Newsletter 2022-2023 Volume 11.5

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- Dalai Lama

"If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito."

There’s enough gold inside Earth to coat the planet True or False Hey all! Quick True or False Question! If you want to know the answer, read this newsletter to the end! ;)

Editor's Note Board '22-'23 Committee CoHeads '22-'23 Service Progress Member Of The Month August Fundraiser August Events Recap Announcement/Reminders Answer to the True or False Table of contents 5 6 7 9 11 14 19 27 31

Warmest Regards, Jeongwon Lee '23 Webmaster/Bulletin Editor

Hi guys!! OMG it’s September. �� We are going back to school. �� I’m so excited to see all the people I missed, but at the same time, I’m scared to wake up at 5 am every day again and drown in homework and college apps. :,,,) BUT I’m more excited than scared. ☺ Can’t wait to have a club fair and our regular Thursday meetings again!

I hope you guys enjoyed your last month of summer. If you guys went to the Five Borough Amusement Park Fundraiser, I’m so jealous. �� This fundraiser was not only fun but also has helped us reach our fundraising goal!!! We already raised $7000 in this service year! Couldn't be more proud of everyone who worked so hard to plan this fundraiser and make it go smoothly. We also had another summer meeting in August, in which we had a badminton tournament! I looked through the pictures from the events while making this newsletter, and it made me so happy because you guys all seemed to be enjoying the event.�� If you want to see those pictures and read about some experiences of our members, make sure to read this newsletter. :))

Editor's Note

I’m writing this note the night before the first day of school. When you guys are reading this newsletter, it’s probably going to be after the first day of school. Did you guys like your new classmates and teachers?�� I hope you guys did And I hope that we all get used to our school life quickly! I hope your new school year goes well and can’t wait to see you all at school! Ok now go read the newsletter. :)) Don’t forget to check the true or false question! Bye!<3

Board '22-'23 Shiya Lin '23 Mandy Lim '23 Chrissy Jung '24 Melody Jiang '24 Jeongwon Lee '23 SECRETARY PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT TREASURER WEBMASTER/BULLETIN EDITOR

Darien Lu '25 Committee Co-Heads '22-'23 PROJECTS FUNDRAISING SOCIAL MEDIA Jessica Lin '25 Malika Toregeldiyeva '25 Emily Xia '24 Eric Leem '25 Emily Zheng '25

SCRAPBOOK AWARDS PUBLIC RELATIONS Committee Co-Heads '22-'23 Sumaya Suma '24 Ena Lu '24 Junjin Tan '24 Stacy Qu '25 Emily Guan '25 Kevin Fu '25

Service Update GOAL: 11,000 HOURS 8615 HOURS

GOAL: $7,000 $7402 RAISED Fundraising Update GOAL REACHED!! :))



Before this summer, I didn't even know who Kevin Cruz was, but now I feel like I see him at almost every other event I go to! He already has 36 volunteer hours before school even starts, and has been one of the most active rising sophomores so far. Whether or not he gets this reputation by following Kevin Fu around, I can tell that Kevin Cruz always has a lot of fun at volunteer events.

- Shiya Lin '23

- Kevin Fu '25

Kevin Cruz has been a super active member over the summer, showing his dedication by coming to events and fundraisers whenever he can. He has been to numerous fundraisers, such as water wars, summer meeting, and amusement park. He has also demonstrated great leadership by leading several events as project captain. Overall, he's a been a very faithful member of key club.

I agree so much with Shiya and Kevin (Fu)'s reasons for nominating him! Even though I couldn't go to events during the summer since I was away, I saw his name on almost every event spreadsheet! I can confirm that he's one of the most active members.:) Also, when I asked him for an article, he was so willing to write one, which I really appreciated.:))

CONGRATS KEVIN! You deserve this position so much.:)


We collaborated with schools from every borough in New York City! People from different schools gathered at Luna Park in Coney Island and enjoyed the amusement park at half the usual price! :0 Read about Junjin's experience in the next page!


