Newsletter 2023-2024 Volume 12.1

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KIWI NYSoM Easte 4/8 April 2023 Key Club Science Bronx of life~ our way caring, 4/22 Bee-a-Pollinator 4/22 Wrestling Tournament 4/30 Billiards Fundraiser 4/14 9 Million Reasons 1
"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."
- Muhatma Gandhi

Whereis BuckytheBeavor?


I,BuckytheBeaver,willbehidingin3 randompagesofthenewsletteryou're abouttoread.Yourjobistotryandfindme whilereading!Asyouprogressthroughthe book,Iwillhideinmorecheekyspotssobe suretokeepalookout!

IfyouwanttoknowtheexactpagesIhidin,make suretoreadtotheendofthenewsletter!

Board '23 - '24 Vice President Chrissy Jung '24 President Melody Jiang '24 Darien Lu '25 Stacy Qu '25 Secretary Treasurer Malika T. '25 W ebmaster/BulletinEdit o r 6


Daniel Kim '25

Joanna Wang '2
Yoo '25
Co-heads '23 - '24 Awards
William Loh '25 7

Sophia Guo '26

Landin Huang '25

Public Relations

Vicky Zheng '26

Shawna Khuu '25

Committee Co-heads '23 - '24
Committee Co-heads '23 - '24 Scrapbook
Marcus Ye '26 Aayan Hussain '25 Sam Huang '26 9
Social Media

Service Updates

1,067 Hours

Goal: 18,000 Hours

5.93% Progress

Fundraising Update


$4,720.10 Raised 31.1% Progress

I think that Benjamin has defin trying hard in key club, and doing his best to build his character and relationships. He's done a great job volunteering for huge events and keeping up with the mobs of people/leaves/food. I recently went to the TD bike tour event with him and he somehow got 3 boxes of peanut butter from who knows where onto the table and alleviated lots of foot traffic!!

Benjamin Lin '24
Thanks for the nomination Erica! 12
E V E N T S April 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 NYCRUNS QUEENS 5K & 10K NYCRUNS PROSPECT PARK HALF MARATHON & 5K BENEFITING CAMBA NYSoM Eggstravaganza Food Hub Assistant Arcade Fundraiser 9 Million Reasons Evangel Food Pantry It's My Park Day CALVERT VAUX COASTAL CLEANUP Bee - A - Pollinator BxSci Girls Wrestling Tournament Kissena Park Cleanup Poo Fundraiser Virtual Event: Charity Miles Virtual Event: OceanHero The Sustainable Fashion Community 2 fundraisers! many events! 2 virtual events 13

Food Hub Assistant 4/10/23

AttheFoodHubevent,eachpersonwasplacedatastation witheachhavingdifferenttypesoffoodlikefruitsand vegetables,grains,anddryfoods Theclientswouldchoose certainfoodsandwewouldgivethemtothem. Communicationwasimportantwhenworking,whichgives Slighttoamajorproblem:mostclientscouldonlyspeak panish WithmylimitedSpanishknowledge,Ievenheard AoneclientaskwheretheSpanishspeakingworkerswere. tnotherproblemwastheneedtorestockwithoutanything oactasstock Atsomepoints,Icouldseedisappointment intheclientsafterseeingthelackofoptionstherewere. mTherewerealsopopularoptionslikelimesthatneeded uchmorerestockingthanothers Overall,though,the eventwasprettyfunandrewardingattheendconsidering allthatwe'vebeenthrough.

TO 17

9 Million Reasons Evangel Food Pantry /

14 / 23

The 9 Million Reasons Food Pantry event was an interesting experience I spontaneously decided to go and took the train there Honestly, I was scared when I got off the F train because my maps app stopped working Eventually, I

was able to get there We immediately jumped to work unwrapping lettuce packages and pruning off the spoiled parts It was my first time working in a food pantry and it was really cool seeing the behind-the-scenes efforts of a food pantry dedicated to providing people with food We also met some Francis Lewis students and even took a group photo with them! Afterwards, we hung out at a Starbucks where Malika and Kevin studied and I opened up my SAT score! Kevin showed us the LTC photobook that he ordered, and it was a great time to catch up after the event I went to the event alone (and got lost), but on the way back, we all took the train together -- which is so typical of Key Club events :) I think we have this event quite often, so I would definitely recommend other Key Clubbers to volunteer, because it was a really interesting, hands-on volunteering experience

