Newsletter 2022-2023 Volume 11.4

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July 2022 VOLUME 11.4

"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." - Lao Tzu

True or False Hey all! Quick True or False Question!

Red objects appear purple in blue light. If you want to know the answer, read this newsletter to the end! ;)

Table of contents Editor's Note


Board '22-'23


Committee CoHeads '22-'23


Service Progress


Member Of The Month


July Fundraisers


July Events Recap


Thirst Week




Answer to the True or False


Editor's Note Hey guys 😽 This newsletter is the longest one I’ve ever made. It took the longest time too. 😭 There were two fundraisers and eleven events in July, along with the Thirst week, so I had a LOT to write. But I really enjoyed making this newsletter! I could see how much fun you guys had at the events like Water Wars, Summer Meeting, Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival, and many more!! July was such an exciting month, but I missed out on a lot of fun events because I was in Korea. 😭😭 I’m so glad I’m a bulletin editor because I could at least read articles and see photos of the events while making the newsletter. I really really hope you guys read through this newsletter not only because I put a lot of time and effort into it, but also because I want you guys to look at the pictures and articles and see how much fun we had last month. 🥹 Anyway, I hope you guys are enjoying your summer so far. :)) Y'all should sign up for the 5 Borough Amusement Park Fundraiser to have fun with your friends before the summer ends! Honestly, I don't see the reason to NOT sign up since it's such a great deal.:) The sign-up link is at the end of the newsletter. If you are reading this, thank you so much and I love you for reading this far. <3 Also, unrelated, but if you still haven't watched "Top Gun: Maverick," you are missing out. Go watch it cuz it's amazing. Ok, that's it! Hope you enjoy the newsletter!:)) Warmest Regards, Jeongwon Lee '23 Webmaster/Bulletin Editor

Board '22-'23 Shiya Lin '23

Mandy Lim '23


VICE PRESIDENT Chrissy Jung '24

Melody Jiang '24


TREASURER Jeongwon Lee '23


Committee Co-Heads '22-'23 PROJECTS

Darien Lu '25

Jessica Lin '25


Malika Toregeldiyeva '25

Emily Xia '24


Eric Leem '25

Emily Zheng '25

Committee Co-Heads '22-'23 PUBLIC RELATIONS

Sumaya Suma '24

Stacy Qu '25


Junjin Tan '24

Emily Guan '25


Ena Lu '24

Kevin Fu '25

Service Update GOAL:

11,000 HOURS

4455 HOURS

Fundraising Update GOAL:


$2282 RAISED


LANDIN HUANG '25 "Landin has been extremely dedicated towards key club; I see him all the time at events as well as the July summer meeting. Despite living in far eastern Queens, Landin has always been early or on time to events. At July Japan Fes, Landin got there an hour early. He's also inclusive, I see him getting to meet new people at key club." -Joyce Han '25 The other day, I was also scrolling through my photo album and found a screenshot of Chrissy asking me to add Landin to the Key Club emailing list. Now, Landin is one of the most genuine, hardworking, and happy Key Clubbers I know! He helped out so much at the Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival, that other club members even started coming to ME to ask for more work. Just the thought of how far Landin has come in his Key Club journey makes me so proud, and I hope that he stays this active forever :)) - Shiya Lin '23

I couldn't agree more with them!! Landin has been such an amazing Key Clubber and he truly deserves this position. I can confirm that he's an active member because I saw him in so many pictures while making newsletters.:) -Jeongwon, your editor:)

July Fundraiser: Water Wars

In July, we finally had our annual fundraiser - Water Wars! We couldn't have it for 2 years due to COVID-19, so we made this year's Water Wars bigger than ever! Our board and coheads put a lot of time and effort into planning for this fundraiser. Shout out to all of you guys who worked so hard for the success of Water Wars.<3

Hear about Water Wars in board and coheads' point of views!

