to explain this situation several times a day to people asking

Persons with Disability since 2006. The EU itself is a party to the Convention since 2010, which means that it is obliged to provide disabled people with reasonable accommodation: in my case with sign language interpretation.” How difficult then is it for him to operate and function as a EU politician? “As in my life generally, I and my colleagues have to work more than others to achieve the same quality of work. Having received the MEP award, I think the additional efforts are now acknowledged.” He goes on, “Due to the shortage of opportunities in terms of communication, we have to plan everything in due time paying attention to almost everything. My colleagues, for example, also have to arrange for two sign language interpreters every week who do not belong to the registered staff of the parliament but have to travel to Brussels or Strasbourg from Hungary.”



English - Speaking Resources, Contacts, Deals and Offers in Brussels


Derek Blyth’s Hidden Secrets of Brussels

10 Most Romantic Hidden Secrets FREDERIC BLONDEEL Frederic Blondeel’s chocolate shop and tea room is located in the heart of the fishmarket district. It’s a secret romantic place to sit on a cold February afternoon with a pot of tea and a little bowl of handmade chocolates flavoured with ginger or basil.

Brussels may not look the most romantic city in the world if you work on the sixth floor of a 1970s office building overlooking Rue de la Loi. But it has a secret romantic side if you look hard enough. Here is a personal selection of romantic places to buy flowers or chocolates or Dinner for two on Valentine’s Day, 14 February. Plus one song to add to your playlist if it all goes wrong.

trails to unexpected spots around the city and stop off at friendly bars and restaurants along the way. What could be more romantic?


Quai aux Briques 24 Central Brussels Tel 02 502 21 31 www.frederic-blondeel.be

FLOWER @TTITUDE The cool young people who live in the Dansaert district pick up gorgeous bouquets at this corner shop. Stop by for a bright bunch of yellow tulips or a beautiful orchid in a pale blue pot. Rue Dansaert 127 Central Brussels +32 (0)2 503 40 45 www.flowerattitude.be

THE RIDE LIFE Follow the cool urban cyclists at ridelife.be who post a monthly online video report describing a bike adventure in Brussels. They take you on quiet cycle

This bright modern café opened in 2013 in a former Art Deco restaurant on Place Flagey. Created by the people who run the downtown bar Bonnefooi, it has kept the lovely, slightly louche interior from the days where elderly couples came here for moules-frites and a Jupiler, The mezzanine floor with window tables looking down on the square is one of the most romantic spots in town. You can also do your washing here, although possibly not the thing to do on a first date. Place Flagey13 Ixelles www.epaulejete.be

JOUR DE FETE Virginie Monu has brought a fabulous party mood to a neglected part of town with her quirky new lunch restaurant. Decorated in vintage Fifties style with multicoloured walls, formica furniture and potted plants, Jour de Fête is a fun place to have lunch with a friend. Best to book a table soon because it is likely to fill up quickly on 14 February.


English - Speaking Resources, Contacts, Deals and Offers in Brussels


LE CERCLE DES VOYAGEURS Possibly the most seductive café in Brussels, Le Cercle des Voyageurs is located in a historic 17th century town house. It is something of a secret place, despite being located no more than 50 steps from the Manneken Pis. The bare wood floor, worn-out armchairs and luxuriant potted plants feel like they belong to a different age. Rue des Grands Carmes 18 Central Brussels Tel 02 514 39 49 www.lecercledesvoyageurs.com Boulevard Anspach 181 Central Brussels +32 (0)2 512 38 00 www.jour-de-fete.be

HOTEL HANNON For a romantic afternoon stroll, take a look around the beautiful Art Nouveau houses in Ixelles and Saint Gilles. The Horta Museum in St Gilles can get crowded, but the striking Art Nouveau corner house built by Jules Brunfaut in 1902 for the engineer Eduard Hannon is overlooked. The interior includes a wistful smoking room with a large bay window and a beautiful fin-desiècle fresco on the staircase. The Contretype gallery has interesting photo exhibitions in some of the rooms. Avenue de la Jonction 1 St Gilles Tel 02 538 42 20 www.contretype.org

THE FLAT This bar is hidden in a back street near the Porte de Namur. It is decorated like a private apartment so you can drink a cocktail in the living room sitting on the sofa, or in the bathroom with your feet dangling in the bathtub, or even in the bedroom lying on the double bed. The drink prices vary during the evening like stock market shares. Rue de la Reinette 12 Central Brussels Tel 02 502 74 34 www.theflat.be


BRUSSELS BRONTE SOCIETY Pick up Charlotte Bronte’s Brussels novel Villette for a romantic read on 14 February. Or join the Brussels Bronte Society to immerse yourself in the literary atmosphere of 19th century Brussels. On 15 February, the Dutch writer and Bronte expert Eric Ruijssenaars is presenting a virtual walk around the demolished Brussels boarding school where Charlotte Bronte enrolled in 1842. www.brusselsbronte.blogspot.com

So it hasn’t worked out as you hoped. Too bad, but that’s the way it goes. The Belgian-Rwandan singer Stromae expressed the feeling in a hypnotic dance single called Formidable released last year after he broke up with his girlfriend. Watch the YouTube video clip filmed as he stumbled around apparently drunk one rainy May morning at 8.30 at the Louise tram stop in Brussels.

Derek Blyth is the former editor in chief of The Bulletin and author of the bestselling The 500 Hidden Secrets of Brussels. He picks out ten of his favourite hidden secrets every month for BxlConnect.



English - Speaking Resources, Contacts, Deals and Offers in Brussels

14 Guitar lessons: I offer guitar lessons in French, English and Spanish. I can come to any location within Brussels. If you are interested, please get in touch on: 0495/187/885

Piano lessons / vocal coaching: by an experienced and professional teacher. (Eng.Fr.Dutch and Germ.). Classical - Jazz - musical- and pop. Children and adults beginners and advanced students. ABRSM or Trinity-Guildhall exams possible. Contact: 026872887 – 0478303248

Confucius Institute in Brussels Belgium-China Association n.p.o. ParlonsCuisine: Join the very special French conversation course in Brussels

布鲁塞尔孔子学院 92, Avenue Paul Deschanel - 1030 Schaerbeek T : 02 803 80 33 F : 02 502 77 15 sec@belchin.be www.belchin.be

Who likes to always learn with books? Under the motto "learn cooking practice French" I offer gourmet conversation classes where we cook and eat and talk French and have a lot fun doing so.

Chinese langue courses at all levels For adults and for children

It is a nice opportunity to meet people and spend a pleasant and relaxed evening out.

workshops for schools internships in China possibility of scholarship in China

If you do not speak any French and still want to take part in the cooking lessons just find 5 or 6 friends and apply as a group for cooking lessons in English. For more information please contact Catherine


Chinese culture courses taijiquan / qigong / calligraphy painting / Chinese cooking

Bookshop Grande Muraille Galerie de la rue de Ruysbroeck, 5 1000 Brussels Tel : 02 512 14 56 Fax : 02 513 83 73 Mail : zijun@grotemuur.be http://users.swing.be/grande_muraille/

www. FlandersActingStudio.com www.FlandersActingStudio.com Located in Bruxelles (St. Gilles) Located in1060 1060 Bruxelles (St. Gilles) EMAIL : John@FlandersActingStudio.com EMAIL : John@FlandersActingStudio.com TEL./GSM : :0498 5454 20 55 TEL./GSM 0498 20 55 FLANDERS ACTING STUDIO - BY AN ACTOR, FOR ACTORS


The Flanders Acting Studio provides intensive, ongoing training for those who want to pursue acting seriously or professionally. We help actors identify blocks that prevent them from realizing The Flanders Studio provides intensive, forcamera. those who want to pursue their Acting full emotional potential at auditions, on ongoing stage or intraining front of the We use on stage and acting seriously or professionally. We help blocks prevent them camera work with improvisation, sceneactors study, identify monologues and that scenes.

from realizing their full emotional potential at auditions, on stage or in front of the camera. We Weekly Introductory and advanced classes are conducted with a concentration on English to use Help train actors for the growing English European markets. We work with the deepest respect for on stage and camera work with improvisation, scene study, monologues and scenes. those of us who share and portray the most profound experiences of the human condition. Weekly Introductory advanced conducted with a concentration on English to Private acting, and dialect and publicclasses speakingare coaching is also available. Help train actors for the growing English European markets. We work with the deepest Mention forportray a privatethe meeting John Flanders and toof audit Respect for thoseBxlConnect of us who magazine share and most with profound experiences the one of our sessions. human condition. Private acting, dialect and public speaking coaching is also available.

