Newsletter 2022-2023 Volume 11.1

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APRIL 2022 VOLUME 11.1

“Life isn't perfect, people aren't perfect, but there are moments that are.” -Amy Harmon

True or False Hey all! Quick True or False Question!

Ants die if they fall from a high height. If you want to know the answer, read this newsletter to the end! ;)

Table of contents Editor's Note


Board '22-'23


Committee CoHeads '22-'23


Service Progress


April Events Recap


Rollerskating Fundraiser


Earth Week Recap




Answer to the True or False


Editor's Note HEY, KEY CLUBBERS!! This is my first time making a newsletter since I became a Bulletin Editor!! How exciting :)) I had so much fun making this newsletter because I LOVE making cute things like this. I'm literally so satisfied with my job right now HAHA. Anyway, everyone seems so busy nowadays because of the AP exams and other extracurricular activities, But, I just wanted to tell everyone that PLEASE PLEASE remember to take care of yourself even when you are busy. Get enough sleep and eat well. Take a break if you feel burnt out. You guys should enjoy your life with your friends at school before summer vacation starts! You won't be able to see them as often once vacation starts. :( So make some memories with them while you can. :) I can't believe it's already been a month since the new board took over our club. So far, I'm SOO satisfied with my job. I love our board and coheads so much and I love being able to lead such amazing members. I hope all of you had fun in April because we had so many fun events and fundraiser this month. The most memorable one for me was the NYSoM Easter Extravaganza event, where I interviewed our members! I dedicated 5 pages of this newsletter just for that event LOL so you guys should check those out! Also, I want you all to check out the Earth Week Recap and realize how wholesome and heartwarming it is to see our members appreciating our planet. Ok, I'll stop here. I truly hope you enjoy my April newsletter and I wish you all the best of luck in everything you do. :) Warmest Regards, Jeongwon Lee '23 Webmaster/Bulletin Editor

Board '22-'23 Shiya Lin '23

Mandy Lim '23


VICE PRESIDENT Chrissy Jung '24

Melody Jiang '24


TREASURER Jeongwon Lee '23


Committee Co-Heads '22-'23 PROJECTS

Darien Lu '25

Jessica Lin '25


Malika Toregeldiyeva '25

Emily Xia '24


Eric Leem '25

Emily Zheng '25

Committee Co-Heads '22-'23 PUBLIC RELATIONS

Sumaya Suma '24

Stacy Qu '25


Junjin Tan '24

Emily Guan '25


Ena Lu '24

Kevin Fu '25

Service Update GOAL:

11,000 HOURS


Fundraising Update GOAL:



April Events! 4/2/22: 9 Million Reasons/Evangel Food Pantry 4/3/22: NYRR Race Volunteer 4/9/22: Project Cicero Day 1 4/10/22: Project Cicero Day 2 4/16/22: NYSoM Easter Eggstravaganza 2022 4/18/22: Kehilat Food Pantry 4/21/22: UA3 Food Pantry 4/23/22: Carl Schurz Park Earth Day 4/28/22: By the People


4/3 NYRR Holds some of the biggest marathons in the United States. They employ a huge volunteer force every marathon, and Bronx Science Key Club was assigned to help out with the bag drop area. A fleet of 30 UPS trucks took the runners bags from the start of the race to the bag pickup area. We had to sort them by runner number and align the bags and hand them to the runners. It was fun playing mix and match with the bags as we unloaded the cargo from the trucks and handed them off to panting winners. When all the bags were handed out, we helped to break down the event. - Luke Jow '22

Volunteer /22

Project Cicero DAY 1


On 4/9/22, I participated in the Project Cicero Event. Project Cicero collects 150,000 gently used and new children’s books to redistribute to NYC Public School teachers serving in under-resourced schools. In order for this to happen, volunteers are needed to help sort the books into categories. Some of these categories include chapter books, picture books, stem books, historical books, and more. Books that don’t look new are placed in the recycle category and will be recycled. This event was super fun and relaxing, as you can take your time skimming through the books to decide which category it belongs to. Most of the books are new are there were many interesting books. I felt nostalgic as some books were from my childhood. After the event, my friends and I had fun taking pictures around Manhattan. - Ena Lu '24 -

Project Cicero DAY 2 Project Cicero was the most surprising event of the year for me. Even as someone who isn’t a big fan of books it was really fun sorting books into different categories and helping teachers pack mountains of books into suitcases so big I could fit in them! I also loved seeing classics from my childhood like Elephant and Piggie books, Dr. Seuss books, and fly guy books. Project Cicero not only gave me a fun trip down memory lane, but also new must read titles. Since we had to look through books, reading them to find the right category and look for any signs of damage, I found a bunch of really interesting books. One book was a picture book about Spencer and his new balloon pet. Now “Spencer’s New Pet” is one of my favorite books ever created.