2022 WAT

7/4 As a cohead, I arrived at the park early to deal with setting things up. At the park, we put the water balloons into trash bags and put food on the picnic table. When people started to arrive, we signed them in and collected their entrance fees. This was something that took a long time but nonetheless, it was fun seeing people that I knew or meeting new people. Then we played some games and it was time for the picnic and pieing. I was the first cohead to get pied and it was interesting, to say the least. I got pied and then people with water guns would spray me with water to get the pie off. The pie was running down my face and body so some other coheads and I decided to run into the sprinklers at the park. Even with that, Water Wars was super fun and passed by in a flash and I am so excited to attend the next Water Wars. - Scrapbook Cohead, Emily Guan '25


4/22 This year Bronx Science Key Club finally got to hold Water Wars, our biggest annual fundraiser, after so long due to COVID. Though we had to change the date to 7/4 due to the weather, many people still came! Thank you all sooo much for coming. In the morning, the board and the coheads worked hard setting tables, filling thousands of water bottles, and transporting them. We also brought lots of food for the picnic. The pie auctions were insane. I didn’t know all of you were so desperate to pie us. This fundraiser was fun since I got closer to my friends and made new friends too. I got to meet incoming freshmen and see the graduated seniors. I reallyyyy hated the idea of getting pied, but now that I’ve gone through that I guess it wasn’t the worst. At least I got to pie them back hehehe. Next year I will buy a water gun for Water Wars. All of you that got me soaked within 10 mins of arrival, be ready for my revenge :))) - Awards Cohead, Ena Lu '24

Water Wars was definitely so much fun. I have a lot of memories that still stick with me and physically changed me. Scorching hot and cool at the same time, a really long walk, and pie. Oh! You can’t forget about the fabulous food being served too! On this day I had to fill up a bunch of water balloons with my friends in the morning at Chrissy’s church. And although it wasn’t really that interesting, it was pretty satisfying seeing the balloons pop off the little sticks (they were soooo squishy too). After that, we were all transported to Juniper Valley Park in these minivans that some parents helped out with. After we all arrived at the park, I immediately took out my water gun, filled it up, and began shooting it at people I knew (LOL sorry william). We also played the minigames that Water Wars held and then I had to buy pizza with Emily Guan (our scrapbook cohead woo). It was a long walk in the blazing sun, and as I came back WITH the hot pizza I was ready to just get drenched. I asked my friends to shoot me with water and I’ve never ever felt as hot and cold at the same time. Then, we all lined up for food and I was shocked by how much food was actually prepped. The brownies were soooo chocolatey and the rice was spot on. Everything was very good. My sparkling water was really warm, which I didn’t really enjoy, but it was still nice! After eating we had the big event: Pieing our board and coheads! Since I was part of that qualification, I stood in the middle of the crowd when my name was called. This was the first time I was getting pied, so I was nervous and excited (It was a weird feeling). My 2 friends took no hesitation to pie me as soon as Mandy gave the signal to pie, and I couldn’t see ANYTHING when I was slammed with pie. It was soo blurry, but I was laughing the whole time. I had to go sometime after since my family was holding a bbq, and as I was walking my friend pointed to my back and said to me, “Your back is so red”. And yes my back was really really red. After a few days the redness turned to a tan color and it is very obvious. It was definitely worth all that fun tho 😊! - Public Relations Cohead, Stacy Qu '25

On July 4th, I attended Water Wars! Although I was a bit sad that we had to change dates, which ended in some of my friends not being able to come, I still had a lot of fun. I remember having to come early to help prepare for Water Wars and it was a pretty interesting experience. I mean, I never knew how difficult it could be to fill up water balloons, and my hands ended up hurting a little too. Still, even prepping for Water Wars was fun. When the actual event started, I was able to splash water at my friends and honestly just enjoy my time with them. I also ended up getting pied by my friends, leaving me smelling gross until I took a shower when I got home…luckily, I was able to get my revenge and got a chance to pie one of my friends back! Overall, I really enjoyed Water Wars and I’m pretty excited for next year. You guys should definitely go if you can :). - Social Media Cohead, Emily Zheng '25