Private Lessons of Brazilian Portuguese for individuals and groups/ Companies: Brazilian economy has been growing, creating new businesses opportunities, attracting international investors. Besides, Brazil will hold the World Cup in 2014 and The Olympic Games in 2016, important events which will attract visitors from all over the world. Learn Brazilian Portuguese properly spoken without accent. Contact on: brazilian.portuguese2013@gmail.com

Private Tuition – Montgomery Area: Former teacher gives private English and Dutch tuition. Conversations. All levels, children/adults. Mother-Tongue English (British). Dutch and French education. Please contact me by phone: +32 477 761 962

Improve your French: To develop confidence in real life situations, learn and practice conversational and written french with an experienced and friendly Belgian teacher. Private lessons .1170 Bxl, or via Skype Info 02/6733178.

Spanish lessons, private Spanish teacher: For all levels. For one person or a small group. Home Tutoring. My name is Sebastian. I am a native Spanish teacher with more than 5 years experience. Certified by ELE to teach Spanish. I live in Brussels. I teach conversation grammar and vocabulary. The classes will be held at a place that suits you (home or office) and will be adjusted to your needs and pace! About 20 euros an hour (depending on the region and the number of people) Please contact: espagnoltuteur@gmail.com


English - Speaking Resources, Contacts, Deals and Offers in Brussels


Drum Lessons in Brussels: Interested in playing the drums? Come and learn the basics, learn to play along to your favorite songs, you will be surprised how quickly you will sound great! Already a drummer? Learn advanced techniques and broaden your musical horizon with Rock, Jazz, Pop, Latin, African, Funk, HipHop, ... rhythms. Maxime Lenssens, all round Professional drummer / educator with 20 years experience is currently accepting new students. All ages above 6/levels welcome. You don’t need a drum kit to start. See Maxime in action: search ‘Maxime Lenssens’ in youtube. References available. Lessons take place at 1020 Brussels (Laeken). Flexible: weekly, biweekly, monthly lessons of 1h, 1,5h or 2h. For any info: email maxlenssens (AT) gmail.com Now also teaching at ISB (students only). email for info. Rates: €50/h.

Singing Lessons: All types of voices, all levels. Shadi Torbey, Bass-baritone 0478 714 690 (for more information about the teacher: http://www.kulturkontor.de/english/shadi_torbey.html)

Piano lessons by a professional musician - for kids and adults, beginners or advanced! If you love music, don’t hesitate to contact me at svetagigova@hotmail.com

French Tuition: French lady, former teacher Berlitz London, provides French classes, all levels, children/adults, pls phone 02/7367148 (Schuman area). Weekends also suitable.

lf yourse e g n s e Chall height w e n ach r. Try a e and re Y w e Ne for th agliding! Par

Paragliding Belgie is the leading paragliding school in Belgium and offers a number of courses from beginner level to advanced, as well as trips to other countries.

Contact Info: Philippe Vangeel Provinciestraat 28 2018 Antwerpen tel : 03/227.16.32 gsm : 0475/323.058 e-mail : info@paraglidingschool.be www.paraglidingschool.be

Learn to fly

Brussels Aviation School welcomes you!

A Private Pilot Licence is something that anybody can get! There are no special requirements to start flying and the ground courses are easy to grasp. Brussels Aviation School SPRL Rue des Fusillés, 1 General Aviation Terminal 6041 Gosselies Belgium

Brussels Aviation School is a flying school located in Brussels and Charleroi (Belgium). We have been continuously offering pilot training courses in both English and French for 6 years. Ground courses take place in the centre of Brussels, and you will be developing your flight skills from the international airport of Brussels South Charleroi.

info@brusselsaviationschool.com www.brusselsaviationschool.com Tel: +32(0)475 74 39 02

Our Flight School gives you the opportunity to obtain a European Private Pilot Licence (PPL-JAR) and fly anywhere in the world, whether it be for private or professional trips.



English - Speaking Resources, Contacts, Deals and Offers in Brussels


What is Microfinance?

Interview with Loïc De Cannière, CEO of Incofin


icrofinance has become more and more known in recent years. It is receiving both praise and criticism as a poverty reduction tool. BxlConnect met with Loïc De Cannière, CEO of Incofin Investment Management (IM), to get a better understanding of the microfinance industry. With its headquarters in Antwerp, and offices in Colombia, India, Kenya and Cambodia, Incofin IM has grown to become one of the leading microfinance companies in the world with more than 360 million Euros under management.

Q. What does the average microfinance project look like and who is the typical borrower?

Q. What is Microfinancing and why is it important? A. Microfinance is the provision of financial services to small entrepreneurs at the bottom of the pyramid who typically don’t have access to traditional means of banking. This is very important as it allows creative and motivated people living in difficult environments to initiate projects and conduct business.

The “sense of ownership” given to these entrepreneurs can go a long way in improving conditions around them. As they eventually grow their businesses, it provides employment opportunities and higher economic activity. While microfinance is not intended to solve all the problems in developing countries, it can play a crucial role as one of several tools in poverty reduction alongside other policies.

A. Around 30% of Incofin’s loans go to farmers and 70% goes to small traders, shop owners etc. The majority of borrowers are women as they take care of the children and would like to find ways to secure higher and more stable incomes to support the family. Loans are on average 1000 US Dollars and are normally expected to be repaid within 6 months. Q. Microfinance has sometimes been criticized for charging too high interest rates and thereby being counter effective. To what extent do you agree with this opinion? A. A typical microfinance loan is on average 20-25 % per year, and there a number of reasons for this. Most importantly, there are fixed costs associated with making a loan, regardless if it is for 1 000 Euro or 1 million Euro. Because of the small amounts microfinance loans deal with and the large number of loans made, there are a lot of administrative and overhead costs that need to be covered. However, things are getting better and technological improvements are making it easier to provide a loan more quickly and efficiently. This in turn is helping microfinance providers to reduce the interest rates they have to charge.

It is also important to remember that most microfinance institutions are private organizations, and completely independent from subsidies and government support. It is the only way we in the microfinance industry believe we can make a real difference, grow and survive over the long term. These higher interest rates are therefore not there to take advantage of the borrowers; they are there to make the activity sustainable.

Without microfinance, the alternatives would be loan sharks and they may charge as much as 10% each day. Q. Are there any studies on the success rates and effectiveness of microfinance? A. It is difficult to measure the impact of microfinance in a scientific way because we have no way of knowing what the situation in these communities would have been if microfinancing would have not taken place. However, there are certain cases that clearly show how it can be effective. For example, we have one story of a Kenyan woman who started selling textile in small markets in Nairobi. Through microfinance loans, she grew into a



English - Speaking Resources, Contacts, Deals and Offers in Brussels

17 large company and now frequently travels to Dubai to buy and trade in large quantities. In the end, I think the numbers speak for themselves. We invest in 120 microfinance institutions around the world that in turn have made almost 7.5 million loans.