This fundraiser was by far my favorite one yet of the service year! Since I haven’t ever been to an amusement park ever since I was really young, it was great to be able to experience this with my friends. This event was memorable since there was so much to do at the amusement park- making many new memories possible. There were people from all the various participating schools so I saw and met lots of new people as well. I would definitely recommend this fundraiser again to others since not only was it super fun and for a great cause, but was a great deal for the price!

- Junjin Tan '24



We raised $3192 and donated to Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center!

8/3/22: Mandela Cafe Food Pantry 8/6/22: Summer Streets 8/9/22: 9 Million Reasons Evangel Food Pantry 8/12/22: Bag Produce at PS 212Q 8/14/22: Summer Meeting 8/27/22: NYSoM Back to School Wonderland 8/28/22: JAPAN Fes August Events

This was by far my favorite key club event I've ever attended. Being assigned the role of event captain really inspired me to encourage and inform people about our goal to have a successful volunteering experience. Not only were my key club peers one of the main reasons I enjoyed this event, but the adults in the church, who initiated the idea of the event, were also wonderful people. Many laughs were shared while preparing massive amounts of food to be distributed outside of the church on Hampton Streets. We made salads, pasta, nutritious bars, and water and sealed them properly in plastic bags. Everything was so well organized, and everyone had their own role in assisting, making the process a breeze. I recall the adults there commenting on how surprised they were by the efficiency of our work, which made me proud of our efforts. The mood shift of the people who received our food was my favorite part of this event. It was a very nice interaction, and I was glad that our efforts for this event made someone ' s day brighter. If this event was to happen again, I highly recommend key club members to part

- Melani Shrestha '25 Mandela C Pan 8/3/

Cafe Food

ntry /22:

Summer Streets



In the beginning, the event went pretty slow as the coordinator did not have any jobs to assign us. But towards the end of the event, we were ordered to help control and flow traffic throughout the run. What made this event so memorable was that I got to see many people again that I never got to visit during the summer, especially the board members. The event also had more volunteers as the other run that was held that day was canceled, leading to everyone from that event coming to ours. After the event, I got to go eat fro-yo with my friends which really helped to fight the blazing temperatures outside that day. Darien Lu '25

This event was really great because it was just us and the adults and we went into the school while there were other people doing summer school. We had to bring produce in from the trucks outside and once that was done, we had to bag them up with specific numbers of each produce in each. This eventually became an assembly line and the event coordinators tried really hard to make sure it went as smoothly and fast as possible which was really nice. Everybody there was friendly and I overall had a great time.

- Emily Guan '25 8/12/22

Bag Produce at PS 212Q


It was a really interesting day. I just finished training and was like why not go and decided to head there. I got there kind of early and didn’t know where people were. I found a lost Landin and we were playing badminton until we found more lost people. When the meeting started, there weren't that many people, which was good. It was a small cozy meeting with lots of surprises and little things that made it great. I saw people bring stoves to cook noodles, we had snacks and people binging while playing cards, and people prepping for badminton. I didn’t need it as I died already at training but it was fun catching up and playing together. The tournament was fun and lots of different people were trying to win and have fun. Made me feel interested to see the drive and passion. I didn’t think I was going to win, I was doing it for fun. I was like we are finished at the semi finals, and miraculously we won. The added effort and teamwork, without talking just knowing not to give up. I shouldn’t have won, I had to have a banana evolution. Overall the event was good. We should have a badminton fundraiser some time.

Aug Summer

- William Zhu '25

This is William who won the tournament and wrote the article! :)


gust Meeting

NYSOM Back to School Wonderland

-Rachel Cai ‘25

It was really fun going to the NYSoM Back to School Wonderland event! I find joy in being able to give to others especially when school is about to start and kids need new school supplies for their new school year. During this event, I helped out with sorting different school supplies into piles and overseeing the hat decorating station. After everybody helped with sorting the school supplies to make it more organized, we started to pack the supplies into backpacks as we got ready to give it out to the kids that would soon be coming. Some volunteers helped out at other stations to make drinks or cookies, decorate hats, and set up card games. There were also face paintings and many more activities to keep the kids entertained. I was able to meet new people from different schools and also people that I recognize from previous events I went to. I definitely recommend other Key Clubbers to go to this event because it was very fun and at the end, there were still a lot of school supplies left over so we took them home for free.