This was my first water wars and Melody was entrusting Malika and me to work at registration, so I was a bit nervous about how well it would go. It was very sunny and hot that day, and we were hauling buckets after buckets of water balloons, setting up for the event. More people came than I thought: around 170! Sadly, I couldn’t participate in most of the games we had, but I could enjoy the last wave where Kevin threw a water balloon at me and missed, hitting the ground next to me which ended up pushing a bunch of dirt onto my leg. 😡However, he stopped eating to get me some water, so I slightly forgive him. Overall, it was so much fun meeting new people and the food was so good. 🤤I would definitely recommend going and if you do, remember to use sunscreen because I didn’t and got sunburnt. :( Also, to whoever stole my sour patch watermelon, ate it, then had the audacity to leave the empty box, I hope you step on a lego and fall in a hole. - Fundraising Cohead, Emily Xia '24

What is Water Wars? A simply incredible experience. From the giant water balloon fights to the picnic to the pies, I can say with confidence it was an unforgettable day. I could imagine how fun a giant water balloon fight would be, but experiencing one puts my imagination to shame. It was really funny how some balloons wouldn’t pop on impact so most of the day consisted of crushing balloons over other peoples’ heads. It was so much fun announcing and commentating over the megaphone to get people pied. I might’ve had a bit too much fun with it (sorry my coheads but y’all took ur pies like champs 🙃). Also being pied was tastier than I thought it’d be. While I now have very noticeable tan lines, I would definitely recommend anyone to come next year. Even if you just want to watch, an all-out water war is an incredible sight to behold. - Vice President, Mandy Lim '23

Water Wars was, and probably will continue to be, one of the highlights of my Key Club career. After two years of diligent note-taking and physical planning to bring back this fundraiser for its almost ten-year anniversary, Bronx Science Key Club was more than thrilled that it was such a success!! After three rounds of water balloon fights with over 8000 water balloons, a huge picnic with free food that the coheads and board members cooked themselves, as well as several minigames and pie auctions, Bronx Science Key Club raised $2000, with $1590 of profit being donated to UNICEF. Not only was this the most successful Water Wars fundraiser in our club’s history, but it was also the cheapest!! The planning and turnout that resulted from this fundraiser gives me hope to see what future boards will be able to accomplish, and also makes me relieved to know that our tradition will continue to get better each year! - President, Shiya Lin '23

Come back to Water Wars next year!<3

July Fundraiser 2: Summer Meeting & Tie-dye Fundraiser

Summer Meeting & Tie-dye Fundraiser 7/23/22 The summer meeting was a very fun event and I enjoyed hanging out with my friends and other key club members! The entire meeting was pretty funny since I got the tie-dye all over my hands while trying to dye a bag and I was watching everyone slap each other with the tortillas (that was the funniest part of it). A lot was happening and it was so hot that day but the meeting was great. I recommend going to the next summer meeting or any other events if you have the time! - Niki Zhai '25

July Events! 7/2/22: Team Wellfare - Maspeth 7/4/22: WATER WARS!! 7/5/22: Sustainable Fashion Community Center 7/9/22: Birch Family Services 5K 7/12/22: Crown Heights JCC Food Pantry 7/15/22: Volunteering at FABSCRAP BKLYN 7/16/22: JAPAN Fes 7/16/22: Passport to Taiwan 7/23/22 - 7/24/22: NYC Triathlon 2022 7/27/22: Park Cleanup at Bensonhurst Park 7/30/22: The Color Run 7/30/22 - 7/31/22: Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival

Team W - Mas 7/2

At the Maspeth Welfare event on July 2nd, I actually had a lot of fun surprisingly. We had to help unload goods from the shipping boxes and then pack them up for other families. The event was actually really fun unloading and packing things up for others. I was assigned restocking duty, where I needed to help unload boxes to make sure supplies never ran out while the others loaded the goods into other shipping boxes. It was almost like a competition to see if I could keep up with restocking so they never ran out of goods. The people there were also very nice and helped us out as well. It was 4 hours of hard work but knowing I am helping other people out kept me motivated throughout the event. There was even music playing in the background to keep our spirits up. Overall, this event was a great event and the other people over there were also very supportive and nice. - Evan Chen '25