Only 1% of those loans have defaulted, which is remarkable and even lower compared to bank loans in western countries. Q. When was Incofin founded and how has it grown to become one of the leading Microfinance investor in the world? A. Incofin was founded in 1991 and we originally invested in each project directly ourselves. This became

difficult as we had too many loans to manage and little information about projects that were on the other side of the world. When I joined as CEO in 2000, we decided to instead start making loans indirectly by focusing on local microfinance institutions that in turn make the decisions on each individual loan. This means we can reach a greater number of borrowers in a more efficient way. We have also set up a number of offices in the countries we invest in which has helped us gain a better local expertise. Q. Who are your typical investors? What are their objectives? A. Most of our investors are institutions such as the World Bank and the European Investment Bank. But we also get some investments from regular high street banks who want to focus more on corporate social responsibility. Private individuals can of course also invest in our funds,

such as Incofin CVSO. This has grown a lot in popularity. Even the President of the EU Council, Herman Van Rompuy is one of our private investors. While ethical investing is often one of the main reasons for investing with us, we have delivered very stable yearly returns of 10-12% over the past 10 years and this is also attracting some investors. Interestingly, during the peak of the economic crisis, our funds were one of the most stable investments around. Q. What are the goals and targets for Incofin in the next 5 year? A. We are looking to grow our assets under management with another 250 million US Dollars. However, we will stay within our focus of expertise and avoid sectors we don’t know very well. Agricultural finance for example, is something very important to us and a sector we think makes a lot of sense to support.



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English - Speaking Resources, Contacts, Deals and Offers in Brussels


Snapshot of current EU Affairs

The race to succeed Jose Manuel Barroso as European Commission president is hotting up with the liberal group in the European Parliament choosing the Fleming Guy Verhofstadt as its candidate. Verhofstadt, a former Belgian PM, was selected after a possible rival, EU commissioner Olli Rehn, opted for other “senior” EU posts. Jean-Claude Juncker - who chaired eurozone meetings for some 10 years and who, until last year, was the EU’s longest-serving PM - has again said he is keen to be the next Commission chief. As the potential candidate of the European centre-right, the 59-year-old Luxembourg politician said he relishes the idea of a “lively” debate with Martin Schulz, the official centre-left candidate and current European Parliament head. It is confirmed that US President Barack Obama will travel to Brussels on 26 March to meet EU leaders. Obama will also go to a nuclear security summit in The Hague on 2425 March. The former head of the European Central Bank (ECB), Jean-Claude Trichet, has blamed EU governments for what he called the “worst economic crisis since World War II” and said the eurozone is still at risk. Trichet, who led the ECB between 2003 and 2011, spoke at a European Parliament hearing on the “troika” of international lenders which managed bailouts in Cyprus, Greece, Ireland and Portugal.

The Alliance for Lobbying Transparency and Ethics Regulation (ALTER-EU) has urged the European Commission to put in place new rules to prevent the current crop of European commissioners from going through the revolving door in 2014. As the Barroso II Commission nears the end of its term in office, transparency campaigners believe that the cooling-off period which applies to former commissioners taking on lobby jobs should be extended from 18 months to three years to prevent a repeat of the conflict of interest scandals which dogged the end of the Barroso I Commission. In a landmark vote, the European Parliament has taken a major step towards scrapping the notorious Strasbourg “travelling circus.” MEPs approved by 483 votes to 141 a report setting out a roadmap for reform. Its author Ashley Fox said: “This vote is an overwhelming endorsement

of our campaign to scrap the parliament’s dual seat system. So long as such outrageous wastefulness continues, I do not think MEPs can look voters in the eye.” The report focuses on the economic and environmental costs of the dual-seat system, as well as the weight of public sentiment which is deeply opposed. Most of the Parliament’s work is done at its huge complex of offices and debating chambers in Brussels, but once a month 766 MEPs, 3,000 staff and 25 trucks carrying documents and equipment all decamp to Strasbourg in France to sit there for three days. Applications for the EU´s Charlemagne Youth Prize 2014 have been extended to midnight on 10 February 2014. The prize is awarded every year to young people participating in projects designed to promote Europe among the young. Winning projects will not only benefit from recognition and media coverage, but also from prize money to further develop the initiative. Growth and jobs, the EU’s banking union and an immigration policy “based on solidarity” are the top priorities for the new Greek EU presidency for the first six months of 2014, Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras told MEPs.


English - Speaking Resources, Contacts, Deals and Offers in Brussels



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Dogwalker - Petsitting - Education - Training Do you need an

experienced Dog Walker for your pooch or a Dog Sitter to care for him in a home away from home while you’re away? Search no more! I’ll pick up your dog in Ixelles, Watermael-Boitsfort, Auderghem, Uccle, Waterloo or Rhode-Saint-Genèse and take him for walks or keep him for you at my house. My job is to care for your pooch and make sure he has a good time during our walks in the Forêt de Soignes from Monday to Sunday. Fun with the Pack for your four-legged friend ! M. Chaoui - +32 495 754 479 - m.chaoui@dogywalker.be - www.dogywalker.be

Experienced Nanny available from Jan ‘14: I am an experi-

enced (4+years) nanny in Brussels. Fluent English and Portuguese speaker, good knowledge of Dutch and French. Legal status in Belgium. Checkable references (upon request). Please note I do not hold a drivers license and am primarily looking for a full time position, open to negotiate hours/rate.

For more info don’t hesitate to call 0491/46 66 86. Best, Larissa.

Order flowers online and send them the same day anywhere in Belgium Belgium Flowers Online provides flower delivery throughout Belgium. You can quickly and easily send flowers for any occasion: Christmas, New Year, birthday, Valentine, birth, funeral, flowers for spring, flowers for Easter etc etc...

For more information or to place an order, please visit our website: www.belgium-flowers-online.be Special promotion code for BxlConnect readers gives you 10% off on total order amount: bxlpromo Promotion code may be used one time per user and is valid until 28/02/2014.

Your event merits a video: Are you planning a conference, anniversary celebration or other important event? Offer your visitors and all those who are unable to attend a video. Simply capture the highlights with a film, portray your most important guests and recreate the atmosphere so that the day after your event there is something worth watching to remember it by. When is your next event? There are many reason why a film fits the bill. Creativity and empathy are frequently required. Not everything is possible, but almost. Never before has digital technology offered so many, yet affordable, possibilities to make your personal film project a reality. Do you already have something in mind? Event film in Brussels or Strasbourg from € 390, all inclusive price for a video of up to 4 minutes duration. www.eu-media.info or call +32-486 60 00 98 Friendly and honest woman with excellent referencies looking for additional work (domestic help, cooking etc): Friendly, honest and flexible woman (42) is looking for additional babysitting or for keeping compagny to a person who needs help (cooking, ironing, shoppings) in the morning before 1 pm and for the week ends or evenings. Excellent french and English, very good cook, excellent referencies. call Bianca 0487.28.20.71



English - Speaking Resources, Contacts, Deals and Offers in Brussels

20 Nanny/cleaner searching for a job: Legal Filipina lady with legal

stay in Belgium, speaks fluent English and French, and with great experience, looking for domestic jobs; babysitting, petsitting, cleaning and ironing. Contact me on my number 0485898193 or on my e-mail address-dumayaileen@yahoo.com.