Jacey Mok '24



Let'shearaboutherexperienceIhadtheopportunitytointerview oneofourmemberswhoattendedthe Bronx ScienceWrestlingTournamentevent!

cow forWilliam

key clubbers helped to volunteer in the Bronx Science Girls Wrestling Tournament Volunteer event Some of our volunteers helped to mop the mats before the tournament begins, as well as helping to score the matches. Everyone was put into a group of 3 or 4 to help to score at different mats. One person helped out scoring on the final paper that will be handed to the PSAL. Two others focused on looking at the referee’ s hand gestures which represent different points and symbols. There are 1, 2 and 4 points, and blood and injuries time. We judged around 60 matches in around 4 hours straight. Lastly, we mentally supported and cheered on our amazing girls wrestlers! Although staying in the school on a Saturday for 8 hours is tiring, I feel fulfilled by helping and supporting Yidan (Johanna) YiwenXu'25


On April 22nd, 2023, the Bronx Science

C l ci k on theclapperboard f o r th e transcription
C lock onthehighland
the school wrestling team! 28
s article!



At the event we had to clean up all the soggy trash which was fun only because the people in charge were so salty with us and we were all joking around as we cleaned up So the most memorable thing was when Benjamin Huang took the cardboard boxes that a guy in charge threw on the ground after handing out gloves (it was a single glove per person ) Benjamin took the box and said " can I just take this and use it as my first garbage?" I told him maybe he should put it down and just pick the stuff up from the other part of the grass And then one of the people in charge saw it and came to our group and started talking to us solemnly how he doesn't care that we are Bronx Science, we better not do anything to harm each other, others, or do anything s to harm each other, others, or do anything stupid. And the most annoying part was when he only told that to us, and not to any other group. And then after that he continued to target us to all the bad things that were happening like the one glove instead of two He was like oh we didn't expect so many of " you guys " to come like dude you had a whole spreadsheet what do you mean " you didn't expect " Anyway, that was memorable because our whole group was so confused with why they were so mad at us But when we were cleaning, we found this huge pile of noodles on the floor and threw them in our bags In all, I would recommend this event it the people in charge were a bit nicer to us :D

At the Kissenna Park Cleanup, numerous students showed up along with a vast variety of schools We were split into groups consisting of about a dozen people Although there was not any large trash pieces, we picked up cigarette buns and bottle caps from around the park. Those items did not have much volume to them however everyone filled up their trash bags a decent amount. They claimed to give 50 dollars to the club that picked up the most trash. It was uplifting to see a huge crowd eagerly cleaning up the environment, ridding it of litter.

KissenaPark Erica Zhang '25
Benjamin Huang '26

OceanHero Virtual Event

I'm glad Key Club has virtual events as well as in-person events For me, I love to help out the community as much as possible, and this virtual event allowed me to contribute meaningfully without having to rearrange my schedule. Most of the time I am quite busy with school and other work, and virtual events like this one give me the flexibility as a member to contribute on my own time. This event itself was also quite fun as there were also cute games on the extension itself that supports the organization OceanHero I hope Key Club continues to have events like this one in the future! HuongDoan

4 / 29 / 23 31
The Sustainable Fashion Community
Earth Week 4/17 - 4/21 Monday Educate and Encourage Tuesday Assemble Art Wednesday Reflect on Recycling Waste Thursday Theme Earth for a Day Earth Week! Friday Hug Some Trees! 34

Educate and Encourage

Aayan Hussain '25 Vienna Chen '26 Erin Ryou '26 Kevin Fu '25 Kina Nagasaki '26
Kyle Wu '26
These are incredible! MariamIashvili'25 Tuesday Assemble Art 4/18 ViennaChen '26 MaheenAlam'25 Yidan(Johanna) Cao'26 JunjinTan'24 KyleWu'26 JaelynJin'26 JaceyMok'24 36