On the 27th of August, I attended the NYSOM Back to School Wonderland event! As usual for NYSOM events, there were lots of volunteers from so many different schools! The area I was stationed at was in charge of sorting all the donated school supplies and putting them into book bags to hand out to kids. It was super hectic but there were also times when we got to relax a bit! Since it was so hot, a group of us went to the starbucks nearby to get some water for everyone else but when we got there, the starbucks was closed:< Since the starbucks was in the middle of a target, we decided to get lemonade and sweet tea for everyone instead! While we were walking to the counter to pay, Isabella’s (from Stuyvesant Key Club) BeReal went off and we all joined in. Handing out the drinks to the volunteers was super nice too because it made me realize how I’m getting to know so many people from other schools through events. After all the bags were given out, the volunteers were allowed to get some school supplies so many of us ended up carrying heavy notebooks and binders home but at least we ’ re prepared for the coming school year. Shiya and I also got some supplies for the club:>>

-Melody Jiang ‘24



Before Japan Summer Fes had started, I had to communicate with one of the coordinators, Mariam, to ask about the waitlist. Many people had signed up late, and did not know that they were on a waitlist. I took the afternoon shift, so when I got there, I saw people leaving from the morning shift and they had lunches. At the event, I was first assigned to a coloring table with a friend I made from Brooklyn Latin, we just colored for a bit. Then we were moved to collecting surveys and giving out free tea. Unlike last Japan Fes, they did not run out of tea, and so we were giving out tea for the entire event. The Festival took over two streets with dozens of tents selling drinks, food, and other merchandise. I was able to get a hold of some of the food and they were honestly so good. I ate some dumplings, fries, boba, as well as matcha ice cream and a corndog! Something funny that happened was that the matcha ice cream was $8 so I was really hesitant to buy it. They saw me standing there and just as I was about to buy one, they gave one to me for free! This event was much more enjoyable than last Japan Fes event and I do recommend going to the next one if time allows.

- Joyce Han '25

Announcements/ Reminders Check Out Upcoming Events! Sign the Petition Sets! Click on bucky to see more events on our Events Doc! 9/10/22: It's My Park at Alexander's Alley 9/17/22: New York City ZERO Prostate Cancer Run/Walk 9/17/22 & 9/18/22: JAPAN Fes 9/17/22 & 9/18/22: Chinatown Beautification Day 9/17/22: CHS&R Fair - Family & Friends Day 9/18/22: JAPAN Fes And more! Petition Set #6: Raising Awareness for Adolescent's Mental Health Adolescence is a critical time for forming social and emotional habits that are necessary for mental health. It's important to safeguard adolescents from harm, foster socio-emotional learning, and psychological well-being, and ensure access to mental health care. By signing these petitions, you can help many adolescents come one step closer to receiving the help they deserve. - Public Relations Coheads, Stacy Qu '25 and Sumaya Suma '24 Click on the poster to sign the petitions!

Even though the homeless are also people just like us, we fail to give them the basic human rights they deserve. As people who believe in justice, we should be providing everyone with proper nutrition, shelter, and hygiene. Change cannot occur until we as a community stand up and start to address these issues. Sign these petitions so we can take bigger steps towards even greater changes for the better good.

Check our Website! You can check all the upcoming events, fundraisers, and even petition sets on the main page of our website! (Click the bucky on the right) Link: Check Our Youtube! - Watch our August Recap video to see what we did last month! This video is created by our social media coheads, Eric Leem '25 and Emily Zheng '25!

- Public Relations Coheads, Stacy Qu '25 and Sumaya Suma '24 Click on the poster to sign the petitions!

Petition Set #5: Aiding the Homeless

Check Previous Newsletters!

It's September! Which means we are going back to school! I'm half excited and half scared haha Look forward to our regular club meeting every Thursday at room 336! I can't wait to see you guys at school again. :))

The answer was True! There’s quite a bit of gold in our planet. There is enough to coat the entire surface of the Earth in 1.5 feet of gold! True Answer to the True or False Quiz

THE KIWI: August 2022 Thanks for reading and see you next month! VOLUME 11.5 BRONX SCIENCE KEY CLUB

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