LaBritannique is an English run company, providing you with everything from A to Z for your event. We cater for corporate events – lunches, dinners, conferences… – as well as private events – birthdays, weddings, communions… Our staff speaks fluent English and fluent French and will go out of their way to make your event a success! Whatever your budget, we’ll make it work! Email: catering@labritannique.com Tel: 02 347 4671 Boulevard de la Deuxième 14E 1190 Forest Belgium

Rent a Man With a Van ( known as ‘SimonWithVan’ within

the expats community) offers: professional, friendly, no stress, punctual removal services at very competitive rates. short/long distances within Belgium and throughout Europe. Delivery services (e.g. Ikea, etc.) house, garage, attic, cellar, clearances etc. Choose from two impeccable vans: 20M3 van (see photo) which has a hydraulic lift which brings all your items safely from ground level to the van. or 10M3 van. Outside lift. Packing materials available on request. FREE QUOTE Don’t delay, call me today! 7/7 SIMON MOBILE: 0474220495 or e-mail: simonwithvan [at] hotmail.com

Experienced Child Minder: Experienced mother and child minder takes care of your babies & kids. Can also help with cooking & some cleaning. No driving licence. Available whole week. English, French spoken. 0485 32 94 97. Experienced English teacher (native) looking for part-time babysitting/childminding: My name is Christine. I am an

experienced ESL teacher looking for some part-time child minding in the evenings. I am a native English speaker and I also speak a little French. I love children as I’m friendly, fun and caring. If you’re interested please contact me by email: christinekiernan1@gmail.com. Live in or out Nanny/ Domestic Helper: Mature experi-

enced, and realiable Nanny/ Domestic Helper looking for Work. I am available and flexible, can work as a live in or out. References on request. Don’t hesitate to call 0491 03 86 00 or email me edithrebs@gmail.com.

Wedding singer: To add elegance, sophistication and style to your Wedding, please allow me to put the icing on the cake of your ceremony, and sing during your wedding ceremony, wedding breakfast or reception. For more details, please call 0474 990 631 and I’ll be happy to provide more details. Make your Wedding extra special. Cleaning Lady: Hello. I’m looking for a job as a cleaner. I can

dust, wash and iron. I’m 25 years old and have experience. I am the person responsible and conscientious. I prefer titre service but not necessery. If you have a question please contact me. joanna.nowak08@gmail.com Regards Joanna.

“Comme chez Moi” - “Like at Home”: Leaving for the WE or

a longer period of time? Want a cosy home and family environment for your doggy to play, walk and have fun in? I will take care of your cuddly, canine friend on 4 legs together with mine! Long daily walks in the forest, petting and meticulous attention. Family house with fenced garden (Tervuren area), located close to the forest and Brussels! Also at short-notice: Just give me a call: 0476/71 49 48

Portuguese Cleaning Lady: Dynamic, hard working and serious Portuguese cleaning lady in Brussels with references; clean, cooks windows, iron etc, TS and 8,5€ p/h please call 0498233802 or email : amarques@live.com.

Cleaning Lady: Filipina lady looking for part time job with ex-

perience and good reference. If you are interested you can reach me to my mobile no.0486260815 Thanks in advance.

English Skilled Handyman: NO JOB TOO SMALL. VERY EX-

PERIENCED AND VERY RELIABLE. References avalaible. Hanging Pictures, Curtain Poles, Sealing Sinks, Showers, Baths. Furniture Assembly, Painting and Decorating, Electrical, Plumbing, Kitchen Fitting, Gardening, Renovation & Property Maintenance. Contact Details for quick response Glenn 0498 72.38.65 glennw8@googlemail.com

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English - Speaking Resources, Contacts, Deals and Offers in Brussels


Community Help Service (CHS) is a non-profit organisation established in 1969. We provide information, support and mental health services to anyone in Belgium who needs help and prefers to speak English. We are committed to offering assistance, support and mental health information to the community at large regardless of nationality and taking into account individual financial circumstances. CHS Help Line: The CHS Help Line is an anonymous, 24 hour, English language, crisis, support and general information telephone service. It is operated by volunteers, who are trained, supported and supervised by professionals. The Help Line is an English speaking service for children, adolescents and adults. Call +32 (0)2 648 40 14. An anonymous and confidential 24 hour Crisis and Information telephone service offering advice free of charge. Why CHS? Moving to a new country for work or as an accompanying spouse can be fraught with confusion, anxiety and complexity which in some cases can lead to culture shock and depression. This can be not only a significant personal crisis for the individual concerned, but this emotional state can have a detrimental impact on colleagues and the employer. “Relocation experts anecdotally add that most failures of expatriate assignments are because of personal, not professional, issues, and divorce rates are higher than average…” Robin Pascoe, author of many books for expatriates. How CHS Helps: CHS clients come from over 50 countries. They call the Help Line, they come in for therapy, or they seek testing for children with learning difficulties or emotional problems. By contacting CHS, clients take the first steps toward understanding and adjusting to the demands life away from home may bring about. Whether it’s the working partner or their entire family CHS can provide practical guidance on living in Belgium, from finding the right school to finding a local English-speaking doctor or tradesman etc. Help Line Volunteers: Every year thousands of adults and adolescents contact the Community Help Service (CHS) in need of our help. The HELP LINE provides an anonymous and confidential, crisis, support and information service to the English-Speaking community.

We are looking for volunteers who are: • • • • •

Good listeners
 Non judgmental
 Empathetic Fluent in English
 Have day and evening availability (approx. 10 hours per week)

No previous experience is necessary as following the interview process, comprehensive training and professional supervision are provided. Please do not mention your application to anyone but those closest to you, as confidentiality and anonymity are essential.

For more information or to volunteer on the Help Line please call us on 02/647 6780 or email volunteer@chsbelgium.org

Office Volunteers: A commitment of 2 days per week is ideal. You will be part of a small team and involved in many aspects of the organisation. A knowledge of office systems as well as a friendly, sympathetic work manner are prerequisites. Confidentiality is of course a priority.



English - Speaking Resources, Contacts, Deals and Offers in Brussels


BxlConnect Investigates

Homelessness in Brussels container - cash from kind-hearted people I did not know for doing absolutely nothing. For all they knew I could have been a “professional scrounger” and Brussels Police say that unlike other cities such as London, these are thankfully a small minority.


cursory look at the streets, traffic lights and intersections in Brussels reveals a disturbing phenomenon - an overwhelming rise in the population of beggars. Amid the ever changing appearances of the city, one feature of commune life remains the same – the daily presence of beggars on the streets. These include youngsters aged between 16 and 18 who are reduced to begging on the streets – pinning their few hopes on the generosity of caring shoppers and passers-by. But what is it really like for people, often living below the breadline, to resort to begging? I took to the streets of Brussels to find out. Clad in cheap clothing, holding a piece of tatty cardboard bearing the plea “Please Help” and brandishing a plastic tub, I braved the bitter cold. It wasn´t long after I had settled down at my chosen “pitch” that the first coins started falling into the

But, recently, a Texan was found to be making $100,000 a year from his panhandling posing as being mentally and physically handicapped. For the kind souls offering me money none of this seemed to matter.