In all seriousness, it amazed me how many different teachers with different book needs there were. It was really inspiring to see how hundreds of them were willing to travel around with suitcases that easily weighed 60 pounds just to get books to their students. Project cicero should be a “must go” on every Key Clubbers to-do list, you never truly understand how breathtaking it is watching 100,000 donated books being distributed until you see it with your own two eyes. -Mandy Lim '23

NYSoM Easter Eggstravaganza 2022 4/16/22

At the NYSoM Easter Eggstravaganza, volunteers helped out at the park and garden with various tasks such as setting up the easter egg hunts, painting, games, and craft activities! My task was to decorate pots with kids and then help them plant their very own seeds! It was fun seeing their creativity and helping them with their plant! I would recommend NYSoM events to anyone who is considering it because all the various events can be a great experience for you and your friends. The atmosphere honestly is great and always very festive. NYSoM events are always memorable for me because I get to spend the day helping others while having fun with my friends! -Junjin Tan '24

Wanna hear more vivid experiences from our members?! I myself(your editor Jeongwon:)) went to this NYSoM event and interviewed some of our members! Go to the next page to see how our members were feeling at the moment!

Emily Zheng'25 What was your job at the event? - I helped hide the eggs and watch the kids while they are finding the hidden eggs. Did anything funny happen? - The bunny was dancing. >< It was cute Would you recommend other members to come to this event if it happens again? - I would because hiding eggs was very fun and this event had diverse activities!

Elena You '25 What was your job at the event? - I am a security guard for the entrance and now I'm the easter bunny. (She was wearing an Easter bunny costume :D) Did anything funny happen? - I made three kids cry. Would you recommend other members to come to this event if it happens again? - I would because I was able to be a bunny! haha. It's kind of hot but it's fun. :)

Amy Yang '25 What was your job at the event? - My job was to make sure no one comes in during the egg hunt and guard the easter bunny. I also gave candies to the kids who couldn't find any eggs. Did anything funny happen? - Three white girls tried to enter through the back entrance and I blocked them. Would you recommend other members to come to this event if it happens again? - Yeah I would because you get to hide eggs, see an easter bunny, and watch kids running around.

Eric Leem '25 What was your job at the event? - My job was to direct the kids, make sure no one gets hurt, and help set up the easter eggs. I really found it fun because I was able to help around and provide support and feel like I'm doing something good for the community. Did anything funny happen? - The Easter bunny was hugging kids! Would you recommend other members to come to this event if it happens again? - if you don't have back problems, yeah I do. (LOLL)

Kehilat Food Pantry 4/18/22 Even though it was cold, I had such a fun time at this event. We had to package different produce (potatoes and onions), clean up the place, and help people who wanted to get food. I met a lot of new people from Key Club and we created a version of an assembly line to get things packaged into bags. The others made the event super fun and memorable. Everybody was super friendly and most of us were from Bronx Science so we all were pretty comfortable speaking with each other. We were always laughing and one time we ended up being so loud that a person working at the pantry told us to quiet down. I definitely recommend other Key Clubbers to go to this event because it is super rewarding and a pretty fun experience no matter if it is your first or a hundredth event. - Emily Guan '25 -

The Kehilat Food Pantry was held on 4/18/22, where the weather was quite cold but got even colder throughout the day. My shift started at 12 pm and ended at 3 pm, along with a few others. My specific job was ripping plastic bags from a roll and handing them out to the other volunteers so that they were able to put produce inside the bags. My job was quite a breeze (although my fingers did freeze up a bit). Other volunteers had other job specializations where one would open the bags up, another would grab the product and put them in the bag, and another would tie up the bag. This was really memorable for me since I’m a person who likes to quickly get things done through specific job specializations. Something else that made this really memorable was when we were opening the bags of onions and someone had the genius idea of pouring the onions into the bag instead of taking them out one by one. I think it was quite a genius idea if I do say so myself (but it was also entertaining to see the onions fall out). I think this event is a great opportunity for others to give back to the community that doesn’t have the luxuries that we do. It felt really good to help pack food to give to those in need and I would definitely recommend this event to new Key Clubbers! - Stacy Qu '25

UA3 Food


The UA3 Food Pantry event was a very lively and exciting event. It was very fun organizing all the food into its respective categories and handing them out. Not only was it a good way to give back to the community, it also saved so much food from being wasted and simply thrown out. The MFP (My Friends Place) community and members were all extremely nice and kept on making sure all the volunteers were feeling okay, especially as the weather got colder. It was so nice to meet and work with students from both Bronx Science and other high schools (Brooklyn Tech, Beacon) and it was overall a great bonding opportunity.

d Pantry

21/22 Personally, I had the job of handing out flowers to the people and it was so nice to see everyone smile afterward. The event had many jobs for the volunteers to do which included talking to the people itself in various languages, carrying the food boxes in from the suppliers (such as Trader Joe’s), organizing and sorting out the food into its respective categories, and serving/distributing the food to the people. I would definitely recommend other Key Clubbers to go to this event if it happens again as it was really nice to work with others who are so passionate about helping the community and its people, making it even more memorable. - Salwa Chowdhury '24

Carl Schurz Park Earth Day


Earth Day Family event was hosted at Carl Schurz Park! Members helped setting up tables, signage, and activities for park visitors. They helped at family activity stations throughout the day, helping people with activities and keeping things clean and organized!