Wellfare aspeth

4/22 The 7/2 Team Wellfare event event was pretty fun! I got to see the behind the scenes of packing boxes to distribute to those in need, which I also volunteered for on 6/18. It was all super organized too, with everyone assigned to certain roles, such as packing boxes, opening food containers, and sealing boxes. Watching the pile of packed boxes grow and grow was quite a sight to see. I would recommend key clubbers to go to this event, as the environment and people are super nice too. - Kevin Fu '25

Sustainable Fashion Community Center (SFCC) 7/5/22 On July 5th, while my club members and I are volunteering at SFCC, we listened to presentations about the recycling of the environment, it was really interesting. I was taking a climate change course during the summer and this really broadened my horizons about climate change. Like every single time we went, we organized clothes. The clothes had to be organized by the article of clothing, the size, and the color. In the end, I had a ton of fun that day. We found many unique things people donated to the center, including some luxury bags that the center will resell online. In addition to bags, people also donated a lot of jewelry and accessories. We found two pairs of bunny ears someone donated, and some key club members tried them on. That was really enjoyable. - Grace Lin '23

Birch Family Services 5K 7/9/22 The Birch Family Services 5K event was actually really fun! Even though we didn’t do much as volunteers other than stand and ring cow bells for the runners—in natural Key Club fashion—we made the event so much more exciting. Instead of just standing the whole time, the other members and I began singing karaoke for the runners, giving them something to laugh about until we were both cheering for each other— them for our singing and us for their running! It was so fun seeing how such a mundane and short event could become such an amazing memory. Since I also attended the HSMSE x LaGuardia Key Club Scavenger Hunt a few weeks prior, I was a huge Central Park expert and decided to bring the other members to different tourist points around the park as well! We took lots of pictures together, and even got to know some police officers along the way. While I have many duties as a President, it’s always moments like these that make taking time to attend interclub events, and Key Club in general, worth it. - Shiya Lin '23

NYC Triathlon 2022 7/23 - 7/24 The Triathlon was one of the most exciting volunteer events I’ve been to in Key Club! After the meetup, I walked through central park to the event with the other volunteers. When we arrived, the person registering us gave us very comfortable, free volunteer T-shirts, caps, drinks, and snacks! I had some coffee, and then I got positioned in the same place as my friend. Due to the extreme heat that day, the triathlon event was moved a little earlier in the day and by the time we arrived at 8:30 AM, many people were already finishing the race! Our job was to remind the triathletes to take off their chips. It was really nice to spend some time with a friend I haven’t seen in a while. We got to talk and catch-up. I also enjoyed talking to some of the triathletes passing by who decided to make conversation! This one man was so tired, and taking his chip out, he told us he got struck by a car yesterday! “Apparently those yellow taxi cabs don’t stop that quickly,” he said. The fact that this man got struck by a car and decided to do a triathlon the next day was just shocking! In the end when most people had finished the race, somebody with a volunteer T-shirt came up to me and my friend and gave us ice-cream. Later, they gave us a bag of food and drinks! We ate a little bit, and then put all the chips from the various baskets into one large bag. We put away the baskets, and then went to the volunteer captain, who told us that we were done for the day! Excited, we went back to the bag check-in area where the other volunteers were, took a group picture together, talked a bit, and then I signed out and left! I couldn’t go to the social hangout after, because I had to do something with my family, but it seemed really fun! I really loved this event because the volunteers, staff, and triathletes were really nice, and that alone just made my entire day. I look forward to volunteering for this event again sometime in the future! - Malika Toregeldiyeva ‘25

The NYC Triathlon was one of the first in-person events I ever attended after quarantine, if not the first one. I remember being super excited to have it back this year, especially because the triathlon staffs are always kind enough to donate $30 per volunteer who attends!! I loved getting to see other Key Club members as always, and it was especially cool because there were a lot of new people at this event too! The UNO gathering we had afterward, followed by getting ramen with friends, really sealed the day in my opinion. There was one really hyper Builder’s Club kid who wanted to go to Stuyvesant, and I feel like his energy made me more motivated to try harder too. Volunteering can start from any age, and it makes me happy to see more rising high schoolers become active already! - Shiya Lin ‘23

JAPAN Fes 7/16/22 Japan Festival was here once again! It was GOHAN-THEMED; Gohan is a type of cooked rice, which JAPAN Fes showcased with onigiri (rice ball), sushi rolls and vegetable sushi, WASYOKU kit meals, and Japanese curry rice!