As I sat shamefaced on the cold pavement, a woman stopped, dropped a few cents into my cup and declared, “il fait froid”. As the cash started to mount, I encountered my first negative reaction - a man pointed to my sign and ordered me in no uncertain terms what to do with it. A short time later my faith in humanity was partly restored when an elderly woman came up to me, bent down, wished me, “Bonne

Annee” and dropped a euro coin in my cup. I was too embarrassed to look her in the eye. Amazingly, a few seconds later, she returned and dropped another euro coin in the container. It was touching that an old person, probably with little herself, was prepared to help me without prompting. I do not know who was the more embarrassed. Were people giving their hardearned cash because their conscience told them to or did they really care for my pathetic plight? A woman, laden with shopping bags and pushing a young child in a pushchair, stopped and asked if I wanted a sandwich. When I declined she put a coin in the cup. Another passerby urged me to visit a homeless shelter, saying that was where I could get something to eat and drink. For all the kindness shown to me by some, the majority of people simply looked away when they passed. After over four hours in biting cold, I counted out the money from my tub - I’d been given 11 euros and 80 cents. Even in these hard-pressed times, there is clearly some goodwill left though, of course, later I was able to change my clothes and regain


English - Speaking Resources, Contacts, Deals and Offers in Brussels


my dignity, a privilege not enjoyed by the genuine homeless. The homeless regime in Brussels is governed by a convention between the social aid agency CPAS, of Brussels-City, and SamuSocial, the non-profit which administers homeless shelters, plus the Communal Community Committee. Between November 2013 and the end of March 2014, 400 beds will be provided in a building on the Rue Royale owned by the CPAS. The Committee has approved €1.1 million for the provision of shelter. It has also agreed €300,000 for a winter project which provides psychological support for the homeless aimed at helping rehabilitate them in the long term.

As well as a bed for the night, Brussels’ homeless will also find shelter for their dogs, 16 of which can be housed in containers at the Central Station provided by the Prince Laurent Foundation and the charity Hoeksteen. There are fears that increasing numbers of Roma will use new EU freedom of movement rules to leave Romania and gather in the biggest and wealthiest cities of the West, such as Brussels, where some say they will turn to begging and crime. Borcoi Freguta, a 43-year-old Romanian mother of five, who was begging near the European Parliament, told me,”I don’t beg at home but I need money. We have a very small

house and my children and three nephews all live with us. I can’t afford it. So here, I beg. People have the wrong impression about us,’ she says. ‘We’re not all criminals.” It is estimated that at any given time there are at least 150 people, or ‘rough sleepers’, bedding down on Brussels’ streets. Ghent mayor Daniel Termont said last year he wants the federal government to take measures to prohibit begging but having endured the humiliation of just one day’s begging, I can only imagine what it must be like for someone reduced to doing this on a permanent basis. * The money given to the journalist will be donated to a homeless charity.

Martin Banks is a British journalist and has worked in Brussels since 2001. He covers a wide range of topics from EU affairs to cuisine and sport.

A movement of volunteers serving cities in practical ways & inspiring people to be givers in this world. We believe that many people doing small things together can make a big difference in our world.

Office: Place van Maeyl 15A, 1040 Brussels Phone: 02 / 734.35.02 Email: info@servethecity.be Web page: www.servethecity.be Facebook: Serve the City Brussels Twitter: Serve the City @stcbrussels

Currently during the day we have visits to a hospital on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 14:30 to 16:00. We serve coffee, tea and cake in the geriatric ward of Brugmann Hospital, Site Paul Brien, where many of the patients don’t get visitors and are delighted to chat.

Every Wednesday, 18:30 we connect with the various families that are living in the VUB squat, with the objective to better understand the families and their needs, to provide educational activities as learning french, to do some arts & craft activities with the children and to do a little clean-up around.

Fridays at 14:00, we have a project at FEDASIL spending time with asylum seekers there. Currently during the evenings we have the following projects:

Every Thursday at 18:30 we are helping a group of 150-200 refugees, children and adults, all living in an old abandoned church. Volunteers will provide educational activities for the children also meet with the adults to discuss their problems.

Monday and Thursday, 18:30 at the Gare du Nord outside the main hall, ground floor, volunteers will be serving soup, coffee, tea and waffles. This is a time for chatting with our homeless friends. We hear their stories, we listen to what they need, we build relationships and leave lasting impressions on each other.

On our Weekly Serving Projects we are not serving in the weekends for the moment, but we do have Monthly Focus Days on Saturdays with the possibility to serve Asylum seekers, Children in need, Disabled, Elderly, Homeless, Victims of abuse, in various neighborhoods in Brussels. This event will gather about 100 people willing to serve Brussels from 12:00 to 17:00.


Health & Well - Being

English - Speaking Resources, Contacts, Deals and Offers in Brussels


How is Bikram Yoga practised? Bikram Yoga is practised in a hot room, heated to 40ºC, with a a humidity of about 40%. The heat facilitates deeper stretching, prevents injury, relieves stress and tension and helps detoxify the body. This is a complete system of wellness, restoration and rejuvenation. Each class is 90 minutes long. This allows the body to become accustomed to the heat, but also develops focus and determination. Classes at Bikram's Yoga College of India Brussels are taught by a number of certified Bikram teachers, including Feroze Khan, founder of the studio and a number of other studios around Europe. Opening of new studio at Merode on 15th November 2013. Special offer for BxlConnect readers: 10% off on any subscription.

CROSSFIT POWER FACTORY At CrossFit Power Factory, we have one purpose: to transform you into the fittest and healthiest version of yourself among a community of people pursuing the same goal. How do we help you reach your true potential? CrossFit. Contact details: Bikram Yoga Merode, Avenue de Tervuren 8 1040 Etterbeek 0495 99 95 41 info@bikramyogabrussels.com www.fbyci.com

Personal trainer and nutritional advice: Indoor, outdoor and online personal

training, strength and conditioning training, running classes, small groups 1/3, fitness testing, training programs, nutritional advice and motivation. Brussels area with surroundings. Flexible hours, in the park, in the gym or during your lunch hour break. Whatever suits you best. We speak Slovenian, English, German, French, Spanish, Croatian and Serbian. Decision is always yours! Please call 0473 66 36 87 or send mail to barbara.fitatelier@gmail.com

Doctor YANG acupuncture massage therapy in woluwe saint pierre: Prices:

Acupuncture: 35 Euro for 40 minute, Tui na (chinese massage): 30 Euro for 30 minutes, Integrative treatment (acupuncture, massage, cupping and other treatments) to get out your stress, pain and other problems: 50 Euro for 60 minutes. Book appointments 02-7725792 or 0484631380. Email: sshbc@hotmail.com Address: RUE AU BOIS 292, 1150 Bruxelles. www.acupuncture-massage.be

Boot camps and Personal training: Personal training pro-

grams tailored to each individual client based on health and fitness history, personal goals and lifestyle, given by Certified Personal Trainer....at your home or outside in the nature. Women - only Boot Camps given by Certified Personal Trainer on different location at the morrnings or lunch time..in the Bois de La Cambre or Tervuren Park... new trimester starts after easter hollidays..Go at your own pace.Class is adapted for your fitness level. Get your space...classes are limited..first class is for free. All information on katjakosirnik@gmail.com

Through CrossFit, we perform constantly varied functional movements at high intensity. The foundation for these movements is found in fields such as gymnastics, Olympic- and powerlifting, kettlebell sport, rowing, running, and more. We are getting back to “basics” because the roots of our methodology are already written in your DNA. However, the ultimate key for guaranteed results will always be the intensity factor. This is why, if necessary, we adapt our workouts to your level in order to optimize your performance. The harder you can push yourself, the greater the benefits. We provide you with the tools to improve your fitness, and you have the power to make the difference. Are you interested to join us for a free trial session? Send us an email at info@crossfitpowerfactory.com and mention BxlConnect Contact Details: Website: www.crossfitpowerfactory.com Adress: rue d'idalie 9 1050 Brussels

Dr. Psychotherapy, highly trained, very skilled and with lots of experience: We are highly trained, with 30 years of ex-

perience, and very skilful in helping people with personal, relational and family problems, as well as problems with children’s education. This does include, amongst others, also mourning and gender problems, but it does not include dementia. Psychotherapy can be provided in 4 languages (Dutch, English, Italian, French) and from different perspectives according to the needs of the people presenting a problem. Cost: 70€ to 120€ per hour. Location: near important Metro station in 1200 Brussels. Contact 0032486/299029.