Reflect on Recycling Waste

Landin Huang '25

My household isn’t that heavy on recycling, which is not a good thing, but my parents are just too lazy to have multiple baskets lying in the middle of the kitchen, so they resort to having just one garbage can where all the waste goes to. However, I live in an apartment complex so there is a communal recycling system and I put my garbage in their respective bins, it’ s just at home it’ s not really set out in a discrete format I’ ve always wanted to try and convince my parents to maybe implement a recycling system, where there could be a small basket for bottles and cans, another basket for paper and boxes, and a large garbage can for things that are just food scraps and other things that would be oily and messy to deal with These other baskets don’t have to be big but they should be separated so that it is easier when I deal with the trash at the communal recycling center I’ m still going to continue to do my best at school and at home and be aware of what I am throwing into what bins so that I can contribute to a healthier environment!

My household is not really good with recycling But one thing we do is that we reuse paper Personally, I always use unwanted paper as scrap paper for math work In the condominium, there are separarte bins for waste, one for trash and one for recycling, however, I don’t think people use the system properly. I was thinking of making signs to put on each floor’ s trash cans which will help people know where to put what kind of garbage


MariamIashvili '25

My household does recycle water bottles but our system is not the best because my family members usually don’t care that much about organizing waste We only have a bag for any recycling like water bottles or cans but any other thing that we ’ re not sure about goes in the garbage can I try to check everything I throw out but in the end, we bring everything downstairs to the communal garbage cans in the basement of my apartment and it gets mixed up a lot. I will most likely force my family to get large trash and recycling bins close together so we can effectively dispose of waste and make sure plastic doesn’t end up in landfills, although water bottle companies still don’t recycle all plastic and the best case would be to not use or discard of any plastic products at all

Wednesday Stacy Qu '25

We do have a recycling system where we put plastic bottles into a bag and then throw those specifically out in the recycling bin!

for a Day Earth Week! 4/20
Theme Earth
SophiaGuo'26&Vicky Zheng'26 MalikaT.'25 KinaNagasaki'26 Jaelyn Jin '26 Yidan(Johanna)Cao'26 MaheenAlam'25 MariamIashvili'25
Friday Hug Some Trees! 4/21 Yidan (Johanna) Cao '26 Kyle Wu '26 AnnisLee'26 KinaNagasaki'26 JaceyMok'24 ErinRyou'26 Lookhowamazing everyonelooks! Thankyoueveryoneforyoursubmission! 39

Upcoming Events

5/6/23: Pohela Boishakh at the Garden

5/7/23: TD Bike Tour

5/13/23: Japan Parade 2023

5/14/23: Mother and Daughter Brunch

5/20/23: NYRP/NYSOM Garden Classic 2023

5/20/23: NYRR Coney Island Run

5/21/23: Aids Walk

5/21/23: 2nd Annual Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Parade

5/26/23: Charity Miles

5/27/23: Lot-Busters Community Garden

5/28/23: Letters to Strangers

5/29/23: Rock Climbing Fundraiser


Our website has everything you need to know about our club as well as any upcoming events and fundraisers! There also is access to the petition sets!

Click on the key to be directed to our club website!

BronxScienceKeyClub Caring:Ou n r io W v ayofLife Di is 11 Announ
on the bee to be directed to our upcoming events! Events Document Website


Petition Sets

Petition Set #1: Pollution

We are excited to be your new Public Relations Coheads! To begin this new service year, we have gathered 10 petitions focusing on the topic of pollution. Pollution refers to the introduction of harmful substances and chemicals into the environment that cause harmful and critical effects. Pollution is everywhere in our lives whether many of us can control it or not.

Social Media

Check out our Instagram and YouTube where our Social Media co-heads regularly update! Click on the poster to sign the petition! Instagram YouTube 41
Spot 3
Page 31 Spot 2 I Found You Bucky the Beavor! Spot1 Page 14 Page 22
T H E K I W I : A p r i l N e w s l e t t e r V o l u m e 1 2 . 1 B r o n x S c i e n c e K e y C l u b S p r i n g E d i t i o n See you next month! Thanks for reading!

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