Passport to Taiwan 7/16/22 Hi, I'm your editor Jeongwon :)) Unfortunately, many people who signed up for Passport to Taiwan got sent to Japan Fes, which happened right near this event on the same day.:(( But if you want to hear about this event, you can take a look at our June newsletter! The same event happened last month too! Click HERE to check it out:)

The Color Run 7/30/22 This is Tiffany's response to the Member Monday question! The question was: What was your favorite event this summer? What made it your favorite?

"Color Run was my favorite event as I was able to throw colors at my friends, catch up with them, and see some old classmates. It was extremely fun to help give out the medals and colored powder to the runners (and take a lot of free stuff from the event)," - Tiffany Chen '25

Hong Kon Boat Fe

7/30 My friend and I got to Meadow Lake about half an hour earlier, so we walked along the lake and took in the scenery. Waking up at 5 am wasn't pleasant, but the refreshing wind, blooming flowers, buzzing dragonflies, and floating ducks lifted my spirits. When we checked in for the event, we were immediately assigned to register the dragon boat racers. There were about 20 teams and up to 12 racers on each team, so we got busy quickly. We had to collect waivers, check IDs, and make sure that the correct racers were entering the gates. We had to constantly communicate with the organizers of the event because, sometimes, we were not told who could go in. My favorite part of the event was the people. When I wasn't busy checking racers in, I talked to them. They were all so energetic and eager to race that I couldn't help but root for them. Someone I spoke to was a renowned dragon boat racer in the 1990s who raced in Montreal, Toronto, Tokyo, etc. She also raced in the Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival and won! Also my fellow key clubbers were very fun to talk to and we had many interesting conversations while we waited for more racers to line up. After the event, my friend and I tried flying a kite that we obtained from the festival. It was a struggle. We did not know how to fly a kite and the string kept on getting tangled. It probably did not help that it was not at all windy that day, so the kite was just dragged on the floor behind us. Eventually, we gave up and went home with the rest of the key club group. - Nicole Hu '23

g Dragon estival

- 7/31

The Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival was probably my favorite event of this whole year!! The event was run by many Specialized High School and Key Club alumni, which was definitely a surprise to me, but the two-day experience surpassed any and all expectations I had going into it! During the event, Key Clubbers from Stuyvesant, Cardozo, Townsend Harris, Aviation, Francis Lewis, Bayside, and of course, Bronx Science were split into landside and waterside jobs. We joked around a lot, lifted many things, checked in racers, dismounted many boats, and even got to ride around in golf carts! At the event, I, along with a few other Bronx Science Key Clubbers, stayed back on both days for an hour after our shifts ended just to help clean up. But even after 12 hours of volunteering on each day, waking up at 3:50 AM for transportation, being the first person to check in at landside, and sustaining a few bruises along the way– I wasn’t tired at all!! The staff members were all super welcoming and hospitable. Two of them even offered me a job to help plan the next Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival!! But I think my favorite memory was was when one of the staff, Ben, called all of us out for not screaming the Key Club chant with the same enthusiasm he did!! I learned later that some of the staff at the event weren’t even getting paid, but rather they still came back every year to help plan the festival because they just loved the community so much. If that isn’t both inspiring and sweet, then I don’t know what is..! Their mentality truly reminds me of how I view Key Club too. It was almost humbling to work with past Key Club alumni at the event, and this experience truly was a reminder of how huge the Key Club network really is. This event was almost a reflection of all of the Key Club experiences I’ve cumulated this past year. When I came to this event last year, I barely knew anyone and relied on being around the friends who I had dragged along. Yet in only a year, I was almost struggling to successfully say hello to all of the new faces I recognized, to cheer on my friend who was a racer, and still keep up with everything the staff needed help with! Key Club has opened so many opportunities and connections for me, and I’m so grateful to be able to surround myself with such an amazing community. The Hong Kong Dragon Boat Festival was such a special memory for me. And perhaps next year, you’ll see me there again, but with a staff t-shirt instead :”)) - Shiya Lin '23

Thirst Week Recap 25 JULY 26 JULY









TRACK YOUR WATER USAGE On Monday, we checked our daily water usage at!