Personal trainer and nutritional advice: Indoor, outdoor and online personal training, strength and conditioning training, running classes, small groups 1/3, fitness testing, training programs, nutritional advice and motivation. Brussels area with surroundings. Flexible hours, in the park, in the gym or during your lunch hour break. Whatever suits you best. We speak Slovenian, English, German, French, Spanish, Croatian and Serbian. Decision is always yours! Please call 0473 66 36 87 or send mail to barbara.fitatelier@gmail.com


Health & Well - Being

English - Speaking Resources, Contacts, Deals and Offers in Brussels


MASSAGES AND BEAUTY TREATMENTS BIO MASSAGES WITH OIL ESSENTIALS At the shop “Be Positive” place Jourdan, 26 - 1040 Bruxelles (first floor)

For an appointment:

Patrizia Troisi 0488 986 196 Private Yoga Lessons: In the comfort of your own space, enjoy the benefits of the ancient practice of Yoga, from a cetrified teacher with 8 years of experience. All levels are welcome. It is not necessary to be already flexible to begin! For people with sincere interest and an open mind for change. Possibility to create a small group. For more information please write or call theodosiayoga@gmail.com 0498 57 35 68

Presentation of this magazine entitles you to a 20 euro voucher. This voucher can be used for Reflexology, Massages and Facials. Valid only for the months February 2014 and March 2014. Pre-bookings are required.

Thai Yoga Massage: Need a moment for yourself to release stress, tension, emotion & balance your inner energies? So you should try the Thai Yoga Massage experience, a two hour deep relaxation experience that compile shiatsu, stretching & Massage. For more information don’t hesitate to contact me. I would be pleased to answer your questions. 0475799568, voie-de-traverse.com

Serendip Spa is a five star oasis in the heart of the cosmopolitan and fashionable Avenue Louise quarter, created specifically to help you cope with all the stress of daily life. The Spa offers a unique set of treatments from around the world. Your body will be replenished, the mind will be restored, the spirit will be released…total relaxation. Serendip Yoga, a yoga & meditation studio offers private lessons with highly qualified teachers in a beautiful and tranquil environment as well as various yoga classes for groups and corporate teams – English/French classes, Yoga Lunch classes, Kids and Family Yoga, Vinyasa, Gentle Yoga, Candlelight Yoga and more. Serendip Store, a wellness store offering natural, organic and bio dynamic products sources from around the world and retailed exclusively at Serendip Store. We also stock a wide range of wellness, beauty and health books, mediation CD’s, organic hand crafted teas and aromatherapy candles. Offer for BxlConnect readers Please mention BxlConnect when making your booking and benefit from a 10% discount on new Serendip Reviving Body Treatments & Harmony Rituals. Practical Info: Tel. +32 (0)2 503 5504, info@serendipspa.com , www.serendipspa.com Opening Hours: Mon-Sat 10h to 20h, Sun 10h to 18h Address: 18 Place Stephanie, 1050 Brussels



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Diana’s X-pat


Diana Goss is a stylist, image coach and the founder of No Black Styling. She is a fashion expert with a decade of experience working in the business. If you would like to be the next face of Diana’s X-pat Makeover, or have any questions or comments, please send an e-mail to Diana at: diana@bxlconnect.com

The Expat Axana Pozdnyakova

Independent consultant, trainer on EU grants, President International Education Centre « EDUACTION), Founder IMAGRI (International Migration &Gender Institute)


What brought me to Brussels?

COS block-coloured shirt dress, Atos Lombardini leather bag, Super Trash leopard wallet.

aving spent six years in Brussels, I still consider myself as an expat. However, I don’t think that I will leave the city in the next five years. Why am I here now? I am convinced that Brussels has a great potential for people with lots of ideas. At the moment, I am running several projects including the European Education Centre. My goal is to encourage and prepare people to take challenges in their international career. I am in love with Brussels! When I walk from avenue Louise to place Sablon, I always pass by the cozy Parc d’Egmont behind the hotel with the “original” name - The Hotel. When I want a radical change, I enjoy the New-York style atmosphere at “Le Cafe de la Presse”. I believe that the best coffee in Brussels is served at JAT’ café. Sometimes, when I need a calm place to think, I take a walk around the beautiful Abbaye de la Cambre. My favorite places for work is the cafe at Museum BELvue and The Library. During the last three months, I have been developing a new project; “Create your own brand!”. This has given me the opportunity to meet many coaches who have helped me understand how I can send the right message about my objectives and personality through the way I look and present myself. I was therefore delighted about the opportunity to become the first face of “X-pat Makeover”. The looks created for me by the stylist gave me a new source of self confidence, a lot of energy and a new vision! I am happy to look more colorful and stylish especially in the dull winter season! Thank you X-pat Makeover Team!

COS cotton shirt, jacquard patterned top and skirt and Atos Lombardini heeled sandals.


English - Speaking Resources, Contacts, Deals and Offers in Brussels


Photography : Steven Lemmens Styling : Diana Goss for No Black Styling (www.noblack.be) Make-up : Maria Afanasyeva Hair : Toni&Guy Schuman (www.toniandguy.be)

COS dress and jacket, Sergio Rossi nude pumps, Ted Baker slim bow tote bag.



English - Speaking Resources, Contacts, Deals and Offers in Brussels


Alison’s Escapes

The Crossbow Guild Museum of Brussels, Belgium Many fascinating traditions exist in Brussels, dating from the city’s beginnings: festivals, parades, religious ceremonies and trade guilds. One of the most interesting of the later is the Grand Serment Royal et de Saint-Georges des Arbalétriers de Bruxelles – the crossbow guild of Brussels.


hile the crossbow guild today is active in historic festivals, such as the Ommegang, at one time they served a very important role, in Belgium. Founded in 1381, the crossbow guild defended the city of Brussels from all intruders. The guild was so powerful it had its own church built, which we know as Notre Dame au Sablon. Inside the church, you can see hints of this connection in the stained glass windows, featuring crossbowmen. Another, less apparent, connection is a rowboat inside the church. While a boat doesn’t seem a likely symbol for crossbowmen, it alludes to the legend of Béatrice Soetkens. While doing her washing in the river one day, Béatrice heard the voice of God tell her to steal the statue of the Holy Virgin, from the cathedral of Antwerp. She arrived via rowboat to claim the statue, while the guards were sleeping. When she returned to Brussels, she was greeted by the crossbowmen, who swore to protect her and build a church to house the statue. The crossbow guild’s final connection to Notre Dame de Sablon is seen

during their shooting competitions. The most difficult event consists of shooting 36 meters straight up into the air, to hit a tiny metal bird target. This is the distance from the ground to the top of the steeple of the church, where the target used to be placed. The winner of this annual competition becomes ‘King’ of Serment. If a crossbowman wins this competition 3 times in a ten-year period, he becomes the guild’s ‘Emperor.’ By far the most interesting place to visit, if you want to learn more about the crossbowmen (and these days there are crossbow-women too!), is their guildhall. Tucked in behind Place Royal, on the Impasse du Borgendael, is a cellar filled with memorabilia of the crossbow guild. This is a living museum, where the crossbow guild meets each Thursday night, to practice their craft, offer lectures on historical aspects of the guild, and teach newcomers the art of shooting the crossbow. The guildhall and museum looks historic, with its dark wood and shooting galleries. In true Belgian fashion, there is a bar complete with

Belgian Ommegang beer, the packed fridge one of the only nods to modernity. There are over 200 members in the guild, although only about 80 are active and even fewer visit regular meetings. Of course, visiting the guildhall means conversing with the King, a passionate man with perfect aim – he did have to shoot that tiny target at 36 meters straight up to become King, after all. The guildhall museum is free to visit during the Thursday night meetings (or you can call ahead and arrange a guided tour). You can watch the shooting practice, and maybe even give it a go yourself. It’s a fascinating slice of Brussels history, most people have no idea still exists.