By the People 4/28/22 4/28/22

By the People is a crowdsourcing initiative from the Library of Congress in which you can help transcribe thousands of documents too indecipherable to be read by machines and scanners. This includes Mary Church Terrell's diaries, Walt Whitman's poems, and President Theodore Roosevelt's letters! Through this virtual event, our Key Clubbers helped set the record straight!

April Fundraiser

Quick shout out to our Fundraising CoHeads, Emily(Xia) and Malika, and our Treasurer Melody for planning out this amazing fundraiser!

Our first fund '22-'23 ser


4/22 Over the break I went to the Roller Skating Fundraiser with my friends because I wanted to bond with my friends and sort of destress after a week of endless tests and projects. I really enjoyed the event mainly because I was trying something new for the first time, and I was able to see a lot of people from our Key Club participate at this event! During the course of the event, I remember one thing that was very annoying yet funny at the same time, was the process of retrieving things from the lockers; it was a complicated process that involved you to put a quarter in every time you closed the lockers and then take the key out, but a lot of the times the key would get jammed into the locker, so we would just leave the key in there. Continuing on the next page...

draiser in the rvice year!

g Fundraiser

2/22 I remember Zachary, and Kevin (two of my Key Club friends) spent like 10 minutes fumbling around and laughing at each other during the process. Also, I remember that I kept falling and slipping on the rink, and sort of relying on my friends to balance myself on the skates, was pretty funny, and really memorable to me. If the Bronx Science Key Club decides to host this event next year in the future, I would definitely go again, and recommend a lot of my other friends to go because it’s really chill and you get to hang out with your friends, and even make new friends! -Landin Huang '25

We raised a total of $315!!

Earth Week Recap 18 APR

Enjoy the Outdoors

19 APR

Advocate & Educate

20 APR

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

21 APR

Turn it Off!

22 APR

Hug Some Trees!

18 APR

ENJOY THE OUTDOORS On Monday, we enjoyed the beauty of nature and reminded ourselves about why the Earth is so important to us. Look at some reflections from our members!:

This morning, I woke ate breakfast (scrambled eggs and toast) then went to walk around the neighborhood with my Mom at 9 am. The sky was quite weird since there was no blue in the sky, it looked mostly cloudy. Nonetheless, the temperature was nice and I enjoyed the walk. On the way, I saw a pretty tree that began flowering, I think it was a cherry blossom tree. I also saw some cigarette butts and cans littered on the ground even though there was a trash can not 5 feet away. -Ariana Hwang '24

As the weather is getting warmer, it's nice to go on a walk! I see it as a break from the internet, and taking a walk makes me appreciate what I have around me. I was able to see some birds and the sunset, which was very beautiful, and the walk helped calmed some nerves about school. - Linh Luu '23

19 APR

Advocate & Educate

Members downloaded the Ecosia chrome extension to start passively planting trees!

Shiya Lin '23

Kevin Fu '25

20 APR

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Members reused the materials lying around at home and even created a fun art project using scrap fabrics or papers!

Kevin Fu '25

Junjin Tan '24

21 APR

Turn it Off! On Thursday, we tried to limit our usage of electricity! It could be little things like turning off your phone for a while and appreciating your surroundings. Many members had a huge decrease in their screen time!

Lillian Gao '25

22 APR

Hug Some Trees!!

This was a lot of people's favorite day of Earth Week. We went outside and took pictures of us hugging trees! I took one all the way in San Francisco! :DD

Look at Malika hugging a tree all the way in Florida!!

Our Vice President Mandy! <3

This is me hugging a tree in San Francisco!

More tree-hugging pictures! <3

Thank you to all those who participated in our Earth Week! Your considerate hearts make it possible for Key Club to achieve its goal of making our community a better place. Thank you so much for making our club shine and valuable! Also, your little action means so much to our planet.

Announcements /Reminders Check Out Upcoming Events! 5/14/22: Japan Day 5/15/22: AIDS Walks 5/21/22: NYRR Race - Coney Island Due 5/26/22: Charity Miles Due 5/27/22: Schoolhouse Tutor-a-Thon

^^ Look for more upcoming events here !

Sign the Petition Set! April Petition Set: Sexual Assault Awareness

Answer to the True or False Quiz

False The answer was FALSE! Ants do not take damage from falling, so they do not die.


Thanks for reading and see you next month! THE KIWI: April 2022 VOLUME 11.1

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