Allison Huang '24

Victoria Wee '25

Angel Dong '25


Ena Lu '24

HIT THOSE MILES On Tuesday, we hit those miles with Charity Miles! We switched our charity to "Charity: Water" for a day and raised money by walking, running, or even biking!

Angel Dong '25

Junjin Tan '24


INVEST IN THE FUTURE On Wednesday, members donated to organizations that work toward ending the Water Crisis! To those who participated, your kindness means a lot to those in need.:)

Malika Toregeldiyeva '25

Kevin Fu '25

Joyce Han '25



On Thursday, members learned about the water crisis more by signing petitions from the Thirst Week Petition Set!" In addition, by texting THIRST to 97779, members signed up to get updates from the Thirst Project Click this water drop to sign the petitions!

The leading organization for YOUTH water activism around the globe is Thirst Project. They are a group of high school and college students who dig freshwater wells in underdeveloped countries and impoverished neighborhoods to give people access to clean, safe drinking water. In rural areas, treating and managing HIV/AIDS efficiently depends heavily on access to clean water. By working together, we can further support the goals of the Thirst Project and help many more communities around the world. ~ Created by Public Relations Coheads Sumaya Suma [] Stacy Qu []



On Friday, members sent pictures of their friends with a new fact they learned about the water crisis!

Submitted by Junjin Tan '24

Submitted by Kevin Fu '25

Thank you to all those who participated in our Thirst Week! Your little action means so much to those who are directly affected by the water crisis every day. You all made it possible for Key Club to achieve its goal of making our community and world a better place. Thank you so much for making our club shine and valuable!

Announcements /Reminders Check Out Upcoming Events! 8/6/22: Summer Streets 8/9/22: 9 Million Reasons Food Pantry 8/19/22: 5 Borough Amusement Park Fundraiser 8/20/22: NYSoM Back to School Bonanza 8/27/22: NYSoM Back to School Wonderland 8/28/22: JAPAN Fes

Click on bucky to see more events on our events doc!

Sign the Petition Set! Petition Set #4: Supporting Women Rights Gender discrimination manifests itself in a variety of ways. Many women are not treated the same as men in the workforce. Discrimination is also present in the choices women make about their own bodies. To support these women, you can sign petitions regarding abortions, their health, and their safety. It's important to prioritize the rights of women because gender equality is essential for economic prosperity and we can achieve this by providing women with human rights. - Public Relations Coheads, Stacy Qu '25 and Sumaya Suma '24 Click on the poster to sign the petitions!

Petition Set #3: Tackling Domestic Violence and Abuse Domestic violence is a societal issue that affects a variety of social groups and has ramifications for both individuals and society. Domestic violence can also create long-term effects on an individual's mental health like depression and anxiety. Raising awareness about domestic abuse is vital because it allows us to fight for change and honor survivors. By signing petitions which you truly support, you will be taking action to protect your friends, family and your community. - Public Relations Coheads, Stacy Qu '25 and Sumaya Suma '24 Click on the poster to sign the petitions!

Check our Website! You can check all the upcoming events, fundraisers, and even petition sets on the main page of our website! (Click the bucky on the right) Link:

Check Our Youtube! - Watch our July Recap video to see what we did last month! This video is created by our social media coheads, Eric Leem and Emily Zheng!

Look forward to our Five Borough Amusement Park Fundraiser on 8/19!! The ticket will be $37, which is such a great deal! Honestly, I don't see the reason to not come.:)) Sign up HERE!

Answer to the True or False Quiz

False The answer was FALSE! When blue light hits a red object, the blue will be absorbed and no light will be reflected, giving the object an appearance of being black. Thus, when red objects are seen through blue light, they will appear black!


Thanks for reading and see you next month! THE KIWI: July 2022 VOLUME 11.4

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