Practical info: Grand Serment Royal et de Saint-Georges des Arbalétriers de Bruxelles Impasse du Borgendael – Place Royale, 7-9 1000 Brussels


English - Speaking Resources, Contacts, Deals and Offers in Brussels



hen I first heard about the Brussels Greeters, I knew this was my kind of organization. This group of more than 100 volunteers, of all ages and backgrounds, shares local knowledge with visitors and newcomers. These are not your typical umbrella wielding, fanny-pack wearing, group tours. For starters, no more than six people are on tour at any one time. Second, Brussels Greeters tours cover all topics and neighbourhoods of the city. Of course, you can have a tour of the Grand Place with a historian, but how about a tour of lesser known Schaerbeek or Laeken? Greeters have backgrounds and interests ranging from street art to environmentalism. Whether your interest is nature, gastronomy, architecture, shopping, history, or family activities, there really is a tour for everyone. Language isn’t an obstacle either. At the moment, Brussels Greeters volunteers speak 12 languages, including sign language. But the best thing about the Brussels Greeters is the tours are completely free of charge. In fact, not even tipping is permitted, to encourage the free-flowing exchange of ideas. We’re always encouraging people to get out of their neighbourhood routines and visit new corners of Belgium. So, to practice what I preach, I asked the Brussels Greeter coordinator, Emilie, to send me to a part of Brussels I knew little about. That’s how, on a cold and snowy Sunday afternoon, I found myself following Jan, a graphic designer and passionate Bruxellois, through his neighbourhood of Sint-Jans Molenbeek. I met Jan in front of the church on Place Sainte-Catherine, a place I have been countless times. Even before we set off, I learned something new. It seems the church was designed in 1854 by Joseph Poelaert, the same architect who designed the Palace du Justice, to replace the 17th century church, whose tower remains on the square. We set off through the fish market as Jan talked about the old port of

Brussels, once located right where we stood. Jan brought these historical images to life and I could actually picture the boats unloading cargo onto the quays. If you’ve ever wondered why so many of the streets here are named after foods, it’s because ships unloaded that particular cargo there. As we strolled towards the canal, Jan talked about the redevelopment of the area, his background in art and design and his interest in urban living. Most of all, we shared a passion for Brussels, foibles and all.

Discovering Molenbeek with the Brussels Greeters

Crossing over the bridge, we found ourselves at our destination, Molenbeek Saint-Jean or Sint-Jans-Molenbeek. This is where my own knowledge of Brussels gets fuzzy. Molenbeek has a lot in common with my own commune of St. Josse. Both are densely packed, home to immigrants, and have a reputation among many Belgians as scary neighbourhoods to visit. It’s true, both communes have their issues, brought on by high unemployment, clashes of culture, and over-crowding, but that’s no reason not to visit. Wandering the streets of Molenbeek, you confront head-on Brussels’ growing issue of immigration and expansion. It’s hard to ignore many of these streets feel more at home in Morocco or Turkey. I believe diversity is Brussels’ greatest asset, but I also know there are major challenges in accommodating so many distinct cultures and beliefs. As Jan led me through his neighbourhood, we discussed all of these issues and more. Along the way we spotted some hidden gems, I had never even heard of before. Most striking, was the church of Saint John the Baptist (Sint-Jan Baptist). This Art Deco style church is one of those buildings that falls into the ‘love it or hate it’ category. Always a fan of the quirky, I rather love it. By the end of the tour, we had thoroughly explored a new corner of Brussels, had lively discussions about culture, architecture and politics and enjoyed being tourists in a city we’ve called home for eight years. I’d say that was definitely worth the price of admission…

If there’s part of Brussels you’d like to learn more about, contact the Brussels Greeters through their website, brusselsgreeters.be (They ask for two weeks’ notice, to coordinate your free tour). If you’re new in town or you’ve been here for years, like me, there is still plenty to learn about this fascinating city.

Alison Cornford-Matheson is a Brussels based expat who writes about life, food and travel in Belgium. Find more of her discoveries and escapes in this diverse and exciting country in her website: www.cheeseweb.eu

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My cozy Valentine...

Chauncey “Knitwear for modern gentlemen and elegant gentlewomen� www.chauncey.be

At Chauncey, we love to make you warm and comfy. This winter, our Mongolian craftsman weaved insanely luxurious plaids for Valentine special gifts. 100% super soft cashmere, wool & cashmere blends or 100% wool - you choose, we deliver! To be used at home, in the plane, in the ocean liner... Let's get cozy!


English - Speaking Resources, Contacts, Deals and Offers in Brussels




Bocconi Top Italian chef Marco Visinoni has swapped Nivelle´s Grand Place for the more famous Brussels version but his ability to produce top-notch cuisine has, happily, not been lost in the process. Indeed, if you are looking for the finest Italian food in Brussels, look no further than this stylish restaurant, next to the famous Amigo Hotel and just round the corner from the Grand Place. The fantastic menu is designed by Rome-based Fulvio Pierangelini, one of Italy´s most renowned chefs, and head chef Marco who´s just celebrated his first anniversary at Bocconi having previously worked at another Italian restaurant in Brabant Walloon. Marco´s signature dish is “Casoncelli”, a mouth-watering ravioli and probably only the place in Brussels where it is served.

La Cantina It´s the ´new kid on the block´ on the Brussels eating out scene but this is a very worthy addition to the city´s top restaurants. Open only just over three months, it is well worth the short excursion by tram or car. The specialty and one thing that probably sets La Cantina apart is the fantastic seafood and oysters, available both as a takeaway or to eat in. The man who runs the outside seafood ´tent´ was voted best Escailler in Belgium last year (some accolade) but equally terrific is the 2-course business menu, available Mon-Fri at a very generous €13.50. Everything is brilliantly overseen by the friendly owner Lorenzo Di Siervi works tirelessly in the kitchen to produce a range of homemade pasta (incl. ravioli with truffle and fettuccine with scampi), plus mouth-watering meat and fish dishes, such as grilled fish with salad. The wines, mostly Italian, are also excellent. A great choice of hot and cold starters are priced from a mere €9 so it´s all very affordable. The kids are also well catered for with the `Little People´s Plate` at just €10.

Like some of the other dishes on the menu, it reflects regional Italian cuisine, in this case that of of Bergamo, Marco´s home town, while also utilizing Belgian products. Also highly recommended is the splendid panzanella starter, “pappardelle”, a very tasty duck stew with pasta and also risotto and taleggio. Considering the top-class quality, all are very reasonably priced. The wine list is equally terrific, professionally overseen by well-informed head waiter Anthony Rima. The adjacent Bar Amigo has live music every Thursday evenings and, for those looking for a special way of celebrating Valentine´s Day there´s a special menu, available from 14-16 February. Also worth mentioning is the very affordable Bocconi €19 lunch. Marco tries Rue de l`Amigo 1-3 Brussels to use only a handful of ingredients in his Tel 02 547 4715 cooking. Keep it simwww.ristorantebocconi.com ple is his motto. Simple, maybe, but sumptuous!

For eight years Lorenzo has organised the Miss Belgium beauty contest and, judging by the quality of the food here, he is also a good judge of fine cuisine as well as the fairer sex. This modern but cozy eatery, staffed by a welcoming personnel, may be a newcomLa Cantina er on the restaurant Duisburgsesteenweg 22, scene but it is well Tervuren worth checking out. Tel 02 767 0222 Highly recommended. www.lacantinaitaliana.net

Martin Banks is a British journalist and has worked in Brussels since 2001. He covers a wide range of topics from EU affairs to cuisine and sport.

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Visit our website to view a list of all our current offers: www.archimede-realestate.be



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Apartment - 112m² - Schuman area,Living room , equipped kitchen, 2 bedrooms ,bathroom, shower, terrace , Possibility garage.

Apartment - 50m² - Living room, kitchen, 1 bedroom, shower, terrace, cellar, 3rd floor

Apartment - 60m² - Living room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms,2 terraces (south-west), 3rd floor

Apartment - 111m² - Living room, full equipped kitchen, 3 bedrooms, terrace (south), Nice view

Apartment - 80m² - Living room, equipped kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 terraces.

€ 235.000

€ 155,000

€ 159,000

€ 199,000

€ 229,000






€ 395.000

Apartment - 60m² - Near the European district and totally renovated. Large living room, fully equipped kitchen, bathroom and 1 bedroom. Free Now! € 800/month



Rue des Palais, building 1 duplex 3 bedrooms with garden, 3 apartments 1 bedroom. Profitability 6,1% per year.

Apartment - 100m² - Enjoy a 3 bedroom apartment in a quiet street close to many public transport. Large living room and entirely equipped kitchen, a bathroom (bath and shower), a utility room. A garage. Possibility of renting taxable person!

€ 1350/month

Apartment - 80m² - the perfect 2 bedrooms place to live in the middle of the European district. Living room, dining room, equipped kitchen. Bathroom, separate WC, 2 bedrooms and a cosy outside courtyard. Do not miss!

€ 1000/month

House - 140m² - Winter in the sun ! Nice house 2 bedrooms, full equiped (Praia d’El Rey Golf & Beach Marriott Resort) , 45’ from Lisbonne.

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Apartment - 50m² - Fully renovated, ground floor. Entrance hall, totally equipped kitchen, living room with direct access on the private terrace and garden, 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom. Cellar and garage (+ 100€/month). A must!


Flat - 40m² - Totally furnished flat in the heart of the European district. Living room with a sleeping area separated by a partition wall. Fully equipped and really practical kitchen, bathroom with washmachine. Must see!

€ 800/month

€ 795,000



Apartment - 95 m² - Schuman area, large living room, fully equipped kitchen, 2 bedrooms and a bathroom. A real opportunity!

€ 750/month

Apartment - 125m² - (Av Louise area) Living room , full equipped kitchen, 2 bedrooms ,bathroom, Study, patio, Exclusive apartment !

€ 900/month

Apartment - 125 m² - large living room with an amazing view on the Place Stéphanie, fully equipped kitchen, a small patio area, an office and 2 bedrooms. Cellar. For luxury’s amateurs!

1750 €/month

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English - Speaking Resources, Contacts, Deals and Offers in Brussels



Beautiful 45m2 flat for sale in EU quarter: Nice, quiet flat on the 6th floor at the heart of the EU quarter, located on Square Ambiorix (and facing the back courts). Living room with sleeping corner, well-equipped kitchen, bathroom with washing machine, hall, cupboards, balcony, parquet flooring. Price: 150 000 Eur. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact on: 0474 25 27 23

FOR SALE Notary Mansion For Sale Near Brussels: Situated in Essenbeek (Halle) – 5 minutes from the Brussels Ring and route to Paris and Lille – 375m² living surface surrounded by a 40 are garden – 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, spacious living an dining rooms, 2 cars garage, patio an garden oriented to the South/East – A Notary Mansion crafted with noble materials located in a very calm and private area More info: FR/ EN +32 2 634 03 33 – info@pointofview.be – www.pointofview.be or NL/EN: +32 2 378 40 40 – info@multimmo.be – www.multimmo.be

Duplex Penthouse Sunny and spacious 115m². Ixelles: The loft is a sunny and spacious top floor duplex of a 115m2, this includes a small entry of 2m2, a living room and kitchen of 78m2 and WC. The top floor has a large attic bedroom (possible 2 bedrooms) which includes bathroom (WC, shower and wash-basin) of */-30m2. The charm of the apartment is its very large terrace of more or less 30m2. The apartment’s expenses are minimal. Individual counters, double window panes and a spectacular view of the European parliament. Good condition, Painted last year. A foot step from many buses (12 to airport, 95 80 64 38 34 27 22 21). Subway Train station Taxi and car sharing spot. Highway in less than 5 minutes. PEB D+. 310,000 Eur. Contact possible by telephone mobile and email 7/7 mrubenst@hotmail.com 02 230 88 30 0479 27 08 20

Modern One bed furnished apartment to rent in inside EU District: Fully furnished apartment to rent in EU district for 750€ all inclusive. Ideal for short or long rentals. Electricity, water, TV, Internet and Washing facility are in the included in the price. The apartment is in the heart of the EU-district near to the Berlaymont-building, the Council (Justus Lipsius), the Charlemagne Building and the EU-Parliament. The Schuman train and metro-station is short distance away. The apartment is furnished : the bathroom is stylishly designed; the kitchen is fully equipped, providing everything from the cutlery to a microwave, Oven. Television sets come with satellite channels, there is Wi Fi internet access, the living room. Bedrooms is separate with a door, and living and kitchen areas are separate. Contact Bettina Kueppers email: hanifm.mo@gmail.com. tel 004915784808752.

8 x STUDIO 40m³ Brussels center: 8 x FURNISHED APARTMENTS in the center of Brussels, ideal for temporary stay (day, week, month, year). The apartments are located in a completely renovated stylish mansion and are newly furbished (2011) in loft style with fully equipped kitchen, separate toilet and separate shower room. Auping bed and mattress, towels, bedding. PRICE: 700 euro, and additionally 250 euro for: heating, hot and cold water, electricity, internet access, TV: 4 satellites, available washer and dryer. For the pictures and more info please look at www.brussels4rent.com or call: 0475.631.656



90m² with terrace and garden ROGIER: 90m² + terrace + priv. garden + communnity garden, basement. 1 bedroom, large living room, kitchen with island, pantry and bathroom. Nice, quiet apartment on Place Rogier, free immediately. Opportunity to purchase two parking spaces. 250,000 Eur. Please contact on: 0475.631.656




Gorgeous loft in the center of Brussels – 100 m²: Located inside of the Pentagone (center of Brussels), between the rue Van Arteveld and the Place Anneessens , in a quiet street, loft renovated in 2004 in the residence Petite Senne. The apartment is set-up in an old brewery with brick ceiling/floor and iron columns and is looking towards the relaxing shared court yard. The 100 m² apartment present a spacious living with an open American kitchen, two rooms (14 and 16 m²), bathroom (bath and separate shower), laundry room and separated toilet. Numerous integrated closets. Large courtyard shared with the co-owners. Secured room available for bikes and scooters in the garage underneath the building. Close to shopping (Dansaert), restaurants (SaintGery), nightlife, culture and schools. Public transportation also available nearby. Parking space in the garage for sale if required. Contact Aline – goncalvesaline@hotmail.com - +32 486 32 13 13. €295 000.00

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